ref: 02201160614e5f25a7a73d86ed26a1f90fa4f5bb
dir: /lib/regex/compile.myr/
use std use "types" use "ranges" pkg regex = const parse : (re : byte[:] -> std.result(ast#, status)) const compile : (re : byte[:] -> std.result(regex#, status)) const dbgcompile : (re : byte[:], trace : bool -> std.result(regex#, status)) const free : (re : regex# -> void) const astfree : (re : ast# -> void) impl disposable regex# impl disposable ast# ;; type parseresult = union `Some ast# `None `Err status ;; /* Compiles a pattern into a regex */ const compile = {pat -> regexcompile([.pat = pat, .nmatch = 1]), 0) } impl disposable regex# = __dispose__ = {re free(re) } ;; impl disposable ast# = __dispose__ = {ast astfree(ast) } ;; const parse = {pat var re re =[.pat = pat, .nmatch = 1]) match regexparse(re) | `None: -> `std.Err `Incomplete | `Err f: -> `std.Err f | `Some t: if re.pat.len != re.idx -> `std.Err `Incomplete else -> `std.Ok t ;; ;; } /* Compiles a pattern into a debug regex. This can be verbose. */ const dbgcompile = {pat, trace var re, res re =[ .pat = pat, .nmatch = 1, .debug = true, .trace = trace, .astloc = std.mkht(), ]) res = regexcompile(re, 0) -> res } /* compiles a pattern into an allocated regex */ const regexcompile = {re, id match regexparse(re) | `None: -> `std.Err (`Incomplete) | `Err f: -> `std.Err f | `Some t: /* we can bail out of parsing early if we get an incorrectly encoded char */ if re.pat.len != re.idx astfree(t) -> `std.Err (`Incomplete) ;; dump(re, t, 0) append(re, `Ilbra 0, t) gen(re, t) append(re, `Irbra 0, t) append(re, `Imatch id, t) idump(re) astfree(t) re.code = convert(re.prog) -> `std.Ok re ;; -> `std.Err (`Noimpl) } const convert = {prog var bc bc = [][:] for p : prog match p | `Ibyte b: std.slpush(&bc, OpByte | ((b : recode) << 4)) | `Irange (a, b): std.slpush(&bc, OpRange | ((a : recode) << 4) | ((b : recode) << 16)) | `Ilbra m: std.slpush(&bc, OpLbra | ((m : recode) << 4)) | `Irbra m: std.slpush(&bc, OpRbra | ((m : recode) << 4)) | `Ibol: std.slpush(&bc, OpBol) | `Ieol: std.slpush(&bc, OpEol) | `Ibow: std.slpush(&bc, OpBow) | `Ieow: std.slpush(&bc, OpEow) | `Ijmp d: std.slpush(&bc, OpJmp | ((d : recode) << 4)) | `Imatch m: std.slpush(&bc, OpMatch | ((m : recode) << 4)) | `Ifork (a, b): std.slpush(&bc, OpFork | ((a : recode) << 4) | ((b : recode) << 34)) ;; ;; -> bc } const free = {re /* all the threads should be dead, so we shouldn't have to free any*/ std.slfree(re.prog) std.slfree(re.code) if re.debug std.htfree(re.astloc) std.slfree(re.pcidx) for bs : re.traces std.bsfree(bs) ;; std.slfree(re.traces) ;; } /* generates bytecode from an AST */ const gen = {re, t match t# |`Alt (a, b): genalt(re, a, b, t) |`Cat (a, b): gen(re, a); gen(re, b) /* repetition */ |`Star (a, r): genstar(re, a, r, t) |`Plus (a, r): gen(re, a); genstar(re, a, r, t) |`Quest a: genquest(re, a) /* end matches */ |`Chr c: genchar(re, c, t) |`Ranges sl: genranges(re, sl, t) /* meta */ |`Bol: append(re, `Ibol, t) |`Eol: append(re, `Ieol, t) |`Bow: append(re, `Ibow, t) |`Eow: append(re, `Ieow, t) |`Cap (m, a): append(re, `Ilbra m, t) gen(re, a) append(re, `Irbra m, t) ;; -> re.proglen } const genranges = {re, sl, ast var lbuf : byte[4], hbuf : byte[4], boundbuf : byte[4] var lsz, hsz, bsz, i var rt : rangetrie# /* generate a trie of ranges */ rt = std.zalloc() for r : sl /* encode: lo => bounds[loidx] - 1 bounds[loidx] => bounds[loidx + 1] - 1 ... bounds[hiidx - 1] => hi */ lsz = std.encode(lbuf[:], r[0]) hsz = std.encode(hbuf[:], r[1]) for i = lsz; i < hsz; i++ bsz = bound(boundbuf[:], i, 0xff) rtinsert(rt, lbuf[:lsz], boundbuf[:bsz]) lsz = bound(lbuf[:], i + 1, 0x00) ;; rtinsert(rt, lbuf[:lsz], hbuf[:hsz]) ;; if re.trace rtdump(rt, 0) ;; rangegen(re, ast, rt, rt.ranges,, rangeprogsize(rt) + re.proglen) rtfree(rt) -> re.proglen } const bound = {buf, len, fill var s if len == 1 buf[0] = 0x7f else s = (len : byte) buf[0] = (0xff << (8 - s)) | (fill >> (s + 1)) for var i = 1; i < len; i++ buf[i] = 0x80 | (fill >> 2) ;; ;; -> len } type rangetrie = struct ranges : (byte, byte)[:] link : rangetrie#[:] end : bool ;; const rtdump = {rt, ind var l, h indent(ind) std.put("Range (end = {}) {{\n", rt.end) for var i = 0; i < rt.ranges.len; i++ indent(ind + 1) (l, h) = rt.ranges[i] std.put("0x{x}-0x{x}: \n", l, h) rtdump([i], ind + 1) ;; indent(ind) std.put("}\n") } const indent = {ind for var i = 0; i < ind; i++ std.put("\t") ;; } const rtinsert = {rt, lo, hi var a, b var n std.assert(lo.len == hi.len, "range sizes differ") if lo.len == 0 rt.end = true -> void ;; n = rt.ranges.len if n == 0 std.slpush(&rt.ranges, (lo[0], hi[0])) std.slpush(&, std.zalloc()) else /* this is a safe way to compare because we know that ranges should always be coming in ordered. This means that equal values will be added one after the other. */ (a, b) = rt.ranges[n - 1] if a != lo[0] || b != hi[0] std.slpush(&rt.ranges, (lo[0], hi[0])) std.slpush(&, std.zalloc()) ;; ;; rtinsert([ - 1], lo[1:], hi[1:]) } const rtfree = {rt for l : rtfree(l) ;; std.slfree( std.slfree(rt.ranges) } const rangegen = {re, ast, rt, ranges, links, end var alt, l0, l1, l2 var a, b var n n = ranges.len if n == 0 -> re.proglen elif n == 1 (a, b) = ranges[0] append(re, `Irange (a, b), ast) if links[0].end if links[0].ranges.len > 0 append(re, `Ifork (re.prog.len + 1, end), ast) else append(re, `Ijmp end, ast) ;; ;; rangegen(re, ast, links[0], links[0].ranges, links[0].link, end) else alt = re.proglen l0 = append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1), ast) l1 = rangegen(re, ast, rt, ranges[0:n/2], links[0:n/2], end) l2 = rangegen(re, ast, rt, ranges[n/2:n], links[n/2:n], end) re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l0, l1) ;; -> re.proglen } const rangeprogsize = {rt var sz if rt.ranges.len == 0 sz = 0 else sz = 2*rt.ranges.len - 1 for l : sz += rangeprogsize(l) ;; ;; if rt.end sz += 1 ;; -> sz } /* calculates the forward jump distance for a utf8 character range */ const jmpdist = {n var d d = n - 1 for var i = n - 1; i > 0; i-- d += i ;; -> d } /* generates an alternation */ const genalt = {re, l, r, t var alt var jmp var l0 var l1 var l2 alt = re.proglen l0 = append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1), t) /* needs to be replaced */ gen(re, l) jmp = re.proglen l1 = append(re, `Ijmp -1, t) /* needs to be replaced */ l2 = gen(re, r) re.prog[alt] = `Ifork(l0, l1) re.prog[jmp] = `Ijmp l2 -> re.proglen } /* generates a repetition operator */ const genstar = {re, rep, reluct, t var alt var jmp var l0 var l1 var l2 l0 = re.proglen alt = re.proglen l1 = append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1), t) /* needs to be replaced */ jmp = gen(re, rep) l2 = append(re, `Ijmp -1, t) /* reluctant matches should prefer jumping to the end. */ if reluct re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l2, l1) else re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l1, l2) ;; re.prog[jmp] = `Ijmp l0 -> re.proglen } /* generates