ref: 547d6b96e5536f97d161e0a6544344534af3bde2
dir: /6/blob.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "util.h" #include "parse.h" #include "mi.h" #include "asm.h" #include "../config.h" static size_t blobrec(Blob *b, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab, Node *n); Blob * mkblobi(Blobtype type, uint64_t ival) { Blob *b; b = zalloc(sizeof(Blob)); b->type = type; b->ival = ival; return b; } Blob * mkblobpad(size_t sz) { Blob *b; b = zalloc(sizeof(Blob)); b->type = Btpad; b->npad = sz; return b; } Blob * mkblobbytes(char *buf, size_t len) { Blob *b; b = zalloc(sizeof(Blob)); b->type = Btbytes; b->bytes.buf = buf; b->bytes.len = len; return b; } Blob * mkblobseq(Blob **sub, size_t nsub) { Blob *b; b = zalloc(sizeof(Blob)); b->type = Btseq; b->seq.sub = sub; b->seq.nsub = nsub; return b; } Blob * mkblobref(char *lbl, size_t off, int isextern) { Blob *b; b = zalloc(sizeof(Blob)); b->type = Btref; b->ref.str = strdup(lbl); b->ref.isextern = isextern; b-> = off; return b; } void blobfree(Blob *b) { size_t i; if (!b) return; switch (b->type) { case Btref: free(b->lbl); break; case Btseq: for (i = 0; i < b->seq.nsub; i++) blobfree(b->seq.sub[i]); break; default: break; } free(b); } static size_t getintlit(Node *n, char *failmsg) { if (exprop(n) != Olit) fatal(n, "%s", failmsg); n = n->expr.args[0]; if (n->lit.littype != Lint) fatal(n, "%s", failmsg); return n->lit.intval; } void b(Blob *b, Blob *n) { lappend(&b->seq.sub, &b->seq.nsub, n); } static size_t blobpad(Blob *seq, size_t sz) { if (sz) b(seq, mkblobpad(sz)); return sz; } static size_t bloblit(Blob *seq, Htab *strtab, Node *v, Type *ty) { char buf[128]; char *lbl; size_t sz; Blobtype intsz[] = { [1] = Bti8, [2] = Bti16, [4] = Bti32, [8] = Bti64 }; union { float fv; double dv; uint64_t qv; uint32_t lv; } u; assert(v->type == Nlit); sz = tysize(ty); switch (v->lit.littype) { case Lvoid: break; case Lint: b(seq, mkblobi(intsz[sz], v->lit.intval)); break; case Lbool: b(seq, mkblobi(Bti8, v->lit.boolval)); break; case Lchr: b(seq, mkblobi(Bti32, v->lit.chrval)); break; case Lflt: if (tybase(v->lit.type)->type == Tyflt32) { u.fv = v->lit.fltval; b(seq, mkblobi(Bti32,; } else if (tybase(v->lit.type)->type == Tyflt64) { u.dv = v->lit.fltval; b(seq, mkblobi(Bti64, u.qv)); } break; case Lstr: if (hthas(strtab, &v->lit.strval)) { lbl = htget(strtab, &v->lit.strval); } else { lbl = genlocallblstr(buf, sizeof buf); htput(strtab, &v->lit.strval, strdup(lbl)); } if (v->lit.strval.len > 0) b(seq, mkblobref(lbl, 0, 1)); else b(seq, mkblobi(Bti64, 0)); b(seq, mkblobi(Bti64, v->lit.strval.len)); break; case Lfunc: die("Generating this shit ain't ready yet "); break; case Llbl: die("Can't generate literal labels, ffs. They're not data."); break; } return sz; } static size_t blobslice(Blob *seq, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab, Node *n) { Node *base, *lo, *hi; ssize_t loval, hival, sz; Blob *slbase; char *lbl; base = n->expr.args[0]; lo = n->expr.args[1]; hi = n->expr.args[2]; /* by this point, all slicing operations should have had their base * pulled out, and we should have vars with their pseudo-decls in their * place */ loval = getintlit(lo, "lower bound in slice is not constant literal"); hival = getintlit(hi, "upper bound in slice is not constant literal"); if (exprop(base) == Ovar && base->expr.isconst) { sz = tysize(tybase(exprtype(base))->sub[0]); lbl = htget(globls, base); slbase = mkblobref(lbl, loval*sz, 1); } else if (exprop(base) == Olit) { slbase = mkblobi(Bti64, getintlit(base, "invalid base expr")); } else { fatal(base, "slice base is not a constant value"); } b(seq, slbase); b(seq, mkblobi(Bti64, (hival - loval))); return 16; } static Node * structmemb(Node *n, char *dcl) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) if (!strcmp(namestr(n->expr.args[i]->expr.idx), dcl)) return n->expr.args[i]; return NULL; } static size_t blobstruct(Blob *seq, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab, Node *n) { size_t i, sz, pad, end, ndcl; Node **dcl, *m; Type *t; sz = 0; t = tybase(exprtype(n)); assert(t->type == Tystruct); dcl = t->sdecls; ndcl = t->nmemb; for (i = 0; i < ndcl; i++) { pad = alignto(sz, decltype(dcl[i])); m = structmemb(n, declname(dcl[i])); sz += blobpad(seq, pad - sz); if (m) sz += blobrec(seq, globls, strtab, m); else sz += blobpad(seq, size(dcl[i])); } end = alignto(sz, t); sz += blobpad(seq, end - sz); return sz; } static size_t blobucon(Blob *seq, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab, Node *n) { size_t sz, align; Ucon *uc; sz = 4; uc = finducon(exprtype(n), n->expr.args[0]); b(seq, mkblobi(Bti32, uc->id)); align = 1; if (n->expr.nargs > 1) { align = tyalign(exprtype(n->expr.args[1])); if (align > sz) sz += blobpad(seq, align - sz); sz += blobrec(seq, globls, strtab, n->expr.args[1]); } sz += blobpad(seq, size(n) - sz); return sz; } static size_t blobrec(Blob *b, Htab *globls, Htab *strtab, Node *n) { size_t i, sz, end; switch(exprop(n)) { case Oucon: sz = blobucon(b, globls, strtab, n); break; case Oslice: sz = blobslice(b, globls, strtab, n); break; case Ostruct: sz = blobstruct(b, globls, strtab, n); break; case Olit: sz = bloblit(b, strtab, n->expr.args[0], exprtype(n)); break; case Otup: case Oarr: /* Assumption: We sorted this while folding */ sz = 0; if (!n->expr.args) break; for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) { end = alignto(sz, exprtype(n->expr.args[i])); sz += blobpad(b, end - sz); sz += blobrec(b, globls, strtab, n->expr.args[i]); } /* if we need padding at the end.. */ end = alignto(sz, exprtype(n)); sz += blobpad(b, end - sz); break; default: dump(n, stdout); die("Nonliteral initializer for global"); break; } return sz; } Blob * litblob(Htab *globls, Htab *strtab, Node *n) { Blob *b; b = mkblobseq(NULL, 0); blobrec(b, globls, strtab, n); return b; }