ref: 50e781702cdfa9e0c4bcb5101b9dd516029a7b52
dir: /6/simp.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "parse.h" #include "mi.h" #include "asm.h" #include "../config.h" /* takes a list of nodes, and reduces it (and it's subnodes) to a list * following these constraints: * - All nodes are expression nodes * - Nodes with side effects are root nodes * - All nodes operate on machine-primitive types and tuples */ typedef struct Simp Simp; struct Simp { int isglobl; Node **stmts; size_t nstmts; /* return handling */ Node *endlbl; Node *ret; int isbigret; /* pre/postinc handling */ Node **incqueue; size_t nqueue; /* break/continue handling */ Node **loopstep; size_t nloopstep; Node **loopexit; size_t nloopexit; /* location handling */ Node **blobs; size_t nblobs; size_t stksz; size_t argsz; Htab *globls; Htab *stkoff; }; static Node *simp(Simp *s, Node *n); static Node *rval(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst); static Node *lval(Simp *s, Node *n); static Node *assign(Simp *s, Node *lhs, Node *rhs); static void simpcond(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *ltrue, Node *lfalse); static void simpconstinit(Simp *s, Node *dcl); static Node *simpcast(Simp *s, Node *val, Type *to); static Node *simpslice(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst); static Node *idxaddr(Simp *s, Node *seq, Node *idx); static void matchpattern(Simp *s, Node *pat, Node *val, Type *t, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse); /* useful constants */ Type *tyintptr; Type *tyword; Type *tyvoid; Node *abortoob; size_t alignto(size_t sz, Type *t) { size_t a; size_t i; t = tybase(t); a = 0; switch (t->type) { case Tyarray: a = alignto(1, t->sub[0]); case Tytuple: for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) a = max(alignto(1, t->sub[i]), a); break; case Tystruct: for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) a = max(alignto(1, decltype(t->sdecls[i])), a); break; default: a = tysize(t); break; } return align(sz, min(a, Ptrsz)); } static Type *base(Type *t) { assert(t->nsub == 1); return t->sub[0]; } static Node *add(Node *a, Node *b) { Node *n; assert(size(a) == size(b)); n = mkexpr(a->loc, Oadd, a, b, NULL); n->expr.type = a->expr.type; return n; } static Node *addk(Node *n, uvlong v) { Node *k; k = mkintlit(n->loc, v); k->expr.type = exprtype(n); return add(n, k); } static Node *sub(Node *a, Node *b) { Node *n; n = mkexpr(a->loc, Osub, a, b, NULL); n->expr.type = a->expr.type; return n; } static Node *subk(Node *n, uvlong v) { Node *k; k = mkintlit(n->loc, v); k->expr.type = exprtype(n); return sub(n, k); } static Node *mul(Node *a, Node *b) { Node *n; n = mkexpr(a->loc, Omul, a, b, NULL); n->expr.type = a->expr.type; return n; } static int addressable(Simp *s, Node *a) { if (a->type == Ndecl || (a->type == Nexpr && exprop(a) == Ovar)) return hthas(s->stkoff, a) || hthas(s->globls, a); else return stacknode(a); } int stacktype(Type *t) { /* the types are arranged in types.def such that this is true */ t = tybase(t); return t->type >= Tyslice; } int floattype(Type *t) { t = tybase(t); return t->type == Tyflt32 || t->type == Tyflt64; } int stacknode(Node *n) { if (n->type == Nexpr) return stacktype(n->expr.type); else return stacktype(n->decl.type); } int floatnode(Node *n) { if (n->type == Nexpr) return floattype(n->expr.type); else return floattype(n->decl.type); } static void forcelocal(Simp *s, Node *n) { assert(n->type == Ndecl || (n->type == Nexpr && exprop(n) == Ovar)); s->stksz += size(n); s->stksz = align(s->stksz, min(size(n), Ptrsz)); if (debugopt['i']) { dump(n, stdout); printf("declared at %zd, size = %zd\n", s->stksz, size(n)); } htput(s->stkoff, n, itop(s->stksz)); } static void declarelocal(Simp *s, Node *n) { if (stacknode(n)) forcelocal(s, n); } /* takes the address of a node, possibly converting it to * a pointer to the base type 'bt' */ static Node *addr(Simp *s, Node *a, Type *bt) { Node *n; n = mkexpr(a->loc, Oaddr, a, NULL); if (!addressable(s, a)) forcelocal(s, a); if (!bt) n->expr.type = mktyptr(a->loc, a->expr.type); else n->expr.type = mktyptr(a->loc, bt); return n; } static Node *load(Node *a) { Node *n; assert(a->expr.type->type == Typtr); n = mkexpr(a->loc, Oderef, a, NULL); n->expr.type = base(a->expr.type); return n; } static Node *deref(Node *a, Type *t) { Node *n; assert(a->expr.type->type == Typtr); n = mkexpr(a->loc, Oderef, a, NULL); if (t) n->expr.type = t; else n->expr.type = base(a->expr.type); return n; } static Node *set(Node *a, Node *b) { Node *n; assert(a != NULL && b != NULL); assert(exprop(a) == Ovar || exprop(a) == Oderef); n = mkexpr(a->loc, Oset, a, b, NULL); n->expr.type = exprtype(a); return n; } static Node *disp(Srcloc loc, uint v) { Node *n; n = mkintlit(loc, v); n->expr.type = tyintptr; return n; } static Node *word(Srcloc loc, uint v) { Node *n; n = mkintlit(loc, v); n->expr.type = tyword; return n; } static void append(Simp *s, Node *n) { lappend(&s->stmts, &s->nstmts, n); } static int ispure(Node *n) { return ispureop[exprop(n)]; } static int isconstfn(Node *s) { return s->decl.isconst && decltype(s)->type == Tyfunc; } static Node *gentemp(Simp *simp, Node *e, Type *ty, Node **dcl) { char buf[128]; static int nexttmp; Node *t, *r, *n; snprintf(buf, 128, ".t%d", nexttmp++); n = mkname(e->loc, buf); t = mkdecl(e->loc, n, ty); r = mkexpr(e->loc, Ovar, n, NULL); r->expr.type = t->decl.type; r->expr.did = t->decl.did; if (dcl) *dcl = t; return r; } static Node *temp(Simp *simp, Node *e) { Node *t, *dcl; assert(e->type == Nexpr); t = gentemp(simp, e, e->expr.type, &dcl); if (stacknode(e)) declarelocal(simp, dcl); return t; } static void jmp(Simp *s, Node *lbl) { append(s, mkexpr(lbl->loc, Ojmp, lbl, NULL)); } static void cjmp(Simp *s, Node *cond, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse) { Node *jmp; jmp = mkexpr(cond->loc, Ocjmp, cond, iftrue, iffalse, NULL); append(s, jmp); } static Node *slicelen(Simp *s, Node *sl) { /* *(&sl + sizeof(size_t)) */ return load(addk(addr(s, sl, tyintptr), Ptrsz)); } static Node *seqlen(Simp *s, Node *n, Type *ty) { Node *t, *r; if (exprtype(n)->type == Tyslice) { t = slicelen(s, n); r = simpcast(s, t, ty); } else if (exprtype(n)->type == Tyarray) { t = exprtype(n)->asize; r = simpcast(s, t, ty); } else { r = NULL; } return r; } /* if foo; bar; else baz;; * => cjmp (foo) :bar :baz */ static void simpif(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *exit) { Node *l1, *l2, *l3; Node *iftrue, *iffalse; l1 = genlbl(n->loc); l2 = genlbl(n->loc); if (exit) l3 = exit; else l3 = genlbl(n->loc); iftrue = n->ifstmt.iftrue; iffalse = n->ifstmt.iffalse; simpcond(s, n->ifstmt.cond, l1, l2); simp(s, l1); simp(s, iftrue); jmp(s, l3); simp(s, l2); /* because lots of bunched up end labels are ugly, * coalesce them by handling 'elif'-like constructs * separately */ if (iffalse && iffalse->type == Nifstmt) { simpif(s, iffalse, exit); } else { simp(s, iffalse); jmp(s, l3); } if (!exit) simp(s, l3); } /* init; while cond; body;; * => init * jmp :cond * :body * ...body... * ...step... * :cond * ...cond... * cjmp (cond) :body :end * :end */ static void simploop(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *lbody; Node *lend; Node *lcond; Node *lstep; lbody = genlbl(n->loc); lcond = genlbl(n->loc); lstep = genlbl(n->loc); lend = genlbl(n->loc); lappend(&s->loopstep, &s->nloopstep, lstep); lappend(&s->loopexit, &s->nloopexit, lend); simp(s, n->loopstmt.init); /* init */ jmp(s, lcond); /* goto test */ simp(s, lbody); /* body lbl */ simp(s, n->loopstmt.body); /* body */ simp(s, lstep); /* test lbl */ simp(s, n->loopstmt.step); /* step */ simp(s, lcond); /* test lbl */ simpcond(s, n->loopstmt.cond, lbody, lend); /* repeat? */ simp(s, lend); /* exit */ s->nloopstep--; s->nloopexit--; } /* pat; seq; * body;; * * => * .pseudo = seqinit * jmp :cond * :body * ...body... * :step * ...step... * :cond * ...cond... * cjmp (cond) :match :end * :match * ...match... * cjmp (match) :body :step * :end */ static void simpiter(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *lbody, *lstep, *lcond, *lmatch, *lend; Node *idx, *len, *dcl, *seq, *val, *done; Node *zero; lbody = genlbl(n->loc); lstep = genlbl(n->loc); lcond = genlbl(n->loc); lmatch = genlbl(n->loc); lend = genlbl(n->loc); lappend(&s->loopstep, &s->nloopstep, lstep); lappend(&s->loopexit, &s->nloopexit, lend); zero = mkintlit(n->loc, 0); zero->expr.type = tyintptr; seq = rval(s, n->iterstmt.seq, NULL); idx = gentemp(s, n, tyintptr, &dcl); declarelocal(s, dcl); /* setup */ append(s, assign(s, idx, zero)); jmp(s, lcond); simp(s, lbody); /* body */ simp(s, n->iterstmt.body); /* step */ simp(s, lstep); simp(s, assign(s, idx, addk(idx, 1))); /* condition */ simp(s, lcond); len = seqlen(s, seq, tyintptr); done = mkexpr(n->loc, Olt, idx, len, NULL); cjmp(s, done, lmatch, lend); simp(s, lmatch); val = load(idxaddr(s, seq, idx)); matchpattern(s, n->iterstmt.elt, val, val->expr.type, lbody, lstep); simp(s, lend); s->nloopstep--; s->nloopexit--; } static