ref: ff2e8f308d3862ce1927bdc20314fe7610564566
dir: /sys/src/cmd/auth/authsrv.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ndb.h> #include <regexp.h> #include <mp.h> #include <libsec.h> #include <authsrv.h> #include "authcmdlib.h" int debug; Ndb *db; char raddr[128]; /* Microsoft auth constants */ enum { MShashlen = 16, MSchallen = 8, MSresplen = 24, }; int ticketrequest(Ticketreq*); void challengebox(Ticketreq*); void changepasswd(Ticketreq*); void apop(Ticketreq*, int); void chap(Ticketreq*); void mschap(Ticketreq*); void http(Ticketreq*); void vnc(Ticketreq*); int speaksfor(char*, char*); void replyerror(char*, ...); void getraddr(char*); void mkkey(char*); void randombytes(uchar*, int); void nthash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd); void lmhash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd); void ntv2hash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd, char *user, char *dom); void mschalresp(uchar resp[MSresplen], uchar hash[MShashlen], uchar chal[MSchallen]); void desencrypt(uchar data[8], uchar key[7]); int tickauthreply(Ticketreq*, char*); void safecpy(char*, char*, int); void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char buf[TICKREQLEN]; Ticketreq tr; ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': debug++; }ARGEND strcpy(raddr, "unknown"); if(argc >= 1) getraddr(argv[argc-1]); alarm(10*60*1000); /* kill a connection after 10 minutes */ db = ndbopen("/lib/ndb/auth"); if(db == 0) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "no /lib/ndb/auth"); srand(time(0)*getpid()); for(;;){ if(readn(0, buf, TICKREQLEN) <= 0) exits(0); convM2TR(buf, &tr); switch(buf[0]){ case AuthTreq: ticketrequest(&tr); break; case AuthChal: challengebox(&tr); break; case AuthPass: changepasswd(&tr); break; case AuthApop: apop(&tr, AuthApop); break; case AuthChap: chap(&tr); break; case AuthMSchap: mschap(&tr); break; case AuthCram: apop(&tr, AuthCram); break; case AuthHttp: http(&tr); break; case AuthVNC: vnc(&tr); break; default: syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "unknown ticket request type: %d", buf[0]); exits(0); } } /* not reached */ } int ticketrequest(Ticketreq *tr) { char akey[DESKEYLEN]; char hkey[DESKEYLEN]; Ticket t; char tbuf[2*TICKETLEN+1]; if(findkey(KEYDB, tr->authid, akey) == 0){ /* make one up so caller doesn't know it was wrong */ mkkey(akey); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "tr-fail authid %s", raddr); } if(findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hkey) == 0){ /* make one up so caller doesn't know it was wrong */ mkkey(hkey); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "tr-fail hostid %s(%s)", tr->hostid, raddr); } memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t)); memmove(t.chal, tr->chal, CHALLEN); strcpy(t.cuid, tr->uid); if(speaksfor(tr->hostid, tr->uid)) strcpy(t.suid, tr->uid); else { mkkey(akey); mkkey(hkey); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "tr-fail %s@%s(%s) -> %s@%s no speaks for", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr, tr->uid, tr->authid); } mkkey(t.key); tbuf[0] = AuthOK; t.num = AuthTc; convT2M(&t, tbuf+1, hkey); t.num = AuthTs; convT2M(&t, tbuf+1+TICKETLEN, akey); if(write(1, tbuf, 2*TICKETLEN+1) < 0){ if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "tr-fail %s@%s(%s): hangup", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); exits(0); } if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "tr-ok %s@%s(%s) -> %s@%s", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr, tr->uid, tr->authid); return 0; } void challengebox(Ticketreq *tr) { long chal; char *key, *netkey; char kbuf[DESKEYLEN], nkbuf[DESKEYLEN], hkey[DESKEYLEN]; char buf[NETCHLEN+1]; char *err; key = findkey(KEYDB, tr->uid, kbuf); netkey = findkey(NETKEYDB, tr->uid, nkbuf); if(key == 0 && netkey == 0){ /* make one up so caller doesn't know it was wrong */ mkkey(nkbuf); netkey = nkbuf; if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cr-fail uid %s@%s", tr->uid, raddr); } if(findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hkey) == 0){ /* make one up so caller doesn't know it was wrong */ mkkey(hkey); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cr-fail hostid %s %s@%s", tr->hostid, tr->uid, raddr); } /* * challenge-response */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); buf[0] = AuthOK; chal = lnrand(MAXNETCHAL); sprint(buf+1, "%lud", chal); if(write(1, buf, NETCHLEN+1) < 0) exits(0); if(readn(0, buf, NETCHLEN) < 0) exits(0); if(!(key && netcheck(key, chal, buf)) && !(netkey && netcheck(netkey, chal, buf)) && (err = secureidcheck(tr->uid, buf)) != nil){ replyerror("cr-fail %s %s %s", err, tr->uid, raddr); logfail(tr->uid); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cr-fail %s@%s(%s): bad resp", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); return; } succeed(tr->uid); /* * reply with ticket & authenticator */ if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0){ if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cr-fail %s@%s(%s): hangup", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); exits(0); } if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cr-ok %s@%s(%s)", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); } void changepasswd(Ticketreq *tr) { Ticket t; char tbuf[TICKETLEN+1]; char prbuf[PASSREQLEN]; Passwordreq pr; char okey[DESKEYLEN], nkey[DESKEYLEN]; char *err; if(findkey(KEYDB, tr->uid, okey) == 0){ /* make one up so caller doesn't know it was wrong */ mkkey(okey); syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cp-fail uid %s", raddr); } /* send back a ticket with a new key */ memmove(t.chal, tr->chal, CHALLEN); mkkey(t.key); tbuf[0] = AuthOK; t.num = AuthTp; safecpy(t.cuid, tr->uid, sizeof(t.cuid)); safecpy(t.suid, tr->uid, sizeof(t.suid)); convT2M(&t, tbuf+1, okey); write(1, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)); /* loop trying passwords out */ for(;;){ if(readn(0, prbuf, PASSREQLEN) < 0) exits(0); convM2PR(prbuf, &pr, t.key); if(pr.num != AuthPass){ replyerror("protocol botch1: %s", raddr); exits(0); } passtokey(nkey, pr.old); if(memcmp(nkey, okey, DESKEYLEN)){ replyerror("protocol botch2: %s", raddr); continue; } if(*{ err = okpasswd(; if(err){ replyerror("%s %s", err, raddr); continue; } passtokey(nkey,; } if(pr.changesecret && setsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, pr.secret) == 0){ replyerror("can't write secret %s", raddr); continue; } if(* && setkey(KEYDB, tr->uid, nkey) == 0){ replyerror("can't write key %s", raddr); continue; } break; } prbuf[0] = AuthOK; write(1, prbuf, 1); succeed(tr->uid); return; } void http(Ticketreq *tr) { Ticket t; char tbuf[TICKETLEN+1]; char key[DESKEYLEN]; char *p; Biobuf *b; int n; n = strlen(tr->uid); b = Bopen("/sys/lib/httppasswords", OREAD); if(b == nil){ replyerror("no password file", raddr); return; } /* find key */ for(;;){ p = Brdline(b, '\n'); if(p == nil) break; p[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; if(strncmp(p, tr->uid, n) == 0) if(p[n] == ' ' || p[n] == '\t'){ p += n; break; } } Bterm(b); if(p == nil) { randombytes((uchar*)key, DESKEYLEN); } else { while(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') p++; passtokey(key, p); } /* send back a ticket encrypted with the key */ randombytes((uchar*)t.chal, CHALLEN); mkkey(t.key); tbuf[0] = AuthOK; t.num = AuthHr; safecpy(t.cuid, tr->uid, sizeof(t.cuid)); safecpy(t.suid, tr->uid, sizeof(t.suid)); convT2M(&t, tbuf+1, key); write(1, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf)); } static char* domainname(void) { static char sysname[Maxpath]; static char *domain; int n; if(domain) return domain; if(*sysname) return sysname; domain = csgetvalue(0, "sys", sysname, "dom", nil); if(domain) return domain; n = readfile("/dev/sysname", sysname, sizeof(sysname)-1); if(n < 0){ strcpy(sysname, "kremvax"); return sysname; } sysname[n] = 0; return sysname; } static int h2b(char c) { if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10; if(c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; return 0; } void apop(Ticketreq *tr, int type) { int challen, i, tries; char *secret, *hkey, *p; Ticketreq treq; DigestState *s; char sbuf[SECRETLEN], hbuf[DESKEYLEN]; char tbuf[TICKREQLEN]; char buf[MD5dlen*2]; uchar digest[MD5dlen], resp[MD5dlen]; ulong rb[4]; char chal[256]; USED(tr); /* * Create a challenge and send it. */ randombytes((uchar*)rb, sizeof(rb)); p = chal; p += snprint(p, sizeof(chal), "<%lux%lux.%lux%lux@%s>", rb[0], rb[1], rb[2], rb[3], domainname()); challen = p - chal; print("%c%-5d%s", AuthOKvar, challen, chal); /* give user a few attempts */ for(tries = 0; ; tries++) { /* * get ticket request */ if(readn(0, tbuf, TICKREQLEN) < 0) exits(0); convM2TR(tbuf, &treq); tr = &treq; if(tr->type != type) exits(0); /* * read response */ if(readn(0, buf, MD5dlen*2) < 0) exits(0); for(i = 0; i < MD5dlen; i++) resp[i] = (h2b(buf[2*i])<<4)|h2b(buf[2*i+1]); /* * lookup */ secret = findsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, sbuf); hkey = findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hbuf); if(hkey == 0 || secret == 0){ replyerror("apop-fail bad response %s", raddr); logfail(tr->uid); if(tries > 5) return; continue; } /* * check for match */ if(type == AuthCram){ hmac_md5((uchar*)chal, challen, (uchar*)secret, strlen(secret), digest, nil); } else { s = md5((uchar*)chal, challen, 0, 0); md5((uchar*)secret, strlen(secret), digest, s); } if(memcmp(digest, resp, MD5dlen) != 0){ replyerror("apop-fail bad response %s", raddr); logfail(tr->uid); if(tries > 5) return; continue; } break; } succeed(tr->uid); /* * reply with ticket & authenticator */ if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0) exits(0); if(debug){ if(type == AuthCram) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "cram-ok %s %s", tr->uid, raddr); else syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "apop-ok %s %s", tr->uid, raddr); } } enum { VNCchallen= 16, }; /* VNC reverses the bits of each byte before using as a des key */ uchar swizzletab[256] = { 0x0, 0x80, 0x40, 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x10, 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70, 0xf0, 0x8, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28, 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58, 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8, 0x4, 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64, 0xe4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34, 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4, 0xc, 0x8c, 0x4c, 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x1c, 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c, 0xfc, 0x2, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22, 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52, 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2, 0xa, 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a, 0xea, 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a, 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0x6, 0x86, 0x46, 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, 0x16, 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76, 0xf6, 0xe, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e, 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e, 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe, 0x1, 0x81, 0x41, 0xc1, 0x21, 0xa1, 0x61, 0xe1, 0x11, 0x91, 0x51, 0xd1, 0x31, 0xb1, 0x71, 0xf1, 0x9, 0x89, 0x49, 0xc9, 0x29, 0xa9, 0x69, 0xe9, 0x19, 0x99, 0x59, 0xd9, 0x39, 0xb9, 0x79, 0xf9, 0x5, 0x85, 0x45, 0xc5, 0x25, 0xa5, 0x65, 0xe5, 0x15, 0x95, 0x55, 0xd5, 0x35, 0xb5, 0x75, 0xf5, 0xd, 0x8d, 0x4d, 0xcd, 0x2d, 0xad, 0x6d, 