shithub: mc

ref: 6507bf31d345f0046a1415088e42390c8befdd97
dir: /parse/dump.c/

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#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "parse.h"

/* outputs a fully qualified name */
static void outname(Node *n, FILE *fd)
    if (n->name.ns)
        fprintf(fd, "%s.", n->name.ns);
    fprintf(fd, "%s", n->;

/* outputs a sym in a one-line short form (ie,
 * the initializer is not printed, and the node is not
 * expressed in indented tree. */
static void outsym(Node *s, FILE *fd, int depth)
    char buf[1024];

    if (s->decl.isconst)
        findentf(fd, depth, "const ");
        findentf(fd, depth, "var ");
    outname(s->, fd);
    fprintf(fd, " : %s\n", tyfmt(buf, 1024, s->decl.type));

void dumpsym(Node *s, FILE *fd)
    outsym(s, fd, 0);

/* Outputs a symbol table, and it's sub-tables
 * recursively, with a sigil describing the symbol
 * type, as follows:
 *      T       type
 *      S       symbol
 *      N       namespace
 * Does not print captured variables.
static void outstab(Stab *st, FILE *fd, int depth)
    size_t i, n;
    char *name;
    void **k;
    char *ty;
    Type *t;

    name = "";
    if (st->name)
        name = st->name;
    findentf(fd, depth, "Stab %p (super = %p, name=\"%s\")\n", st, st->super, name);
    if (!st)

    /* print types */
    k = htkeys(st->ty, &n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        findentf(fd, depth + 1, "T ");
        /* already indented */
        outname(k[i], fd); 
        t = gettype(st, k[i]);
        if (t->nsub)
            ty = tystr(t->sub[0]);
            ty = strdup("none");
        fprintf(fd, " = %s [tid=%d]\n", ty, t->tid);

    /* dump declarations */
    k = htkeys(st->dcl, &n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        findentf(fd, depth + 1, "S ");
        /* already indented */
        outsym(getdcl(st, k[i]), fd, 0);

    /* dump closure */
    if (st->env) {
        k = htkeys(st->env, &n);
        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "U ");
            /* already indented */
            outsym(getclosed(st, k[i]), fd, 0);

void dumpstab(Stab *st, FILE *fd)
    outstab(st, fd, 0);

void dumpfilestabs(Node *file, int depth, FILE *fd)
    size_t nk, i;
    void **k;

    k = htkeys(file->file.ns, &nk);
    for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) {
        outstab(htget(file->file.ns, k[i]), fd, depth);

/* Outputs a node in indented tree form. This is
 * not a full serialization, but mainly an aid for
 * understanding and debugging. */
static void outnode(Node *n, FILE *fd, int depth)
    size_t i;
    char *ty;
    char *tr;
    int tid;
    char buf[1024];

