ref: 17ede35bdd7237b9d3353d996fad3b1cf506fa5f
dir: /lib/bio/bio.myr/
use std pkg bio = type mode = int const Rd : mode = 1 const Wr : mode = 2 const Rw : mode = 1 | 2 type file = struct /* backing io ops */ mode : mode lasterr : std.errno read : (buf : byte[:] -> std.result(std.size, std.errno)) write : (buf : byte[:] -> std.result(std.size, std.errno)) seek : (idx : -> std.result(std.size, std.errno)) close : (-> void) /* read buffer */ rbuf : byte[:] rstart : std.size rend : std.size /* write buffer */ wbuf : byte[:] wend : std.size ;; type vtab = struct read : (buf : byte[:] -> std.result(std.size, std.errno)) write : (buf : byte[:] -> std.result(std.size, std.errno)) seek : (idx : -> std.result(std.size, std.errno)) close : (-> void) ;; type status(@a) = union `Eof `Ok @a `Err ioerr ;; type ioerr = union `Ebadfile `Ebadbuf `Ebadfd `Eioerr ;; /* creation */ const mkfile : (fd : std.fd, mode : mode -> file#) const mk : (mode : mode, vt : vtab -> file#) const open : (path : byte[:], mode : mode -> std.result(file#, byte[:])) const dial : (srv : byte[:], mode : mode -> std.result(file#, byte[:])) const create : (path : byte[:], mode : mode, perm : int -> std.result(file#, byte[:])) const close : (f : file# -> void) const free : (f : file# -> void) /* basic i/o. Returns sub-buffer when applicable. */ const write : (f : file#, src : byte[:] -> status(std.size)) const read : (f : file#, dst : byte[:] -> status(byte[:])) const flush : (f : file# -> bool) /* seeking */ const seek : (f : file#, -> std.result(, ioerr)) /* single unit operations */ const putb : (f : file#, b : byte -> status(std.size)) const putc : (f : file#, c : char -> status(std.size)) const getb : (f : file# -> status(byte)) const getc : (f : file# -> status(char)) /* peeking */ const peekb : (f : file# -> status(byte)) const peekc : (f : file# -> status(char)) /* delimited read; returns freshly allocated buffer. */ const readln : (f : file# -> status(byte[:])) const readto : (f : file#, delim : byte[:] -> status(byte[:])) const skipto : (f : file#, delim : byte[:] -> bool) const skipspace : (f : file# -> bool) /* formatted i/o */ const put : (f : file#, fmt : byte[:], args : ... -> status(std.size)) const putv : (f : file#, fmt : byte[:], ap : std.valist# -> status(std.size)) /* pkg funcs */ pkglocal const ensureread : (f : file#, n : std.size -> status(std.size)) pkglocal const ensurewrite : (f : file#, n : std.size -> status(std.size)) ;; const Bufsz = 16*std.KiB const Small = 512 /* Creates a file from an fd, opened in the given mode. */ const mkfile = {fd, mode -> mk(mode, [ .read = {buf; ->, buf)}, .write = {buf; -> std.write(fd, buf)}, .seek = {off; ->, off, std.Seekset)}, .close = {; std.close(fd)}, ]) } const mk = {mode, vt var f f = std.alloc() f.mode = mode = std.fndup( f.write = std.fndup(vt.write) = std.fndup( f.close = std.fndup(vt.close) f.lasterr = 0 if mode & Rd != 0 f.rbuf = std.slalloc(Bufsz) f.rstart = 0 f.rend = 0 ;; if mode & Wr != 0 f.wbuf = std.slalloc(Bufsz) f.wend = 0 ;; -> f } /* Opens a file with mode provided. */ const open = {path, mode -> sysopen(path, mode, sysmode(mode), 0o777) } /* Creates a file for the provided path, with opened in the requested mode, with the requested permissions */ const create = {path, mode, perm -> sysopen(path, mode, sysmode(mode) | std.Ocreat | std.Otrunc, perm) } /* dial the server, and open a file using the returned fd */ const dial = {srv, mode match std.dial(srv) | `std.Ok sock: -> `std.Ok mkfile(sock, mode) | `std.Err m: -> `std.Err m ;; } /* map from the bio modes to the unix open modes */ const sysmode = {mode match mode | Rd: -> std.Ordonly | Wr: -> std.Owronly | Rw: -> std.Ordwr | _: std.fatal("bio: bad file mode") ;; -> 0 } /* open the file, and return it */ const sysopen = {path, mode, openmode, perm match std.openmode(path, openmode, (perm : int64)) | `std.Ok fd: -> `std.Ok mkfile(fd, mode) | `std.Err e: -> `std.Err "could not open fd" ;; } /* closes a file, flushing it to the output fd */ const close = {f flush(f) f.close() _free(f) } const free = {f flush(f) _free(f) } const _free = {f if f.mode & Rd != 0 std.slfree(f.rbuf) ;; if f.mode & Wr != 0 std.slfree(f.wbuf) ;; std.fnfree( std.fnfree(f.write) std.fnfree( std.fnfree(f.close) } /* writes to as much from `src` as possible to a file, returning the number of bytes written. */ const write = {f, src std.assert(f.mode & Wr != 0, "File is not in