ref: 21ab35634fd09c814adeefb38fee209486778df0
dir: /src/cin_efct.c/
/* Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "cin_glob.h" #include "cin_util.h" #include "cin_def.h" #include "cin_main.h" #include "f_scale.h" #include "watcom.h" #include "lumpy.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include <string.h> #include "modexlib.h" #include "fli_glob.h" //MED #include "memcheck.h" static int cin_sprtopoffset; static int cin_invscale; void DrawFadeout ( void ); void DrawBlankScreen ( void ); void DrawClearBuffer ( void ); /* =============== = = SpawnCinematicFlic = =============== */ flicevent * SpawnCinematicFlic ( char * name, boolean loop, boolean usefile ) { flicevent * flic; flic = SafeMalloc ( sizeof(flicevent) ); // copy name of flic strcpy ( flic->name, name ); flic->loop=loop; flic->usefile=usefile; return flic; } /* =============== = = SpawnCinematicSprite = =============== */ spriteevent * SpawnCinematicSprite ( char * name, int duration, int numframes, int framedelay, int x, int y, int scale, int endx, int endy, int endscale ) { spriteevent * sprite; sprite = SafeMalloc ( sizeof (spriteevent) ); // copy name of sprite strcpy ( sprite->name, name ); // copy rest of sprite information sprite->duration = duration; sprite->numframes = numframes; sprite->framedelay = framedelay; sprite->frame=0; sprite->frametime=framedelay; sprite->x=x << FRACTIONBITS; sprite->y=y << FRACTIONBITS; // sprite->y+=(p->width-p->height)<<(FRACTIONBITS-1); sprite->scale=scale << FRACTIONBITS; sprite->dx= ( (endx-x) << FRACTIONBITS ) / duration; sprite->dy= ( (endy-y) << FRACTIONBITS ) / duration; sprite->dscale= ( (endscale-scale) << FRACTIONBITS ) / duration; return sprite; } /* =============== = = SpawnCinematicBack = =============== */ backevent * SpawnCinematicBack ( char * name, int duration, int width, int startx, int endx, int yoffset ) { backevent * back; back = SafeMalloc ( sizeof (backevent) ); // copy name of back strcpy ( back->name, name ); // copy rest of back information back->duration = duration; back->backdropwidth = width; back->dx = ((endx-startx) << FRACTIONBITS)/duration; back->currentoffset = startx << FRACTIONBITS; back->yoffset=yoffset; return back; } /* =============== = = SpawnCinematicMultiBack = =============== */ backevent * SpawnCinematicMultiBack ( char * name, char * name2, int duration, int startx, int endx, int yoffset ) { backevent * back; lpic_t * pic1; lpic_t * pic2; pic1=(lpic_t *)W_CacheLumpName(name,PU_CACHE, Cvt_lpic_t, 1); pic2=(lpic_t *)W_CacheLumpName(name2,PU_CACHE, Cvt_lpic_t, 1); back = SafeMalloc ( sizeof (backevent) ); // copy name of back strcpy ( back->name, name ); // copy rest of back information back->duration = duration; back->dx = ((endx-startx) << FRACTIONBITS)/duration; back->currentoffset = startx << FRACTIONBITS; back->yoffset=yoffset; if (pic1->height != pic2->height) { Error("SpawnCinematicMultiBack: heights are not the same\n" " name1=%s name2=%s\n",name,name2); } back->backdropwidth=pic1->width+pic2->width; back->height=pic1->height; back->data=SafeMalloc (back->backdropwidth*back->height); memcpy( back->data, &(pic1->data), pic1->width*pic1->height); memcpy( back->data+(pic1->width*pic1->height), &(pic2->data), pic2->width*pic2->height ); return back; } /* =============== = = SpawnCinematicPalette = =============== */ paletteevent * SpawnCinematicPalette ( char * name ) { paletteevent * palette; palette = SafeMalloc ( sizeof (paletteevent) ); // copy name of palette strcpy ( palette->name, name ); return palette; } /* ================= = = ScaleFilmPost = ================= */ void ScaleFilmPost (byte * src, byte * buf) { int offset; int length; int topscreen; int bottomscreen; offset=*(src++); for (; offset!