ref: 31cba4c664c5607b07ed8775b317425c916a1c64
dir: /tables/
def invert_dict(xs): return {s:i for i,s in xs.items()} type0_names="""Ceiling [L-R] [N]Wall Horz: [L-R] [S]Wall Horz: [L-R] [N]Wall Horz: (LOW) [L-R] [S]Wall Horz: (LOW) [L-R] [N]Wall Column [L-R] [S]Wall Column [L-R] [N]Wall Pit [L-R] [S]Wall Pit [L-R] / Wall Wood Bot (HIGH) [NW] \ Wall Wood Bot (HIGH) [SW] \ Wall Wood Bot (HIGH) [NE] / Wall Wood Bot (HIGH) [SE] / Wall Tile Bot (HIGH) [NW] \ Wall Tile Bot (HIGH) [SW] \ Wall Tile Bot (HIGH) [NE] / Wall Tile Bot (HIGH) [SE] / Wall Tile2 Bot (HIGH) [NW] \ Wall Tile2 Bot (HIGH) [SW] \ Wall Tile2 Bot (HIGH) [NE] / Wall Tile2 Bot (HIGH) [SE] / Wall Tile Top (LOW)[NW] \ Wall Tile Top (LOW)[SW] \ Wall Tile Top (LOW)[NE] / Wall Tile Top (LOW)[SE] / Wall Tile Bot (LOW)[NW] \ Wall Tile Bot (LOW)[SW] \ Wall Tile Bot (LOW)[NE] / Wall Tile Bot (LOW)[SE] / Wall Tile2 Bot (LOW)[NW] \ Wall Tile2 Bot (LOW)[SW] \ Wall Tile2 Bot (LOW)[NE] / Wall Tile2 Bot (LOW)[SE] Mini Stairs [L-R] Horz: Rail Thin [L-R] Pit [N]Edge [L-R] Pit [N]Edge [L-R] Pit [N]Edge [L-R] Pit [N]Edge [L-R] Pit [N]Edge [L-R] Pit [S]Edge [L-R] Pit [S]Edge [L-R] Pit [N]Edge [L-R] Pit [SE]Corner [L-R] Pit [SW]Corner [L-R] Pit [NE]Corner [L-R] Pit [NW]Corner [L-R] Rail Wall [L-R] Rail Wall [L-R] Unused -empty Unused -empty Red Carpet Floor [L-R] Red Carpet Floor Trim [L-R] Unused -empty [N]Curtain [L-R] [W]Curtain [L-R]-unused- Statue [L-R] Column [L-R] [N]Wall Decor: [L-R] [S]Wall Decor: [L-R] Double Chair [L-R] Stand Torch [L-R] [N]Wall Column [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Water Edge [L-R] Unused Waterfall [L-R] Unused Waterfall [L-R] N/A N/A [S]Wall Column [L-R] Bar [L-R] Shelf [L-R] Shelf [L-R] Shelf [L-R] Cane Ride [L-R] [N]Canon Hole [L-R] [S]Canon Hole [L-R] Cane Ride [L-R] Unused [L-R] [N]Wall Torches [L-R] [S]Wall Torches [L-R] Unused Unused Unused Unused [N]Canon Hole [L-R] [S]Canon Hole [L-R] Large Horz: Rail [L-R] Block [L-R] Long Horz: Rail [L-R] Ceiling [U-D] [W]Wall Vert: [U-D] [E]Wall Vert: [U-D] [W]Wall Vert: (LOW) [U-D] [E]Wall Vert: (LOW) [U-D] [W]Wall Column [U-D] [E]Wall Column [U-D] [W]Wall Pit [U-D] [E]Wall Pit [U-D] Vert: Rail Thin [U-D] [W]Pit Edge [U-D] [E]Pit Edge [U-D] [W]Rail Wall [U-D] [E]Rail Wall [U-D] Unused Unused Red Floor/Wire Floor [U-D] Red Carpet Floor Trim [U-D] Unused [W]Curtain [U-D] [E]Curtain [U-D] Column [U-D] [W]Wall Decor: [U-D] [E]Wall Decor: [U-D] [W]Wall Top Column [U-D] Water Edge [U-D] Water Edge [U-D] [E]Wall Top Column [U-D] Cane Ride [U-D] Pipe Ride [U-D] Unused [W]Wall Torches [U-D] [E]Wall Torches [U-D] [W]Wall Decor: [U-D] [E]Wall Decor: [U-D] [W]Wall Decor:?? [U-D] [E]Wall Decor:?? [U-D] [W]Wall Canon Hole [U-D] [E]Wall Canon Hole [U-D] Floor Torch [U-D] Large Vert: Rail [U-D] Block Vert: [U-D] Long Vert: Rail [U-D] [W]Vert: Jump Edge [U-D] [E]Vert: Jump Edge [U-D] [W]Edge [U-D] [E]Edge [U-D] N/A [W]Wall Vert: [U-D] [E]Wall Horz: [U-D] Blue Peg Block [U-D] Orange Peg Block [U-D] Invisible Floor [U-D] Fake Pot [U-D] Hammer Peg Block [U-D] Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused / Ceiling [NW] \ Ceiling [SW] \ Ceiling [NE] / Ceiling [SE] Hole [4-way] / Ceiling [Trans][NW] \ Ceiling [Trans][SW] \ Ceiling [Trans][NE] / Ceiling [Trans][SE] / Ceiling [BG2 X-RAY][SE] \ Ceiling [BG2 X-RAY][NE] \ Ceiling [BG2 X-RAY][SW] / Ceiling [BG2 X-RAY][NW] N/A N/A N/A [S]Horz: Jump Edge [L-R] [S]Horz: Jump Edge [L-R] Floor? [L-R] N/A N/A N/A [N]Wall Decor: 1/2 [L-R] [S]Wall Decor: 1/2 [L-R] Blue Switch Block [L-R] Red Switch Block [L-R] Invisible Floor [L-R] N/A fake pots [L-R] Hammer Pegs [L-R] Unused Unused Ceiling Large [4-way] Chest Pedastal [4-way] Falling Edge Mask [4-way] Falling Edge Mask [4-way] Doorless Room Transition Floor3 [4-way] BG2 X-RAY Overlay [4-way] Floor4 [4-way] Water Floor [4-way] Water Floor2 [4-way] Floor5 [4-way] Unused Unused Moving Wall Right [4-way] Moving Wall Left [4-way] Unused Unused Water Floor3 [4-way] Floor6 [4-way] Unused Unused Unused N/A overlay tile? [4-way] Lava Background? [4-way] Swimming