shithub: mc

ref: 46d314b6a9301cf48b66a9e1a6db16a1a0f22fce
dir: /mbld/build.myr/

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use std

use "config"
use "deps"
use "opts"
use "parse"
use "types"
use "util"

pkg bld =
	const buildall	: (b : build# -> bool)
	const genall	: (b : build# -> bool)
	const buildtarg	: (b : build#, target : byte[:] -> bool)
	const buildbin	: (b : build#, bt : myrtarg#, addsrc : bool -> bool)
	const buildlib	: (b : build#, lt : myrtarg# -> bool)

const buildall = {b
	for tn in b.all
		if std.hthas(b.built, tn)
		std.htput(b.built, tn, true)
		match gettarg(b.targs, tn)
		| `Bin bt:
			if !bt.istest
				buildbin(b, bt, false)
		| `Lib lt:	buildlib(b, lt)
		| `Gen gt:	genfiles(b, gt)
		| `Data _:	/* nothing needed */
		| `Man _:	/* nothing needed */
		| `Cmd _:	/* these are for manual commands or tests */
	setdir(b, "")
	-> true

const buildtarg = {b, targ
	var depset

	depset = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	addeps(b, targ, depset)
	for tn in b.all
		if std.hthas(b.built, tn) || !std.hthas(depset, tn)
		if std.sleq(tn, targ)
		std.htput(b.built, tn, true)
		match gettarg(b.targs, tn)
		| `Bin bt:
			if !bt.istest
				buildbin(b, bt, false)
		| `Lib lt:	buildlib(b, lt)
		| `Gen gt:	genfiles(b, gt)
		| `Data _:	/* nothing needed */
		| `Man _:	/* nothing needed */
		| `Cmd _:	/* these are for manual commands or tests */
	build(b, targ)
	-> true

const addeps = {b, targ, depset
	if std.hthas(depset, targ)
		-> void

	std.htput(depset, targ, true)
	match gettarg(b.targs, targ)
	| `Bin bt:
		for (dir, lib, targname) in bt.libdeps
			addeps(b, targname, depset)
	| `Lib lt:
		for (dir, lib, targname) in lt.libdeps
			addeps(b, targname, depset)
	| _:

const genall = {b
	for tn in b.all
		match gettarg(b.targs, tn)
		| `Gen gt:	runin(b, gt.cmd, gt.dir)
		| _:	/* skip */
	/* genfiles will exit if the build fails; always return true */
	-> true

const build = {b, targ
	match std.htget(b.targs, targ)
	| `std.Some (`Bin bt):	buildbin(b, bt, false)
	| `std.Some (`Lib lt):	buildlib(b, lt)
	| `std.Some (`Gen gt):	runin(b, gt.cmd, gt.dir)
	| `std.Some (`Cmd ct):	runin(b, ct.cmd, ct.dir)
	| `std.Some (`Data _):	/* nothing needed */
	| `std.Some (`Man _):	/* nothing needed */
	| `std.None:	std.fatal("invalid target {}\n", targ)
	-> true

const runin = {b, cmd, dir
	setdir(b, dir)

const buildbin = {b, targ, addsrc
	var dg, src, path
	var libpath, incs

	setdir(b, targ.dir)
	addincludes(b, targ)
	path = std.pathcat(b.curdir,
	mbldput("{}...\n", path)
	dg = myrdeps(b, targ, false, addsrc)
	if !std.hthas(dg.deps,
		std.fatal("no input files for {}\n",
	if builddep(b, dg,, targ.incpath) || !freshlibs(targ,, dg.libs)
		src = std.htkeys(dg.sources)

		incs = std.sldup(targ.incpath)
		if opt_instbase.len > 0 && !std.sleq(opt_instbase, "none")
			libpath = std.pathcat(bld.opt_instbase, config.Libpath)
			std.slpush(&incs, libpath)
		linkbin(dg,, src, targ.ldscript, targ.runtime, incs, targ.libdeps)
	-> true

