ref: 2ff515fb66263fc50bb9285208192bb22234267e
dir: /ending.c/
#include "zelda_rtl.h" #include "snes/snes_regs.h" #include "variables.h" #include "load_gfx.h" #include "dungeon.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "ending.h" #include "overworld.h" #include "player.h" #include "misc.h" #include "messaging.h" #include "player_oam.h" #include "sprite_main.h" #include "ancilla.h" #include "hud.h" #include "assets.h" static const uint16 kPolyhedralPalette[8] = { 0, 0x14d, 0x1b0, 0x1f3, 0x256, 0x279, 0x2fd, 0x35f }; #define ending_which_dung (*(uint16*)(g_ram+0xcc)) #define kPolyThreadRam (g_ram + 0x1f00) static const int8 kIntroSprite0_Xvel[3] = { 1, 0, -1 }; static const int8 kIntroSprite0_Yvel[3] = { -1, 1, -1 }; static const uint8 kIntroSprite3_X[4] = { 0xc2, 0x98, 0x6f, 0x34 }; static const uint8 kIntroSprite3_Y[4] = { 0x7c, 0x54, 0x7c, 0x57 }; static const uint8 kIntroSprite3_State[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 0xff, 0xff }; static const uint8 kTriforce_Xfinal[3] = { 0x59, 0x5f, 0x67 }; static const uint8 kTriforce_Yfinal[3] = { 0x74, 0x68, 0x74 }; static const uint16 kEndingSprites_X[] = { 0x1e0, 0x200, 0x1ed, 0x203, 0x1da, 0x216, 0x1c8, 0x228, 0x1c0, 0x1e0, 0x208, 0x228, 0xf8, 0xf0, 0x278, 0x298, 0x1e0, 0x200, 0x220, 0x288, 0x1e2, 0xe0, 0x150, 0xe8, 0x168, 0x128, 0x170, 0x170, 0x335, 0x335, 0x300, 0xb8, 0xce, 0xac, 0xc4, 0x3b0, 0x390, 0x3d0, 0xf8, 0xc8, 0x80, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xf8, 0xe8, 0xf8, 0xd8, 0xf8, 0xc8, 0x108, 0x70, 0x70, 0x70, 0x68, 0x88, 0x70, 0x40, 0x70, 0x4f, 0x61, 0x37, 0x79, 0xc8, 0x278, 0x258, 0x1d8, 0x1c8, 0x188, 0x270, 0x180, 0x2e8, 0x270, 0x270, 0x2a0, 0x2a0, 0x2a4, 0x2fc, 0x76, 0x73, 0x76, 0x0, 0xd0, 0x80, }; static const uint16 kEndingSprites_Y[] = { 0x158, 0x158, 0x138, 0x138, 0x140, 0x140, 0x150, 0x150, 0x120, 0x120, 0x120, 0x120, 0x60, 0x37, 0xc2, 0xc2, 0x16b, 0x16c, 0x16b, 0xb8, 0x16b, 0x80, 0x60, 0x146, 0x146, 0x1c6, 0x70, 0x70, 0x128, 0x128, 0x16f, 0xf5, 0xfc, 0x10d, 0x10d, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x150, 0x158, 0xf4, 0x120, 0x120, 0x120, 0x120, 0x120, 0x108, 0x100, 0xd8, 0xd8, 0xf0, 0xf0, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x3c, 0x90, 0x80, 0x3c, 0x16c, 0x16c, 0x174, 0x174, 0x175, 0x175, 0x250, 0x2b0, 0x2b0, 0x2a0, 0x2b0, 0x2b0, 0x2b8, 0xd8, 0x24b, 0x1b0, 0x1c8, 0x1c8, 0x1b0, 0x230, 0x230, 0x8b, 0x83, 0x85, 0x2c, 0xf8, 0x100, }; static const uint8 kEndingSprites_Idx[17] = { 0, 12, 14, 21, 28, 31, 35, 38, 40, 41, 52, 58, 64, 71, 72, 79, 85 }; static PlayerHandlerFunc *const kEndSequence0_Funcs[3] = { &Credits_LoadScene_Overworld_PrepGFX, &Credits_LoadScene_Overworld_Overlay, &Credits_LoadScene_Overworld_LoadMap, }; static PrepOamCoordsRet g_ending_coords; static const uint16 kEnding1_TargetScrollY[16] = { 0x6f2, 0x210, 0x72c, 0xc00, 0x10c, 0xa9b, 0x10, 0x510, 0x89, 0xa8e, 0x222c, 0x2510, 0x826, 0x5c, 0x20a, 0x30 }; static const uint16 kEnding1_TargetScrollX[16] = { 0x77f, 0x480, 0x193, 0xaa, 0x878, 0x847, 0x4fd, 0xc57, 0x40f, 0x478, 0xa00, 0x200, 0x201, 0xaa1, 0x26f, 0 }; static const int8 kEnding1_Yvel[16] = { -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1 }; static const int8 kEnding1_Xvel[16] = { 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 0 }; static PlayerHandlerFunc *const kEndSequence_Funcs[39] = { &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Dungeon, &Credits_ScrollScene_Dungeon, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Dungeon, &Credits_ScrollScene_Dungeon, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Dungeon, &Credits_ScrollScene_Dungeon, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld, &Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld, &EndSequence_32, &Credits_BrightenTriangles, &Credits_FadeColorAndBeginAnimating, &Credits_StopCreditsScroll, &Credits_FadeAndDisperseTriangles, &Credits_FadeInTheEnd, &Credits_HangForever, }; #define intro_sword_ypos WORD(g_ram[0xc8]) #define intro_sword_18 g_ram[0xca] #define intro_sword_19 g_ram[0xcb] #define intro_sword_20 g_ram[0xcc] #define intro_sword_21 g_ram[0xcd] #define intro_sword_24 g_ram[0xd0] static const uint16 kEnding_Tab1[16] = { 0x1000, 2, 0x1002, 0x1012, 0x1004, 0x1006, 0x1010, 0x1014, 0x100a, 0x1016, 0x5d, 0x64, 0x100e, 0x1008, 0x1018, 0x180 }; static const uint8 kEnding_SpritePack[17] = { 0x28, 0x46, 0x27, 0x2e, 0x2b, 0x2b, 0xe, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x29, 0x47, 0x28, 0x27, 0x28, 0x2a, 0x28, 0x2d, }; static const uint8 kEnding_SpritePal[17] = { 1, 0x40, 1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 0x11, 1, 1, 0x47, 0x40, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, }; void Intro_SetupScreen() { // 828000 nmi_disable_core_updates = 0x80; EnableForceBlank(); TM_copy = 16; TS_copy = 0; Intro_InitializeBackgroundSettings(); CGWSEL_copy = 0x20; load_chr_halfslot_even_odd = 20; Graphics_LoadChrHalfSlot(); load_chr_halfslot_even_odd = 0; LoadOWMusicIfNeeded(); // why 17? for(int i = 0; i < 17; i++) main_palette_buffer[144 + i] = 0x7fff; for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) g_zenv.vram[0x27f0 + i] = 0; R16 = 0x1ffe; R18 = 0x1bfe; } void Intro_LoadTextPointersAndPalettes() { // 828116 Text_GenerateMessagePointers(); Overworld_LoadAllPalettes(); } void Credits_LoadScene_Overworld_PrepGFX() { // 828604 EnableForceBlank(); EraseTileMaps_normal(); CGWSEL_copy = 0x82; int k = submodule_index >> 1; dungeon_room_index = kEnding_Tab1[k]; if (k != 6 && k != 15) LoadOverworldFromDungeon(); else Overworld_EnterSpecialArea(); music_control = 0; sound_effect_ambient = 0; int t = BYTE(overworld_screen_index) & ~0x40; DecompressAnimatedOverworldTiles((t == 3 || t == 5 || t == 7) ? 0x58 : 0x5a); k = submodule_index >> 1; sprite_graphics_index = kEnding_SpritePack[k]; uint8 sprpal = kEnding_SpritePal[k]; InitializeTilesets(); OverworldLoadScreensPaletteSet(); Overworld_LoadPalettes(GetOverworldBgPalette(BYTE(overworld_screen_index)), sprpal); hud_palette = 1; Palette_Load_HUD(); if (!submodule_index) TransferFontToVRAM(); Overworld_LoadPalettesInner(); Overworld_SetFixedColAndScroll(); if (BYTE(overworld_screen_index) >= 128) Palette_SetOwBgColor(); BGMODE_copy = 9; subsubmodule_index++; } void Credits_LoadScene_Overworld_Overlay() { // 828697 Overworld_LoadOverlays2(); music_control = 0; sound_effect_ambient = 0; submodule_index--; subsubmodule_index++; } void Credits_LoadScene_Overworld_LoadMap() { // 8286a5 Overworld_LoadAndBuildScreen(); Credits_PrepAndLoadSprites(); R16 = 0; subsubmodule_index = 0; } void Credits_OperateScrollingAndTileMap() { // 8286b3 Credits_HandleCameraScrollControl(); if (BYTE(overworld_screen_trans_dir_bits2)) OverworldHandleMapScroll(); } void Credits_LoadCoolBackground() { // 8286c0 main_tile_theme_index = 33; aux_tile_theme_index = 59; sprite_graphics_index = 45; InitializeTilesets(); BYTE(overworld_screen_index) = 0x5b; Overworld_LoadPalettes(GetOverworldBgPalette(BYTE(overworld_screen_index)), 0x13); overworld_palette_aux2_bp5to7_hi = 3; Palette_Load_OWBG2(); Overworld_CopyPalettesToCache(); Overworld_LoadOverlays2(); BG1VOFS_copy2 = 0; BG1HOFS_copy2 = 0; submodule_index--; } void Credits_LoadScene_Dungeon() { // 8286fd EnableForceBlank(); EraseTileMaps_normal(); WORD(which_entrance) = kEnding_Tab1[submodule_index >> 1]; Dungeon_LoadEntrance(); dung_num_lit_torches = 0; hdr_dungeon_dark_with_lantern = 0; Dungeon_LoadAndDrawRoom(); DecompressAnimatedDungeonTiles(kDungAnimatedTiles[main_tile_theme_index]); int i = submodule_index >> 1; sprite_graphics_index = kEnding_SpritePack[i]; const DungPalInfo *dpi = GetDungPalInfo(kEnding_SpritePal[i] & 0x3f); palette_sp5l = dpi->pal2; palette_sp6l = dpi->pal3; misc_sprites_graphics_index = 10; InitializeTilesets(); palette_sp6r_indoors = 10; Dungeon_LoadPalettes(); BGMODE_copy = 9; R16 = 0; INIDISP_copy = 0; submodule_index++; Credits_PrepAndLoadSprites(); } void Module18_GanonEmerges() { // 829edc uint16 hofs2 = BG2HOFS_copy2; uint16 vofs2 = BG2VOFS_copy2; uint16 hofs1 = BG1HOFS_copy2; uint16 vofs1 = BG1VOFS_copy2; BG2HOFS_copy2 = BG2HOFS_copy = hofs2 + bg1_x_offset; BG2VOFS_copy2 = BG2VOFS_copy = vofs2 + bg1_y_offset; BG1HOFS_copy2 = BG1HOFS_copy = hofs1 + bg1_x_offset; BG1VOFS_copy2 = BG1VOFS_copy = vofs1 + bg1_y_offset; Sprite_Main(); BG1VOFS_copy2 = vofs1; BG1HOFS_copy2 = hofs1; BG2VOFS_copy2 = vofs2; BG2HOFS_copy2 = hofs2; switch (overworld_map_state) { case 0: // GetBirdForPursuit Dungeon_HandleLayerEffect(); CallForDuckIndoors(); SaveDungeonKeys(); overworld_map_state++; flag_is_link_immobilized++; break; case 1: // PrepForPyramidLocation Dungeon_HandleLayerEffect(); if (submodule_index == 10) { overworld_screen_index = 91; player_is_indoors = 0; main_module_index = 24; submodule_index = 0; overworld_map_state = 2; } break; case 2: // FadeOutDungeonScreen Dungeon_HandleLayerEffect(); if (--INIDISP_copy) break; EnableForceBlank(); overworld_map_state++; Hud_RebuildIndoor(); link_x_vel = link_y_vel = 0; break; case 3: // LOadPyramidArea birdtravel_var1[0] = 8; birdtravel_var1[1] = 0; FluteMenu_LoadSelectedScreen(); LoadOWMusicIfNeeded(); music_control = 9; break; case 4: // LoadAmbientOverlay Overworld_LoadOverlayAndMap(); subsubmodule_index = 0; break; case 5: // BrightenScreenThenSpawnBat if (++INIDISP_copy == 15) { dung_savegame_state_bits = 0; flag_unk1 = 0; Sprite_SpawnBatCrashCutscene(); link_direction_facing = 2; saved_module_for_menu = 9; player_is_indoors = 0; overworld_map_state++; subsubmodule_index = 128; BYTE(cur_palace_index_x2) = 255; } break; case 6: // DelayForBatSmashIntoPyramid break; case 7: // DelayPlayerDropOff if (!