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% python.sty for the Python docummentation  [works only with Latex2e]

             [1998/01/11 LaTeX package (Python markup)]


% Uncomment these two lines to ignore the paper size and make the page 
% size more like a typical published manual.
%\renewcommand{\paperwidth}{8.5in}   % typical squarish manual
%\renewcommand{\paperwidth}{7in}     % O'Reilly ``Programmming Python''

% These packages can be used to add marginal annotations which indicate
% index entries and labels; useful for reviewing this messy documentation!

% If we ever want to indent paragraphs, this needs to be changed.
% This is used inside the macros defined here instead of coding
% \noindent directly.

% for PDF output, use maximal compression & a lot of other stuff
% (test for PDF recommended by Tanmoy Bhattacharya <[email protected]>)

  \pdfpagewidth=\paperwidth    % page width of PDF output
  \pdfpageheight=\paperheight  % page height of PDF output
  % Pad the number with '0' to 3 digits wide so no page name is a prefix
  % of any other.
  \newcommand{\py@targetno}[1]{\ifnum#1<100 0\fi\ifnum#1<10 0\fi#1}
  % This definition allows the entries in the page-view of the ToC to be
  % active links.  Some work, some don't.
  % Backward compatibility hack: pdfTeX 0.13 defined \pdfannotlink,
  % but it changed to \pdfstartlink in 0.14.  This let's us use either
  % version and still get useful behavior.
  % The \py@parindent here is a hack -- we're forcing pdfTeX into
  % horizontal mode since \pdfstartlink requires that.
  % Macro that takes two args: the name to link to and the content of
  % the link.  This takes care of the PDF magic, getting the colors
  % the same for each link, and avoids having lots of garbage all over 
  % this style file.
    \py@pdfstartlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto name{#1}%
  % Compute the padded page number separately since we end up with a pair of
  % \relax tokens; this gets the right string computed and works.
    \InputIfFileExists{\jobname.bkm}{\pdfcatalog{/PageMode /UseOutlines}}{}
      {\pdfdest name{#1} xyz}%
  % This stuff adds a page# destination to every PDF page, where # is three
  % digits wide, padded with leading zeros.  This doesn't really help with
  % the frontmatter, but does fine with the body.
  % This is *heavily* based on the hyperref package.
    \unvbox \@begindvibox

% Increase printable page size (copied from fullpage.sty)
\topmargin 0pt
\advance \topmargin by -\headheight
\advance \topmargin by -\headsep

% attempt to work a little better for A4 users
\textheight \paperheight
\advance\textheight by -2in

\oddsidemargin 0pt
\evensidemargin 0pt
%\evensidemargin -.25in  % for ``manual size'' documents
\marginparwidth 0.5in

\textwidth \paperwidth
\advance\textwidth by -2in

% Style parameters and macros used by most documents here
\parindent = 0mm
\parskip = 2mm
\hbadness = 5000                % don't print trivial gripes

\pagestyle{empty}               % start this way; change for
\pagenumbering{roman}           % ToC & chapters

% Use this to set the font family for headers and other decor:

% Set up abstract ways to get the normal and smaller font sizes that
% work even in footnote context.
\newif\ifpy@infootnote \py@infootnotefalse

% Redefine the 'normal' header/footer style when using "fancyhdr" package:
  % Use \pagestyle{normal} as the primary pagestyle for text.
  % Update the plain style so we get the page number & footer line,
  % but not a chapter or section title.  This is to keep the first
  % page of a chapter and the blank page between chapters `clean.'
  % Redefine \cleardoublepage so that the blank page between chapters
  % gets the plain style and not the fancy style.  This is described
  % in the documentation for the fancyhdr package by Piet von Oostrum.
      \clearpage\if@openright \ifodd\c@page\else

% This sets up the {verbatim} environment to be indented and a minipage,
% and to have all the other mostly nice properties that we want for
% code samples.


% Variable used by begin code command

  % Calculate the text width for the minipage:
   % Calculate the text width for the minipage:

% This does a similar thing for the {alltt} environment:

  % Calculate the text width for the minipage:


%%  Lots of index-entry generation support.

