ref: fcc336b9023e30f32652ba644663d356e00bf66b
dir: /sys/lib/acid/truss/
// poor emulation of SVR5 truss command - traces system calls include("/sys/lib/acid/syscall"); _stoprunning = 0; defn stopped(pid) { local l; local pc; pc = *PC; if notes then { if (notes[0]!="sys: breakpoint") then { print(pid,": ",trapreason(),"\t"); print(fmt(pc,97),"\t",fmt(pc,105),"\n"); print("Notes pending:\n"); l = notes; while l do { print("\t",head l,"\n"); l = tail l; } _stoprunning = 1; } } } defn _addressof(pattern) { local s, l; l = symbols; pattern = "^\\$*"+pattern+"$"; while l do { s = head l; if regexp(pattern, s[0]) && ((s[1] == 'T') || (s[1] == 'L')) then return s[2]; l = tail l; } return 0; } stopPC = {}; readPC = {}; fd2pathPC = {}; errstrPC = {}; awaitPC = {}; _waitPC = {}; _errstrPC = {}; trusscalls = { "sysr1", "_errstr", "bind", "chdir", "close", "dup", "alarm", "exec", "_exits", "_fsession", "fauth", "_fstat", "segbrk", "_mount", "open", "_read", "oseek", "sleep", "_stat", "rfork", "_write", "pipe", "create", "fd2path", "brk_", "remove", "_wstat", "_fwstat", "notify", "noted", "segattach", "segdetach", "segfree", "segflush", "rendezvous", "unmount", "_wait", "semacquire", "semrelease", "seek", "fversion", "errstr", "stat", "fstat", "wstat", "fwstat", "mount", "await", "pread", "pwrite", "tsemacquire", "_nsec", }; trussapecalls = { "_SYSR1", "__ERRSTR", "_BIND", "_CHDIR", "_CLOSE", "_DUP", "_ALARM", "_EXEC", "_EXITS", "__FSESSION", "_FAUTH", "__FSTAT", "_SEGBRK", "__MOUNT", "_OPEN", "__READ", "_OSEEK", "_SLEEP", "__STAT", "_RFORK", "__WRITE", "_PIPE", "_CREATE", "_FD2PATH", "_BRK_", "_REMOVE", "__WSTAT", "__FWSTAT", "_NOTIFY", "_NOTED", "_SEGATTACH", "_SEGDETACH", "_SEGFREE", "_SEGFLUSH", "_RENDEZVOUS", "_UNMOUNT", "__WAIT", "_SEMACQUIRE", "_SEMRELEASE", "_SEEK", "__NFVERSION", "__NERRSTR", "_STAT", "__NFSTAT", "__NWSTAT", "__NFWSTAT", "__NMOUNT", "__NAWAIT", "_PREAD", "_PWRITE", "_TSEMACQUIRE", }; defn addressof(pattern) { // translate to ape system calls if we have an ape binary if _addressof("_EXITS") != 0 then pattern = trussapecalls[match(pattern, trusscalls)]; if regexp("(seek|_SEEK)", pattern) && (objtype=="amd64" || objtype == "power64" || objtype == "alpha") then pattern = "_" + pattern; return _addressof(pattern); } defn setuptruss() { local lst, offset, name, addr; trussbpt = {}; offset = trapoffset(); lst = trusscalls; while lst do { name = head lst; lst = tail lst; addr = addressof(name); if addr then { bpset(addr+offset); trussbpt = append trussbpt, (addr+offset); // sometimes _exits is renamed $_exits if(regexp("exits|exec", name)) then stopPC = append stopPC, (addr+offset); if(regexp("read", name)) then readPC = append readPC, (addr+offset); if(regexp("fd2path", name)) then fd2pathPC = append fd2pathPC, (addr+offset); if(regexp("^\\$*await", name)) then awaitPC = append awaitPC, (addr+offset); if(regexp("^\\$*errstr", name)) then errstrPC = append errstrPC, (addr+offset); // compatibility hacks for old kernel if(regexp("_wait", name)) then _waitPC = append _waitPC, (addr+offset); if(regexp("_errstr", name)) then _errstrPC = append _errstrPC, (addr+offset); } } } defn trussflush() { stop(pid); // already stopped, but flushes output } defn new() { bplist = {}; newproc(progargs); bpset(follow(main)[0]); cont(); bpdel(*PC); // clear the hang bit, which is left set by newproc, so programs we fork/exec don't hang printto("/proc/"+itoa(pid)+"/ctl", "nohang"); } defn truss() { local pc, lst, offset, prevpc, pcspret, arg, ret; offset = trapoffset(); stop(pid); _stoprunning = 0; setuptruss(); pcspret = UPCSPRET(); while !_stoprunning do { cont(); if notes[0]!="sys: breakpoint" then { cleantruss(); return {}; } pc = *PC; if match(*PC, stopPC)>=0 then { print(pid,": ",trapreason(),"\t"); print(fmt(pc,'a'),"\t",fmt(pc,'i'),"\n"); cleantruss(); return {}; } if match(*PC, trussbpt)>=0 then { usyscall(); trussflush(); prevpc = *PC; step(); arg = eval pcspret[1]; ret = eval pcspret[2]; print("\treturn value: ", ret\D, "\n"); if (ret>=0) && (match(prevpc, readPC)>=0) then { print("\tdata: "); printtextordata(arg[1], ret); print("\n"); } if (ret>=0) && (match(prevpc, fd2pathPC)>=0) then { print("\tdata: \"", *(arg[1]\s), "\"\n"); } if (ret>=0) && (match(prevpc, errstrPC)>=0) then { print("\tdata: \"", *(arg[0]\s), "\"\n"); } if (ret>=0) && (match(prevpc, awaitPC)>=0) then { print("\tdata: "); printtextordata(arg[0], ret); print("\n"); } // compatibility hacks for old kernel: if (ret>=0) && (match(prevpc, _waitPC)>=0) then { print("\tdata: "); printtextordata(arg[0], 12+3*12+64); print("\n"); } if (ret>=0) && (match(prevpc, _errstrPC)>=0) then { print("\tdata: "); printtextordata(arg[0], 64); print("\n"); } } trussflush(); } } defn cleantruss() { local lst, offset, addr; stop(pid); offset = trapoffset(); lst = trussbpt; while lst do { addr = head lst; lst = tail lst; bpdel(addr); } trussbpt = {}; **PC = @*PC; // repair current instruction } defn untruss() { cleantruss(); start(pid); } print("/sys/lib/acid/truss");