Overlay [4-way] Lava Background 2 [4-way] Floor2 [4-way] Chest Platform? [4-way] Table / Rock [4-way] Spike Block [4-way] Spike Floor [4-way] Floor7 [4-way] Floor9 [4-way] Rupee Floor [4-way] Moving Floor Up [4-way] Moving Floor Down [4-way] Moving Floor Left [4-way] Moving Floor Right [4-way] Moving Floor/Water [4-way] Weird Floor? [4-way] Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Unused Water Face Waterfall Face Waterfall Face Longer Cane Ride Spawn [?]Block Cane Ride Node [4-way] Cane Ride Node [S-E] Cane Ride Node [N-E] Cane Ride Node [S-E]-2 Cane Ride Node [N-E]-2 Cane Ride Node [W-S-E] Cane Ride Node [W-N-E] Cane Ride Node [N-E-S] Cane Ride Node [N-W-S] Prison Cell Cane Ride Spawn [?]Block ? ? ? Rupee Floor Telepathic Tile Down Warp Door Kholdstare Shell - BG2 Single Hammer Peg Cell Cell Lock Chest Open Chest Stair Stair [S](Layer) Stair Wet [S](Layer) Staircase going Up(Up) Staircase Going Down (Up) Staircase Going Up (Down) Staircase Going Down (Down) Pit Wall Corner Pit Wall Corner Pit Wall Corner Pit Wall Corner Staircase Going Up (Lower) Staircase Going Up (Lower) Staircase Going Down (Lower) Staircase Going Down (Lower) Dark Room BG2 Mask Staircase Going Down (Lower) Large Pick Up Block Agahnim Altar Agahnim Room Pot ?? Big Chest Big Chest Open Stairs Submerged [S](layer) ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Pipe Ride Mouth [S] Pipe Ride Mouth [N] Pipe Ride Mouth [E] Pipe Ride Mouth [W] Pipe Ride Corner [S-E] Pipe Ride Corner [N-E] Pipe Ride Corner [S-W] Pipe Ride Corner [N-W] Pipe Ride Tunnel [N] Pipe Ride Tunnel [S] Pipe Ride Tunnel [W] Pipe Ride Tunnel [E] Pipe Ride Over Mask [U-D] Bomb Floor Fake Bomb Floor Fake Bomb Floor Warp Tile ??? ??? ??? ??? Inactive Warp Floor Switch Skull Pot Single Blue Peg Single Red Peg ??? Bar Corner [NW] Bar Corner [SW] Bar Corner [NE] Bar Corner [SE] Plate on Table Water Troof Bookshelf Forge ??? Bottles on Bar ??? Left Warp Door Right Warp Door Fake Floor Switch Fireball Shooter Medusa Head Hole Top Crack Wall Bottom Crack Wall Left Crack Wall Right Crack Wall Throne/Decor: Object ??? ??? ??? ??? Window Light Floor Light Blind BG2 Boss Goo/Shell BG2 Bg2 Full Mask Boss Entrance Minigame Chest ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Vitreous Boss? ??? ??? ??? ??? """.splitlines() type2_names="""Wall Outer Corner (HIGH) [NW] Wall Outer Corner (HIGH) [SW] Wall Outer Corner (HIGH) [NE] Wall Outer Corner (HIGH) [SE] Wall Inner Corner (HIGH) [NW] Wall Inner Corner (HIGH) [SW] Wall Inner Corner (HIGH) [NE] Wall Inner Corner (HIGH) [SE] Wall Outer Corner (LOW) [NW] Wall Outer Corner (LOW) [SW] Wall Outer Corner (LOW) [NE] Wall Outer Corner (LOW) [SE] Wall Inner Corner (LOW) [NW] Wall Inner Corner (LOW) [SW] Wall Inner Corner (LOW) [NE] Wall Inner Corner (LOW) [SE] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [N1] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [S1] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [N2] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [S2] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [W1] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [W2] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [E1] Wall S-Bend (LOW) [E2] Wall Pit Corner (Lower) [NW] Wall Pit Corner (Lower) [SW] Wall Pit Corner (Lower) [NE] Wall Pit Corner (Lower) [SE] Fairy Pot Statue Star Tile Off Star Tile On Torch Lit Barrel Weird Bed Table Decoration ??? ??? Chair Bed Decoration Wall Painting ??? ??? Floor Stairs Up (room) Floor Stairs Down (room) Floor Stairs Down2 (room) Stairs [N](unused) Stairs [N](layer) Stairs [N](layer) Stairs Submerged [N](layer) Block Water Ladder Water Ladder Water Gate Large Door Staircase Up R Door Staircase Down L Door Staircase Up R (Lower) Door Staircase Down L (Lower) Sanctuary Wall ??? Church Pew ??? Ceiling [L-R]""".splitlines() kType0Names = ['%.2X-%s' % (i, type0_names[i]) for i in range(0xf8)] kType1Names = ['%.3X-%s' % (0xf80 + i, type0_names[i+0xf8]) for i in range(0x80)] kType2Names = ['%X-%s' % (i + 0x100, x) for i,x in enumerate(type2_names)] def invert_list(x): return {s:i for i,s in enumerate(x)} kType0Names_rev = invert_list(kType0Names) kType1Names_rev = invert_list(kType1Names) kType2Names_rev = invert_list(kType2Names) kTagNames = [ "None","NW Kill enemy to open","NE Kill enemy to open","SW Kill enemy to open","SE Kill enemy to open","W Kill enemy to open","E Kill enemy to open","N Kill enemy to open","S Kill enemy to open","Clear quadrant to open","Clear room to open", "NW Move block to open","NE Move block to open","SW Move block to open","SE Move block to open","W Move block to open","E Move block to open","N Move block to open", "S Move block to open","Move block to open","Pull lever to open","Clear level to open door","Switch opens door(Hold)","Switch opens door(Toggle)", "Turn off water","Turn on water","Water gate","Water twin","Secret wall (Right)","Secret wall (Left)","Crash","Crash", "Use switch to bomb wall","Holes(0)","Open chest for holes(0)","Holes(1)","Holes(2)","Kill enemy to clear level","SE Kill enemy to move block","Trigger activated chest", "Use lever to bomb wall","NW Kill enemy for chest","NE Kill enemy for chest","SW Kill enemies for chest","SE Kill enemy for chest","W Kill enemy for chest","E Kill enemy for chest","N Kill enemy for chest", "S Kill enemy for chest","Clear quadrant for chest","Clear room for chest","Light torches to open","Holes(3)","Holes(4)","Holes(5)","Holes(6)", "Agahnim's room","Holes(7)","Holes(8)","Open chest for holes(8)","Move block to get chest","Kill to open Ganon's door","Light torches to get chest","Kill boss again", ] kTagNames_rev = invert_list(kTagNames) kEffectNames = ["None","01","Moving floor","Moving water","04","Red flashes","Light torch to see floor","Ganon room"] kEffectNames_rev = invert_list(kEffectNames) kCollisionNames = ["One", "Both", "Both w/scroll", "Moving floor", "Moving water"] kCollisionNames_rev = invert_list(kCollisionNames) kBg2 = ["None", "Parallaxing", "Dark", "On top", "Translucent", "Parallaxing2", "Normal", "Addition", "Dark room"] kBg2_rev = invert_list(kBg2) kMusicNames = { 255: "Same", 0: "None", 1:"Title", 2:"World_map", 3:"Beginning", 4:"Rabbit", 5:"Forest", 6:"Intro", 7:"Town", 8:"Warp", 9:"Dark_world", 10:"Master_swd", 11:"File_select", 12:"Soldier", 13:"Mountain", 14:"Shop", 15:"Fanfare", 16:"Castle", 17:"Palace", 18:"Cave", 19:"Clear", 20:"Church", 21:"Boss", 22:"Dungeon", 23:"Psychic", 24:"Secret_way", 25:"Rescue", 26:"Crystal", 27:"Fountain", 28:"Pyramid", 29:"Kill_Agah", 30:"Ganon_room", 31:"Last_boss", 32:"Triforce", 33:"Ending", 34:"Staff", 240:"Stop", 241:"Fade_out", 242:"Lower_vol", 243:"Normal_vol" } kMusicNamesRev = invert_dict(kMusicNames) kAmbientSoundName = { 0: "None", 1: "Heavy rain", 3: "Light rain", 5: "Stop", 7: "Earthquake", 9: "Wind", 11: "Flute", 13: "Chime 1", 15: "Chime 2" } kAmbientSoundNameRev = invert_dict(kAmbientSoundName) kPalaceNames = ( "None", "Church", "Castle", "East", "Desert", "Agahnim", "Water", "Dark", "Mud", "Wood", "Ice", "Tower", "Town", "Mountain", "Agahnim2" ) kAreaNames = """LW 000 : Lost Woods NW LW 001 : Lost Woods NE LW 002 : Lumberjack Estate LW 003 : Tower of Hera NW LW 004 : Tower of Hera NE LW 005 : Death Mountain Bridge NW LW 006 : Death Mountain Bridge NE LW 007 : Turtle Rock LW 008 : Lost Woods SW LW 009 : Lost Woods SE LW 010 : Death Mountain Gateway LW 011 : Tower of Hera SW LW 012 : Tower of Hera SE LW 013 : Mountain Bridge NW LW 014 : Mountain Bridge NE LW 015 : Zora Falls Outskirts LW 016 : Lost Woods Outskirts LW 017 : Kakariko Psychics Unlimited LW 018 : Nothern Pond LW 019 : Sanctuary Grounds LW 020 : Graveyard LW 021 : South Bend LW 022 : Coven of Commerce LW 023 : Zora Ridge LW 024 : Kakariko NW LW 025 : Kakariko NE LW 026 : West Woods LW 027 : Hyrule Castle NW LW 028 : Hyrule Castle NE LW 029 : Castle East Bridge LW 030 : Eastern Ruins NW LW 031 : Eastern Ruins NE LW 032 : Kakariko SW LW 033 : Kakariko SE LW 034 : Smithy Estate LW 035 : Hyrule Castle SW LW 036 : Hyrule Castle SE LW 037 : Moundlands LW 038 : Eastern Ruins SW LW 039 : Eastern Ruins SE LW 040 : Kakariko Maze LW 041 : Kakariko South Annex LW 042 : Haunted Grove LW 043 : Uncle's Estate West LW 044 : Uncle's Estate East LW 045 : Eastern Ruins Bridge LW 046 : Eastern Ruins Ridge LW 047 : Eastern Cul-de-sac LW 048 : Desert of Mystery NW LW 049 : Desert of Mystery NE LW 050 : Haunted Terrace LW 051 : Hyrule Wetlands NW LW 052 : Hyrule Wetlands NE LW 053 : Lake Hylia NW LW 054 : Lake Hylia NE LW 055 : Frosty Caves LW 056 : Desert of Mystery SW LW 057 : Desert of Mystery SE LW 058 : Via of Mystery LW 059 : Watergate Grounds LW 060 : Hyrule Wetlands Terrace LW 061 : Lake Hylia SW LW 062 : Lake Hylia SE LW 063 : Octorock Nesting Grounds DW 064 : Skull Woods NW DW 065 : Skull Woods NE DW 066 : Eastern Skull Clearing DW 067 : Ganon's Tower NW DW 068 : Ganon's Tower NE DW 069 : Death Mountain Bridge NW DW 070 : Death Mountain Bridge NE DW 071 : Turtle Rock DW 072 : Skull Woods SW DW 073 : Skull Woods SE DW 074 : Bungie Cave Fun Zone DW 075 : Ganon's Tower SW DW 076 : Ganon's Tower SE DW 077 : Death Mountain Bridge SW DW 078 : Death Mountain Bridge SE DW 079 : Falls of Ill Omen DW 080 : Skull Woods Outskirts DW 081 : Village of Outcasts Psychics Unlimited DW 082 : Northern Pond (Evil Edition) DW 083 : Unctuary Grounds DW 084 : Garden of Very Bad Things DW 085 : South Bend DW 086 : Riverside Commerce DW 087 : Ridge of Ill Omen DW 088 : Village of Outcasts NW DW 089 : Village of Outcasts NE DW 090 : West Woods DW 091 : Pyramid of Power NW DW 092 : Pyramid of Power NE DW 093 : Pyramid East Non-bridge DW 094 : Maze of Darkness NW DW 095 : Maze of Darkness NE DW 096 : Village of Outcasts SW DW 097 : Village of Outcasts SW DW 098 : Gossip Shop DW 099 : Pyramid of Power SW DW 100 : Pyramid of Power SE DW 101 : Moundlands DW 102 : Maze of Darkness SW DW 103 : Maze of Darkness SE DW 104 : Digging Game Field DW 105 : Archery Shop Grounds DW 106 : Depressing Grove DW 107 : Bomb Shop Grounds West DW 108 : Bomp Shop Grounds DW 109 : Hammer Time Bridge DW 110 : Terrace of Darkness DW 111 : Cul-de-sac of Darkness DW 112 : Swamp of Evil NW DW 113 : Swamp of Evil NE DW 114 : Depressing Terrace DW 115 : Wilted Wetlands NW DW 116 : Wilted Wetlands NE DW 117 : Lake Dielia NW DW 118 : Lake Dielia NE DW 119 : Info Hub DW 120 : Swamp of Evil SW DW 121 : Swamp of Evil SE DW 122 : Via To Nowhere DW 123 : Swamp Palace Grounds DW 124 : Wilted Terrace DW 125 : Lake Dielia SW DW 126 : Lake Dielia SE DW 127 : A Terrible Vacation Spot SP 128 : Master Grove / Under Hyrule Bridge SP 129 : Zora Falls NW <AVAILABLE> SP 130 : Zora Falls NE <NO SPRITES> NA 131 : Unused N/A NA 132 : Unused N/A NA 133 : Unused N/A NA 134 : Unused N/A NA 135 : Unused N/A SP 136 : Triforce Room / Curtain Overlay SP 137 : Zora Falls SW <NO SPRITES> SP 138 : Zora Falls SE <NO SPRITES> NA 139 : Unused N/A NA 140 : Unused N/A NA 141 : Unused N/A NA 142 : Unused N/A NA 143 : Unused N/A NA 144 : Unused N/A NA 145 : Unused N/A NA 146 : Unused N/A SP 147 : Triforce Rm / Overlay (2?) N/A SP 148 : Master Gr. / Under Bdg (2?) N/A SP 149 : Birds' Eye Woods Underlay SP 150 : Death Mountain Panorama SP 151 : Lost Woods Mist Overlay NA 152 : Unused N/A NA 153 : Unused N/A NA 154 : Unused N/A NA 155 : Unused N/A SP 156 : Lava Flow Underlay SP 157 : Lost Woods Mist Overlay (2?) N/A SP 158 : Lost Woods Tree Cover Overlay SP 159 : Rain Overlay NA 160 : non-existant N/A""".splitlines() kEntranceNames = """[Room #260] -- Link's House Intro [Room #260] -- Link's House Post-intro [Room #018] -- Sanctuary [Room #096] -- Hyrule Castle West [Room #097] -- Hyrule Castle Central [Room #098] -- Hyrule Castle East [Room #240] -- Death Mountain Express (Lower) [Room #241] -- Death Mountain Express (Upper) [Room #201] -- Eastern Palace [Room #132] -- Desert Palace Central [Room #133] -- Desert Palace East [Room #131] -- Desert Palace West [Room #099] -- Desert Palace Boss Lair [Room #242] -- Kakariko Elder's House West [Room #243] -- Kakariko Elder's House East [Room #244] -- Kakariko