ref: 18294dc5c1870948cf8a7375e3084b02eeab9dbd
dir: /src/rt_door.c/
/* Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd. Copyright (C) 2002-2015, GNU/Linux port Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Steven LeVesque This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include "rt_def.h" #include "rt_sound.h" #include "rt_door.h" #include "rt_actor.h" #include "rt_stat.h" #include "_rt_door.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "rt_ted.h" #include "rt_draw.h" #include "rt_main.h" #include "rt_playr.h" #include "rt_util.h" #include "rt_menu.h" #include "rt_ted.h" #include "rt_msg.h" #include "rt_game.h" #include "rt_vid.h" #include "rt_net.h" #include "isr.h" #include "develop.h" #include "rt_rand.h" #include "engine.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /*============================================================================= DOORS doorobjlist[] holds most of the information for the doors Open doors conect two areas, so sounds will travel between them and sight will be checked when the player is in a connected area. Areaconnect is incremented/decremented by each door. If >0 they connect Every time a door opens or closes the areabyplayer matrix gets recalculated. An area is true if it connects with the player's current spor. ============================================================================= */ // Global Variables #define ELEVATORMUSICTIME 560 elevator_t ELEVATOR[MAXELEVATORS]; int _numelevators; animmaskedwallobj_t* FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL,*LASTANIMMASKEDWALL; maskedwallobj_t* FIRSTMASKEDWALL,*LASTMASKEDWALL; byte touchindices[MAPSIZE][MAPSIZE],lasttouch; touchplatetype *touchplate[MAXTOUCHPLATES],*lastaction[MAXTOUCHPLATES]; byte numactions[MAXTOUCHPLATES]; int totalactions; byte TRIGGER[MAXTOUCHPLATES]; doorobj_t *doorobjlist[MAXDOORS]; int doornum; maskedwallobj_t *maskobjlist[MAXMASKED]; int maskednum; pwallobj_t *pwallobjlist[MAXPWALLS]; int pwallnum; byte areaconnect[NUMAREAS][NUMAREAS]; boolean areabyplayer[NUMAREAS]; // Local Variables static void (*touchactions[NUMTOUCHPLATEACTIONS])(long) = { ActivatePushWall, ActivateMoveWall, LinkedOpenDoor, LinkedCloseDoor, EnableObject, DisableObject, ActivateLight, DeactivateLight }; void UtilizeDoor (int door,void (*action)(int)); void UseDoor (int door); void Teleport(elevator_t*eptr,int destination); void ConnectPushWall (int pwall); void SetupPushWall (int pwall); void WallMoving (int pwall); int SetNextAction(elevator_t*eptr,int action); /* =============== = = MakeMaskedWallActive = =============== */ void MakeMaskedWallActive(maskedwallobj_t* tmwall) { if (!FIRSTMASKEDWALL) FIRSTMASKEDWALL = tmwall; else { tmwall->prev = LASTMASKEDWALL; LASTMASKEDWALL->next = tmwall; } LASTMASKEDWALL = tmwall; } /* =============== = = MakeMaskedWallInactive = =============== */ void MakeMaskedWallInactive(maskedwallobj_t* tmwall) { if (tmwall == LASTMASKEDWALL) LASTMASKEDWALL = tmwall->prev; else tmwall->next->prev = tmwall->prev; if (tmwall == FIRSTMASKEDWALL) FIRSTMASKEDWALL = tmwall->next; else tmwall->prev->next = tmwall->next; tmwall->prev = NULL; tmwall->next = NULL; } /* =============== = = ActivateAnimMaskedWall = =============== */ void ActivateAnimMaskedWall(animmaskedwallobj_t* amwall) { if (!FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL) FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL = amwall; else { amwall->prev = LASTANIMMASKEDWALL; LASTANIMMASKEDWALL->next = amwall; } LASTANIMMASKEDWALL = amwall; } /* =============== = = DeactivateAnimMaskedWall = =============== */ void DeactivateAnimMaskedWall(animmaskedwallobj_t* amwall) { if (amwall == LASTANIMMASKEDWALL) LASTANIMMASKEDWALL = amwall->prev; else amwall->next->prev = amwall->prev; if (amwall == FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL) FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL = amwall->next; else amwall->prev->next = amwall->next; amwall->prev = NULL; amwall->next = NULL; } int PlatformHeight(int tilex,int tiley) { int platform; if (!IsPlatform(tilex,tiley)) return nominalheight; platform = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,2); switch(platform) { case 1: return -10; case 4: return nominalheight; case 5: case 6: return nominalheight - 64; case 7: return nominalheight; case 8: case 9: return -10; } return -1000; } void SpawnAnimatedMaskedWall ( int num ) { animmaskedwallobj_t * temp; temp = (animmaskedwallobj_t *)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(animmaskedwallobj_t),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); if (!temp) Error("SpawnAnimatedMaskedWall: Failed on allocation of animated masked wall"); temp->num=num; temp->count=AMW_NUMFRAMES; temp->ticcount=AMW_TICCOUNT; temp->next=NULL; temp->prev=NULL; ActivateAnimMaskedWall(temp); } void KillAnimatedMaskedWall ( animmaskedwallobj_t * temp ) { DeactivateAnimMaskedWall(temp); Z_Free(temp); } void DoAnimatedMaskedWalls ( void ) { boolean done; animmaskedwallobj_t * temp; for(temp=FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL; temp;) { done=false; temp->ticcount-=tics; while (temp->ticcount<0) { temp->ticcount+=AMW_TICCOUNT; temp->count--; maskobjlist[temp->num]->bottomtexture++; if (temp->count==0) { done=true; break; } } if (done==true) { animmaskedwallobj_t * temp2; temp2=temp->next; KillAnimatedMaskedWall(temp); temp=temp2; } else temp=temp->next; } } int GetIndexForAction(void (*action)(long)) { int i; for(i=0; i<NUMTOUCHPLATEACTIONS; i++) if (action == touchactions[i]) return i; Error("Touchplate Action Not Matched"); return -1; } void SaveTouchPlates(byte ** buffer,int *size) { int i,k; byte * tptr; touchplatetype *temp; saved_touch_type dummy; *size = sizeof(TRIGGER); *size += sizeof(numactions); *size += sizeof(saved_touch_type)*totalactions; *buffer = (byte *)SafeMalloc(*size); tptr = *buffer; memcpy(tptr,&TRIGGER[0],sizeof(TRIGGER)); tptr+=sizeof(TRIGGER); memcpy(tptr,&numactions[0],sizeof(numactions)); tptr+=sizeof(numactions); for(i=0; i<lasttouch; i++) { for(k=0,temp=touchplate[i]; temp; k++,temp = temp->nextaction) { dummy.tictime = temp->tictime; dummy.ticcount = temp->ticcount; dummy.triggered = temp->triggered; dummy.done = temp->done; dummy.complete = temp->complete; if (temp->action) dummy.actionindex = GetIndexForAction(temp->action); else dummy.actionindex = -1; if (temp->swapaction) dummy.swapactionindex = GetIndexForAction(temp->swapaction); else dummy.swapactionindex = -1; if ((dummy.actionindex > 5) || (dummy.swapactionindex > 5)) // means whichobj holds pointer to actor { statobj_t *tstat; tstat = (statobj_t*)(temp->whichobj); dummy.whichobj = (tstat->whichstat|FL_TSTAT); } else if ((dummy.actionindex > 3) || (dummy.swapactionindex > 3)) { objtype *tactor; tactor = (objtype*)(temp->whichobj); dummy.whichobj = (tactor->whichactor|FL_TACT); } else dummy.whichobj = temp->whichobj; memcpy(tptr,&dummy,sizeof(saved_touch_type)); tptr+=sizeof(saved_touch_type); } } } statobj_t* GetStatForIndex(int index) { statobj_t *temp; for(temp = FIRSTSTAT; temp; temp=temp->statnext) if (temp->whichstat == index) return temp; SoftError("\nstat not found in GetStatForIndex"); return NULL; } void LoadTouchPlates(byte * buffer, int size) { touchplatetype *temp; int i,savedactions,loadedactions,index=0; saved_touch_type dummy; savedactions = (size-sizeof(TRIGGER)-sizeof(numactions))/sizeof(saved_touch_type); memset(touchplate,0,sizeof(touchplate)); memset(lastaction,0,sizeof(lastaction)); memset(numactions,0,sizeof(numactions)); totalactions = 0; memcpy(&TRIGGER[0],buffer,sizeof(TRIGGER)); buffer += sizeof(TRIGGER); memcpy(&numactions[0],buffer,sizeof(numactions)); buffer += sizeof(numactions); for(loadedactions=0,index=0,i=0; i<savedactions; i++) { memcpy(&dummy,buffer,sizeof(saved_touch_type)); temp = (touchplatetype*)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(touchplatetype),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); if (!temp) Error("LoadTouchplates: Failed on allocation of touchplates %d of %d",i,savedactions); memset(temp,0,sizeof(*temp)); temp->tictime = dummy.tictime; temp->ticcount = dummy.ticcount; temp->triggered = dummy.triggered; temp->done = dummy.done; temp->complete = dummy.complete; if (dummy.whichobj & FL_TACT) temp->whichobj = (long)(objlist[dummy.whichobj & ~FL_TACT]); else if (dummy.whichobj & FL_TSTAT) temp->whichobj = (long)(GetStatForIndex(dummy.whichobj & ~FL_TSTAT)); else temp->whichobj = dummy.whichobj; if (dummy.actionindex != -1) temp->action = touchactions[dummy.actionindex]; else temp->action = NULL; if (dummy.swapactionindex != -1) temp->swapaction = touchactions[dummy.swapactionindex]; else temp->swapaction = NULL; buffer+=sizeof(saved_touch_type); while (!numactions[index]) index ++; AddTouchplateAction(temp,index); /*if (touchplate[index]) lastaction[index]->nextaction = temp; else touchplate[index] = temp; lastaction[index] = temp;*/ totalactions ++; loadedactions++; if (loadedactions == numactions[index]) // found end of a touchplate's actions, goto next touch. { loadedactions = 0; index++; } } SafeFree(objlist); } void AddTouchplateAction(touchplatetype *tplate,int index) { if (touchplate[index]) { tplate->prevaction = lastaction[index]; lastaction[index]->nextaction = tplate; } else touchplate[index] = tplate; lastaction[index] = tplate; } void RemoveTouchplateAction(touchplatetype *tplate,int index) { if (tplate == lastaction[index]) // remove from master list