shithub: rott

ref: 49bba1ec7eb7efc86cb5a835a430cf17e4b04cfc
dir: /src/rt_cfg.c/

View raw version
Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "rt_def.h"

#include "rt_cfg.h"
#include "version.h"

#include "scriplib.h"
#include "rt_playr.h"
#include "rt_menu.h"
#include "rt_game.h"
#include "rt_in.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "rt_crc.h"
#include "rt_sound.h"
#include "rt_util.h"
#include "rt_main.h"
#include "rt_view.h"
#include "rt_msg.h"
#include "rt_battl.h"
#include "rt_net.h"
#include "isr.h"
#include "fx_man.h"
#include "develop.h"


extern int G_weaponscale;
extern boolean iG_aimCross;

boolean WriteSoundFile   = true;

int     FXMode           = 0;
int     MusicMode        = 0;

int     MUvolume         = 196;
int     FXvolume         = 196;

boolean mouseenabled     = 1;
boolean usemouselook     = 0;
int     inverse_mouse    = 1; //set  to -1 to invert mouse
boolean usejump          = 0;
boolean sdl_fullscreen   = 1;
boolean borderWindow = 0;
boolean borderlessWindow = 0;

boolean allowBlitzMoreMissileWeps = 0;
boolean enableAmmoPickups = 0;
boolean autoAimMissileWeps = 0;
boolean autoAim = 1;
boolean enableExtraPistolDrops = 0;
boolean allowMovementWithMouseYAxis = 1;
boolean enableZomROTT = 0;
int FocalWidthOffset = 0;
int ScreenHeightToWriteToCfg = 0;

int ScreenWidthToWriteToCfg = 0;
boolean writeNewResIntoCfg = false;

boolean joystickenabled  = 0;
boolean joypadenabled    = 0;
int     joystickport     = 0;
int     mouseadjustment  = 5;
int     threshold        = 1;
int     NumVoices        = 4;
int     NumChannels      = 1;
int     NumBits          = 8;
boolean AutoDetailOn     = true;
int     DoubleClickSpeed = 20;
boolean BobbinOn         = true;
int     Menuflipspeed    = 15;
int     DetailLevel      = 2;         //HI DETAIL
int     fandc            = 1;
int     blanktime        = (2*60*VBLCOUNTER);
boolean ConfigLoaded     = false;
boolean stereoreversed   = false;

int     DefaultDifficulty      = 2;
int     DefaultPlayerCharacter = 0;
int     DefaultPlayerColor     = 0;
byte    passwordstring[20];

MacroList CommbatMacros[MAXMACROS];

char ApogeePath[256];


static char SoundName[13]  = "sound.rot";

static char *ConfigName = "config.rot";
static char *ScoresName = "scores.rot";
static char *ROTT       = "rott.rot";
static char *CONFIG     = "setup.rot";
static char *BattleName = "battle.rot";

AlternateInformation RemoteSounds;
//AlternateInformation PlayerGraphics;
AlternateInformation GameLevels;
AlternateInformation BattleLevels;

// ReadScores ()

void ReadScores (void)
    int file;
    char filename[ 128 ];

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, ScoresName );
    if (access (filename, F_OK) == 0)
        file = SafeOpenRead (filename);
        SafeRead (file, &Scores, sizeof (Scores));
        gamestate.violence = 0;

// ReadInt

void ReadInt (const char * s1, int * val)
    GetToken (true);
    if (!strcmpi (token,s1))
        if (TokenAvailable()==true)

// ReadBoolean

void ReadBoolean (const char * s1, boolean * val)
    int temp;

    temp = (int)(*val);
    ReadInt (s1,&temp);
    *val = (boolean) temp;

// ReadUnsigned

void ReadUnsigned (const char * s1, unsigned long * val)
    int temp;

    temp = (int)(*val);
    ReadInt (s1,&temp);
    *val = (unsigned) temp;

// ParseSoundFile ()

boolean ParseSoundFile (void)
    boolean retval = true;
    int version    = 0;


    if (version == ROTTVERSION)
        // Read in Music Mode

        ReadInt ("MusicMode",&MusicMode);

        // Read in FX Mode

        ReadInt ("FXMode",&FXMode);

        // Read in Music Volume

        ReadInt ("MusicVolume", &MUvolume);

        // Read in FX Volume

        ReadInt ("FXVolume", &FXvolume);

        // Read in numvoices

        ReadInt ("NumVoices",&NumVoices);

        // Read in numchannels

        ReadInt ("NumChannels",&NumChannels);

        // Read in numbits

        ReadInt ("NumBits",&NumBits);

        // Read in stereo reversal

        ReadBoolean ("StereoReverse",&stereoreversed);

        retval = false;

    return (retval);

// SetSoundDefaultValues ()
void SetSoundDefaultValues

    //  no config file, so select default values
    // icculus' SDL_mixer driver looks like a soundscape to us
    MusicMode   = 6;
    FXMode      = 6;
    NumVoices   = 8;
    NumChannels = 2;
    NumBits     = 16;
    stereoreversed = false;

extern char    pword[ 13 ];
// ConvertStringToPasswordString ()

#define PASSWORDENCRYPTER "7d7e4a2d3b6a0319554654231f6d2a"

void ConvertStringToPasswordString ( char * string )
    int i;
    unsigned int j;
    char temp[3];


    for (i=0; i<13; i++)
        passwordstring[i+0] = j & 0xff;
        j >>= 8;
        passwordstring[i+1] = j & 0xff;
        j >>= 8;
        passwordstring[i+2] = j & 0xff;
        j >>= 8;
        passwordstring[i+3] = j & 0xff;

// ConvertPasswordStringToPassword ()

void ConvertPasswordStringToPassword ( void )
    int i;
    int x;
    char temp[3];
    char key[40];


    for (i=0; i<12; i++)
    if (
        (gamestate.violence<0) ||

// ConvertPasswordStringToString ()

void ConvertPasswordStringToString ( char * string )
    int i;
    char temp[8];


    for (i=0; i<13; i++)

// ConvertPasswordToPasswordString ()

void ConvertPasswordToPasswordString ( void )
    int i;
    int x;
    char temp[3];
    char key[40];


    for (i=0; i<12; i++)

