shithub: mc

ref: 16570e96dac87d60ed54aee8d3ff277923e36b5b
dir: /mbld/main.myr/

View raw version
use std
use regex

use "build"
use "clean"
use "config"
use "deps"
use "install"
use "opts"
use "parse"
use "test"
use "types"
use "util"
use "syssel"

const main = {args : byte[:][:]
	var b :
	var bintarg
	var targname
	var runsrc
	var tmp
	var cmd 
	var tags
	var ok, r

	cmd = std.optparse(args, &[
		.argdesc = "[inputs...]",
		.opts = [
			[.opt='t', .arg="tag", .desc="build with specified systag"],
			[.opt='S', .desc="generate assembly when building"],
			[.opt='d', .desc="dump debugging information for mbld"],
			[.opt='I', .arg="inc", .desc="add 'inc' to your include path"],
			[.opt='R', .arg="runsrc", .desc="source to compile and run"],
			[.opt='B', .arg="base", .desc="install into 'base'"],
			[.opt='b', .arg="bin", .desc="compile binary named 'bin' from inputs"],
			[.opt='l', .arg="lib", .desc="compile lib named 'lib' from inputs"],
			[.opt='r', .arg="rt", .desc="link against runtime 'rt' instead of default"],
			[.opt='C', .arg="mc", .desc="compile with 'mc' instead of the default compiler"],
			[.opt='M', .arg="mu", .desc="merge uses with 'mu' instead of the default muse"],

	tags = [][:]
	runsrc = ""
	targname = ""
	ok = true

	for opt : cmd.opts
		match opt
		| ('S', ""):	bld.opt_genasm = true
		| ('I', arg):	std.slpush(&bld.opt_incpaths, arg)
		| ('B', arg):	bld.opt_instbase = arg
		| ('t', tag):	std.slpush(&tags, tag)
		| ('R', arg):	runsrc = arg
		| ('b', arg):
			targname = arg
			bintarg = true
		| ('l', arg):
			targname = arg
			bintarg = false
		| ('r', arg):
			if std.sleq(arg, "none")
				bld.opt_runtime = ""
				bld.opt_runtime = arg
		internal undocumented args; used by compiler suite for
		building with an uninstalled compiler.
		| ('d', arg): bld.opt_debug = true
		| ('C', arg): bld.opt_mc = arg
		| ('M', arg): bld.opt_muse = arg
		| _:	std.die("unreachable\n")


	for (e, v) : config.Env
		std.setenv(e, v)

	b = mkbuild(tags)
	if targname.len != 0
		buildimm(b, targname, cmd.args, bintarg)
	elif runsrc.len != 0
		bld.opt_silent = true
		tmp = std.mktemppath("runmyr")
		ok = buildimm(b, tmp, [runsrc][:], true)
		if ok
			ok = runcmd(tmp, cmd.args)
		findproj(b, "bld.proj")
		/* default: buildall */
		if cmd.args.len == 0
			for c : cmd.args
				match c
				| "all":	r = bld.buildall(b)
				| "gen":	r = bld.genall(b)
				| "clean":	r = bld.cleanall(b)
				| "install":	r = bld.install(b)
				| "uninstall":	r = bld.uninstall(b)
				| "test":	r = bld.test(b)
				| target:	r = bld.buildtarg(b, target)
				ok = ok && r
	if !ok

const buildimm = {b, targ, inputs, bintarg -> bool
	var mt : bld.myrtarg

	mt = [
	if bintarg
		-> bld.buildbin(b, &mt, true)
		-> bld.buildlib(b, &mt)

const runcmd = {bin, args
	var sl

	sl = std.sldup([bin][:])
	->, args))

const mkbuild = {tags
	var b

	b = std.zalloc()
	b.targs = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	b.gensrc = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	b.built = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	b.tags = std.mkht(std.strhash, std.streq)
	bld.addsysattrs(b, tags)
	-> b

const findproj = {b, bldfile
	if !findbase(b, bldfile) || !std.chdir(b.basedir)
		std.fatal("could not find {}\n", bldfile)
	bld.setdir(b, "")

const findbase = {b, file
	var p, bld, dir

	dir = std.getcwd()
	while !std.sleq(dir, "/")
		bld = std.pathcat(dir, file)
		if std.fexists(bld)
			bld.mbldput("project base {}:\n", dir)
			b.basedir = dir
			b.bldfile = bld
			-> true
		p = std.pathcat(dir, "..")
		dir = p
	-> false