lastaction[index] = tplate->prevaction; else tplate->nextaction->prevaction = tplate->prevaction; if (tplate == touchplate[index]) touchplate[index] = tplate->nextaction; else tplate->prevaction->nextaction = tplate->nextaction; Z_Free(tplate); numactions[index]--; totalactions--; } void Link_To_Touchplate(word touchlocx, word touchlocy, void (*maction)(long), void (*swapaction)(long), long wobj, int delaytime) { touchplatetype *temp; int index; index = touchindices[touchlocx][touchlocy]-1; temp = (touchplatetype*)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(touchplatetype),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); if (!temp) Error("Link_To_Touchplate: Failed on allocation of touchplate\n"); memset(temp,0,sizeof(*temp)); temp->action = maction; temp->swapaction = swapaction; temp->whichobj = wobj; temp->tictime = temp->ticcount = delaytime; AddTouchplateAction(temp,index); /*if(touchplate[index]) lastaction[index]->nextaction=temp; else touchplate[index] = temp; lastaction[index] = temp;*/ numactions[index]++; totalactions++; } void ClockLink (void (*saction)(long), void (*eaction)(long), long wobj,int whichclock) { touchplatetype*temp; // adding two actions per clock temp = (touchplatetype*)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(touchplatetype),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); if (!temp) Error("ClockLink: Failed on allocation of clock"); memset(temp,0,sizeof(*temp)); temp->action = saction; temp->swapaction = eaction; temp->whichobj = wobj; temp->clocktype = 1; AddTouchplateAction(temp,whichclock); /* if(touchplate[whichclock]) lastaction[whichclock]->nextaction = temp; else touchplate[whichclock] = temp; lastaction[whichclock]=temp;*/ numactions[whichclock]++; totalactions ++; } void DisplayMessageForAction(touchplatetype *temp, boolean *wallmessage, boolean *doormessage, boolean*columnmessage) { if ((temp->action == ActivatePushWall) || (temp->action == ActivateMoveWall) ) { if (*wallmessage == false) { if (temp->clocktype) AddMessage("Time-delay wall moves.",MSG_GAME); else AddMessage("A wall moves.",MSG_GAME); *wallmessage = true; } } else if (temp->action == LinkedCloseDoor) { if (*doormessage == false) { if (temp->clocktype) AddMessage("Time-delay door closes.",MSG_GAME); else AddMessage("A door closes.",MSG_GAME); *doormessage = true; } } else if (temp->action == LinkedOpenDoor) { if (*doormessage == false) { if (temp->clocktype) AddMessage("Time-delay door opens.",MSG_GAME); else AddMessage("A door opens.",MSG_GAME); *doormessage = true; } } else if (temp->action == EnableObject) { objtype *tempactor = (objtype*)(temp->whichobj); if (M_ISACTOR(tempactor) && (tempactor->obclass == pillarobj)) { if (*columnmessage == false) { if (temp->clocktype) AddMessage("Time-delay column moves.",MSG_GAME); else AddMessage("A column moves.",MSG_GAME); *columnmessage = true; } } } } void TriggerStuff(void) { touchplatetype *temp; int i,touchcomplete,j; int playeron; void (*tempact)(long); boolean wallmessage,doormessage,columnmessage; for(i=0; i<lasttouch; i++) { playeron = false; for( j = 0; j < numplayers; j++ ) { if ( i == touchindices[ PLAYER[ j ]->tilex ][ PLAYER[ j ]->tiley ] - 1 ) { playeron = true; break; } } #if (BNACRASHPREVENT == 1) //SetTextMode ( ); qwert // CRASH IN SHAREWARE 'ride em cowboy' BNA FIX // DONT ALLOW BAD touchplate ( == 0 ) see rt_playr.c if (touchplate[i] == 0) { continue; } #endif if (!TRIGGER[i]) continue; else if (touchplate[i]->complete) { if (!playeron) TRIGGER[i] = 0; continue; } if (touchplate[i]->done) { if (!playeron) { for(temp = touchplate[i]; temp; temp = temp->nextaction) temp->triggered=false; TRIGGER[i] = 0; touchplate[i]->done = false; } } else { wallmessage = false; doormessage = false; columnmessage = false; for(temp = touchplate[i]; temp; temp = temp->nextaction) { if (temp->action && (!temp->triggered)) { if (!temp->ticcount) { temp->action(temp->whichobj); if (temp->action == ActivateMoveWall) { int tilex,tiley; tilex = pwallobjlist[temp->whichobj]->tilex; tiley = pwallobjlist[temp->whichobj]->tiley; tilemap[tilex][tiley] = 0; } if (gamestate.difficulty == gd_baby) { DisplayMessageForAction(temp,&wallmessage,&doormessage,&columnmessage); } tempact = temp->action; temp->action = temp->swapaction; temp->swapaction = tempact; temp->ticcount = temp->tictime; temp->triggered = true; } else temp->ticcount --; } } //done: // check to see if any actions will ever be triggered by this // touchplate again; if not, null touchplate out; else, // check status of other actions touchcomplete = 1; for(temp = touchplate[i]; temp; temp = temp->nextaction) { if (temp->action) { touchcomplete = 0; break; } } if (touchcomplete) touchplate[i]->complete = 1; // this touchplate is out of commission else { touchplate[i]->done = true; for(temp = touchplate[i]; temp; temp = temp->nextaction) { if (temp->action && (!temp->triggered)) { touchplate[i]->done = false; break; } } } } } } //==================== Tile stuff ==================================== boolean CheckTile(int x, int y) { if ((x < 2) || (x > (MAPSIZE-1)) || (y < 2) || (y > (MAPSIZE - 1))) return false; if (actorat[x][y]) { objtype *check = (objtype*)(actorat[x][y]); if (insetupgame) return false; if (!(M_ISACTOR(check) && (check->obclass == playerobj))) return false; } if (DiskAt(x,y)) return false; if (sprites[x][y]) return false; if ((tilemap[x][y]) && (IsPlatform(x,y)==false)) return false; if ((AREANUMBER(x,y)<=0) || (AREANUMBER(x,y)>NUMAREAS)) return false; if (IsWindow(x,y)) return false; return true; } #define CountTile(x,y) \ { \ if (oldarea == AREANUMBER(x,y))\ {if (CheckTile(x,y)) \ numemptytiles ++; \ \ areanumbercount++; \ if (areanumbercount == numareatiles[oldarea])\ return numemptytiles; \ } \ \ } \ int Number_of_Empty_Tiles_In_Area_Around(int x, int y) { int roverx,rovery,areanumbercount=0, numemptytiles=0,oldarea,i,limit,j; oldarea = AREANUMBER(x,y); for (i=1;; i++) { roverx = x-i; rovery = y-i; CountTile(roverx,rovery); limit = i<<1; for(j=0; j<limit; j++) { roverx++; CountTile(roverx,rovery); } for(j=0; j<limit; j++) { rovery++; CountTile(roverx,rovery); } for(j=0; j<limit; j++) { roverx--; CountTile(roverx,rovery); } for(j=0; j<limit-1; j++) { rovery--; CountTile(roverx,rovery); } } } #define CheckSet(x,y) \ {if (CheckTile(x,y) && (oldarea == AREANUMBER(x,y))) \ {*stilex = x; \ *stiley = y; \ return; \ } \ } \ void FindEmptyTile(int *stilex, int *stiley) { int i,j,x,y,oldarea,roverx,rovery,limit; oldarea = AREANUMBER(*stilex,*stiley); x = *stilex; y = *stiley; if (CheckTile(x,y) && (oldarea == AREANUMBER(x,y))) return; for (i=1;; i++) { roverx = x-i; rovery = y-i; CheckSet(roverx,rovery); limit = i<<1; for(j=0; j<limit; j++) { roverx++; CheckSet(roverx,rovery); } for(j=0; j<limit; j++) { rovery++; CheckSet(roverx,rovery); } for(j=0; j<limit; j++) { roverx--; CheckSet(roverx,rovery); } for(j=0; j<limit-1; j++) { rovery--; CheckSet(roverx,rovery); } } } //================================================================ void RecursiveConnect (int areanumber) { int i; for (i=0; i<NUMAREAS; i++) { if (areaconnect[areanumber][i] && !areabyplayer[i]) { areabyplayer[i] = true; RecursiveConnect (i); } } } /* ============== = = ConnectAreas = = Scans outward from playerarea, marking all connected areas = ============== */ void ConnectAreas (void) { objtype*temp; statobj_t*tstat; int i; #define MASTER_DISK(ob) ((ob->obclass == diskobj) && (ob->flags & FL_MASTER)) memset (areabyplayer,0,sizeof(areabyplayer)); for (i=0; i<numplayers; i++) { areabyplayer[PLAYER[i]->areanumber] = true; RecursiveConnect (PLAYER[i]->areanumber); } for(temp=FIRSTACTOR; temp; temp=temp->next) { if (MASTER_DISK(temp)) continue; if (!areabyplayer[temp->areanumber]) continue; if (!(temp->flags & FL_ABP)) { temp->flags |= FL_ABP; MakeActive(temp); } } for(tstat=FIRSTSTAT; tstat; tstat=tstat->statnext) { if (areabyplayer[tstat->areanumber]) { if (!(tstat->flags & FL_ABP)) { tstat->flags |= FL_ABP; MakeStatActive(tstat); } } else if (tstat->flags & FL_ABP) { MakeStatInactive(tstat); tstat->flags &= ~FL_ABP; } } for(i=0; i<maskednum; i++) { if (areabyplayer[maskobjlist[i]->areanumber]) { if (!