Angry Bros West [Room #245] -- Kakariko Angry Bros East [Room #227] -- Mad Batter Lair [Room #226] -- Under Lumberjacks' Weird Tree [Room #248] -- Death Mountain Maze 0000 [Room #232] -- Death Mountain Maze 0001 [Room #035] -- Turtle Rock Mountainface 1 [Room #251] -- Death Mountain Cape Heart Piece Cave (Lower) [Room #235] -- Death Mountain Cape Heart Piece Cave (Upper) [Room #213] -- Turtle Rock Mountainface 2 [Room #036] -- Turtle Rock Mountainface 3 [Room #253] -- Death Mountain Maze 0002 [Room #237] -- Death Mountain Maze 0003 [Room #254] -- Death Mountain Maze 0004 [Room #238] -- Death Mountain Maze 0005 [Room #255] -- Death Mountain Maze 0006 [Room #239] -- Death Mountain Maze 0007 [Room #223] -- Death Mountain Maze 0008 [Room #249] -- Spectacle Rock Maze 1 [Room #250] -- Spectacle Rock Maze 2 [Room #234] -- Spectacle Rock Maze 3 [Room #224] -- Hyrule Castle Tower [Room #040] -- Swamp Palace [Room #074] -- Palace of Darkness [Room #152] -- Misery Mire [Room #086] -- Skull Woods 1 [Room #087] -- Skull Woods 2 [Room #088] -- Skull Woods Big Chest [Room #089] -- Skull Woods Boss Lair [Room #225] -- Lost Woods Thieves' Lair [Room #014] -- Ice Palace [Room #230] -- Death Mountain Escape West [Room #231] -- Death Mountain Escape East [Room #228] -- Death Mountain Elder's Cave (Lower) [Room #229] -- Death Mountain Elder's Cave (Upper) [Room #085] -- Hyrule Castle Secret Cellar [Room #119] -- Tower of Hera [Room #219] -- Thieves's Town [Room #214] -- Turtle Rock Main [Room #016] -- Ganon's Pyramid Sanctum (Lower) [Room #012] -- Ganon's Tower [Room #008] -- Fairy Cave 1 [Room #047] -- Kakariko Western Well [Room #060] -- Death Mountain Maze 0009 [Room #044] -- Death Mountain Maze 0010 [Room #256] -- Treasure Shell Game 1 [Room #286] -- Storyteller Cave 1 [Room #257] -- Snitch House 1 [Room #257] -- Snitch House 2 [Room #258] -- SickBoy House [Room #279] -- Byrna Gauntlet [Room #259] -- Kakariko Pub South [Room #259] -- Kakariko Pub North [Room #259] -- Kakariko Inn [Room #261] -- Sahasrahlah's Disco Infernum [Room #287] -- Kakariko's Lame Shop [Room #262] -- Village of Outcasts Chest Game [Room #262] -- Village of Outcasts Orphanage [Room #263] -- Kakariko Library [Room #263] -- Kakariko Storage Shed [Room #264] -- Kakariko Sweeper Lady's House [Room #265] -- Potion Shop [Room #266] -- Aginah's Desert Cottage [Room #267] -- Watergate [Room #268] -- Death Mountain Maze 0011 [Room #268] -- Fairy Cave 2 [Room #283] -- Refill Cave 0001 [Room #283] -- Refill Cave 0002 [Room #284] -- The Bomb "Shop" [Room #284] -- Village of Outcasts Retirement Center [Room #286] -- Fairy Cave 3 [Room #288] -- Good Bee Cave [Room #272] -- General Store 1 [Room #274] -- General Store 2 [Room #273] -- Archery Game [Room #274] -- Storyteller Cave 2 [Room #275] -- Hall of the Invisibility Cape [Room #276] -- Pond of Wishing [Room #277] -- Pond of Happiness [Room #277] -- Fairy Cave 4 [Room #269] -- Swamp of Evil Heart Piece Hall [Room #271] -- General Store 3 [Room #281] -- Blind's Old Hideout [Room #276] -- Storyteller Cave 3 [Room #278] -- Warped Pond of Wishing [Room #289] -- Chez Smithies [Room #290] -- Fortune Teller 1 [Room #290] -- Fortune Teller 2 [Room #280] -- Chest Shell Game 2 [Room #282] -- Storyteller Cave 4 [Room #270] -- Storyteller Cave 5 [Room #270] -- Storyteller Cave 6 [Room #287] -- Village House 1 [Room #291] -- Thief Hideout 1 [Room #292] -- Thief Hideout 2 [Room #292] -- Heart Piece Cave 1 [Room #293] -- Thief Hideout 3 [Room #293] -- Refill Cave 3 [Room #294] -- Fairy Cave 5 [Room #294] -- Heart Piece Cave 2 [Room #128] -- Hyrule Castle Prison [Room #081] -- Hyrule Castle Throne Room [Room #048] -- Hyrule Tower Agahnim's Sanctum [Room #088] -- Skull Woods 3 (Drop In) [Room #103] -- Skull Woods 4 (Drop In) [Room #104] -- Skull Woods 5 (Drop In) [Room #086] -- Skull Woods 6 (Drop In) [Room #225] -- Lost Woods Thieves' Hideout (Drop In) [Room #000] -- Ganon's Pyramid Sanctum (Upper) [Room #024] -- Fairy Cave 6 (Drop In) [Room #085] -- Hyrule Castle Secret