ref: 968148ad548285cf8e63e97a4ee13d3054e7e407
dir: /src/light.c/
#include "msghandling.h" #include "zgl.h" void glopMaterial(GLContext* c, GLParam* p) { GLint mode = p[1].i; GLint type = p[2].i; GLfloat v[4]; v[0] = p[3].f; v[1] = p[4].f; v[2] = p[5].f; v[3] = p[6].f; GLint i; GLMaterial* m; if (mode == GL_FRONT_AND_BACK) { p[1].i = GL_FRONT; glopMaterial(c, p); mode = GL_BACK; } if (mode == GL_FRONT) m = &c->materials[0]; else m = &c->materials[1]; switch (type) { case GL_EMISSION: for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m->emission.v[i] = v[i]; break; case GL_AMBIENT: for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m->ambient.v[i] = v[i]; // c->current_color.X=v[0]; // c->current_color.Y=v[1]; // c->current_color.Z=v[2]; // c->current_color.W=v[3]; break; case GL_DIFFUSE: for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m->diffuse.v[i] = v[i]; // c->current_color.X=v[0]; // c->current_color.Y=v[1]; // c->current_color.Z=v[2]; // c->current_color.W=v[3]; break; case GL_SPECULAR: for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m->specular.v[i] = v[i]; break; case GL_SHININESS: m->shininess = v[0]; m->shininess_i = (v[0] / 128.0f) * SPECULAR_BUFFER_RESOLUTION; break; case GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE: // printf("\nRECEIVED AMBIENT AND DIFFUSE COLOR %f, %f, %f, %f", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3]); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m->diffuse.v[i] = v[i]; // c->current_color.X=v[0]; // c->current_color.Y=v[1]; // c->current_color.Z=v[2]; // c->current_color.W=v[3]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) m->ambient.v[i] = v[i]; break; default: c->current_color.X = v[0]; c->current_color.Y = v[1]; c->current_color.Z = v[2]; c->current_color.W = v[3]; assert(0); } } void glopColorMaterial(GLContext* c, GLParam* p) { GLint mode = p[1].i; GLint type = p[2].i; c->current_color_material_mode = mode; c->current_color_material_type = type; } void glopLight(GLContext* c, GLParam* p) { GLint light = p[1].i; GLint type = p[2].i; V4 v; GLLight* l; GLint i; assert(light >= GL_LIGHT0 && light < GL_LIGHT0 + MAX_LIGHTS); l = &c->lights[light - GL_LIGHT0]; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) v.v[i] = p[3 + i].f; switch (type) { case GL_AMBIENT: l->ambient = v; break; case GL_DIFFUSE: l->diffuse = v; break; case GL_SPECULAR: l->specular = v; break; case GL_POSITION: { V4 pos; gl_M4_MulV4(&pos, c->matrix_stack_ptr[0], &v); l->position = pos; if (l->position.v[3] == 0) { l->norm_position.X = pos.X; l->norm_position.Y = pos.Y; l->norm_position.Z = pos.Z; gl_V3_Norm(&l->norm_position); } } break; case GL_SPOT_DIRECTION: for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { l->spot_direction.v[i] = v.v[i]; l->norm_spot_direction.v[i] = v.v[i]; } gl_V3_Norm(&l->norm_spot_direction); break; case GL_SPOT_EXPONENT: l->spot_exponent = v.v[0]; break; case GL_SPOT_CUTOFF: { GLfloat a = v.v[0]; assert(a == 180 || (a >= 0 && a <= 90)); l->spot_cutoff = a; if (a != 180) l->cos_spot_cutoff = cos(a * M_PI / 180.0); } break; case GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION: l->attenuation[0] = v.v[0]; break; case GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION: l->attenuation[1] = v.v[0]; break; case GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION: l->attenuation[2] = v.v[0]; break; default: assert(0); } } void glopLightModel(GLContext* c, GLParam* p) { GLint pname = p[1].i; GLfloat* v = &p[2].f; GLint i; switch (pname) { case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT: for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) c->ambient_light_model.v[i] = p[2 + i].f; break; case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_LOCAL_VIEWER: c->local_light_model = (GLint)v[0]; break; case GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE: c->light_model_two_side = (GLint)v[0]; break; default: tgl_warning("glopLightModel: illegal pname: 0x%x\n", pname); // assert(0); break; } } static