0xed, 0x1d, 0x9d, 0x5d, 0xdd, 0x3d, 0xbd, 0x7d, 0xfd, 0x3, 0x83, 0x43, 0xc3, 0x23, 0xa3, 0x63, 0xe3, 0x13, 0x93, 0x53, 0xd3, 0x33, 0xb3, 0x73, 0xf3, 0xb, 0x8b, 0x4b, 0xcb, 0x2b, 0xab, 0x6b, 0xeb, 0x1b, 0x9b, 0x5b, 0xdb, 0x3b, 0xbb, 0x7b, 0xfb, 0x7, 0x87, 0x47, 0xc7, 0x27, 0xa7, 0x67, 0xe7, 0x17, 0x97, 0x57, 0xd7, 0x37, 0xb7, 0x77, 0xf7, 0xf, 0x8f, 0x4f, 0xcf, 0x2f, 0xaf, 0x6f, 0xef, 0x1f, 0x9f, 0x5f, 0xdf, 0x3f, 0xbf, 0x7f, 0xff, }; void vnc(Ticketreq *tr) { uchar chal[VNCchallen+6]; uchar reply[VNCchallen]; char *secret, *hkey; char sbuf[SECRETLEN], hbuf[DESKEYLEN]; DESstate s; int i; /* * Create a challenge and send it. */ randombytes(chal+6, VNCchallen); chal[0] = AuthOKvar; sprint((char*)chal+1, "%-5d", VNCchallen); if(write(1, chal, sizeof(chal)) != sizeof(chal)) return; /* * lookup keys (and swizzle bits) */ memset(sbuf, 0, sizeof(sbuf)); secret = findsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, sbuf); if(secret == 0){ randombytes((uchar*)sbuf, sizeof(sbuf)); secret = sbuf; } for(i = 0; i < 8; i++) secret[i] = swizzletab[(uchar)secret[i]]; hkey = findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hbuf); if(hkey == 0){ randombytes((uchar*)hbuf, sizeof(hbuf)); hkey = hbuf; } /* * get response */ if(readn(0, reply, sizeof(reply)) != sizeof(reply)) return; /* * decrypt response and compare */ setupDESstate(&s, (uchar*)secret, nil); desECBdecrypt(reply, sizeof(reply), &s); if(memcmp(reply, chal+6, VNCchallen) != 0){ replyerror("vnc-fail bad response %s", raddr); logfail(tr->uid); return; } succeed(tr->uid); /* * reply with ticket & authenticator */ if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0) exits(0); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "vnc-ok %s %s", tr->uid, raddr); } void chap(Ticketreq *tr) { char *secret, *hkey; DigestState *s; char sbuf[SECRETLEN], hbuf[DESKEYLEN]; uchar digest[MD5dlen]; char chal[CHALLEN]; OChapreply reply; /* * Create a challenge and send it. */ randombytes((uchar*)chal, sizeof(chal)); write(1, chal, sizeof(chal)); /* * get chap reply */ if(readn(0, &reply, sizeof(reply)) < 0) exits(0); safecpy(tr->uid, reply.uid, sizeof(tr->uid)); /* * lookup */ secret = findsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, sbuf); hkey = findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hbuf); if(hkey == 0 || secret == 0){ replyerror("chap-fail bad response %s", raddr); logfail(tr->uid); exits(0); } /* * check for match */ s = md5(&, 1, 0, 0); md5((uchar*)secret, strlen(secret), 0, s); md5((uchar*)chal, sizeof(chal), digest, s); if(memcmp(digest, reply.resp, MD5dlen) != 0){ replyerror("chap-fail bad response %s", raddr); logfail(tr->uid); exits(0); } succeed(tr->uid); /* * reply with ticket & authenticator */ if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0) exits(0); if(debug) syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "chap-ok %s %s", tr->uid, raddr); } void printresp(uchar resp[MSresplen]) { char buf[200], *p; int i; p = buf; for(i=0; i<MSresplen; i++) p += sprint(p, "%.2ux ", resp[i]); syslog(0, AUTHLOG, "resp = %s", buf); } enum { MsvAvEOL = 0, MsvAvNbComputerName, MsvAvNbDomainName, MsvAvDnsComputerName, MsvAvDnsomainName, }; char* getname(int id, uchar *ntblob, int ntbloblen, char *buf, int nbuf) { int aid, alen, i; uchar *p, *e; char *d; Rune r; d = buf; p = ntblob+8+8+8+4; /* AvPair offset */ e = ntblob+ntbloblen; while(p+4 <= e){ aid = *p++; aid |= *p++ << 8; alen = *p++; alen |= *p++ << 8; if(p+alen > e) break; if(aid == id){ for(i=0; i+1 < alen && d-buf < nbuf-(UTFmax+1); i+=2){ r = p[i] | p[i+1]<<8; d += runetochar(d, &r); } break; } p += alen; } *d = '\0'; return buf; } static uchar ntblobsig[] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; void mschap(Ticketreq *tr) { char *secret, *hkey; char sbuf[SECRETLEN], hbuf[DESKEYLEN], windom[128]; uchar chal[CHALLEN], ntblob[1024]; uchar hash[MShashlen]; uchar