// ParseConfigFile ()

boolean ParseConfigFile (void)
//   int temp;
    boolean retval = true;
    int version    = 0;


    if (version == ROTTVERSION)
        //Read in allowBlitzguardMoreMissileWeps
        ReadBoolean("AllowBlitzguardMoreMissileWeps", &allowBlitzMoreMissileWeps);

        //Read in enableAmmoPickups
        ReadBoolean("EnableAmmoPickups", &enableAmmoPickups);

        //Read in AutoAim
        ReadBoolean("AutoAim", &autoAim);

        //Read in AutoAimMissileWeps
        ReadBoolean("AutoAimMissileWeps", &autoAimMissileWeps);
        //Read in EnableExtraPistolDrops
        ReadBoolean("EnableExtraPistolDrops", &enableExtraPistolDrops);
        //Read in scaleOffset
        ReadInt("FocalWidthOffset", &FocalWidthOffset);

        // Read in MouseEnabled

        // Read in UseMouseLook


        ReadBoolean("AllowMovementWithMouseYAxis", &allowMovementWithMouseYAxis);

        // Read in UseJump

        // Read in CrossHair

        // Read in JoystickEnabled

        // Read in JoypadEnabled

        // Read in JoystickPort

        // Read in fullscreen
        ReadBoolean("FullScreen", &sdl_fullscreen);
        ReadBoolean("BorderWindow", &borderWindow);
        ReadBoolean("BorderlessWindow", &borderlessWindow);

        // Read in resolution
        ReadInt("ScreenWidth", &iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH);
        ReadInt("ScreenHeight", &iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT);

        // Read in ViewSize


        // Read in Weaponscale
        ReadInt("Weaponscale",&G_weaponscale);//bna added
        if ((G_weaponscale <150)||(G_weaponscale>600)) {
            if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 320) {
            } else if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 640) {
            } else if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 800) {
            else if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 1024) {

        // Read in MouseAdjustment

        // Read in threshold

        // Read in Auto Detail
        ReadBoolean ("AutoDetail", &AutoDetailOn);

        // Read in Light Dim
        ReadInt ("LightDim", &fulllight);

        // Read in Bobbin' On
        ReadBoolean ("BobbingOn", &BobbinOn);

        // Read in Double Click Speed
        ReadInt ("DoubleClickSpeed", &DoubleClickSpeed);

        // Read in Menu Flip Speed
        ReadInt ("MenuFlipSpeed", &Menuflipspeed);

        // Read in Detail Level
        ReadInt ("DetailLevel", &DetailLevel);

        // Read in Floor and Ceiling
        ReadInt ("FloorCeiling", &fandc);

        // Read in MessagesEnabled
        ReadBoolean ("Messages", &MessagesEnabled );

        // Read in Autorun
        ReadInt ("AutoRun", &gamestate.autorun );

        // Read in GammaIndex
        ReadInt ("GammaIndex", &gammaindex);

        // Read screen blanking time
        ReadInt ("BlankTime", &blanktime);


        // Read keys
        ReadInt ("Fire",        &buttonscan[0]);
        ReadInt ("Strafe",      &buttonscan[1]);
        ReadInt ("Run",         &buttonscan[2]);
        ReadInt ("Use",         &buttonscan[3]);
        ReadInt ("LookUp",      &buttonscan[4]);
        ReadInt ("LookDn",      &buttonscan[5]);
        ReadInt ("Swap",        &buttonscan[6]);
        ReadInt ("Drop",        &buttonscan[7]);
        ReadInt ("TargetUp",    &buttonscan[8]);
        ReadInt ("TargetDn",    &buttonscan[9]);
        ReadInt ("SelPistol",   &buttonscan[10]);
        ReadInt ("SelDualPistol",&buttonscan[11]);
        ReadInt ("SelMP40",     &buttonscan[12]);
        ReadInt ("SelMissile",  &buttonscan[13]);
        ReadInt ("AutoRun",     &buttonscan[14]);
        ReadInt ("LiveRemRid",  &buttonscan[15]);
        ReadInt ("StrafeLeft",  &buttonscan[16]);
        ReadInt ("StrafeRight", &buttonscan[17]);
        ReadInt ("VolteFace",   &buttonscan[18]);
        ReadInt ("Aim",         &buttonscan[19]);
        ReadInt ("Forward",     &buttonscan[20]);
        ReadInt ("Right",       &buttonscan[21]);
        ReadInt ("Backward",    &buttonscan[22]);
        ReadInt ("Left",        &buttonscan[23]);
        ReadInt ("Map",         &buttonscan[24]);
        ReadInt ("SendMessage", &buttonscan[25]);
        ReadInt ("DirectMessage",&buttonscan[26]);

        ReadInt ("MouseButton0",&buttonmouse[0]);
        ReadInt ("MouseButton1",&buttonmouse[1]);
        ReadInt ("MouseButton2",&buttonmouse[2]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickB0",  &buttonmouse[3]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickB1",  &buttonmouse[4]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickB2",  &buttonmouse[5]);

        ReadInt ("JoyButton0",  &buttonjoy[0]);
        ReadInt ("JoyButton1",  &buttonjoy[1]);
        ReadInt ("JoyButton2",  &buttonjoy[2]);
        ReadInt ("JoyButton3",  &buttonjoy[3]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickJB0", &buttonjoy[4]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickJB1", &buttonjoy[5]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickJB2", &buttonjoy[6]);
        ReadInt ("DblClickJB3", &buttonjoy[7]);

        ReadInt ("JoyMaxX",     &joyxmax);
        ReadInt ("JoyMaxY",     &joyymax);
        ReadInt ("JoyMinX",     &joyxmin);
        ReadInt ("JoyMinY",     &joyymin);

        ReadInt( "DefaultDifficulty", &DefaultDifficulty );
        ReadInt( "DefaultPlayerCharacter", &DefaultPlayerCharacter );
        ReadInt( "DefaultPlayerColor", &DefaultPlayerColor );

        // Get Password string
        GetToken (true);
        if (!stricmp (token, "SecretPassword"))
            GetTokenEOL (false);
            ConvertStringToPasswordString ( &name[0] );

        if (!MousePresent)
            mouseenabled = false;

        if (!JoysPresent[joystickport])
            joystickenabled = false;

