ref: d115bd0e20fbfdadfb7370a5d12156f1f488e533
dir: /sys/src/cmd/auth/factotum/chap.c/
/* * CHAP, MSCHAP * * The client does not authenticate the server, hence no CAI * * Client protocol: * write Chapchal * read response Chapreply or MSchaprely structure * * Server protocol: * read challenge: 8 bytes binary * write user: utf8 * write response: Chapreply or MSchapreply structure */ #include <ctype.h> #include "dat.h" enum { ChapChallen = 8, ChapResplen = 16, /* Microsoft auth constants */ MShashlen = 16, MSchallen = 8, MSresplen = 24, Chapreplylen = MD5LEN+1, MSchapreplylen = 24+24, }; static int dochal(State *s); static int doreply(State *s, uchar *reply, int nreply); static int dochap(char *passwd, int id, char chal[ChapChallen], uchar *resp, int resplen); static int domschap(char *passwd, uchar chal[MSchallen], uchar *resp, int resplen); static int domschap2(char *passwd, char *user, char *dom, uchar chal[MSchallen], uchar *resp, int resplen); struct State { int astype; int asfd; Key *key; Ticket t; Ticketreq tr; char chal[ChapChallen]; int nresp; uchar resp[4096]; char err[ERRMAX]; char user[64]; uchar secret[16]; /* for mschap */ int nsecret; }; enum { CNeedChal, CHaveResp, SHaveChal, SNeedUser, SNeedResp, SHaveZero, SHaveCAI, Maxphase }; static char *phasenames[Maxphase] = { [CNeedChal] "CNeedChal", [CHaveResp] "CHaveResp", [SHaveChal] "SHaveChal", [SNeedUser] "SNeedUser", [SNeedResp] "SNeedResp", [SHaveZero] "SHaveZero", [SHaveCAI] "SHaveCAI", }; static int chapinit(Proto *p, Fsstate *fss) { int iscli, ret; State *s; if((iscli = isclient(_strfindattr(fss->attr, "role"))) < 0) return failure(fss, nil); s = emalloc(sizeof *s); s->nresp = 0; s->nsecret = 0; fss->phasename = phasenames; fss->maxphase = Maxphase; s->asfd = -1; if(p == &mschap || p == &mschap2){ s->astype = AuthMSchap; }else { s->astype = AuthChap; } if(iscli) fss->phase = CNeedChal; else{ if((ret = findp9authkey(&s->key, fss)) != RpcOk){ free(s); return ret; } if(dochal(s) < 0){ free(s); return failure(fss, nil); } fss->phase = SHaveChal; } fss->ps = s; return RpcOk; } static void chapclose(Fsstate *fss) { State *s; s = fss->ps; if(s->asfd >= 0){ close(s->asfd); s->asfd = -1; } free(s); } static int chapwrite(Fsstate *fss, void *va, uint n) { int ret, nreply; char *a, *v; Key *k; Keyinfo ki; State *s; Chapreply *cr; MSchapreply *mcr; OChapreply *ocr; OMSchapreply *omcr; uchar reply[4096]; char *user, *dom; s = fss->ps; a = va; switch(fss->phase){ default: return phaseerror(fss, "write"); case CNeedChal: ret = findkey(&k, mkkeyinfo(&ki, fss, nil), "%s", fss->proto->keyprompt); if(ret != RpcOk) return ret; v = _strfindattr(k->privattr, "!password"); if(v == nil){ closekey(k); return failure(fss, "key has no password"); } s->nresp = 0; memset(s->resp, 0, sizeof(s->resp)); setattrs(fss->attr, k->attr); switch(s->astype){ case AuthMSchap: if(n < MSchallen) break; if(fss->proto == &mschap2){ user = _strfindattr(fss->attr, "user"); if(user == nil) break; dom = _strfindattr(fss->attr, "windom"); if(dom == nil) dom = ""; s->nresp = domschap2(v, user, dom, (uchar*)a, s->resp, sizeof(s->resp)); } else s->nresp = domschap(v, (uchar*)a, s->resp, sizeof(s->resp)); break; case AuthChap: if(n < ChapChallen+1) break; s->nresp = dochap(v, *a, a+1, s->resp, sizeof(s->resp)); break; } closekey(k); if(s->nresp <= 0) return failure(fss, "chap botch"); fss->phase = CHaveResp; return RpcOk; case SNeedUser: if(n >= sizeof s->user) return failure(fss, "user name too long"); memmove(s->user, va, n); s->user[n] = '\0'; fss->phase = SNeedResp; return RpcOk; case SNeedResp: switch(s->astype){ default: return failure(fss, "chap internal botch"); case AuthChap: if(n < Chapreplylen) return failure(fss, "did not get Chapreply"); cr = (Chapreply*)va; nreply = OCHAPREPLYLEN; memset(reply, 0, nreply); ocr = (OChapreply*)reply; strecpy(ocr->uid, ocr->uid+sizeof(ocr->uid), s->user); ocr->id = cr->id; memmove(ocr->resp, cr->resp, sizeof(ocr->resp)); break; case AuthMSchap: if(n < MSchapreplylen) return failure(fss, "did not