ref: d115bd0e20fbfdadfb7370a5d12156f1f488e533
dir: /sys/src/cmd/mothra/libpanel/textview.c/
/* * Fonted text viewer, calls out to code in rtext.c * * Should redo this to copy the already-visible parts on scrolling & only * update the newly appearing stuff -- then the offscreen assembly bitmap can go away. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <event.h> #include <panel.h> #include "pldefs.h" typedef struct Textview Textview; struct Textview{ void (*hit)(Panel *, int, Rtext *); /* call back to user on hit */ Rtext *text; /* text */ int yoffs; /* offset of top of screen */ Rtext *hitword; /* text to hilite */ Rtext *hitfirst; /* first word in range select */ int twid; /* text width */ int thgt; /* text height */ Point minsize; /* smallest acceptible window size */ int buttons; }; void pl_setscrpos(Panel *p, Textview *tp, Rectangle r){ Panel *sb; int lo, hi; lo=tp->yoffs; hi=lo+r.max.y-r.min.y; /* wrong? */ sb=p->yscroller; if(sb && sb->setscrollbar) sb->setscrollbar(sb, lo, hi, tp->thgt); } void pl_drawtextview(Panel *p){ int twid; Rectangle r; Textview *tp; tp=p->data; r=pl_outline(p->b, p->r, UP); twid=r.max.x-r.min.x; if(twid!=tp->twid){ tp->twid=twid; tp->thgt=pl_rtfmt(tp->text, tp->twid); p->scr.size.y=tp->thgt; } p->scr.pos.y=tp->yoffs; pl_rtdraw(p->b, r, tp->text, tp->yoffs); pl_setscrpos(p, tp, r); } /* * If t is a panel word, pass the mouse event on to it */ void pl_passon(Rtext *t, Mouse *m){ if(t && t->b==0 && t->p!=0) plmouse(t->p, m); } int pl_hittextview(Panel *p, Mouse *m){ Rtext *oldhitword, *oldhitfirst; int hitme, oldstate; Point ul, size; Textview *tp; tp=p->data; hitme=0; oldstate=p->state; oldhitword=tp->hitword; oldhitfirst=tp->hitfirst; if(oldhitword==oldhitfirst) pl_passon(oldhitword, m); if(m->buttons&OUT) p->state=UP; else if(m->buttons&7){ p->state=DOWN; tp->buttons=m->buttons; if(oldhitword==0 || oldhitword->p==0 || (oldhitword->p->flags&REMOUSE)==0){ ul=p->r.min; size=subpt(p->r.max, p->r.min); pl_interior(p->state, &ul, &size); tp->hitword=pl_rthit(tp->text, tp->yoffs, m->xy, ul); if(tp->hitword==0) if(oldhitword!=0 && oldstate==DOWN) tp->hitword=oldhitword; else tp->hitfirst=0; if(tp->hitword!=0 && oldstate!=DOWN) tp->hitfirst=tp->hitword; } } else{ if(p->state==DOWN) hitme=1; p->state=UP; } if(tp->hitfirst!=oldhitfirst || tp->hitword!=oldhitword){ plrtseltext(tp->text, tp->hitword, tp->hitfirst); pl_drawtextview(p); if(tp->hitword==tp->hitfirst) pl_passon(tp->hitword, m); } if(hitme && tp->hit && tp->hitword!=0 && tp->hitword==tp->hitfirst){ plrtseltext(tp->text, 0, 0); pl_drawtextview(p); tp->hit(p, tp->buttons, tp->hitword); tp->hitword=0; tp->hitfirst=0; } return 0; } void pl_scrolltextview(Panel *p, int dir, int buttons, int num, int den){ int yoffs; Point ul, size; Textview *tp; Rectangle r; if(dir!=VERT) return; tp=p->data; ul=p->r.min; size=subpt(p->r.max, p->r.min); pl_interior(p->state, &ul, &size); switch(buttons){ default: SET(yoffs); break; case 1: /* left -- top moves to pointer */ yoffs=(vlong)tp->yoffs-num*size.y/den; if(yoffs<0) yoffs=0; break; case 2: /* middle -- absolute index of file */ yoffs=(vlong)tp->thgt*num/den; break; case 4: /* right -- line pointed at moves to top */ yoffs=tp->yoffs+(vlong)num*size.y/den; if(yoffs>tp->thgt) yoffs=tp->thgt; break; } if(yoffs!=tp->yoffs){ r=pl_outline(p->b, p->r, p->state); pl_rtredraw(p->b, r, tp->text, yoffs, tp->yoffs); p->scr.pos.y=tp->yoffs=yoffs; pl_setscrpos(p, tp, r); } } void pl_typetextview(Panel *g, Rune c){ USED(g, c); } Point pl_getsizetextview(Panel *p, Point children){ USED(children); return pl_boxsize(((Textview *)p->data)->minsize, p->state); } void pl_childspacetextview(Panel *g, Point *ul, Point *size){ USED(g, ul, size); } /* * Priority depends on what thing inside the panel we're pointing at. */ int pl_pritextview(Panel *p, Point xy){ Point ul, size; Textview *tp; Rtext *h; tp=p->data; ul=p->r.min; size=subpt(p->r.max, p->r.min); pl_interior(p->state, &ul, &size); h=pl_rthit(tp->text, tp->yoffs, xy, ul); if(h && h->b==0 && h->p!=0){ p=pl_ptinpanel(xy, h->p); if(p) return p->pri(p, xy); } return PRI_NORMAL; } char* pl_snarftextview(Panel *p){ return plrtsnarftext(((Textview *)p->data)->text); } void plinittextview(Panel *v, int flags, Point minsize, Rtext *t, void (*hit)(Panel *, int, Rtext *)){ Textview *tp; tp=v->data; v->flags=flags|LEAF; v->state=UP; v->draw=pl_drawtextview; v->hit=pl_hittextview; v->type=pl_typetextview; v->getsize=pl_getsizetextview; v->childspace=pl_childspacetextview; v->kind="textview"; v->pri=pl_pritextview; tp->hit=hit; tp->minsize=minsize; tp->text=t; tp->yoffs=0; tp->hitfirst=0; tp->hitword=0; v->scroll=pl_scrolltextview; v->snarf=pl_snarftextview; tp->twid=-1; v->scr.pos=Pt(0,0); v->scr.size=Pt(0,1); } Panel *pltextview(Panel *parent, int flags, Point minsize, Rtext *t, void (*hit)(Panel *, int, Rtext *)){ Panel *v; v=pl_newpanel(parent, sizeof(Textview)); plinittextview(v, flags, minsize, t, hit); return v; } int plgetpostextview(Panel *p){ return ((Textview *)p->data)->yoffs; } void plsetpostextview(Panel *p, int yoffs){ ((Textview *)p->data)->yoffs=yoffs; pldraw(p, p->b); }