ref: fdc8187038cc6761f764559a37bf7d9de87a0d2f
dir: /sys/src/cmd/timepic.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <ctype.h> typedef struct Symbol Symbol; typedef struct Event Event; typedef struct Signal Signal; struct Symbol { char *name; int t; double e; Symbol *next; }; struct Event { double t; int val; Event *next; char *data; int line; }; struct Signal { char *name; Event *ev; Signal *next; }; int lineno, lastc, peeked; char sname[512]; double sval; double width, rheight; double mint, maxt; double left, right; int nsig; Biobuf *bp; Symbol *stab[256]; Signal *sigfirst, **siglast = &sigfirst; enum { SYMFREE, SYMNUM, }; enum { VZ, VX, VL, VH, VMULT, }; enum { CMD = -1, SYM = -2, NUM = -3, EOF = -4, STR = -5, }; static int Tfmt(Fmt *f) { int n; n = va_arg(f->args, int); if(n >= 0 && n < 0x80 && isprint(n)) return fmtprint(f, "'%c'", n); else switch(n){ case CMD: return fmtprint(f, ".%s", sname); case SYM: return fmtprint(f, "'%s'", sname); case NUM: return fmtprint(f, "%g", sval); case EOF: return fmtprint(f, "EOF"); case STR: return fmtprint(f, "%#q", sname); default: return fmtprint(f, "%d", n); } } static void * emalloc(int n) { void *v; v = malloc(n); if(v == nil) sysfatal("malloc: %r"); memset(v, 0, n); setmalloctag(v, getcallerpc(&n)); return v; } static void error(int l, char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; char *s; va_start(va, fmt); s = vsmprint(fmt, va); fprint(2, "%d %s\n", l, s); free(s); va_end(va); } static int hash(char *s) { int c; for(c = 0; *s != 0; s++) c += *s; return c; } static Symbol * getsym(char *st) { Symbol *s, **p; for(p = &stab[hash(st)%nelem(stab)]; s = *p, s != nil; p = &s->next){ if(strcmp(s->name, st) == 0) return s; } s = emalloc(sizeof(Symbol)); s->name = strdup(st); *p = s; return s; } static int issym(int c) { return isalnum(c) || c == '_' || c >= 0x80; } static int numfsm(int c, int *st) { enum { PREDOT, POSTDOT, ESIGN, EDIG }; switch(*st){ case PREDOT: if(c == '.') *st = POSTDOT; if(c == 'e') *st = ESIGN; return isdigit(c) || c == '.' || c == 'e'; case POSTDOT: if(c == 'e') *st = ESIGN; return isdigit(c) || c == 'e'; case ESIGN: *st = EDIG; return isdigit(c) || c == '+' || c == '-'; case EDIG: return isdigit(c); } return 0; } static int lex(void) { int c; char *p; int st; do{ c = Bgetc(bp); if(c < 0) return EOF; if(!isspace(c)) break; if(c == '\n') lineno++; lastc = c; }while(1); if(lastc == 10 && c == '.'){ for(p = sname; c = Bgetc(bp), issym(c); ) if(p < sname + sizeof(sname) - 1) *p++ = c; Bungetc(bp); *p = 0; return CMD; } if(isdigit(c) || c == '.'){ st = 0; for(p = sname; numfsm(c, &st); c = Bgetc(bp)) if(p < sname + sizeof(sname) - 1) *p++ = c; Bungetc(bp); *p = 0; sval = strtol(sname, &p, 0); if(*p != 0) sval = strtod(sname, &p); if(*p != 0) error(lineno, "invalid number %s", sname); return NUM; } if(issym(c)){ for(p = sname; issym(c); c = Bgetc(bp)) if(p < sname + sizeof(sname) - 1) *p++ = c; Bungetc(bp); *p = 0; return SYM; } if(c == '\''){ for(p = sname; c = Bgetc(bp), c != '\'' || Bgetc(bp) == '\''; ) if(p < sname + sizeof(sname) - 1) *p++ = c; Bungetc(bp); *p = 0; return STR; } return c; } static int next(void) { int rc; if(peeked != 0){ rc = peeked; peeked = 0; return rc; } return lex(); } static int peek(void) { if(peeked == 0) peeked = lex(); return peeked; } static void expect(int n) { int s; if((s = peek()) != n) error(lineno, "expected %T, got %T", n, s); else next(); } static double expr(void); static double factor(void) { int t; double g; Symbol *s; switch(t = next()){ case NUM: return sval; case SYM: s = getsym(sname); if(s->t != SYMNUM) error(lineno, "not a number: %s", s->name); return s->e; case '(': g = expr(); expect(')'); return g; default: error(lineno, "factor: unexpected %T", t); return 0; } } static double