Cellar (Drop In) [Room #227] -- Mad Batter Lair (Drop In) [Room #226] -- Under Lumberjacks' Weird Tree (Drop In) [Room #047] -- Kakariko Western Well (Drop In) [Room #017] -- Hyrule Sewers Goodies Room (Drop In) [Room #003] -- Chris Houlihan Room (Drop In) [Room #295] -- Heart Piece Cave 3 (Drop In) [Room #288] -- Ice Rod Cave""".splitlines() kEntranceNames = [a[a.find(' -- ') + 4:] for a in kEntranceNames] kEntranceNames_rev = {s:i for i,s in enumerate(kEntranceNames)} kSpriteNames=['00:Raven', '01:Vulture', '02', '03:BigCanon', '04:PullSwitch', '05:DnSwitch', '06:TrapSwitch', '07:FloorMove', '08:Octorok', '09:Mouldrum', '0A:4WayOctorok', '0B:Chicken', '0C:HoveringRock', '0D:Cucumber', '0E:SnapDragon', '0F:OctoBlimp', '10', '11:Hinox', '12:PigSpearMan', '13:MiniHelmasaur', '14:GargoyleGrate', '15:Bubble', '16:Mutant', '17:BushCrab', '18:Moldorm', '19:Poe/Ghini', '1A:BlackSmith(Frog', '1B:AnArrow', '1C:Statue', '1D:UselessSprite', '1E:PegSwitch', '1F:SickBoy', '20:BombSlug', '21:PushSwitch', '22:HoppingBulbPlan', '23:RedMiri', '24:BlueMiri', '25:LiveTree', '26:BlueOrb', '27:Squirrel', '28:PersonRm270', '29:Thief', '2A:DustGirl', '2B:TentMan', '2C:Lumberjacks', '2D', '2E:FluteBoy', '2F:Person', '30:Person', '31:FortuneTeller', '32:AngryBrother', '33:PullForRupees', '34:ScaredGirl2', '35:HedgeMan', '36:Witch', '37:Waterfall', '38:ArrowTarget', '39:GuyByTheSign', '3A:Person11_227', '3B:DashItem', '3C:FarmBoy', '3D:ScaredGirl1', '3E:RockCrab', '3F:PalaceGuard', '40:ElectricBarrier', '41:BlueSoldier', '42:GreenSoldier', '43:RedSpearSoldier', '44:Warrior', '45:HogSpearMan', '46:BlueArcher', '47:GreenGrassArche', '48:RedSpearKnight', '49:RedGrassSpearSo', '4A:RedBombKnight', '4B:Knight', '4C:Geldman', '4D:Bunny', '4E:Tentacle2', '4F:Tentacle', '50:GlassSquirrel', '51:Armos', '52:ZoraKing', '53:ArmosKnight', '54:Lanmolas', '55:FireBallZora', '56:WalkingZora', '57:HyliaObstacle', '58:Crab', '59:Animal', '5A:Animal', '5B:WallBubble(L-R)', '5C:WallBubble(R-L)', '5D:Roller_1', '5E:Roller_2', '5F:Roller_3', '60:Roller_4', '61:Beamos', '62:MasterSwd', '63:SandCrab1', '64:SandCrab2', '65:ArcherGame', '66:Cannon(Right)', '67:Cannon(Left)', '68:Cannon(Down)', '69:Cannon(Up)', '6A:MorningStar', '6B:CannonSoldier', '6C:Teleport', '6D:Rat', '6E:Rope', '6F:Keese', '70', '71:Leever', '72:Pond', '73:Priest/Uncle', '74:Runner', '75:BottleMan', '76:Zelda', '77:WierdBuble', '78:OldWoman', '79:Bee', '7A:Agahnim', '7B:OneShotMagicBal', '7C:StalfosHead', '7D:BigSpikeBlock', '7E:FireBlade', '7F:FireBlade2', '80:Lanmola', '81:WaterBug', '82:4Bubbles', '83:GreenRocklops', '84:RedRocklops', '85:BigSpikeBlock', '86:Triceritops', '87:FireKeese', '88:Mothula', '89', '8A:SpikeBlock', '8B:Gibdo', '8C:Arrghus', '8D:ArrghusFuzz', '8E:Shell', '8F:Blob', '90:WallMaster', '91:StalfosKnight', '92:Helmasaur', '93:RedOrb', '94', '95:EyeLaser(Right)', '96:EyeLaser(Left)', '97:EyeLaser(Down)', '98:EyeLaser(Up)', '99:Penguin', '9A:Splash', '9B:Wizzrobe', '9C', '9D:VRat', '9E:Ostrich', '9F:Rabbit', 'A0:Uglybird', 'A1:IceMan', 'A2:KholdStare', 'A3', 'A4', 'A5:GreenLizard', 'A6:RedLizard', 'A7:Stalfos', 'A8:GreenAirBomber', 'A9:BlueAirBomber', 'AA:LikeLike', 'AB', 'AC:Apples', 'AD:OldMan', 'AE:DownPipe', 'AF:UpPipe', 'B0:RightPipe', 'B1:LeftPipe', 'B2:Good-Bee', 'B3:Inscription', 'B4:BlueChest', 'B5:BombShop', 'B6:Kiki', 'B7:BlindMan', 'B8', 'B9:Bully&Whimp(DW)', 'BA:Whirlpool', 'BB:ShopMan', 'BC:OldMan2', 'BD:Viterous', 'BE:', 'BF:Lighting', 'C0:Item', 'C1:AgahTalk', 'C2:RockChip', 'C3:Half-Bubble', 'C4:Bully', 'C5:Shooter', 'C6:4WayShooter', 'C7:FuzzyStack', 'C8:BigFairy', 'C9:Tektite', 'CA:Chomp', 'CB:TriNexx1', 'CC:TriNexx2', 'CD:TriNexx3', 'CE:Blind', 'CF:SwampSnake', 'D0:Lynel', 'D1:Transform/Smoke', 'D2:Fish', 'D3:AliveRock', 'D4:GroundBomb', 'D5:DiggingGameGuy', 'D6:Ganon', 'D7', 'D8:Heart', 'D9:Rupee-G', 'DA:Rupee-B', 'DB:InTreeRocks', 'DC:Bomb', 'DD:4_bombs', 'DE:8_bombs', 'DF:Magic', 'E0:BigMagic', 'E1:Arrow', 'E2:10-Arrows', 'E3:Fairy', 'E4:Key', 'E5:Big_Key', 'E6', 'E7:Mushroom', 'E8:FakeSword', 