        // precaution

        if (!joyxmin || !joyxmax || !joyymin || !joyymax)
            joystickenabled = false;

        if (joystickenabled)
            IN_SetupJoy (joystickport, joyxmin, joyxmax, joyymin, joyymax);
        retval = false;

    return (retval);

// ParseBattleFile ()
boolean ParseBattleFile (void)
    boolean retval = true;
    int version    = 0;
    int index;
    int temp;
    extern specials BattleSpecialsTimes;

    if (version != ROTTVERSION)
        retval = false;
        ReadBoolean( "ShowKillCount", &BATTLE_ShowKillCount );

        ReadInt( "GodModeTime",                &BattleSpecialsTimes.GodModeTime );
        ReadInt( "DogModeTime",                &BattleSpecialsTimes.DogModeTime );
        ReadInt( "ShroomsModeTime",            &BattleSpecialsTimes.ShroomsModeTime );
        ReadInt( "ElastoModeTime",             &BattleSpecialsTimes.ElastoModeTime );
        ReadInt( "AsbestosVestTime",           &BattleSpecialsTimes.AsbestosVestTime );
        ReadInt( "BulletProofVestTime",        &BattleSpecialsTimes.BulletProofVestTime );
        ReadInt( "GasMaskTime",                &BattleSpecialsTimes.GasMaskTime );
        ReadInt( "MercuryModeTime",            &BattleSpecialsTimes.MercuryModeTime );
        ReadInt( "GodModeRespawnTime",         &BattleSpecialsTimes.GodModeRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "DogModeRespawnTime",         &BattleSpecialsTimes.DogModeRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "ShroomsModeRespawnTime",     &BattleSpecialsTimes.ShroomsModeRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "ElastoModeRespawnTime",      &BattleSpecialsTimes.ElastoModeRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "AsbestosVestRespawnTime",    &BattleSpecialsTimes.AsbestosVestRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "BulletProofVestRespawnTime", &BattleSpecialsTimes.BulletProofVestRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "GasMaskRespawnTime",         &BattleSpecialsTimes.GasMaskRespawnTime );
        ReadInt( "MercuryModeRespawnTime",     &BattleSpecialsTimes.MercuryModeRespawnTime );

        ReadBoolean( "EKG", &battlegibs );

        for( index = battle_Normal; index < battle_NumBattleModes; index++ )
            // Read Gravity
            temp = BATTLE_Options[ index ].Gravity;
            ReadInt( "Gravity", &temp );
            BATTLE_Options[ index ].Gravity = temp;

            // Read Speed
            temp = bo_normal_speed;
            ReadInt( "Speed", &temp );
            if ( ( temp >= bo_normal_speed ) &&
                    ( temp <= bo_fast_speed ) )
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].Speed = temp;

            if ( ( index != battle_Collector ) && ( index != battle_Tag ) &&
                    ( index != battle_Eluder ) )
                // Read Ammo
                temp = bo_normal_shots;
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].Ammo = bo_normal_shots;
                ReadInt( "Ammo", &temp );
                if ( ( temp >= bo_one_shot ) &&
                        ( temp <= bo_infinite_shots ) )
                    BATTLE_Options[ index ].Ammo = temp;

            if ( index != battle_Eluder )
                // Read Hitpoints
                temp = BATTLE_Options[ index ].HitPoints;
                ReadInt( "Hitpoints", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].HitPoints = temp;

            // Read Spawn Dangers
            temp = 1;
            ReadInt( "SpawnDangers", &temp );
            BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnDangers = temp;

            if ( index != battle_Eluder )
                // Read Spawn Health
                temp = 1;
                ReadInt( "SpawnHealth", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnHealth = temp;

                // Read Spawn Mines
                temp = 0;
                ReadInt( "SpawnMines", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnMines = temp;

            if ( ( index != battle_Collector ) && ( index != battle_Tag ) &&
                    ( index != battle_Eluder ) )
                // Read Spawn Weapons
                temp = 1;
                ReadInt( "SpawnWeapons", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnWeapons = temp;

                // Read Random Weapons
                temp = 0;
                ReadInt( "RandomWeapons", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].RandomWeapons = temp;

                // Read Weapon Persistence
                temp = 0;
                ReadInt( "WeaponPersistence", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].WeaponPersistence = temp;

            if ( ( index == battle_Normal ) || ( index == battle_ScoreMore ) ||
                    ( index == battle_Hunter ) || ( index == battle_Tag ) )
                // Read Friendly Fire
                temp = 1;
                ReadInt( "FriendlyFire", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].FriendlyFire = temp;

            if ( index != battle_Eluder )
                // Read Respawn Items
                temp = 1;
                ReadInt( "RespawnItems", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].RespawnItems = temp;

            // Read Light Level
            temp = bo_light_normal;
            ReadInt( "LightLevel", &temp );
            if ( ( temp >= bo_light_dark ) &&
                    ( temp <= bo_light_lightning ) )
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].LightLevel = temp;

            if ( ( index != battle_Collector ) && ( index != battle_Scavenger ) )
                // Read Point Goal
                temp = bo_kills_default;
                ReadInt( "PointGoal", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].Kills = temp;
                if ( temp < bo_kills_random )
                    BATTLE_Options[ index ].Kills = bo_kills_default;

            if ( index != battle_Eluder )
                // Read Danger Damage
                temp = bo_danger_normal;
                ReadInt( "DangerDamage", &temp );
                BATTLE_Options[ index ].DangerDamage = temp;

            // Read Time Limit
            temp = bo_time_infinite;
            ReadInt( "TimeLimit", &temp );
            if ( ( index == battle_Hunter ) && ( temp == bo_time_infinite ) )
                temp = 99;
            BATTLE_Options[ index ].TimeLimit = temp;

            // Read Respawn time
            temp = bo_normal_respawn_time;
            ReadInt( "RespawnTime", &temp );
            BATTLE_Options[ index ].RespawnTime = temp;

    return (retval);

// SetBattleDefaultValues ()

void SetBattleDefaultValues (void)
    int index;

