ref: d8a8ac237a5c08ce5a6fe990c213ffc0292a18dc
dir: /acme/wiki/src/wiki.c/
#include "awiki.h" Wiki *wlist; void link(Wiki *w) { if(w->linked) return; w->linked = 1; w->prev = nil; w->next = wlist; if(wlist) wlist->prev = w; wlist = w; } void unlink(Wiki *w) { if(!w->linked) return; w->linked = 0; if(w->next) w->next->prev = w->prev; if(w->prev) w->prev->next = w->next; else wlist = w->next; w->next = nil; w->prev = nil; } void wikiname(Window *w, char *name) { char *p, *q; p = emalloc(strlen(dir)+1+strlen(name)+1+1); strcpy(p, dir); strcat(p, "/"); strcat(p, name); for(q=p; *q; q++) if(*q==' ') *q = '_'; winname(w, p); free(p); } int wikiput(Wiki *w) { int fd, n; char buf[1024], *p; Biobuf *b; if((fd = open("new", ORDWR)) < 0){ fprint(2, "Wiki: cannot open raw: %r\n"); return -1; } winopenbody(w->win, OREAD); b = w->win->body; if((p = Brdline(b, '\n'))==nil){ Short: winclosebody(w->win); fprint(2, "Wiki: no data\n"); close(fd); return -1; } write(fd, p, Blinelen(b)); snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "D%lud\n", w->time); if(email) snprint(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), "A%s\n", email); if(Bgetc(b) == '#'){ p = Brdline(b, '\n'); if(p == nil) goto Short; snprint(buf+strlen(buf), sizeof(buf)-strlen(buf), "C%s\n", p); } write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); write(fd, "\n\n", 2); while((n = Bread(b, buf, sizeof buf)) > 0) write(fd, buf, n); winclosebody(w->win); werrstr(""); if((n=write(fd, "", 0)) != 0){ fprint(2, "Wiki commit %lud %d %d: %r\n", w->time, fd, n); close(fd); return -1; } seek(fd, 0, 0); if((n = read(fd, buf, 300)) < 0){ fprint(2, "Wiki readback: %r\n"); close(fd); return -1; } close(fd); buf[n] = '\0'; sprint(buf, "%s/", buf); free(w->arg); w->arg = estrdup(buf); w->isnew = 0; wikiget(w); wikiname(w->win, w->arg); return n; } void wikiget(Wiki *w) { char *p; int fd, normal; Biobuf *bin; fprint(w->win->ctl, "dirty\n"); p = emalloc(strlen(w->arg)+8+1); strcpy(p, w->arg); normal = 1; if(p[strlen(p)-1] == '/'){ normal = 0; strcat(p, "current"); }else if(strlen(p)>8 && strcmp(p+strlen(p)-8, "/current")==0){ normal = 0; w->arg[strlen(w->arg)-7] = '\0'; } if((fd = open(p, OREAD)) < 0){ fprint(2, "Wiki: cannot read %s: %r\n", p); winclean(w->win); return; } free(p); winopenbody(w->win, OWRITE); bin = emalloc(sizeof(*bin)); Binit(bin, fd, OREAD); p = nil; if(!normal){ if((p = Brdline(bin, '\n')) == nil){ fprint(2, "Wiki: cannot read title: %r\n"); winclean(w->win); close(fd); free(bin); return; } p[Blinelen(bin)-1] = '\0'; } /* clear window */ if(w->win->data < 0) w->win->data = winopenfile(w->win, "data"); if(winsetaddr(w->win, ",", 0)) write(w->win->data, "", 0); if(!normal) Bprint(w->win->body, "%s\n\n", p); while(p = Brdline(bin, '\n')){ p[Blinelen(bin)-1] = '\0'; if(normal) Bprint(w->win->body, "%s\n", p); else{ if(p[0]=='D') w->time = strtoul(p+1, 0, 10); else if(p[0]=='#') Bprint(w->win->body, "%s\n", p+1); } } winclean(w->win); free(bin); close(fd); } static int iscmd(char *s, char *cmd) { int len; len = strlen(cmd); return strncmp(s, cmd, len)==0 && (s[len]=='\0' || s[len]==' ' || s[len]=='\t' || s[len]=='\n'); } static char* skip(char *s, char *cmd) { s += strlen(cmd); while(*s==' ' || *s=='\t' || *s=='\n') s++; return s; } int wikiload(Wiki *w, char *arg) { char *p, *q, *path, *addr; int rv; p = nil; if(arg[0] == '/') path = arg; else{ p = emalloc(strlen(w->arg)+1+strlen(arg)+1); strcpy(p, w->arg); if(q = strrchr(p, '/')){ ++q; *q = '\0'; }else *p = '\0'; strcat(p, arg); cleanname(p); path = p; } if(addr=strchr(path, ':')) *addr++ = '\0'; rv = wikiopen(path, addr)==0; free(p); if(rv) return 1; return wikiopen(arg, 0)==0; } /* return 1 if handled, 0 otherwise */ int wikicmd(Wiki *w, char *s) { char *p; s = skip(s, ""); if(iscmd(s, "Del")){ if(windel(w->win, 0)) w->dead = 1; return 1; } if(iscmd(s, "New")){ wikinew(skip(s, "New")); return 1; } if(iscmd(s, "History")) return wikiload(w, "history.txt"); if(iscmd(s, "Diff")) return wikidiff(w); if(iscmd(s, "Get")){ if(winisdirty(w->win) && !w->win->warned){ w->win->warned = 1; fprint(2, "%s/%s modified\n", dir, w->arg); }else{ w->win->warned = 0; wikiget(w); } return 1; } if(iscmd(s, "Put")){ if((p=strchr(w->arg, '/')) && p[1]!='\0') fprint(2, "%s/%s is read-only\n", dir, w->arg); else wikiput(w); return 1; } return 0; } /* need to expand selection more than default word */ static long eval(Window *w, char *s, ...) { char buf[64]; va_list arg; va_start(arg, s); vsnprint(buf, sizeof buf, s, arg); va_end(arg); if(winsetaddr(w, buf, 1)==0) return -1; if(pread(w->addr, buf, 24, 0) != 24) return -1; return strtol(buf, 0, 10); } static int getdot(Window *w, long *q0, long *q1) { char buf[24]; ctlprint(w->ctl, "addr=dot\n"); if(pread(w->addr, buf, 24, 0) != 24) return -1; *q0 = atoi(buf); *q1 = atoi(buf+12); return 0; } static Event* expand(Window *w, Event *e, Event *eacme) { long q0, q1, x; if(getdot(w, &q0, &q1)==0 && q0 <= e->q0 && e->q0 <= q1){ e->q0 = q0; e->q1 = q1; return e; } q0 = eval(w, "#%lud-/\\[/", e->q0); if(q0 < 0) return eacme; if(eval(w, "#%lud+/\\]/", q0) < e->q0) /* [ closes before us */ return eacme; q1 = eval(w, "#%lud+/\\]/", e->q1); if(q1 < 0) return eacme; if((x=eval(w, "#%lud-/\\[/", q1))==-1 || x > e->q1) /* ] opens after us */ return eacme; e->q0 = q0+1; e->q1 = q1; return e; } void acmeevent(Wiki *wiki, Event *e) { Event *ea, *e2, *eq; Window *w; char *s, *t, *buf; int na; w = wiki->win; switch(e->c1){ /* origin of action */ default: Unknown: fprint(2, "unknown message %c%c\n", e->c1, e->c2); break; case 'F': /* generated by our actions; ignore */ break; case 'E': /* write to body or tag; can't affect us */ break; case 'K': /* type away; we don't care */ if(e->c2 == 'I' || e->c2 == 'D') w->warned = 0; break; case 'M': /* mouse event */ switch(e->c2){ /* type of action */ case 'x': /* mouse: button 2 in tag */ case 'X': /* mouse: button 2 in body */ ea = nil; //e2 = nil; s = e->b; if(e->flag & 2){ /* null string with non-null expansion */ e2 = recvp(w->cevent); if(e->nb==0) s = e2->b; } if(e->flag & 8){ /* chorded argument */ ea = recvp(w->cevent); /* argument */ na = ea->nb; recvp(w->cevent); /* ignore origin */ }else na = 0; /* append chorded arguments */ if(na){ t = emalloc(strlen(s)+1+na+1); sprint(t, "%s %s", s, ea->b); s = t; } /* if it's a known command, do it */ /* if it's a long message, it can't be for us anyway */ // DPRINT(2, "exec: %s\n", s); if(!wikicmd(wiki, s)) /* send it back */ winwriteevent(w, e); if(na) free(s); break; case 'l': /* mouse: button 3 in tag */ case 'L': /* mouse: button 3 in body */ //buf = nil; eq = e; if(e->flag & 2){ /* we do our own expansion for loads */ e2 = recvp(w->cevent); eq = expand(w, eq, e2); } s = eq->b; if(eq->q1>eq->q0 && eq->nb==0){ buf = emalloc((eq->q1-eq->q0)*UTFmax+1); winread(w, eq->q0, eq->q1, buf); s = buf; } if(!wikiload(wiki, s)) winwriteevent(w, e); break; case 'i': /* mouse: text inserted in tag */ case 'd': /* mouse: text deleted from tag */ break; case 'I': /* mouse: text inserted in body */ case 'D': /* mouse: text deleted from body */ w->warned = 0; break; default: goto Unknown; } } } void wikithread(void *v) { char tmp[40]; Event *e; Wiki *w; w = v; if(w->isnew){ sprint(tmp, "+new+%d", w->isnew); wikiname(w->win, tmp); if(w->arg){ winopenbody(w->win, OWRITE); Bprint(w->win->body, "%s\n\n", w->arg); } winclean(w->win); }else if(!w->special){ wikiget(w); wikiname(w->win, w->arg); if(w->addr) winselect(w->win, w->addr, 1); } fprint(w->win->ctl, "menu\n"); wintagwrite(w->win, "Get History Diff New", 4+8+4+4); winclean(w->win); while(!w->dead && (e = recvp(w->win->cevent))) acmeevent(w, e); windormant(w->win); unlink(w); free(w->win); free(w->arg); free(w); threadexits(nil); } int wikiopen(char *arg, char *addr) { Dir *d; char *p; Wiki *w; /* if(arg==nil){ if(write(mapfd, title, strlen(title)) < 0 || seek(mapfd, 0, 0) < 0 || (n=read(mapfd, tmp, sizeof(tmp)-2)) < 0){ fprint(2, "Wiki: no page '%s' found: %r\n", title); return -1; } if(tmp[n-1] == '\n') tmp[--n] = '\0'; tmp[n++] = '/'; tmp[n] = '\0'; arg = tmp; } */ /* replace embedded '\n' in links by ' ' */ for(p=arg; *p; p++) if(*p=='\n') *p = ' '; if(strncmp(arg, dir, strlen(dir))==0 && arg[strlen(dir)]=='/' && arg[strlen(dir)+1]) arg += strlen(dir)+1; else if(arg[0] == '/') return -1; if((d = dirstat(arg)) == nil) return -1; if((d->mode&DMDIR) && arg[strlen(arg)-1] != '/'){ p = emalloc(strlen(arg)+2); strcpy(p, arg); strcat(p, "/"); arg = p; }else if(!(d->mode&DMDIR) && arg[strlen(arg)-1]=='/'){ arg = estrdup(arg); arg[strlen(arg)-1] = '\0'; }else arg = estrdup(arg); free(d); /* rewrite /current into / */ if(strlen(arg) > 8 && strcmp(arg+strlen(arg)-8, "/current")==0) arg[strlen(arg)-8+1] = '\0'; /* look for window already open */ for(w=wlist; w; w=w->next){ if(strcmp(w->arg, arg)==0){ ctlprint(w->win->ctl, "show\n"); return 0; } } w = emalloc(sizeof *w); w->arg = arg; w->addr = addr; w->win = newwindow(); link(w); proccreate(wineventproc, w->win, STACK); threadcreate(wikithread, w, STACK); return 0; } void wikinew(char *arg) { static int n; Wiki *w; w = emalloc(sizeof *w); if(arg) arg = estrdup(arg); w->arg = arg; w->win = newwindow(); w->isnew = ++n; proccreate(wineventproc, w->win, STACK); threadcreate(wikithread, w, STACK); } typedef struct Diffarg Diffarg; struct Diffarg { Wiki *w; char *dir; }; void execdiff(void *v) { char buf[64]; Diffarg *a; a = v; rfork(RFFDG); close(0); open("/dev/null", OREAD); sprint(buf, "/mnt/wsys/%d/body", a->w->win->id); close(1); open(buf, OWRITE); close(2); open(buf, OWRITE); sprint(buf, "/mnt/wsys/%d", a->w->win->id); bind(buf, "/dev", MBEFORE); procexecl(nil, "/acme/wiki/wiki.diff", "wiki.diff", a->dir, nil); } int wikidiff(Wiki *w) { Diffarg *d; char *p, *q, *r; Wiki *nw; p = emalloc(strlen(w->arg)+10); strcpy(p, w->arg); if(q = strchr(p, '/')) *q = '\0'; r = estrdup(p); strcat(p, "/+Diff"); nw = emalloc(sizeof *w); nw->arg = p; nw->win = newwindow(); nw->special = 1; d = emalloc(sizeof(*d)); d->w = nw; d->dir = r; wikiname(nw->win, p); proccreate(wineventproc, nw->win, STACK); proccreate(execdiff, d, STACK); threadcreate(wikithread, nw, STACK); return 1; }