shithub: mc

ref: 6042e40dd30c9e04934e635274a013f989695eb7
dir: /lib/std/test/htab.myr/

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use std

const insertion = {
	var ht
	var i

	ht = std.mkht(idhash, ideq)
	/* only a few values; shouldn't trigger growth */
	for i = 0; i < 5; i++
		std.htput(ht, i, i)
	for i = 0; i < 5; i++
		std.assert(std.htgetv(ht, i, -1) == i, "returned incorrect value from hash table")

	/* and grow */
	for i = 0; i < 5000; i++
		std.htput(ht, i, i)
	for i = 0; i < 5000; i++
		std.assert(std.htgetv(ht, i, -1) == i, "returned incorrect value from hash table")

const deletion = {
	var ht
	var i

	ht = std.mkht()
	/* create a hash table with a few hundred values */
	for i = 0; i < 4000; i++
		std.htput(ht, (i : collisionprone), (i : collisionprone))
	for i = 0; i < 200; i++
		std.htdel(ht, (i*2 : collisionprone))
	for i = 0; i < 200; i++
		std.assert(!std.hthas(ht, (i*2 : collisionprone)), "deleted item still present")
	for i = 0; i < 200; i++
		std.assert(std.hthas(ht, (i*2+1 : collisionprone)), "undeleted item missing")
	for i = 400; i < 4000; i++
		std.assert(std.hthas(ht, (i : collisionprone)), "undeleted item missing")


const collision = {
	var ht
	var i

	ht = std.mkht()
	/* insert an element a few hundred times */
	for i = 0; i < 500; i++
		std.htput(ht, 0, (i : collisionprone))
	std.assert(std.hthas(ht, (0 : collisionprone)), "inserted element not present")
	std.assert(std.htgetv(ht, (0 : collisionprone), -1) == 499, "inserted element has wrong value")
	std.htdel(ht, 0)
	std.assert(!std.hthas(ht, (0 : collisionprone)), "element left in table")

const tombstonefill = {
	var ht
	var i

	ht = std.mkht()
	insert an element into each slot in the hash table, and
	delete it. With direct hashing, this is guaranteed to have
	put a tombstone into each slot.
	for i = 0; i <= ht.keys.len; i++
		std.htput(ht, (i : collisionprone), i)
		std.htdel(ht, (i : collisionprone))
	/* make sure we haven't actually got anything in the table */
	std.assert(ht.nelt == 0, "elements left in hash table")
	std.assert(!std.hthas(ht, (1 : collisionprone)), "found phantom element")

const main = {
	/* only a few elements */

	/* what happens if we try to fill everything up with tombstones? */

type collisionprone = int

impl std.hashable collisionprone =
	hash = {x
		-> (x : uint64)

impl std.equatable collisionprone =
	eq = {a, b
		-> a == b