    if (!n) {
        findentf(fd, depth, "Nil\n");
    findentf(fd, depth, "%s.%zd@%i", nodestr[n->type], n->nid, lnum(n->loc));
    switch(n->type) {
        case Nfile:
            fprintf(fd, "(name = %s)\n", n->file.files[0]);
            dumpfilestabs(file, depth + 1, fd);
            for (i = 0; i < n->file.nuses; i++)
                outnode(n->file.uses[i], fd, depth + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < n->file.nstmts; i++)
                outnode(n->file.stmts[i], fd, depth + 1);
        case Ndecl:
            tr = "";
            if (n->decl.trait)
                tr = namestr(n->decl.trait->name);
            fprintf(fd, "(did = %zd, trait=%s, vis = %d)\n",
                    n->decl.did, tr, n->decl.vis);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isglobl=%d\n", n->decl.isglobl);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isconst=%d\n", n->decl.isconst);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isgeneric=%d\n", n->decl.isgeneric);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isextern=%d\n", n->decl.isextern);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "ispkglocal=%d\n", n->decl.ispkglocal);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "ishidden=%d\n", n->decl.ishidden);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isimport=%d\n", n->decl.isimport);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isnoret=%d\n", n->decl.isnoret);
            findentf(fd, depth + 1, "isexportinit=%d\n", n->decl.isexportinit);
            findentf(fd, depth, ")\n");
            outsym(n, fd, depth + 1);
            outnode(n->decl.init, fd, depth + 1);
        case Nblock:
            fprintf(fd, "\n");
            outstab(n->block.scope, fd, depth + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++)
                outnode(n->block.stmts[i], fd, depth+1);
        case Nifstmt:
            fprintf(fd, "\n");
            outnode(n->ifstmt.cond, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->ifstmt.iftrue, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->ifstmt.iffalse, fd, depth+1);
        case Nloopstmt:
            fprintf(fd, "\n");
            outnode(n->loopstmt.init, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->loopstmt.cond, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->loopstmt.step, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->loopstmt.body, fd, depth+1);
        case Niterstmt:
            fprintf(fd, "\n");
            outnode(n->iterstmt.elt, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->iterstmt.seq, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->iterstmt.body, fd, depth+1);
        case Nmatchstmt:
            fprintf(fd, "\n");
            outnode(n->matchstmt.val, fd, depth+1);
            for (i = 0; i < n->matchstmt.nmatches; i++)
                outnode(n->matchstmt.matches[i], fd, depth+1);
        case Nmatch:
            fprintf(fd, "\n");
            outnode(n->match.pat, fd, depth+1);
            outnode(n->match.block, fd, depth+1);
        case Nuse:
            fprintf(fd, " (name = %s, islocal = %d)\n", n->, n->use.islocal);
        case Nexpr:
            if (exprop(n) == Ovar)
                assert(decls[n->expr.did]->decl.did == n->expr.did);
            ty = tystr(n->expr.type);
            if (n->expr.type)
                tid = n->expr.type->tid;
                tid = -1;
            fprintf(fd, " (type = %s [tid %d], op = %s, isconst = %d, did=%zd)\n",
                    ty, tid, opstr[n->expr.op], n->expr.isconst, n->expr.did);
            outnode(n->expr.idx, fd, depth + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++)
                outnode(n->expr.args[i], fd, depth+1);
        case Nlit:
            switch (n->lit.littype) {
                case Lchr:      fprintf(fd, " Lchr %c\n", n->lit.chrval); break;
                case Lbool:     fprintf(fd, " Lbool %s\n", n->lit.boolval ? "true" : "false"); break;
                case Lint:      fprintf(fd, " Lint %llu\n", n->lit.intval); break;
                case Lflt:      fprintf(fd, " Lflt %lf\n", n->lit.fltval); break;
                case Lstr:      fprintf(fd, " Lstr %.*s\n", (int)n->lit.strval.len, n->lit.strval.buf); break;
                case Llbl:      fprintf(fd, " Llbl %s\n", n->lit.lblval); break;
                case Lfunc:
                    fprintf(fd, " Lfunc\n");
                    outnode(n->lit.fnval, fd, depth+1);
        case Nfunc:
            fprintf(fd, " (args =\n");
            for (i = 0; i < n->func.nargs; i++)
                outnode(n->func.args[i], fd, depth+1);
            findentf(fd, depth, ")\n");
            outstab(n->func.scope, fd, depth + 1);
            outnode(n->func.body, fd, depth+1);
        case Nname:
            fprintf(fd, "(");
            if (n->name.ns)
                fprintf(fd, "%s.", n->name.ns);
            fprintf(fd, "%s", n->;
            fprintf(fd, ")\n");
        case Nimpl:
            fprintf(fd, "(name = %s, type = %s)\n", namestr(n->impl.traitname), tyfmt(buf, sizeof buf, n->impl.type));
            findentf(fd, depth, "");
            outnode(n->impl.traitname, fd, depth + 1);
            for (i = 0; i < n->impl.ndecls; i++)
                outnode(n->impl.decls[i], fd, depth+1);
        case Nnone:
            fprintf(stderr, "Nnone not a real node type!");
            fprintf(fd, "Nnone\n");

void dump(Node *n, FILE *fd)
    outnode(n, fd, 0);

void dumpn(Node *n)
    dump(n, stdout);