    //  no config file, so select default values
    for( index = battle_StandAloneGame; index < battle_NumBattleModes;
            index++ )
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].Gravity      = NORMAL_GRAVITY;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].Speed        = bo_normal_speed;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].Ammo         = bo_normal_shots;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].HitPoints    = bo_default_hitpoints;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnDangers = 1;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnHealth  = 1;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnMines   = 0;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnWeapons = 1;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].RespawnItems = 1;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].RandomWeapons = 0;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].WeaponPersistence = 0;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].FriendlyFire = 1;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].LightLevel   = bo_light_normal;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].Kills        = bo_kills_default;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].DangerDamage = bo_danger_normal;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].TimeLimit    = bo_time_infinite;
        BATTLE_Options[ index ].RespawnTime  = bo_normal_respawn_time;

    BATTLE_Options[ battle_CaptureTheTriad ].Kills  = 1;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Hunter ].TimeLimit       = 1;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Eluder ].SpawnHealth     = 0;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Eluder ].RespawnItems    = 0;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Eluder ].SpawnWeapons    = 0;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Eluder ].FriendlyFire    = 0;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Collector ].SpawnWeapons = 0;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Collector ].FriendlyFire = 0;
    BATTLE_Options[ battle_Tag ].SpawnWeapons       = 0;
    BATTLE_ShowKillCount = true;

// SetConfigDefaultValues ()

void SetConfigDefaultValues (void)
    //  no config file, so select default values
    if (MousePresent)
        mouseenabled = true;

    joystickenabled = false;
    joypadenabled   = false;
    joystickport    = 0;
    viewsize        = 7;
    mouseadjustment = 5;
    gammaindex      = 0;
    gamestate.violence = 3;

// DeleteSoundFile ()
void DeleteSoundFile ( void )
    char filename[ 128 ];

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, SoundName );
    unlink (filename);          // Delete SOUND.ROT

// ReadConfig ()

void ReadConfig (void)
    char filename[ 128 ];

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, SoundName );
    SetSoundDefaultValues ();

    if (access (filename, F_OK) == 0)
        LoadScriptFile (filename);

        if (ParseSoundFile () == false)

        Z_Free (scriptbuffer);


    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, ConfigName );
    SetConfigDefaultValues ();
    if (access(filename,F_OK)==0)

        if (ParseConfigFile () == false)
            unlink (filename);          // Delete CONFIG.ROT


    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, BattleName );
    SetBattleDefaultValues ();
    if (access(filename,F_OK)==0)

        if (ParseBattleFile() == false)
            unlink (filename);          // Delete BATTLE.ROT

    ConfigLoaded = true;

// CheckVendor ()

#if (SHAREWARE==1)

void CheckVendor (void)
    boolean saveout=false;
    int wadcrc;
    int filecrc;
    int size;
    int lump;
    byte * vendor;
    char filename[ 128 ];

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, VENDORDOC );
    if (access (filename, F_OK) == 0)
        size = LoadFile(filename,(void **)&vendor);
        filecrc = CalculateCRC (vendor, size);
        vendor = W_CacheLumpNum(lump,PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1);
        wadcrc = CalculateCRC (vendor, size);
        if (wadcrc != filecrc)

    if (saveout==true)
        vendor = W_CacheLumpNum(lump,PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1);
        size = W_LumpLength(lump);
        SaveFile (filename,vendor,size);

// WriteParameter

void WriteParameter (int file, const char * s1, int val)
    char s[50];

    // Write out Header
    SafeWriteString (file, (char *)s1);

    // Write out space character
    strcpy (&s[0],(const char *)"  ");
    SafeWriteString (file, &s[0]);

    // Write out value
    SafeWriteString (file, &s[0]);

    // Write out EOL character
    strcpy (&s[0],(const char *)"\n");
    SafeWriteString (file, &s[0]);

// WriteParameterHex

void WriteParameterHex (int file, const char * s1, int val)
    char s[50];

    // Write out Header
    SafeWriteString (file, (char *)s1);

    // Write out space character
    strcpy (&s[0],(const char *)"  $");
    SafeWriteString (file, &s[0]);

    // Write out value
    SafeWriteString (file, &s[0]);

    // Write out EOL character
    strcpy (&s[0],(const char *)"\n");
    SafeWriteString (file, &s[0]);

// WriteScores ()

void WriteScores (void)
    int file;
    char filename[ 128 ];

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, ScoresName );
    file=SafeOpenWrite( filename );
    SafeWrite (file, &Scores, sizeof (Scores));

// WriteBattleConfig ()

void WriteBattleConfig

    int  file;
    int  index;
    char filename[ 128 ];
    extern specials BattleSpecialsTimes;

    // Write Battle File
    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, BattleName );
    file = open( filename, O_RDWR | O_TEXT | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR );

    if ( file == -1 )
        Error( "Error opening %s: %s", filename, strerror( errno ) );

    // Write out BATTLECONFIG header
    SafeWriteString( file,
                     ";Rise of the Triad Battle Configuration File\n"
                     ";                  (c) 1995\n"
                     ";You may change these options at you own risk.  Using any values\n"
                     ";other than the ones documented may make the game unplayable.\n"
                     ";If this happens, you may delete this file (BATTLE.ROT) and ROTT\n"
                     ";will recreate it with the default values selected.\n"
                     ";With that in mind, have fun!\n"
                     "\n" );

    // Write out Version
    WriteParameter( file, "Version                        ", ROTTVERSION );

    // Write out BATTLE_ShowKillPics
    SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n");
    WriteParameter( file, "; Yes                        - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter( file, "; No                         - ", 0 );
    WriteParameter( file, "ShowKillCount                  ", BATTLE_ShowKillCount );

    // Write out specials' times
    SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n"
                    "; These are the time in seconds of the various powerups.\n"
                    "; You could modify these to give you infinite Mercury mode,\n"
                    "; stronger vests, or to make them persistent.\n;\n" );

