ref: efddf485006559bef5e8791b637e742d865df434
dir: /sys/src/games/glendy.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> enum{ /* difficulty levels (how many circles are initially occupied) */ DEasy, /* 10≤x<15 */ DMed, /* 5≤x<10 */ DHard, /* 0≤x<5 */ /* dynamic? original game has a fixed grid size, but we don't need to abide by it */ SzX = 11, SzY = 11, Border = 10, /* movement directions */ NE, E, SE, SW, W, NW, Won = 1, /* game-ending states */ Lost = 2, }; Font *font; int difficulty = DMed; int finished; int grid[SzX][SzY]; int ogrid[SzX][SzY]; /* so we can restart levels */ Image *gl; /* glenda */ Image *glm; /* glenda's mask */ Image *cc; /* clicked */ Image *ec; /* empty; not clicked */ Image *bg; Image *lost; Image *won; char *mbuttons[] = { "easy", "medium", "hard", 0 }; char *rbuttons[] = { "new", "reset", "exit", 0 }; Menu mmenu = { mbuttons, }; Menu rmenu = { rbuttons, }; Image * eallocimage(Rectangle r, int repl, uint color) { Image *tmp; tmp = allocimage(display, r, screen->chan, repl, color); if(tmp == nil) sysfatal("cannot allocate buffer image: %r"); return tmp; } Image * eloadfile(char *path) { Image *img; int fd; fd = open(path, OREAD); if(fd < 0) { fprint(2, "cannot open image file %s: %r\n", path); exits("image"); } img = readimage(display, fd, 0); if(img == nil) sysfatal("cannot load image: %r"); close(fd); return img; } void allocimages(void) { Rectangle one = Rect(0, 0, 1, 1); cc = eallocimage(one, 1, 0x777777FF); ec = eallocimage(one, 1, DPalegreen); bg = eallocimage(one, 1, DPurpleblue); lost = eallocimage(one, 1, DRed); won = eallocimage(one, 1, DGreen); gl = eloadfile("/lib/face/48x48x4/g/glenda.1"); glm = allocimage(display, Rect(0, 0, 48, 48), gl->chan, 1, DCyan); if(glm == nil) sysfatal("cannot allocate mask: %r"); draw(glm, glm->r, display->white, nil, ZP); gendraw(glm, glm->r, display->black, ZP, gl, gl->r.min); freeimage(gl); gl = display->black; } /* unnecessary calculations here, but it's fine */ Point board2pix(int x, int y) { float d, rx, ry, yh; int nx, ny; d = (float)(Dx(screen->r) > Dy(screen->r)) ? Dy(screen->r) -20 : Dx(screen->r) -20; rx = d/(float)SzX; rx = rx/2.0; ry = d/(float)SzY; ry = ry/2.0; yh = ry/3.73205082; nx = (int)((float)x*rx*2.0+rx +(y%2?rx:0.0)); /* nx = x*(2rx) + rx + rx (conditional) */ ny = (int)((float)y*(ry*2.0-(y>0?yh:0.0)) + ry); /* ny = y*(2ry-yh) +ry */ return Pt(nx, ny); } Point pix2board(int x, int y) { float d, rx, ry, yh; int ny, nx; /* XXX: float→int causes small rounding errors */ d = (float)(Dx(screen->r) > Dy(screen->r)) ? Dy(screen->r) -20: Dx(screen->r)-20; rx = d/(float)SzX; rx = rx/2.0; ry =d/(float)SzY; ry = ry/2.0; yh = ry/3.73205082; /* reverse board2pix() */ ny = (int)(((float)y - ry)/(2*ry - ((y>2*ry)?yh:0.0)) + 0.5); /* ny = (y - ry)/(2ry-yh) */ nx = (int)(((float)x - rx - (ny%2?rx:0.0))/(rx*2.0) + 0.5); /* nx = (x - rx - rx)/2rx */ if (nx >= SzX) nx = SzX-1; if (ny >=SzY) ny = SzY-1; return Pt(nx, ny); } void initlevel(void) { int i, cnt = 10, x, y; for(x = 0; x < SzX; x++) for(y = 0; y < SzY; y++) ogrid[x][y] = 100; switch(difficulty){ case DEasy: cnt = 10 + nrand(5); break; case DMed: cnt = 5 + nrand(5); break; case DHard: cnt = nrand(5); break; } for(i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { do { x = nrand(SzX); y = nrand(SzY); } while(ogrid[x][y] != 100); ogrid[x][y] = 999; } ogrid[SzX/2][SzY/2] = 1000; memcpy(grid, ogrid, sizeof grid); finished = 0; } void drawlevel(void) { Point p; int x, y, rx, ry, d; char *s = nil; if(finished) draw(screen, screen->r, finished==Won?won:lost, nil, ZP); else draw(screen, screen->r, bg, nil, ZP); d = (Dx(screen->r) > Dy(screen->r)) ? Dy(screen->r) -20: Dx(screen->r) -20; rx = (int)ceil((float)(d-2*Border)/(float)SzX)/2; ry = (int)ceil((float)(d-2*Border)/(float)SzY)/2; for(x = 0; x < SzX; x++) { for(y = 0; y < SzY; y++) { p = board2pix(x, y); switch(grid[x][y]){ case 999: fillellipse(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, p), rx, ry, cc, ZP); break; case 1000: p = addpt(screen->r.min, p); fillellipse(screen, p, rx, ry, ec, ZP); p = subpt(p, Pt(24, 24)); draw(screen, Rpt(p, addpt(p, Pt(48, 48))), gl, glm, ZP); break; default: fillellipse(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, p), rx, ry, ec, ZP); USED(s); /* uncomment the following to see game state and field scores */ /*s = smprint("%d", grid[x][y]); string(screen, addpt(screen->r.min, p), display->black, ZP, font, s); free(s); */ break; } } } flushimage(display, 1); } void domove(int dir, int x, int y) { if(x == 0 || x == SzX-1 || y == 0 || y == SzY-1) goto done; switch(dir){ case NE: if(y%2) grid[x+1][y-1] = 1000; else grid[x][y-1] = 1000; break; case E: grid[x+1][y] = 1000; break; case SE: if(y%2) grid[x+1][y+1] = 1000; else grid[x][y+1] = 1000; break; case SW: if(y%2) grid[x][y+1] = 1000; else grid[x-1][y+1] = 1000; break; case W: grid[x-1][y] = 1000; break; case NW: if(y%2) grid[x][y-1] = 1000; else grid[x-1][y-1] = 1000; break; } done: grid[x][y] = 100; } Point findglenda(void) { int x, y; for(x = 0; x < SzX; x++) for(y = 0; y < SzY; y++) if(grid[x][y] == 1000) return Pt(x, y); return Pt(-1, -1); } int checknext(int dir, int x, int y) { switch(dir){ case NE: return grid[x+(y%2?1:0)][y-1]; case E: return grid[x+1][y]; case SE: return grid[x+(y%2?1:0)][y+1]; case SW: return grid[x+(y%2?0:-1)][y+1]; case W: return grid[x-1][y]; case NW: return grid[x+(y%2?0:-1)][y-1]; default: sysfatal("andrey messed up big time"); } return 1000; } /* the following two routines constitute the "game AI" * they score the field based on the number of moves * required to reach the edge from a particular point * scores > 100 are "dead spots" (this assumes the field * is not larger than ~100*2 * * routines need to run at least twice to ensure a field is properly * scored: there are errors that creep up due to the nature of * traversing the board */ int score1(int x, int y) { int dir, min = 999, next; if(x == 0 || x == SzX-1 || y == 0 || y == SzY-1) return 1; /* we can always escape from the edges */ for(dir = NE; dir <= NW; dir++) { next = checknext(dir, x, y); if(next < min) min = next; } if(min == 999) return 998; return 1+min; } void calc(void) { int i, x, y; for(i = 0; i < SzX; i++) /* assumes SzX = SzY */ for(x = i; x < SzX-i; x++) for(y = i; y < SzY-i; y++) if(grid[x][y] != 999) grid[x][y] = score1(x, y); } void nextglenda(void) { int min =1000, next, dir, nextdir = 0, count = 0; Point p = findglenda(); calc(); calc(); calc(); grid[p.x][p.y] = 1000; for(dir = NE; dir <= NW; dir++) { next = checknext(dir, p.x, p.y); if(next < min) { min = next; nextdir = dir; ++count; } else if(next == min) { nextdir = (nrand(++count) == 0)?dir:nextdir; } } if(min < 100) domove(nextdir, p.x, p.y); else finished = Won; if(eqpt(findglenda(), Pt(-1, -1))) finished = Lost; } int checkfinished(void) { int i, j; for(i = 0; i < SzX; i++) for(j = 0; j < SzY; j++) if(grid[i][j] == 'E') return 0; return 1; } void move(Point m) { Point p, nm; int x, y; nm = subpt(m, screen->r.min); /* figure out where the click falls */ p = pix2board(nm.x, nm.y); if(grid[p.x][p.y] >= 999) return; /* reset the board scores */ grid[p.x][p.y] = 999; for(x = 0; x < SzX; x++) for(y = 0; y < SzY; y++) if(grid[x][y] != 999 && grid[x][y] != 1000) grid[x][y] = 100; nextglenda(); } void resize(void) { int fd, size = (Dx(screen->r) > Dy(screen->r)) ? Dy(screen->r) + 20 : Dx(screen->r)+20; fd = open("/dev/wctl", OWRITE); if(fd >= 0){ fprint(fd, "resize -dx %d -dy %d", size, size); close(fd); } } void eresized(int new) { if(new && getwindow(display, Refnone) < 0) sysfatal("can't reattach to window"); drawlevel(); } void main(int argc, char **argv) { Mouse m; Event ev; int e, mousedown=0; char *fontname; USED(argv, argc); if(initdraw(nil, nil, "glendy") < 0) sysfatal("initdraw failed: %r"); einit(Emouse); resize(); srand(time(0)); allocimages(); initlevel(); /* must happen before "eresized" */ eresized(0); fontname = "/lib/font/bit/lucidasans/unicode.8.font"; if((font = openfont(display, fontname)) == nil) sysfatal("font '%s' not found", fontname); for(;;) { e = event(&ev); switch(e) { case Emouse: m = ev.mouse; if(m.buttons == 0) { if(mousedown && !finished) { mousedown = 0; move(m.xy); drawlevel(); } } if(m.buttons&1) { mousedown = 1; } if(m.buttons&2) { switch(emenuhit(2, &m, &mmenu)) { case 0: difficulty = DEasy; initlevel(); break; case 1: difficulty = DMed; initlevel(); break; case 2: difficulty = DHard; initlevel(); break; } drawlevel(); } if(m.buttons&4) { switch(emenuhit(3, &m, &rmenu)) { case 0: initlevel(); break; case 1: memcpy(grid, ogrid, sizeof grid); finished = 0; break; case 2: exits(nil); } drawlevel(); } break; } } }