a question mark operator */ const genquest = {re, q var alt var l0 var l1 alt = re.proglen l0 = append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1), q) /* needs to be replaced */ l1 = gen(re, q) re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l0, l1) -> re.proglen } /* generates a single char match */ const genchar = {re, c, ast var b : byte[4] var n n = std.encode(b[:], c) std.assert(n > 0 && n < 4, "non-utf character in regex\n") for var i = 0; i < n; i++ append(re, `Ibyte b[i], ast) ;; -> re.proglen } /* appends an instructon to an re program */ const append = {re, insn, ast var sz if re.proglen == re.prog.len sz = std.max(1, 2*re.proglen) std.slgrow(&re.prog, sz) if re.debug std.slgrow(&re.pcidx, sz) ;; ;; if re.debug re.pcidx[re.proglen] = std.htgetv(re.astloc, ast, -1) ;; re.prog[re.proglen] = insn re.proglen++ -> re.proglen } /* instruction dump */ const idump = {re if !re.trace -> void ;; for var i = 0; i < re.proglen; i++ std.put("{}@{}:\t", i, re.pcidx[i]) match re.prog[i] /* Char matching. Consume exactly one byte from the string. */ | `Ibyte b: std.put("`Ibyte {} ({})\n", b, (b : char)) | `Irange (start, end): std.put("`Irange ({},{})", start, end) if std.isalnum((start : char)) && std.isalnum((end : char)) std.put("\t/* {}-{} */", (start : char), (end : char)) ;; std.put("\n") /* capture groups */ | `Ilbra m: std.put("`Ilbra {}\n", m) | `Irbra m: std.put("`Irbra {}\n", m) /* anchors */ | `Ibol: std.put("`Ibol\n") | `Ieol: std.put("`Ieol\n") | `Ibow: std.put("`Ibow\n") | `Ieow: std.put("`Ieow\n") /* control flow */ | `Ifork (lip, rip): std.put("`Ifork ({},{})\n", lip, rip) | `Ijmp ip: std.put("`Ijmp {}\n", ip) | `Imatch id: std.put("`Imatch {}\n", id) ;; ;; } /* AST dump */ const dump = {re, t, indent if !re.trace -> void ;; for var i = 0; i < indent; i++ std.put(" ") ;; std.put("{}/", std.htgetv(re.astloc, t, -1)) match t# | `Alt (a, b): std.put("Alt\n") dump(re, a, indent + 1) dump(re, b, indent + 1) | `Cat (a, b): std.put("Cat\n") dump(re, a, indent + 1) dump(re, b, indent + 1) /* repetition */ | `Star (a, r): std.put("Star reluct={}\n", r) dump(re, a, indent + 1) | `Plus (a, r): std.put("Plus reluct={}\n", r) dump(re, a, indent + 1) | `Quest a: std.put("Quest\n") dump(re, a, indent + 1) | `Bol: std.put("Bol\n") | `Eol: std.put("Eol\n") | `Bow: std.put("Bow\n") | `Eow: std.put("Eow\n") /* end matches */ | `Chr c: std.put("Chr {}\n", c) | `Ranges rl: std.put("Ranges") for r : rl for var i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++ std.put(" ") ;; std.put("\t({}-{})\n", r[0], r[1]) ;; /* meta */ | `Cap (m, a): std.put("Cap {}\n", m) dump(re, a, indent + 1) ;; } /* parses an expression */ const regexparse = {re match altexpr(re) | `Some t: if re.pat.len == re.idx -> `Some t else astfree(t) -> `Err `Incomplete ;; | `None: -> `None | `Err st: -> `Err st ;; } const altexpr = {re var ret var idx match catexpr(re) | `Some t: ret = t idx = re.idx if matchc(re, '|') match altexpr(re) | `Some rhs: ret = mk(re, `Alt (ret, rhs), idx) | `None: astfree(ret) -> `Err (`Incomplete) | `Err f: -> `Err f ;; ;; | other: -> other ;; -> `Some ret } const catexpr = {re var ret var idx idx = re.idx match repexpr(re) | `Some t: ret = t match catexpr(re) | `Some rhs: ret = mk(re, `Cat (t, rhs), idx) | `Err f: -> `Err f | `None: /* nothing */ ;; | other: -> other ;; -> `Some ret } const repexpr = {re var ret var idx match baseexpr(re) | `Some t: idx = re.idx if matchc(re, '*') ret = mk(re, `Star (t, matchc(re, '?')), idx) elif matchc(re, '+') ret = mk(re, `Plus (t, matchc(re, '?')), idx) elif matchc(re, '?') ret = mk(re, `Quest t, idx) else ret = t ;; | other: -> other ;; -> `Some ret } const baseexpr = {re var ret, m, idx var nocap if re.pat.len == re.idx -> `None ;; idx = re.idx match peekc(re) /* lower prec operators */ | '|': -> `None | ')': -> `None | '*': -> `Err `Badrep '*' | '+': -> `Err `Badrep '+' | '?': -> `Err `Badrep '?' | '[': -> chrclass(re) | '^': getc(re); ret = mk(re, `Bol, re.idx) | '$': getc(re); ret = mk(re, `Eol, re.idx) | '.': getc(re); ret = mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup([[0, std.Maxcharval]][:]), idx) | '(': nocap = false m = 0 getc(re) if matchc(re, '?') if !matchc(re, ':') -> `Err `Badrep '?' ;; nocap = true else m = re.nmatch++ ;; match altexpr(re) | `Some s: if matchc(re, ')') if nocap -> `Some s else -> `Some mk(re, `Cap (m, s), idx) ;; else -> `Err `Unbalanced '(' ;; | `None: -> `Err `Emptyparen | `Err st: -> `Err st ;; | '\\': getc(re) /* consume the slash */ if re.pat.len == re.idx -> `Err `Incomplete ;; -> escaped(re) | c: getc(re) ret = mk(re, `Chr c, idx) ;; -> `Some ret } const escaped = {re var ret, idx idx = re.idx match getc(re) /* character classes */ | 'd': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciidigit[:]), idx) | 'x': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciixdigit[:]), idx) | 's': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciispace[:]), idx) | 'w': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciiword[:]), idx) | 'h': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciiblank[:]), idx) /* negated character classes */ | 'W': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciiword[:]), idx) | 'S': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciispace[:]), idx) | 'D': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciidigit[:]), idx) | 'X': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciixdigit[:]), idx) | 'H': ret = `Some mk(re, `Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciiblank[:]), idx) /* unicode character classes */ | 'p': ret = unicodeclass(re, false) | 'P': ret = unicodeclass(re, true) /* operators that need an escape */ | '<': ret = `Some mk(re, `Bow, idx) | '>': ret = `Some mk(re, `Eow, idx) /* escaped metachars */ | '^': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '^', idx) | '$': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '$', idx) | '.': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '.', idx) | '+': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '+', idx) | '?': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '?', idx) | '*': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '*', idx) /* escaped nonprintable characters */ | 'r': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '\r', idx) | 'n': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '\n', idx) | 'b': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr '\b', idx) | ')': ret = `Some mk(re, `Chr ')', idx) | 'u': ret = unichar(re, idx) | chr: ret = `Err `Badescape chr ;; -> ret } const unichar = {re, idx var c if !matchc(re, '{') -> `Err `Badescape 'u' ;; c = 0 while std.isxdigit(peekc(re)) c *= 16 c += std.charval(getc(re), 16) ;; if !matchc(re, '}') -> `Err `Badescape 'u' ;; -> `Some mk(re, `Chr c, idx) } const unicodeclass = {re, neg var c, s var tab var t var n var idx if re.pat.len == re.idx -> `Err (`Incomplete) ;; n = 0 idx = re.idx