    WriteParameter( file, "GodModeTime                ", BattleSpecialsTimes.GodModeTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "DogModeTime                ", BattleSpecialsTimes.DogModeTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "ShroomsModeTime            ", BattleSpecialsTimes.ShroomsModeTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "ElastoModeTime             ", BattleSpecialsTimes.ElastoModeTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "AsbestosVestTime           ", BattleSpecialsTimes.AsbestosVestTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "BulletProofVestTime        ", BattleSpecialsTimes.BulletProofVestTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "GasMaskTime                ", BattleSpecialsTimes.GasMaskTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "MercuryModeTime            ", BattleSpecialsTimes.MercuryModeTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "GodModeRespawnTime         ", BattleSpecialsTimes.GodModeRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "DogModeRespawnTime         ", BattleSpecialsTimes.DogModeRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "ShroomsModeRespawnTime     ", BattleSpecialsTimes.ShroomsModeRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "ElastoModeRespawnTime      ", BattleSpecialsTimes.ElastoModeRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "AsbestosVestRespawnTime    ", BattleSpecialsTimes.AsbestosVestRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "BulletProofVestRespawnTime ", BattleSpecialsTimes.BulletProofVestRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "GasMaskRespawnTime         ", BattleSpecialsTimes.GasMaskRespawnTime );
    WriteParameter( file, "MercuryModeRespawnTime     ", BattleSpecialsTimes.MercuryModeRespawnTime );

    // Write out battlegibs
    SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n");
    WriteParameter( file, "; Yes                        - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter( file, "; No                         - ", 0 );
    WriteParameter( file, "EKG                            ", battlegibs );

    // Describe options

    // Write out Gravity
    SafeWriteString(file, "\n"
                    "; Here is a description of the possible values for"
                    " each option:\n"
                    "; Gravity options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Low Gravity             - ", LOW_GRAVITY );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Normal Gravity          - ", NORMAL_GRAVITY );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    High Gravity            - ", HIGH_GRAVITY );

    // Write out Speed
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; Speed options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Normal Speed            - ", bo_normal_speed );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Fast Speed              - ", bo_fast_speed );

    // Write out Ammo
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; Ammo options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    One Shot                - ", bo_one_shot );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Normal Shots            - ", bo_normal_shots );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Infinite Shots          - ", bo_infinite_shots );

    // Write out Hit Points
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; Hitpoint options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Character Hitpoints     - ", bo_character_hitpoints );
    WriteParameter( file, ";       1 Hitpoint           - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";      25 Hitpoints          - ", 25 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     100 Hitpoints          - ", 100 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     500 Hitpoints          - ", 500 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     250 Hitpoints          - ", 250 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    4000 Hitpoints          - ", 4000 );

    // Write out Danger Spawning
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; SpawnDangers options:\n"
                    ";    Spawn Dangers           -   1\n"
                    ";    Don't Spawn Dangers     -   0\n" );

    // Write out Health Spawning
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; SpawnHealth options:\n"
                    ";    Spawn Health            -   1\n"
                    ";    Don't Spawn Health      -   0\n" );

    // Write out Mine Spawning
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; SpawnMines options:\n"
                    ";    Spawn Mines             -   1\n"
                    ";    Don't Spawn Mines       -   0\n" );

    // Write out Weapon Spawning
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; SpawnWeapons options:\n"
                    ";    Spawn Weapons           -   1\n"
                    ";    Don't Spawn Weapons     -   0\n" );

    // Write out Random Weapons
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; RandomWeapons options:\n"
                    ";    Randomize Weapons       -   1\n"
                    ";    Don't Randomize Weapons -   0\n" );

    // Write out Weapon Persistence
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; WeaponPersistence options:\n"
                    ";    Weapons Persist         -   1\n"
                    ";    Weapons don't Persist   -   0\n" );

    // Write out Friendly Fire
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; FriendlyFire options:\n"
                    ";    Penalize Friendly Fire  -   1\n"
                    ";    No penalty              -   0\n" );

    // Write out Respawn Items
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; RespawnItems options:\n"
                    ";    Respawn Items           -   1\n"
                    ";    Don't Respawn Items     -   0\n" );

    // Write out Light Level
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; LightLevel options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Dark                    - ", bo_light_dark );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Normal Light Levels     - ", bo_light_normal );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Bright                  - ", bo_light_bright );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Fog                     - ", bo_light_fog );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Periodic light          - ", bo_light_periodic );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Lightning               - ", bo_light_lightning );

    // Write out Point Goal
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; PointGoal options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";           1 Point          - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";           5 Points         - ", 5 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";          11 Points         - ", 11 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";          21 Points         - ", 21 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";          50 Points         - ", 50 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";         100 Points         - ", 100 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";      Random Points         - ", bo_kills_random );
    WriteParameter( file, ";       Blind Points         - ", bo_kills_blind );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Infinite Points         - ", bo_kills_infinite );

    // Write out Danger Damage
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; DangerDamage options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Normal Damage           - ", bo_danger_normal );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Low Damage              - ", bo_danger_low );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    Kill                    - ", bo_danger_kill );

    // Write out TimeLimit
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; TimeLimit options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     1 minute               - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     2 minute               - ", 2 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     5 minutes              - ", 5 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    10 minutes              - ", 10 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    21 minutes              - ", 21 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    30 minutes              - ", 30 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    99 minutes              - ", 99 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";    No limit                - ", bo_time_infinite );

    // Write out RespawnTime
    SafeWriteString(file, ";\n"
                    "; RespawnTime options:\n" );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     1 second               - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     1 minute               - ", 60 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";     2 minutes              - ", 120 );
    WriteParameter( file, ";       normal               - ", bo_normal_respawn_time );

    for( index = battle_Normal; index < battle_NumBattleModes; index++ )
        SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n");
        switch( index )
        case battle_Normal :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Standard battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_ScoreMore :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Score More battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_Collector :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Collector battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_Scavenger :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Scavenger battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_Hunter :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Hunter battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_Tag :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Tag battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_Eluder :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Eluder battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_Deluder :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Deluder battle options\n;\n" );

        case battle_CaptureTheTriad :
            SafeWriteString( file, "; Capture the Triad battle options\n;\n" );

        // Write out Gravity
        WriteParameter( file, "Gravity          ",
                        BATTLE_Options[ index ].Gravity );

        // Write out Speed
        WriteParameter( file, "Speed            ",
                        BATTLE_Options[ index ].Speed );

        if ( ( index != battle_Collector ) && ( index != battle_Tag ) &&
                ( index != battle_Eluder ) )
            // Write out Ammo
            WriteParameter( file, "Ammo             ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].Ammo );

        if ( index != battle_Eluder )
            // Write out Hit Points
            WriteParameter( file, "Hitpoints        ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].HitPoints );

