ref: 67a5468e01cce119ddb9080300374ebfb96cb109
dir: /SDL_Examples/include/api_audio.h/
/* Public Domain / CC0 Audio Playback Mini Library Written by Gek (DMHSW) in 2020 */ /* HOW TO BUILD THINGS USING THIS LIBRARY #define CHAD_API_IMPL //^ This line goes in the file you want the "implementation" in. #include "api_audio.h" */ #define USE_MIXER #define USE_MP3 //#ifdef __TINYC__ //#define STBI_NO_SIMD //#define SDL_DISABLE_IMMINTRIN_H //#endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <math.h> #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED #include <SDL/SDL.h> //NOTE: you might need to change these depending on your project structure. #ifdef CHAD_API_IMPL #define CHAD_MATH_IMPL #endif // #include "3dMath.h" //#include "../../include/fixedmath.h" typedef unsigned char uchar; extern uint R_; extern uint G_; extern uint B_; extern uint A_; #ifdef USE_MIXER #include<SDL/SDL_mixer.h> void ainit(int needsSDLINIT); void acleanup(); typedef Mix_Chunk samp; typedef Mix_Music track; samp* lwav(const char* t); track* lmus(const char* t); samp* qlwav(Uint8* w); int aplay(samp* samp, int loops); void aPos(int chan, int angle, unsigned char dist); void aHalt(int chan); int mplay(track* mus,int loops, int ms); void mhalt(); #ifdef CHAD_API_IMPL void ainit(int needsSDLINIT){ if(needsSDLINIT) if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO)!=0) //We only use SDL for mixer... { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(0); } Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_OGG | MIX_INIT_MP3); if(-1 == Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024)) {printf("\nAudio can't init :(");exit(2);} } void acleanup(){ Mix_CloseAudio(); Mix_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); } void mhalt(){Mix_HaltMusic();} void aHalt(int chan){Mix_HaltChannel(chan);} samp* lwav(const char* t){return Mix_LoadWAV(t);} track* lmus(const char* t){return Mix_LoadMUS(t);} samp* qlwav(Uint8* w){return Mix_QuickLoad_WAV(w);} int aplay(samp* samp, int loops){return Mix_PlayChannel(-1, samp, loops);} void aPos(int chan, int angle, unsigned char dist){Mix_SetPosition(chan,angle,dist);} int mplay(track* mus,int loops, int ms){return Mix_FadeInMusic(mus,loops,ms);} //end of chad api impl #endif //end of USE_MIXER #endif #define MAX(x,y) (x>y?x:y) #define MIN(x,y) (x<y?x:y) #define CHAD_API_NEAR 0.0