--subsubmodule_index) overworld_map_state++; break; case 8: // DropOffPlayerAtPyramid BirdTravel_Finish_Doit(); break; } LinkOam_Main(); } void Module19_TriforceRoom() { // 829fec switch (subsubmodule_index) { case 0: // Link_ResetProperties_A(); link_last_direction_moved_towards = 0; music_control = 0xf1; ResetTransitionPropsAndAdvance_ResetInterface(); break; case 1: // ConditionalMosaicControl(); ApplyPaletteFilter_bounce(); break; case 2: // EnableForceBlank(); LoadCreditsSongs(); dungeon_room_index = 0x189; EraseTileMaps_normal(); Palette_RevertTranslucencySwap(); Overworld_EnterSpecialArea(); Overworld_LoadOverlays2(); subsubmodule_index++; main_module_index = 25; submodule_index = 0; break; case 3: // main_tile_theme_index = 36; sprite_graphics_index = 125; aux_tile_theme_index = 81; InitializeTilesets(); Overworld_LoadAreaPalettesEx(4); Overworld_LoadPalettes(14, 0); SpecialOverworld_CopyPalettesToCache(); subsubmodule_index++; break; case 4: { // uint8 bak0 = subsubmodule_index; Module08_02_LoadAndAdvance(); subsubmodule_index = bak0 + 1; INIDISP_copy = 15; palette_filter_countdown = 31; mosaic_target_level = 0; HIBYTE(BG1HOFS_copy2) = 1; CGWSEL_copy = 2; CGADSUB_copy = 50; mosaic_level = 240; BYTE(link_y_coord) = 236; BYTE(link_x_coord) = 120; link_is_on_lower_level = 2; music_control = 32; main_module_index = 25; submodule_index = 0; break; } case 5: // link_direction = 8; link_direction_last = 8; link_direction_facing = 0; if (BYTE(link_y_coord) < 192) { link_direction = 0; link_direction_last = 0; link_animation_steps = 0; subsubmodule_index++; } break; case 6: // if (!(palette_filter_countdown & 1) && mosaic_level != 0) mosaic_level -= 0x10; BGMODE_copy = 9; MOSAIC_copy = mosaic_level | 7; ApplyPaletteFilter_bounce(); break; case 7: // TriforceRoom_PrepGFXSlotForPoly(); dialogue_message_index = 0x173; Main_ShowTextMessage(); RenderText(); BYTE(R16) = 0x80; main_module_index = 25; subsubmodule_index++; break; case 8: // case 10: // AdvancePolyhedral(); if (subsubmodule_index == 11) { music_control = 33; main_module_index = 25; link_direction = 0; link_direction_last = 0; submodule_index++; } break; case 9: // AdvancePolyhedral(); RenderText(); if (!submodule_index) { overworld_map_state = 0; main_module_index = 25; subsubmodule_index++; } break; case 11: // AdvancePolyhedral(); TriforceRoom_LinkApproachTriforce(); if (subsubmodule_index == 12) { link_direction = 0; link_direction_last = 0; } break; case 12: // AdvancePolyhedral(); if (!--BYTE(R16)) { Palette_AnimGetMasterSword2(); submodule_index++; } break; case 13: // AdvancePolyhedral(); PaletteFilter_BlindingWhiteTriforce(); if (BYTE(darkening_or_lightening_screen) == 255) subsubmodule_index++; break; case 14: // if (!--INIDISP_copy) { main_module_index = 26; submodule_index = 0; subsubmodule_index = 0; irq_flag = 255; is_nmi_thread_active = 0; nmi_flag_update_polyhedral = 0; savegame_is_darkworld = 0; } break; } BG1HOFS_copy = BG1HOFS_copy2; BG1VOFS_copy = BG1VOFS_copy2; BG2HOFS_copy = BG2HOFS_copy2; BG2VOFS_copy = BG2VOFS_copy2; if (subsubmodule_index < 7 || subsubmodule_index >= 11) { Link_HandleVelocity(); Link_HandleMovingAnimation_FullLongEntry(); } LinkOam_Main(); } void Intro_InitializeBackgroundSettings() { // 82c500 BGMODE_copy = 9; MOSAIC_copy = 0; zelda_ppu_write(BG1SC, 0x13); zelda_ppu_write(BG2SC, 3); zelda_ppu_write(BG3SC, 0x63); CGADSUB_copy = 32; COLDATA_copy0 = 32; COLDATA_copy1 = 64; COLDATA_copy2 = 128; } void Polyhedral_InitializeThread() { // 89f7de static const uint8 kPolyThreadInit[13] = { 9, 0, 0x1f, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x30, 0x1d, 0xf8, 9 }; memset(kPolyThreadRam, 0, 256); thread_other_stack = 0x1f31; memcpy(&g_ram[0x1f32], kPolyThreadInit, 13); } void Module00_Intro() { // 8cc120 uint8 skip_at = enhanced_features0 & kFeatures0_SkipIntroOnKeypress ? 4 : 8; if (submodule_index >= skip_at && ((filtered_joypad_L & 0xc0 | filtered_joypad_H) & 0xd0)) { FadeMusicAndResetSRAMMirror(); return; } switch (submodule_index) { case 0: Intro_Init(); break; case 1: Intro_Init_Continue(); break; case 10: case 2: Intro_InitializeTriforcePolyThread(); break; case 3: case 4: case 9: case 11: Intro_HandleAllTriforceAnimations(); break; case 5: IntroZeldaFadein(); break; case 6: Intro_SwordComingDown(); break; case 7: Intro_FadeInBg(); break; case 8: Intro_WaitPlayer(); break; } } void Intro_Init() { // 8cc15d Intro_SetupScreen(); INIDISP_copy = 15; subsubmodule_index = 0; flag_update_cgram_in_nmi++; submodule_index++; sound_effect_2 = 10; Intro_Init_Continue(); } void Intro_Init_Continue() { // 8cc170 Intro_DisplayLogo(); int t = subsubmodule_index++; if (t >= 11) { if (--INIDISP_copy) return; Intro_InitializeMemory_darken(); return; } switch (t) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: Intro_Clear1kbBlocksOfWRAM(); break; case 8: Intro_LoadTextPointersAndPalettes(); break; case 9: LoadItemGFXIntoWRAM4BPPBuffer(); break; case 10:LoadFollowerGraphics(); break; } } void Intro_Clear1kbBlocksOfWRAM() { // 8cc1a0 uint16 i = R16; uint8 *dst = (uint8 *)&g_ram[0x2000]; do { for (int j = 0; j < 15; j++) WORD(dst[i + j * 0x2000]) = 0; } while ((i -= 2) != R18); R16 = i; R18 = i - 0x400; } void Intro_InitializeMemory_darken() { // 8cc1f5 EnableForceBlank(); EraseTileMaps_normal(); main_tile_theme_index = 35; sprite_graphics_index = 125; aux_tile_theme_index = 81; misc_sprites_graphics_index = 8; LoadDefaultGraphics(); InitializeTilesets(); DecompressAnimatedDungeonTiles(0x5d); bg_tile_animation_countdown = 2; BYTE(overworld_screen_index) = 0; palette_main_indoors = 0; overworld_palette_aux3_bp7_lo = 0; R16 = 0; R18 = 0; darkening_or_lightening_screen = 2; palette_filter_countdown = 31; mosaic_target_level = 0; submodule_index++; } void IntroZeldaFadein() { // 8cc25c Intro_HandleAllTriforceAnimations(); if (!(frame_counter & 1)) return; Palette_FadeIntroOneStep(); if (BYTE(palette_filter_countdown) == 0) { subsubmodule_index = 42; submodule_index++; Intro_SetupSwordAndIntroFlash(); } else if (BYTE(palette_filter_countdown) == 13) { TM_copy = 0x15; TS_copy = 0; } } void Intro_FadeInBg() { // 8cc284 Intro_PeriodicSwordAndIntroFlash(); Intro_HandleAllTriforceAnimations(); if (BYTE(palette_filter_countdown)) { if (frame_counter & 1) Palette_FadeIntro2(); } else { if ((filtered_joypad_L & 0xc0 | filtered_joypad_H) & 0xd0) FadeMusicAndResetSRAMMirror(); else { if (!--subsubmodule_index) submodule_index++; } } } void Intro_SwordComingDown() { // 8cc2ae Intro_HandleAllTriforceAnimations(); intro_did_run_step = 0; is_nmi_thread_active = 0; Intro_PeriodicSwordAndIntroFlash(); if (!--subsubmodule_index) { submodule_index++; CGWSEL_copy = 2; CGADSUB_copy = 0x22; palette_filter_countdown = 31; TS_copy = 2; } } void Intro_WaitPlayer() { // 8cc2d4 Intro_HandleAllTriforceAnimations(); intro_did_run_step = 0; is_nmi_thread_active = 0; Intro_PeriodicSwordAndIntroFlash(); if (!--subsubmodule_index) { submodule_index++; main_module_index = 20; submodule_index = 0; BYTE(link_x_coord) = 0; } } void FadeMusicAndResetSRAMMirror() { // 8cc2f0 irq_flag = 255; TM_copy = 0x15; TS_copy = 0; player_is_indoors = 0; music_control = 0xf1; SetBackdropcolorBlack(); memset(&link_y_coord, 0, 0x70); memset(save_dung_info, 0, 256 * 5); main_module_index = 1; death_var4 = 1; submodule_index = 0; } void Intro_InitializeTriforcePolyThread() { // 8cc33c misc_sprites_graphics_index = 8; LoadCommonSprites(); Intro_InitGfx_Helper(); intro_sprite_isinited[0] = 1; intro_sprite_isinited[1] = 1; intro_sprite_isinited[2] = 1; intro_sprite_subtype[0] = 0; intro_sprite_subtype[1] = 0; intro_sprite_subtype[2] = 0; intro_sprite_isinited[4] = 1; intro_sprite_subtype[4] = 2; INIDISP_copy = 15; submodule_index++; } void Intro_InitGfx_Helper() { // 8cc36f Polyhedral_InitializeThread(); LoadTriforceSpritePalette(); virq_trigger = 0x90; poly_config1 = 255; poly_base_x = 32; poly_base_y = 32; BYTE(poly_var1) = 32; poly_a = 0xA0; poly_b = 0x60; poly_config_color_mode = 1; poly_which_model = 1; is_nmi_thread_active = 1; intro_did_run_step = 1; memset(&intro_step_index, 0, 7 * 16); } void LoadTriforceSpritePalette() { // 8cc3bd memcpy(main_palette_buffer + 0xd0, kPolyhedralPalette, 16); flag_update_cgram_in_nmi++; } void Intro_HandleAllTriforceAnimations() { // 8cc404 intro_frame_ctr++; Intro_AnimateTriforce(); Scene_AnimateEverySprite(); } void Scene_AnimateEverySprite() { // 8cc412 intro_sprite_alloc = 0x800; for (int k = 7; k >= 0; k--) Intro_AnimOneObj(k); } void Intro_AnimateTriforce() { // 8cc435 is_nmi_thread_active = 1; if (!intro_did_run_step) { Intro_RunStep(); intro_did_run_step = 1; } } void Intro_RunStep() { // 8cc448 switch (intro_step_index) { case 0: if (++intro_step_timer == 64) intro_step_index++; poly_b += 5, poly_a += 3; break; case 1: if (poly_config1 < 2) { poly_config1 = 0; intro_step_index++; intro_step_timer = 64; return; } poly_config1 -= 2; poly_b += 5; poly_a += 3; if (poly_config1 < 225) submodule_index = 4; if (poly_config1 == 113) music_control = 1; break; case 2: if (!