ref: 3b2a10f280a9c927bd678199a90a96f8cddab89c
dir: /mbld/install.myr/
use std use "config.use" use "deps.use" use "opts.use" use "parse.use" use "types.use" use "util.use" use "build.use" pkg bld = const install : (p : build# -> bool) const uninstall : (p : build# -> bool) ;; const install = {b buildall(b) -> movetargs(b, false) } const uninstall = {b -> movetargs(b, true) } const movetargs = {b, delete var libarchive for tn in b.all match gettarg(b.targs, tn) | `Bin bt: movefile(b, delete, bt.dir,, opt_instroot, opt_destdir, "bin", 0o755) | `Lib lt: movefile(b, delete, lt.dir,, opt_instroot, opt_destdir, "lib/myr", 0o644) libarchive = std.fmt("lib%s.a", movefile(b, delete, lt.dir, libarchive, opt_instroot, opt_destdir, "lib/myr", 0o644) std.slfree(libarchive) | `Gen gt: /* nothing to do */ | `Cmd ct: /* nothing to do */ | `Man mt: /* FIXME: figure out man section by number */ for m in mt.pages moveman(b, delete, mt.dir, m) ;; | `Test tt: /* nothing */ ;; ;; -> true } const movefile = {b, delete, dir, file, instdir, destdir, prefix, perm var path setdir(b, dir) path = std.pathjoin([destdir, instdir, prefix, file][:]) if delete std.put("\tdelete %s\n", path) if !std.remove(path) std.put("\t\tno such file %s\n", file) ;; else std.put("\t%s => %s\n", file, path) std.remove(path) match std.slurp(file) | `std.Fail m: std.fatal(1, "Could not open %s for reading\n", file) | `std.Ok buf: if !std.blat(path, buf, perm) std.put("Could not write %s\n", file) ;; std.slfree(buf) ;; ;; std.slfree(path) } const moveman = {b, delete, dir, man var sect, manrel match std.strrfind(man, ".") | `std.None: std.fatal(1, "manpage %s has no section\n", man) | `std.Some s: sect = s + 1 if s + 1 == man.len std.fatal(1, "manpage %s missing suffix\n", man) ;; ;; manrel = std.fmt("%s%s", opt_manpath, man[sect:]) movefile(b, delete, dir, man, opt_instroot, opt_destdir, manrel, 0o644) std.slfree(manrel) }