Ucon *finducon(Node *n) { size_t i; Type *t; Ucon *uc; t = tybase(n->expr.type); if (exprop(n) != Oucon) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) { uc = t->udecls[i]; if (!strcmp(namestr(uc->name), namestr(n->expr.args[0]))) return uc; } die("No ucon?!?"); return NULL; } static Node *uconid(Simp *s, Node *n) { Ucon *uc; if (exprop(n) != Oucon) return load(addr(s, n, mktype(n->loc, Tyuint))); uc = finducon(n); return word(uc->loc, uc->id); } static Node *patval(Simp *s, Node *n, Type *t) { if (exprop(n) == Oucon) return n->expr.args[1]; else if (exprop(n) == Olit) return n; else return load(addk(addr(s, n, t), Wordsz)); } static void matchpattern(Simp *s, Node *pat, Node *val, Type *t, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse) { Node *v, *x, *y; Node *deeper, *next; Node **patarg, *lit, *idx; char *str; size_t len; Ucon *uc; size_t i; size_t off; assert(pat->type == Nexpr); t = tybase(t); if (exprop(pat) == Ovar && !decls[pat->expr.did]->decl.isconst) { v = assign(s, pat, val); append(s, v); jmp(s, iftrue); return; } switch (t->type) { /* Never supported */ case Tyvoid: case Tybad: case Tyvalist: case Tyvar: case Typaram: case Tyunres: case Tyname: case Ntypes: die("Unsupported type for pattern"); break; /* only valid for string literals */ case Tybool: case Tychar: case Tybyte: case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint: case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint: case Tyint64: case Tyuint64: case Tylong: case Tyulong: case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64: case Typtr: case Tyfunc: v = mkexpr(pat->loc, Oeq, pat, val, NULL); v->expr.type = mktype(pat->loc, Tybool); cjmp(s, v, iftrue, iffalse); break; case Tyslice: lit = pat->expr.args[0]; if (exprop(pat) != Olit || lit->lit.littype != Lstr) die("Unsupported pattern"); str = lit->lit.strval.buf; len = lit->lit.strval.len; /* load slice length */ next = genlbl(pat->loc); x = slicelen(s, val); y = mkintlit(lit->loc, len); y->expr.type = tyintptr; v = mkexpr(pat->loc, Oeq, x, y, NULL); cjmp(s, v, next, iffalse); append(s, next); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { next = genlbl(pat->loc); x = mkintlit(pat->loc, str[i]); x->expr.type = mktype(pat->loc, Tybyte); idx = mkintlit(pat->loc, i); idx->expr.type = tyintptr; y = load(idxaddr(s, val, idx)); v = mkexpr(pat->loc, Oeq, x, y, NULL); v->expr.type = mktype(pat->loc, Tybool); cjmp(s, v, next, iffalse); append(s, next); } jmp(s, iftrue); break; /* We got lucky. The structure of tuple, array, and struct literals * is the same, so long as we don't inspect the type, so we can * share the code*/ case Tytuple: case Tyarray: patarg = pat->expr.args; off = 0; for (i = 0; i < pat->expr.nargs; i++) { off = alignto(off, exprtype(patarg[i])); next = genlbl(pat->loc); v = load(addk(addr(s, val, exprtype(patarg[i])), off)); matchpattern(s, patarg[i], v, exprtype(patarg[i]), next, iffalse); append(s, next); off += size(patarg[i]); } jmp(s, iftrue); break; case Tystruct: patarg = pat->expr.args; for (i = 0; i < pat->expr.nargs; i++) { off = offset(pat, patarg[i]->expr.idx); next = genlbl(pat->loc); v = load(addk(addr(s, val, exprtype(patarg[i])), off)); matchpattern(s, patarg[i], v, exprtype(patarg[i]), next, iffalse); append(s, next); } break; case Tyunion: uc = finducon(pat); if (!uc) uc = finducon(val); deeper = genlbl(pat->loc); x = uconid(s, pat); y = uconid(s, val); v = mkexpr(pat->loc, Oeq, x, y, NULL); v->expr.type = tyintptr; cjmp(s, v, deeper, iffalse); append(s, deeper); if (uc->etype) { pat = patval(s, pat, uc->etype); val = patval(s, val, uc->etype); matchpattern(s, pat, val, uc->etype, iftrue, iffalse); } break; } } static void simpmatch(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *end, *cur, *next; /* labels */ Node *val, *tmp; Node *m; size_t i; gensimpmatch(n); end = genlbl(n->loc); val = temp(s, n->matchstmt.val); tmp = rval(s, n->matchstmt.val, val); if (val != tmp) append(s, assign(s, val, tmp)); for (i = 0; i < n->matchstmt.nmatches; i++) { m = n->matchstmt.matches[i]; /* check pattern */ cur = genlbl(n->loc); next = genlbl(n->loc); matchpattern(s, m->match.pat, val, val->expr.type, cur, next); /* do the action if it matches */ append(s, cur); simp(s, m->match.block); jmp(s, end); append(s, next); } append(s, end); } static void simpblk(Simp *s, Node *n) { size_t i; pushstab(n->block.scope); for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) { n->block.stmts[i] = fold(n->block.stmts[i], 