ref: e333a07ded721ddf468e8ee9dadef1f77163c490
dir: /sys/lib/dist/mail/lib/pipeto.lib/
# create a /tmp for here documents rfork en bind -c /mail/tmp /tmp # caller should set KEY USER=`{echo $1 | sed 's/local!//;s/[+\-].*//'} if(! ~ $#KEY 1) KEY=plan9 cd /mail/box/$USER RECIP=$1 MBOX=$2 PF=/mail/box/$USER/_pattern TMP=/mail/tmp/$pid.$sysname BIN=/bin/upas D=/mail/fs/mbox/1 # clean up files on exit fn sigexit { rm -f $TMP.* } fn log { if(~ $#USER 1) echo `{date} $* >>/mail/box/$USER/_log >[2]/dev/null } fn gonefishing { if (test -e { MAILTO=`{cat $D/replyto} grep '^'$"MAILTO'$' gone.addrs >/dev/null >[2=1] || { echo $MAILTO >>gone.addrs message=gone.msg if (! test -e $message) message=/mail/lib/gone.msg # only respond if $USER is mentioned in To: or cc: # header. this avoids autoresponding to mailing lists. tohdr=`{cat $D/to} cchdr=`{cat $D/cc} if (~ ' '^$"tohdr^' ' \ *' '^$USER@* *!$USER' '* *' '$USER' '* || ~ ' '^$"cchdr^' ' \ *' '^$USER@* *!$USER' '* *' '$USER' '*) mail $MAILTO <$message if not status='' } } if not status='' # ensure good exit status } # deliver mail to a local file fn spool { if(~ $#* 0) _mbox=$MBOX if not _mbox=$1 $BIN/deliver $RECIP $D/from $_mbox < $D/raw || exit $status gonefishing } # spool but change the subject line to note spam fn spool-tagged-spam { if(~ $#* 0) _mbox=$MBOX if not _mbox=$1 { cat $D/rawheader | sed 's/^[Ss][Uu][Bb][Jj][Ee][Cc][Tt]:/& SPAM:/' if(! grep -si '^subject:' $D/rawheader) echo 'Subject: SPAM: ' echo cat $D/rawbody } | $BIN/deliver $RECIP $D/from $_mbox || exit $status gonefishing } # forward mail to a list of addresses fn forward { upasname=`{awk '{print $2}' $D/unixheader} cat $D/raw | upas/send $* || exit $status } # pipe mail through a command fn pipe { if(~ $#* 0) exit 'bad pipe command' {cat $D/unixheader $D/raw; echo} | $* || exit $status } # add @domain to all unqualified addresses in the message fn qualify { if(! ~ $#* 1){ echo 'usage: qualify domain' >[1=2] exit bad-qualify } { sed 1q $TMP.msg cat $TMP.msg | sed 1d | upas/smtp -fh $1 a b } >$TMP.msg2 || exit $status mv $TMP.msg2 $TMP.msg || exit $status unmount /mail/fs upas/fs -pf $TMP.msg || exit $status } # classify message according to token-based white list fn tokenfilter { if($BIN/list check $PF $D/from $D/sender $D/replyto) echo match if not if(~ $status *!match*) echo !match if not if($BIN/token $KEY $D/subject) echo token if not echo new } # reject a message due to the token-based white list fn tokenreply { TOKEN=`{upas/token $KEY} if(! ~ $#MAILTO 1) exit 'bad token reply: no MAILTO variable' { cat /mail/lib/token.msg | sed 's/TOKEN/'$TOKEN'/g;s/USER/'$USER'/g;s/MAILTO/'$MAILTO'/g' cat $D/raw } | upasname=/dev/null mail `{cat $D/replyto} } # add addresses in message to white list fn listupdate { $BIN/list add $PF $D/from $D/to $D/cc $D/sender } # microsoft virus going around 9/22/2003 fn isvirus { virus=no if(grep -s '\.(exe|scr|bat|com)' $D/2/2/mimeheader >[2]/dev/null){ s=`{ls -l $D/2/2/raw | awk '{print $6}'} if(~ $s 1440??) virus=yes } if(~ $virus yes) status='' if not status='not this virus' } fn hasgifattachment { gif=no if(grep -s '\.gif' $D/2/mimeheader >[2]/dev/null){ gif=yes } if(~ $gif yes) status='' if not status='not this gif' } # bayesian spam filter. alternative to token. see /mail/lib/setup.bayes fn isspam { for(i in _prof.mbox _prof.spam _bounced){ if(! test -f $i){ echo 'need '^$i >[1=2] exit 'need '^$i } } { echo '# hash table' upas/msgcat $TMP.msg | upas/msgtok | grep -v '^....................(.*) ' | sed 's/$/ 1/' } >$TMP.tok x=`{upas/bayes -k _prof.mbox _prof.spam ~ $TMP.tok | sed 's/_prof.//'} where=$x(1) prob=$x(2) prob1000=`{echo $prob '*1000' | hoc | sed 's/\..*//'} echo `{sed 's/^From ([^ ]+) (.*)/\2 from \1/' $D/unixheader} $x >>_bounced if(~ $where spam && test $prob1000 -lt 999) where=mbox upas/addhash -o _prof.$where _prof.$where 1 $TMP.tok 1 if(~ $where spam) where='' status=$where } # save and parse the mail file sed '/^$/,$ s/^From / From /' >$TMP.msg upas/fs -pf $TMP.msg || exit $status