--intro_step_timer) { intro_step_index++; } else { poly_b += 5, poly_a += 3; } break; case 3: if (poly_b >= 250 && poly_a >= 252) { intro_step_index++; intro_step_timer = 32; } else { poly_b += 5, poly_a += 3; } break; case 4: poly_b = 0; poly_a = 0; if (!--intro_step_timer) { intro_step_index++; intro_sprite_isinited[5] = 1; intro_sprite_subtype[5] = 3; TM_copy = 0x10; TS_copy = 5; CGWSEL_copy = 2; CGADSUB_copy = 0x31; subsubmodule_index = 0; flag_update_cgram_in_nmi++; nmi_load_bg_from_vram = 3; submodule_index++; } break; } } void Intro_AnimOneObj(int k) { // 8cc534 switch (intro_sprite_isinited[k]) { case 0: break; case 1: switch (intro_sprite_subtype[k]) { case 0: Intro_SpriteType_A_0(k); break; case 1: EXIT_0CCA90(k); break; case 2: InitializeSceneSprite_Copyright(k); break; case 3: InitializeSceneSprite_Sparkle(k); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: InitializeSceneSprite_TriforceRoomTriangle(k); break; case 7: InitializeSceneSprite_CreditsTriangle(k); break; } break; case 2: switch (intro_sprite_subtype[k]) { case 0: Intro_SpriteType_B_0(k); break; case 1: EXIT_0CCA90(k); break; case 2: AnimateSceneSprite_Copyright(k); break; case 3: AnimateSceneSprite_Sparkle(k); break; case 4: case 5: case 6: Intro_SpriteType_B_456(k); break; case 7: AnimateSceneSprite_CreditsTriangle(k); break; } break; } } void Intro_SpriteType_A_0(int k) { // 8cc57e static const int16 kIntroSprite0_X[3] = { -38, 95, 230 }; static const int16 kIntroSprite0_Y[3] = { 200, -67, 200 }; intro_x_lo[k] = kIntroSprite0_X[k]; intro_x_hi[k] = kIntroSprite0_X[k] >> 8; intro_y_lo[k] = kIntroSprite0_Y[k]; intro_y_hi[k] = kIntroSprite0_Y[k] >> 8; intro_x_vel[k] = kIntroSprite0_Xvel[k]; intro_y_vel[k] = kIntroSprite0_Yvel[k]; intro_sprite_isinited[k]++; } void Intro_SpriteType_B_0(int k) { // 8cc5b1 static const uint8 kIntroSprite0_XLimit[3] = { 75, 95, 117 }; static const uint8 kIntroSprite0_YLimit[3] = { 88, 48, 88 }; AnimateSceneSprite_DrawTriangle(k); AnimateSceneSprite_MoveTriangle(k); if (intro_step_index != 5) { if (!(intro_frame_ctr & 31)) { intro_x_vel[k] += kIntroSprite0_Xvel[k]; intro_y_vel[k] += kIntroSprite0_Yvel[k]; } if (intro_x_lo[k] == kIntroSprite0_XLimit[k]) intro_x_vel[k] = 0; if (intro_y_lo[k] == kIntroSprite0_YLimit[k]) intro_y_vel[k] = 0; } else { intro_x_vel[k] = 0; intro_y_vel[k] = 0; } } void AnimateSceneSprite_DrawTriangle(int k) { // 8cc70f static const IntroSpriteEnt kIntroSprite0_Left_Ents[16] = { { 0, 0, 0x80, 0x1b, 2}, {16, 0, 0x82, 0x1b, 2}, {32, 0, 0x84, 0x1b, 2}, {48, 0, 0x86, 0x1b, 2}, { 0, 16, 0xa0, 0x1b, 2}, {16, 16, 0xa2, 0x1b, 2}, {32, 16, 0xa4, 0x1b, 2}, {48, 16, 0xa6, 0x1b, 2}, { 0, 32, 0x88, 0x1b, 2}, {16, 32, 0x8a, 0x1b, 2}, {32, 32, 0x8c, 0x1b, 2}, {48, 32, 0x8e, 0x1b, 2}, { 0, 48, 0xa8, 0x1b, 2}, {16, 48, 0xaa, 0x1b, 2}, {32, 48, 0xac, 0x1b, 2}, {48, 48, 0xae, 0x1b, 2}, }; static const IntroSpriteEnt kIntroSprite0_Right_Ents[16] = { {48, 0, 0x80, 0x5b, 2}, {32, 0, 0x82, 0x5b, 2}, {16, 0, 0x84, 0x5b, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x86, 0x5b, 2}, {48, 16, 0xa0, 0x5b, 2}, {32, 16, 0xa2, 0x5b, 2}, {16, 16, 0xa4, 0x5b, 2}, { 0, 16, 0xa6, 0x5b, 2}, {48, 32, 0x88, 0x5b, 2}, {32, 32, 0x8a, 0x5b, 2}, {16, 32, 0x8c, 0x5b, 2}, { 0, 32, 0x8e, 0x5b, 2}, {48, 48, 0xa8, 0x5b, 2}, {32, 48, 0xaa, 0x5b, 2}, {16, 48, 0xac, 0x5b, 2}, { 0, 48, 0xae, 0x5b, 2}, }; AnimateSceneSprite_AddObjectsToOamBuffer(k, k == 2 ? kIntroSprite0_Right_Ents : kIntroSprite0_Left_Ents, 16); } void Intro_CopySpriteType4ToOam(int k) { // 8cc82f static const IntroSpriteEnt kIntroTriforceOam_Left[16] = { { 0, 0, 0x80, 0x2b, 2}, {16, 0, 0x82, 0x2b, 2}, {32, 0, 0x84, 0x2b, 2}, {48, 0, 0x86, 0x2b, 2}, { 0, 16, 0xa0, 0x2b, 2}, {16, 16, 0xa2, 0x2b, 2}, {32, 16, 0xa4, 0x2b, 2}, {48, 16, 0xa6, 0x2b, 2}, { 0, 32, 0x88, 0x2b, 2}, {16, 32, 0x8a, 0x2b, 2}, {32, 32, 0x8c, 0x2b, 2}, {48, 32, 0x8e, 0x2b, 2}, { 0, 48, 0xa8, 0x2b, 2}, {16, 48, 0xaa, 0x2b, 2}, {32, 48, 0xac, 0x2b, 2}, {48, 48, 0xae, 0x2b, 2}, }; static const IntroSpriteEnt kIntroTriforceOam_Right[16] = { {48, 0, 0x80, 0x6b, 2}, {32, 0, 0x82, 0x6b, 2}, {16, 0, 0x84, 0x6b, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x86, 0x6b, 2}, {48, 16, 0xa0, 0x6b, 2}, {32, 16, 0xa2, 0x6b, 2}, {16, 16, 0xa4, 0x6b, 2}, { 0, 16, 0xa6, 0x6b, 2}, {48, 32, 0x88, 0x6b, 2}, {32, 32, 0x8a, 0x6b, 2}, {16, 32, 0x8c, 0x6b, 2}, { 0, 32, 0x8e, 0x6b, 2}, {48, 48, 0xa8, 0x6b, 2}, {32, 48, 0xaa, 0x6b, 2}, {16, 48, 0xac, 0x6b, 2}, { 0, 48, 0xae, 0x6b, 2}, }; AnimateSceneSprite_AddObjectsToOamBuffer(k, k == 2 ? kIntroTriforceOam_Right : kIntroTriforceOam_Left, 16); } void EXIT_0CCA90(int k) { // 8cc84f // empty } void InitializeSceneSprite_Copyright(int k) { // 8cc850 intro_x_lo[k] = 76; intro_x_hi[k] = 0; intro_y_lo[k] = 184; intro_y_hi[k] = 0; intro_sprite_isinited[k]++; } void AnimateSceneSprite_Copyright(int k) { // 8cc864 static const IntroSpriteEnt kIntroSprite2_Ents[13] = { { 0, 0, 0x40, 0x0a, 0}, { 8, 0, 0x41, 0x0a, 0}, {16, 0, 0x42, 0x0a, 0}, {24, 0, 0x68, 0x0a, 0}, {32, 0, 0x41, 0x0a, 0}, {40, 0, 0x42, 0x0a, 0}, {48, 0, 0x43, 0x0a, 0}, {56, 0, 0x44, 0x0a, 0}, {64, 0, 0x50, 0x0a, 0}, {72, 0, 0x51, 0x0a, 0}, {80, 0, 0x52, 0x0a, 0}, {88, 0, 0x53, 0x0a, 0}, {96, 0, 0x54, 0x0a, 0}, }; AnimateSceneSprite_AddObjectsToOamBuffer(k, kIntroSprite2_Ents, 13); } void InitializeSceneSprite_Sparkle(int k) { // 8cc8e2 int j = intro_frame_ctr >> 5 & 3; intro_x_lo[k] = kIntroSprite3_X[j]; intro_x_hi[k] = 0; intro_y_lo[k] = kIntroSprite3_Y[j]; intro_y_hi[k] = 0; intro_sprite_isinited[k]++; } void AnimateSceneSprite_Sparkle(int k) { // 8cc90d static const IntroSpriteEnt kIntroSprite3_Ents[4] = { { 0, 0, 0x80, 0x34, 0}, { 0, 0, 0xb7, 0x34, 0}, {-4, -3, 0x64, 0x38, 2}, {-4, -3, 0x62, 0x34, 2}, }; if (intro_sprite_state[k] < 4) AnimateSceneSprite_AddObjectsToOamBuffer(k, kIntroSprite3_Ents + intro_sprite_state[k], 1); intro_sprite_state[k] = kIntroSprite3_State[intro_frame_ctr >> 2 & 7]; int j = intro_frame_ctr >> 5 & 3; intro_x_lo[k] = kIntroSprite3_X[j]; intro_y_lo[k] = kIntroSprite3_Y[j]; } void AnimateSceneSprite_AddObjectsToOamBuffer(int k, const IntroSpriteEnt *src, int num) { // 8cc972 uint16 x = intro_x_hi[k] << 8 | intro_x_lo[k]; uint16 y = intro_y_hi[k] << 8 | intro_y_lo[k]; OamEnt *oam = (OamEnt *)&g_ram[intro_sprite_alloc]; intro_sprite_alloc += num * 4; do { SetOamHelper0(oam, x + src->x, y + src->y, src->charnum, src->flags, src->ext); } while (oam++, src++, --num); } void AnimateSceneSprite_MoveTriangle(int k) { // 8cc9f1 if (intro_x_vel[k] != 0) { uint32 t = intro_x_subpixel[k] + (intro_x_lo[k] << 8) + (intro_x_hi[k] << 16) + ((int8)intro_x_vel[k] << 4); intro_x_subpixel[k] = t, intro_x_lo[k] = t >> 8, intro_x_hi[k] = t >> 16; } if (intro_y_vel[k] != 0) { uint32 t = intro_y_subpixel[k] + (intro_y_lo[k] << 8) + (intro_y_hi[k] << 16) + ((int8)intro_y_vel[k] << 4); intro_y_subpixel[k] = t, intro_y_lo[k] = t >> 8, intro_y_hi[k] = t >> 16; } } void TriforceRoom_PrepGFXSlotForPoly() { // 8cca54 misc_sprites_graphics_index = 8; LoadCommonSprites(); Intro_InitGfx_Helper(); intro_sprite_isinited[0] = 1; intro_sprite_isinited[1] = 1; intro_sprite_isinited[2] = 1; intro_sprite_subtype[0] = 4; intro_sprite_subtype[1] = 5; intro_sprite_subtype[2] = 6; INIDISP_copy = 15; submodule_index++; } void Credits_InitializePolyhedral() { // 8cca81 misc_sprites_graphics_index = 8; LoadCommonSprites(); Intro_InitGfx_Helper(); poly_config1 = 0; intro_sprite_isinited[0] = 1; intro_sprite_isinited[1] = 1; intro_sprite_isinited[2] = 1; intro_sprite_subtype[0] = 7; intro_sprite_subtype[1] = 7; intro_sprite_subtype[2] = 7; INIDISP_copy = 15; submodule_index++; } void AdvancePolyhedral() { // 8ccab1 TriforceRoom_HandlePoly(); Scene_AnimateEverySprite(); } void TriforceRoom_HandlePoly() { // 8ccabc is_nmi_thread_active = 1; intro_want_double_ret = 1; if (intro_did_run_step) return; switch (intro_step_index) { case 0: poly_config1 -= 2; if (poly_config1 < 2) { poly_config1 = 0; intro_step_index++; subsubmodule_index++; } // fall through case 1: if (subsubmodule_index >= 10) { intro_step_index++; intro_y_vel[1] = 5; } poly_b += 2, poly_a += 1; break; case 2: triforce_ctr = 0x1c0; if (poly_config1 < 128) { poly_config1 += 1; } else { if ((poly_b - 10 & 0x7f) >= 92 && (uint8)(poly_a - 11) >= 220) { poly_a = 0; poly_b = 0; subsubmodule_index++; intro_step_index++; sound_effect_1 = 44; main_palette_buffer[0xd7] = 0x7fff; flag_update_cgram_in_nmi++; intro_step_timer = 6; break; } } poly_b += 5, poly_a += 3; break; case 3: if (!--intro_step_timer) { main_palette_buffer[0xd7] = kPolyhedralPalette[7]; flag_update_cgram_in_nmi++; intro_step_index++; } break; case 4: break; } intro_did_run_step = 1; intro_want_double_ret = 0; intro_frame_ctr++; } void Credits_AnimateTheTriangles() { // 8ccba2 intro_frame_ctr++; is_nmi_thread_active = 1; if (!intro_did_run_step) { poly_b += 3; poly_a += 1; intro_did_run_step = 1; } Scene_AnimateEverySprite(); } void InitializeSceneSprite_TriforceRoomTriangle(int k) { // 8ccbe8 static const int16 kIntroTriforce_X[3] = { 0x4e, 0x5f, 0x72 }; static const int16 kIntroTriforce_Y[3] = { 0x9c, 0x9c, 0x9c }; static const int8 kIntroTriforce_Xvel[3] = { -2, 0, 2 }; static const int8 kIntroTriforce_Yvel[3] = { 4, -4, 4 }; intro_x_lo[k] = kIntroTriforce_X[k]; intro_x_hi[k] = 0; intro_y_lo[k] = kIntroTriforce_Y[k]; intro_y_hi[k] = 0; intro_x_vel[k] = kIntroTriforce_Xvel[k]; intro_y_vel[k] = kIntroTriforce_Yvel[k]; intro_sprite_isinited[k]++; } void Intro_SpriteType_B_456(int k) { // 8ccc13 static const int8 kTriforce_Xacc[3] = { -1, 0, 1 }; static const int8 kTriforce_Yacc[3] = { -1, -1, -1 }; static const uint8 kTriforce_Yfinal2[3] = { 0x72, 0x66, 0x72 }; Intro_CopySpriteType4ToOam(k); if (intro_want_double_ret) return; AnimateSceneSprite_MoveTriangle(k); switch (intro_step_index) { case 0: if (!