ref: 4f2262847fa6940fcfded7c36e6ed3a6772ec872
dir: /parse/pickle.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifndef _BSD_SOURCE #define _BSD_SOURCE #endif #include <endian.h> #include "parse.h" static void wrtype(FILE *fd, Type *val); static Type *rdtype(FILE *fd); static void wrstab(FILE *fd, Stab *val); static Stab *rdstab(FILE *fd); static void wrsym(FILE *fd, Sym *val); static Sym *rdsym(FILE *fd); static void wrbyte(FILE *fd, char val) { if (fputc(val, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); } /*static*/ char rdbyte(FILE *fd) { int c; c = fgetc(fd); if (c == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); return c; } static void wrint(FILE *fd, int32_t val) { val = htobe32(val); if (fwrite(&val, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); } /*static*/ int32_t rdint(FILE *fd) { uint32_t val; if (fread(&val, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); return be32toh(val); } static void wrstr(FILE *fd, char *val) { if (!val) { wrint(fd, -1); } else { wrint(fd, strlen(val)); if (fwrite(val, strlen(val), 1, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); } } /*static */char *rdstr(FILE *fd) { int len; char *s; len = rdint(fd); if (len == -1) { return NULL; } else { s = xalloc(len + 1); if (fread(s, len, 1, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); s[len] = '\0'; return s; } } static void wrflt(FILE *fd, double val) { /* Assumption: We have 'val' in 64 bit IEEE format */ union { uvlong ival; double fval; } u; u.fval = val; u.ival = htobe64(u.ival); if (fwrite(&u.ival, sizeof(uvlong), 1, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); } /*static */double rdflt(FILE *fd) { union { uvlong ival; double fval; } u; if (fread(&u.ival, sizeof(uvlong), 1, fd) == EOF) die("Unexpected EOF"); u.ival = be64toh(u.ival); return u.fval; } static void wrbool(FILE *fd, int val) { wrbyte(fd, val); } /*static*/ int rdbool(FILE *fd) { return rdbyte(fd); } static void wrstab(FILE *fd, Stab *val) { int i; wrstr(fd, val->name); wrint(fd, val->ntypes); for (i = 0; i < val->ntypes; i++) wrsym(fd, val->types[i]); wrint(fd, val->nsyms); for (i = 0; i < val->nsyms; i++) wrsym(fd, val->syms[i]); } /*static*/ Stab *rdstab(FILE *fd) { Stab *st; int i; st = mkstab(NULL); st->name = rdstr(fd); st->ntypes = rdint(fd); st->types = xalloc(sizeof(Sym*)*st->ntypes); for (i = 0; i < st->ntypes; i++) st->types[i] = rdsym(fd); st->nsyms = rdint(fd); st->syms = xalloc(sizeof(Sym*)*st->nsyms); for (i = 0; i < st->nsyms; i++) st->syms[i] = rdsym(fd); return st; } static void wrsym(FILE *fd, Sym *val) { wrint(fd, val->line); pickle(val->name, fd); wrtype(fd, val->type); } /*static*/ Sym *rdsym(FILE *fd) { int line; Node *name; Type *type; line = rdint(fd); name = unpickle(fd); type = rdtype(fd); return mksym(line, name, type); } static void wrtype(FILE *fd, Type *t) { char *enc; enc = tyenc(t); wrstr(fd, enc); free(enc); } /*static*/ Type *rdtype(FILE *fd) { Type *t; char *s; s = rdstr(fd); t = tydec(s); free(s); return t; } /* pickle format: * type:byte * node-attrs: string|size| * nsub:int32_be * sub:node[,] */ void pickle(Node *n, FILE *fd) { int i; if (!n) { wrbyte(fd, Nnone); return; } wrbyte(fd, n->type); wrint(fd, n->line); switch (n->type) { case Nfile: wrstr(fd, n->; wrint(fd, n->file.nuses); for (i = 0; i < n->file.nuses; i++) pickle(n->file.uses[i], fd); wrint(fd, n->file.nstmts); for (i = 0; i < n->file.nstmts; i++) pickle(n->file.stmts[i], fd); wrstab(fd, n->file.globls); wrstab(fd, n->file.exports); break; case Nexpr: wrbyte(fd, n->expr.op); wrtype(fd, n->expr.type); wrbool(fd, n->expr.isconst); wrint(fd, n->expr.nargs); for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) pickle(n->expr.args[i], fd); break; case Nname: wrint(fd, n->name.nparts); for (i = 0; i < n->name.nparts; i++) wrstr(fd, n->[i]); break; case Nuse: wrbool(fd, n->use.islocal); wrstr(fd, n->; break; case Nlit: wrbyte(fd, n->lit.littype); wrtype(fd, n->lit.type); switch (n->lit.littype) { case Lchr: wrint(fd, n->lit.chrval); break; case Lint: wrint(fd, n->lit.intval); break; case Lflt: wrflt(fd, n->lit.fltval); break; case Lstr: wrstr(fd, n->lit.strval); break; case Lbool: wrbool(fd, n->lit.boolval); break; case Lfunc: pickle(n->lit.fnval, fd); break; case Larray: pickle(n->lit.arrval, fd); break; } break; case Nloopstmt: pickle(n->loopstmt.init, fd); pickle(n->loopstmt.cond, fd); pickle(n->loopstmt.step, fd); pickle(n->loopstmt.body, fd); break; case Nifstmt: pickle(n->ifstmt.cond, fd); pickle(n->ifstmt.iftrue, fd); pickle(n->ifstmt.iffalse, fd); break; case Nblock: wrstab(fd, n->block.scope); wrint(fd, n->block.nstmts); for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) pickle(n->block.stmts[i], fd); break; case Nlbl: wrstr(fd, n->; break; case Ndecl: wrsym(fd, n->decl.sym); wrint(fd, n->decl.flags); pickle(n->decl.init, fd); break; case Nfunc: wrstab(fd, n->func.scope); wrint(fd, n->func.nargs); for (i = 0; i < n->func.nargs; i++) pickle(n->func.args[i], fd); pickle(n->func.body, fd); break; case Nnone: die("Nnone should not be seen as node type!"); break; } } Node *unpickle(FILE *fd) { int i; Ntype type; Node *n; type = rdbyte(fd); if (type == Nnone) return NULL; n = mknode(-1, type); n->line = rdint(fd); switch (n->type) { case Nfile: n-> = rdstr(fd); n->file.nuses = rdint(fd); n->file.uses = xalloc(sizeof(Node*)*n->file.nuses); for (i = 0; i < n->file.nuses; i++) n->file.uses[i] = unpickle(fd); n->file.nstmts = rdint(fd); n->file.stmts = xalloc(sizeof(Node*)*n->file.nstmts); for (i = 0; i < n->file.nstmts; i++) n->file.stmts[i] = unpickle(fd); n->file.globls = rdstab(fd); n->file.exports = rdstab(fd); break; case Nexpr: n->expr.op = rdbyte(fd); n->expr.type = rdtype(fd); n->expr.isconst = rdbool(fd); n->expr.nargs = rdint(fd); n->expr.args = xalloc(sizeof(Node *)*n->expr.nargs); for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) n->expr.args[i] = unpickle(fd); break; case Nname: n->name.nparts = rdint(fd); n-> = xalloc(sizeof(Node *)*n->name.nparts); for (i = 0; i < n->name.nparts; i++) n->[i] = rdstr(fd); break; case Nuse: n->use.islocal = rdbool(fd); n-> = rdstr(fd); break; case Nlit: n->lit.littype = rdbyte(fd); n->lit.type = rdtype(fd); switch (n->lit.littype) { case Lchr: n->lit.chrval = rdint(fd); break; case Lint: n->lit.intval = rdint(fd); break; case Lflt: n->lit.fltval = rdflt(fd); break; case Lstr: n->lit.strval = rdstr(fd); break; case Lbool: n->lit.boolval = rdbool(fd); break; case Lfunc: n->lit.fnval = unpickle(fd); break; case Larray: n->lit.arrval = unpickle(fd); break; } break; case Nloopstmt: n->loopstmt.init = unpickle(fd); n->loopstmt.cond = unpickle(fd); n->loopstmt.step = unpickle(fd); n->loopstmt.body = unpickle(fd); break; case Nifstmt: n->ifstmt.cond = unpickle(fd); n->ifstmt.iftrue = unpickle(fd); n->ifstmt.iffalse = unpickle(fd); break; case Nblock: n->block.scope = rdstab(fd); n->block.nstmts = rdint(fd); n->block.stmts = xalloc(sizeof(Node *)*n->block.nstmts); for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) n->block.stmts[i] = unpickle(fd); break; case Nlbl: n-> = rdstr(fd); break; case Ndecl: n->decl.sym = rdsym(fd); n->decl.flags = rdint(fd); n->decl.init = unpickle(fd); break; case Nfunc: n->func.scope = rdstab(fd); n->func.nargs = rdint(fd); n->func.args = xalloc(sizeof(Node *)*n->func.nargs); for (i = 0; i < n->func.nargs; i++) n->func.args[i] = unpickle(fd); n->func.body = unpickle(fd); break; case Nnone: die("Nnone should not be seen as node type!"); break; } return n; }