ref: ce9d09a9650d2903d0dca659669cce14d68bd95b
dir: /sys/src/cmd/gs/src/gsicc.c/
/* Copyright (C) 2001 1999 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved. This software is provided AS-IS with no warranty, either express or implied. This software is distributed under license and may not be copied, modified or distributed except as expressly authorized under the terms of the license contained in the file LICENSE in this distribution. For more information about licensing, please refer to For information on commercial licensing, go to or contact Artifex Software, Inc., 101 Lucas Valley Road #110, San Rafael, CA 94903, U.S.A., +1(415)492-9861. */ /* $Id: gsicc.c,v 1.13 2004/04/08 07:59:19 igor Exp $ */ /* Implementation of the ICCBased color space family */ #include "math_.h" #include "memory_.h" #include "gx.h" #include "gserrors.h" #include "gsstruct.h" #include "stream.h" #include "gxcspace.h" /* for gxcie.c */ #include "gxarith.h" #include "gxcie.h" #include "gzstate.h" #include "stream.h" #include "icc.h" /* must precede icc.h */ #include "gsicc.h" typedef struct _icmFileGs icmFileGs; struct _icmFileGs { ICM_FILE_BASE /* Private: */ stream *strp; }; /* Garbage collection code */ /* * Discard a gs_cie_icc_s structure. This requires that we call the * destructor for ICC profile, lookup, and file objects (which are * stored in "foreign" memory). * * No special action is taken with respect to the stream pointer; that is * the responsibility of the client. */ private void cie_icc_finalize(void * pvicc_info) { gs_cie_icc * picc_info = (gs_cie_icc *)pvicc_info; if (picc_info->plu != NULL) { picc_info->plu->del(picc_info->plu); picc_info->plu = NULL; } if (picc_info->picc != NULL) { picc_info->picc->del(picc_info->picc); picc_info->picc = NULL; } if (picc_info->pfile != NULL) { picc_info->pfile->del(picc_info->pfile); picc_info->pfile = NULL; } } private_st_cie_icc(); /* * Because the color space structure stores alternative color space in-line, * we must enumerate and relocate pointers in these space explicity. */ gs_private_st_composite( st_color_space_CIEICC, gs_paint_color_space, "gs_color_space_CIEICC", cs_CIEICC_enum_ptrs, cs_CIEICC_reloc_ptrs ); /* pointer enumeration routine */ private ENUM_PTRS_WITH(cs_CIEICC_enum_ptrs, gs_color_space * pcs) return ENUM_USING( *pcs->params.icc.alt_space.type->stype, &pcs->params.icc.alt_space, sizeof(pcs->params.separation.alt_space), index - 1 ); ENUM_PTR(0, gs_color_space, params.icc.picc_info); ENUM_PTRS_END /* pointer relocation routine */ private RELOC_PTRS_WITH(cs_CIEICC_reloc_ptrs, gs_color_space * pcs) RELOC_PTR(gs_color_space, params.icc.picc_info); RELOC_USING( *pcs->params.icc.alt_space.type->stype, &pcs->params.icc.alt_space, sizeof(pcs->params.separation.alt_space) ); RELOC_PTRS_END /* * Color space methods for ICCBased color spaces. * * As documented, ICCBased color spaces may be used as both base and * alternative color spaces. Futhermore,, they can themselves contain paint * color spaces as alternative color space. In this implementation we allow * them to be used as base and alternative color spaces, but only to contain * "small" base color spaces (CIEBased or smaller). This arrangement avoids * breaking the color space heirarchy. Providing a more correct arrangement * requires a major change in the color space mechanism. * * Several of the methods used by ICCBased color space apply as well to * DeviceN color spaces, in that they are generic to color spaces having * a variable number of components. We have elected not to attempt to * extract and combine these operations, because this would save only a * small amount of code, and much more