(intro_frame_ctr & 7)) intro_x_vel[k] += kTriforce_Xacc[k]; if (!(intro_frame_ctr & 3)) intro_y_vel[k] += kTriforce_Yacc[k]; break; case 1: intro_x_vel[k] = 0; intro_y_vel[k] = 0; break; case 2: if (!(intro_frame_ctr & 3)) AnimateTriforceRoomTriangle_HandleContracting(k); if (kTriforce_Xfinal[k] == intro_x_lo[k]) intro_x_vel[k] = 0; if (kTriforce_Yfinal[k] == intro_y_lo[k]) intro_y_vel[k] = 0; break; case 3: case 4: if (triforce_ctr == 0) { intro_y_lo[k] = kTriforce_Yfinal2[k]; } else { triforce_ctr -= 1; } break; } } void AnimateTriforceRoomTriangle_HandleContracting(int k) { // 8cccb0 uint8 new_vel = intro_x_vel[k] + (intro_x_lo[k] <= kTriforce_Xfinal[k] ? 1 : -1); intro_x_vel[k] = (new_vel == 0x11) ? 0x10 : (new_vel == 0xef) ? 0xf0 : new_vel; new_vel = intro_y_vel[k] + (intro_y_lo[k] <= kTriforce_Yfinal[k] ? 1 : -1); intro_y_vel[k] = (new_vel == 0x11) ? 0x10 : (new_vel == 0xef) ? 0xf0 : new_vel; } void InitializeSceneSprite_CreditsTriangle(int k) { // 8ccd19 static const uint8 kIntroSprite7_X[3] = { 0x29, 0x5f, 0x97 }; static const uint8 kIntroSprite7_Y[3] = { 0x70, 0x20, 0x70 }; intro_x_lo[k] = kIntroSprite7_X[k]; intro_x_hi[k] = 0; intro_y_lo[k] = kIntroSprite7_Y[k]; intro_y_hi[k] = 0; intro_sprite_isinited[k]++; } void AnimateSceneSprite_CreditsTriangle(int k) { // 8ccd3e static const int8 kIntroSprite7_XAcc[3] = { -1, 0, 1 }; static const int8 kIntroSprite7_YAcc[3] = { 1, -1, 1 }; LoadTriforceSpritePalette(); Intro_CopySpriteType4ToOam(k); AnimateSceneSprite_MoveTriangle(k); if (submodule_index != 36) { intro_sprite_state[k] = 0; return; } if (intro_sprite_state[k] != 80) { intro_sprite_state[k]++; intro_x_vel[k] += kIntroSprite7_XAcc[k]; intro_y_vel[k] += kIntroSprite7_YAcc[k]; } } void Intro_DisplayLogo() { // 8ced82 static const uint8 kIntroLogo_X[4] = { 0x60, 0x70, 0x80, 0x88 }; static const uint8 kIntroLogo_Tile[4] = { 0x69, 0x6b, 0x6d, 0x6e }; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[i], kIntroLogo_X[i], 0x68, kIntroLogo_Tile[i], 0x32, 2); } void Intro_SetupSwordAndIntroFlash() { // 8cfe45 intro_sword_19 = 7; intro_sword_20 = 0; intro_sword_21 = 0; intro_sword_ypos = -130; Intro_PeriodicSwordAndIntroFlash(); } void Intro_PeriodicSwordAndIntroFlash() { // 8cfe56 if (intro_sword_18) intro_sword_18--; SetBackdropcolorBlack(); if (intro_times_pal_flash) { if ((intro_times_pal_flash & 3) != 0) { (&COLDATA_copy0)[intro_sword_24] |= 0x1f; intro_sword_24 = (intro_sword_24 == 2) ? 0 : intro_sword_24 + 1; } intro_times_pal_flash--; } OamEnt *oam = oam_buf + 0x52; for (int j = 9; j >= 0; j--) { static const uint8 kIntroSword_Char[10] = { 0, 2, 0x20, 0x22, 4, 6, 8, 0xa, 0xc, 0xe }; static const uint8 kIntroSword_X[10] = { 0x40, 0x40, 0x30, 0x50, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0x40 }; static const uint16 kIntroSword_Y[10] = { 0x10, 0x20, 0x28, 0x28, 0x30, 0x40, 0x50, 0x60, 0x70, 0x80 }; uint16 y = intro_sword_ypos + kIntroSword_Y[j]; SetOamPlain(&oam[j], kIntroSword_X[j], ((y & 0xff00) ? 0xf8 : y) - 8, kIntroSword_Char[j], 0x21, 2); } if (intro_sword_ypos != 30) { if (intro_sword_ypos == 0xffbe) { sound_effect_1 = 1; } else if (intro_sword_ypos == 14) { WORD(intro_sword_24) = 0; intro_times_pal_flash = 0x20; sound_effect_1 = 0x2c; } intro_sword_ypos += 16; } switch (intro_sword_20 >> 1) { case 0: if (!intro_times_pal_flash && intro_sword_ypos == 30) intro_sword_20 += 2; break; case 1: { static const uint8 kSwordSparkle_Tab[8] = { 4, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, 4 }; if (!intro_sword_18) { intro_sword_19 -= 1; if (sign8(intro_sword_19)) { intro_sword_19 = 0; intro_sword_18 = 2; intro_sword_20 += 2; return; } intro_sword_18 = kSwordSparkle_Tab[intro_sword_19]; } static const uint8 kSwordSparkle_Char[7] = { 0x28, 0x37, 0x27, 0x36, 0x27, 0x37, 0x28 }; SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[0x50], 0x44, 0x43, kSwordSparkle_Char[intro_sword_19], 0x25, 0); break; } case 2: { static const uint8 kIntroSwordSparkle_Char[8] = { 0x26, 0x20, 0x24, 0x34, 0x25, 0x20, 0x35, 0x20 }; int k = intro_sword_19; if (k >= 7) return; uint8 y = (intro_sword_21 < 0x50 ? intro_sword_21 : 0x4f) + intro_sword_ypos + 0x31; SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[0x50], 0x42, y + 0, kIntroSwordSparkle_Char[k + 0], 0x23, 0); SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[0x51], 0x42, y + 8, kIntroSwordSparkle_Char[k + 1], 0x23, 0); if (intro_sword_18 == 0) { intro_sword_21 += 4; if (intro_sword_21 == 0x4 || intro_sword_21 == 0x48 || intro_sword_21 == 0x4c || intro_sword_21 == 0x58) intro_sword_19 += 2; } break; } } } void Module1A_Credits() { // 8e986e oam_region_base[0] = 0x30; oam_region_base[1] = 0x1d0; oam_region_base[2] = 0x0; kEndSequence_Funcs[submodule_index](); } void Credits_LoadNextScene_Overworld() { // 8e9889 kEndSequence0_Funcs[subsubmodule_index](); Credits_AddEndingSequenceText(); } void Credits_LoadNextScene_Dungeon() { // 8e9891 Credits_LoadScene_Dungeon(); Credits_AddEndingSequenceText(); } void Credits_PrepAndLoadSprites() { // 8e98b9 for (int k = 15; k >= 0; k--) { SpritePrep_ResetProperties(k); sprite_state[k] = 0; sprite_flags5[k] = 0; sprite_defl_bits[k] = 0; } int k = submodule_index >> 1; switch (k) { init_sprites_0: case 0: case 4: case 5: case 8: case 13: { int idx = kEndingSprites_Idx[k]; int num = kEndingSprites_Idx[k + 1] - idx; const uint16 *px = kEndingSprites_X + idx; const uint16 *py = kEndingSprites_Y + idx; for (k = num - 1; k >= 0; k--) { sprcoll_x_size = sprcoll_y_size = 0xffff; uint16 x = (swap16(overworld_area_index << 1) & 0xf00) + px[k]; uint16 y = (swap16(overworld_area_index >> 2) & 0xe00) + py[k]; Sprite_SetX(k, x); Sprite_SetY(k, y); } break; } init_sprites_1: case 1: { int idx = kEndingSprites_Idx[k]; int num = kEndingSprites_Idx[k + 1] - idx; const uint16 *px = kEndingSprites_X + idx; const uint16 *py = kEndingSprites_Y + idx; byte_7E0FB1 = dungeon_room_index2 >> 3 & 254; byte_7E0FB0 = (dungeon_room_index2 & 15) << 1; for (k = num - 1; k >= 0; k--) { sprcoll_x_size = sprcoll_y_size = 0xffff; uint16 x = byte_7E0FB0 * 256 + px[k]; uint16 y = byte_7E0FB1 * 256 + py[k]; Sprite_SetX(k, x); Sprite_SetY(k, y); } break; } case 2: sprite_y_vel[6] = -16; goto init_sprites_0; case 3: sprite_A[5] = 22; sprite_y_vel[0] = -16; sprite_y_vel[1] = 16; sprite_head_dir[1] = 1; for (int j = 2; j >= 0; j--) { sprite_type[2 + j] = 0x57; sprite_oam_flags[2 + j] = 0x31; } goto init_sprites_0; case 6: sprite_delay_main[0] = 255; sprite_delay_main[1] = 255; sprite_delay_main[2] = 255; goto init_sprites_0; case 7: sprite_delay_main[1] = 255; goto init_sprites_0; case 9: for (int j = 4; j >= 0; j--) { sprite_delay_main[j] = j * 19; sprite_state[j] = 0; } sprite_type[5] = 0x2e; for (int j = 1; j >= 0; j--) { sprite_type[7 + j] = 0x9f; sprite_type[9 + j] = 0xa0; sprite_flags2[7 + j] = 1; sprite_flags2[9 + j] = 2; sprite_flags3[7 + j] = 0x10; sprite_flags3[9 + j] = 0x10; } goto init_sprites_0; case 10: sprite_delay_main[1] = 0x10; sprite_delay_main[2] = 0x20; sprite_oam_flags[3] = 8; sprite_oam_flags[4] = 8; goto init_sprites_1; case 11: sprite_oam_flags[4] = 0x79; sprite_oam_flags[5] = 0x39; sprite_D[1] = 1; sprite_A[1] = 4; goto init_sprites_1; case 12: for (int j = 1; j >= 0; j--) { sprite_oam_flags[j + 3] = 0x39; sprite_type[j + 3] = 0xb; sprite_flags3[j + 3] = 0x10; sprite_flags2[j + 3] = 1; } sprite_type[5] = 0x2a; sprite_type[6] = 0x79; sprite_ai_state[6] = 1; sprite_z[6] = 5; goto init_sprites_0; case 14: sprite_y_vel[5] = -16; sprite_y_vel[6] = 16; sprite_head_dir[6] = 1; sprite_A[0] = 8; for (int j = 3; j >= 0; j--) sprite_y_vel[1 + j] = 4; goto init_sprites_0; case 15: sprite_C[4] = 2; sprite_y_vel[5] = 8; sprite_delay_main[1] = 0x13; sprite_delay_main[4] = 0x40; goto init_sprites_0; } } void Credits_ScrollScene_Overworld() { // 8e9958 for (int k = 15; k >= 0; k--) if (sprite_delay_main[k]) sprite_delay_main[k]--; int i = submodule_index >> 1; link_x_vel = link_y_vel = 0; if (R16 >= 0x40 && !(R16 & 1)) { if (BG2VOFS_copy2 != kEnding1_TargetScrollY[i]) link_y_vel = kEnding1_Yvel[i]; if (BG2HOFS_copy2 != kEnding1_TargetScrollX[i]) link_x_vel = kEnding1_Xvel[i]; } Credits_OperateScrollingAndTileMap(); Credits_HandleSceneFade(); } void Credits_ScrollScene_Dungeon() { // 8e99c5 for (int k = 15; k >= 0; k--) if (sprite_delay_main[k]) sprite_delay_main[k]--; int i = submodule_index >> 1; if (R16 >= 0x40 && !