'E9:ShopMan2', 'EA:WitchAssistant', 'EB:HeartPie', 'EC:PickedObj', 'ED', 'EE:Mantle', 'EF', 'F0', 'F1', 'F2:MedallianTablet', 'F3:PersonsDoor', 'F4:FallingRocks', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'FA', 'FB', 'FC', 'FD', 'FE', 'FF', '100:CannonRoom', '101:01', '102:CannonRoom', '103:CannonBalls', '104:RopeDrp(Snake)', '105:StalfosDrop', '106:BombDrop', '107:MovingFloor', '108:Transformer', '109:WallMaster', '10A:FloorDrop(Sqr)', '10B:FloorDrop(Vert)', '10C:0C', '10D:0D', '10E:0E', '10F:0F', '110:RightEvil', '111:LeftEvil', '112:DownEvil', '113:UpEvil', '114:FloorTiles', '115:WizzrobeSpawn', '116:MiniBats', '117:PotTrap', '118:StalfosAppear', '119:ArmosKnights', '11A:BombDrop', '11B'] kSpriteNames = [a.replace(':', '-') for a in kSpriteNames] kSpriteName2Idx = {a:i for i,a in enumerate(kSpriteNames)} kSpriteNamesRev = {v : i for i, v in enumerate(kSpriteNames)} kSpriteDropToNameIdx = [ 0xd9, 0x3e, 0x79, 0xd9, 0xdc, 0xd8, 0xda, 0xe4, 0xe1, 0xdc, 0xd8, 0xdf, 0xe0, 0xb, 0x42, 0xd3, 0x41, 0xd4, 0xd9, 0xe3, 0xd8, 0, ] def get_secret_names(): r = {} for i in range(1, 23): r[i] = '%.2X-%s' % (i, kSpriteNames[kSpriteDropToNameIdx[i - 1]][3:]) kSpecialSecret = {0 : "Nothing", 4 : "Random", 0x80 : "Hole", 0x82 : "Warp", 0x84 : "Staircase", 0x86 : 'Bombable', 0x88 : 'Switch' } for k,v in kSpecialSecret.items(): r[k] = '%.2X-%s' % (k, v) return r kSecretNames = get_secret_names() kSecretNamesRev = invert_dict(kSecretNames) kCompSpritePtrs = [ 0x10f000,0x10f600,0x10fc00,0x118200,0x118800,0x118e00,0x119400,0x119a00, 0x11a000,0x11a600,0x11ac00,0x11b200,0x14fffc,0x1585d4,0x158ab6,0x158fbe, 0x1593f8,0x1599a6,0x159f32,0x15a3d7,0x15a8f1,0x15aec6,0x15b418,0x15b947, 0x15bed0,0x15c449,0x15c975,0x15ce7c,0x15d394,0x15d8ac,0x15ddc0,0x15e34c, 0x15e8e8,0x15ee31,0x15f3a6,0x15f92d,0x15feba,0x1682ff,0x1688e0,0x168e41, 0x1692df,0x169883,0x169cd0,0x16a26e,0x16a275,0x16a787,0x16aa06,0x16ae9d, 0x16b3ff,0x16b87e,0x16be6b,0x16c13d,0x16c619,0x16cbbb,0x16d0f1,0x16d641, 0x16d95a,0x16dd99,0x16e278,0x16e760,0x16ed25,0x16f20f,0x16f6b7,0x16fa5f, 0x16fd29,0x1781cd,0x17868d,0x178b62,0x178fd5,0x179527,0x17994b,0x179ea7, 0x17a30e,0x17a805,0x17acf8,0x17b2a2,0x17b7f9,0x17bc93,0x17c237,0x17c78e, 0x17cd55,0x17d2bc,0x17d82f,0x17dcec,0x17e1cc,0x17e36b,0x17e842,0x17eb38, 0x17ed58,0x17f06c,0x17f4fd,0x17fa39,0x17ff86,0x18845c,0x1889a1,0x188d64, 0x18919d,0x189610,0x189857,0x189b24,0x189dd2,0x18a03f,0x18a4ed,0x18a7ba, 0x18aedf,0x18af0d,0x18b520,0x18b953, ] kCompBgPtrs = [ 0x11b800,0x11bce2,0x11c15f,0x11c675,0x11cb84,0x11cf4c,0x11d2ce,0x11d726, 0x11d9cf,0x11dec4,0x11e393,0x11e893,0x11ed7d,0x11f283,0x11f746,0x11fc21, 0x11fff2,0x128498,0x128a0e,0x128f30,0x129326,0x129804,0x129d5b,0x12a272, 0x12a6fe,0x12aa77,0x12ad83,0x12b167,0x12b51d,0x12b840,0x12bd54,0x12c1c9, 0x12c73d,0x12cc86,0x12d198,0x12d6b1,0x12db6a,0x12e0ea,0x12e6bd,0x12eb51, 0x12f135,0x12f6c5,0x12fc71,0x138129,0x138693,0x138bad,0x139117,0x139609, 0x139b21,0x13a074,0x13a619,0x13ab2b,0x13b00c,0x13b4f5,0x13b9eb,0x13bebf, 0x13c3ce,0x13c817,0x13cb68,0x13cfb5,0x13d460,0x13d8c2,0x13dd7a,0x13e266, 0x13e7af,0x13ece5,0x13f245,0x13f6f0,0x13fc30,0x1480e9,0x14863b,0x148a7c, 0x148f2a,0x149346,0x1497ed,0x149cc2,0x14a173,0x14a61d,0x14ab5d,0x14b083, 0x14b4bd,0x14b94e,0x14be0e,0x14c291,0x14c7ba,0x14cce4,0x14d1db,0x14d6bd, 0x14db77,0x14ded1,0x14e2ac,0x14e754,0x14ebae,0x14ef4e,0x14f309,0x14f6f4, 0x14fa55,0x14ff8c,0x14ff93,0x14ff9a,0x14ffa1,0x14ffa8,0x14ffaf,0x14ffb6, 0x14ffbd,0x14ffc4,0x14ffcb,0x14ffd2,0x14ffd9,0x14ffe0,0x14ffe7,0x14ffee, 0x14fff5,0x18b520,0x18b953, ] kSpriteTilesets = [ ( 0, 73, 0, 0), (70, 73, 12, 29), (72, 73, 19, 29), (70, 73, 19, 14), (72, 73, 12, 17), (72, 73, 12, 16), (79, 73, 74, 80), (14, 73, 74, 17), (70, 73, 18, 0), ( 0, 73, 0, 80), ( 0, 73, 0, 17), (72, 73, 12, 0), ( 0, 0, 55, 54), (72, 73, 76, 17), (93, 44, 12, 68), ( 0, 0, 78, 0), (15, 0, 18, 16), ( 0, 0, 0, 76), ( 0, 13, 23, 0), (22, 13, 23, 27), (22, 13, 23, 20), (21, 13, 23, 21), (22, 13, 24, 25), (22, 13, 23, 25), (22, 13, 0, 0), (22, 13, 24, 27), (15, 73, 74, 17), (75, 