Added 640x400 resolution params
Added feature to ignore Y Axis on mouse for movement
fix for random crashes related to voice data being NULL
fixed unhandled exception for resurrect time
forgot modified Makefile. Oops Again
Merge branch 'master' into newZomROTTAlg
added seperate queues for each enemy type
fix for Save crash: forgot to add new states to table
Updated compiled files (finally)
Merge commit '703c099c93c279f05c49934ddf56df0140fe3499'
Added menu option to adjust focal width
Added scaleOffset to allow adjusting of Focal width
stupid cfg write bug fixed once again
Revert "Save/Load is functional with ZomROTT"
Revert "fixed multiple definitions error"
Revert "weird cfg load issue fixed"
Revert "probable fix to ZomROTT Save crash"
probable fix to ZomROTT Save crash
fixed multiple definitions error
Save/Load is functional with ZomROTT
ZomROTT is now functioning again
fixed undefined reference error
Added extrapistoldrops to cfg write process.
Fixed warnings found in GivePlayerAmmo
fixed issue where in fullscreen mode with multi monitor setups where the mouse if moved quick enough could leave the gave for a bit
Updated README file with required linux packages for building under linux
compiled pre-compiled files to latest master commit
changed borders for status bar, now uses tiling to fill the empty gap
Merge branch 'master' of
fixed state related error when compiling for SHAREWARE
Add files via upload
embarassing spelling mistake in readme
Everything from 6/2017 to now. First commit.