(maskobjlist[i]->flags & MW_ABP)) { maskobjlist[i]->flags |= MW_ABP; MakeMaskedWallActive(maskobjlist[i]); } } else if (maskobjlist[i]->flags & MW_ABP) { MakeMaskedWallInactive(maskobjlist[i]); maskobjlist[i]->flags &= ~MW_ABP; } } } void InitAreas (void) { memset (areabyplayer,0,sizeof(areabyplayer)); memset (areaconnect,0,sizeof(areaconnect)); } /* =============== = = InitDoorList = =============== */ void InitDoorList (void) { doornum=0; pwallnum=0; maskednum=0; lasttouch = 0; numclocks=0; memset(touchindices,0,sizeof(touchindices)); memset(touchplate,0,sizeof(touchplate)); memset(lastaction,0,sizeof(lastaction)); memset(numactions,0,sizeof(numactions)); totalactions = 0; memset(TRIGGER,0,sizeof(TRIGGER)); memset(Clocks,0,sizeof(Clocks)); FIRSTMASKEDWALL=NULL; LASTMASKEDWALL=NULL; FIRSTANIMMASKEDWALL=NULL; LASTANIMMASKEDWALL=NULL; } /* =============== = = IsWall = =============== */ int IsWall (int tilex, int tiley) { int map; map=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0); if ((map>=1) && (map<=89)) return 1; else if ((map>=106) && (map<=107)) return 1; else if ((map>=224) && (map<=233)) return 1; else if ((map>=242) && (map<=244)) return 1; return 0; } /* =============== = = InitElevators = =============== */ void InitElevators(void) { _numelevators = 0; memset(ELEVATOR,0,sizeof(ELEVATOR)); } /* =============== = = IsDoor = =============== */ int IsDoor (int tilex, int tiley) { int map; map=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0); if ((map>=33) && (map<=35)) return 1; if ((map>=90) && (map<=104)) return 1; if ((map>=154) && (map<=156)) return 1; if (M_ISDOOR(tilex,tiley)) return 1; return 0; } /* =============== = = SpawnDoor = =============== */ void SpawnDoor (int tilex, int tiley, int lock, int texture) { int i; doorobj_t * lastdoorobj; int up,dn,lt,rt; int basetexture; doorobjlist[doornum]=(doorobj_t*)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(doorobj_t),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); if (!doorobjlist[doornum]) Error("SpawnDoor: Failed on allocation of door %d ",doornum); memset(doorobjlist[doornum],0,sizeof(doorobj_t)); lastdoorobj=doorobjlist[doornum]; if ( ( MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,1) >= 29 ) && ( MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,1) <= 32 ) ) { lock = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,1) - 28; } lastdoorobj->position = 0; lastdoorobj->tilex = tilex; lastdoorobj->tiley = tiley; lastdoorobj->lock = lock; lastdoorobj->action = dr_closed; lastdoorobj->which = DOOR; lastdoorobj->flags = 0; lastdoorobj->eindex = -1; // // make the door space solid // if (loadedgame==false) actorat[tilex][tiley] = lastdoorobj; if (IsDoor(tilex,tiley-1)) up=2; else if (IsWall(tilex,tiley-1)) up=1; else up=0; if (IsDoor(tilex,tiley+1)) dn=2; else if (IsWall(tilex,tiley+1)) dn=1; else dn=0; if (IsDoor(tilex-1,tiley)) lt=2; else if (IsWall(tilex-1,tiley)) lt=1; else lt=0; if (IsDoor(tilex+1,tiley)) rt=2; else if (IsWall(tilex+1,tiley)) rt=1; else rt=0; if ((up==1) && (dn==1)) lastdoorobj->vertical = true; else if ((lt==1) && (rt==1)) lastdoorobj->vertical = false; else if ((up>0) && (dn>0)) lastdoorobj->vertical = true; else if ((lt>0) && (rt>0)) lastdoorobj->vertical = false; else if (up>0) lastdoorobj->vertical = true; else if (dn>0) lastdoorobj->vertical = true; else if (lt>0) lastdoorobj->vertical = false; else if (rt>0) lastdoorobj->vertical = false; switch (texture) { case 0: case 8: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("RAMDOOR1\0"); break; case 1: case 9: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("DOOR2\0"); break; case 2: case 3: case 13: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("TRIDOOR1\0"); break; case 10: case 11: case 14: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("SDOOR4\0"); break; case 12: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("EDOOR\0"); break; case 15: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("SNDOOR\0"); break; case 16: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("SNADOOR\0"); break; case 17: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("SNKDOOR\0"); break; case 18: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("TNDOOR\0"); break; case 19: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("TNADOOR\0"); break; case 20: basetexture = W_GetNumForName("TNKDOOR\0"); break; default: Error("Illegal door value encountered\n"); break; } lastdoorobj->basetexture = basetexture; lastdoorobj->texture = lastdoorobj->basetexture; SD_PreCacheSoundGroup(SD_OPENDOORSND,SD_CLOSEDOORSND); // // make the door tile a special tile, and mark the adjacent tiles // for door sides // tilemap[tilex][tiley] = doornum | 0x8000; switch (texture) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: lastdoorobj->sidepic = W_GetNumForName("SIDE8"); lastdoorobj->alttexture = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEW3"); break; case 15: case 16: case 17: #if (SHAREWARE == 1) lastdoorobj->sidepic = W_GetNumForName("SIDE8"); #else lastdoorobj->sidepic = W_GetNumForName("SIDE16"); #endif lastdoorobj->alttexture = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEW16"); break; case 18: case 19: case 20: #if (SHAREWARE == 1) lastdoorobj->sidepic = W_GetNumForName("SIDE8"); lastdoorobj->alttexture = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEW3"); #else lastdoorobj->sidepic = W_GetNumForName("SIDE17"); lastdoorobj->alttexture = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEW17"); #endif break; default: Error("Illegal door value encountered\n"); break; } if ((lock>0) && (lock<5)) lastdoorobj->sidepic = W_GetNumForName("lock1")+lock-1; PreCacheLump(lastdoorobj->sidepic,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_pic_t); PreCacheLump(lastdoorobj->alttexture,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_pic_t); if (lastdoorobj->vertical==true) { if (up==1) tilemap[tilex][tiley-1] |= 0x4000; else if (up==2) lastdoorobj->flags|=DF_MULTI; if (dn==1) tilemap[tilex][tiley+1] |= 0x4000; else if (dn==2) lastdoorobj->flags|=DF_MULTI; } else { if (lt==1) tilemap[tilex-1][tiley] |= 0x4000; else if (lt==2) lastdoorobj->flags|=DF_MULTI; if (rt==1) tilemap[tilex+1][tiley] |= 0x4000; else if (rt==2) lastdoorobj->flags|=DF_MULTI; } PreCacheLump(lastdoorobj->texture,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_pic_t); for (i=1; i<9; i++) // only first texture is pic_t! PreCacheLump(lastdoorobj->texture+i,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_patch_t); doornum++; lastdoorobj++; if (doornum==MAXDOORS) Error ("Too many doors on level!"); } /* =============== = = MakeWideDoorVisible = =============== */ void MakeWideDoorVisible ( int doornum ) { int dx,dy; doorobj_t * dr2; doorobj_t * dr; int tx,ty; dr=doorobjlist[doornum]; dx=0; dy=0; if (dr->vertical==true) dy=1; else dx=1; spotvis[dr->tilex][dr->tiley]=1; tx=dr->tilex+dx; ty=dr->tiley+dy; while (M_ISDOOR(tx,ty)) { int num; num=tilemap[tx][ty]&0x3ff; dr2=doorobjlist[num]; if (!(dr2->flags&DF_MULTI)) break; spotvis[tx][ty]=1; tx+=dx; ty+=dy; } tx=dr->tilex-dx; ty=dr->tiley-dy; while (M_ISDOOR(tx,ty)) { int num; num=tilemap[tx][ty]&0x3ff; dr2=doorobjlist[num]; if (!(dr2->flags&DF_MULTI)) break; spotvis[tx][ty]=1; tx-=dx; ty-=dy; } } /* ===================== = = LockLinkedDoor = ===================== */ void LockLinkedDoor (int door) { doorobj_t*dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; if (!dptr->lock) dptr->lock=5; } /* ===================== = = IsDoorLinked = ===================== */ boolean IsDoorLinked (int door) { doorobj_t*dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; if (dptr->lock==5) return true; return false; } /* =============== = = FixDoorAreaNumbers = =============== */ void FixDoorAreaNumbers ( void ) { int i; int up,dn,lt,rt; int tilex,tiley; for (i=0; i<doornum; i++) { tilex=doorobjlist[i]->tilex; tiley=doorobjlist[i]->tiley; up=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0)-AREATILE; dn=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0)-AREATILE; lt=MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; rt=MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; up = ((up>0) && (up<=NUMAREAS)); dn = ((dn>0) && (dn<=NUMAREAS)); lt = ((lt>0) && (lt<=NUMAREAS)); rt = ((rt>0) && (rt<=NUMAREAS)); if (doorobjlist[i]->vertical==true) { if (rt) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0); else if (lt) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0); else Error("FixDoors: Couldn't fix up area at x=%d y=%d\n",tilex,tiley); } else { if (dn) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0); else if (up) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0); else Error("FixDoors: Couldn't fix up area at x=%d y=%d\n",tilex,tiley); } if (IsDoorLinked(i)) UtilizeDoor(i,LockLinkedDoor); } } //=========================================================================== /* ===================== = = OpenDoor = ===================== */ void OpenDoor (int door) { if (doorobjlist[door]->action == dr_open) doorobjlist[door]->ticcount = 0; // reset open time else { doorobjlist[door]->action = dr_opening; // start it opening } } /* ===================== = = DoorUnBlocked = ===================== */ boolean DoorUnBlocked (int door) { int tilex,tiley; objtype *check; doorobj_t*dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; // // don't close on anything solid // tilex = dptr->tilex; tiley = dptr->tiley; check = (objtype*)actorat[tilex][tiley]; if (check && (check->which == ACTOR)) return false; if (dptr->vertical==true) { check = (objtype*)actorat[tilex-1][tiley]; if (check && (check->which==ACTOR) && ((check->x+MINDIST) >> TILESHIFT) == tilex ) return false; check = (objtype*)actorat[tilex+1][tiley]; if (check && (check->which==ACTOR) && ((check->x-MINDIST) >> TILESHIFT) == tilex ) return false; } else if (dptr->vertical==false) { check = (objtype*)actorat[tilex][tiley-1]; if (check && (check->which==ACTOR) && ((check->y+MINDIST) >> TILESHIFT) == tiley ) return false; check = (objtype*)actorat[tilex][tiley+1]; if (check && (check->which==ACTOR) && ((check->y-MINDIST) >> TILESHIFT) == tiley ) return false; } return true; } /* ===================== = = DoorReadyToClose = = Alter the door's state = ===================== */ boolean DoorReadyToClose(int door) { doorobj_t*dptr; int dx,dy; doorobj_t * dr2; int tx,ty; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; if (dptr->action==dr_closed) return true; if (DoorUnBlocked(door)==false) return false; dx=0; dy=0; if (dptr->vertical==true) dy=1; else dx=1; tx=dptr->tilex+dx; ty=dptr->tiley+dy; while (M_ISDOOR(tx,ty)) { int num; num=tilemap[tx][ty]&0x3ff; dr2=doorobjlist[num]; if (!(dr2->flags&DF_MULTI)) break; if (DoorUnBlocked(num)==false) return false; tx+=dx; ty+=dy; } tx=dptr->tilex-dx; ty=dptr->tiley-dy; while (M_ISDOOR(tx,ty)) { int num; num=tilemap[tx][ty]&0x3ff; dr2=doorobjlist[num]; if (!