% Command to wrap around stuff that refers to function / module /
% attribute names  in the index.  Default behavior: like \code{}.  To
% just keep the index entries in the roman font, uncomment the second
% definition; it matches O'Reilly style more.

% Command to generate two index entries (using subentries)

% And three entries (using only one level of subentries)
\newcommand{\indexiii}[3]{\index{#1!#2 #3}\index{#2!#3, #1}\index{#3!#1 #2}}

% And four (again, using only one level of subentries)
\index{#1!#2 #3 #4}
\index{#2!#3 #4, #1}
\index{#3!#4, #1 #2}
\index{#4!#1 #2 #3}

% Command to generate a reference to a function, statement, keyword,
% operator.
  \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1()}} (built-in function)}}

% Add an index entry for a module
\newcommand{\py@refmodule}[2]{\index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (#2module)}}
\newcommand{\refbimodindex}[1]{\py@refmodule{#1}{built-in }}
\newcommand{\refexmodindex}[1]{\py@refmodule{#1}{extension }}
\newcommand{\refstmodindex}[1]{\py@refmodule{#1}{standard }}

% Refer to a module's documentation using a hyperlink of the module's
% name, at least if we're building PDF:

% support for the module index


% Add the defining entry for a module
  \setindexsubitem{(in module #1)}%
  \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (#2module)|textbf}%
    }{\write\modindexfile{\protect\indexentry{#1@{\texttt{#1} %


% built-in & Python modules in the main distribution
\newcommand{\bimodindex}[1]{\py@modindex{#1}{built-in }%
  \typeout{*** MACRO bimodindex IS OBSOLETE -- USE declaremodule INSTEAD!}}
\newcommand{\stmodindex}[1]{\py@modindex{#1}{standard }%
  \typeout{*** MACRO stmodindex IS OBSOLETE -- USE declaremodule INSTEAD!}}

% Python & extension modules outside the main distribution
  \typeout{*** MACRO modindex IS OBSOLETE -- USE declaremodule INSTEAD!}}
\newcommand{\exmodindex}[1]{\py@modindex{#1}{extension }%
  \typeout{*** MACRO exmodindex IS OBSOLETE -- USE declaremodule INSTEAD!}}

% Additional string for an index entry
\newcommand{\setindexsubitem}[1]{\renewcommand{\py@indexsubitem}{ #1}%
    \def\ttindex##1{\index{##1@{\py@idxcode{##1}} #1}}%

% Module synopsis processing -----------------------------------------------

\newcommand{\py@standardIndexModule}[1]{\py@modindex{#1}{standard }}
\newcommand{\py@builtinIndexModule}[1]{\py@modindex{#1}{built-in }}
\newcommand{\py@extensionIndexModule}[1]{\py@modindex{#1}{extension }}

\newif\ifpy@HaveModSynopsis       \py@HaveModSynopsisfalse
\newif\ifpy@ModSynopsisFileIsOpen \py@ModSynopsisFileIsOpenfalse
\newif\ifpy@HaveModPlatform       \py@HaveModPlatformfalse

% \declaremodule[key]{type}{name}
    \typeout{*** MACRO declaremodule called with unknown module type: `#2'}
    \csname py@#2IndexModule\endcsname{#3}%
\newif\ifpy@ModPlatformFileIsOpen \py@ModPlatformFileIsOpenfalse
  \ifx\py@modulebadkey#1 \def\py@key{#2}%
  \else \def\py@key{#1}%
  \csname py@modplat@\py@key\endcsname%

% \moduleauthor{name}{email}

% \sectionauthor{name}{email}

\newcommand{\py@defsynopsis}{Module has no synopsis.}

% define the file

% hacked from \addtocontents from latex.ltx:
      {\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble \let\glossary\@gobble}%


    {\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble \let\glossary\@gobble}%


    \py@linkToName{label-module-#1}{\bfcode{#2}} & #4\\
  \newcommand{\py@ModSynopsisSummary}[4]{\bfcode{#2} & #4\\}
  % key, name, type, synopsis
% --------------------------------------------------------------------------


% Augment the sectioning commands used to get our own font family in place,
% and reset some internal data items:
                                    {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                    {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
                                    {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                    {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                    {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                    {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
                                    {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus.2ex}%
                                    {3.25ex \@plus1ex \@minus .2ex}%

% Now for a lot of semantically-loaded environments that do a ton of magical
% things to get the right formatting and index entries for the stuff in
% Python modules and C API.