=255;) { length=*(src++); topscreen = cin_sprtopoffset + (cin_invscale*offset); bottomscreen = topscreen + (cin_invscale*length); cin_yl = (topscreen+FRACTIONUNIT-1)>>FRACTIONBITS; cin_yh = (bottomscreen-FRACTIONUNIT)>>FRACTIONBITS; if (cin_yh >= iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT) cin_yh = iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT-1; if (cin_yl < 0) cin_yl = 0; if (cin_yl <= cin_yh) { cin_source=src-offset; R_DrawFilmColumn (buf); } src+=length; offset=*(src++); } } /* ================= = = DrawFlic = ================= */ void DrawFlic ( flicevent * flic ) { byte * curpal; char flicname[40]; curpal = SafeMalloc (768); CinematicGetPalette (curpal); DrawFadeout ( ); if (flic->usefile==false) { strcpy(flicname,flic->name); } else { strcpy(flicname,flic->name); strcat(flicname,".fli"); } // med // PlayFlic ( flicname, buf, flic->usefile, flic->loop); if (flic->loop==true) ClearCinematicAbort(); DrawFadeout ( ); DrawBlankScreen ( ); CinematicSetPalette (curpal); SafeFree (curpal); GetCinematicTics (); GetCinematicTics (); } /* ================= = = PrecacheFlic = ================= */ void PrecacheFlic (flicevent * flic) { if (flic->usefile==false) { W_CacheLumpName(flic->name,PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1); } } /* =============== = = DrawCinematicBackground = =============== */ void DrawCinematicBackground ( backevent * back ) { byte * src; byte * buf; lpic_t * pic; int i; int plane; int offset; int height; pic=(lpic_t *)W_CacheLumpName(back->name,PU_CACHE, Cvt_lpic_t, 1); height = pic->height; if (height+back->yoffset>iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT) height=iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT-back->yoffset; if (height!=iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT) DrawClearBuffer (); plane = 0; { buf=(byte *)bufferofs+ylookup[back->yoffset]; offset=(back->currentoffset>>FRACTIONBITS)+plane; for (i=0; i<iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; i++,offset++,buf++) { if (offset>=back->backdropwidth) src=&(pic->data) + ( (offset - back->backdropwidth) * (pic->height) ); else if (offset<0) src=&(pic->data) + ( (offset + back->backdropwidth) * (pic->height) ); else src=&(pic->data) + ( offset * (pic->height) ); DrawFilmPost(buf,src,height); } } } /* =============== = = DrawCinematicMultiBackground = =============== */ void DrawCinematicMultiBackground ( backevent * back ) { byte * src; byte * buf; int i; int plane; int offset; int height; height = back->height; if (height+back->yoffset>iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT) height=iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT-back->yoffset; if (height!=iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT) DrawClearBuffer (); plane = 0; { buf=(byte *)bufferofs+ylookup[back->yoffset]; offset=(back->currentoffset>>FRACTIONBITS)+plane; for (i=0; i<iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; i++,offset++,buf++) { if (offset>=back->backdropwidth) src=back->data + ( (offset - back->backdropwidth) * (back->height) ); else if (offset<0) src=back->data + ( (offset + back->backdropwidth) * (back->height) ); else src=back->data + ( offset * (back->height) ); DrawFilmPost(buf,src,height); } } } /* =============== = = DrawCinematicBackdrop = =============== */ void DrawCinematicBackdrop ( backevent * back ) { byte * src; byte * shape; byte * buf; patch_t * p; int i; int plane; int offset; int postoffset; int postlength; int toppost; shape=W_CacheLumpName(back->name,PU_CACHE, Cvt_patch_t, 1); p=(patch_t *)shape; toppost=-p->topoffset+back->yoffset; plane = 0; { buf=(byte *)bufferofs; offset=(back->currentoffset>>FRACTIONBITS)+plane; for (i=0; i<iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; i++,offset++,buf++) { if (offset>=back->backdropwidth) src = shape + p->collumnofs[offset - back->backdropwidth]; else if (offset<0) src=shape + p->collumnofs[offset + back->backdropwidth]; else src = shape + p->collumnofs[offset]; postoffset=*(src++); for (; postoffset!