hash2[MShashlen]; uchar resp[MSresplen]; OMSchapreply reply; int dupe, lmok, ntok, ntbloblen; DigestState *s; uchar digest[SHA1dlen]; /* * Create a challenge and send it. */ randombytes((uchar*)chal, sizeof(chal)); write(1, chal, sizeof(chal)); /* * get chap reply */ if(readn(0, &reply, OMSCHAPREPLYLEN) < 0) exits(0); /* * CIFS/NTLMv2 uses variable length NT response. */ ntbloblen = 0; if(memcmp(reply.NTresp+16, ntblobsig, sizeof(ntblobsig)) == 0){ /* Version[1], HiVision[1], Z[6] */ ntbloblen += 1+1+6; memmove(ntblob, reply.NTresp+16, ntbloblen); /* Time[8], CC[8], Z[4] */ if(readn(0, ntblob+ntbloblen, 8+8+4) < 0) exits(0); ntbloblen += 8+8+4; /* variable AvPairs */ for(;;){ int len, id; if(ntbloblen > sizeof(ntblob)-4) exits(0); /* AvId[2], AvLen[2], Vairable[AvLen] */ if(readn(0, ntblob+ntbloblen, 4) < 0) exits(0); id = ntblob[ntbloblen+0] | ntblob[ntbloblen+1]<<8; len = ntblob[ntbloblen+2] | ntblob[ntbloblen+3]<<8; ntbloblen += 4; if(ntbloblen+len > sizeof(ntblob)) exits(0); if(readn(0, ntblob+ntbloblen, len) < 0) exits(0); ntbloblen += len; if(id == MsvAvEOL) break; } /* Z[4] */ if(ntbloblen > sizeof(ntblob)-4) exits(0); if(readn(0, ntblob+ntbloblen, 4) < 0) exits(0); ntbloblen += 4; } safecpy(tr->uid, reply.uid, sizeof(tr->uid)); /* * lookup */ secret = findsecret(KEYDB, tr->uid, sbuf); hkey = findkey(KEYDB, tr->hostid, hbuf); if(hkey == 0 || secret == 0){ replyerror("mschap-fail bad response %s/%s(%s)", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); logfail(tr->uid); exits(0); } if(ntbloblen > 0){ getname(MsvAvNbDomainName, ntblob, ntbloblen, windom, sizeof(windom)); for(;;){ ntv2hash(hash, secret, tr->uid, windom); /* * LmResponse = Cat(HMAC_MD5(LmHash, Cat(SC, CC)), CC) */ s = hmac_md5(chal, 8, hash, MShashlen, nil, nil); hmac_md5((uchar*)reply.LMresp+16, 8, hash, MShashlen, resp, s); lmok = memcmp(resp, reply.LMresp, 16) == 0; /* * NtResponse = Cat(HMAC_MD5(NtHash, Cat(SC, NtBlob)), NtBlob) */ s = hmac_md5(chal, 8, hash, MShashlen, nil, nil); hmac_md5(ntblob, ntbloblen, hash, MShashlen, resp, s); ntok = memcmp(resp, reply.NTresp, 16) == 0; if(lmok || ntok || windom[0] == '\0') break; windom[0] = '\0'; /* try NIL domain */ } dupe = 0; } else { lmhash(hash, secret); mschalresp(resp, hash, chal); lmok = memcmp(resp, reply.LMresp, MSresplen) == 0; nthash(hash, secret); mschalresp(resp, hash, chal); ntok = memcmp(resp, reply.NTresp, MSresplen) == 0; dupe = memcmp(reply.LMresp, reply.NTresp, MSresplen) == 0; } /* * It is valid to send the same response in both the LM and NTLM * fields provided one of them is correct, if neither matches, * or the two fields are different and either fails to match, * the whole sha-bang fails. * * This is an improvement in security as it allows clients who * wish to do NTLM auth (which is insecure) not to send * LM tokens (which is very insecure). * * Windows servers supports clients doing this also though * windows clients don't seem to use the feature. */ if((!ntok && !lmok) || ((!ntok || !lmok) && !dupe)){ replyerror("mschap-fail bad response %s/%s(%s) %d,%d,%d", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr, dupe, lmok, ntok); logfail(tr->uid); exits(0); } succeed(tr->uid); /* * reply with ticket & authenticator */ if(tickauthreply(tr, hkey) < 0) exits(0); if(debug) replyerror("mschap-ok %s/%s(%s)", tr->uid, tr->hostid, raddr); nthash(hash, secret); md4(hash, 16, hash2, 0); s = sha1(hash2, 16, 0, 0); sha1(hash2, 16, 0, s); sha1(chal, 8, digest, s); if(write(1, digest, 16) < 0) exits(0); } void nthash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd) { DigestState *ds; uchar b[2]; Rune r; ds = md4(nil, 0, nil, nil); while(*passwd){ passwd += chartorune(&r, passwd); b[0] = r & 0xff; b[1] = r >> 8; md4(b, 2, nil, ds); } md4(nil, 0, hash, ds); } void ntv2hash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd, char *user, char *dom) { uchar v1hash[MShashlen]; DigestState *ds; uchar b[2]; Rune r; nthash(v1hash, passwd); /* * Some documentation insists that the username must be forced to * uppercase, but the domain name should not be. Other shows both * being forced to uppercase. I am pretty sure this is irrevevant as the * domain name passed from the remote server always seems to be in * uppercase already. */ ds = hmac_md5(nil, 0, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), nil, nil); while(*user){ user += chartorune(&r, user); r = toupperrune(r); b[0] = r & 0xff; b[1] = r >> 8; hmac_md5(b, 2, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), nil, ds); } while(*dom){ dom += chartorune(&r, dom); b[0] = r & 0xff; b[1] = r >> 8; hmac_md5(b, 2, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), nil, ds); } hmac_md5(nil, 0, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), hash, ds); } void lmhash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd) { uchar buf[14]; char *stdtext = "KGS!@#$%"; int i; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strncpy((char*)buf, passwd, sizeof(buf)); for(i=0; i<sizeof(buf); i++) if(buf[i] >= 'a' && buf[i] <= 'z') buf[i] += 'A' - 'a'; memcpy(hash, stdtext, 8); memcpy(hash+8, stdtext, 8); desencrypt(hash, buf); desencrypt(hash+8, buf+7); } void mschalresp(uchar resp[MSresplen], uchar hash[MShashlen], uchar chal[MSchallen]) { int i; uchar buf[21]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memcpy(buf, hash, MShashlen); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { memmove(resp+i*MSchallen, chal, MSchallen); desencrypt(resp+i*MSchallen, buf+i*7); } } void desencrypt(uchar data[8], uchar key[7]) { ulong ekey[32]; key_setup(key, ekey); block_cipher(ekey, data, 0); } /* * return true of the speaker may speak for the user * * a speaker may always speak for himself/herself */ int speaksfor(char *speaker, char *user) { Ndbtuple *tp, *ntp; Ndbs s; int ok; char notuser[Maxpath]; if(strcmp(speaker, user) == 0) return 1; if(db == 0) return 0; tp = ndbsearch(db, &s, "hostid", speaker); if(tp == 0) return 0; ok = 0; snprint(notuser, sizeof notuser, "!%s", user); for(ntp = tp; ntp; ntp = ntp->entry) if(strcmp(ntp->attr, "uid") == 0){ if(strcmp(ntp->val, notuser) == 0){ ok = 0; break; } if(*ntp->val == '*' || strcmp(ntp->val, user) == 0) ok = 1; } ndbfree(tp); return ok; } /* * return an error reply */ void replyerror(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[AERRLEN+1]; va_list arg; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); va_start(arg, fmt); vseprint(buf + 1, buf + sizeof(buf), fmt, arg); va_end(arg); buf[AERRLEN] = 0; buf[0] = AuthErr; write(1, buf, AERRLEN+1); syslog(0, AUTHLOG, buf+1); } void getraddr(char *dir) { int n; char *cp; char file[Maxpath]; raddr[0] = 0; snprint(file, sizeof(file), "%s/remote", dir); n = readfile(file, raddr, sizeof(raddr)-1); if(n < 0) return; raddr[n] = 0; cp = strchr(raddr, '\n'); if(cp) *cp = 0; cp = strchr(raddr, '!'); if(cp) *cp = 0; } void mkkey(char *k) { randombytes((uchar*)k, DESKEYLEN); } void randombytes(uchar *buf, int len) { int i; if(readfile("/dev/random", (char*)buf, len) >= 0) return; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) buf[i] = rand(); } /* * reply with ticket and authenticator */ int tickauthreply(Ticketreq *tr, char *hkey) { Ticket t; Authenticator a; char buf[TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN+1]; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t)); memmove(t.chal, tr->chal, CHALLEN); safecpy(t.cuid, tr->uid, sizeof t.cuid); safecpy(t.suid, tr->uid, sizeof t.suid); mkkey(t.key); buf[0] = AuthOK; t.num = AuthTs; convT2M(&t, buf+1, hkey); memmove(a.chal, t.chal, CHALLEN); a.num = AuthAc; = 0; convA2M(&a, buf+TICKETLEN+1, t.key); if(write(1, buf, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN+1) < 0) return -1; return 0; } void safecpy(char *to, char *from, int len) { strncpy(to, from, len); to[len-1] = 0; }