0); simp(s, n->block.stmts[i]); } popstab(); } static Node *simpblob(Simp *s, Node *blob, Node ***l, size_t *nl) { Node *n, *d, *r; char lbl[128]; n = mkname(blob->loc, genlblstr(lbl, 128)); d = mkdecl(blob->loc, n, blob->expr.type); r = mkexpr(blob->loc, Ovar, n, NULL); d->decl.init = blob; d->decl.type = blob->expr.type; d->decl.isconst = 1; htput(s->globls, d, asmname(d)); r->expr.did = d->decl.did; r->expr.type = blob->expr.type; r->expr.isconst = 1; lappend(l, nl, d); return r; } static Node *ptrsized(Simp *s, Node *v) { if (size(v) == Ptrsz) return v; else if (size(v) < Ptrsz) v = mkexpr(v->loc, Ozwiden, v, NULL); else if (size(v) > Ptrsz) v = mkexpr(v->loc, Otrunc, v, NULL); v->expr.type = tyintptr; return v; } static Node *membaddr(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *t, *u, *r; Node **args; Type *ty; args = n->expr.args; ty = tybase(exprtype(args[0])); if (ty->type == Typtr) { t = lval(s, args[0]); } else { t = addr(s, lval(s, args[0]), exprtype(n)); } u = disp(n->loc, offset(args[0], args[1])); r = add(t, u); r->expr.type = mktyptr(n->loc, n->expr.type); return r; } static void checkidx(Simp *s, Node *len, Node *idx) { Node *cmp, *die; Node *ok, *fail; /* create expressions */ cmp = mkexpr(idx->loc, Olt, ptrsized(s, idx), ptrsized(s, len), NULL); cmp->expr.type = mktype(len->loc, Tybool); ok = genlbl(len->loc); fail = genlbl(len->loc); die = mkexpr(idx->loc, Ocall, abortoob, NULL); die->expr.type = mktype(len->loc, Tyvoid); /* insert them */ cjmp(s, cmp, ok, fail); append(s, fail); append(s, die); append(s, ok); } static Node *idxaddr(Simp *s, Node *seq, Node *idx) { Node *a, *t, *u, *v, *w; /* temps */ Node *r; /* result */ Type *ty; size_t sz; a = rval(s, seq, NULL); ty = exprtype(seq)->sub[0]; if (exprtype(seq)->type == Tyarray) { t = addr(s, a, ty); w = exprtype(a)->asize; } else if (seq->expr.type->type == Tyslice) { t = load(addr(s, a, mktyptr(seq->loc, ty))); w = slicelen(s, a); } else { die("Can't index type %s\n", tystr(seq->expr.type)); } assert(t->expr.type->type == Typtr); u = rval(s, idx, NULL); u = ptrsized(s, u); checkidx(s, w, u); sz = tysize(ty); v = mul(u, disp(seq->loc, sz)); r = add(t, v); return r; } static Node *slicebase(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *off) { Node *t, *u, *v; Type *ty; int sz; t = rval(s, n, NULL); u = NULL; ty = tybase(exprtype(n)); switch (ty->type) { case Typtr: u = t; break; case Tyarray: u = addr(s, t, base(exprtype(n))); break; case Tyslice: u = load(addr(s, t, mktyptr(n->loc, base(exprtype(n))))); break; default: die("Unslicable type %s", tystr(n->expr.type)); } /* safe: all types we allow here have a sub[0] that we want to grab */ if (off) { off = ptrsized(s, rval(s, off, NULL)); sz = tysize(n->expr.type->sub[0]); v = mul(off, disp(n->loc, sz)); return add(u, v); } else { return u; } } static Node *lval(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *r; Node **args; args = n->expr.args; switch (exprop(n)) { case Ovar: r = n; break; case Oidx: r = deref(idxaddr(s, args[0], args[1]), NULL); break; case Oderef: r = deref(rval(s, args[0], NULL), NULL); break; case Omemb: r = deref(membaddr(s, n), NULL); break; default: fatal(n, "%s cannot be an lvalue", opstr(exprop(n))); break; } return r; } static void simpcond(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *ltrue, Node *lfalse) { Node **args; Node *v, *lnext; args = n->expr.args; switch (exprop(n)) { case Oland: lnext = genlbl(n->loc); simpcond(s, args[0], lnext, lfalse); append(s, lnext); simpcond(s, args[1], ltrue, lfalse); break; case Olor: lnext = genlbl(n->loc); simpcond(s, args[0], ltrue, lnext); append(s, lnext); simpcond(s, args[1], ltrue, lfalse); break; case Olnot: simpcond(s, args[0], lfalse, ltrue); break; default: v = rval(s, n, NULL); cjmp(s, v, ltrue, lfalse); break; } } static Node *intconvert(Simp *s, Node *from, Type *to, int issigned) { Node *r; size_t fromsz, tosz; fromsz = size(from); tosz = tysize(to); r = rval(s, from, NULL); if (fromsz > tosz) { r = mkexpr(from->loc, Otrunc, r, NULL); } else if (tosz > fromsz) { if (issigned) r = mkexpr(from->loc, Oswiden, r, NULL); else r = mkexpr(from->loc, Ozwiden, r, NULL); } r->expr.type = to; return r; } static Node *simpcast(Simp *s, Node *val, Type *to) { Node *r; Type *t; r = NULL; /* do the type conversion */ switch (tybase(to)->type) { case Tybool: case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint64: case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint64: case Tyint: case Tyuint: case Tylong: case