could be saved by intorducing certain * common elements (ranges, number of components, etc.) into the color space * root class. */ private cs_proc_num_components(gx_num_components_CIEICC); private cs_proc_base_space(gx_alt_space_CIEICC); private cs_proc_init_color(gx_init_CIEICC); private cs_proc_restrict_color(gx_restrict_CIEICC); private cs_proc_concrete_space(gx_concrete_space_CIEICC); private cs_proc_concretize_color(gx_concretize_CIEICC); private cs_proc_adjust_cspace_count(gx_adjust_cspace_CIEICC); private cs_proc_serialize(gx_serialize_CIEICC); private const gs_color_space_type gs_color_space_type_CIEICC = { gs_color_space_index_CIEICC, /* index */ true, /* can_be_base_space */ true, /* can_be_alt_space */ &st_color_space_CIEICC, /* stype - structure descriptor */ gx_num_components_CIEICC, /* num_components */ gx_alt_space_CIEICC, /* base_space */ gx_init_CIEICC, /* init_color */ gx_restrict_CIEICC, /* restrict_color */ gx_concrete_space_CIEICC, /* concrete_space */ gx_concretize_CIEICC, /* concreteize_color */ NULL, /* remap_concrete_color */ gx_default_remap_color, /* remap_color */ gx_install_CIE, /* install_cpsace */ gx_spot_colors_set_overprint, /* set_overprint */ gx_adjust_cspace_CIEICC, /* adjust_cspace_count */ gx_no_adjust_color_count, /* adjust_color_count */ gx_serialize_CIEICC, /* serialize */ gx_cspace_is_linear_default }; /* * Return the number of components used by a ICCBased color space - 1, 3, or 4 */ private int gx_num_components_CIEICC(const gs_color_space * pcs) { return pcs->params.icc.picc_info->num_components; } /* * Return the alternative space for an ICCBasee color space, but only if * that space is being used. */ private const gs_color_space * gx_alt_space_CIEICC(const gs_color_space * pcs) { return (pcs->params.icc.picc_info->picc == NULL) ? (const gs_color_space *)&pcs->params.icc.alt_space : NULL; } /* * Set the initial client color for an ICCBased color space. The convention * suggested by the ICC specification is to set all components to 0. */ private void gx_init_CIEICC(gs_client_color * pcc, const gs_color_space * pcs) { int i, ncomps = pcs->params.icc.picc_info->num_components; for (i = 0; i < ncomps; ++i) pcc->paint.values[i] = 0.0; /* make sure that [ 0, ... 0] is in range */ gx_restrict_CIEICC(pcc, pcs); } /* * Restrict an color to the range specified for an ICCBased color space. */ private void gx_restrict_CIEICC(gs_client_color * pcc, const gs_color_space * pcs) { int i, ncomps = pcs->params.icc.picc_info->num_components; const gs_range * ranges = pcs->params.icc.picc_info->Range.ranges; for (i = 0; i < ncomps; ++i) { floatp v = pcc->paint.values[i]; floatp rmin = ranges[i].rmin, rmax = ranges[i].rmax; if (v < rmin) pcc->paint.values[i] = rmin; else if (v > rmax) pcc->paint.values[i] = rmax; } } /* * Return the conrecte space to which this color space will map. If the * ICCBased color space is being used in native mode, the concrete space * will be dependent on the current color rendering dictionary, as it is * for all CIE bases. If the alternate color space is being used, then * this question is passed on the the appropriate method of that space. */ private const gs_color_space * gx_concrete_space_CIEICC(const gs_color_space * pcs, const gs_imager_state * pis) { if (pcs->params.icc.picc_info->picc == NULL) { const gs_color_space * pacs = (const gs_color_space *) &pcs->params.icc.alt_space; return cs_concrete_space(pacs, pis); } else return gx_concrete_space_CIE(NULL, pis); } /* * Convert an ICCBased color space to a concrete color space. */ private int gx_concretize_CIEICC( const gs_client_color * pcc, const gs_color_space * pcs, frac * pconc, const