ref: d115bd0e20fbfdadfb7370a5d12156f1f488e533
dir: /acme/bin/source/adict/adict.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <thread.h> #include "win.h" #include "adict.h" enum { STACK = 8192, }; char *prog = "adict"; char *lprog = "/bin/adict"; char *xprog = "/bin/dict"; char *dict, *pattern, *curaddr[MAXMATCH], *curone, *args[6], buffer[80]; char abuffer[80], fbuffer[80], pbuffer[80]; int curindex, count, Eopen, Mopen; Win Mwin, Ewin, Dwin; void openwin(char*, char*, Win*, int); void handle(Win*, int); void rexec(void*); void pexec(void*); int getaddr(char*); void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-d dictname] [pattern]\n", argv0); threadexitsall(nil); } int mainstacksize = STACK; void threadmain(int argc, char** argv) { ARGBEGIN{ case 'd': dict = strdup(ARGF()); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND /* if running as other name, note that fact */ if(access(argv0, AEXIST) == 0) lprog = argv0; switch(argc){ case 1: pattern = pbuffer; strcpy(pattern,argv[0]); if(dict == nil) dict = "pgw"; break; case 0: break; default: usage(); } if ((dict == nil) && (pattern == nil)) openwin(prog,"", &Dwin, Dictwin); if (pattern == nil) openwin(prog,"",&Ewin, Entrywin); if ((count = getaddr(pattern)) <= 1) openwin(prog,"Prev Next", &Ewin, Entrywin); else openwin(prog, "", &Mwin, Matchwin); } static int procrexec(char *xprog, ...) { int fpipe[2]; void *rexarg[4]; Channel *c; va_list va; int i; char *p; pipe(fpipe); va_start(va, xprog); p = xprog; for(i=0; p && i+1<nelem(args); i++){ args[i] = p; p = va_arg(va, char*); } args[i] = nil; c = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); rexarg[0] = xprog; rexarg[1] = args; rexarg[2] = fpipe; rexarg[3] = c; proccreate(rexec, rexarg, STACK); recvul(c); chanfree(c); close(fpipe[1]); return fpipe[0]; } int getaddr(char *pattern) { /* Get char offset into dictionary of matches. */ int fd, i; Biobuf inbuf; char *bufptr; char *obuf; if (pattern == nil) { curone = nil; curindex = 0; curaddr[curindex] = nil; return 0; } sprint(buffer,"/%s/A", pattern); fd = procrexec(xprog, "-d", dict, "-c", buffer, nil); Binit(&inbuf, fd, OREAD); i = 0; curindex = 0; while ((bufptr = Brdline(&inbuf, '\n')) != nil && (i < (MAXMATCH-1))) { bufptr[Blinelen(&inbuf)-1] = 0; obuf=bufptr; while (bufptr[0] != '#' && bufptr[0] != 0) bufptr++; if(bufptr[0] == 0) print("whoops buf «%s»\n", obuf); curaddr[i] = malloc(strlen(bufptr)); strcpy(curaddr[i], bufptr); i++; } curaddr[i] = nil; if (i == MAXMATCH) fprint(2, "Too many matches!\n"); Bterm(&inbuf); close(fd); curone = curaddr[curindex]; return(i); } char* getpattern(char *addr) { /* Get the pattern corresponding to an absolute address.*/ int fd; char *res, *t; res = nil; sprint(buffer,"%sh", addr); fd = procrexec(xprog, "-d", dict, "-c", buffer, nil); if (read(fd, pbuffer, 80) > 80) fprint(2, "Error in getting addres from dict.\n"); else { t = pbuffer; /* remove trailing whitespace, newline */ if (t != nil){ while(*t != 0 && *t != '\n') t++; if(t == 0 && t > pbuffer) t--; while(t >= pbuffer && (*t==' ' || *t=='\n' || *t=='\t' || *t=='\r')) *t-- = 0; } res = pbuffer; } close(fd); return(res); } char* chgaddr(int dir) { /* Increment or decrement the current address (curone). */ int fd; char *res, *t; res = nil; if (dir < 0) sprint(buffer,"%s-a", curone); else sprint(buffer,"%s+a", curone); fd = procrexec(xprog, "-d", dict, "-c", buffer, nil); if (read(fd, abuffer, 80) > 80) fprint(2, "Error in getting addres from dict.