ref: 630957d00b70534bf728fa9016e057f487da26bd
dir: /src/modexlib.c/
/* Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd. Copyright (C) 2002-2015, GNU/Linux port Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Steven LeVesque This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <stdarg.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_video.h> #include "modexlib.h" #include "rt_util.h" #include "rt_net.h" // for GamePaused #include "myprint.h" #include "rt_view.h" #include "queue.h" #include "lumpy.h" //#include "SDL2/SDL2_rotozoom.h" //#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h> static void StretchMemPicture (); // GLOBAL VARIABLES boolean StretchScreen=0;//bn�++ extern boolean iG_aimCross; extern boolean sdl_fullscreen; extern int iG_X_center; extern int iG_Y_center; char *iG_buf_center; SDL_Surface *sdl_surface = NULL; SDL_Window * window = NULL; static SDL_Renderer * renderer = NULL; SDL_Surface *unstretch_sdl_surface = NULL; static SDL_Texture *sdl_texture = NULL; SDL_Surface *temp = NULL; //Queue *sdl_draw_obj_queue = NULL; boolean doRescaling = false; int linewidth; //int ylookup[MAXSCREENHEIGHT]; int ylookup[MAXSCREENHEIGHT];//just set to max res byte *page1start; byte *page2start; byte *page3start; int screensize; byte *bufferofs; byte *displayofs; boolean graphicsmode=false; char *bufofsTopLimit; char *bufofsBottomLimit; void DrawCenterAim (); #ifndef STUB_FUNCTION /* rt_def.h isn't included, so I just put this here... */ #define STUB_FUNCTION fprintf(stderr,"STUB: %s at " __FILE__ ", line %d, thread %d\n",__FUNCTION__,__LINE__,getpid()) #endif /* ==================== = = GraphicsMode = ==================== */ void GraphicsMode ( void ) { Uint32 flags = 0; if (SDL_InitSubSystem (SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) { Error ("Could not initialize SDL\n"); } SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, "nearest"); if (sdl_fullscreen) flags = SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; window = SDL_CreateWindow("Rise of the Triad", SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT, flags); if (window == NULL) { Error ("Could not set video mode\n"); exit(1); } renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); sdl_texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT); sdl_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0,iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH,iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT,8,0,0,0,0); SDL_SetSurfaceRLE(sdl_surface, 1); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT); } /* ==================== = = SetTextMode = ==================== */ void SetTextMode ( void ) { if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == SDL_INIT_VIDEO) { if (sdl_surface != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(sdl_surface); sdl_surface = NULL; } SDL_QuitSubSystem (SDL_INIT_VIDEO); } } /* ==================== = = WaitVBL = ==================== */ void WaitVBL( void ) { SDL_Delay (16667/1000); } /* ======================= = = VL_SetVGAPlaneMode = ======================= */ void VL_SetVGAPlaneMode ( void ) { int i,offset; GraphicsMode(); // // set up lookup tables // //bna-- linewidth = 320; linewidth = iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; offset = 0; for (i=0; i<iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT; i++) { ylookup[i]=offset; offset += linewidth; } // screensize=MAXSCREENHEIGHT*MAXSCREENWIDTH; screensize=iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; page1start=sdl_surface->pixels; page2start=sdl_surface->pixels; page3start=sdl_surface->pixels; displayofs = page1start; bufferofs = page2start; iG_X_center = iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH / 2; iG_Y_center = (iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT / 2)+10 ;//+10 = move aim down a bit iG_buf_center = (char *)(bufferofs + (screensize/2));//(iG_Y_center*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH);//+iG_X_center; bufofsTopLimit = (char *) (bufferofs + screensize - iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH); bufofsBottomLimit = (char *) (bufferofs + iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH); // start stretched EnableScreenStretch(); XFlipPage (); } /* ======================= = = VL_CopyPlanarPage = ======================= */ void VL_CopyPlanarPage ( byte * src, byte * dest ) { memcpy(dest,src,screensize); } /* ======================= = = VL_CopyPlanarPageToMemory = ======================= */ void VL_CopyPlanarPageToMemory ( byte * src, byte * dest ) { memcpy(dest,src,screensize); } /* ================= = = VL_ClearBuffer = = Fill the entire video buffer with a given color = ================= */ void VL_ClearBuffer (byte *buf, byte color) { memset((byte *)buf,color,screensize); } /* ================= = = VL_ClearVideo = = Fill the entire video buffer with a given color = ================= */ void VL_ClearVideo (byte color) { memset (sdl_surface->pixels, color, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH*iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT); } void RescaleAreaOfTexture(SDL_Renderer* renderer, SDL_Texture * source, SDL_Rect src, SDL_Rect dest) { SDL_Texture * sourceToResize = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_TARGET, src.w, src.h); SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, sourceToResize); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, source, &src, NULL); // the folowing line should reset the target to default(the screen) SDL_SetRenderTarget(renderer, NULL); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, sourceToResize, NULL, &dest); SDL_DestroyTexture(sourceToResize); } int hudRescaleFactor = 1; void RenderSurface(void) { SDL_Texture * newTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, sdl_surface); if (newTex == NULL) { Error("CreateTextureFromSurface failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, newTex, NULL, NULL); if (!StretchScreen && hudRescaleFactor > 1 && doRescaling) { if(SHOW_TOP_STATUS_BAR()) RescaleAreaOfTexture(renderer, newTex, (SDL_Rect) {(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH - 320) >> 1, 0, 320, 16}, (SDL_Rect) {(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH - (320 * hudRescaleFactor)) >> 1, 0, 320*hudRescaleFactor, 16*hudRescaleFactor}); //Status Bar if(SHOW_BOTTOM_STATUS_BAR()) RescaleAreaOfTexture(renderer, newTex,(SDL_Rect) {(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH - 320) >> 1, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16, 320, 16}, (SDL_Rect) {(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH - (320* hudRescaleFactor)) >> 1, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16*hudRescaleFactor, 320*hudRescaleFactor, 16*hudRescaleFactor}); //Bottom Bar } SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); SDL_DestroyTexture(newTex); } /* C version of rt_vh_a.asm */ void VH_UpdateScreen (void) { if (StretchScreen) { //bna++ StretchMemPicture (); } else { DrawCenterAim (); } RenderSurface(); } /* ================= = = XFlipPage = ================= */ void XFlipPage ( void ) { if (StretchScreen) { //bna++ StretchMemPicture (); } else { DrawCenterAim (); } RenderSurface(); } void EnableScreenStretch(void) { if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH <= 320 || StretchScreen) return; if (unstretch_sdl_surface == NULL) { /* should really be just 320x200, but there is code all over the places which crashes then */ unstretch_sdl_surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0); } displayofs = unstretch_sdl_surface->pixels + (displayofs - (byte *)sdl_surface->pixels); bufferofs = unstretch_sdl_surface->pixels; page1start = unstretch_sdl_surface->pixels; page2start = unstretch_sdl_surface->pixels; page3start = unstretch_sdl_surface->pixels; StretchScreen = 1; } void DisableScreenStretch(void) { if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH <= 320 || !StretchScreen) return; displayofs = sdl_surface->pixels + (displayofs - (byte *)unstretch_sdl_surface->pixels); bufferofs = sdl_surface->pixels; page1start = sdl_surface->pixels; page2start = sdl_surface->pixels; page3start = sdl_surface->pixels; StretchScreen = 0; SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT); //SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, 320, 200); } void EnableHudStretch(void) { doRescaling = 1; } void DisableHudStretch(void) { doRescaling = 0; } // bna section ------------------------------------------- static void StretchMemPicture () { SDL_Rect src; SDL_Rect dest; src.x = 0; src.y = 0; src.w = 320; src.h = 200; dest.x = 0; dest.y = 0; dest.w = iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; dest.h = iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT; SDL_SoftStretch(unstretch_sdl_surface, &src, sdl_surface, &dest); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, 320, 200); //help keep aspect ratio of menus so that the game doesn't look stretched } // bna function added start extern boolean ingame; extern exit_t playstate; int iG_playerTilt; void DrawCenterAim () { int x; int percenthealth = (locplayerstate->health * 10) / MaxHitpointsForCharacter(locplayerstate); int color = percenthealth < 3 ? egacolor[RED] : percenthealth < 4 ? egacolor[YELLOW] : egacolor[GREEN]; if (iG_aimCross && !GamePaused && playstate != ex_died) { if (( ingame == true )&&(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH>320)) { if ((iG_playerTilt <0 )||(iG_playerTilt >iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT/2)) { iG_playerTilt = -(2048 - iG_playerTilt); } if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 640) { x = iG_playerTilt; iG_playerTilt=x/2; } iG_buf_center = (char *)(bufferofs + ((iG_Y_center-iG_playerTilt)*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH));//+iG_X_center; for (x=iG_X_center-10; x<=iG_X_center-4; x++) { if ((iG_buf_center+x < bufofsTopLimit)&&(iG_buf_center+x > bufofsBottomLimit)) { *(iG_buf_center+x) = color; } } for (x=iG_X_center+4; x<=iG_X_center+10; x++) { if ((iG_buf_center+x < bufofsTopLimit)&&(iG_buf_center+x > bufofsBottomLimit)) { *(iG_buf_center+x) = color; } } for (x=10; x>=4; x--) { if (((iG_buf_center-(x*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH)+iG_X_center) < bufofsTopLimit)&&((iG_buf_center-(x*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH)+iG_X_center) > bufofsBottomLimit)) { *(iG_buf_center-(x*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH)+iG_X_center) = color; } } for (x=4; x<=10; x++) { if (((iG_buf_center+(x*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH)+iG_X_center) < bufofsTopLimit)&&((iG_buf_center+(x*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH)+iG_X_center) > bufofsBottomLimit)) { *(iG_buf_center+(x*iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH)+iG_X_center) = color; } } } } } // bna function added end // bna section ------------------------------------------- void sdl_handle_window_events(void) { SDL_Event event; while(SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { switch(event.window.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MINIMIZED: SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESTORED: SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_CLOSE: event.type = SDL_QUIT; SDL_PushEvent(&event); break; } } } //extern int tics; //void CalcTics (void); //void DrawRotatedScreen(int cx, int cy, byte *destscreen, int angle, int scale, int masked) void DoScreenRotateScale(int w, int h, SDL_Texture * tex, float angle, float scale) { SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_Rect output; output.w = abs((int)((float)w * scale)); output.h = abs((int)((float)h * scale)); //if (output.w < MinScreenWidth) //output.w = MinScreenWidth; //if (output.h < MinScreenHeight) //output.h = MinScreenHeight; output.x = (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH - output.w)>>1; output.y = (iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - output.h)>>1; SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, tex, NULL, &output, angle, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } SDL_Texture * GetMainSurfaceAsTexture(void) { return SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, sdl_surface); } const SDL_Renderer * GetRenderer(void) { return renderer; }