=255;) { postlength=*(src++); DrawFilmPost(buf + ylookup[toppost+postoffset],src,postlength); src+=postlength; postoffset=*(src++); } } } } /* ================= = = PrecacheBack = ================= */ void PrecacheBack ( backevent * back ) { W_CacheLumpName( back->name, PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1); } /* ================= = = DrawCinematicSprite = ================= */ void DrawCinematicSprite ( spriteevent * sprite ) { byte *shape; int frac; patch_t *p; int x1,x2; int tx; int xcent; byte * buf; int height; height = sprite->scale >> FRACTIONBITS; if (height<2) return; shape=W_CacheLumpNum( W_GetNumForName(sprite->name)+sprite->frame, PU_CACHE, Cvt_patch_t, 1); p=(patch_t *)shape; cin_ycenter=sprite->y >> FRACTIONBITS; cin_invscale = (height<<FRACTIONBITS)/p->origsize; buf=(byte *)bufferofs; tx=-p->leftoffset; xcent=(sprite->x & 0xffff0000)-(height<<(FRACTIONBITS-1))+(FRACTIONUNIT>>1); // // calculate edges of the shape // x1 = (xcent+(tx*cin_invscale))>>FRACTIONBITS; if (x1 >= iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH) return; // off the right side tx+=p->width; x2 = ((xcent+(tx*cin_invscale)) >>FRACTIONBITS) - 1 ; if (x2 < 0) return; // off the left side cin_iscale=(p->origsize<<FRACTIONBITS)/height; if (x1<0) { frac=cin_iscale*(-x1); x1=0; } else frac=0; x2 = x2 >= iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH ? (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH-1) : x2; cin_texturemid = (((p->origsize>>1)+p->topoffset)<<FRACTIONBITS)+(FRACTIONUNIT>>1); cin_sprtopoffset = (cin_ycenter<<16) - FixedMul(cin_texturemid,cin_invscale); for (; x1<=x2 ; x1++, frac += cin_iscale) { ScaleFilmPost(((p->collumnofs[frac>>FRACTIONBITS])+shape),buf+x1); } } /* ================= = = PrecacheCinematicSprite = ================= */ void PrecacheCinematicSprite ( spriteevent * sprite ) { int i; for (i=0; i<sprite->numframes; i++) { W_CacheLumpNum( W_GetNumForName(sprite->name)+i, PU_CACHE, Cvt_patch_t, 1); } } /* ================= = = DrawPalette = ================= */ void DrawPalette (paletteevent * event) { byte * pal; pal=W_CacheLumpName(event->name,PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1); XFlipPage (); CinematicSetPalette (pal); } /* ================= = = PrecachePalette = ================= */ void PrecachePalette (paletteevent * event) { W_CacheLumpName(event->name,PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1); } /* ================= = = DrawFadeout = ================= */ #define FADEOUTTIME 20 void DrawFadeout ( void ) { byte origpal[768]; byte newpal[768]; int i,j; CinematicGetPalette (&origpal[0]); for (j = 0; j < FADEOUTTIME; j++) { for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { newpal[i] = ( origpal[i] * (FADEOUTTIME - j - 1) ) / FADEOUTTIME; } WaitVBL(); CinematicSetPalette (&newpal[0]); CinematicDelay(); } VL_ClearVideo (0); GetCinematicTics (); GetCinematicTics (); } /* ================= = = DrawBlankScreen = ================= */ void DrawBlankScreen ( void ) { VL_ClearVideo (0); } /* ================= = = DrawClearBuffer = ================= */ void DrawClearBuffer ( void ) { memset((byte *)bufferofs,0,iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH*iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT); } /* =============== = = UpdateCinematicBack = =============== */ boolean UpdateCinematicBack ( backevent * back ) { back->duration--; if (back->duration<0) return false; back->currentoffset += back->dx; return true; } /* ================= = = UpdateCinematicSprite = ================= */ boolean UpdateCinematicSprite ( spriteevent * sprite ) { sprite->duration--; if (sprite->duration<0) return false; sprite->framedelay--; if (sprite->framedelay==0) { sprite->frame++; if (sprite->frame==sprite->numframes) sprite->frame=0; sprite->framedelay=sprite->frametime; } sprite->x+=sprite->dx; sprite->y+=sprite->dy; sprite->scale+=sprite->dscale; return true; } /* ================= = = UpdateCinematicEffect = ================= */ boolean UpdateCinematicEffect ( enum_eventtype type, void * effect ) { switch (type) { case background_noscrolling: case background_scrolling: case backdrop_scrolling: case backdrop_noscrolling: case background_multi: return UpdateCinematicBack ( (backevent *) effect ); break; case sprite_background: case sprite_foreground: return UpdateCinematicSprite ( (spriteevent *) effect ); break; case flic: return true; break; case palette: case fadeout: case blankscreen: case clearbuffer: return true; break; case cinematicend: cinematicdone=true; return true; break; } return true; } /* ================= = = DrawCinematicEffect = ================= */ boolean DrawCinematicEffect ( enum_eventtype type, void * effect ) { switch (type) { case background_noscrolling: case background_scrolling: DrawCinematicBackground ( (backevent *) effect ); return true; break; case background_multi: DrawCinematicMultiBackground ( (backevent *) effect ); return true; break; case backdrop_scrolling: case backdrop_noscrolling: DrawCinematicBackdrop ( (backevent *) effect ); return true; break; case sprite_background: case sprite_foreground: DrawCinematicSprite ( (spriteevent *) effect ); return true; break; case flic: DrawFlic ( (flicevent *) effect ); return false; break; case palette: DrawPalette ( (paletteevent *) effect ); return false; break; case fadeout: DrawFadeout (); return false; break; case blankscreen: DrawBlankScreen (); return false; break; case clearbuffer: DrawClearBuffer (); return false; break; case cinematicend: return true; break; } return true; } /* ================= = = PrecacheCinematicEffect = ================= */ void PrecacheCinematicEffect ( enum_eventtype type, void * effect ) { switch (type) { case background_noscrolling: case background_scrolling: case backdrop_scrolling: case backdrop_noscrolling: PrecacheBack ( (backevent *) effect ); break; case sprite_background: case sprite_foreground: PrecacheCinematicSprite ( (spriteevent *) effect ); break; case palette: PrecachePalette ( (paletteevent *) effect ); break; case flic: PrecacheFlic ( (flicevent *) effect ); break; default: ; } } /* =============== = = ProfileDisplay = =============== */ void ProfileDisplay ( void ) { byte * buf; int i; byte src[200]; int width = StretchScreen? 320:iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; DrawClearBuffer (); { buf=(byte *)bufferofs; for (i=0; i<width; i++,buf++) { DrawFilmPost(buf,&src[0],200); } } } /* =============== = = DrawPostPic = =============== */ void DrawPostPic ( int lumpnum ) { byte * src; byte * buf; lpic_t * pic; int i; int plane; int height; int width = StretchScreen? 320:iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; pic=(lpic_t *)W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum,PU_CACHE, Cvt_lpic_t, 1); height = pic->height; plane = 0; { buf=(byte *)bufferofs; src=&(pic->data) + (plane*pic->height); for (i=0; i<width; i++,src+=pic->height,buf++) { DrawFilmPost(buf,src,height); } } }