write mode") /* Tack small writes onto the buffer end. Big ones flush the buffer and then go right to kernel. */ if src.len <= (f.wbuf.len - f.wend) std.slcp(f.wbuf[f.wend:f.wend+src.len], src) f.wend += src.len -> `Ok src.len else flush(f) -> writebuf(f, src) ;; } /* reads as much into 'dst' as possible, up to the size of 'dst', returning the number of bytes read. */ const read = {f, dst var count, cap : std.size var d : byte[:] /* Clear the error state so we can retry */ if f.lasterr != 0 -> `Err geterr(f) ;; /* a zero byte read always succeeds, reading 0 bytes; since there are an infinite number of zero byte reads you can do from anywhere in the file, including the end, this is not an EOF condition. */ if dst.len == 0 -> `Ok dst ;; std.assert(f.mode & Rd != 0, "File is not in read mode") /* small reads should try to fill, so we don't have to make a syscall for every read */ cap = f.rend - f.rstart if dst.len < Small && cap < dst.len fill(f, dst.len) ;; /* Read as much as we can from the buffer */ count = std.min(dst.len, f.rend - f.rstart) std.slcp(dst[:count], f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rstart+count]) f.rstart += count /* if we drained the buffer, reset it */ if f.rstart == f.rend f.rstart = 0 f.rend = 0 ;; /* Read the rest directly from the fd */ d = dst[count:] while d.len > 0 match | `std.Ok 0: break | `std.Ok n: count += n d = d[n:] | `std.Err err: if count == 0 -> `Err errtype(err) else f.lasterr = err ;; break ;; ;; if count == 0 -> `Eof else -> `Ok dst[:count] ;; } /* flushes f out to the backing fd */ const flush = {f var ret ret = true if f.mode & Wr != 0 match writebuf(f, f.wbuf[:f.wend]) | `Ok n: ret = (n == f.wend) | _: ret = false ;; ;; f.wend = 0 -> ret } const seek = {f, off flush(f) f.rstart = f.rend = 0 match | `std.Ok ret: -> `std.Ok ret | `std.Err e: -> `std.Err errtype(e) ;; } /* writes a single byte to the output stream */ const putb = {f, b match ensurewrite(f, 1) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: f.wbuf[f.wend++] = b -> `Ok 1 ;; } /* writes a single character to the output stream, encoded in utf8 */ const putc = {f, c var sz sz = std.charlen(c) match ensurewrite(f, sz) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: std.encode(f.wbuf[f.wend:], c) f.wend += sz -> `Ok sz ;; } /* reads a single byte from the input stream */ const getb = {f match ensureread(f, 1) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: -> `Ok f.rbuf[f.rstart++] ;; } /* reads a single character from the input stream, encoded in utf8 */ const getc = {f var c match ensurecodepoint(f) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: c = std.decode(f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rend]) f.rstart += std.charlen(c) -> `Ok c ;; } /* ensures we have enough to read a single codepoint in the buffer */ const ensurecodepoint : (f : file# -> status(std.size)) = {f var b var len match ensureread(f, 1) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: b = f.rbuf[f.rstart] if b & 0x80 == 0 /* 0b0xxx_xxxx */ len = 1 elif b & 0xe0 == 0xc0 /* 0b110x_xxxx */ len = 2 elif b & 0xf0 == 0xe0 /* 0b1110_xxxx */ len = 3 elif b & 0xf8 == 0xf0 /* 0b1111_0xxx */ len = 4 else len = 1 /* invalid unicode char */ ;; -> ensureread(f, len) ;; } /* writes a single integer-like value to the output stream, in little endian format */ generic putle = {f, v : @a::(numeric,integral) for var i = 0; i < sizeof(@a); i++ putb(f, (v & 0xff : byte)) v >>= 8 ;; -> sizeof(@a) } /* writes a single integer-like value to the output stream, in big endian format */ generic putbe = {f, v : @a::(numeric,integral) for var i = sizeof(@a); i != 0; i-- putb(f, ((v >> ((i-1)*8)) & 0xff : byte)) ;; -> sizeof(@a) } /* peeks a single byte from an input stream */ const peekb = {f match ensureread(f, 1) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: -> `Ok f.rbuf[f.rstart] ;; } /* peeks a single character from a utf8 encoded input stream */ const peekc = {f match ensurecodepoint(f) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok n: -> `Ok std.decode(f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rend]) ;; } /* reads up to a single character delimiter. drops the delimiter from the input stream. EOF always counts as a delimiter. Eg, with the input "foo,bar\n" bio.readto(f, ',') -> "foo" bio.readto(f, ',') -> "bar\n" */ const readto = {f, delim -> readdelim(f, delim, false) } /* same as readto, but