% {fulllineitems} is used in one place in libregex.tex, but is really for
% internal use in this file.
  \advance\@tempdima \leftmargin\makebox[\@tempdima][l]{#1}%

  \begin{list}{}{\labelwidth \leftmargin \labelsep 0pt
                 \rightmargin 0pt \topsep -\parskip \partopsep \parskip
                 \itemsep -\parsep

% \optional is mostly for use in the arguments parameters to the various
% {*desc} environments defined below, but may be used elsewhere.  Known to
% be used in the debugger chapter.
% Typical usage:
%     \begin{funcdesc}{myfunc}{reqparm\optional{, optparm}}
%                                    ^^^       ^^^
%                          No space here       No space here
% When a function has multiple optional parameters, \optional should be
% nested, not chained.  This is right:
%     \begin{funcdesc}{myfunc}{\optional{parm1\optional{, parm2}}}


% This can be used when a function or method accepts an varying number 
% of arguments, such as by using the *args syntax in the parameter list.

% This can be used when you don't want to document the parameters to a 
% function or method, but simply state that it's an alias for
% something else.


% C functions ------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{cfuncdesc}[refcount]{type}{name}{arglist}
% Note that the [refcount] slot should only be filled in by
% tools/; it pulls the value from the refcounts database.
  \py@sigline{\code{#1 \bfcode{#2}}}{#3}%
      \emph{Return value: \textbf{#1}.}\\

% C variables ------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{cvardesc}{type}{name}
    \item[\code{#1 \bfcode{#2}}\index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#2}}}]

% C data types -----------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{ctypedesc}[index name]{typedef name}
      \index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#2}} (C type)}
      \index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (C type)}

% C type fields ----------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{cmemberdesc}{container type}{ctype}{membername}
  \item[\code{#2 \bfcode{#3}}]
  \index{#3@{\py@idxcode{#3}} (#1 member)}

% Funky macros -----------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{csimplemacrodesc}{name}
% -- "simple" because it has no args; NOT for constant definitions!
    \item[\bfcode{#1}\index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (macro)}]

% simple functions (not methods) -----------------------------------------
% \begin{funcdesc}{name}{args}
  \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1()}} (in module \py@thismodule)}}

% similar to {funcdesc}, but doesn't add to the index

% classes ----------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{classdesc}{name}{constructor args}
  % Using \renewcommand doesn't work for this, for unknown reasons:
    \py@sigline{\strong{class }\bfcode{#1}}{#2}%
    \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (class in \py@thismodule)}

% \begin{classdesc*}{name}
  % Using \renewcommand doesn't work for this, for unknown reasons:
    \item[\strong{class }\code{\bfcode{#1}}%
      \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (class in \py@thismodule)}]

% \begin{excclassdesc}{name}{constructor args}
% but indexes as an exception
  % Using \renewcommand doesn't work for this, for unknown reasons:
    \py@sigline{\strong{exception }\bfcode{#1}}{#2}%
    \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (exception in \py@thismodule)}

% There is no corresponding {excclassdesc*} environment.  To describe
% a class exception without parameters, use the {excdesc} environment.