s = re.pat[idx:] /* either a single char pattern, or {pat} */ match getc(re) | '{': s = s[1:] while re.pat.len > re.idx c = getc(re) if c == '}' break ;; n += std.charlen(c) ;; | r: n += std.charlen(r) ;; s = s[:n] /* letters */ if std.eq(s, "L") || std.eq(s, "Letter") tab = _ranges.tabalpha[:] elif std.eq(s, "Lu") || std.eq(s, "Uppercase_Letter") tab = _ranges.tabupper[:] elif std.eq(s, "Ll") || std.eq(s, "Lowercase_Letter") tab = _ranges.tablower[:] elif std.eq(s, "Lt") || std.eq(s, "Titlecase_Letter") tab = _ranges.tablower[:] /* numbers (incomplete) */ elif std.eq(s, "N") || std.eq(s, "Number") tab = _ranges.tabdigit[:] elif std.eq(s, "Z") || std.eq(s, "Separator") tab = _ranges.tabspace[:] elif std.eq(s, "Zs") || std.eq(s, "Space_Separator") tab = _ranges.tabblank[:] else -> `Err (`Badrange s) ;; if !neg t = mk(re, `Ranges std.sldup(tab), idx) else t = mk(re, `Ranges negate(tab), idx) ;; -> `Some t } const chrclass = {re var rl, m, n var neg var idx var t /* we know we saw '[' on entry */ idx = re.idx matchc(re, '[') neg = false if matchc(re, '^') neg = true ;; rl = rangematch(re, [][:]) while peekc(re) != ']' && re.pat.len > re.idx rl = rangematch(re, rl) ;; if !matchc(re, ']') std.slfree(rl) -> `Err `Unbalanced '[' ;; std.sort(rl, {a, b; if a[0] < b[0] -> `std.Before elif a[0] == b[0] -> `std.Equal else -> `std.After ;;}) m = merge(rl) std.slfree(rl) if neg n = negate(m) std.slfree(m) t = mk(re, `Ranges n, idx) else t = mk(re, `Ranges m, idx) ;; -> `Some t } const rangematch = {re, sl var lo var hi lo = getc(re) if matchc(re, '-') hi = getc(re) if lo <= hi -> std.slpush(&sl, [lo, hi]) else -> std.slpush(&sl, [hi, lo]) ;; else -> std.slpush(&sl, [lo, lo]) ;; } const negate = {rng var start, end, next var neg neg = [][:] start = 0 next = 0 /* if we have no ranges */ for r : rng (end, next) = (r[0], r[1]) std.slpush(&neg, [start, end - 1]) start = next + 1 ;; std.slpush(&neg, [next + 1, std.Maxcharval]) -> neg } /* rl is a sorted list of ranges */ const merge = {rl var lo, hi var ret if rl.len == 0 -> [][:] ;; ret = [][:] lo = rl[0][0] hi = rl[0][1] for r : rl[1:] /* if it overlaps or abuts, merge */ if r[0] <= hi + 1 hi = r[1] else std.slpush(&ret, [lo, hi]) lo = r[0] hi = r[1] ;; ;; -> std.slpush(&ret, [lo, hi]) } const matchc = {re, c var chr chr = std.decode(re.pat[re.idx:]) if chr != c -> false ;; re.idx += std.charlen(chr) -> true } const getc = {re var c c = std.decode(re.pat[re.idx:]) re.idx += std.charlen(c) -> c } const peekc = {re -> std.decode(re.pat[re.idx:]) } const astfree = {t match t# | `Alt (a, b): astfree(a); astfree(b) | `Cat (a, b): astfree(a); astfree(b) /* repetition */ | `Star (a, r): astfree(a) | `Plus (a, r): astfree(a) | `Quest a: astfree(a) /* end matches */ | `Chr c: | `Ranges rl: std.slfree(rl) /* meta */ | `Cap (m, a): astfree(a) | _: /* other types have no suballocations */ ;; } const fmtfail = {sb, ap, opt match std.vanext(ap) | `Noimpl: std.sbfmt(sb, "no implementation") | `Incomplete: std.sbfmt(sb, "regex ended before input fully parsed") | `Unbalanced c:std.sbfmt(sb, "unbalanced {}", c) | `Emptyparen: std.sbfmt(sb, "empty parentheses") | `Badrep c: std.sbfmt(sb, "invalid repetition {}", c) | `Badrange s: std.sbfmt(sb, "invalid range name {}", s) | `Badescape c: std.sbfmt(sb, "invalid escape code {}", c) ;; } const mk = {re, ast, loc var n n = if re.debug std.htput(re.astloc, n, loc) ;; -> n } const __init__ = { var e : status std.fmtinstall(std.typeof(e), fmtfail) }