ref: 18294dc5c1870948cf8a7375e3084b02eeab9dbd
dir: /src/cin_main.c/
/* Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd. Copyright (C) 2002-2015, GNU/Linux port Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Steven LeVesque This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> #include "cin_glob.h" #include "scriplib.h" #include "watcom.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "cin_main.h" #include "modexlib.h" #include "lumpy.h" #include "cin_actr.h" #include "cin_evnt.h" #include "cin_efct.h" boolean cinematicdone; static int cinematictime; static int cinematictics; static int cinematictictime; static int profiletics=-1; /* ================ = = ProfileMachine = ================ */ void ProfileMachine ( void ) { int i; int time; int endtime; if (profiletics>0) return; time=GetCinematicTime(); for (i=0; i<4; i++) { ProfileDisplay(); } endtime=GetCinematicTime(); profiletics = (endtime-time)>>2; if (profiletics<1) profiletics=1; } /* ================ = = StartupCinematic = ================ */ void StartupCinematic ( void ) { StartupEvents (); StartupCinematicActors (); cinematicdone=false; cinematictime=0; GetCinematicTics (); ClearCinematicAbort(); ProfileMachine(); } /* ================ = = ShutdownCinematic = ================ */ void ShutdownCinematic ( void ) { ShutdownEvents (); ShutdownCinematicActors (); } /* ================ = = ParseCinematicScript = ================ */ void ParseCinematicScript (void) { int time; time=0; do { // // get next command time // GetToken (true); if (endofscript) break; time+=ParseNum(token); ParseEvent ( time ); } while (script_p < scriptend_p); } /* ============== = = CacheScriptFile = ============== */ void CacheScriptFile (char *filename) { long size; int lump; lump=W_GetNumForName(filename); scriptbuffer=W_CacheLumpNum(lump,PU_CACHE, CvtNull, 1); size = W_LumpLength(lump); script_p = scriptbuffer; scriptend_p = script_p + size; scriptline = 1; endofscript = false; tokenready = false; } /* ================= = = GrabCinematicScript = ================= */ void GrabCinematicScript (char const *basename, boolean uselumpy) { char script[256]; // // read in the script file // strcpy (script, basename); strcat (script,".ms"); if (uselumpy==false) LoadScriptFile (script); else CacheScriptFile ((char *)basename); ParseCinematicScript (); } /* ============== = = GetCinematicTics = ============== */ void GetCinematicTics ( void ) { int time; time=GetCinematicTime(); while (time==cinematictictime) { time=GetCinematicTime(); } cinematictics=(time-cinematictictime); cinematictictime=time; cinematictics=profiletics; } void PlayMovie ( char * name, boolean uselumpy ) { int i; StartupCinematic ( ); GrabCinematicScript (name, uselumpy); PrecacheCinematic ( ); GetCinematicTics(); while (cinematicdone==false) { cinematicdone=CinematicAbort(); #if DUMP printf("time=%ld\n",cinematictime); #endif for (i=0; i<cinematictics; i++) { UpdateCinematicEvents ( cinematictime ); UpdateCinematicActors ( ); cinematictime++; } DrawCinematicActors (); GetCinematicTics(); } ShutdownCinematic (); } int cin_iscale; byte *cin_source; int cin_texturemid; int cin_ycenter; int cin_yh; int cin_yl; /* f_scale.asm */ void R_DrawFilmColumn (byte * buf) { // This is *NOT* 100% correct - DDOI int count; int frac, fracstep; byte *dest; count = cin_yh - cin_yl; if (count < 0) return; dest = buf + ylookup[cin_yl]; fracstep = cin_iscale; frac = cin_texturemid + (cin_yl-cin_ycenter)*fracstep; while (count--) { *dest = cin_source[(frac>>SFRACBITS)]; dest += iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH; frac += fracstep; } } void DrawFilmPost (byte * buf, byte * src, int height) { while (height--) { *buf = *src; src++; buf += linewidth; } }