(dr2->flags&DF_MULTI)) break; if (DoorUnBlocked(num)==false) return false; tx-=dx; ty-=dy; } return true; } /* ===================== = = CloseDoor = ===================== */ void CloseDoor (int door) { int tilex,tiley,area; doorobj_t*dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; if (dptr->action == dr_closed) return; tilex = dptr->tilex; tiley = dptr->tiley; // // play door sound // area = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0)-AREATILE; if (areabyplayer[area]) { dptr->soundhandle=SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_CLOSEDOORSND, dptr->tilex<<16, dptr->tiley<<16 ); } dptr->action = dr_closing; // // make the door space solid // actorat[tilex][tiley] = dptr; } /* ===================== = = OperateDoor = = The player wants to change the door's direction = ===================== */ void OperateDoor (int keys, int door, boolean localplayer ) { int lock; doorobj_t*dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; if ( ( dptr->flags & DF_ELEVLOCKED ) || ( MISCVARS->GASON && ( MAPSPOT( dptr->tilex, dptr->tiley, 1 ) == GASVALUE ) ) ) { if ( localplayer ) { // locked SD_Play ( SD_NOITEMSND ); } return; } lock = dptr->lock; if ( lock && !( keys & ( 1 << ( lock - 1 ) ) ) ) { if ( localplayer ) { // locked switch (lock) { case 1: AddMessage("You need the \\EGOLD key",MSG_DOOR); break; case 2: AddMessage("You need the \\FSILVER key",MSG_DOOR); break; case 3: AddMessage("You need the \\8IRON key",MSG_DOOR); break; case 4: AddMessage("You need the \\AOSCURO key",MSG_DOOR); break; default: AddMessage("This door appears to be locked",MSG_DOOR); break; } SD_Play( SD_NOITEMSND ); } return; } UseDoor(door); } /* ===================== = = LinkedOpenDoor = ===================== */ void LinkedOpenDoor (long door) { UtilizeDoor(door,OpenDoor); } /* ===================== = = LinkedCloseDoor = ===================== */ void LinkedCloseDoor (long door) { if (DoorReadyToClose(door)==true) UtilizeDoor(door,CloseDoor); } /* ===================== = = UtilizeDoor = = Alter the door's state = ===================== */ void UtilizeDoor (int door,void (*action)(int)) { doorobj_t*dptr; int dx,dy; doorobj_t * dr2; int tx,ty; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; action(door); dx=0; dy=0; if (dptr->vertical==true) dy=1; else dx=1; tx=dptr->tilex+dx; ty=dptr->tiley+dy; while (M_ISDOOR(tx,ty)) { int num; num=tilemap[tx][ty]&0x3ff; dr2=doorobjlist[num]; if (!(dr2->flags&DF_MULTI)) break; action(num); tx+=dx; ty+=dy; } tx=dptr->tilex-dx; ty=dptr->tiley-dy; while (M_ISDOOR(tx,ty)) { int num; num=tilemap[tx][ty]&0x3ff; dr2=doorobjlist[num]; if (!(dr2->flags&DF_MULTI)) break; action(num); tx-=dx; ty-=dy; } } /* ===================== = = UseDoor = = Alter the door's state = ===================== */ void UseDoor (int door) { switch (doorobjlist[door]->action) { case dr_closing: SD_StopSound(doorobjlist[door]->soundhandle); case dr_closed: UtilizeDoor(door,OpenDoor); break; case dr_opening: SD_StopSound(doorobjlist[door]->soundhandle); case dr_open: if (DoorReadyToClose(door)==true) UtilizeDoor(door,CloseDoor); break; } } //=========================================================================== /* =============== = = DoorOpen = = Close the door after three seconds = =============== */ void DoorOpen (int door) { doorobj_t* dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; dptr->ticcount += 1; if ((dptr->ticcount >= OPENTICS) && (!(dptr->flags & DF_TIMED)) && (DoorReadyToClose(door)==true)) UtilizeDoor(door,CloseDoor); } /* =============== = = DoorOpening = =============== */ void DoorOpening (int door) { int area1,area2; word *map; long position; int tilex,tiley; position = doorobjlist[door]->position; tilex = doorobjlist[door]->tilex; tiley = doorobjlist[door]->tiley; if (!position) { // // door is just starting to open, so connect the areas // map = &MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0); if (doorobjlist[door]->vertical==true) { area1 = *(map+1); area2 = *(map-1); } else { area1 = *(map-mapwidth); area2 = *(map+mapwidth); } area1 -= AREATILE; area2 -= AREATILE; areaconnect[area1][area2]++; areaconnect[area2][area1]++; if ((insetupgame==false) && (loadedgame==false)) ConnectAreas (); if (areabyplayer[area1]) { doorobjlist[door]->soundhandle=SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_OPENDOORSND, doorobjlist[door]->tilex<<16, doorobjlist[door]->tiley<<16 ); } } // // slide the door by an adaptive amount // position += 1<<12; if (position >= 0xffff) { // // door is all the way open // position = 0xffff; doorobjlist[door]->ticcount = 0; doorobjlist[door]->action = dr_open; if (doorobjlist[door] == actorat[tilex][tiley]) actorat[tilex][tiley] = 0; } doorobjlist[door]->position = position; doorobjlist[door]->texture=doorobjlist[door]->basetexture+((position+1)>>13); } /* =============== = = DoorClosing = =============== */ void DoorClosing (int door) { int area1,area2; word *map; long position; int tilex,tiley; doorobj_t *dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[door]; tilex = dptr->tilex; tiley = dptr->tiley; position = dptr->position; // // slide the door by an adaptive amount // position -= 1<<12; if (position < (0xffff >> 1)) ResolveDoorSpace(tilex,tiley); if (position <= 0) { // // door is closed all the way, so disconnect the areas // position = 0; dptr->action = dr_closed; map = &MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0); if (areabyplayer[(*map-AREATILE)]) { dptr->soundhandle=SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_DOORHITSND, dptr->tilex<<16, dptr->tiley<<16 ); } if (dptr->vertical==true) { area1 = *(map+1); area2 = *(map-1); } else { area1 = *(map-mapwidth); area2 = *(map+mapwidth); } area1 -= AREATILE; area2 -= AREATILE; areaconnect[area1][area2]--; areaconnect[area2][area1]--; ConnectAreas (); } dptr->position = position; dptr->texture=dptr->basetexture+((position+1)>>13); } /* =============== = = IsMaskedWall = =============== */ int IsMaskedWall (int tilex, int tiley) { int map; if (IsPlatform(tilex,tiley)) return 1; map=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0); if ((map>=157) && (map<=160)) return 1; if ((map>=162) && (map<=179)) return 1; if (M_ISMWALL(tilex,tiley)) return 1; return 0; } /* =============== = = SpawnMaskedWall = =============== */ void SpawnMaskedWall (int tilex, int tiley, int which, int flags) { word *map; int area1, area2; int up,dn,lt,rt; int himask; boolean sidepic; int side, middle, above, bottom; maskedwallobj_t * lastmaskobj; boolean metal; himask=W_GetNumForName("HMSKSTRT")+1; maskobjlist[maskednum]=(maskedwallobj_t*)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(maskedwallobj_t),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); memset(maskobjlist[maskednum],0,sizeof(maskedwallobj_t)); lastmaskobj=maskobjlist[maskednum]; sidepic=true; lastmaskobj->tilex = tilex; lastmaskobj->tiley = tiley; lastmaskobj->which = MWALL; up=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0)-AREATILE; dn=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0)-AREATILE; lt=MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; rt=MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; if (IsMaskedWall(tilex,tiley-1)) up=2; else if (IsWall(tilex,tiley-1)) up=1; else up=0; if (IsMaskedWall(tilex,tiley+1)) dn=2; else if (IsWall(tilex,tiley+1)) dn=1; else dn=0; if (IsMaskedWall(tilex-1,tiley)) lt=2; else if (IsWall(tilex-1,tiley)) lt=1; else lt=0; if (IsMaskedWall(tilex+1,tiley)) rt=2; else if (IsWall(tilex+1,tiley)) rt=1; else rt=0; if ((up==1) && (dn==1)) lastmaskobj->vertical = true; else if ((lt==1) && (rt==1)) lastmaskobj->vertical = false; else if ((up>0) && (dn>0)) lastmaskobj->vertical = true; else if ((lt>0) && (rt>0)) lastmaskobj->vertical = false; else if (up>0) lastmaskobj->vertical = true; else if (dn>0) lastmaskobj->vertical = true; else if (lt>0) lastmaskobj->vertical = false; else if (rt>0) lastmaskobj->vertical = false; tilemap[tilex][tiley] = maskednum | 0xc000; map = &MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0); if (lastmaskobj->vertical==true) { area1 = *(map+1); area2 = *(map-1); area1 -= AREATILE; area2 -= AREATILE; if (lt==0 && rt==0) { areaconnect[area1][area2]++; areaconnect[area2][area1]++; } } else { area1 = *(map-mapwidth); area2 = *(map+mapwidth); area1 -= AREATILE; area2 -= AREATILE; if (up==0 && dn==0) { areaconnect[area1][area2]++; areaconnect[area2][area1]++; } } lastmaskobj->flags=flags; if (IsPlatform(tilex,tiley)) { if (MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0)==21) { metal=true; actorat[tilex][tiley]=0; } else metal=false; } switch (which) { case mw_peephole: //#if (SHAREWARE == 1) side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; /* #else side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE16"); middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM3A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM2A") ; #endif */ bottom = W_GetNumForName("PEEPMASK"); break; case mw_dogwall: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; #if (SHAREWARE == 1) middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; #else middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM9") ; #endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("DOGMASK"); break; case mw_multi1: /* #if (SHAREWARE == 1) side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; #else */ //side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE23") ; side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21") ; middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM5A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM5") ; // #endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("MULTI1"); break; case mw_multi2: /* #if (SHAREWARE == 1) side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A"); above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; #else */ //side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE23") ; side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21") ; middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM5B"); above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM5") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("MULTI2"); break; case mw_multi3: /* #if (SHAREWARE == 1) side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; #else */ //side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE23") ; side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21") ; middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM5C") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM5") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("MULTI3"); break; case mw_singlepane: // #if (SHAREWARE == 1) side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); // #else // side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE22") ; // #endif middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; bottom = W_GetNumForName("MASKED4"); break; case mw_normal1: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); // #if (SHAREWARE == 1) middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; //#else // middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM1A") ; // above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM1") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("MASKED1"); break; case mw_normal2: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); //#if (SHAREWARE == 1) middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; //#else // middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM2A") ; // above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM2") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("MASKED2"); break; case mw_normal3: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); //#if (SHAREWARE == 1) middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; //#else // middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM3A") ; // above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM3") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("MASKED3"); break; case mw_exitarch: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); //#if (SHAREWARE == 1) middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; //#else // middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM6A") ; // above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM6") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("EXITARCH"); break; case mw_secretexitarch: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); //#if (SHAREWARE == 1) middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; //#else // middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM8A") ; // above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM8") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("EXITARCA"); break; case mw_railing: sidepic = false; middle = -1; above = -1; bottom = W_GetNumForName("RAILING"); break; case mw_hiswitchon: sidepic = false; middle = himask+1; above = himask+3; bottom = himask; break; case mw_hiswitchoff: sidepic = false; middle = himask+1; above = himask+2; bottom = himask; break; case mw_entrygate: side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); //#if (SHAREWARE == 1) //side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE21"); middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4A") ; above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM4") ; //#else //side = W_GetNumForName("SIDE20") ; // middle = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM7A") ; // above = W_GetNumForName("ABOVEM7") ; //#endif bottom = W_GetNumForName("ENTRARCH"); break; case mw_platform1: sidepic = false; bottom = -1; middle = -1; above = himask+10; if (metal==true) { bottom = -1; middle = -1; above = himask+15; } break; case mw_platform2: sidepic = false; bottom = himask+8; middle = -1; above = -1; if (metal==true) { bottom = himask+14; middle = -1; above = -1; } else lastmaskobj->flags|=MW_BOTTOMFLIPPING; break; case mw_platform3: sidepic = false; bottom = himask+8; middle = -1; above = himask+10; if (metal==true) { bottom = himask+14; middle = -1; above = himask+15; } else lastmaskobj->flags|=MW_BOTTOMFLIPPING; break; case mw_platform4: sidepic = false; bottom = himask+12; middle = himask+7; above = himask+7; if (metal==true) { bottom = -1; middle = himask+15; above = himask+15; } break; case mw_platform5: sidepic = false; bottom = himask+12; middle = himask+7; above = himask+5; if (metal==true) { bottom = -1; middle = himask+15; above = -1; } else lastmaskobj->flags|=MW_TOPFLIPPING; break; case mw_platform6: sidepic = false; bottom = himask+4; middle = himask+7; above = himask+5; if (metal==true) { bottom = himask+14; middle = himask+15; above = -1; } else lastmaskobj->flags|=MW_TOPFLIPPING; break; case mw_platform7: sidepic = false; bottom = himask+4; middle = himask+7; above = himask+5; if ((up==1) || (dn==1)) lastmaskobj->vertical=true; else if ((lt==1) || (rt==1)) lastmaskobj->vertical=false; else Error("Perpendicular platform used with no wall near it\n"); if (metal==true) { bottom = himask+14; middle = himask+15; above = -1; } else lastmaskobj->flags|=MW_TOPFLIPPING; break; } switch (which) { case mw_multi1: case mw_multi2: case mw_multi3: case mw_singlepane: case mw_normal1: case mw_normal2: case mw_normal3: if (!(flags & MW_SHOOTABLE)) bottom+=9; break; } lastmaskobj->midtexture=middle; lastmaskobj->toptexture=above; lastmaskobj->bottomtexture=bottom; if (sidepic == true) { lastmaskobj->sidepic=side; if (lastmaskobj->vertical==true) { if (up==1) tilemap[tilex][tiley-1] |= 0x4000; if (dn==1) tilemap[tilex][tiley+1] |= 0x4000; } else { if (lt==1) tilemap[tilex-1][tiley] |= 0x4000; if (rt==1) tilemap[tilex+1][tiley] |= 0x4000; } } // Cache in the broken version if (lastmaskobj->flags & MW_SHOOTABLE) { int i; for (i=1; i<AMW_NUMFRAMES; i++) { PreCacheLump(lastmaskobj->bottomtexture+i,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_transpatch_t); } SD_PreCacheSound(SD_GLASSBREAKSND); } if (sidepic==true) { PreCacheLump(lastmaskobj->sidepic,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_pic_t); } if (lastmaskobj->bottomtexture>=0) PreCacheLump(lastmaskobj->bottomtexture,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_transpatch_t); if (lastmaskobj->toptexture>=0) PreCacheLump(lastmaskobj->toptexture,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_patch_t); if (lastmaskobj->midtexture>=0) PreCacheLump(lastmaskobj->midtexture,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_patch_t); maskednum++; lastmaskobj++; if (maskednum==MAXMASKED) Error ("Too many masked walls\n"); } /* =============== = = FixMaskedWallAreaNumbers = =============== */ void FixMaskedWallAreaNumbers ( void ) { int i; int up,dn,lt,rt; int tilex,tiley; for (i=0; i<maskednum; i++) { int tile; tilex=maskobjlist[i]->tilex; tiley=maskobjlist[i]->tiley; tile=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((tile<=NUMAREAS) && (tile>0)) { maskobjlist[i]->areanumber = tile; continue; } up=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0)-AREATILE; dn=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0)-AREATILE; lt=MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; rt=MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; up = ((up>0) && (up<=NUMAREAS)); dn = ((dn>0) && (dn<=NUMAREAS)); lt = ((lt>0) && (lt<=NUMAREAS)); rt = ((rt>0) && (rt<=NUMAREAS)); if (maskobjlist[i]->vertical==true) { if (rt) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0); else if (lt) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0); else if (up) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0); else if (dn) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0); else Error("FixMaskedWalls: Couldn't fix up area at x=%d y=%d\n",tilex,tiley); } else { if (dn) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0); else if (up) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0); else if (rt) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0); else if (lt) MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0) = MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0); else Error("FixMaskedWalls: Couldn't fix up area at x=%d y=%d\n",tilex,tiley); } maskobjlist[i]->areanumber = MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((maskobjlist[i]->areanumber <0) || (maskobjlist[i]->areanumber > NUMAREAS)) Error("Bad masked wall areanumber of %d",maskobjlist[i]->areanumber); } } /* =============== = = CheckMaskedWall = =============== */ int CheckMaskedWall( maskedwallobj_t * mw ) { int result; result=0; if (mw->flags & MW_SHOOTABLE) { if (mw->flags & MW_BLOCKINGCHANGES) { mw->flags&=~MW_BLOCKINGCHANGES; mw->flags&=~MW_BLOCKING; mw->flags|=MW_BOTTOMPASSABLE; } mw->flags&=~MW_SHOOTABLE; // mw->bottomtexture++; result=1; } return result; } /* =============== = = UpdateMaskedWall = =============== */ int UpdateMaskedWall (int num) { maskedwallobj_t * mw; int result; mw=maskobjlist[num]; result=CheckMaskedWall(mw); if (result==1) { SpawnAnimatedMaskedWall(num); if (loadedgame==false) SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_GLASSBREAKSND,mw->tilex<<16,mw->tiley<<16); if (mw->flags&MW_MULTI) { int i; int dx,dy; int r; maskedwallobj_t * mw2; dx=0; dy=0; if (mw->vertical==true) dy=1; else dx=1; i=1; while (M_ISMWALL(mw->tilex+(dx*i),mw->tiley+(dy*i))) { int num; num=tilemap[mw->tilex+(dx*i)][mw->tiley+(dy*i)]&0x3ff; mw2=maskobjlist[num]; if (!