const buildlib = {b, targ
	var archive, usefile
	var u, l
	var dg
	var lib, src

	setdir(b, targ.dir)
	addincludes(b, targ)
	lib =
	mbldput("{}/lib{}.a...\n", b.curdir, lib)
	archive = std.fmt("lib{}.a", lib)
	usefile = std.fmt("lib{}.use", lib)
	dg = myrdeps(b, targ, false, false)
	if !std.hthas(dg.deps, lib)
		std.fatal("no target declared for {}\n", lib)
	u = builddep(b, dg, usefile, targ.incpath)
	l = builddep(b, dg, archive, targ.incpath)
	if  u || l || !freshlibs(targ, usefile, dg.libs)
		src = std.htkeys(dg.sources)
		mergeuse(dg, lib, src, targ.incpath)
		archivelib(dg, lib, src, targ.incpath)
	-> true

const genfiles = {b, gt
	setdir(b, gt.dir)
	for out in gt.out
		if !std.fexists(out) || !allfresh(gt.deps, out)

const addincludes = {b, targ
	for (inc, lib, subtarg) in targ.libdeps
		if !hasinc(targ.incpath, inc)
			std.slput(&targ.incpath, 0, inc)

const hasinc = {path, t
	for e in path
		if std.sleq(e, t)
			-> true
	-> false

const builddep = {b, dg, out, incs
	var stale

	stale = false
	/* short circuit walking the dep tree if we've already built this. */
	if std.htgetv(dg.updated, out, false)
		-> false

	match std.htget(dg.deps, out)
	| `std.Some deps:
		for d in deps
			if builddep(b, dg, d, incs)
				stale = true
			match std.htget(b.gensrc, d)
			| `std.Some gt:	
				if !std.fexists(d) || !allfresh(gt.deps, d)
			| `std.None:
				if !std.fexists(d)
					std.fatal("no input file {}\n", d)
			if !isfresh(d, out)
				stale = true
	| `std.None:

	match std.htget(dg.input, out)
	| `std.Some src:
		if stale
			compile(dg, src, incs)
		std.htput(dg.updated, out, true)
	| `std.None:
	-> stale

const compile = {dg, src, incs
	var o
	var cmd

	cmd = [][:]
	if std.hassuffix(src, ".myr")
		std.slpush(&cmd, opt_mc)
		for inc in incs 
			std.slpush(&cmd, "-I")
			std.slpush(&cmd, inc)
		if opt_genasm
			std.slpush(&cmd, "-S")
		std.slpush(&cmd, src)
	elif std.hassuffix(src, ".s")
		o = srcswapsuffix(src, config.Objsuffix)
		for c in config.Ascmd
			std.slpush(&cmd, c)
		std.slpush(&cmd, o)
		std.slpush(&cmd, src)
	elif std.hassuffix(src, ".glue.c")
		o = srcswapsuffix(src, config.Objsuffix)
		std.slpush(&cmd, "cc")
		std.slpush(&cmd, o)
		std.slpush(&cmd, src)
		for flg in std.htgetv(dg.cflags, src, [][:])
			std.slpush(&cmd, flg)
		std.fatal("Unknown file type for {}\n", src)

const linkbin = {dg, bin, srcfiles, ldscript, rt, incs, extlibs
	var cmd

	cmd = [][:]

	/* ld -o bin */
	for c in config.Linkcmd
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(c))
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(bin))

	/* [-T script] */
	if ldscript.len > 0
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("-T"))
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(ldscript))

	if rt.len != 0
		if !std.sleq(rt, "none")
			std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(rt))
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(opt_runtime))

	/* input.o list.o... */
	for f in srcfiles
		std.slpush(&cmd, srcswapsuffix(f, config.Objsuffix))

	/* -L path -l lib... */
	cmd = addlibs(cmd, dg.libs, incs)

	/* add extra libs */
	for l in dg.extlibs
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.fmt("-l{}", l))