(R16 & 1)) { if (BG2VOFS_copy2 != kEnding1_TargetScrollY[i]) BG2VOFS_copy2 += kEnding1_Yvel[i]; if (BG2HOFS_copy2 != kEnding1_TargetScrollX[i]) BG2HOFS_copy2 += kEnding1_Xvel[i]; } Credits_HandleSceneFade(); } void Credits_HandleSceneFade() { // 8e9a2a static const uint16 kEnding1_3_Tab0[16] = { 0x300, 0x280, 0x250, 0x2e0, 0x280, 0x250, 0x2c0, 0x2c0, 0x250, 0x250, 0x280, 0x250, 0x480, 0x400, 0x250, 0x500 }; static const uint8 kEndSequence_Case0_Tab1[12] = { 0x1e, 0x20, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x22, 0x16, 0x16, 0x16, 0x16 }; static const uint8 kEndSequence_Case0_Tab0[12] = { 6, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 6, 6, 6, 6 }; static const uint8 kEndSequence_Case0_OamFlags[12] = { 0x3b, 0x31, 0x3d, 0x3f, 0x39, 0x3b, 0x37, 0x3d, 0x39, 0x37, 0x37, 0x39 }; int i = submodule_index >> 1, j, k; switch (i) { case 0: for (int k = 11; k != 7; k--) { sprite_oam_flags[k] = kEndSequence_Case0_OamFlags[k]; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, kEndSequence_Case0_Tab0[k], kEndSequence_Case0_Tab1[k]); } for (int k = 7; k != 1; k--) { sprite_oam_flags[k] = kEndSequence_Case0_OamFlags[k] | (frame_counter << 2 & 0x40); Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, kEndSequence_Case0_Tab0[k], kEndSequence_Case0_Tab1[k]); } for (int k = 1; k >= 0; k--) { sprite_oam_flags[k] = kEndSequence_Case0_OamFlags[k]; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, kEndSequence_Case0_Tab0[k], kEndSequence_Case0_Tab1[k]); } break; case 1: Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(0, 3, 12); Credits_SpriteDraw_DrawShadow(0); k = 1; sprite_type[k] = 0x73; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x27; sprite_E[k] = 2; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 16); break; case 2: { static const uint8 kEnding_Case2_Tab0[2] = { 0x20, 0x40 }; static const int8 kEnding_Case2_Tab1[2] = { 16, -16 }; static const int8 kEnding_Case2_Tab2[5] = { 0x28, 0x2a, 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x2c }; static const int8 kEnding_Case2_Tab3[5] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case2_Delay[2] = { 0x30, 0x10 }; BYTE(flag_travel_bird) = kEnding_Case2_Tab0[frame_counter >> 2 & 1]; k = 6; j = sprite_x_vel[k] >> 7 & 1; sprite_oam_flags[k] = (sprite_x_vel[k] + kEnding_Case2_Tab1[j]) >> 1 & 0x40 | 0x32; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 2, 0x24); Credits_SpriteDraw_CirclingBirds(k); k -= 1; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x31; if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { j = sprite_A[k]; sprite_A[k] ^= 1; sprite_delay_main[k] = kEnding_Case2_Delay[j]; sprite_graphics[k] = sprite_graphics[k] + 1 & 3; } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 2, 0x26); k -= 1; do { if (!(frame_counter & 15)) sprite_graphics[k] ^= 1; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x31; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, kEnding_Case2_Tab3[k], kEnding_Case2_Tab2[k]); EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); } while (--k >= 0); break; } case 3: { static const uint8 kEnding_Case3_Gfx[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 2 }; for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) { if (k < 2) { sprite_type[k] = 1; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0xb; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 2); sprite_z[k] = 48; j = (frame_counter + (k ? 0x5f : 0x7d)) >> 2 & 3; sprite_graphics[k] = kEnding_Case3_Gfx[j]; Credits_SpriteDraw_CirclingBirds(k); Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 12); } else { Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 16); } } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 2, 0x38); Ending_Func2(k, 0x30); k++; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 3, 0x3a); break; } case 4: { static const uint8 kEnding_Case4_Tab1[2] = { 0x30, 0x32 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case4_Tab0[2] = { 2, 2 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case4_Ctr[2] = { 0x20, 0 }; static const int8 kEnding_Case4_XYvel[10] = { 0, -12, -16, -12, 0, 12, 16, 12, 0, -12 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case4_DelayVel[24] = { 0x3b, 0x14, 0x1e, 0x1d, 0x2c, 0x2b, 0x42, 0x20, 0x27, 0x28, 0x2e, 0x38, 0x3a, 0x4c, 0x32, 0x44, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x1e, 0x28, 0x47, 0x35, 0x32, 0x30, }; k = 2; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x35; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 1, 0x3c); k--; do { sprite_oam_flags[k] = (sprite_x_vel[k] - 1) >> 1 & 0x40 ^ 0x71; sprite_graphics[k] = frame_counter >> 3 & 1; if (R16 >= kEnding_Case4_Ctr[k] && !sprite_delay_main[k]) { uint8 a = kEnding_Case4_DelayVel[sprite_A[k]]; sprite_delay_main[k] = a & 0xf8; sprite_y_vel[k] = kEnding_Case4_XYvel[(a & 7) + 2]; sprite_x_vel[k] = kEnding_Case4_XYvel[a & 7]; sprite_A[k]++; } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, kEnding_Case4_Tab0[k], kEnding_Case4_Tab1[k]); EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); Sprite_MoveXY(k); } while (--k >= 0); break; } case 5: { static const uint8 kEnding_Case5_Tab0[2] = { 0, 4 }; static const uint16 kEnding_Case5_Tab1[2] = { 0xa, 0x224 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case5_Tab2[2] = { 10, 14 }; if (R16 == 0x200) sound_effect_1 = 1; else if (R16 == 0x208) sound_effect_1 = 0x2c; if ((uint16)(R16 - 0x208) < 0x30) Credits_SpriteDraw_AddSparkle(2, 10, R16 - 0x208); // wtf x,y k = 3; if (R16 >= 0x200) sprite_graphics[k] = 1; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x31; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 4, 8); EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); int j = sprite_graphics[k]; sprite_graphics[--k] = j; link_dma_var3 = 0; link_dma_var4 = kEnding_Case5_Tab0[j]; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x30; link_dma_graphics_index = kEnding_Case5_Tab1[j]; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 5, kEnding_Case5_Tab2[j]); EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); break; } case 6: { static const uint8 kEnding_Case6_SprType[3] = { 0x52, 0x55, 0x55 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case6_OamSize[3] = { 0x20, 8, 8 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case6_State[3] = { 3, 1, 1 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case6_Gfx[6] = { 0, 5, 5, 1, 6, 6 }; int idx = kEndingSprites_Idx[i]; int num = kEndingSprites_Idx[i + 1] - idx; for (int k = num - 1; k >= 0; k--) { cur_object_index = k; sprite_type[k] = kEnding_Case6_SprType[k]; Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(kEnding_Case6_OamSize[k]); sprite_ai_state[k] = kEnding_Case6_State[k]; j = (R16 >= 0x26f) ? k + 3 : k; if (R16 == 0x26f) sound_effect_2 = 0x21; sprite_graphics[k] = kEnding_Case6_Gfx[j]; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x33; Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); SpriteActive_Main(k); } break; } case 7: k = 1; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 2); sprite_type[k] = 0xe9; Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(0xc); sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x37; Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); if (!(frame_counter & 15)) sprite_graphics[k] ^= 1; SpriteActive_Main(k); if (R16 >= 0x180) { sprite_y_vel[k] = 4; if (sprite_y_lo[k] != 0x7c) Sprite_MoveXY(k); } k--; sprite_type[k] = 0x36; Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(0x18); sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x39; Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { static const int8 kEnding_Case7_Gfx[2] = { 1, -1 }; sprite_delay_main[k] = 4; sprite_graphics[k] = sprite_graphics[k] + kEnding_Case7_Gfx[R16 >> 9 & 1] & 7; } SpriteActive_Main(k); break; case 8: k = 0; sprite_type[k] = 0x2c; Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(0x2c); sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x3b; Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); sprite_graphics[k] = R16 < 0x1c0 ? R16 >> 5 & 1 : 2; SpriteActive_Main(k); break; case 9: for (k = 0; k < 5; k++) { if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { sprite_delay_main[k] = 96; sprite_state[k] = 96; sprite_x_vel[k] = 0; sprite_x_lo[k] = 238; sprite_x_hi[k] = 4; sprite_y_lo[k] = 24; sprite_y_hi[k] = 11; } if (sprite_state[k]) { sprite_y_vel[k] = -8; Sprite_MoveXY(k); if (!(frame_counter & 1)) sprite_x_vel[k] += ((frame_counter >> 5) ^ k) & 1 ? -1 : 1; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 1, 0x10); } } for (;;) { if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { static const uint8 kEnding_Case8_Delay1[4] = { 16, 14, 16, 18 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case8_Delay2[4] = { 20, 48, 20, 20 }; sprite_delay_main[k] = (k == 5) ? kEnding_Case8_Delay1[sprite_A[k]] : kEnding_Case8_Delay2[sprite_A[k]]; sprite_A[k] = sprite_A[k] + 1 & 3; sprite_graphics[k] ^= 1; } if (k == 5) { sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x31; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 0x10); k++; } else { Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 2, 0x12); k++; break; } } do { static const uint8 kEnding_Case8_D[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 1 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case8_OamFlags[4] = { 55, 55, 59, 61 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case8_Tab0[4] = { 8, 8, 12, 12 }; sprite_oam_flags[k] = kEnding_Case8_OamFlags[k - 7]; sprite_D[k] = kEnding_Case8_D[k - 7]; Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(k, kEnding_Case8_Tab0[k - 7]); } while (++k != 11); break; case 10: { static const uint8 kWishPond_X[8] = { 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 0 }; static const uint8 kWishPond_Y[8] = { 