Tyulong: case Tychar: case Tybyte: case Typtr: t = tybase(exprtype(val)); switch (t->type) { /* ptr -> slice conversion is disallowed */ case Tyslice: if (t->type == Typtr) fatal(val, "Bad cast from %s to %s", tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to)); r = slicebase(s, val, NULL); break; /* signed conversions */ case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint64: case Tyint: case Tylong: r = intconvert(s, val, to, 1); break; /* unsigned conversions */ case Tybool: case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint64: case Tyuint: case Tyulong: case Tychar: case Tybyte: case Typtr: r = intconvert(s, val, to, 0); break; case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64: if (tybase(to)->type == Typtr) fatal(val, "Bad cast from %s to %s", tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to)); r = mkexpr(val->loc, Oflt2int, rval(s, val, NULL), NULL); r->expr.type = to; break; default: fatal(val, "Bad cast from %s to %s", tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to)); } break; case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64: t = tybase(exprtype(val)); switch (t->type) { case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint64: case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint64: case Tyint: case Tyuint: case Tylong: case Tyulong: case Tychar: case Tybyte: r = mkexpr(val->loc, Oflt2int, rval(s, val, NULL), NULL); r->expr.type = to; break; case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64: r = mkexpr(val->loc, Oflt2flt, rval(s, val, NULL), NULL); r->expr.type = to; break; default: fatal(val, "Bad cast from %s to %s", tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to)); break; } break; /* no other destination types are handled as things stand */ default: fatal(val, "Bad cast from %s to %s", tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to)); } return r; } /* Simplifies taking a slice of an array, pointer, * or other slice down to primitive pointer operations */ static Node *simpslice(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst) { Node *t; Node *start, *end; Node *base, *sz, *len; Node *stbase, *stlen; if (dst) t = dst; else t = temp(s, n); /* *(&slice) = (void*)base + off*sz */ base = slicebase(s, n->expr.args[0], n->expr.args[1]); start = ptrsized(s, rval(s, n->expr.args[1], NULL)); end = ptrsized(s, rval(s, n->expr.args[2], NULL)); len = sub(end, start); /* we can be storing through a pointer, in the case * of '*foo = bar'. */ if (tybase(exprtype(t))->type == Typtr) { stbase = set(simpcast(s, t, mktyptr(t->loc, tyintptr)), base); sz = addk(simpcast(s, t, mktyptr(t->loc, tyintptr)), Ptrsz); } else { stbase = set(deref(addr(s, t, tyintptr), NULL), base); sz = addk(addr(s, t, tyintptr), Ptrsz); } /* *(&slice + ptrsz) = len */ stlen = set(deref(sz, NULL), len); append(s, stbase); append(s, stlen); return t; } static Node *visit(Simp *s, Node *n) { size_t i; Node *r; for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) n->expr.args[i] = rval(s, n->expr.args[i], NULL); if (ispure(n)) { r = n; } else { if (exprtype(n)->type == Tyvoid) { r = NULL; append(s, n); } else { r = temp(s, n); append(s, set(r, n)); } } return r; } /* Takes a tuple and binds the i'th element of it to the * i'th name on the rhs of the assignment. */ static Node *destructure(Simp *s, Node *lhs, Node *rhs) { Node *plv, *prv, *lv, *sz, *stor, **args; size_t off, i; args = lhs->expr.args; rhs = rval(s, rhs, NULL); off = 0; for (i = 0; i < lhs->expr.nargs; i++) { lv = lval(s, args[i]); off = alignto(off, exprtype(lv)); prv = add(addr(s, rhs, exprtype(args[i])), disp(rhs->loc, off)); if (stacknode(args[i])) { sz = disp(lhs->loc, size(lv)); plv = addr(s, lv, exprtype(lv)); stor = mkexpr(lhs->loc, Oblit, plv, prv, sz, NULL); } else { stor = set(lv, load(prv)); } append(s, stor); off += size(lv); } return NULL; } static Node *assign(Simp *s, Node *lhs, Node *rhs) { Node *t, *u, *v, *r; if (exprop(lhs) == Otup) { r = destructure(s, lhs, rhs); } else { t = lval(s, lhs); u = rval(s, rhs, t); /* if we stored the result into t, rval() should return that, * so we know our work is done. */ if (u == t) { r = t; } else if (stacknode(lhs)) { t = addr(s, t, exprtype(lhs)); u = addr(s, u, exprtype(lhs)); v = disp(lhs->loc, size(lhs)); r = mkexpr(lhs->loc, Oblit, t, u, v, NULL); } else { r = set(t, u); } } return r; } static Node *assignat(Simp *s, Node *r, size_t off, Node *val) { Node *pval, *pdst; Node *sz; Node *st; val = rval(s, val, NULL); pdst = add(r, disp(val->loc, off)); if (stacknode(val)) { sz = disp(val->loc, size(val)); pval = addr(s, val, exprtype(val)); st = mkexpr(val->loc, Oblit, pdst, pval, sz, NULL); } else { st = set(deref(pdst, val->expr.type), val); } append(s, st); return r; } /* Simplify tuple construction to a stack allocated * value by evaluating the rvalue of each node on the * rhs and assigning it to the correct offset from the * head of the tuple. */ static Node *simptup(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst) { Node **args; Node *r; size_t i, off; args = n->expr.args; if (!dst) dst = temp(s, n); r = addr(s, dst, exprtype(dst)); off = 0; for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) { off = alignto(off, exprtype(args[i])); assignat(s, r, off, args[i]); off += size(args[i]); } return dst; } static Node *simpucon(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst) { Node *tmp, *u, *tag, *elt, *sz; Node *r; Type *ty; Ucon *uc; size_t i; /* find the ucon we're constructing here */ ty = tybase(n->expr.type); uc = NULL; for (i = 0; i < ty->nmemb; i++) { if (!strcmp(namestr(n->expr.args[0]), namestr(ty->udecls[i]->name))) { uc = ty->udecls[i]; break; } } if (!uc) die("Couldn't find union constructor"); if (dst) tmp = dst; else tmp = temp(s, n); /* Set the tag on the ucon */ u = addr(s, tmp, mktype(n->loc, Tyuint)); tag = mkintlit(n->loc, uc->id); tag->expr.type = mktype(n->loc, Tyuint); append(s, set(deref(u, tyword), tag)); /* fill the value, if needed */ if (!uc->etype) return tmp; elt = rval(s, n->expr.args[1], NULL); u = addk(u, Wordsz); if (stacktype(uc->etype)) { elt = addr(s, elt, uc->etype); sz = disp(n->loc, tysize(uc->etype)); r = mkexpr(n->loc, Oblit, u, elt, sz, NULL); } else { r = set(deref(u, uc->etype), elt); } append(s, r); return tmp; } static Node *simpuget(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst) { die("No uget simplification yet"); return NULL; } /* simplifies * a || b * to * if a || b * t = true * else * t = false * ;; */ static Node *simplazy(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *r, *t, *u; Node *ltrue, *lfalse, *ldone; /* set up temps and labels */ r = temp(s, n); ltrue = genlbl(n->loc); lfalse = genlbl(n->loc); ldone = genlbl(n->loc); /* simp the conditional */ simpcond(s, n, ltrue, lfalse); /* if true */ append(s, ltrue); u = mkexpr(n->loc, Olit, mkbool(n->loc, 1), NULL); u->expr.type = mktype(n->loc, Tybool); t = set(r, u); append(s, t); jmp(s, ldone); /* if false */ append(s, lfalse); u = mkexpr(n->loc, Olit, mkbool(n->loc, 0), NULL); u->expr.type = mktype(n->loc, Tybool); t = set(r, u); append(s, t); jmp(s, ldone); /* finish */ append(s, ldone); return r; } static Node *comparecomplex(Simp *s, Node *n, Op op) { fatal(n, "Complex comparisons not yet supported\n"); return NULL; } static Node *compare(Simp *s, Node *n, int fields) { const Op cmpmap[Numops][3] = { [Oeq] = {Oeq, Oueq, Ofeq}, [One] = {One, Oune, Ofne}, [Ogt] = {Ogt, Ougt, Ofgt}, [Oge] = {Oge, Ouge, Ofge}, [Olt] = {Olt, Oult, Oflt}, [Ole] = {Ole, Oule, Ofle} }; Node *r; Op newop; newop = Obad; if (istysigned(tybase(exprtype(n->expr.args[0])))) newop = cmpmap[n->expr.op][0]; else if (istyunsigned(tybase(exprtype(n->expr.args[0])))) newop = cmpmap[n->expr.op][1]; else if (istyfloat(tybase(exprtype(n->expr.args[0])))) newop = cmpmap[n->expr.op][2]; if (newop != Obad) { n->expr.op = newop; r = visit(s, n); } else if (fields) { r = comparecomplex(s, n, exprop(n)); } else { fatal(n, "unsupported comparison on values"); } return r; } static Node *rval(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst) { Node *r; /* expression result */ Node *t, *u, *v; /* temporary nodes */ Node **args; size_t i; const Op fusedmap[Numops] = { [Oaddeq] = Oadd, [Osubeq] = Osub, [Omuleq] = Omul, [Odiveq] = Odiv, [Omodeq] = Omod, [Oboreq] = Obor, [Obandeq] = Oband, [Obxoreq] = Obxor, [Obsleq] = Obsl, [Obsreq] = Obsr, }; r = NULL; args = n->expr.args; switch (exprop(n)) { case Olor: case Oland: r = simplazy(s, n); break; case Osize: r = mkintlit(n->loc, size(args[0])); r->expr.type = exprtype(n); break; case Oslice: r = simpslice(s, n, dst); break; case Oidx: t = idxaddr(s, n->expr.args[0], n->expr.args[1]); r = load(t); break; /* array.len slice.len are magic 'virtual' members. * they need to be special cased. */ case Omemb: if (exprtype(args[0])->type == Tyslice || exprtype(args[0])->type == Tyarray) { r = seqlen(s, args[0], exprtype(n)); } else { t = membaddr(s, n); r = load(t); } break; case Oucon: r = simpucon(s, n, dst); break; case Outag: die("union tags not yet supported\n"); break; case Oudata: r = simpuget(s, n, dst); break; case Otup: r = simptup(s, n, dst); break; case Oarr: if (!dst) dst = temp(s, n); t = addr(s, dst, exprtype(dst)); for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) assignat(s, t, size(n->expr.args[i])*i, n->expr.args[i]); r = dst; break; case Ostruct: if (!dst) dst = temp(s, n); t = addr(s, dst, exprtype(dst)); for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) assignat(s, t, offset(n, n->expr.args[i]->expr.idx), n->expr.args[i]); r = dst; break; case Ocast: r = simpcast(s, args[0], exprtype(n)); break; /* fused ops: * foo ?