Correct support for zero/space padded negative int
Add tests for padded format strings.
Add support for padded strings.
Compute the directory length
Fix struct stat under Linux.
Add support for directory listing under OSX
Fix dir-linux to actually keep the offset.
Add directory listing under Linux.
Make system/arch dependent rules generic.
Add getdents function to linux.
Merge pull request #1 from akoshibe/master
Make 'make install' build the library.
Add 'getdirentries64' syscall to OSX.
Add one more test case for alignment.
Actually run the alignment test.
Truncate the message in the right place.
Actually make the OSX ifreqs match.
Appropriately put in fresh registers.
Appropriately save/restore registers.
Rearrange declarations to facilitate refactoring.
Take into account subregisters when coalescing.
Fix generated headers in parallel builds.
Add knowledge that gram.h is generated from gram.y
Finish off DESTDIR support.
Add DESTDIR support for libstd
Delete mistakenly added binary.
Add support for matching string arguments.
Fix ifreq on Linux, and add it for OSX
Actually use the linux-platform ifreq struct.
Check correct condition for worklists.
Strip out '_' from what we pass to strtol() and friends.
Add first benchmark: integer sorting.
Fix bug in open()/openmode()
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Optimize the register allocator.
Allow integer parsing to work with large integers.
Add 'uninstall' rule for libstd.
Convert from 'error' to 'result'.
Reduce chattiness of dial.
OSX start does the same thing. Add the same comment.
Comment what start-linux.s does
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Use a signed int when we check for <0
Add newline at end of malformed format error.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Add 'ioctl' syscall to Linux.
Improve the error message when failing ot configure.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Don't build on unkown systems.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://
Make things slightly less O(maxreg)ish
Don't iterate over bit sets as much.
Print the correct line with name conflicts.
6m now generates usefiles.
Add itop and ptoi functons.
Add tests for impls over compound types.
Export symbols with a stable-ish name.
Tag exported types in traits.
Insert the decl as a decl, not an impl.
Use the correct sybmol writing function to write.
Don't double-install impls.
Try to iterate over types.
Actually write out impls to usefiles.
Rename files to match function names.
Use correct tag character for impl defs
Default the types correctly in specialized functions.
Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://