drops the read data. */ const skipto = {f, delim match readdelim(f, delim, true) | `Ok ign: -> true | `Eof: -> false | `Err _: -> false ;; } const skipspace = {f while true match bio.peekc(f) | `Ok c: if !std.isspace(c) break ;; bio.getc(f) | `Err e: -> false | `Eof: break ;; ;; -> true } /* Same as delim, but with special handling for '\n', '\r', and '\r\n' */ const readln = {f var ret, c ret = [][:] while true /* get at least delimiter count of characters */ match ensureread(f, 1) | `Ok _: | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Eof: ret = readinto(f, ret, f.rend - f.rstart) if ret.len > 0 -> `Ok ret else -> `Eof ;; ;; /* scan for delimiter */ for var i = f.rstart; i < f.rend; i++ c = (f.rbuf[i] : char) if c == '\r' || c == '\n' ret = readinto(f, ret, i - f.rstart) f.rstart++ /* if we have '\r', we can get '\r\n'. */ if c == '\r' && unwrapc(peekc(f), -1) == '\n' f.rstart++ ;; -> `Ok ret ;; :nextitergetln ;; ret = readinto(f, ret, f.rend - f.rstart) ;; std.die("unreachable") } const unwrapc = {cc, v match cc | `Ok c: -> c | _: -> v ;; } const readdelim = {f, delim, drop var ret ret = [][:] while true /* get at least delimiter count of characters */ match ensureread(f, 1) | `Ok _: | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Eof: if !drop ret = readinto(f, ret, f.rend - f.rstart) ;; if ret.len > 0 -> `Ok ret else -> `Eof ;; ;; for var i = f.rstart; i < f.rend; i++ if f.rbuf[i] == delim[0] for var j = 0; j < delim.len; j++ if f.rbuf[i + j] != delim[j] goto nextiterread ;; ;; if !drop ret = readinto(f, ret, i - f.rstart) ;; f.rstart += delim.len -> `Ok ret ;; :nextiterread ;; if !drop ret = readinto(f, ret, f.rend - f.rstart) ;; ;; std.die("unreachable") } /* Same as std.put, but buffered. Returns the number of bytes written. FIXME: depends on std.fmt() having a flush buffer API. Until then, we're stuck with a small static buffer. */ const put = {f, fmt, args var sl, ap, n ap = std.vastart(&args) sl = std.fmtv(fmt, &ap) n = write(f, sl) std.slfree(sl) -> n } const putv = {f, fmt, ap var sl, n sl = std.fmtv(fmt, ap) n = write(f, sl) std.slfree(sl) -> n } /* reads n bytes from the read buffer onto the heap-allocated slice provided. */ const readinto = {f, buf, n var ret std.assert(f.rstart + n <= f.rend, "Reading too much from buffer") ret = std.sljoin(&buf, f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rstart + n]) f.rstart += n -> ret } /* makes sure we can bufferedly write at least n bytes */ const ensurewrite = {f, n std.assert(n < f.wbuf.len, "ensured write capacity > buffer size") if n > f.wbuf.len - f.wend match writebuf(f, f.wbuf[:f.wend]) | `Ok len: f.wend = 0 -> `Ok len | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Eof: -> `Eof ;; ;; -> `Ok n } /* makes sure we have at least n bytes buffered. returns true if we succeed in buffering n bytes, false if we fail. */ const ensureread = {f, n var held std.assert(n < f.rbuf.len, "ensured read capacity > buffer size") held = f.rend - f.rstart if n > held match fill(f, n) | `Eof: -> `Eof | `Err e: -> `Err e | `Ok len: if len >= n -> `Ok len else -> `Eof ;; ;; else -> `Ok n ;; } /* blats a buffer to an fd */ const writebuf = {f, src var count count = 0 while src.len != 0 match f.write(src) | `std.Ok 0: -> `Eof | `std.Ok n: count += n src = src[n:] | `std.Err e: -> `Err errtype(e) ;; ;; :writedone -> `Ok count } /* Reads as many bytes as possible from the file into the read buffer. */ const fill = {f, min var count, cap count = 0 /* Clear the error state so we can retry */ if f.lasterr != 0 -> `Err geterr(f) ;; /* if we need to shift the slice down to the start, do it */ cap = f.rend - f.rstart if min > cap std.slcp(f.rbuf[:cap], f.rbuf[f.rstart:f.rend]) f.rstart = 0 f.rend = cap ;; while count < min /* If we've already read data, we don't want to throw it away, so we report a successful short read, and then error on the next read. */ match[f.rend:]) | `std.Ok 0: break | `std.Ok n: count += n f.rend += n | `std.Err e: if count > 0 f.lasterr = e else -> `Err errtype(e) ;; break ;; ;; if count == 0 -> `Eof else -> `Ok count ;; } const geterr = {f var e e = f.lasterr f.lasterr = 0 -> errtype(e) } const errtype : (e : std.errno -> ioerr )= {e : std.errno -> ioerr var errno errno = (e : std.errno) if errno == std.Ebadf -> `Ebadfile elif errno == std.Einval -> `Ebadfile elif errno == std.Efault -> `Ebadbuf elif errno == std.Eio -> `Eioerr else -> `Eioerr ;; }