        // Write out Danger Spawning
        WriteParameter( file, "SpawnDangers     ",
                        BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnDangers );

        if ( index != battle_Eluder )
            // Write out Health Spawning
            WriteParameter( file, "SpawnHealth      ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnHealth );

            // Write out Mine Spawning
            WriteParameter( file, "SpawnMines       ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnMines );

        if ( ( index != battle_Collector ) && ( index != battle_Tag ) &&
                ( index != battle_Eluder ) )
            // Write out Weapon Spawning
            WriteParameter( file, "SpawnWeapons     ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].SpawnWeapons );

            // Write out Random Weapons
            WriteParameter( file, "RandomWeapons    ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].RandomWeapons );

            // Write out Weapon Persistence
            WriteParameter( file, "WeaponPersistence",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].WeaponPersistence );

        if ( ( index == battle_Normal ) || ( index == battle_ScoreMore ) ||
                ( index == battle_Hunter ) || ( index == battle_Tag ) )
            // Write out Friendly Fire
            WriteParameter( file, "FriendlyFire     ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].FriendlyFire );

        if ( index != battle_Eluder )
            // Write out Respawn Items
            WriteParameter( file, "RespawnItems     ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].RespawnItems );

        // Write out Light Level
        WriteParameter( file, "LightLevel       ",
                        BATTLE_Options[ index ].LightLevel );

        if ( ( index != battle_Collector ) && ( index != battle_Scavenger ) )
            // Write out Point Goal
            WriteParameter( file, "PointGoal        ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].Kills );

        if ( index != battle_Eluder )
            // Write out Danger Damage
            WriteParameter( file, "DangerDamage     ",
                            BATTLE_Options[ index ].DangerDamage );

        // Write out TimeLimit
        WriteParameter( file, "TimeLimit        ",
                        BATTLE_Options[ index ].TimeLimit );

        // Write out RespawnTime
        WriteParameter( file, "RespawnTime      ",
                        BATTLE_Options[ index ].RespawnTime );

    close( file );

// WriteSoundConfig ()

void WriteSoundConfig

    int file;
    char filename[ 128 ];

    if ( !WriteSoundFile )

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, SoundName );
    file = open( filename, O_RDWR | O_TEXT | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR );

    //file = open ( filename, O_RDWR | O_TEXT | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC );

    if (file == -1)
        Error ("Error opening %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno));

    // Write out ROTTSOUND header

    SafeWriteString (file, ";Rise of the Triad Sound File\n");
    SafeWriteString (file, ";                  (c) 1995\n\n");

    // Write out Version

    WriteParameter(file,"Version          ",ROTTVERSION);

    // Write out Music Mode

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Music Modes\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0  -  Off\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 6  -  On\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"MusicMode        ",MusicMode);

    // Write out FX Mode

    SafeWriteString(file,"; FX Modes\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0  -  Off\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 6  -  On\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"FXMode           ",FXMode);

    // Write in Music Volume

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Music Volume\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (low) 0 - 255 (high)\n");
    WriteParameter (file, "MusicVolume    ", MUvolume);

    // Write in FX Volume

    SafeWriteString(file,"; FX Volume\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (low) 0 - 255 (high)\n");
    WriteParameter (file, "FXVolume       ", FXvolume);

    // Write out numvoices

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Number of Voices\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - 8\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"NumVoices        ",NumVoices);

    // Write out numchannels

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Stereo or Mono\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Mono\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 2 - Stereo\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"NumChannels      ",NumChannels);

    // Write out numbits

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Resolution\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 8 bit\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 16 bit\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"NumBits          ",NumBits);
    // Write out stereo reversal

    SafeWriteString(file,"; ReverseStereo\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 no reversal\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 reverse stereo\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"StereoReverse      ",stereoreversed);
    close (file);

// WriteConfig ()

extern boolean writeNewResIntoCfg;
extern int ScreenWidthToWriteToCfg;
extern int ScreenHeightToWriteToCfg;

void WriteConfig (void)
    int file;
    char filename[ 128 ];
    char passwordtemp[50];
    static int inconfig = 0;

    if (inconfig > 0)

    inconfig++ ;

    if ( !ConfigLoaded )

    // Write Sound File

    // Write Config, Battle and Score files

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, ConfigName );
    file = open( filename, O_RDWR | O_TEXT | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR );

    //file = open( filename,O_RDWR | O_TEXT | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC );

    if (file == -1)
        Error ("Error opening %s: %s",filename,strerror(errno));

    // Write out ROTTCONFIG header

    SafeWriteString (file, ";Rise of the Triad Configuration File\n");
    SafeWriteString (file, ";                  (c) 1995\n\n");

    // Write out Version

    WriteParameter(file,"Version          ",ROTTVERSION);

    //Write out AllowBlitzguardMoreMissileWeps

    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Allows Blitzguards to have Random Missile weapons\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Disallows the above (ROTT Default)\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "AllowBlitzguardMoreMissileWeps    ", allowBlitzMoreMissileWeps);

    //Write out enableAmmoPickups

    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Allows players to refill their missile weapons by running over one a matching one on the ground\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Disables the above (ROTT default)\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "EnableAmmoPickups     ", enableAmmoPickups);

    //Write out autoAim

    SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Bullet weapons will automatically target enemies. (ROTT default)\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Disables the above.\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "AutoAim   ", autoAim);

    //Write out autoAimMissileWeps

    SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Missile weapons will be automatically aimed at targets like bullet weapons.\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Missile weapons are not automatically aimed at targets. (ROTT default)\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "AutoAimMissileWeps    ", autoAimMissileWeps);
    //Write out enableExtraPistolDrops
    SafeWriteString(file, "\n;\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Enemies equipped with pistols have a chance of dropping an extra pistol when killed.\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Enemies will not drop extra pistols at all. (Default)\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "EnableExtraPistolDrops     ", enableExtraPistolDrops);
    //Write out scaleOffset
    SafeWriteString(file,"; Field Of View offset\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"FocalWidthOffset     ",FocalWidthOffset);
    // Write out MouseEnabled

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Mouse Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Mouse Disabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"MouseEnabled     ",mouseenabled);

    // Write out UseMouseLook
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - UseMouseLook Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - UseMouseLook Disabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"UseMouseLook     ",usemouselook);