0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 4, 36 }; k = 5; Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); if (!sprite_pause[k]) { uint8 xb = kWishPond_X[GetRandomNumber() & 7] + cur_sprite_x; uint8 yb = kWishPond_Y[GetRandomNumber() & 7] + cur_sprite_y; Credits_SpriteDraw_AddSparkle(3, xb, yb); } for (int k = 3; k < 5; k++) { if (sprite_delay_aux1[k]) sprite_delay_aux1[k]--; sprite_type[k] = 0xe3; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 1); Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(k, 8); } sprite_type[k] = 0x72; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x3b; sprite_state[k] = 9; sprite_B[k] = 9; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 0x30); break; } case 11: if (R16 >= 0x170) { for (int k = 4; k != 6; k++) { Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 1, 0x3e); } k = 0; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x39; if (R16 < 0x1c0) { sprite_graphics[k] = 2; } else if (sprite_delay_main[k] == 0) { sprite_delay_main[k] = 0x20; sprite_graphics[k] = (sprite_graphics[k] ^ 1) & 1; } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 4, 6); } else { static const uint8 kEnding_Case11_Gfx[16] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; for (int k = 0; k < 2; k++) { sprite_type[k] = 0x1a; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x39; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 2); uint8 bak0 = main_module_index; Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(k, 0xc); main_module_index = bak0; if (sprite_B[k] == 15 && sprite_A[k] == 4) sprite_delay_main[k + 2] = 15; int j = sprite_delay_main[k + 2]; if (j != 0) { sprite_oam_flags[k + 2] = 2; sprite_graphics[k + 2] = kEnding_Case11_Gfx[j]; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k + 2, 2, 0x36); } } } break; case 12: k = 6; sprite_graphics[k] = frame_counter & 1; if (!sprite_graphics[k]) { sprite_x_vel[k] += sign8(sprite_x_lo[k] - 0x80) ? 1 : -1; sprite_y_vel[k] += sign8(sprite_y_lo[k] - 0xb0) ? 1 : -1; Sprite_MoveXY(k); } sprite_oam_flags[k] = sprite_x_vel[k] >> 1 & 0x40 ^ 0x7e; sprite_flags2[k] = 1; sprite_flags3[k] = 0x30; sprite_z[k] = 16; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 8); k--; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x37; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 2); Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(k, 12); k--; Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(k, 8); k--; Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(k, 8); k--; do { static const uint8 kEnding_Case12_Tab[3] = { 3, 3, 8 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case12_Z[15] = { 2, 4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5, 4, 2, 0 }; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, kEnding_Case12_Tab[k], k * 2); if (k == 0) { Ending_Func2(k, 0x30); } else if (k & ~1) { sprite_graphics[k] = frame_counter >> 3 & 1; } else { int j = frame_counter & 0x1f; if (j < 0xf) { sprite_z[k] = kEnding_Case12_Z[j]; } sprite_graphics[k] = (j < 0xf) ? 1 : 0; Credits_SpriteDraw_DrawShadow(k); } } while (--k >= 0); break; case 13: k = 0; if (R16 == 0x200) sprite_x_vel[k] = -4; sprite_graphics[k] = frame_counter >> 4 & 1; if (sprite_x_lo[k] == 56) { sprite_x_vel[k] = 0; sprite_graphics[k] += 2; } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 3, 0x34); Sprite_MoveXY(k); break; case 14: { static const int8 kEnding_Case14_Tab1[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 2 }; static const int8 kEnding_Case14_Tab0[5] = { 2, 8, 32, 32, 8 }; for (k = 6; k; k--) { if (k >= 5) { sprite_type[k] = 0; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 1); sprite_graphics[k] = (frame_counter + 0x4a & 8) >> 3; sprite_z[k] = 32; Credits_SpriteDraw_CirclingBirds(k); sprite_oam_flags[k] = (sprite_x_vel[k] >> 1 & 0x40) ^ 0xf; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 8); } else { sprite_type[k] = 0xd; if (k == 1) sprite_head_dir[k] = 0xd; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 3); sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x2b; uint8 a = sprite_delay_main[k]; if (!a) sprite_delay_main[k] = a = 0xc0; a >>= 1; if (a == 0) { sprite_y_vel[k] = sprite_x_vel[k] = 0; } else { if (a < kEnding_Case14_Tab0[k] && !(frame_counter & 3) && (a = sprite_y_vel[k]) != 0) { sprite_y_vel[k] = --a; a -= 4; if (k < 3) a = -a; sprite_x_vel[k] = a; } } Sprite_MoveXY(k); sprite_graphics[k] = kEnding_Case14_Tab1[frame_counter >> 3 & 3]; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 16); } } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 3, 0x18); Ending_Func2(k, 0x20); break; } case 15: { static const uint8 kEnding_Case15_X[4] = { 0x76, 0x73, 0x71, 0x78 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case15_Y[4] = { 0x8b, 0x83, 0x8d, 0x85 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case15_Delay[8] = { 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 10, 8 }; static const uint8 kEnding_Case15_OamFlags[4] = { 0x61, 0x61, 0x3b, 0x39 }; j = kGeneratedEndSequence15[frame_counter] & 3; Credits_SpriteDraw_AddSparkle(2, kEnding_Case15_X[j], kEnding_Case15_Y[j]); k = 2; sprite_type[k] = 0x62; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x39; Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(k, 0x18); for (j = 1; j >= 0; j--) { k++; if (sprite_delay_aux1[k]) sprite_delay_aux1[k]--; sprite_oam_flags[k] = (sprite_x_vel[k] >> 1 & 0x40) ^ kEnding_Case15_OamFlags[j]; if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { sprite_delay_main[k] = 128; sprite_A[k] = 0; } if (!sprite_A[k]) { sprite_graphics[k] = (frame_counter >> 2 & 1) + 2; Credits_SpriteDraw_MoveSquirrel(k); } else if (!sprite_delay_aux1[k]) { if (sprite_B[k] == 8) sprite_B[k] = 0; sprite_delay_aux1[k] = kEnding_Case15_Delay[sprite_B[k] & 7]; sprite_graphics[k] = sprite_graphics[k] & 1 ^ 1; sprite_B[k]++; } Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 1, 20); EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); } Credits_SpriteDraw_WalkLinkAwayFromPedestal(k + 1); break; } } k = submodule_index >> 1; if (R16 >= kEnding1_3_Tab0[k]) { if (!(R16 & 1) && !--INIDISP_copy) submodule_index++; else R16++; } else { if (!(R16 & 1) && INIDISP_copy != 15) INIDISP_copy++; R16++; } BG2HOFS_copy = BG2HOFS_copy2; BG2VOFS_copy = BG2VOFS_copy2; BG1HOFS_copy = BG1HOFS_copy2; BG1VOFS_copy = BG1VOFS_copy2; } void Credits_SpriteDraw_DrawShadow(int k) { // 8ea5f8 sprite_oam_flags[k] = 0x30; Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 0); Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(4); SpriteDraw_Shadow(k, &g_ending_coords); } void EndSequence_DrawShadow2(int k) { // 8ea5fd Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(k, 0); Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(4); SpriteDraw_Shadow(k, &g_ending_coords); } void Ending_Func2(int k, uint8 ain) { // 8ea645 static const uint8 kEnding_Func2_Delay[27] = { 10, 10, 10, 10, 20, 8, 8, 0, 255, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 30, 8, 4, 4, 4, 0, 0, 255, 255, 144, 4, 0, }; static const int8 kEnding_Func2_Tab0[28] = { 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 2, 3, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 3, 0, -1, -1, -1, 2, 3, }; sprite_oam_flags[k] = ain; EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); int j = sprite_A[k]; if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { j++; if (j == 8) j = 6; else if (j == 22) j = 21; else if (j == 28) j = 27; sprite_A[k] = j; sprite_delay_main[k] = kEnding_Func2_Delay[j - 1]; } uint8 a = kEnding_Func2_Tab0[j]; sprite_graphics[k] = (a == 255) ? frame_counter >> 3 & 1 : a; if ((j < 5 || j >= 10 && j < 15) && !(frame_counter & 1)) sprite_y_lo[k]++; } void Credits_SpriteDraw_ActivateAndRunSprite(int k, uint8 a) { // 8ea694 cur_object_index = k; Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(a); Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); uint8 bak0 = submodule_index; submodule_index = 0; sprite_state[k] = 9; SpriteActive_Main(k); submodule_index = bak0; } void Credits_SpriteDraw_PreexistingSpriteDraw(int k, uint8 a) { // 8ea6b3 Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(a); cur_object_index = k; Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); SpriteActive_Main(k); } void Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(int k, uint8 a, uint8 j) { // 8ea703 static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd0[12] = { { 0, -8, 0x072a, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x072a, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x4fca, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x072a, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x072a, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0fca, 2}, {-2, 0, 0x0f77, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x072a, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x4fca, 2}, {-3, 0, 0x0f66, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x072a, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x4fca, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd1[6] = { {14, -7, 0x0d48, 2}, { 0, -6, 0x0944, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x094e, 2}, {13, -14, 0x0d48, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x0944, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0946, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd2[16] = { {-2, -16, 