% object method ----------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{methoddesc}[classname]{methodname}{args}
    \index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#2()}} (\py@thisclass\ method)}
    \index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#2()}} (#1 method)}

% similar to {methoddesc}, but doesn't add to the index
% (never actually uses the optional argument)

% object data attribute --------------------------------------------------
% \begin{memberdesc}[classname]{membername}
    \index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#2}} (\py@thisclass\ attribute)}
    \index{#2@{\py@idxcode{#2}} (#1 attribute)}

% similar to {memberdesc}, but doesn't add to the index
% (never actually uses the optional argument)

% For exceptions: --------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{excdesc}{name}
%  -- for constructor information, use excclassdesc instead
    \item[\strong{exception }\bfcode{#1}%
          \index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (exception in \py@thismodule)}]

% Module data or constants: ----------------------------------------------
% \begin{datadesc}{name}
  \datalineni{#1}\index{#1@{\py@idxcode{#1}} (data in \py@thismodule)}}

% similar to {datadesc}, but doesn't add to the index

% bytecode instruction ---------------------------------------------------
% \begin{opcodedesc}{name}{var}
% -- {var} may be {}


% For these commands, use \command{} to get the typography right, not 
% {\command}.  This works better with the texinfo translation.
\newcommand{\ABC}{{\sc abc}}
\newcommand{\UNIX}{{\sc Unix}}
\newcommand{\ASCII}{{\sc ascii}}
\newcommand{\EOF}{{\sc eof}}

% \guilabel{Start}
% \menuselection{Start \sub Programs \sub Python}
\newcommand{\menuselection}[1]{\guilabel{{\def\sub{ \ensuremath{>} }#1}}}

% Also for consistency: spell Python "Python", not "python"!

% code is the most difficult one...

\newcommand{\bfcode}[1]{\code{\bfseries#1}} % bold-faced code font
\renewcommand{\emph}[1]{{\em #1}}
\newcommand{\strong}[1]{{\bf #1}}
% let's experiment with a new font:

% Use this def/redef approach for \url{} since hyperref defined this already,
% but only if we actually used hyperref:
    attr{ /Border [0 0 0] }%
    \py@LinkColor%                      color of the link text
    \py@smallsize\sf #1%
    \py@NormalColor%                    Turn it back off; these are declarative
    \pdfendlink}%                       and don't appear bound to the current
  }%                                    formatting "box".


% I'd really like to get rid of this!

% This is used to get l2h to put the copyright and abstract on
% a separate HTML page.

% These should be used for all references to identifiers which are
% used to refer to instances of specific language constructs.  See the
% names for specific semantic assignments.
% For now, don't do anything really fancy with them; just use them as
% logical markup.  This might change in the future.

\newcommand{\pytype}[1]{#1}             % built-in Python type

\newcommand{\ctype}[1]{\texttt{#1}}     % C struct or typedef name
\newcommand{\cdata}[1]{\texttt{#1}}     % C variable, typically global

% The \! is a "negative thin space" in math mode.
  \index{environment variables!{#1}}%
\newcommand{\makevar}[1]{#1}            % variable in a Makefile

% constants defined in Python modules or C headers, not language constants:
\newcommand{\constant}[1]{\code{#1}}    % manifest constant, not syntactic

\newcommand{\pep}[1]{PEP #1\index{Python Enhancement Proposals!PEP #1}}
\newcommand{\rfc}[1]{RFC #1\index{RFC!RFC #1}}
% Note that \longprogramopt provides the '--'!

% \ulink{link text}{URL}
    % For PDF, we *should* only generate a link when the URL is absolute.
    attr{ /Border [0 0 0] }%
    \py@LinkColor%                              color of the link text
    \py@NormalColor%                    Turn it back off; these are declarative
    \pdfendlink}%                       and don't appear bound to the current
  }%                                    formatting "box".

% cited titles:  \citetitle{Title of Work}
%       online:  \citetitle[url-to-resource]{Title of Work}

% This version is being checked in for the historical record; it shows
% how I've managed to get some aspects of this to work.  It will not
% be used in practice, so a subsequent revision will change things
% again.  This version has problems, but shows how to do something
% that proved more tedious than I'd expected, so I don't want to lose
% the example completely.
  \def\productioncont##1{& &\code{##1}\\}



% a 'note' is as plain as it gets:

% a 'warning' gets more visible distinction:

  \csname py@noticestart@#1\endcsname
  \par\strong{\csname py@noticelabel@#1\endcsname}
}{\csname py@noticeend@\py@noticetype\endcsname}
\newcommand{\note}[1]{\strong{\py@noticelabel@note} #1}
\newcommand{\warning}[1]{\strong{\py@noticelabel@warning} #1}