    // Write out InverseMouse
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Normal Mouse Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; -1 - Inverse Mouse Enabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"InverseMouse     ",inverse_mouse);
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Allows X and Y movement with Mouse. (Default)\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Allow only X movement with Mouse.\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"allowMovementWithMouseYAxis    ",allowMovementWithMouseYAxis);

    // Write out UseJump
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - usejump Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - usejump Disabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"UseJump          ",usejump);

    // Write out CrossHair
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - CrossHair Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - CrossHair Disabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"CrossHair        ", iG_aimCross);

    // Write out JoystickEnabled

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Joystick Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Joystick Disabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"JoystickEnabled  ",joystickenabled);

    // Write out JoypadEnabled

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Joypad Enabled\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Joypad Disabled\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"JoypadEnabled    ",joypadenabled);

    // Write out JoystickPort

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Use Joystick Port 1\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Use Joystick Port 2\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"JoystickPort     ",joystickport);

    // Write out fullscreen
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Start in windowed mode\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Start in fullscreen mode\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"FullScreen       ",sdl_fullscreen);
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Don't start in bordered window mode\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Start in bordered window mode\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "BorderWindow      ", borderWindow);
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 0 - Don't start in borderless window mode\n");
    SafeWriteString(file, "; 1 - Start in borderless window mode\n");
    WriteParameter(file, "BorderlessWindow      ", borderlessWindow);

    // Write out resolution
    SafeWriteString(file,"; Screen Resolution, supported resolutions: \n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 320x200, 640x480 and 800x600\n");
    //WriteParameter(file,"ScreenWidth      ",iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH);
    //WriteParameter(file,"ScreenHeight     ",iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT);
    if (writeNewResIntoCfg)
        WriteParameter(file,"ScreenWidth      ",ScreenWidthToWriteToCfg);
        WriteParameter(file,"ScreenHeight     ",ScreenHeightToWriteToCfg);
        WriteParameter(file,"ScreenWidth      ",iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH);
        WriteParameter(file,"ScreenHeight     ",iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT);    

    // Write out ViewSize

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Size of View port.\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (smallest) 0 - 10 (largest)\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"ViewSize         ",viewsize);

    // Write out WEAPONSCALE  bna added

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Size of Weaponscale.\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (smallest) 150 - 600 (largest)\n");
    G_weaponscale = (weaponscale * 168 )/65536;

    if ((G_weaponscale <150)||(G_weaponscale>600)) {
        if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 320) {
        } else if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 640) {
        } else if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 800) {
        else if (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH == 1024)
    WriteParameter(file,"Weaponscale         ",G_weaponscale);

    // Write out MouseAdjustment

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Sensitivity of Mouse\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (lowest) 0 - 11 (highest)\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"MouseAdjustment  ",mouseadjustment);

    // Write out threshold

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Threshold of Mouse and Joystick\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (smallest) 1 - 15 (largest)\n");
    WriteParameter(file,"Threshold        ",threshold);

    // Write in Auto Detail

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Auto Detail on\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Auto Detail off\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"AutoDetail       ", AutoDetailOn);

    // Write in Light Dim

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Light Diminishing on\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Light Diminishing off\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"LightDim         ", fulllight);

    // Write in Bobbin' On

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Bobbing on\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Bobbing off\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"BobbingOn        ", BobbinOn);

    // Write in Double Click Speed

    SafeWriteString(file,"; (slowest) 50 - 5 (fastest)\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"DoubleClickSpeed ", DoubleClickSpeed);

    // Write in Menu Flip Speed

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Menu Flip Speed\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; (slowest) 100 - 5 (fastest)\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"MenuFlipSpeed    ", Menuflipspeed);

    // Write in Detail Level

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Detail Level Low\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Detail Level Medium\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 2 - Detail Level High\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"DetailLevel      ", DetailLevel);

    // Write in Floor and Ceiling

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Floor and Ceiling on\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Floor and Ceiling off\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"FloorCeiling     ", fandc);

    // Write in DisableMessages

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Messages on\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Messages off\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"Messages         ", MessagesEnabled );

    // Write in AutoRun

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - AutoRun on\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - AutoRun off\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"AutoRun          ", gamestate.autorun );

    // Write in GammaIndex

    SafeWriteString(file,"; 0 - Gamma Correction level 1\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 1 - Gamma Correction level 2\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 2 - Gamma Correction level 3\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 3 - Gamma Correction level 4\n");
    SafeWriteString(file,"; 4 - Gamma Correction level 5\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"GammaIndex       ", gammaindex);

    // Write out screen saver time
    SafeWriteString(file,"; Minutes before screen blanking\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"BlankTime        ", blanktime/(VBLCOUNTER*60));

    // Write out keys

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Scan codes for keyboard buttons\n");
    WriteParameter (file,"Fire             ", buttonscan[0]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Strafe           ", buttonscan[1]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Run              ", buttonscan[2]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Use              ", buttonscan[3]);
    WriteParameter (file,"LookUp           ", buttonscan[4]);
    WriteParameter (file,"LookDn           ", buttonscan[5]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Swap             ", buttonscan[6]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Drop             ", buttonscan[7]);
    WriteParameter (file,"TargetUp         ", buttonscan[8]);
    WriteParameter (file,"TargetDn         ", buttonscan[9]);
    WriteParameter (file,"SelPistol        ", buttonscan[10]);
    WriteParameter (file,"SelDualPistol    ", buttonscan[11]);
    WriteParameter (file,"SelMP40          ", buttonscan[12]);
    WriteParameter (file,"SelMissile       ", buttonscan[13]);
    WriteParameter (file,"AutoRun          ", buttonscan[14]);
    WriteParameter (file,"LiveRemRid       ", buttonscan[15]);
    WriteParameter (file,"StrafeLeft       ", buttonscan[16]);
    WriteParameter (file,"StrafeRight      ", buttonscan[17]);
    WriteParameter (file,"VolteFace        ", buttonscan[18]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Aim              ", buttonscan[19]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Forward          ", buttonscan[20]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Right            ", buttonscan[21]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Backward         ", buttonscan[22]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Left             ", buttonscan[23]);
    WriteParameter (file,"Map              ", buttonscan[24]);
    WriteParameter (file,"SendMessage      ", buttonscan[25]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DirectMessage    ", buttonscan[26]);

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Mouse buttons\n");

    WriteParameter (file,"MouseButton0     ", buttonmouse[0]);
    WriteParameter (file,"MouseButton1     ", buttonmouse[1]);
    WriteParameter (file,"MouseButton2     ", buttonmouse[2]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickB0       ", buttonmouse[3]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickB1       ", buttonmouse[4]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickB2       ", buttonmouse[5]);

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Joystick buttons\n");

    WriteParameter (file,"JoyButton0       ", buttonjoy[0]);
    WriteParameter (file,"JoyButton1       ", buttonjoy[1]);
    WriteParameter (file,"JoyButton2       ", buttonjoy[2]);
    WriteParameter (file,"JoyButton3       ", buttonjoy[3]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickJB0      ", buttonjoy[4]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickJB1      ", buttonjoy[5]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickJB2      ", buttonjoy[6]);
    WriteParameter (file,"DblClickJB3      ", buttonjoy[7]);

    SafeWriteString(file,"; Joystick calibration coordinates\n");

    WriteParameter (file,"JoyMaxX          ", joyxmax);
    WriteParameter (file,"JoyMaxY          ", joyymax);
    WriteParameter (file,"JoyMinX          ", joyxmin);
    WriteParameter (file,"JoyMinY          ", joyymin);

    // Write out DefaultDifficulty
    WriteParameter(file,"; Easy             - ", gd_baby );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Medium           - ", gd_easy );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Hard             - ", gd_medium );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Crezzy           - ", gd_hard );
    WriteParameter(file,"DefaultDifficulty    ", DefaultDifficulty );

    // Write out DefaultPlayerCharacter
    WriteParameter(file,"; Taradino Cassatt   - ", 0 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Thi Barrett        - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Doug Wendt         - ", 2 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Lorelei Ni         - ", 3 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Ian Paul Freeley   - ", 4 );
    WriteParameter(file,"DefaultPlayerCharacter ", DefaultPlayerCharacter );

    // Write out DefaultPlayerColor
    WriteParameter(file,"; Gray             - ", 0 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Brown            - ", 1 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Black            - ", 2 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Tan              - ", 3 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Red              - ", 4 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Olive            - ", 5 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Blue             - ", 6 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; White            - ", 7 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Green            - ", 8 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Purple           - ", 9 );
    WriteParameter(file,"; Orange           - ", 10 );
    WriteParameter(file,"DefaultPlayerColor   ", DefaultPlayerColor );

    // Writeout password Password string
    SafeWriteString(file,"\n;\nSecretPassword         ");
    ConvertPasswordStringToString ( &passwordtemp[0] );

    close (file);

// GetAlternatePath ()

void GetAlternatePath (char * tokenstr, AlternateInformation *info)
    strcpy (&info->path[0], ".\0");
    GetToken (true);
    if (!stricmp (token, tokenstr))
        GetTokenEOL (false);
        memset (&info->path[0], 0, sizeof (&info->path));
        strcpy (&info->path[0], &name[0]);

// GetAlternateFile ()

void GetAlternateFile (char * tokenstr, AlternateInformation *info)
    // Read in remote sound file
    strcpy (&info->file[0], "\0");
    GetToken (true);
    if (!stricmp (token, tokenstr))
        if (TokenAvailable()==true)
            GetToken (false);
            if (stricmp (token, "~"))
#if (SHAREWARE == 0)
                info->avail = true;
                memset (&info->file[0], 0, sizeof (&info->file));
                strcpy (&info->file[0], &token[0]);
                printf("Alternate file %s ignored.\n",token);
                memset (&info->file[0], 0, sizeof (info->file));

// ReadSETUPFiles ()

void ReadSETUPFiles (void)
    char filename[ 128 ];
    int i;

    RemoteSounds.avail   = false;
//   PlayerGraphics.avail = false;
    GameLevels.avail     = false;
    BattleLevels.avail   = false;

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, CONFIG );
    if (access (filename, F_OK) == 0)
        LoadScriptFile (filename);

        GetTokenEOL (true);     //MODEMNAME
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //MODEMINITSTR
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //MODEMHANGUP
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //RATE
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //COMPORT
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //IRQ
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //UART
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //PULSE
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //AUTOMATICDIALOUT

        GetAlternatePath ("REMOTESOUNDPATH", &RemoteSounds);
//      GetAlternatePath ("PLAYERGRAPHICSPATH", &PlayerGraphics);
        GetAlternatePath ("GAMELEVELPATH", &GameLevels);
        GetAlternatePath ("BATTLELEVELPATH", &BattleLevels);

        // Get CodeName
        GetToken (true);
        if (stricmp (token, "CODENAME"))
            Error ("Can't find %s token.\n", "CODENAME");

        GetTokenEOL (false);
        memset (&CodeName[0], 0, sizeof (CodeName));
        if (stricmp (name, "~"))

            // Get First (MAXCODENAMELENGTH-1) characters
            for (i=0; i<MAXCODENAMELENGTH-1; i++)
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //NUMPLAYERS
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //NETWORKSOCKET
        GetTokenEOL (true);     //DEFAULT
        for (i=0; i<14; i++)
            GetTokenEOL (true);  //NUMBERLIST

        memset (CommbatMacros, 0, sizeof(CommbatMacros) );

        for (i=0; i<MAXMACROS; i++)
            GetToken (true);

            GetTokenEOL (true);

            if (name[0] != '~')
                memcpy (&CommbatMacros[i].macro[0], &name[0], strlen (name));
                CommbatMacros[i].avail = 1;

        Z_Free (scriptbuffer);

    GetPathFromEnvironment( filename, ApogeePath, ROTT );
    if (access (filename, F_OK) == 0)
        LoadScriptFile (filename);

        GetTokenEOL (true);     //PHONENUMBER

        GetAlternateFile ("REMOTESOUNDFILE", &RemoteSounds);
//      GetAlternateFile ("PLAYERGRAPHICSFILE", &PlayerGraphics);
        GetAlternateFile ("GAMELEVELFILE", &GameLevels);
        GetAlternateFile ("COMMBATLEVELFILE", &BattleLevels);

        Z_Free (scriptbuffer);

        unlink (filename);          // Delete ROTT.ROT