\n"); else { res = abuffer; while (*res != '#') res++; t = res; while ((*t != '\n') && (t != nil)) t++; if (t != nil) *t = 0; } close(fd); return(res); } void dispdicts(Win *cwin) { /* Display available dictionaries in window. */ int fd, nb, i; char buf[1024], *t; fd = procrexec(xprog, "-d", "?", nil); wreplace(cwin, "0,$","",0); /* Clear window */ while ((nb = read(fd, buf, 1024)) > 0) { t = buf; i = 0; if (strncmp("Usage", buf, 5) == 0) { /* Remove first line. */ while (t[0] != '\n') { t++; i++; } t++; i++; } wwritebody(cwin, t, nb-i); } close(fd); wclean(cwin); } void dispentry(Win *cwin) { /* Display the current selection in window. */ int fd, nb; char buf[BUFSIZE]; if (curone == nil) { if (pattern != nil) { sprint(buf,"Pattern not found.\n"); wwritebody(cwin, buf, 19); wclean(cwin); } return; } sprint(buffer,"%sp", curone); fd = procrexec(xprog, "-d", dict, "-c", buffer, nil); wreplace(cwin, "0,$","",0); /* Clear window */ while ((nb = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0) { wwritebody(cwin, buf, nb); } close(fd); wclean(cwin); } void dispmatches(Win *cwin) { /* Display the current matches. */ int fd, nb; char buf[BUFSIZE]; sprint(buffer,"/%s/H", pattern); fd = procrexec(xprog, "-d", dict, "-c", buffer, nil); while ((nb = read(fd, buf, BUFSIZE)) > 0) wwritebody(cwin, buf, nb); close(fd); wclean(cwin); } char* format(char *s) { /* Format a string to be written in window tag. Acme doesn't like */ /* non alpha-num's in the tag line. */ char *t, *h; t = fbuffer; if (s == nil) { *t = 0; return t; } strcpy(t, s); h = t; while (*t != 0) { if (!(((*t >= 'a') && (*t <= 'z')) || ((*t >= 'A') && (*t <= 'Z')) || ((*t >= '0') && (*t <= '9')))) *t = '_'; t++; } if (strlen(h) > MAXTAG) h[MAXTAG] = 0; if (strcmp(s,h) == 0) return s; return h; } void openwin(char *name, char *buttons, Win *twin, int wintype) { char buf[80]; wnew(twin); if (wintype == Dictwin) sprint(buf,"%s",name); else if ((wintype == Entrywin) && (count > 1)) sprint(buf,"%s/%s/%s/%d",name, dict, format(pattern), curindex+1); else sprint(buf,"%s/%s/%s",name, dict, format(pattern)); wname(twin, buf); wtagwrite(twin, buttons, strlen(buttons)); wclean(twin); wdormant(twin); if (wintype == Dictwin) dispdicts(twin); if (wintype == Matchwin) { Mopen = True; dispmatches(twin); } if (wintype == Entrywin) { Eopen = True; dispentry(twin); } handle(twin, wintype); } void vopenwin(void *v) { void **arg; char *name, *buttons; Win *twin; int wintype; arg = v; name = arg[0]; buttons = arg[1]; twin = arg[2]; wintype = (int)arg[3]; sendul(arg[4], 0); openwin(name, buttons, twin, wintype); threadexits(nil); } void procopenwin(char *name, char *buttons, Win *twin, int wintype) { void *arg[5]; Channel *c; c = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); arg[0] = name; arg[1] = buttons; arg[2] = twin; arg[3] = (void*)wintype; arg[4] = c; proccreate(vopenwin, arg, STACK); recvul(c); chanfree(c); } void rexec(void *v) { void **arg; char *prog; char **args; int *fd; Channel *c; arg = v; prog = arg[0]; args = arg[1]; fd = arg[2]; c = arg[3]; rfork(RFENVG|RFFDG); dup(fd[1], 1); close(fd[1]); close(fd[0]); procexec(c, prog, args); fprint(2, "Remote pipe execution failed: %s %r\n", prog); abort(); threadexits(nil); } void pexec(void *v) { void **arg; char *prog; char **args; Channel *c; arg = v; prog = arg[0]; args = arg[1]; c = arg[2]; procexec(c, prog, args); fprint(2, "Remote execution failed: %s %r\n", prog); abort(); threadexits(nil); } void procpexec(char *prog, char **args) { void *rexarg[4]; Channel *c; c = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); rexarg[0] = prog; rexarg[1] = args; rexarg[2] = c; proccreate(pexec, rexarg, STACK); recvul(c); chanfree(c); } void kill(void) { /* Kill all processes related to this one. */ int fd; sprint(buffer, "/proc/%d/notepg", getpid()); fd = open(buffer, OWRITE); rfork(RFNOTEG); write(fd, "kill", 4); } int command(char *com, Win *w, int wintype) { char *buf; if (strncmp(com, "Del", 3) == 0) { switch(wintype){ case Entrywin: if (wdel(w)) { Eopen = False; threadexits(nil); } break; case Dictwin: if (wdel(w)) threadexits(nil); break; case Matchwin: kill(); if (Eopen) if (~wdel(&Ewin)) /* Remove the entry window */ wdel(&Ewin); if (!wdel(w)) wdel(w); threadexits(nil); break; } return True; } if (strncmp(com, "Next", 4) == 0){ if (curone != nil) { curone = chgaddr(1); buf = getpattern(curone); sprint(buffer,"%s/%s/%s", prog, dict, format(buf)); wname(w, buffer); dispentry(w); } return True; } if (strncmp(com, "Prev",4) == 0){ if (curone != nil) { curone = chgaddr(-1); buf = getpattern(curone); sprint(buffer,"%s/%s/%s", prog, dict, format(buf)); wname(w, buffer); dispentry(w); } return True; } if (strncmp(com, "Nmatch",6) == 0){ if (curaddr[++curindex] == nil) curindex = 0; curone = curaddr[curindex]; if (curone != nil) { sprint(buffer,"%s/%s/%s/%d",prog,dict,format(pattern),curindex+1); wname(w, buffer); dispentry(w); } return True; } return False; } void handle(Win *w, int wintype) { Event e, e2, ea, etoss; char *s, *t, buf[80]; int tmp, na; while (True) { wevent(w, &e); switch(e.c2){ default: /* fprint(2,"unknown message %c%c\n", e.c1, e.c2); */ break; case 'i': /* fprint(2,"'%s' inserted in tag at %d\n", e.b, e.q0);*/ break; case 'I': /* fprint(2,"'%s' inserted in body at %d\n", e.b, e.q0);*/ break; case 'd': /* fprint(2, "'%s' deleted in tag at %d\n", e.b, e.q0);*/ break; case 'D': /* fprint(2, "'%s' deleted in body at %d\n", e.b, e.q0);*/ break; case 'x': case 'X': /* Execute command. */ if (e.flag & 2) wevent(w, &e2); if(e.flag & 8){ wevent(w, &ea); wevent(w, &etoss); na = ea.nb; } else na = 0; s = e.b; if ((e.flag & 2) && e.nb == 0) s = e2.b; if(na){ t = malloc(strlen(s)+1+na+1); snprint(t, strlen(s)+1+na+1, "%s %s", s, ea.b); s = t; } /* if it's a long message, it can't be for us anyway */ if(!command(s, w, wintype)) /* send it back */ wwriteevent(w, &e); if(na) free(s); break; case 'l': case 'L': /* Look for something. */ if (e.flag & 2) wevent(w, &e); wclean(w); /* Set clean bit. */ if (wintype == Dictwin) { strcpy(buf, e.b); args[0] = lprog; args[1] = "-d"; args[2] = buf; args[3] = nil; procpexec(lprog, args); /* New adict with chosen dict. */ } if (wintype == Entrywin) { strcpy(buf, e.b); args[0] = lprog; args[1] = "-d"; args[2] = dict; args[3] = buf; args[4] = nil; procpexec(lprog, args); /* New adict with chosen pattern. */ } if (wintype == Matchwin) { tmp = atoi(e.b) - 1; if ((tmp >= 0) && (tmp < MAXMATCH) && (curaddr[tmp] != nil)) { curindex = tmp; curone = curaddr[curindex]; /* Display selected match. */ if (Eopen) { sprint(buf,"%s/%s/%s/%d",prog,dict,format(pattern),curindex+1); wname(&Ewin, buf); dispentry(&Ewin); } else procopenwin(prog,"Nmatch Prev Next", &Ewin, Entrywin); } } break; } } }