ref: d115bd0e20fbfdadfb7370a5d12156f1f488e533
dir: /sys/src/cmd/aux/antiword/stylelist.c/
/* * stylelist.c * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 A.J. van Os; Released under GNU GPL * * Description: * Build, read and destroy a list of Word style information */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "antiword.h" /* * Private structure to hide the way the information * is stored from the rest of the program */ typedef struct style_mem_tag { style_block_type tInfo; ULONG ulSequenceNumber; struct style_mem_tag *pNext; } style_mem_type; /* Variables needed to write the Style Information List */ static style_mem_type *pAnchor = NULL; static style_mem_type *pStyleLast = NULL; /* The type of conversion */ static conversion_type eConversionType = conversion_unknown; /* The character set encoding */ static encoding_type eEncoding = encoding_neutral; /* Values for efficiency reasons */ static const style_mem_type *pMidPtr = NULL; static BOOL bMoveMidPtr = FALSE; static BOOL bInSequence = TRUE; /* * vDestroyStyleInfoList - destroy the Style Information List */ void vDestroyStyleInfoList(void) { style_mem_type *pCurr, *pNext; DBG_MSG("vDestroyStyleInfoList"); /* Free the Style Information List */ pCurr = pAnchor; while (pCurr != NULL) { pNext = pCurr->pNext; pCurr = xfree(pCurr); pCurr = pNext; } pAnchor = NULL; /* Reset all control variables */ pStyleLast = NULL; pMidPtr = NULL; bMoveMidPtr = FALSE; bInSequence = TRUE; } /* end of vDestroyStyleInfoList */ /* * vConvertListCharacter - convert the list character */ static void vConvertListCharacter(UCHAR ucNFC, USHORT usListChar, char *szListChar) { options_type tOptions; size_t tLen; fail(szListChar == NULL); fail(szListChar[0] != '\0'); if (usListChar < 0x80 && isprint((int)usListChar)) { DBG_CHR_C(isalnum((int)usListChar), usListChar); szListChar[0] = (char)usListChar; szListChar[1] = '\0'; return; } if (ucNFC != LIST_SPECIAL && ucNFC != LIST_SPECIAL2 && ucNFC != LIST_BULLETS) { szListChar[0] = '.'; szListChar[1] = '\0'; return; } if (eConversionType == conversion_unknown || eEncoding == encoding_neutral) { vGetOptions(&tOptions); eConversionType = tOptions.eConversionType; eEncoding = tOptions.eEncoding; } switch (usListChar) { case 0x0000: case 0x00b7: case 0x00fe: case 0xf021: case 0xf043: case 0xf06c: case 0xf093: case 0xf0b7: usListChar = 0x2022; /* BULLET */ break; case 0x0096: case 0xf02d: usListChar = 0x2013; /* EN DASH */ break; case 0x00a8: usListChar = 0x2666; /* BLACK DIAMOND SUIT */ break; case 0x00de: usListChar = 0x21d2; /* RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW */ break; case 0x00e0: case 0xf074: usListChar = 0x25ca; /* LOZENGE */ break; case 0x00e1: usListChar = 0x2329; /* LEFT ANGLE BRACKET */ break; case 0xf020: usListChar = 0x0020; /* SPACE */ break; case 0xf041: usListChar = 0x270c; /* VICTORY HAND */ break; case 0xf066: usListChar = 0x03d5; /* GREEK PHI SYMBOL */ break; case 0xf06e: usListChar = 0x25a0; /* BLACK SQUARE */ break; case 0xf06f: case 0xf070: case 0xf0a8: usListChar = 0x25a1; /* WHITE SQUARE */ break; case 0xf071: usListChar = 0x2751; /* LOWER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE */ break; case 0xf075: case 0xf077: usListChar = 0x25c6; /* BLACK DIAMOND */ break; case 0xf076: usListChar = 0x2756; /* BLACK DIAMOND MINUS WHITE X */ break; case 0xf0a7: usListChar = 0x25aa; /* BLACK SMALL SQUARE */ break; case 0xf0d8: usListChar = 0x27a2; /* RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD */ break; case 0xf0e5: usListChar = 0x2199; /* SOUTH WEST ARROW */ break; case 0xf0f0: usListChar = 0x21e8; /* RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW */ break; case 0xf0fc: usListChar = 0x2713; /* CHECK MARK */ break; default: if ((usListChar >= 0xe000 && usListChar < 0xf900) || (usListChar < 0x80 && !isprint((int)usListChar))) { /* * All remaining private area characters and all * remaining non-printable ASCII characters to their * default bullet character */ DBG_HEX(usListChar); DBG_FIXME(); if (ucNFC == LIST_SPECIAL || ucNFC == LIST_SPECIAL2) { usListChar = 0x2190; /* LEFTWARDS ARROW */ } else { usListChar = 0x2022; /* BULLET */ } } break; } if (eEncoding == encoding_utf_8) { tLen = tUcs2Utf8(usListChar, szListChar, 4); szListChar[tLen] = '\0'; } else { switch (usListChar) { case 0x03d5: case 0x25a1: case 0x25c6: case 0x25ca: case 0x2751: szListChar[0] = 'o'; break; case 0x2013: case 0x2500: szListChar[0] = '-'; break; case 0x2190: case 0x2199: case 0x2329: szListChar[0] = '<'; break; case 0x21d2: szListChar[0] = '='; break; case 0x21e8: case 0x27a2: szListChar[0] = '>'; break; case 0x25a0: case 0x25aa: szListChar[0] = '.'; break; case 0x2666: szListChar[0] = OUR_DIAMOND; break; case 0x270c: szListChar[0] = 'x'; break; case 0x2713: szListChar[0] = 'V'; break; case 0x2756: szListChar[0] = '*'; break; case 0x2022: default: vGetBulletValue(eConversionType, eEncoding, szListChar, 2); break; } tLen = 1; } szListChar[tLen] = '\0'; } /* end of vConvertListCharacter */ /* * eGetNumType - get the level type from the given level number * * Returns the level type */ level_type_enum eGetNumType(UCHAR ucNumLevel) { switch (ucNumLevel) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8: case 9: return level_type_outline; case 10: return level_type_numbering; case 11: return level_type_sequence; case 12: return level_type_pause; default: return level_type_none; } } /* end of eGetNumType */ /* * vCorrectStyleValues - correct style values that Antiword can't use */ void vCorrectStyleValues(style_block_type *pStyleBlock) { if (pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent > 0x7fff) { pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent = 0; } else if (pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent > 2160) { /* 2160 twips = 1.5 inches or 38.1 mm */ DBG_DEC(pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent); pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent = 2160; } if (pStyleBlock->usIstd >= 1 && pStyleBlock->usIstd <= 9 && pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent < HEADING_GAP) { NO_DBG_DEC(pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent); pStyleBlock->usBeforeIndent = HEADING_GAP; } if (pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent > 0x7fff) { pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent = 0; } else if (pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent > 2160) { /* 2160 twips = 1.5 inches or 38.1 mm */ DBG_DEC(pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent); pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent = 2160; } if (pStyleBlock->usIstd >= 1 && pStyleBlock->usIstd <= 9 && pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent < HEADING_GAP) { NO_DBG_DEC(pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent); pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent = HEADING_GAP; } if (pStyleBlock->sLeftIndent < 0) { pStyleBlock->sLeftIndent = 0; } if (pStyleBlock->sRightIndent > 0) { pStyleBlock->sRightIndent = 0; } vConvertListCharacter(pStyleBlock->ucNFC, pStyleBlock->usListChar, pStyleBlock->szListChar); } /* end of vCorrectStyleValues */ /* * vAdd2StyleInfoList - Add an element to the Style Information List */ void vAdd2StyleInfoList(const style_block_type *pStyleBlock) { style_mem_type *pListMember; fail(pStyleBlock == NULL); NO_DBG_MSG("bAdd2StyleInfoList"); if (pStyleBlock->ulFileOffset == FC_INVALID) { NO_DBG_DEC(pStyleBlock->usIstd); return; } NO_DBG_HEX(pStyleBlock->ulFileOffset); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->sLeftIndent != 0, pStyleBlock->sLeftIndent); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->sRightIndent != 0, pStyleBlock->sRightIndent); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->bNumPause, pStyleBlock->bNumPause); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->usIstd != 0, pStyleBlock->usIstd); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->usStartAt != 1, pStyleBlock->usStartAt); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent != 0, pStyleBlock->usAfterIndent); NO_DBG_DEC_C(pStyleBlock->ucAlignment != 0, pStyleBlock->ucAlignment); NO_DBG_DEC(pStyleBlock->ucNFC); NO_DBG_HEX(pStyleBlock->usListChar); if (pStyleLast != NULL && pStyleLast->tInfo.ulFileOffset == pStyleBlock->ulFileOffset) { /* * If two consecutive styles share the same * offset, remember only the last style */ fail(pStyleLast->pNext != NULL); pStyleLast->tInfo = *pStyleBlock; /* Correct the values where needed */ vCorrectStyleValues(&pStyleLast->tInfo); return; } /* Create list member */ pListMember = xmalloc(sizeof(style_mem_type)); /* Fill the list member */ pListMember->tInfo = *pStyleBlock; pListMember->pNext = NULL; /* Add the sequence number */ pListMember->ulSequenceNumber = ulGetSeqNumber(pListMember->tInfo.ulFileOffset); /* Correct the values where needed */ vCorrectStyleValues(&pListMember->tInfo); /* Add the new member to the list */ if (pAnchor == NULL) { pAnchor = pListMember; /* For efficiency */ pMidPtr = pAnchor; bMoveMidPtr = FALSE; bInSequence = TRUE; } else { fail(pStyleLast == NULL); pStyleLast->pNext = pListMember; /* For efficiency */ if (bMoveMidPtr) { pMidPtr = pMidPtr->pNext; bMoveMidPtr = FALSE; } else { bMoveMidPtr = TRUE; } if (bInSequence) { bInSequence = pListMember->ulSequenceNumber > pStyleLast->ulSequenceNumber; } } pStyleLast = pListMember; } /* end of vAdd2StyleInfoList */ /* * Get the record that follows the given recored in the Style Information List */ const style_block_type * pGetNextStyleInfoListItem(const style_block_type *pCurr) { const style_mem_type *pRecord; size_t tOffset; if (pCurr == NULL) { if (pAnchor == NULL) { /* There are no records */ return NULL; } /* The first record is the only one without a predecessor */ return &pAnchor->tInfo; } tOffset = offsetof(style_mem_type, tInfo); /* Many casts to prevent alignment warnings */ pRecord = (style_mem_type *)(void *)((char *)pCurr - tOffset); fail(pCurr != &pRecord->tInfo); if (pRecord->pNext == NULL) { /* The last record has no successor */ return NULL; } return &pRecord->pNext->tInfo; } /* end of pGetNextStyleInfoListItem */ /* * Get the next text style */ const style_block_type * pGetNextTextStyle(const style_block_type *pCurr) { const style_block_type *pRecord; pRecord = pCurr; do { pRecord = pGetNextStyleInfoListItem(pRecord); } while (pRecord != NULL && (pRecord->eListID == hdrftr_list || pRecord->eListID == macro_list || pRecord->eListID == annotation_list)); return pRecord; } /* end of pGetNextTextStyle */ /* * usGetIstd - get the istd that belongs to the given file offset */ USHORT usGetIstd(ULONG ulFileOffset) { const style_mem_type *pCurr, *pBest, *pStart; ULONG ulSeq, ulBest; ulSeq = ulGetSeqNumber(ulFileOffset); if (ulSeq == FC_INVALID) { return ISTD_NORMAL; } NO_DBG_HEX(ulFileOffset); NO_DBG_DEC(ulSeq); if (bInSequence && pMidPtr != NULL && ulSeq > pMidPtr->ulSequenceNumber) { /* The istd is in the second half of the chained list */ pStart = pMidPtr; } else { pStart = pAnchor; } pBest = NULL; ulBest = 0; for (pCurr = pStart; pCurr != NULL; pCurr = pCurr->pNext) { if (pCurr->ulSequenceNumber != FC_INVALID && (pBest == NULL || pCurr->ulSequenceNumber > ulBest) && pCurr->ulSequenceNumber <= ulSeq) { pBest = pCurr; ulBest = pCurr->ulSequenceNumber; } if (bInSequence && pCurr->ulSequenceNumber > ulSeq) { break; } } NO_DBG_DEC(ulBest); if (pBest == NULL) { return ISTD_NORMAL; } NO_DBG_DEC(pBest->tInfo.usIstd); return pBest->tInfo.usIstd; } /* end of usGetIstd */ /* * bStyleImpliesList - does style info implies being part of a list * * Decide whether the style information implies that the given paragraph is * part of a list * * Returns TRUE when the paragraph is part of a list, otherwise FALSE */ BOOL bStyleImpliesList(const style_block_type *pStyle, int iWordVersion) { fail(pStyle == NULL); fail(iWordVersion < 0); if (pStyle->usIstd >= 1 && pStyle->usIstd <= 9) { /* These are heading levels */ return FALSE; } if (iWordVersion < 8) { /* Check for old style lists */ return pStyle->ucNumLevel != 0; } /* Check for new style lists */ return pStyle->usListIndex != 0; } /* end of bStyleImpliesList */