	/* special for OSX: it warns if we don't add this */
	if std.sleq(opt_sys, "osx")
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("-macosx_version_min"))
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("10.6"))
	elif std.sleq(opt_sys, "linux") && dg.dynamic
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("-dynamic-linker"))
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("/lib64/"))


const archivelib = {dg, lib, files, incs
	var cmd
	var obj

	cmd = [][:]
	for c in config.Arcmd
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(c))
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.fmt("lib{}.a", lib))
	for f in files
		obj = srcswapsuffix(f, config.Objsuffix)
		std.slpush(&cmd, obj)

const mergeuse = {dg, lib, files, incs
	var cmd

	cmd = [][:]
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(opt_muse))
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("-o"))
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.fmt("lib{}.use", lib))
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup("-p"))
	std.slpush(&cmd, std.sldup(lib))
	for f in files
		if std.hassuffix(f, ".myr")
			std.slpush(&cmd, srcswapsuffix(f, ".use"))
		elif !std.hassuffix(f, ".s") && !std.hassuffix(f, ".glue.c")
			std.fatal("unknown file type for {}\n", f)
	for l in dg.extlibs
		std.slpush(&cmd, std.fmt("-l{}", l))

const addlibs = {cmd, libgraph, incs
	var looped : std.htab(byte[:], bool)#
	var marked : std.htab(byte[:], bool)#
	var libs
	var head

	/* -L incpath... */
	if !config.Directlib
		for inc in incs
			std.slpush(&cmd, std.fmt("-L{}", inc))

	libs = std.htkeys(libgraph)
	looped = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	marked = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	head = cmd.len

	for lib in libs
		cmd = visit(cmd, head, libgraph, lib, looped, marked, incs)

	-> cmd

const visit = {cmd, head, g, lib, looped, marked, incs
	if std.hthas(looped, lib)
		std.fatal("cycle in library graph involving \"{}\"\n", lib)
	elif std.hthas(marked, lib)
		-> cmd

	std.htput(looped, lib, true)
	for dep in std.htgetv(g, lib, [][:])
		cmd = visit(cmd, head, g, dep, looped, marked, incs)
	std.htdel(looped, lib)
	std.htput(marked, lib, true)
	-> putlib(cmd, head, lib, incs)

const putlib = {cmd, head, lib, incs
	var sep

	if !config.Directlib
		-> std.slput(&cmd, head, std.fmt("-l{}", lib))
		match findlib(lib, incs)
		| `std.None:
			mbldput("in path: ")
			sep = ""
			for inc in incs
				mbldput("\t{}{}\n", sep, inc)
				sep = ", "
			std.fatal("could not find library lib{}.a.\n", lib)
		| `std.Some p:
			-> std.slput(&cmd, head, p)

const findlib = {lib, incs
	var buf : byte[512]
	var sl, p

	sl = std.bfmt(buf[:], "lib{}.a", lib)
	for i in incs
		p = std.pathcat(i, sl)
		if std.fexists(p)
			-> `std.Some p

	p = std.pathjoin([opt_instbase, config.Libpath, sl][:])
	if std.fexists(p)
		-> `std.Some p
	-> `std.None

const freshlibs = {targ, output, libgraph
	var libs

	libs = std.htkeys(libgraph)
	for l in libs
		match findlib(l, targ.incpath)
		| `std.Some lib:
			if !isfresh(lib, output)
				-> false
		| `std.None:
			std.fput(1, "{}: could not find library lib{}.a\n",, l)
			std.fput(1, "searched:\n")
			for inc in targ.incpath
				std.fput(1, "\t{}\n", inc)
			std.fput(1, "\t{}/{}\n", opt_instbase, config.Libpath)
	-> true

const allfresh = {deps, out
	for d in deps
		if !isfresh(d, out)
			-> false
	-> true

const isfresh = {src, dst
	var srcmt, dstmt

	OSX only has single second resolution on modification
	times. Since most builds happen within one second of each
	other, if we treat equal times as outdated, we do a lot of
	spurious rebuilding.

	So, we treat times where both secs and nsecs are equal as
	up to date.
	match std.fmtime(src)
	| `std.Ok mt:	srcmt = mt
	| `std.Err e:	std.fatal("could not stat {}: {}\n", src, e)
	match std.fmtime(dst)
	| `std.Ok mt:	dstmt = mt
	| `std.Err e:	-> false
	-> srcmt <= dstmt