Don't generate function calls too many times.
Make simple, zero-arg function calls work.
Get rid of debugging prints.
Don't use len uninitialized.
Make function arguments available.
Don't die when trying to look up global vars
Relax restrictions on args of mktyfunc()
Still run tests if building some fails.
Add platform specific mangling. Oy.
Make function type inference less buggy.
Add fibonacci sequence test.
Optimize some common cases for indexing.
Add a simplified struct test.
Silence debug prints by default.
Allow arrays to be unfied with the index hack.
Fix typo in type creation.
Add in tyidxhack for indexing.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Make loading vars work more reliably.
Make token names consistent, and generic a keyword.
Null terminate Oidx expressions.
Return correct result register.
Store the decl id in the Ovar expr.
Start generating code for struct members.
Infer compound types with members properly.
Make looking up builtin vars work.
Fix uniniitalized variable use.
Don't crash on pickling and unpickling stabs.
Add struct formatting to output.
Don't double add stmts in blocks.
Load return values properly.
Actually store the result of expressions in simp()
Give a default value that doesn't clash.
Real instructions for jl/jg
Add (and use) declaration ids.
Fix up grammar for inserting into the end of blocks
Add declarations within a block to the stab
Don't try to add empty structelts
Add function to take a specific reg.
Add inri constraint (in register or immediate)
Load the return value into the return register.
Rebuild libparse when it changes.
Improve instruction selection.
Add the func we generate as a param to reduce()
More work towards instruction selection working.
Fix compilation with -Werror.
More work on instruction selector.
More code generation work.
Start work on isntruction selection.
Work towards generating assembly.
Add in start to dumping compilations.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Track the closure of vars.
Handle const/globl/local properly
Move main file to backend.
Infer function literals correctly.
Constrain conditional tests to be testable
Infer return type for non-returning functions
Assert that nodes inserted into nodelists are non-null
Don't insert empty stmt nodes into list.
Error out on underconstrained types.
Fix up type merging and improve error messages a bit.
Try to look up named types.
Recurse into types when fixing them up.
Return proper written offset from fmtcstr.
Alloc the return type for functions
Set up scope chains properly.
Some misc type inference fixes.
Fix unification of compound types with tyvars.
Fix readback of compound types.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://