ref: 121f68645db7dd9e18ce34f502f70002b63c3a52
dir: /parse/specialize.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "parse.h" static ulong tyhash(void *p) { Type *t; t = p; return strhash(t->pname); } static int tyeq(void *pa, void *pb) { Type *a, *b; a = pa; b = pb; return streq(a->pname, b->pname); } static int hasparams(Type *t) { size_t i; if (t->type == Typaram) return 1; for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) if (hasparams(t->sub[i])) return 1; return 0; } static Type *dosubst(Type *t, Htab *tsmap) { Type *ret; size_t i; if (t->type == Typaram) { ret = htget(tsmap, t); } else { ret = tydup(t); for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) ret->sub[i] = dosubst(t->sub[i], tsmap); } assert(ret != NULL); return ret; } static Type *tysubst(Type *t, Htab *tsmap) { if (hasparams(t)) return dosubst(t, tsmap); else return t; } static void fillsubst(Htab *tsmap, Type *to, Type *from) { size_t i; if (from->type == Typaram) { htput(tsmap, from, to); } if (to->nsub != from->nsub) return; for (i = 0; i < to->nsub; i++) fillsubst(tsmap, to->sub[i], from->sub[i]); } static void fixup(Node *n) { size_t i; Node *d; if (!n) return; switch (n->type) { case Nfile: case Nuse: die("Node %s not allowed here\n", nodestr(n->type)); break; case Nexpr: for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) fixup(n->expr.args[i]); if (n->expr.op == Ovar) { d = getdcl(curstab(), n->expr.args[0]); if (!d) die("Missing decl %s\n", namestr(n->expr.args[0])); n->expr.did = d->decl.did; } break; case Nlit: switch (n->lit.littype) { case Lfunc: fixup(n->lit.fnval); break; case Lseq: for (i = 0; i < n->lit.nelt; i++) fixup(n->lit.seqval[i]); break; case Lchr: case Lint: case Lflt: case Lstr: case Lbool: break; } break; case Nifstmt: fixup(n->ifstmt.cond); fixup(n->ifstmt.iftrue); fixup(n->ifstmt.iffalse); break; case Nloopstmt: fixup(n->loopstmt.init); fixup(n->loopstmt.cond); fixup(n->loopstmt.step); fixup(n->loopstmt.body); break; case Nmatchstmt: fixup(n->matchstmt.val); for (i = 0; i < n->matchstmt.nmatches; i++) fixup(n->matchstmt.matches[i]); case Nmatch: fixup(n->match.pat); fixup(n->match.block); break; case Nblock: pushstab(n->block.scope); for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) fixup(n->block.stmts[i]); popstab(); break; case Ndecl: fixup(n->decl.init); break; case Nfunc: pushstab(n->func.scope); fixup(n->func.body); popstab(); break; case Nnone: case Nlbl: case Nname: break; } } static Node *specializenode(Node *n, Htab *tsmap) { Node *r; size_t i; if (!n) return NULL; r = mknode(n->line, n->type); switch (n->type) { case Nfile: case Nuse: die("Node %s not allowed here\n", nodestr(n->type)); break; case Nexpr: r->expr.op = n->expr.op; r->expr.type = tysubst(n->expr.type, tsmap); r->expr.isconst = n->expr.isconst; r->expr.nargs = n->expr.nargs; r->expr.args = xalloc(n->expr.nargs * sizeof(Node*)); for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) r->expr.args[i] = specializenode(n->expr.args[i], tsmap); break; case Nname: if (n->name.ns) r->name.ns = strdup(n->name.ns); r-> = strdup(n->; break; case Nlit: r->lit.littype = n->lit.littype; r->lit.type = tysubst(n->expr.type, tsmap); switch (n->lit.littype) { case Lchr: r->lit.chrval = n->lit.chrval; break; case Lint: r->lit.intval = n->lit.intval; break; case Lflt: r->lit.fltval = n->lit.fltval; break; case Lstr: r->lit.strval = n->lit.strval; break; case Lbool: r->lit.boolval = n->lit.boolval; break; case Lfunc: r->lit.fnval = specializenode(n->lit.fnval, tsmap); break; case Lseq: for (i = 0; i < n->lit.nelt; i++) r->lit.seqval[i] = specializenode(n->lit.seqval[i], tsmap); break; } break; case Nifstmt: r->ifstmt.cond = specializenode(n->ifstmt.cond, tsmap); r->ifstmt.iftrue = specializenode(n->ifstmt.iftrue, tsmap); r->ifstmt.iffalse = specializenode(n->ifstmt.iffalse, tsmap); break; case Nloopstmt: r->loopstmt.init = specializenode(n->loopstmt.init, tsmap); r->loopstmt.cond = specializenode(n->loopstmt.cond, tsmap); r->loopstmt.step = specializenode(n->loopstmt.step, tsmap); r->loopstmt.body = specializenode(n->loopstmt.body, tsmap); break; case Nmatchstmt: r->matchstmt.val = specializenode(n->matchstmt.val, tsmap); r->matchstmt.nmatches = n->matchstmt.nmatches; r->matchstmt.matches = xalloc(n->matchstmt.nmatches * sizeof(Node*)); for (i = 0; i < n->matchstmt.nmatches; i++) r->matchstmt.matches[i] = specializenode(n->matchstmt.matches[i], tsmap); break; case Nmatch: r->match.pat = specializenode(n->match.pat, tsmap); r->match.block = specializenode(n->match.block, tsmap); break; case Nblock: r->block.scope = mkstab(); r->block.scope->super = curstab(); pushstab(r->block.scope); r->block.nstmts = n->block.nstmts; r->block.stmts = xalloc(sizeof(Node *)*n->block.nstmts); for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) r->block.stmts[i] = specializenode(n->block.stmts[i], tsmap); popstab(); break; case Nlbl: r-> = strdup(n->; break; case Ndecl: r->decl.did = maxdid++; /* sym */ r-> = specializenode(n->, tsmap); r->decl.type = tysubst(n->decl.type, tsmap); /* symflags */ r->decl.isconst = n->decl.isconst; r->decl.isgeneric = n->decl.isgeneric; r->decl.isextern = n->decl.isextern; putdcl(curstab(), r); /* init */ r->decl.init = specializenode(n->decl.init, tsmap); break; case Nfunc: r->func.scope = mkstab(); r->func.scope->super = curstab(); pushstab(r->func.scope); r->func.type = tysubst(n->func.type, tsmap); r->func.nargs = n->func.nargs; r->func.args = xalloc(sizeof(Node *)*n->func.nargs); for (i = 0; i < n->func.nargs; i++) r->func.args[i] = specializenode(n->func.args[i], tsmap); r->func.body = specializenode(n->func.body, tsmap); popstab(); break; case Nnone: die("Nnone should not be seen as node type!"); break; } return r; } static size_t tidappend(char *buf, size_t sz, Type *t) { char *p; char *end; size_t i; p = buf; end = buf + sz; p += snprintf(p, end - p, "$%d", t->tid); for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++) p += tidappend(p, end - p, t->sub[i]); return p - buf; } static Node *genericname(Node *n, Type *t) { char buf[1024]; char *p; char *end; p = buf; end = buf + 1024; p += snprintf(p, end - p, "%s", n->>; tidappend(p, end - p, t); return mkname(n->line, buf); } Node *specializedcl(Node *n, Type *to, Node **name) { Htab *tsmap; Node *d; Node *ns; Stab *st; assert(n->type == Ndecl); assert(n->decl.isgeneric); *name = genericname(n, to); d = getdcl(file->file.globls, *name); if (d) return d; /* namespaced names need to be looked up in their correct * context. */ if (n->>name.ns) { ns = mkname(n->line, n->>name.ns); st = getns(file->file.globls, ns); pushstab(st); } tsmap = mkht(tyhash, tyeq); fillsubst(tsmap, to, n->decl.type); d = mkdecl(n->line, *name, tysubst(n->decl.type, tsmap)); d->decl.isconst = n->decl.isconst; d->decl.isextern = n->decl.isextern; d->decl.init = specializenode(n->decl.init, tsmap); fixup(d); putdcl(file->file.globls, d); lappend(&file->file.stmts, &file->file.nstmts, d); if (d->>name.ns) popstab(); return d; }