ref: 1b52ea9d5660f5b21a465f59448941212b2f921e
dir: /lib/std/test/fmt.myr/
use std use testr const main = {[ [.name="builtins", .fn=builtins ], [.name="variable-width", .fn=variablewidth ], /* Must come last -- clobbers builtins */ [.name="installed", .fn=installed], ][:]) } type blah type blah = struct a : byte[:] b : int ;; type u = union `First `Second int `Third byte[:] ;; type pair = struct x : int16 y : int32 ;; const check = {c, expected, fmt, args : ... var buf : byte[2048] var sl, ap ap = std.vastart(&args) sl = std.bfmtv(buf[:], fmt, &ap) if !std.eq(expected, sl), "mismatched fmt: got \"{}\", expected \"{}\"\n", sl, expected) ;; } type aligncheck = union `Foo `Bar int64 ;; const builtins = {c var s : blah var m : u var v = [void, void][:] /* basic types */ check(c, " abcd", "{w=10}", "abcd") check(c, "00000bdcae", "{p=0,w=10}", "bdcae") check(c, "abcdefghijkl", "{p=0,w=10}", "abcdefghijkl") check(c, "a", "{w=0,p=1}", "a") check(c, " 10", "{w=10}", 10) check(c, "0000000010", "{p=0,w=10}", 10) check(c, "4294967295", "{p=0,w=10}", (-1 : uint)) check(c, "-000000001", "{p=0,w=10}", -1) check(c, "xxxxxxxx-1", "{p=x,w=10}", -1) check(c, " -1", "{w=10}", -1) check(c, "100000" , "{w=3}", 100000) check(c, "foobarbaz", "{}bar{}", "foo", "baz") check(c, "\\n\\r\\xff", "{e}", "\n\r\xff") check(c, "{}barbaz", "{{}}bar{}", "baz") check(c, "{barbaz}", "{{bar{}}}", "baz") check(c, " Tlön", "{w=10}", "Tlön") check(c, " háček", "{w=10}", "háček") check(c, "_____即是多多即", "{w=15,p=_}", "即是多多即") check(c, " τῶν ῾Ελλήνων", "{w=15}", "τῶν ῾Ελλήνων") check(c, "abcd", "{}", "abcd") check(c, "123", "{}", 123) check(c, "7b", "{x}", 123) check(c, "0x7b", "0x{x}", 123) check(c, "0.0", "{}", 0.0) check(c, "-0.0", "{}", -0.0) check(c, "0.3", "{}", 0.3) check(c, "0.3", "{}", (0.3 : flt32)) check(c, "1.0", "{}", 1.0) check(c, "100.0", "{}", 100.0) check(c, "666.91972", "{}", 666.91972) check(c, "1.0001", "{}", 1.0001) check(c, "0.000101323461002", "{}", 0.000101323461002) check(c, "(1, `Bar 123, `Foo)", "{}", (1, `Bar 123, `Foo)) /* tricky cases: min values for integers */ check(c, "-128", "{}", (-128 : int8)) check(c, "-32768", "{}", (-32768 : int16)) check(c, "-2147483648", "{}", (-2147483648 : int32)) check(c, "-9223372036854775808", "{}", -9223372036854775808l) /* compound types, followed by single value to make sure we consume the right byte count. */ check(c, "(1, 2) true", "{} {}", (1, 2), true) check(c, "(1,) true", "{} {}", (1,), true) s = [.a="foo true", .b=123] /*check(c, "[.a=foo, .b=123] true", "{} {}", s, true) BUSTED */ m = `First check(c, "`First true", "{} {}", m, true) m = `Second 123 check(c, "`Second 123 true", "{} {}", m, true) m = `Third "foo" check(c, "`Third foo true", "{} {}", m, true) check(c, "[1, 2, 3] true", "{} {}", [1,2,3], true) check(c, "[1, 2, 3] true", "{} {}", [1,2,3][:], true) check(c, "1:2:3 true", "{j=:} {}", [1,2,3][:], true) check(c, "1,2,3 true", "{j=\\,} {}", [1,2,3][:], true) check(c, "1}2}3 true", "{j=\\}} {}", [1,2,3][:], true) check(c, "1... 2... 3 true", "{j=... } {}", [1,2,3][:], true) check(c, "[]", "{}", v[:0]) check(c, "[void]", "{}", v[:1]) check(c, "[void, void]", "{}", v[:2]) } const variablewidth = {c check(c, "", "{p=.,w=7}", "xyz") check(c, "", "{w=7,p=.}", "xyz") check(c, "", "{p=.,w=?}", "xyz", 7) check(c, "", "{w=?,p=.}", "xyz", 7) check(c, "=====xyz", "{p==,w=?}", "xyz", 8) check(c, "=====xyz", "{w=?,p==}", "xyz", 8) check(c, "=====xyz", "{p==,w=?}", "xyz", (8 : uint8)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{w=?,p==}", "xyz", (8 : uint8)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{p==,w=?