% Deprecation stuff.
% Should be extended to allow an index / list of deprecated stuff.  But
% there's a lot of stuff that needs to be done to make that automatable.
% First parameter is the release number that deprecates the feature, the
% second is the action the should be taken by users of the feature.
% Example:
%  \deprecated{1.5.1}{Use \method{frobnicate()} instead.}
  \strong{Deprecated since release #1.}  #2\par}

% New stuff.
% This should be used to mark things which have been added to the
% development tree but that aren't in the release, but are documented.
% This allows release of documentation that already includes updated
% descriptions.  Place at end of descriptor environment.
% Example:
%  \versionadded{1.5.2}
%  \versionchanged[short explanation]{2.0}
    {  New in version #2.  }%
    {  New in version #2:\ #1.  }%
    {  Changed in version #2.  }%
    {  Changed in version #2:\ #1.  }%

% Tables.
    \begin{tabular}{#1}\strong{#3}&\strong{#4} \\* \hline%

    \begin{longtable}[c]{#1}\strong{#3}&\strong{#4} \\* \hline\endhead%

    \begin{tabular}{#1}\strong{#3}&\strong{#4}&\strong{#5} \\%

    \begin{longtable}[c]{#1}\strong{#3}&\strong{#4}&\strong{#5} \\%

    \begin{tabular}{#1}\strong{#3}&\strong{#4}&\strong{#5}&\strong{#6} \\%


    \begin{tabular}{#1}\strong{#3}&\strong{#4}&\strong{#5}&\strong{#6}&\strong{#7} \\%


% XXX Don't think we can use this yet, though it cleans up some
% tedious markup.  There's no equivalent for the HTML transform yet,
% and that needs to exist.  I don't know how to write it.
% This should really have something that makes it easier to bind a
% table's ``Notes'' column and an associated tablenotes environment,
% and generates the right magic for getting the numbers right in the
% table.
% So this is quite incomplete.
  \noindent Notes:

% Cross-referencing (AMK, new impl. FLD)
% Sample usage:
%  \begin{seealso}
%    \seemodule{rand}{Uniform random number generator.}; % Module xref
%    \seetext{\emph{Encyclopedia Britannica}}.           % Ref to a book
%    % A funky case: module name contains '_'; have to supply an optional key
%    \seemodule[copyreg]{copy_reg}{Interface constructor registration for
%                                  \module{pickle}.}
%  \end{seealso}
% Note that the last parameter for \seemodule and \seetext should be complete
% sentences and be terminated with the proper punctuation.

      \item[\py@linkToName{label-module-\py@modulekey}{Module \module{#2}}
            (section \ref{module-\py@modulekey}):]
      \item[Module \module{#2} (section \ref{module-\py@modulekey}):]

% \seelink{url}{link text}{why it's interesting}
% \seetitle[url]{title}{why it's interesting}
% \seepep{number}{title}{why it's interesting}
    \item[\pep{#1}, ``\emph{#2}'']
% \seerfc{number}{title}{why it's interesting}
    \item[\rfc{#1}, ``\emph{#2}'']
% \seeurl{url}{why it's interesting}

  \strong{See Also:}

% Allow the Python release number to be specified independently of the
% \date{}.  This allows the date to reflect the document's date and
% release to specify the Python release that is documented.

% Allow specification of the author's address separately from the
% author's name.  This can be used to format them differently, which
% is a good thing.

% This sets up the fancy chapter headings that make the documents look
% at least a little better than the usual LaTeX output.
  \ChNumVar{\raggedleft \bfseries\Large\py@HeaderFamily}
  \ChTitleVar{\raggedleft \rm\Huge\py@HeaderFamily}
  % This creates chapter heads without the leading \vspace*{}:
    {\parindent \z@ \raggedright \normalfont
      \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne

% Definition lists; requested by AMK for HOWTO documents.  Probably useful
% elsewhere as well, so keep in in the general style support.

% Tell TeX about pathological hyphenation cases: