ref: 4693920efcc3440d5559d19a0cfd1fd840903200
dir: /other/msu/
import opuslib import struct import samplerate # pip install samplerate import sys import numpy as np import argparse # File format # 4 byte: OPUZ # 4 byte: VERSION = 0 # Foreach Repeat Entry { # 4 byte: seek to file offset # 4 byte: num pcm samples to play from here # 2 byte: # samples to skip + flags # } def encode_to_msu_opus(msu_infile, bitrate = 128000): loop_point = 0x4c514 raw_msu1 = bytearray(open(msu_infile, 'rb').read()) if raw_msu1[:4] != b'MSU1': raise Exception('Expecting MSU1 file') msu_repeat_pos, = struct.unpack_from('<I', raw_msu1, 4) np_audio = np.frombuffer(raw_msu1[8:], dtype=np.int16) np_audio = np.reshape(np_audio, (-1, 2)).astype(np.float32) * (1.0/32768.0) assert np_audio.shape[1] == 2 print('Song has %d samples in 44.1khz: %s' % (np_audio.shape[0], np_audio.dtype)) np_audio = samplerate.resample(np_audio, 48000 / 44100, 'sinc_best') source_samples = np_audio.shape[0] msu_repeat_pos = msu_repeat_pos * 48000 // 44100 print('Song has %d samples in 48khz: %s' % (np_audio.shape[0], np_audio.dtype)) audio = bytearray(np_audio.tobytes()) FRAME_SIZE = 960 BYTES_PER_SAMPLE = 8 BYTES_PER_FRAME = FRAME_SIZE * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE def create_encoder(bitrate): enc = opuslib.Encoder(48000, 2, 'audio') enc.vbr = True enc.complexity = 10 enc.bitrate = bitrate opuslib.api.encoder.encoder_ctl(enc.encoder_state, opuslib.api.ctl.ctl_set(11002), 1002) # force celt encoding return enc def pad_data_to_frame_size(audio, lookahead): audio.extend(bytearray(lookahead * BYTES_PER_SAMPLE)) rest = len(audio) % BYTES_PER_FRAME if rest: audio.extend(bytearray(BYTES_PER_FRAME - rest)) enc = create_encoder(bitrate) pad_data_to_frame_size(audio, enc.lookahead) assert len(audio) % BYTES_PER_FRAME == 0 result = bytearray() framelist = [] for i in range(len(audio)//BYTES_PER_FRAME): l = enc.encode_float(bytes(audio[i*BYTES_PER_FRAME:i*BYTES_PER_FRAME+BYTES_PER_FRAME]), frame_size = FRAME_SIZE) code = len(l) if l[0] == 0xfc: l = l[1:] code = (code - 1) | 0x8000 framelist.append((i*FRAME_SIZE, len(result))) result.extend(struct.pack('<H', code)) result.extend(l) # print(len(l), '%.2x'%l[0]) return result, framelist, enc.lookahead, msu_repeat_pos, source_samples def convert_to_opuz(filename, repeat): print('Converting %s' % filename) result, framelist, preskip, msu_repeat_pos, songlength = encode_to_msu_opus(filename, 128000) # lookup what sample to seek to based on a sample nr def lookup_sample(framelist, sample_nr): print(sample_nr) last = None for sample, fileoffs in framelist: if sample_nr < sample: break last = sample, fileoffs return last def calc_play_ranges(xs): r = [] for i, (start, end, repeat_from_here) in enumerate(xs): frame = lookup_sample(framelist, start) r.append((frame[1], end - start, preskip + start - frame[0], start, repeat_from_here)) return r def serialize_header(xs): r = b'OPUZ' + struct.pack('<I', 0) offs = len(r) + len(xs) * 10 for i, (a, b, c, d, e) in enumerate(xs): f = c | (0x4000 if e else 0x0) | (0x8000 if i == len(xs) - 1 else 0) r += struct.pack('<IIH', a + offs, b, f) return r # lookup the frame that contains msu_repeat_pos if repeat: play_ranges = [(0, songlength, False), (msu_repeat_pos, songlength, True)] else: play_ranges = [(0, songlength, False)] play_ranges = calc_play_ranges(play_ranges) header = serialize_header(play_ranges) if filename.endswith('.pcm'): filename = filename[:-4] open(filename + '.opuz', 'wb').write(header + result) kMsuTracksWithRepeat = [ 1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,1,0, 1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1, 1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, ] for i in range(48, 115): convert_to_opuz(r'../../msu/ALttP-msu-Deluxe-%d.pcm' % i, i >= 48 or kMsuTracksWithRepeat[i])