ref: 6ccbc7fba30bab731577a0ce4512bec6ce420e8f
dir: /run_with_tcc.bat/
@echo off set SDL2=third_party\SDL2-2.24.0 IF NOT EXIST "third_party\tcc\tcc.exe" ( ECHO: ECHO ERROR: third_party\tcc\tcc.exe doesn't exist. Please verify that you have put it in the right location. ECHO Download it from ECHO It needs to be the 64-bit version. ECHO: PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) ELSE ( REM ) IF NOT EXIST "%SDL2%\lib\x64\SDL2.dll" ( ECHO: ECHO ERROR: SDL is not unzipped properly into %SDL2% ECHO Download it from ECHO: PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) ELSE ( REM ) IF NOT EXIST "tables\zelda3_assets.dat" ( ECHO: ECHO ERROR: tables\zelda3_assets.dat was not found. ECHO You need to extract assets from the ROM first, or get this file from a friend. Please see ECHO: PAUSE EXIT /B 1 ) ELSE ( REM ) echo Building with TCC... third_party\tcc\tcc.exe -ozelda3.exe -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -D_HAVE_STDINT_H=1 -I%SDL2%/include -L%SDL2%/lib/x64 -lSDL2 *.c snes/*.c IF ERRORLEVEL 1 goto GETOUT copy %SDL2%\lib\x64\SDL2.dll . echo Running... zelda3.exe :GETOUT pause