ref: da809634e9cb0668ff9d0a37b297a4720ab79086
dir: /pull/
#!/bin/rc -e rfork en nl=' ' fn update{ branch=$1 upstream=$2 url=$3 dir=$4 fetch=`"{git/fetch -b $branch -u $upstream $url |[2] tr '\x0d' '\x0a'} st=$status if(! ~ $st ''){ echo fetch failed: $st exit $st } echo $"fetch | awk ' /^remote/{ if($2=="HEAD") next ref=$2 hash=$3 gsub("^refs/heads", "refs/remotes/'$upstream'", ref) outfile = ".git/"ref system("mkdir -p `{basename -d "outfile"}"); print hash > outfile; close(outfile); } ' } fn usage{ echo usage: $0 '[-a] [-u upstream] [-b branch] -u up: pull from upstream "up" (default: origin) -f: fetch without updating working copy' >[1=2] exit usage } if(! cd `{git/conf -r}){ echo 'not in git repository' >[1=2] exit notgit } git/fs branch=refs/`{git/branch} remote=() incoming=() checkout='true' upstream=origin while(~ $1 -*){ switch($1){ case -u upstream=SOMEONE remote=$2 shift case -b branch=$2 shift case -f checkout=() case -i incoming=true case * usage } shift } if(! ~ $#* 0) usage if(~ $#remote 0) remote=`{git/conf 'remote "'$upstream'".url'} if(~ $#remote 0){ echo 'no idea from where to pull' exit upstream } update $branch $upstream $remote if (~ $#checkout 0) exit local=`{git/branch} remote=`{git/branch | sed 's@^(refs/)?heads@remotes/'$upstream'@'} # we have local commits, but the remote hasn't changed. # in this case, we want to keep the local commits untouched. if(~ `{git/query HEAD $remote @} `{git/query $remote}){ echo up to date >[1=2] exit } # The remote repository and our HEAD have diverged: we # need to merge. if(! ~ `{git/query HEAD $remote @} `{git/query HEAD}){ echo git/merge $remote '# diverged' >[1=2] exit merge } # The remote is directly ahead of the local, and we have # no local commits that need merging. echo $local':' `{git/query $local} '=>' `{git/query $remote} >[1=2] if(! ~ $#incoming 0) git/log -q $local'..'$remote git/branch -u -b $remote $local