}", "xyz", (8 : std.size)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{w=?,p==}", "xyz", (8 : std.size)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{p==,w=?}", "xyz", (8 : uint64)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{w=?,p==}", "xyz", (8 : uint64)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{p==,w=?}", "xyz", (8 : int16)) check(c, "=====xyz", "{w=?,p==}", "xyz", (8 : int16)) check(c, "xyz", "{w=?,p==}", "xyz", (-34 : int16)) check(c, " 1", "{w=?}", 1, 6) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (-1 : int8)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (-1 : int16)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (-1 : int32)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (-4294967294L : int32)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (-1 : int64)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (-18446744073709551614L : int64)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (0 : int8)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (0 : int16)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (0 : int32)) check(c, "77", "{w=?}", 77, (0 : int64)) check(c, "______________________________77", "{p=_,w=?}", 77, (32 : int8)) check(c, "1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", 1.0, (0 : int16)) check(c, "1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", 1.0, (1 : int16)) check(c, "1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", 1.0, (2 : int16)) check(c, "1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", 1.0, (3 : int16)) check(c, "X1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", 1.0, (4 : int16)) check(c, "XXXXX1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", (1.0 : flt32), (8 : int16)) check(c, "XXXXX1.0", "{w=?,p=X}", (1.0 : flt64), (8 : int16)) check(c, "XXab cd YYde ZZZZ1.0", "{w=4,p=X} {w=?,p=0} {p=Y,w=?} {w=?,p=Z}", "ab", "cd", (-99 : std.size), "de", (4 : uint64), (1.0 : flt32), (7 : std.size)) } const installed = {c var x : int var p : pair x = 0 p = [.x=0, .y=0] std.fmtinstall(std.typeof(x), intfmt) std.fmtinstall(std.typeof(p), pairfmt) /* single value */ check(c, "formatted an int: 0", "{}", 0) check(c, "formatted an int: -10", "{}", -10) /* multiple values */ check(c, "formatted an int: 0, formatted an int: 10", "{}, {}", 0, 10) check(c, "formatted an int: -10, formatted an int: 20", "{}, {}", -10, 20) /* single value, no options */ p = [.x=0, .y=0] check(c, "formatted a pair: [0, 0]", "{}", p) /* single value, option combos */ p = [.x=-10, .y=-10] check(c, "formatted a pair: [-10, -10]", "{}", p) check(c, "formatted a pair: [-10, -10] x=foo", "{x=foo}", p) check(c, "formatted a pair: [-10, -10] y present", "{y}", p) check(c, "formatted a pair: [-10, -10] x=bar y present", "{x=bar,y}", p) check(c, "formatted a pair: [-10, -10] x=bar y present", "{x=bar,y}", p) /* multiple values */ check(c, "formatted a pair: [-10, -10], formatted a pair: [-10, -10]", "{}, {}", p, p) /* multiple values of different types */ check(c, "11, formatted a pair: [-10, -10], formatted an int: 111", "{}, {}, {}", (11 : byte), p, 111) /* in aggregates */ check(c, "[formatted a pair: [-10, -10]]", "{}", [p]) check(c, "[formatted a pair: [-10, -10]]", "{}", [p][:]) } const intfmt = {sb, ap, opts var x : int std.assert(opts.len == 0, "options passed where none should be") x = std.vanext(ap) /* cast to other int type so we don't recurse */ std.sbfmt(sb, "formatted an int: {}", (x : int32)) } const pairfmt = {sb, ap, opts var x : pair x = std.vanext(ap) std.sbfmt(sb, "formatted a pair: [{}, {}]", x.x, x.y) for opt : opts std.sbputc(sb, ' ') match opt | ("x", val): std.sbfmt(sb, "x={}", val) | ("y", ""): std.sbfmt(sb, "y present") | _: std.fatal("unknown option") ;; ;; }