42, 92, 21), (22, 73, 23, 29), ( 0, 0, 0, 21), (22, 13, 23, 16), (22, 73, 18, 0), (22, 73, 12, 17), ( 0, 0, 18, 16), (22, 13, 0, 17), (22, 73, 12, 0), (22, 13, 76, 17), (14, 13, 74, 17), (22, 26, 23, 27), (79, 52, 74, 80), (53, 77, 101, 54), (74, 52, 78, 0), (14, 52, 74, 17), (81, 52, 93, 89), (75, 73, 76, 17), (45, 0, 0, 0), (93, 0, 18, 89), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), (71, 73, 43, 45), (70, 73, 28, 82), ( 0, 73, 28, 82), (93, 73, 0, 82), (70, 73, 19, 82), (75, 77, 74, 90), (71, 73, 28, 82), (75, 77, 57, 54), (31, 44, 46, 82), (31, 44, 46, 29), (47, 44, 46, 82), (47, 44, 46, 49), (31, 30, 48, 82), (81, 73, 19, 0), (79, 73, 19, 80), (79, 77, 74, 80), (75, 73, 76, 43), (31, 32, 34, 83), (85, 61, 66, 67), (31, 30, 35, 82), (31, 30, 57, 58), (31, 30, 58, 62), (31, 30, 60, 61), (64, 30, 39, 63), (85, 26, 66, 67), (31, 30, 42, 82), (31, 30, 56, 82), (31, 32, 40, 82), (31, 32, 38, 82), (31, 44, 37, 82), (31, 32, 39, 82), (31, 30, 41, 82), (31, 44, 59, 82), (70, 73, 36, 82), (33, 65, 69, 51), (31, 44, 40, 49), (31, 13, 41, 82), (31, 30, 39, 82), (31, 32, 39, 83), (72, 73, 19, 82), (14, 30, 74, 80), (31, 32, 38, 83), (21, 0, 0, 0), (31, 0, 42, 82), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 0, 0), (50, 0, 0, 8), (93, 73, 0, 82), (85, 73, 66, 67), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 86, 87, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 86, 87, 80), (97, 86, 99, 80), (97, 86, 87, 80), (97, 86, 51, 80), (97, 86, 87, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), (97, 98, 99, 80), ] kDungPalinfos = [ ( 0, 0, 3, 1), ( 2, 0, 3, 1), ( 4, 0, 10, 1), ( 6, 0, 1, 7), (10, 2, 2, 7), ( 4, 4, 3, 10), (12, 5, 8, 20), (14, 0, 3, 10), ( 2, 0, 15, 20), (10, 2, 0, 7), ( 2, 0, 15, 12), ( 6, 0, 6, 7), ( 0, 0, 14, 18), (18, 5, 5, 11), (18, 0, 2, 12), (16, 5, 10, 7), (16, 0, 16, 12), (22, 7, 2, 7), (22, 0, 7, 15), ( 8, 0, 4, 12), ( 8, 0, 4, 9), ( 4, 0, 3, 1), (20, 0, 4, 4), (20, 0, 20, 12), (24, 5, 7, 11), (24, 6, 16, 12), (26, 5, 8, 20), (26, 2, 0, 7), ( 6, 0, 3, 10), (28, 0, 3, 1), (30, 0, 11, 17), ( 4, 0, 11, 17), (14, 0, 0, 2), (32, 8, 19, 13), (10, 0, 3, 10), (20, 0, 4, 4), (26, 2, 2, 7), (26, 10, 0, 0), ( 0, 0, 3, 2), (14, 0, 3, 7), (26, 5, 5, 11), ] kOwSprPalInfo = [ -1, -1, 3, 10, 3, 6, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3, 14, 3, 2, 19, 1, 11, 12, 17, 1, 7, 5, 17, 0, 9, 11, 15, 5, 3, 5, 3, 7, 15, 2, 10, 2, 5, 1, 12, 14, ] kSpriteInit_Flags3 = [ 0x19, 0xb, 0x1b, 0x4b, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x1d, 1, 0x1d, 0x19, 0x8d, 0x1b, 9, 0x9d, 0x3d, 1, 9, 0x11, 0x40, 1, 0x4d, 0x19, 7, 0x1d, 0x59, 0x80, 0x4d, 0x40, 1, 0x49, 0x1b, 0x41, 3, 0x13, 0x15, 0x41, 0x18, 0x1b, 0x41, 0x47, 0xf, 0x49, 0x4b, 0x4d, 0x41, 0x47, 0x49, 0x4d, 0x49, 0x40, 0x4d, 0x47, 0x49, 0x41, 0x74, 0x47, 0x5b, 0x58, 0x51, 0x49, 0x1d, 0x5d, 3, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x17, 0x19, 0x17, 0x19, 0x1b, 0x17, 0x17, 0x17, 0x1b, 0xd, 9, 0x19, 0x19, 0x49, 0x5d, 0x5b, 0x49, 0xd, 3, 0x13, 0x41, 0x1b, 0x5b, 0x5d, 0x43, 0x43, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x49, 1, 0, 0x41, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x1d, 9, 0xc4, 0xd, 0xd, 9, 3, 3, 0x4b, 0x47, 0x47, 0x49, 0x49, 0x41, 0x47, 0x36, 0x8b, 0x49, 0x1d, 0x49, 0x43, 0x43, 0x43, 0xb, 0x41, 0xd, 7, 0xb, 0x1d, 0x43, 0xd, 0x43, 0xd, 0x1d, 0x4d, 0x4d, 0x1b, 0x1b, 0xa, 0xb, 0, 5, 0xd, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0xb, 5, 1, 1, 1, 7, 0x17, 0x19, 0xd, 0xd, 0x80, 0x4d, 0x19, 0x17, 0x19, 0xb, 9, 0xd, 0x4a, 0x12, 0x49, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0x76, 0x40, 0x59, 0x41, 0x58, 0x4f, 0x73, 0x5b, 0x44, 0x41, 0x51, 0xa, 0xb, 0xb, 0x4b, 0, 0x40, 0x5b, 0xd, 0, 0, 0xd, 0x4b, 0xb, 0x59, 0x41, 0xb, 0xd, 1, 0xd, 0xd, 0, 0x50, 0x4c, 0x44, 0x51, 1, 1, 0xf2, 0xf8, 0xf4, 0xf2, 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xd4, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf4, 0xf4, 0xd8, 0xf8, 0xd8, 0xdf, 0xc8, 0x69, 0xc1, 0xd2, 0xd2, 0xdc, 0xc7, 0xc1, 0xc7, 0xc7, 0xc7, 0xc1, ]