(mw2->flags&MW_MULTI)) break; r=CheckMaskedWall(mw2); if (r==1) { SpawnAnimatedMaskedWall(num); if (loadedgame==false) SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_GLASSBREAKSND,mw2->tilex<<16,mw2->tiley<<16); } i++; } i=1; while (M_ISMWALL(mw->tilex-(dx*i),mw->tiley-(dy*i))) { int num; num=tilemap[mw->tilex-(dx*i)][mw->tiley-(dy*i)]&0x3ff; mw2=maskobjlist[num]; if (!(mw2->flags&MW_MULTI)) break; r=CheckMaskedWall(mw2); if (r==1) { SpawnAnimatedMaskedWall(num); if (loadedgame==false) SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_GLASSBREAKSND,mw2->tilex<<16,mw2->tiley<<16); } i++; } } } return result; } /* ============================ = = ExecuteElevatorStopActions = ============================ */ void ExecuteElevatorStopActions(elevator_t *eptr, int teleport_location, int desttilex,int desttiley) { eptr->state = ev_doorclosing; eptr->doorclosing = eptr->doortoopen; doorobjlist[eptr->doortoopen]->flags &= ~DF_ELEVLOCKED; OpenDoor(eptr->doortoopen); SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_ELEVATORENDSND,desttilex,desttiley); Teleport(eptr,teleport_location); eptr->ticcount = OPENTICS; eptr->doortoopen = -1; if (MISCVARS->elevatormusicon == true) { MU_StartSong(song_level); MU_RestoreSongPosition(); MISCVARS->elevatormusicon = false; } } boolean PlayerInElevator(elevator_t *eptr) { if (eptr->state == ev_mts) { if ((eptr->dx == player->tilex) && (eptr->dy == player->tiley)) return true; } else if (eptr->state == ev_mtd) { if ((eptr->sx == player->tilex) && (eptr->sy == player->tiley)) return true; } return false; } #define SHOULD_START_ELEVATOR_MUSIC(eptr) \ ((demoplayback == false) && (demorecord == false) && \ (MusicStarted() == true) && \ (!BATTLEMODE) && \ (!(player->flags & FL_GODMODE)) &&\ (GameRandomNumber("elevator music",0) < 25) && \ (PlayerInElevator(eptr)) \ ) \ /* ========================== = = SetElevatorOperationTime = ========================== */ void SetElevatorOperationTime(elevator_t*eptr) { if (SHOULD_START_ELEVATOR_MUSIC(eptr)) { MU_StoreSongPosition(); MU_StartSong(song_elevator); MISCVARS->elevatormusicon = true; eptr->ticcount = ELEVATORMUSICTIME; } else if (AREANUMBER(eptr->sx,eptr->sy) == AREANUMBER(eptr->dx,eptr->dy)) eptr->ticcount = 70; else eptr->ticcount = 170; } /* ===================== = = CheckElevatorStart = ===================== */ void CheckElevatorStart (elevator_t*eptr) { doorobj_t *dptr = doorobjlist[eptr->doorclosing]; if (dptr->action == dr_closed) { if (eptr->nextaction!=-1) { eptr->state = eptr->nextaction; eptr->nextaction = -1; switch (eptr->state) { case ev_mtd: eptr->doortoopen = eptr->door2; SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_ELEVATORONSND,eptr->sx<<16,eptr->sy<<16); //eptr->doorclosing = eptr->door1; SetElevatorOperationTime(eptr); break; case ev_mts: eptr->doortoopen = eptr->door1; SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_ELEVATORONSND,eptr->dx<<16,eptr->dy<<16); SetElevatorOperationTime(eptr); break; } } else if (eptr->doorclosing == eptr->door1) eptr->state = ev_ras; else if (eptr->doorclosing == eptr->door2) eptr->state = ev_rad; eptr->doorclosing = -1; } } /* ===================== = = ProcessElevators = = Called from PlayLoop = ===================== */ void ProcessElevators (void) { int ectr; elevator_t *eptr; for (ectr = 0 ; ectr < _numelevators ; ectr++) { eptr = &ELEVATOR[ectr]; if (eptr->ticcount) eptr->ticcount --; else { switch (eptr->state) { /* case ev_ras: break; case ev_rad: break; */ case ev_mts: ExecuteElevatorStopActions(eptr,0,(eptr->sx << 16),(eptr->sy << 16)); break; case ev_mtd: ExecuteElevatorStopActions(eptr,1,(eptr->dx << 16),(eptr->dy << 16)); break; case ev_doorclosing: CheckElevatorStart(eptr); break; } } } } void Teleport(elevator_t*eptr,int destination) { statobj_t*tstat; objtype*temp; int startx,starty,destx,desty; if (destination) // move to dest { startx = eptr->sx; starty = eptr->sy; destx = eptr->dx; desty = eptr->dy; tilemap[eptr->esx][eptr->esy] = (elevatorstart + 5) | 0x2000; } else { startx = eptr->dx; starty = eptr->dy; destx = eptr->sx; desty = eptr->sy; tilemap[eptr->edx][eptr->edy] = (elevatorstart + 5) | 0x2000; } for(tstat=firstactivestat; tstat; tstat=tstat->nextactive) { if ((tstat->tilex == startx) && (tstat->tiley == starty)) { tstat->x += ((destx - tstat->tilex) << TILESHIFT); tstat->y += ((desty - tstat->tiley) << TILESHIFT); tstat->tilex = tstat->x >> TILESHIFT; tstat->tiley = tstat->y >> TILESHIFT; tstat->visspot = &spotvis[tstat->tilex][tstat->tiley]; if (sprites[startx][starty] == tstat) { sprites[startx][starty] = NULL; sprites[destx][desty] = tstat; } } } for(temp=firstactive; temp; temp=temp->nextactive) { if ((temp->tilex == startx) && (temp->tiley == starty)) { temp->x += ((destx - temp->tilex) << TILESHIFT); temp->y += ((desty - temp->tiley) << TILESHIFT); temp->tilex = temp->x >> TILESHIFT; temp->tiley = temp->y >> TILESHIFT; if (temp->obclass!=inertobj) { RemoveFromArea (temp); temp->areanumber = AREANUMBER(temp->tilex,temp->tiley); MakeLastInArea (temp); } if (temp == player) SHAKETICS = 10; } } } void OperateElevatorDoor(int dnum) { elevator_t*eptr; doorobj_t *dptr; dptr = doorobjlist[dnum]; eptr = &ELEVATOR[dptr->eindex]; switch(eptr->state) { /* case ev_mtd: // if already on the way to request, // ignore; else, put request in if (dnum == eptr->door1) {eptr->nextaction = ev_mts; //eptr->doortoopen = eptr->door1; } break; case ev_mts: if (dnum == eptr->door2) {eptr->nextaction = ev_mtd; //eptr->doortoopen = eptr->door2; } break; */ case ev_rad: // if ready at other place, if ((dnum == eptr->door1) && (eptr->nextaction != ev_mts)) // process request, lock doors, { // start moving to current loc; SetNextAction(eptr,0); // if already there, do nothing } break; case ev_ras: if ((dnum == eptr->door2) && (eptr->nextaction != ev_mtd)) { SetNextAction(eptr,1); } break; case ev_doorclosing: if (eptr->doorclosing == dnum) // if opening door at current loc, // reset elev state to ready { //if (eptr->door1 == dnum) // eptr->nextaction = ev_ras; //else //eptr->nextaction = ev_rad; } else //else prepare for movement { if ((eptr->door1 == dnum) && (eptr->nextaction != ev_mts)) { SetNextAction(eptr,0); } else if ((eptr->door2 == dnum) && (eptr->nextaction != ev_mtd)) { SetNextAction(eptr,1); } } break; } } int SetNextAction(elevator_t*eptr,int action) { int dn; if (action) { if (!DoorReadyToClose(eptr->door1)) return false; eptr->nextaction = ev_mtd; dn = eptr->door1; } else { if (!DoorReadyToClose(eptr->door2)) return false; eptr->nextaction = ev_mts; dn = eptr->door2; } eptr->state = ev_doorclosing; eptr->doorclosing = dn; if (doorobjlist[dn]->action != dr_closed) CloseDoor(dn); doorobjlist[dn]->flags |= DF_ELEVLOCKED; return true; } void OperateElevatorSwitch(objtype*ob,int elevnum,int checkx,int checky) { elevator_t*eptr; doorobj_t *door; eptr = &ELEVATOR[elevnum]; if ((eptr->state == ev_mts) || (eptr->state == ev_mtd)) { return; } door = doorobjlist[eptr->door1]; if ((abs(ob->tilex-door->tilex)<=1) && //switch at source (abs(ob->tiley-door->tiley)<=1)) { if (!SetNextAction(eptr,1)) // set next to dest return; eptr->ticcount = 0; } else //switch at dest { if (!SetNextAction(eptr,0)) // set next to src return; eptr->ticcount = 0; } tilemap[checkx][checky] = (elevatorstart + 6) | 0x2000; SD_PlaySoundRTP(SD_TOUCHPLATESND,ob->x,ob->y); } /* ===================== = = MoveDoors = = Called from PlayLoop = ===================== */ void MoveDoors (void) { int door; for (door = 0 ; door < doornum ; door++) switch (doorobjlist[door]->action) { case dr_open: DoorOpen (door); break; case dr_opening: DoorOpening(door); SD_PanRTP ( doorobjlist[door]->soundhandle, doorobjlist[door]->tilex<<16, doorobjlist[door]->tiley<<16 ); break; case dr_closing: DoorClosing(door); SD_PanRTP ( doorobjlist[door]->soundhandle, doorobjlist[door]->tilex<<16, doorobjlist[door]->tiley<<16 ); break; default: ; } } //=========================================================== // // PUSHWALLS // //=========================================================== /* =============== = = GetAreaNumber = =============== */ int GetAreaNumber ( int tilex, int tiley, int dir ) { int up,dn,lt,rt; up=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley-1,0)-AREATILE; dn=MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley+1,0)-AREATILE; lt=MAPSPOT(tilex-1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; rt=MAPSPOT(tilex+1,tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((up<=0) || (up>NUMAREAS)) up=0; if ((dn<=0) || (dn>NUMAREAS)) dn=0; if ((lt<=0) || (lt>NUMAREAS)) lt=0; if ((rt<=0) || (rt>NUMAREAS)) rt=0; switch (dir) { case north: if (up) return up; else if (dn) return dn; break; case south: if (dn) return dn; else if (up) return up; break; case east: if (rt) return rt; else if (lt) return lt; break; case west: if (lt) return lt; else if (rt) return rt; break; } if (up) return up; else if (dn) return dn; else if (lt) return lt; else if (rt) return rt; else Error("Cannot find an area number for tile at x=%d y=%d\n",tilex,tiley); return -1; } /* =============== = = SpawnPushWall = =============== */ void SpawnPushWall (int tilex, int tiley, int lock, int texture, int dir, int type) { pwallobj_t * lastpwallobj; if (pwallnum==MAXPWALLS) Error ("MAXPWALLS on level!"); pwallobjlist[pwallnum]=(pwallobj_t*)Z_LevelMalloc(sizeof(pwallobj_t),PU_LEVELSTRUCT,NULL); memset(pwallobjlist[pwallnum],0,sizeof(pwallobj_t)); lastpwallobj=pwallobjlist[pwallnum]; lastpwallobj->x = (tilex<<16)+0x8000; lastpwallobj->y = (tiley<<16)+0x8000; lastpwallobj->momentumx=0; lastpwallobj->momentumy=0; lastpwallobj->tilex = tilex; lastpwallobj->tiley = tiley; lastpwallobj->lock = lock; lastpwallobj->action = pw_npushed; lastpwallobj->which = PWALL; lastpwallobj->dir = dir; lastpwallobj->num = pwallnum; actorat[tilex][tiley] = (pwallobj_t*)(lastpwallobj); // consider it a solid wall if ( (MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0)==44) || (MAPSPOT(tilex,tiley,0)==233) ) lastpwallobj->flags=PW_DAMAGE; lastpwallobj->texture = texture; if (!