term(void) { double g; g = factor(); while(peek() == '*' || peek() == '/'){ switch(next()){ case '*': g *= factor(); break; case '/': g /= factor(); break; } } return g; } static double expr(void) { int s; double g; s = 1; if(peek() == '+' || peek() == '-') s = next() == '-' ? -1 : 1; g = s * term(); while(peek() == '+' || peek() == '-'){ s = next() == '-' ? -1 : 1; g += s * term(); } return g; } static void assign(Symbol *s) { next(); if(s->t != SYMFREE){ error(lineno, "symbol already exists: %s", s->name); return; } s->t = SYMNUM; s->e = expr(); expect(';'); } static int parseval(Event *e) { int t; switch(t = next()){ case SYM: if(strcmp(sname, "x") == 0) return VX; if(strcmp(sname, "z") == 0) return VZ; e->data = strdup(sname); return VMULT; case NUM: if(sval == 0) return VL; if(sval == 1) return VH; e->data = smprint("%g", sval); return VMULT; case STR: e->data = strdup(sname); return VMULT; default: error(lineno, "unexpected %T", t); return VZ; } } static void append(double off, Event ***ep, Event *e) { Event *f; for(; e != nil; e = e->next){ f = emalloc(sizeof(Event)); f->t = e->t + off; f->val = e->val; f->line = e->line; if(e->data != nil) f->data = strdup(e->data); **ep = f; *ep = &f->next; } } static void freeev(Event *e) { Event *en; for(; e != nil; e = en){ en = e->next; free(e->data); free(e); } } static Event * events(double *off, int ronly) { int rela; Event *e, *ev, **ep; int i, n; double f; Symbol *sy; double len; int line; rela = 0; line = 0; ev = nil; ep = &ev; for(;;) switch(peek()){ case '+': rela = 1; next(); break; case '}': case ';': return ev; case ':': next(); e = emalloc(sizeof(Event)); e->t = *off; e->val = parseval(e); e->line = line; line = 0; *ep = e; ep = &e->next; break; case '|': line = 1; next(); break; default: f = expr(); if(peek() == '{'){ next(); if(f < 0 || isNaN(f) || f >= 0x7fffffff){ error(lineno, "invalid repeat count"); f = 0; } len = 0; e = events(&len, 1); expect('}'); n = f + 0.5; for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ append(*off, &ep, e); *off += len; } if(*off > maxt) maxt = *off; freeev(e); break; } if(ronly && !rela){ error(lineno, "only relative addressing allowed"); rela = 1; } if(peek() == SYM){ next(); sy = getsym(sname); if(sy->t == SYMFREE) error(lineno, "undefined %s", sy->name); else f *= sy->e; } if(rela) *off += f; else *off = f; if(peek() == '['){ next(); sy = getsym(sname); if(sy->t != SYMFREE && sy->t != SYMNUM) error(lineno, "already defined %s", sy->name); else{ sy->t = SYMNUM; sy->e = *off; } expect(']'); } if(*off < mint) mint = *off; if(*off > maxt) maxt = *off; rela = 0; break; } } static void signal(char *st) { Signal *s; double off; s = emalloc(sizeof(Signal)); s->name = strdup(st); s->ev = events(&off, 0); expect(';'); *siglast = s; siglast = &s->next; nsig++; } static void slantfill(double x1, double x2, double t, double b, double tw) { double x; double sw = 0.05; double soff = 0.05; for(x = x1; x < x2 - sw; x += soff) print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x, t, x+sw, b); if(x < x2) print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x, t, (2*sw*tw+2*tw*x+sw*x2)/(sw+2*tw), (sw*t+t*(x-x2)+b*(2*tw-x+x2))/(sw+2*tw)); } static void sigout(Signal *s, double top) { Event *e, *n; double l, w, t, b, x1, x2, tw, m; for(e = s->ev; e != nil && e->next != nil && e->next->t < left; e = e->next) ; if(e == nil) return; b = top - rheight * 0.75; t = top - rheight * 0.25; tw = width * 0.003; m = (t+b)/2; l = width * 0.2; w = width * 0.8 / (right - left); x1 = l; print("\"%s\" ljust at %g,%g\n", s->name, width * 0.1, m); while(n = e->next, n != nil && n->t < right){ x2 = (n->t - left) * w + l; if(n->line) print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g dashed\n", x2, 0.0, x2, nsig*rheight); switch(e->val){ case VZ: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, m, x2, m); break; case VL: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, b, x2-tw, b); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2-tw, b, x2, m); break; case VH: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, t, x2-tw, t); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2-tw, t, x2, m); break; case VMULT: print("\"%s\" at %g,%g\n", e->data, (x1+x2)/2, m); if(0){ case VX: slantfill(x1, x2-tw, t, b, tw); } print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, b, x2-tw, b); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2-tw, b, x2, m); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, t, x2-tw, t); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2-tw, t, x2, m); break; default: fprint(2, "unknown event type %d\n", e->val); } switch(n->val){ case VL: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2, m, x2+tw, b); break; case VH: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2, m, x2+tw, t); break; case VMULT: case VX: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2, m, x2+tw, b); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x2, m, x2+tw, t); break; } e = e->next; if(e->val == VZ) x1 = x2; else x1 = x2 + tw; } x2 = (right - left) * w + l; switch(e->val){ case VZ: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, m, x2, m); break; case VL: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, b, x2, b); break; case VH: print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, t, x2, t); break; case VMULT: print("\"%s\" at %g,%g\n", e->data, (x1+x2)/2, m); if(0){ case VX: slantfill(x1, x2, t, b, tw); } print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, b, x2, b); print("line from %g,%g to %g,%g\n", x1, t, x2, t); break; default: fprint(2, "unknown event type %d\n", e->val); } } static void parseopts(char *l) { char *f[3]; int rc; rc = tokenize(l, f, nelem(f)); if(rc != 3){ error(lineno, ".TPS wrong syntax"); return; } width = strtod(f[1], 0); rheight = strtod(f[2], 0); } static void cleansym(void) { Symbol **p, *s, *sn; Signal *si, *sin; Event *e, *en; for(p = stab; p < stab + nelem(stab); p++) for(s = *p, *p = nil; s != nil; s = sn){ free(s->name); sn = s->next; free(s); } memset(stab, 0, sizeof(stab)); for(si = sigfirst; si != nil; si = sin){ for(e = si->ev; e != nil; e = en){ en = e->next; free(e); } free(si->name); sin = si->next; free(si); } siglast = &sigfirst; } static void diagram(char *l) { Symbol *s; Signal *si; int t; double top; lastc = 10; mint = 0; maxt = 0; nsig = 0; parseopts(l); for(;;){ switch(t = next()){ case SYM: s = getsym(sname); if(peek() == '=') assign(s); else signal(s->name); break; case STR: signal(sname); break; case CMD: if(strcmp(sname, "TPE") == 0) goto end; error(lineno, "unknown command %s", sname); break; default: error(lineno, "unexpected %T", t); } } end: print(".PS %g %g\n", width, rheight * nsig); left = mint; right = maxt; top = rheight * nsig; for(si = sigfirst; si != nil; si = si->next, top -= rheight) sigout(si, top); print(".PE\n"); cleansym(); } static void run(char *f) { char *l; if(f == nil) bp = Bfdopen(0, OREAD); else bp = Bopen(f, OREAD); if(bp == nil) sysfatal("open: %r"); Blethal(bp, nil); lineno = 1; for(;;){ l = Brdstr(bp, '\n', 1); if(l == nil) break; lineno++; if(strncmp(l, ".TPS", 4) == 0 && (!l[4] || isspace(l[4]))) diagram(l); else print("%s\n", l); free(l); } Bterm(bp); } static void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [ files ]\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; fmtinstall('T', Tfmt); quotefmtinstall(); ARGBEGIN { default: usage(); } ARGEND; if(argc == 0) run(nil); else for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) run(argv[i]); exits(nil); }