= blah * => * foo = foo ? blah*/ case Oaddeq: case Osubeq: case Omuleq: case Odiveq: case Omodeq: case Oboreq: case Obandeq: case Obxoreq: case Obsleq: case Obsreq: assert(fusedmap[exprop(n)] != Obad); u = lval(s, args[0]); v = rval(s, args[1], NULL); v = mkexpr(n->loc, fusedmap[exprop(n)], u, v, NULL); v->expr.type = u->expr.type; r = set(u, v); break; /* ++expr(x) * => args[0] = args[0] + 1 * expr(x) */ case Opreinc: v = assign(s, args[0], addk(args[0], 1)); append(s, v); r = rval(s, args[0], NULL); break; case Opredec: v = assign(s, args[0], subk(args[0], 1)); append(s, v); r = rval(s, args[0], NULL); break; /* expr(x++) * => expr * x = x + 1 */ case Opostinc: r = lval(s, args[0]); t = assign(s, r, addk(r, 1)); lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t); break; case Opostdec: r = lval(s, args[0]); t = assign(s, r, subk(r, 1)); lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t); break; case Olit: switch (args[0]->lit.littype) { case Lchr: case Lbool: case Llbl: r = n; break; case Lint: /* we can only have up to 4 byte immediates, but they * can be moved into 64 bit regs */ if (args[0]->lit.intval < 0xffffffffULL) r = n; else r = simpblob(s, n, &s->blobs, &s->nblobs); break; case Lstr: case Lflt: r = simpblob(s, n, &s->blobs, &s->nblobs); break; case Lfunc: r = simpblob(s, n, &file->file.stmts, &file->file.nstmts); break; } break; case Ovar: r = n; break; case Oret: if (s->isbigret) { t = rval(s, args[0], NULL); t = addr(s, t, exprtype(args[0])); u = disp(n->loc, size(args[0])); v = mkexpr(n->loc, Oblit, s->ret, t, u, NULL); append(s, v); } else if (n->expr.nargs && n->expr.args[0]) { t = s->ret; t = set(t, rval(s, args[0], NULL)); append(s, t); } /* drain the increment queue before we return */ for (i = 0; i < s->nqueue; i++) append(s, s->incqueue[i]); lfree(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue); append(s, mkexpr(n->loc, Oret, NULL)); break; case Oasn: r = assign(s, args[0], args[1]); break; case Ocall: if (exprtype(n)->type != Tyvoid && stacktype(exprtype(n))) { if (dst) r = dst; else r = temp(s, n); linsert(&n->expr.args, &n->expr.nargs, 1, addr(s, r, exprtype(n))); for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) n->expr.args[i] = rval(s, n->expr.args[i], NULL); append(s, n); } else { r = visit(s, n); } break; case Oaddr: t = lval(s, args[0]); if (exprop(t) == Ovar) /* Ovar is the only one that doesn't return Oderef(Oaddr(...)) */ r = addr(s, t, exprtype(t)); else r = t->expr.args[0]; break; case Oneg: if (istyfloat(exprtype(n))) { t =mkfloat(n->loc, -1.0); u = mkexpr(n->loc, Olit, t, NULL); t->lit.type = n->expr.type; u->expr.type = n->expr.type; v = simpblob(s, u, &s->blobs, &s->nblobs); r = mkexpr(n->loc, Ofmul, v, rval(s, args[0], NULL), NULL); r->expr.type = n->expr.type; } else { r = visit(s, n); } break; case Obreak: if (s->nloopexit == 0) fatal(n, "trying to break when not in loop"); jmp(s, s->loopexit[s->nloopexit - 1]); break; case Ocontinue: if (s->nloopstep == 0) fatal(n, "trying to continue when not in loop"); jmp(s, s->loopstep[s->nloopstep - 1]); break; case Oeq: case One: r = compare(s, n, 1); break; case Ogt: case Oge: case Olt: case Ole: r = compare(s, n, 0); break; default: if (istyfloat(exprtype(n))) { switch (exprop(n)) { case Oadd: n->expr.op = Ofadd; break; case Osub: n->expr.op = Ofsub; break; case Omul: n->expr.op = Ofmul; break; case Odiv: n->expr.op = Ofdiv; break; default: break; } } r = visit(s, n); break; case Obad: die("Bad operator"); break; } return r; } static void declarearg(Simp *s, Node *n) { assert(n->type == Ndecl || (n->type == Nexpr && exprop(n) == Ovar)); s->argsz = align(s->argsz, min(size(n), Ptrsz)); htput(s->stkoff, n, itop(-(s->argsz + 2*Ptrsz))); if (debugopt['i']) { dump(n, stdout); printf("declared at %zd\n", -(s->argsz + 2*Ptrsz)); } s->argsz += size(n); } static