0x3d78, 0}, { 0, -24, 0x3d24, 2}, { 0, -16, 0x3dc2, 2}, {61, -16, 0x3777, 0}, {64, -24, 0x37c4, 2}, {64, -16, 0x77ca, 2}, { 0, -6, 0x326c, 2}, {64, -6, 0x326c, 2}, {-2, -16, 0x3d68, 0}, { 0, -24, 0x3d24, 2}, { 0, -16, 0x3dc2, 2}, {61, -16, 0x3766, 0}, {64, -24, 0x37c4, 2}, {64, -16, 0x77ca, 2}, { 0, -6, 0x326c, 2}, {64, -6, 0x326c, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd3[12] = { { 0, 0, 0x0022, 2}, {48, 0, 0x0064, 2}, { 0, 10, 0x016c, 2}, {48, 10, 0x016c, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0064, 2}, {48, 0, 0x0022, 2}, { 0, 10, 0x016c, 2}, {48, 10, 0x016c, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0064, 2}, {48, 0, 0x0064, 2}, { 0, 10, 0x016c, 2}, {48, 10, 0x016c, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd4[8] = { {10, 8, 0x8a32, 0}, {10, 16, 0x8a22, 0}, { 0, -10, 0x0800, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x082c, 2}, {10, -14, 0x0a22, 0}, {10, -6, 0x0a32, 0}, {0, -10, 0x082a, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0828, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd5[10] = { {10, 16, 0x8a05, 0}, {10, 8, 0x8a15, 0}, {-4, 2, 0x0a07, 2}, { 0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, { 0, 1, 0x0e02, 2}, {10, -20, 0x0a05, 0}, {10, -12, 0x0a15, 0}, {-7, 1, 0x4a07, 2}, { 0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, { 0, 1, 0x0e02, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd6[3] = { {-6, -2, 0x0706, 2}, { 0, -9, 0x090e, 2}, { 0, -1, 0x0908, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd7[10] = { {0, -10, 0x082a, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0828, 2}, {10, 16, 0x8a05, 0}, {10, 8, 0x8a15, 0}, {-4, 2, 0x0a07, 2}, { 0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, { 0, 1, 0x0e02, 2}, {10, -20, 0x0a05, 0}, {10, -12, 0x0a15, 0}, {-7, 1, 0x4a07, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd8[1] = { {0, -19, 0x39af, 0}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd9[4] = { {-16, -24, 0x3704, 2}, {-16, -16, 0x3764, 2}, {-16, -24, 0x3762, 2}, {-16, -16, 0x3764, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd10[4] = { {0, 0, 0x0c0c, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0c0a, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0cc5, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0ce1, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd11[6] = { {1, 4, 0x002a, 0}, {1, 12, 0x003a, 0}, {4, 0, 0x0026, 2}, {0, 9, 0x0024, 2}, {8, 9, 0x4024, 2}, {4, 20, 0x016c, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd12[21] = { { 0, -7, 0x0d00, 2}, { 0, -7, 0x0d00, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0d06, 2}, { 0, -7, 0x0d00, 2}, { 0, -7, 0x0d00, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x4d06, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x0d00, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x0d00, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0d20, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x0d02, 2}, { 0, -8, 0x0d02, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0d2c, 2}, {-3, 0, 0x0d2f, 0}, { 0, -7, 0x0d02, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0d2c, 2}, {-5, 2, 0x0d2f, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x0d02, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0d2c, 2}, {-5, 2, 0x0d3f, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x0d02, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0d2c, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd13[16] = { {0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x4e02, 2}, {0, -8, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x0e02, 2}, {0, -9, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x0e02, 2}, {0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x0e02, 2}, {0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x4e02, 2}, {0, -8, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x4e02, 2}, {0, -9, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x4e02, 2}, {0, -7, 0x0e00, 2}, {0, 1, 0x4e02, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd14[6] = { {0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0x34c7, 0}, {0, 0, 0x3480, 0}, {0, 0, 0x34b6, 0}, {0, 0, 0x34b7, 0}, {0, 0, 0x34a6, 0}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd15[6] = { {-3, 17, 0x002b, 0}, {-3, 25, 0x003b, 0}, { 0, 0, 0x000e, 2}, {16, 0, 0x400e, 2}, { 0, 16, 0x002e, 2}, {16, 16, 0x402e, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd16[3] = { { 8, 5, 0x0a04, 2}, { 0, 16, 0x0806, 2}, {16, 16, 0x4806, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd17[2] = { {0, 0, 0x0000, 2}, {0, 11, 0x0002, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd18[2] = { {0, 0, 0x000e, 2}, {0, 64, 0x006c, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd19[8] = { {0, 0, 0x0882, 2}, {0, 7, 0x0a4e, 2}, {0, 0, 0x4880, 2}, {0, 7, 0x0a4e, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0882, 2}, {0, 7, 0x0a4e, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0880, 2}, {0, 7, 0x0a4e, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd20[6] = { {-4, 1, 0x0c68, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x0c40, 2}, { 0, 1, 0x0c42, 2}, {-4, 1, 0x0c78, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x0c40, 2}, { 0, 1, 0x0c42, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd21[6] = { {8, 5, 0x0679, 0}, {0, -10, 0x088e, 2}, {0, 0, 0x066e, 2}, {0, -10, 0x088e, 2}, {0, -10, 0x088e, 2}, {0, 0, 0x066e, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd22[6] = { {11, -3, 0x0869, 0}, { 0, -12, 0x0804, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0860, 2}, {10, -3, 0x0867, 0}, { 0, -12, 0x0804, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x0860, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd23[6] = { {-2, 1, 0x0868, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x08c0, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x08c2, 2}, {-3, 1, 0x0878, 0}, { 0, -8, 0x08c0, 2}, { 0, 0, 0x08c2, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd24[4] = { {0, -10, 0x084c, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0a6c, 2}, {0, -9, 0x084c, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0aa8, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd25[4] = { {0, -7, 0x084a, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0c6a, 2}, {0, -7, 0x084a, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0ca6, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd26[12] = { {-18, -24, 0x39a4, 2}, {-16, -16, 0x39a8, 2}, {-18, -24, 0x39a4, 2}, {-18, -24, 0x39a4, 2}, {-16, -16, 0x39a6, 2}, {-18, -24, 0x39a4, 2}, { -6, -17, 0x392d, 0}, {-16, -24, 0x39a0, 2}, {-16, -16, 0x39aa, 2}, { -5, -17, 0x392c, 0}, {-16, -24, 0x39a0, 2}, {-16, -16, 0x39aa, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd27[6] = { { 0, -4, 0x30aa, 2}, { 0, -4, 0x30aa, 2}, {-4, -8, 0x3090, 0}, {12, -8, 0x7090, 0}, {-6, -10, 0x3091, 0}, {14, -10, 0x7091, 0}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd28[8] = { {0, 0, 0x0722, 2}, {0, -8, 0x09c2, 2}, {0, 0, 0x4722, 2}, {0, -8, 0x09c2, 2}, {0, -9, 0x09c4, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0722, 2}, {0, -9, 0x0924, 2}, {0, 0, 0x0722, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd29[3] = { {-16, -12, 0x3f08, 2}, { 0, -12, 0x3f20, 2}, { 16, -12, 0x3f20, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd30[1] = { {0, 0, 0x0086, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData kEndSequence_Dmd31[1] = { {0, 0, 0x8060, 2}, }; static const DrawMultipleData *const kEndSequence_Dmds[] = { kEndSequence_Dmd0, kEndSequence_Dmd1, kEndSequence_Dmd2, kEndSequence_Dmd3, kEndSequence_Dmd4, kEndSequence_Dmd5, kEndSequence_Dmd6, kEndSequence_Dmd7, kEndSequence_Dmd8, kEndSequence_Dmd9, kEndSequence_Dmd10, kEndSequence_Dmd11, kEndSequence_Dmd12, kEndSequence_Dmd13, kEndSequence_Dmd14, kEndSequence_Dmd15, kEndSequence_Dmd16, kEndSequence_Dmd17, kEndSequence_Dmd18, kEndSequence_Dmd19, kEndSequence_Dmd20, kEndSequence_Dmd21, kEndSequence_Dmd22, kEndSequence_Dmd23, kEndSequence_Dmd24, kEndSequence_Dmd25, kEndSequence_Dmd26, kEndSequence_Dmd27, kEndSequence_Dmd28, kEndSequence_Dmd29, kEndSequence_Dmd30, kEndSequence_Dmd31 }; Oam_AllocateFromRegionA(a * 4); Sprite_Get16BitCoords(k); Sprite_DrawMultiple(k, kEndSequence_Dmds[j >> 1] + a * sprite_graphics[k], a, &g_ending_coords); } void Credits_SpriteDraw_SetShadowProp(int k, uint8 a) { // 8eaca2 sprite_flags2[k] = a; sprite_flags3[k] = 16; } void Credits_SpriteDraw_AddSparkle(int j_count, uint8 xb, uint8 yb) { // 8eace5 static const uint8 kEnding_Func3_Delay[6] = { 32, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6 }; sprite_C[0] = j_count; for (int k = 0; k < j_count; k++) { int j = sprite_graphics[k]; if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { if (++j >= 6) { sprite_x_lo[k] = xb; sprite_y_lo[k] = yb; j = 0; } sprite_graphics[k] = j; sprite_delay_main[k] = kEnding_Func3_Delay[j]; } if (j) Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 1, 0x1c); } } void Credits_SpriteDraw_WalkLinkAwayFromPedestal(int k) { // 8eadf7 static const uint16 kEnding_Func6_Dma[8] = { 0x16c, 0x16e, 0x170, 0x172, 0x16c, 0x174, 0x176, 0x178 }; if (!sprite_delay_main[k]) { sprite_graphics[k] = sprite_graphics[k] + 1 & 7; sprite_delay_main[k] = 4; } link_dma_graphics_index = kEnding_Func6_Dma[sprite_graphics[k]]; sprite_oam_flags[k] = 32; Credits_SpriteDraw_Single(k, 2, 26); EndSequence_DrawShadow2(k); Sprite_MoveXY(k); } void Credits_SpriteDraw_MoveSquirrel(int k) { // 8eae35 static const int8 kEnding_Func5_Xvel[4] = { 32, 24, -32, -24 }; static const int8 kEnding_Func5_Yvel[4] = { 8, -8, -8, 8 }; if (sprite_delay_main[k] < 64) { sprite_C[k] = sprite_C[k] + 1 & 3; sprite_A[k]++; } else { int j = sprite_C[k]; sprite_x_vel[k] = kEnding_Func5_Xvel[j]; sprite_y_vel[k] = kEnding_Func5_Yvel[j]; Sprite_MoveXY(k); } } void Credits_SpriteDraw_CirclingBirds(int k) { // 8eae63 static const int8 kEnding_MoveSprite_Func1_TargetX[2] = { 0x20, -0x20 }; static const int8 kEnding_MoveSprite_Func1_TargetY[2] = { 0x10, -0x10 }; int j = sprite_D[k] & 1; sprite_x_vel[k] += j ? -1 : 1; if (sprite_x_vel[k] == (uint8)kEnding_MoveSprite_Func1_TargetX[j]) sprite_D[k]++; if (!