ref: 0e987e21af03dccfe1b37141ca024f657238dfd2
dir: /parse/htab.c/
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <assert.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include "parse.h" #define Initsz 16 /* Creates a new empty hash table, using 'hash' as the * hash funciton, and 'cmp' to verify that there are no * hash collisions. */ Htab *mkht(ulong (*hash)(void *key), int (*cmp)(void *k1, void *k2)) { Htab *ht; ht = xalloc(sizeof(Htab)); ht->nelt = 0; ht->sz = Initsz; ht->hash = hash; ht->cmp = cmp; ht->keys = zalloc(Initsz*sizeof(void*)); ht->vals = zalloc(Initsz*sizeof(void*)); ht->hashes = zalloc(Initsz*sizeof(void*)); return ht; } /* Frees a hash table. Passing this function * NULL is a no-op. */ void htfree(Htab *ht) { if (!ht) return; free(ht->keys); free(ht->vals); free(ht->hashes); free(ht); } /* Offsets the hash so that '0' can be * used as a 'no valid value */ static ulong hash(Htab *ht, void *k) { ulong h; h = ht->hash(k); if (h == 0) return 1; else return h; } /* Resizes the hash table by copying all * the old keys into the right slots in a * new table. */ static void grow(Htab *ht, int sz) { void **oldk; void **oldv; ulong *oldh; int oldsz; int i; oldk = ht->keys; oldv = ht->vals; oldh = ht->hashes; oldsz = ht->sz; ht->nelt = 0; ht->sz = sz; ht->keys = zalloc(sz*sizeof(void*)); ht->vals = zalloc(sz*sizeof(void*)); ht->hashes = zalloc(sz*sizeof(void*)); for (i = 0; i < oldsz; i++) if (oldh[i]) htput(ht, oldk[i], oldv[i]); free(oldh); free(oldk); free(oldv); } /* Inserts 'k' into the hash table, possibly * killing any previous key that compares * as equal. */ int htput(Htab *ht, void *k, void *v) { int i; ulong h; int di; di = 0; h = hash(ht, k); i = h & (ht->sz - 1); while (ht->hashes[i]) { /* second insertion overwrites first */ if (ht->hashes[i] == h && ht->cmp(ht->keys[i], k)) break; di++; i = (h + di) & (ht->sz - 1); } ht->hashes[i] = h; ht->keys[i] = k; ht->vals[i] = v; ht->nelt++; if (ht->sz < ht->nelt*2) grow(ht, ht->sz*2); return 1; } /* Finds the index that we would insert * the key into */ static ssize_t htidx(Htab *ht, void *k) { ssize_t i; ulong h; int di; di = 0; h = hash(ht, k); i = h & (ht->sz - 1); while (ht->hashes[i] && ht->hashes[i] != h) { searchmore: di++; i = (h + di) & (ht->sz - 1); } if (!ht->hashes[i]) return -1; if (!ht->cmp(ht->keys[i], k)) goto searchmore; /* collision */ return i; } /* Looks up a key, returning NULL if * the value is not present. Note, * if NULL is a valid value, you need * to check with hthas() to see if it's * not there */ void *htget(Htab *ht, void *k) { ssize_t i; i = htidx(ht, k); if (i < 0) return NULL; else return ht->vals[i]; } /* Tests for 'k's presence in 'ht' */ int hthas(Htab *ht, void *k) { return htidx(ht, k) >= 0; } /* Returns a list of all keys in the hash * table, storing the size of the returned * array in 'nkeys'. NB: the value returned * is allocated on the heap, and it is the * job of the caller to free it */ void **htkeys(Htab *ht, size_t *nkeys) { void **k; size_t i, j; j = 0; k = xalloc(sizeof(void*)*ht->nelt); for (i = 0; i < ht->sz; i++) if (ht->hashes[i]) k[j++] = ht->keys[i]; *nkeys = ht->nelt; return k; } ulong strhash(void *_s) { char *s; ulong h; ulong g; s = _s; h = 0; while (s && *s) { h = ((h << 4) + *s++); if ((g = (h & 0xF0000000))) h ^= (g >> 24); h &= ~g; } return h; } int streq(void *a, void *b) { return !strcmp(a, b); } ulong ptrhash(void *key) { intptr_t h; h = (intptr_t) key; h *= 357913941; h ^= h << 24; h += ~357913941; h ^= h >> 31; h ^= h << 31; return h; } int ptreq(void *a, void *b) { return a == b; }