get MSchapreply"); if(n > sizeof(reply)+MSchapreplylen-OMSCHAPREPLYLEN) return failure(fss, "MSchapreply too long"); mcr = (MSchapreply*)va; nreply = n+OMSCHAPREPLYLEN-MSchapreplylen; memset(reply, 0, nreply); omcr = (OMSchapreply*)reply; strecpy(omcr->uid, omcr->uid+sizeof(omcr->uid), s->user); memmove(omcr->LMresp, mcr->LMresp, sizeof(omcr->LMresp)); memmove(omcr->NTresp, mcr->NTresp, n+sizeof(mcr->NTresp)-MSchapreplylen); break; } if(doreply(s, reply, nreply) < 0) return failure(fss, nil); fss->phase = Established; fss->ai.cuid = s->t.cuid; fss->ai.suid = s->t.suid; fss->ai.secret = s->secret; fss->ai.nsecret = s->nsecret; fss->haveai = 1; return RpcOk; } } static int chapread(Fsstate *fss, void *va, uint *n) { State *s; s = fss->ps; switch(fss->phase){ default: return phaseerror(fss, "read"); case CHaveResp: if(*n > s->nresp) *n = s->nresp; memmove(va, s->resp, *n); fss->phase = Established; fss->haveai = 0; return RpcOk; case SHaveChal: if(*n > sizeof s->chal) *n = sizeof s->chal; memmove(va, s->chal, *n); fss->phase = SNeedUser; return RpcOk; } } static int dochal(State *s) { char *dom, *user; char trbuf[TICKREQLEN]; int ret; s->asfd = -1; /* send request to authentication server and get challenge */ if((dom = _strfindattr(s->key->attr, "dom")) == nil || (user = _strfindattr(s->key->attr, "user")) == nil){ werrstr("chap/dochal cannot happen"); goto err; } s->asfd = _authdial(nil, dom); if(s->asfd < 0) goto err; memset(&s->tr, 0, sizeof(s->tr)); s->tr.type = s->astype; safecpy(s->tr.authdom, dom, sizeof(s->tr.authdom)); safecpy(s->tr.hostid, user, sizeof(s->tr.hostid)); convTR2M(&s->tr, trbuf); alarm(30*1000); if(write(s->asfd, trbuf, TICKREQLEN) != TICKREQLEN){ alarm(0); goto err; } /* readn, not _asrdresp. needs to match auth.srv.c. */ ret = readn(s->asfd, s->chal, sizeof s->chal); alarm(0); if(ret != sizeof s->chal) goto err; return 0; err: if(s->asfd >= 0) close(s->asfd); s->asfd = -1; return -1; } static int doreply(State *s, uchar *reply, int nreply) { char ticket[TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN]; int n; Authenticator a; alarm(30*1000); if((n=write(s->asfd, reply, nreply)) != nreply){ alarm(0); if(n >= 0) werrstr("short write to auth server"); goto err; } if(_asrdresp(s->asfd, ticket, TICKETLEN+AUTHENTLEN) < 0){ alarm(0); /* leave connection open so we can try again */ return -1; } s->nsecret = readn(s->asfd, s->secret, sizeof s->secret); alarm(0); if(s->nsecret < 0) s->nsecret = 0; close(s->asfd); s->asfd = -1; convM2T(ticket, &s->t, s->key->priv); if(s->t.num != AuthTs || memcmp(s->t.chal, s->tr.chal, sizeof(s->t.chal)) != 0){ if(s->key->successes == 0) disablekey(s->key); werrstr(Easproto); return -1; } s->key->successes++; convM2A(ticket+TICKETLEN, &a, s->t.key); if(a.num != AuthAc || memcmp(a.chal, s->tr.chal, sizeof(a.chal)) != 0 || != 0){ werrstr(Easproto); return -1; } return 0; err: if(s->asfd >= 0) close(s->asfd); s->asfd = -1; return -1; } Proto chap = { .name= "chap", .init= chapinit, .write= chapwrite, .read= chapread, .close= chapclose, .addkey= replacekey, .keyprompt= "!password?" }; Proto mschap = { .name= "mschap", .init= chapinit, .write= chapwrite, .read= chapread, .close= chapclose, .addkey= replacekey, .keyprompt= "!password?" }; Proto mschap2 = { .name= "mschap2", .init= chapinit, .write= chapwrite, .read= chapread, .close= chapclose, .addkey= replacekey, .keyprompt= "user? windom? !password?" }; static void nthash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd) { DigestState *ds; uchar b[2]; Rune r; ds = md4(nil, 0, nil, nil); while(*passwd){ passwd += chartorune(&r, passwd); b[0] = r & 0xff; b[1] = r >> 8; md4(b, 2, nil, ds); } md4(nil, 0, hash, ds); } static void ntv2hash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd, char *user, char *dom) { uchar v1hash[MShashlen]; DigestState *ds; uchar b[2]; Rune r; nthash(v1hash, passwd); /* * Some documentation insists that the username must be forced to * uppercase, but the domain name should not be. Other shows both * being forced to