int islbl(Node *n) { Node *l; if (exprop(n) != Olit) return 0; l = n->expr.args[0]; return l->type == Nlit && l->lit.littype == Llbl; } static Node *simp(Simp *s, Node *n) { Node *r, *t, *u; size_t i; if (!n) return NULL; r = NULL; switch (n->type) { case Nblock: simpblk(s, n); break; case Nifstmt: simpif(s, n, NULL); break; case Nloopstmt: simploop(s, n); break; case Niterstmt: simpiter(s, n); break; case Nmatchstmt: simpmatch(s, n); break; case Nexpr: if (islbl(n)) append(s, n); else r = rval(s, n, NULL); if (r) append(s, r); /* drain the increment queue for this expr */ for (i = 0; i < s->nqueue; i++) append(s, s->incqueue[i]); lfree(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue); break; case Ndecl: declarelocal(s, n); if (!n->decl.init) break; t = mkexpr(n->loc, Ovar, n->, NULL); u = mkexpr(n->loc, Oasn, t, n->decl.init, NULL); u->expr.type = n->decl.type; t->expr.type = n->decl.type; t->expr.did = n->decl.did; simp(s, u); break; default: die("Bad node passsed to simp()"); break; } return r; } /* * Turns a deeply nested function body into a flatter * and simpler representation, which maps easily and * directly to assembly instructions. */ static void flatten(Simp *s, Node *f) { Node *dcl; Type *ty; size_t i; assert(f->type == Nfunc); s->nstmts = 0; s->stmts = NULL; s->endlbl = genlbl(f->loc); s->ret = NULL; /* make a temp for the return type */ ty = f->func.type->sub[0]; if (stacktype(ty)) { s->isbigret = 1; s->ret = gentemp(s, f, mktyptr(f->loc, ty), &dcl); declarearg(s, dcl); } else if (ty->type != Tyvoid) { s->isbigret = 0; s->ret = gentemp(s, f, ty, &dcl); } for (i = 0; i < f->func.nargs; i++) { declarearg(s, f->func.args[i]); } simp(s, f->func.body); append(s, s->endlbl); } static Func *simpfn(Simp *s, char *name, Node *dcl) { Node *n; Vis vis; size_t i; Func *fn; Cfg *cfg; n = dcl->decl.init; vis = dcl->decl.vis; if(debugopt['i'] || debugopt['F'] || debugopt['f']) printf("\n\nfunction %s\n", name); /* set up the simp context */ /* unwrap to the function body */ n = n->expr.args[0]; n = n->lit.fnval; pushstab(n->func.scope); flatten(s, n); popstab(); if (debugopt['f'] || debugopt['F']) for (i = 0; i < s->nstmts; i++) dump(s->stmts[i], stdout); for (i = 0; i < s->nstmts; i++) { if (s->stmts[i]->type != Nexpr) continue; if (debugopt['f']) { printf("FOLD FROM ----------\n"); dump(s->stmts[i], stdout); } s->stmts[i] = fold(s->stmts[i], 0); if (debugopt['f']) { printf("TO ------------\n"); dump(s->stmts[i], stdout); printf("DONE ----------------\n"); } } cfg = mkcfg(dcl, s->stmts, s->nstmts); if (extracheck) check(cfg); if (debugopt['t'] || debugopt['s']) dumpcfg(cfg, stdout); fn = zalloc(sizeof(Func)); fn->name = strdup(name); if (vis != Visintern) fn->isexport = 1; fn->stksz = align(s->stksz, 8); fn->stkoff = s->stkoff; fn->ret = s->ret; fn->cfg = cfg; return fn; } static void extractsub(Simp *s, Node ***blobs, size_t *nblobs, Node *e) { size_t i; assert(e != NULL); switch (exprop(e)) { case Oslice: if (exprop(e->expr.args[0]) == Oarr) e->expr.args[0] = simpblob(s, e->expr.args[0], blobs, nblobs); break; case Oarr: case Ostruct: for (i = 0; i < e->expr.nargs; i++) extractsub(s, blobs, nblobs, e->expr.args[i]); break; default: break; } } static void simpconstinit(Simp *s, Node *dcl) { Node *e; dcl->decl.init = fold(dcl->decl.init, 1);; e = dcl->decl.init; if (e && exprop(e) == Olit) { if (e->expr.args[0]->lit.littype == Lfunc) simpblob(s, e, &file->file.stmts, &file->file.nstmts); else lappend(&s->blobs, &s->nblobs, dcl); } else if (dcl->decl.isconst) { switch (exprop(e)) { case Oarr: case Ostruct: case Oslice: extractsub(s, &s->blobs, &s->nblobs, e); lappend(&s->blobs, &s->nblobs, dcl); break; default: fatal(dcl, "unsupported initializer for %s", declname(dcl)); break; } } else if (!dcl->decl.isconst && !e) { lappend(&s->blobs, &s->nblobs, dcl); } else { die("Non-constant initializer for %s\n", declname(dcl)); } } int ismain(Node *dcl) { Node *n; n = dcl->; if (n->name.ns) return 0; return strcmp(n->, "main") == 0; } void simpglobl(Node *dcl, Htab *globls, Func ***fn, size_t *nfn, Node ***blob, size_t *nblob) { Simp s = {0,}; char *name; Func *f; if (ismain(dcl)) dcl->decl.vis = Vishidden; s.stkoff = mkht(varhash, vareq); s.globls = globls; s.blobs = *blob; s.nblobs = *nblob; name = asmname(dcl); if (dcl->decl.isextern || dcl->decl.isgeneric) return; if (isconstfn(dcl)) { f = simpfn(&s, name, dcl); lappend(fn, nfn, f); } else { simpconstinit(&s, dcl); } *blob = s.blobs; *nblob = s.nblobs; free(name); }