inline GLfloat clampf(GLfloat a, GLfloat min, GLfloat max) { if (a < min) return min; else if (a > max) return max; else return a; } void gl_enable_disable_light(GLContext* c, GLint light, GLint v) { GLLight* l = &c->lights[light]; if (v && !l->enabled) { l->enabled = 1; l->next = c->first_light; c->first_light = l; l->prev = NULL; } else if (!v && l->enabled) { l->enabled = 0; if (l->prev == NULL) c->first_light = l->next; else l->prev->next = l->next; if (l->next != NULL) l->next->prev = l->prev; } } // FEATURES int zEnableSpecular = 1; // Enable specular lighting void glSetEnableSpecular(GLint s) { zEnableSpecular = s; } /* non optimized lightening model */ void gl_shade_vertex(GLContext* c, GLVertex* v) { GLfloat R, G, B, A; GLMaterial* m; GLLight* l; V3 n, s, d; GLfloat dist, tmp, att, dot, dot_spot, dot_spec; GLint twoside = c->light_model_two_side; m = &c->materials[0]; n.X = v->normal.X; n.Y = v->normal.Y; n.Z = v->normal.Z; R = m->emission.v[0] + m->ambient.v[0] * c->ambient_light_model.v[0]; G = m->emission.v[1] + m->ambient.v[1] * c->ambient_light_model.v[1]; B = m->emission.v[2] + m->ambient.v[2] * c->ambient_light_model.v[2]; A = clampf(m->diffuse.v[3], 0, 1); for (l = c->first_light; l != NULL; l = l->next) { GLfloat lR, lB, lG; /* ambient */ lR = l->ambient.v[0] * m->ambient.v[0]; lG = l->ambient.v[1] * m->ambient.v[1]; lB = l->ambient.v[2] * m->ambient.v[2]; if (l->position.v[3] == 0) { /* light at infinity */ // Fixed by Gek, it used to use the unnormalized position? d.X = l->norm_position.v[0]; d.Y = l->norm_position.v[1]; d.Z = l->norm_position.v[2]; att = 1; } else { /* distance attenuation */ d.X = l->position.v[0] - v->ec.v[0]; d.Y = l->position.v[1] - v->ec.v[1]; d.Z = l->position.v[2] - v->ec.v[2]; dist = sqrt(d.X * d.X + d.Y * d.Y + d.Z * d.Z); if (dist > 1E-3) { tmp = 1 / dist; d.X *= tmp; d.Y *= tmp; d.Z *= tmp; } att = 1.0f / (l->attenuation[0] + dist * (l->attenuation[1] + dist * l->attenuation[2])); } dot = d.X * n.X + d.Y * n.Y + d.Z * n.Z; if (twoside && dot < 0) dot = -dot; if (dot > 0) { /* diffuse light */ lR += dot * l->diffuse.v[0] * m->diffuse.v[0]; lG += dot * l->diffuse.v[1] * m->diffuse.v[1]; lB += dot * l->diffuse.v[2] * m->diffuse.v[2]; /* spot light */ if (l->spot_cutoff != 180) { dot_spot = -(d.X * l->norm_spot_direction.v[0] + d.Y * l->norm_spot_direction.v[1] + d.Z * l->norm_spot_direction.v[2]); if (twoside && dot_spot < 0) dot_spot = -dot_spot; if (dot_spot < l->cos_spot_cutoff) { /* no contribution */ continue; } else { /* TODO: optimize */ if (l->spot_exponent > 0) { att = att * pow(dot_spot, l->spot_exponent); } } // GEK SAYS TO REMOVE THIS // printf("\nThis should not be being called."); } /* specular light */ if (zEnableSpecular) { if (c->local_light_model) { V3 vcoord; vcoord.X = v->ec.X; vcoord.Y = v->ec.Y; vcoord.Z = v->ec.Z; gl_V3_Norm(&vcoord); s.X = d.X - vcoord.X; s.Y = d.Y - vcoord.X; s.Z = d.Z - vcoord.X; } else { s.X = d.X; s.Y = d.Y; s.Z = d.Z + 1.0; } dot_spec = n.X * s.X + n.Y * s.Y + n.Z * s.Z; if (twoside && dot_spec < 0) dot_spec = -dot_spec; if (dot_spec > 0) { GLSpecBuf* specbuf; GLint idx; tmp = sqrt(s.X * s.X + s.Y * s.Y + s.Z * s.Z); if (tmp > 1E-3) { dot_spec = dot_spec / tmp; } /* TODO: optimize */ /* testing specular buffer code */ /* dot_spec= pow(dot_spec,m->shininess);*/ specbuf = specbuf_get_buffer(c, m->shininess_i, m->shininess); idx = (GLint)(dot_spec * SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE); if (idx > SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE) idx = SPECULAR_BUFFER_SIZE; dot_spec = specbuf->buf[idx]; lR += dot_spec * l->specular.v[0] * m->specular.v[0]; lG += dot_spec * l->specular.v[1] * m->specular.v[1]; lB += dot_spec * l->specular.v[2] * m->specular.v[2]; } // EOF if dot_spec>0 } // EOF zEnableSpecular } // EOF if dot > 0 R += att * lR; G += att * lG; B += att * lB; } // End of light loop. v->color.v[0] = clampf(R, 0, 1); v->color.v[1] = clampf(G, 0, 1); v->color.v[2] = clampf(B, 0, 1); v->color.v[3] = A; }