(texture&0x1000)) PreCacheLump(texture,PU_CACHEWALLS,cache_pic_t); lastpwallobj->areanumber = GetAreaNumber(tilex,tiley,lastpwallobj->dir); MAPSPOT (tilex, tiley, 0)=(word)(lastpwallobj->areanumber+AREATILE); switch(type) { case 0: case 1: case 3: lastpwallobj->speed = 2; break; case 2: case 4: lastpwallobj->speed = 4; break; default: Error("Illegal PushWall type passed into SpawnPushWall\n"); break; } if (type>2) { tilemap[tilex][tiley] = 0; ActivateMoveWall(pwallnum); } else { tilemap[tilex][tiley] = texture|0x800; if ((loadedgame==false) && (type==0)) gamestate.secrettotal++; } pwallnum++; lastpwallobj++; SD_PreCacheSoundGroup(SD_PUSHWALLSND,SD_TURBOWALLSND); } /* ===================== = = OperatePushWall = = The player wants to change the pushwall's direction = ===================== */ void OperatePushWall (int pwall, int dir, boolean localplayer ) { pwallobj_t * pw; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; if (pw->lock) { if ( localplayer ) { // Can't push AddMessage("This push wall appears to be locked...",MSG_DOOR); PlayNoWaySound(); } return; } switch (pw->action) { case pw_npushed: if ((dir!=pw->dir) && (pw->dir!=nodir)) { // Can't push if ( localplayer ) { PlayNoWaySound(); } return; } else if (localplayer && (gamestate.difficulty == gd_baby)) AddMessage("Push Wall Activated.",MSG_GAME); pw->action=pw_pushing; pw->dir=dir; SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_TOUCHPLATESND, pw->x, pw->y ); ConnectPushWall(pwall); SetupPushWall(pwall); gamestate.secretcount++; break; default: // Can't push if ( localplayer ) { PlayNoWaySound(); } break; } } /* ===================== = = ActivateAllPushWalls = = A Push wall has beeen activated by a touch plate = ===================== */ void ActivateAllPushWalls(void) { int i; for(i=0; i<pwallnum; i++) { if (pwallobjlist[i]->dir != nodir) { ActivatePushWall(i); } } } /* ===================== = = ActivatePushWall = = A Push wall has beeen activated by a touch plate = ===================== */ void ActivatePushWall (long pwall) { pwallobj_t * pw; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; switch (pw->action) { case pw_npushed: pw->action=pw_pushing; ConnectPushWall(pwall); SetupPushWall(pwall); gamestate.secretcount++; break; default: // Can't push SD_Play( SD_BADTOUCHSND ); break; } } /* ===================== = = ActivateMoveWall = = A Push wall has beeen activated by a touch plate = ===================== */ void ActivateMoveWall (long pwall) { pwallobj_t * pw; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; switch (pw->action) { case pw_npushed: pw->action=pw_moving; SetupPushWall(pwall); break; default: SD_Play( SD_BADTOUCHSND ); break; } } /* =============== = = ConnectPushWall = =============== */ void ConnectPushWall (int pwall) { int checkx; int checky; int area1,area2; int area3,area4; word *map; pwallobj_t * pw; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; checkx=pw->tilex; checky=pw->tiley; tilemap[checkx][checky] = 0; map = &MAPSPOT (checkx, checky, 0); area1 = *(map-mapwidth); area2 = *(map+mapwidth); area3 = *(map+1); area4 = *(map-1); area1 -= AREATILE; area2 -= AREATILE; area3 -= AREATILE; area4 -= AREATILE; if (((area1>0) && (area1<NUMAREAS)) && ((area2>0) && (area2<NUMAREAS))) { areaconnect[area1][area2]++; areaconnect[area2][area1]++; if ((insetupgame==false) && (loadedgame==false)) ConnectAreas (); } if (((area3>0) && (area3<NUMAREAS)) && ((area4>0) && (area4<NUMAREAS))) { areaconnect[area3][area4]++; areaconnect[area4][area3]++; if ((insetupgame==false) && (loadedgame==false)) ConnectAreas (); } } /* =============== = = SetupPushWall = =============== */ void SetupPushWall (int pwall) { pwallobj_t * pw; int speed; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; speed=pw->speed<<PUSHWALLSPEED; switch (pw->dir) { case north: pw->momentumx=0; pw->momentumy=-speed; break; case east: pw->momentumx=speed; pw->momentumy=0; break; case northeast: pw->momentumx=speed; pw->momentumy=-speed; break; case southeast: pw->momentumx=speed; pw->momentumy=speed; break; case south: pw->momentumx=0; pw->momentumy=speed; break; case west: pw->momentumx=-speed; pw->momentumy=0; break; case northwest: pw->momentumx=-speed; pw->momentumy=-speed; break; case southwest: pw->momentumx=-speed; pw->momentumy=speed; break; } if (pw->action==pw_pushing) { if (loadedgame==false) pw->soundhandle=SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_PUSHWALLSND, pw->x, pw->y ); pw->state=(0x20000L/speed); } if (pw->action==pw_moving) pw->state=(0x10000L/speed); } /* ===================== = = MovePWalls = = Called from PlayLoop = ===================== */ void MovePWalls (void) { int pwall; for (pwall = 0 ; pwall < pwallnum ; pwall++) { if (pwallobjlist[pwall]->action==pw_pushing) { WallPushing (pwall); SD_PanRTP (pwallobjlist[pwall]->soundhandle, pwallobjlist[pwall]->x, pwallobjlist[pwall]->y ); } if (pwallobjlist[pwall]->action==pw_moving) { WallMoving (pwall); SD_PanRTP (pwallobjlist[pwall]->soundhandle, pwallobjlist[pwall]->x, pwallobjlist[pwall]->y ); } } } void ClearActorat(pwallobj_t*pw) { int txhigh,txlow,tyhigh,tylow; int tryx,tryy,x,y; int pwrad = 0x6fff; tryx = pw->x; tryy = pw->y; txlow = (tryx - pwrad) >> 16; txhigh = (tryx + pwrad) >> 16; tylow = (tryy - pwrad) >> 16; tyhigh = (tryy + pwrad) >> 16; for(y=tylow; y<=tyhigh; y++) for(x=txlow; x<=txhigh; x++) { if (actorat[x][y] == pw) actorat[x][y] = NULL; } } void SetActorat(pwallobj_t*pw) { int txhigh,txlow,tyhigh,tylow; int tryx,tryy,x,y; int pwrad = 0x6fff; tryx = pw->x; tryy = pw->y; txlow = (tryx - pwrad) >> 16; txhigh = (tryx + pwrad) >> 16; tylow = (tryy - pwrad) >> 16; tyhigh = (tryy + pwrad) >> 16; for(y=tylow; y<=tyhigh; y++) for(x=txlow; x<=txhigh; x++) actorat[x][y] = pw; } /* ================= = = FinishPushWall = ================= */ void FinishPushWall (pwallobj_t * pw) { pw->action = pw_pushed; actorat[pw->tilex][pw->tiley] = (wall_t*)&walls[GetWallIndex(pw->texture)]; tilemap[pw->tilex][pw->tiley] = pw->texture; } /* ================= = = ResetPushWall = ================= */ void ResetPushWall (pwallobj_t * pw) { SetActorat(pw); tilemap[pw->tilex][pw->tiley] = pw->texture|0x800; } /* ================= = = WallPushing = ================= */ void WallPushing (int pwall) { int checkx,checky; int spot; pwallobj_t * pw; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; ClearActorat(pw); PushWallMove(pwall); pw->x+=pw->momentumx; pw->y+=pw->momentumy; pw->state--; checkx=pw->tilex; checky=pw->tiley; pw->tilex=pw->x>>16; pw->tiley=pw->y>>16; if ((pw->tilex!=checkx) || (pw->tiley!=checky)) { int x,y; int area = MAPSPOT(pw->tilex,pw->tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((area<=0) || (area>NUMAREAS)) { area=pw->areanumber; MAPSPOT (pw->tilex, pw->tiley, 0)=(word)(pw->areanumber+AREATILE); } // block crossed into a new block // // the tile can now be walked into // mapseen[checkx][checky] = 0; pw->areanumber = area; if (pw->momentumx>0) x=1; else if (pw->momentumx<0) x=-1; else x=0; if (pw->momentumy>0) y=1; else if (pw->momentumy<0) y=-1; else y=0; if (tilemap[pw->tilex+x][pw->tiley+y]) { pw->state=(0x8000L/(pw->speed<<PUSHWALLSPEED)); } if (actorat[pw->tilex+x][pw->tiley+y]) ResolveDoorSpace(pw->tilex+x,pw->tiley+y); } if (pw->state==0) { pw->x=(pw->tilex<<16)+0x8000; pw->y=(pw->tiley<<16)+0x8000; spot = MAPSPOT(pw->tilex,pw->tiley,1)-ICONARROWS; if ((spot >= 0) && (spot <= 7)) { pw->action = pw_npushed; pw->dir = spot; ResetPushWall (pw); if (pw->lock) { pw->action=pw_pushing; ConnectPushWall(pwall); SetupPushWall(pwall); } else { gamestate.secrettotal++; } } else { FinishPushWall (pw); } } else SetActorat(pw); } /* ================= = = WallMoving = ================= */ void WallMoving (int pwall) { int checkx,checky; int spot; pwallobj_t * pw; pw=pwallobjlist[pwall]; ClearActorat(pw); PushWallMove(pwall); pw->x+=pw->momentumx; pw->y+=pw->momentumy; pw->state--; checkx=pw->tilex; checky=pw->tiley; pw->tilex=pw->x>>16; pw->tiley=pw->y>>16; if ((pw->tilex!=checkx) || (pw->tiley!