uppercase. I am pretty sure this is irrevevant as the * domain name passed from the remote server always seems to be in * uppercase already. */ ds = hmac_md5(nil, 0, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), nil, nil); while(*user){ user += chartorune(&r, user); r = toupperrune(r); b[0] = r & 0xff; b[1] = r >> 8; hmac_md5(b, 2, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), nil, ds); } while(*dom){ dom += chartorune(&r, dom); b[0] = r & 0xff; b[1] = r >> 8; hmac_md5(b, 2, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), nil, ds); } hmac_md5(nil, 0, v1hash, sizeof(v1hash), hash, ds); } static void desencrypt(uchar data[8], uchar key[7]) { ulong ekey[32]; key_setup(key, ekey); block_cipher(ekey, data, 0); } static void lmhash(uchar hash[MShashlen], char *passwd) { uchar buf[14]; char *stdtext = "KGS!@#$%"; int i; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); strncpy((char*)buf, passwd, sizeof(buf)); for(i=0; i<sizeof(buf); i++) if(buf[i] >= 'a' && buf[i] <= 'z') buf[i] += 'A' - 'a'; memcpy(hash, stdtext, 8); memcpy(hash+8, stdtext, 8); desencrypt(hash, buf); desencrypt(hash+8, buf+7); } static void mschalresp(uchar resp[MSresplen], uchar hash[MShashlen], uchar chal[MSchallen]) { int i; uchar buf[21]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memcpy(buf, hash, MShashlen); for(i=0; i<3; i++) { memmove(resp+i*MSchallen, chal, MSchallen); desencrypt(resp+i*MSchallen, buf+i*7); } } static int domschap(char *passwd, uchar chal[MSchallen], uchar *resp, int resplen) { uchar hash[MShashlen]; MSchapreply *r; r = (MSchapreply*)resp; if(resplen < MSchapreplylen) return 0; lmhash(hash, passwd); mschalresp((uchar*)r->LMresp, hash, chal); nthash(hash, passwd); mschalresp((uchar*)r->NTresp, hash, chal); return MSchapreplylen; } static int domschap2(char *passwd, char *user, char *dom, uchar chal[MSchallen], uchar *resp, int resplen) { uchar hash[MShashlen], *p, *e; MSchapreply *r; DigestState *s; uvlong t; Rune rr; int nb; ntv2hash(hash, passwd, user, dom); r = (MSchapreply*)resp; p = (uchar*)r->NTresp+16; e = resp + resplen; if(p+2+2+4+8+8+4+4+4+4 > e) return 0; *p++ = 1; /* 8bit: response type */ *p++ = 1; /* 8bit: max response type understood by client */ *p++ = 0; /* 16bit: reserved */ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; /* 32bit: unknown */ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; t = time(nil); t += 11644473600LL; t *= 10000000LL; *p++ = t; /* 64bit: time in NT format */ *p++ = t >> 8; *p++ = t >> 16; *p++ = t >> 24; *p++ = t >> 32; *p++ = t >> 40; *p++ = t >> 48; *p++ = t >> 56; memrandom(p, 8); p += 8; /* 64bit: client nonce */ *p++ = 0; /* 32bit: unknown data */ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 2; /* AvPair Domain */ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; /* length */ *p++ = 0; nb = 0; while(*dom){ dom += chartorune(&rr, dom); if(p+2+4+4 > e) return 0; *p++ = rr & 0xFF; *p++ = rr >> 8; nb += 2; } p[-nb - 2] = nb & 0xFF; p[-nb - 1] = nb >> 8; *p++ = 0; /* AvPair EOF */ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; /* 32bit: unknown data */ *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; *p++ = 0; /* * LmResponse = Cat(HMAC_MD5(LmHash, Cat(SC, CC)), CC) */ s = hmac_md5(chal, 8, hash, MShashlen, nil, nil); memrandom((uchar*)r->LMresp+16, 8); hmac_md5((uchar*)r->LMresp+16, 8, hash, MShashlen, (uchar*)r->LMresp, s); /* * NtResponse = Cat(HMAC_MD5(NtHash, Cat(SC, NtBlob)), NtBlob) */ s = hmac_md5(chal, 8, hash, MShashlen, nil, nil); hmac_md5((uchar*)r->NTresp+16, p - ((uchar*)r->NTresp+16), hash, MShashlen, (uchar*)r->NTresp, s); return p - resp; } static int dochap(char *passwd, int id, char chal[ChapChallen], uchar *resp, int resplen) { char buf[1+ChapChallen+MAXNAMELEN+1]; int n; if(resplen < ChapResplen) return 0; memset(buf, 0, sizeof buf); *buf = id; n = strlen(passwd); if(n > MAXNAMELEN) n = MAXNAMELEN-1; strncpy(buf+1, passwd, n); memmove(buf+1+n, chal, ChapChallen); md5((uchar*)buf, 1+n+ChapChallen, resp, nil); return ChapResplen; }