(frame_counter & 1)) { j = sprite_head_dir[k] & 1; sprite_y_vel[k] += j ? -1 : 1; if (sprite_y_vel[k] == (uint8)kEnding_MoveSprite_Func1_TargetY[j]) sprite_head_dir[k]++; } Sprite_MoveXY(k); } void Credits_HandleCameraScrollControl() { // 8eaea6 if (link_y_vel != 0) { uint8 yvel = link_y_vel; BG2VOFS_copy2 += (int8)yvel; uint16 *which = sign8(yvel) ? &overworld_unk1 : &overworld_unk1_neg; *which += abs8(yvel); if (!sign16(*which - 0x10)) { *which -= 0x10; overworld_screen_trans_dir_bits2 |= sign8(yvel) ? 8 : 4; } *(sign8(yvel) ? &overworld_unk1_neg : &overworld_unk1) = -*which; uint16 r4 = (int8)yvel, subp; WORD(byte_7E069E[0]) = r4; uint8 oi = BYTE(overlay_index); if (oi != 0x97 && oi != 0x9d) { if (oi == 0xb5 || oi == 0xbe) { subp = (r4 & 3) << 14; r4 >>= 2; if (r4 >= 0x3000) r4 |= 0xf000; } else { subp = (r4 & 1) << 15; r4 >>= 1; if (r4 >= 0x7000) r4 |= 0xf000; } uint32 tmp = BG1VOFS_subpixel | BG1VOFS_copy2 << 16; tmp += subp | r4 << 16; BG1VOFS_subpixel = (uint16)(tmp); BG1VOFS_copy2 = (uint16)(tmp >> 16); } } if (link_x_vel != 0) { uint8 xvel = link_x_vel; BG2HOFS_copy2 += (int8)xvel; uint16 *which = sign8(xvel) ? &overworld_unk3 : &overworld_unk3_neg; *which += abs8(xvel); if (!sign16(*which - 0x10)) { *which -= 0x10; overworld_screen_trans_dir_bits2 |= sign8(xvel) ? 2 : 1; } *(sign8(xvel) ? &overworld_unk3_neg : &overworld_unk3) = -*which; uint16 r4 = (int8)xvel, subp; WORD(byte_7E069E[1]) = r4; uint8 oi = BYTE(overlay_index); if (oi != 0x97 && oi != 0x9d && r4 != 0) { if (oi == 0x95 || oi == 0x9e) { subp = (r4 & 3) << 14; r4 >>= 2; if (r4 >= 0x3000) r4 |= 0xf000; } else { subp = (r4 & 1) << 15; r4 >>= 1; if (r4 >= 0x7000) r4 |= 0xf000; } uint32 tmp = BG1HOFS_subpixel | BG1HOFS_copy2 << 16; tmp += subp | r4 << 16; BG1HOFS_subpixel = (uint16)(tmp), BG1HOFS_copy2 = (uint16)(tmp >> 16); } } if (BYTE(overlay_index) == 0x9c) { uint32 tmp = BG1VOFS_subpixel | BG1VOFS_copy2 << 16; tmp -= 0x2000; BG1VOFS_subpixel = (uint16)(tmp), BG1VOFS_copy2 = (uint16)(tmp >> 16) + WORD(byte_7E069E[0]); BG1HOFS_copy2 = BG2HOFS_copy2; } else if (BYTE(overlay_index) == 0x97 || BYTE(overlay_index) == 0x9d) { uint32 tmp = BG1VOFS_subpixel | BG1VOFS_copy2 << 16; tmp += 0x2000; BG1VOFS_subpixel = (uint16)(tmp), BG1VOFS_copy2 = (uint16)(tmp >> 16); tmp = BG1HOFS_subpixel | BG1HOFS_copy2 << 16; tmp += 0x2000; BG1HOFS_subpixel = (uint16)(tmp), BG1HOFS_copy2 = (uint16)(tmp >> 16); } if (dungeon_room_index == 0x181) { BG1VOFS_copy2 = BG2VOFS_copy2 | 0x100; BG1HOFS_copy2 = BG2HOFS_copy2; } } void EndSequence_32() { // 8ebc6d EnableForceBlank(); EraseTileMaps_triforce(); TransferFontToVRAM(); Credits_LoadCoolBackground(); Credits_InitializePolyhedral(); INIDISP_copy = 128; overworld_palette_aux_or_main = 0x200; hud_palette = 1; Palette_Load_HUD(); flag_update_cgram_in_nmi++; deaths_per_palace[4] = 0; deaths_per_palace[13] += death_save_counter; int sum = deaths_per_palace[13]; for (int i = 12; i >= 0; i--) sum += deaths_per_palace[i]; death_var2 = sum; death_save_counter = 0; link_health_current = kHealthAfterDeath[link_health_capacity >> 3]; savegame_is_darkworld = 0x40; SaveGameFile(); aux_palette_buffer[38] = 0; main_palette_buffer[38] = 0; aux_palette_buffer[0] = 0; main_palette_buffer[0] = 0; TM_copy = 0x16; TS_copy = 0; R16 = 0x6800; R18 = 0; ending_which_dung = 0; BG2VOFS_copy2 = -0x48; BG2HOFS_copy2 = 0x90; BG3VOFS_copy2 = 0; BG3HOFS_copy2 = 0; Credits_AddNextAttribution(); music_control = 0x22; CGWSEL_copy = 0; CGADSUB_copy = 162; // real zelda does 0x12 here but this seems to work too zelda_ppu_write(BG2SC, 0x13); COLDATA_copy0 = 0x3f; COLDATA_copy1 = 0x5f; COLDATA_copy2 = 0x9f; subsubmodule_index = 64; INIDISP_copy = 0; HdmaSetup(0, 0xebd53, 0x42, 0, (uint8)BG2HOFS, 0); HDMAEN_copy = 0x80; BG2HOFS_copy = BG2HOFS_copy2; BG2VOFS_copy = BG2VOFS_copy2; BG1HOFS_copy = BG1HOFS_copy2; BG1VOFS_copy = BG1VOFS_copy2; } void Credits_FadeOutFixedCol() { // 8ebd66 if (--subsubmodule_index == 0) { subsubmodule_index = 16; if (COLDATA_copy0 != 32) { COLDATA_copy0--; } else if (COLDATA_copy1 != 64) { COLDATA_copy1--; } else if (COLDATA_copy2 != 128) { COLDATA_copy2--; } } } void Credits_FadeColorAndBeginAnimating() { // 8ebd8b Credits_FadeOutFixedCol(); nmi_disable_core_updates = 1; Credits_AnimateTheTriangles(); if (!(frame_counter & 3)) { if (++BG2HOFS_copy2 == 0xc00) { // real zelda writes 0x00 to BG1SC here but that doesn't seem needed zelda_ppu_write(BG2SC, 0x13); } room_bounds_y.a1 = BG2HOFS_copy2 >> 1; room_bounds_y.a0 = room_bounds_y.a1 + BG2HOFS_copy2; room_bounds_y.b0 = room_bounds_y.a0 >> 1; room_bounds_y.b1 = room_bounds_y.a1 >> 1; if (BG3VOFS_copy2 == 3288) { R16 = 0x80; submodule_index++; } else { BG3VOFS_copy2++; if ((BG3VOFS_copy2 & 7) == 0) { R18 = BG3VOFS_copy2 >> 3; Credits_AddNextAttribution(); } } } BG2HOFS_copy = BG2HOFS_copy2; BG2VOFS_copy = BG2VOFS_copy2; BG1HOFS_copy = BG1HOFS_copy2; BG1VOFS_copy = BG1VOFS_copy2; } void Credits_AddNextAttribution() { // 8ebe24 static const uint8 kEnding_Func9_Tab2[14] = { 1, 0, 2, 3, 10, 6, 5, 8, 11, 9, 7, 12, 13, 15 }; static const uint16 kEnding_Digits_ScrollY[14] = { 0x290, 0x298, 0x2a0, 0x2a8, 0x2b0, 0x2ba, 0x2c2, 0x2ca, 0x2d2, 0x2da, 0x2e2, 0x2ea, 0x2f2, 0x310 }; static const uint16 kEnding_Credits_DigitChar[2] = { 0x3ce6, 0x3cf6 }; uint16 *dst = vram_upload_data + (vram_upload_offset >> 1); dst[0] = swap16(R16); dst[1] = 0x3e40; dst[2] = kEnding_MapData[159]; dst += 3; if (R18 < 394) { const uint8 *src = &kEnding_Credits_Text[kEnding_Credits_Offs[R18]]; if (*src != 0xff) { *dst++ = swap16(R16 + *src++); int n = *src++; *dst++ = swap16(n); n = (n + 1) >> 1; do { *dst++ = kEnding_MapData[*src++]; } while (--n); } if ((ending_which_dung & 1) || R18 * 2 == kEnding_Digits_ScrollY[ending_which_dung >> 1]) { int t = kEnding_Credits_DigitChar[ending_which_dung & 1]; WORD(g_ram[0xce]) = t; dst[0] = swap16(R16 + 0x19); dst[1] = 0x500; uint16 deaths = deaths_per_palace[kEnding_Func9_Tab2[ending_which_dung >> 1]]; if (deaths >= 1000) deaths = 999; dst[4] = t + deaths % 10, deaths /= 10; dst[3] = t + deaths % 10, deaths /= 10; dst[2] = t + deaths; dst += 5; ending_which_dung++; } } R16 += 0x20; if (!(R16 & 0x3ff)) R16 = (R16 & 0x6800) ^ 0x800; vram_upload_offset = (char *)dst - (char *)vram_upload_data; BYTE(*dst) = 0xff; nmi_load_bg_from_vram = 1; } void Credits_AddEndingSequenceText() { // 8ec303 uint16 *dst = vram_upload_data; dst[0] = 0x60; dst[1] = 0xfe47; dst[2] = kEnding_MapData[159]; dst += 3; const uint8 *curo = &kEnding0_Data[kEnding0_Offs[submodule_index >> 1]]; const uint8 *endo = &kEnding0_Data[kEnding0_Offs[(submodule_index >> 1) + 1]]; do { dst[0] = WORD(curo[0]); dst[1] = WORD(curo[2]); int m = (dst[1] >> 9) & 0x7f; dst += 2, curo += 4; do { *dst++ = kEnding_MapData[*curo++]; } while (--m >= 0); } while (curo != endo); vram_upload_offset = (char *)dst - (char *)vram_upload_data; BYTE(*dst) = 0xff; nmi_load_bg_from_vram = 1; } void Credits_BrightenTriangles() { // 8ec37c if (!(frame_counter & 15) && ++INIDISP_copy == 15) submodule_index++; Credits_AnimateTheTriangles(); } void Credits_StopCreditsScroll() { // 8ec391 if (!--BYTE(R16)) { darkening_or_lightening_screen = 0; palette_filter_countdown = 0; WORD(mosaic_target_level) = 0x1f; submodule_index++; R16 = 0xc0; R18 = 0; } Credits_AnimateTheTriangles(); } void Credits_FadeAndDisperseTriangles() { // 8ec3b8 BYTE(R16)--; if (!BYTE(R18)) { ApplyPaletteFilter_bounce(); if (BYTE(palette_filter_countdown)) { Credits_AnimateTheTriangles(); return; } BYTE(R18)++; } if (BYTE(R16)) { Credits_AnimateTheTriangles(); return; } submodule_index++; PaletteFilter_WishPonds_Inner(); } void Credits_FadeInTheEnd() { // 8ec3d5 if (!(frame_counter & 7)) { PaletteFilter_SP5F(); if (!BYTE(palette_filter_countdown)) submodule_index++;; } Credits_HangForever(); } void Credits_HangForever() { // 8ec41a SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[0], -96, -72, 0x00, 0x3b, 2); SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[1], -80, -72, 0x02, 0x3b, 2); SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[2], -64, -72, 0x04, 0x3b, 2); SetOamPlain(&oam_buf[3], -48, -72, 0x06, 0x3b, 2); } void CrystalCutscene_InitializePolyhedral() { // 9ecdd9 poly_config1 = 156; poly_config_color_mode = 1; is_nmi_thread_active = 1; intro_did_run_step = 1; poly_base_x = 32; poly_base_y = 32; BYTE(poly_var1) = 32; poly_which_model = 0; poly_a = 16; TS_copy = 0; TM_copy = 0x16; }