=checky)) { int area = MAPSPOT(pw->tilex,pw->tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((area<=0) || (area>NUMAREAS)) { area=pw->areanumber; MAPSPOT (pw->tilex, pw->tiley, 0)=(word)(pw->areanumber+AREATILE); } // block crossed into a new block // // the tile can now be walked into // if (areabyplayer[area]) { if (pw->speed==2) pw->soundhandle=SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_GOWALLSND, pw->x, pw->y ); else pw->soundhandle=SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_TURBOWALLSND, pw->x, pw->y ); } if (actorat[pw->tilex][pw->tilex]) ResolveDoorSpace(pw->tilex,pw->tiley); mapseen[checkx][checky] = 0; pw->areanumber = MAPSPOT (pw->tilex, pw->tiley, 0)-AREATILE; //actorat[pw->tilex][pw->tiley]=pw; if ( (pw->tilex==0) || (pw->tilex==127) || (pw->tiley==0) || (pw->tiley==127) ) { if (W_CheckNumForName("imfree")>=0) { lbm_t *LBM; LBM = (lbm_t *) W_CacheLumpNum (W_GetNumForName ("imfree"), PU_CACHE, Cvt_lbm_t, 1); VL_DecompressLBM (LBM,true); VW_UpdateScreen (); I_Delay (2000); } Error ("PushWall Attempting to escape off the edge of the map\nIt is located at x=%d y=%d\nI'm Free!!!!\n", pw->tilex, pw->tiley); } } if (pw->state==0) { pw->x=(pw->tilex<<16)+0x8000; pw->y=(pw->tiley<<16)+0x8000; spot = MAPSPOT(pw->tilex,pw->tiley,1)-ICONARROWS; if ((spot >= 0) && (spot <= 7)) { int area = MAPSPOT(pw->tilex,pw->tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((area<=0) || (area>NUMAREAS)) { area=pw->areanumber; MAPSPOT (pw->tilex, pw->tiley, 0)=(word)(pw->areanumber+AREATILE); } if (areabyplayer[area] && (abs(spot-pw->dir)==4)) SD_PlaySoundRTP ( SD_PUSHWALLHITSND, pw->x, pw->y ); pw->dir = spot; } SetupPushWall(pwall); } else SetActorat(pw); } /* ================= = = SavePushWalls = ================= */ void SavePushWalls(byte ** buf, int * sz) { int unitsize; pwallobj_t * pw; byte * bufptr; int i; int size; if (pwallnum==0) { *sz=0; *buf=SafeMalloc(16); return; } pw=pwallobjlist[0]; unitsize=0; unitsize+=sizeof(pw->state); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->x); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->y); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->dir); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->speed); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->action); *sz=pwallnum*unitsize; *buf=SafeMalloc(*sz); bufptr=*buf; for (i=0; i<pwallnum; i++) { pw=pwallobjlist[i]; size=sizeof(pw->state); memcpy(bufptr,&(pw->state),size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(pw->x); memcpy(bufptr,&(pw->x),size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(pw->y); memcpy(bufptr,&(pw->y),size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(pw->dir); memcpy(bufptr,&(pw->dir),size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(pw->speed); memcpy(bufptr,&(pw->speed),size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(pw->action); memcpy(bufptr,&(pw->action),size); bufptr+=size; } } /* ================= = = LoadPushWalls = ================= */ void LoadPushWalls(byte * bufptr, int sz) { int unitsize; pwallobj_t * pw; pwallobj_t new; int i; int num; int size; int area; if (sz==0) return; SetupPushWalls(); pw=pwallobjlist[0]; unitsize=0; unitsize+=sizeof(pw->state); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->x); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->y); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->dir); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->speed); unitsize+=sizeof(pw->action); num=sz/unitsize; if (pwallnum!=num) Error("Different number of Push Walls when trying to load a game\npwallnum=%d num=%d",pwallnum,num); for (i=0; i<pwallnum; i++) { pw=pwallobjlist[i]; size=sizeof(new.state); memcpy(&(new.state),bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(new.x); memcpy(&(new.x),bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(new.y); memcpy(&(new.y),bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(new.dir); memcpy(&(new.dir),bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(new.speed); memcpy(&(new.speed),bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; size=sizeof(new.action); memcpy(&(new.action),bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; actorat[pw->tilex][pw->tiley] = 0; mapseen[pw->tilex][pw->tiley] = 0; new.tilex=new.x>>16; new.tiley=new.y>>16; if ((new.tilex!=pw->tilex) || (new.tiley!=pw->tiley)) { ClearActorat(pw); tilemap[pw->tilex][pw->tiley] = 0; if (pw->state!=pw_moving) { ConnectPushWall(i); } } // fixup area if needed area = MAPSPOT(new.tilex,new.tiley,0)-AREATILE; if ((area<=0) || (area>NUMAREAS)) { MAPSPOT (new.tilex, new.tiley, 0)=(word)(pw->areanumber+AREATILE); } pw->tilex=new.tilex; pw->tiley=new.tiley; pw->x=new.x; pw->y=new.y; pw->action=new.action; pw->dir=new.dir; pw->speed=new.speed; SetupPushWall(i); pw->state=new.state; pw->areanumber = MAPSPOT (pw->tilex, pw->tiley, 0)-AREATILE; if (pw->action==pw_pushed) { FinishPushWall (pw); } else if (pw->action==pw_npushed) { ResetPushWall (pw); } else { SetActorat(pw); } } } /* ================= = = SaveMaskedWalls = ================= */ void SaveMaskedWalls(byte ** buf, int * size) { int unitsize; maskedwallobj_t * mw; byte * bufptr; int i; int sz; if (maskednum==0) { *size=0; *buf=SafeMalloc(16); return; } mw=maskobjlist[0]; unitsize=0; unitsize+=sizeof(mw->flags); *size=maskednum*unitsize; *buf=SafeMalloc(*size); bufptr=*buf; for (i=0; i<maskednum; i++) { mw=maskobjlist[i]; sz=sizeof(mw->flags); memcpy(bufptr,&(mw->flags),sz); bufptr+=sz; } } /* ================= = = LoadMaskedWalls = ================= */ void LoadMaskedWalls(byte * bufptr, int sz) { int unitsize; maskedwallobj_t * mw; int i; int size; int num; if (sz==0) return; SetupMaskedWalls(); FixMaskedWallAreaNumbers(); mw=maskobjlist[0]; unitsize=0; unitsize+=sizeof(mw->flags); num=sz/unitsize; if (maskednum!=num) Error("Different number of Masked Walls when trying to load a game\nmaskednum=%d num=%d",maskednum,num); for (i=0; i<maskednum; i++) { word flags; // Endianness fix thanks to DrLex - DDOI mw=maskobjlist[i]; size=sizeof(mw->flags); memcpy(&flags,bufptr,size); bufptr+=size; if ((flags&0xff)!=mw->flags) // Preserves original behavior UpdateMaskedWall(i); if (mw->flags&MW_SWITCHON) mw->toptexture--; } } /* ================= = = SaveDoors = ================= */ void SaveDoors (byte ** buf, int * size) { int door; int doorsave; byte doorflag; byte doorlocked; signed char dooreindex; short int doortime; int unitsize; byte *ptr; if (doornum==0) { *size=0; *buf=SafeMalloc(16); return; } // // Size = (int + byte + byte) * numdoors // unitsize=0; unitsize+=sizeof(doorsave); unitsize+=sizeof(doorflag); unitsize+=sizeof(doorlocked); unitsize+=sizeof(doortime); unitsize+=sizeof(dooreindex); *size = unitsize*doornum; *buf = (byte *) SafeMalloc (*size); ptr = *buf; for (door = 0; door < doornum ; door++) { doorsave = doorobjlist[door]->position & ~3; doorsave |= doorobjlist[door]->action; doorflag = doorobjlist[door]->flags; doorlocked = doorobjlist[door]->lock; doortime = doorobjlist[door]->ticcount; dooreindex = doorobjlist[door]->eindex; memcpy (ptr, &doorsave, sizeof (doorsave)); ptr += sizeof (doorsave); memcpy (ptr, &doorflag, sizeof (doorflag)); ptr += sizeof (doorflag); memcpy (ptr, &doorlocked, sizeof (doorlocked)); ptr += sizeof (doorlocked); memcpy (ptr, &doortime, sizeof (doortime)); ptr += sizeof (doortime); memcpy (ptr, &dooreindex, sizeof (dooreindex)); ptr += sizeof (dooreindex); } } /* ================= = = LoadDoors = ================= */ void LoadDoors (byte * buf, int size) { int door; int doorsave; byte doorflag; byte doorlocked; signed char dooreindex; short int doortime; byte *ptr; int unitsize; int num; SetupDoors (); FixDoorAreaNumbers(); ptr = buf; unitsize=0; unitsize+=sizeof(doorsave); unitsize+=sizeof(doorflag); unitsize+=sizeof(doorlocked); unitsize+=sizeof(doortime); unitsize+=sizeof(dooreindex); num=size/unitsize; if (doornum!=num) Error("Different number of Doors when trying to load a game\ndoornum=%d num=%d",doornum,num); for (door = 0; door < doornum; door++) { memcpy (&doorsave, ptr, sizeof (doorsave)); ptr += sizeof (doorsave); memcpy (&doorflag, ptr, sizeof (doorflag)); ptr += sizeof (doorflag); memcpy (&doorlocked, ptr, sizeof (doorlocked)); ptr += sizeof (doorlocked); memcpy (&doortime, ptr, sizeof (doortime)); ptr += sizeof (doortime); memcpy (&dooreindex, ptr, sizeof (dooreindex)); ptr += sizeof (dooreindex); doorobjlist[door]->action = doorsave & 3; // Update Areas if (doorobjlist[door]->action != dr_closed) DoorOpening(door); doorobjlist[door]->action = doorsave & 3; doorobjlist[door]->position = doorsave; doorobjlist[door]->flags = doorflag; doorobjlist[door]->lock = doorlocked; doorobjlist[door]->ticcount = doortime; doorobjlist[door]->eindex = dooreindex; if (doorobjlist[door]->action == dr_open) doorobjlist[door]->position = 0xFFFF; else if (doorobjlist[door]->action == dr_closed) doorobjlist[door]->position = 0; if ( (doorobjlist[door]->action == dr_closing) || (doorobjlist[door]->action == dr_closed) ) { actorat[doorobjlist[door]->tilex][doorobjlist[door]->tiley] = doorobjlist[door]; } doorobjlist[door]->texture = doorobjlist[door]->basetexture + ((doorobjlist[door]->position+1)>>13); } } /* ===================== = = SaveElevators = = ===================== */ void SaveElevators(byte ** buffer,int *size) { int i; byte * tptr; *size = _numelevators*sizeof(elevator_t); *buffer = (byte *)SafeMalloc(*size); tptr = *buffer; for(i=0; i<_numelevators; i++) { memcpy(tptr,&ELEVATOR[i],sizeof(elevator_t)); tptr += sizeof(elevator_t); } } /* ===================== = = LoadElevators = = ===================== */ void LoadElevators(byte * buffer,int size) { int i; _numelevators = size/sizeof(elevator_t); for(i=0; i<_numelevators; i++) { memcpy(&ELEVATOR[i],buffer,sizeof(elevator_t)); buffer += sizeof(elevator_t); } }