gs_imager_state * pis ) { const gs_icc_params * picc_params = &pcs->params.icc; const gs_cie_icc * picc_info = picc_params->picc_info; stream * instrp = picc_info->instrp; icc * picc = picc_info->picc; double inv[4], outv[3]; cie_cached_vector3 vlmn; gs_client_color lcc = *pcc; int i, ncomps = picc_info->num_components; /* use the altenate space concretize if appropriate */ if (picc == NULL) return picc_params->alt_space.type->concretize_color( pcc, (const gs_color_space *)&picc_params->alt_space, pconc, pis ); /* set up joint cache as required */ CIE_CHECK_RENDERING(pcs, pconc, pis, return 0); /* verify and update the stream pointer */ if (picc_info->file_id != (instrp->read_id | instrp->write_id)) return_error(gs_error_ioerror); ((icmFileGs *)picc->fp)->strp = instrp; /* translate the input components */ gx_restrict_CIEICC(&lcc, pcs); for (i = 0; i < ncomps; i++) inv[i] = lcc.paint.values[i]; /* For input Lab color space massage the values into Lab range */ if (picc_info->plu->e_inSpace == icSigLabData) { inv[0] *= 100; inv[1] = inv[1]*255 - 128; inv[2] = inv[2]*255 - 128; } /* * Perform the lookup operation. A return value of 1 indicates that * clipping occurred somewhere in the operation, but the result is * legitimate. Other non-zero return values indicate an error, which * should not occur in practice. */ if (picc_info->plu->lookup(picc_info->plu, outv, inv) > 1) return_error(gs_error_unregistered); /* if the output is in the CIE L*a*b* space, convert to XYZ */ if (picc_info->pcs_is_cielab) { floatp f[3]; const gs_vector3 * pwhtpt = &picc_info->common.points.WhitePoint; f[1] = (outv[0] + 16.0) / 116.0; f[0] = f[1] + outv[1] / 500.0; f[2] = f[1] - outv[2] / 200; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (f[i] >= 6.0 / 29.0) outv[i] = f[i] * f[i] * f[i]; else outv[i] = 108.0 * (f[i] - 4.0 / 29.0) / 841.0; } /* * The connection space white-point is known to be D50, but we * use the more general form in case of future revisions. */ outv[0] *= pwhtpt->u; outv[1] *= pwhtpt->v; outv[2] *= pwhtpt->w; } /* translate the output */ vlmn.u = float2cie_cached(outv[0]); vlmn.v = float2cie_cached(outv[1]); vlmn.w = float2cie_cached(outv[2]); gx_cie_remap_finish(vlmn, pconc, pis, pcs); return 0; } /* * Handle a reference or de-reference of the prameter structure of an * ICCBased color space. For the purposes of this routine, the color space * is considered a reference rather than an object, and is not itself * reference counted (an unintuitive but otherwise legitimate state of * affairs). * * Because color spaces store alternative/base color space inline, these * need to have their reference count adjusted explicitly. */ private void gx_adjust_cspace_CIEICC(const gs_color_space * pcs, int delta) { const gs_icc_params * picc_params = &pcs->params.icc; rc_adjust_const(picc_params->picc_info, delta, "gx_adjust_cspace_CIEICC"); picc_params->alt_space.type->adjust_cspace_count( (const gs_color_space *)&picc_params->alt_space, delta ); } /* * Increment color space reference counts. */ void gx_increment_cspace_count(const gs_color_space * pcs) { pcs->type->adjust_cspace_count(pcs, 1); } private int icmFileGs_seek(icmFile *pp, long int offset) { icmFileGs *p = (icmFileGs *)pp; return spseek(p->strp, offset); } private size_t icmFileGs_read(icmFile *pp, void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count) { icmFileGs *p = (icmFileGs *)pp; uint tot; int status = sgets(p->strp, buffer, size * count, &tot); return (status < 0) ? status : tot; } private size_t icmFileGs_write(icmFile *pp, void *buffer, size_t size, size_t count) { icmFileGs *p = (icmFileGs *)pp; uint tot; int status = sputs(p->strp, buffer, size * count, &tot); return (status < 0) ? status : tot; } private int icmFileGs_flush(icmFile *pp) { icmFileGs *p = (icmFileGs *)pp; return s_std_write_flush(p->strp); } private int icmFileGs_delete(icmFile *pp) { free(pp); return 0; } /** * gx_wrap_icc_stream: Wrap a Ghostscript stream as an icclib file. * @strp: The Ghostscript stream. * * Creates an icmFile object that wraps @stream. * * Note: the memory for this object is allocated using malloc, and the * relocation of the stream pointer is done lazily, before an icclu * operation. It would probably be cleaner to allocate the icmFile in * garbage collected memory, and have the relocation happen there, but * I wanted to minimally modify Jan's working code. * * Return value: the stream wrapped as an icmFile object, or NULL on * error. **/ private icmFile * gx_wrap_icc_stream(stream *strp) { icmFileGs *p; if ((p = (icmFileGs *) calloc(1,sizeof(icmFileGs))) == NULL) return NULL; p->seek = icmFileGs_seek; p->read = icmFileGs_read; p->write = icmFileGs_write; p->flush = icmFileGs_flush; p->del = icmFileGs_delete; p->strp = strp; return (icmFile *)p; } int gx_load_icc_profile(gs_cie_icc *picc_info) { stream * instrp = picc_info->instrp; icc * picc; icmLuBase * plu = NULL; icmFile *pfile = NULL; /* verify that the file is legitimate */ if (picc_info->file_id != (instrp->read_id | instrp->write_id)) return_error(gs_error_ioerror); /* * Load the top-level ICC profile. * * If an ICC profile fails to load, generate an error. * * Testing demonstrates, however, Acrobat Reader silently * ignores the error and uses the alternate color space. * This behaviour is implemented by catching the error using * a stopped context from within the interpreter ( * * Failure to allocate the top-level profile object is considered * a limitcheck rather than a VMerror, as profile data structures * are stored in "foreign" memory. */ if ((picc = new_icc()) == NULL) return_error(gs_error_limitcheck); { icProfileClassSignature profile_class; icColorSpaceSignature cspace_type; gs_vector3 * ppt; pfile = gx_wrap_icc_stream (instrp); if ((picc->read(picc, pfile, 0)) != 0) goto return_rangecheck; /* verify the profile type */ profile_class = picc->header->deviceClass; if ( profile_class != icSigInputClass && profile_class != icSigDisplayClass && profile_class != icSigOutputClass && profile_class != icSigColorSpaceClass ) goto return_rangecheck; /* verify the profile connection space */ cspace_type = picc->header->pcs; if (cspace_type == icSigLabData) picc_info->pcs_is_cielab = true; else if (cspace_type == icSigXYZData) picc_info->pcs_is_cielab = false; else goto return_rangecheck; /* verify the source color space */ cspace_type = picc->header->colorSpace; if (cspace_type == icSigCmykData) { if (picc_info->num_components != 4) goto return_rangecheck; } else if ( cspace_type == icSigRgbData || cspace_type == icSigLabData ) { if (picc_info->num_components != 3) goto return_rangecheck; } else if (cspace_type == icSigGrayData) { if (picc_info->num_components != 1) goto return_rangecheck; } /* * Fetch the lookup object. * * PostScript and PDF deal with rendering intent as strictly a * rendering dictionary facility. ICC profiles allow a rendering * intent to be specified for both the input (device ==> pcs) and * output (pcs ==> device) operations. Hence, when using ICCBased * color spaces with PDF, no clue is provided as to which source * mapping to select. * * In the absence of other information, there are two possible * selections. If our understanding is correct, when relative * colorimetry is specified, the icclib code will map source * color values to XYZ or L*a*b* values such that the relationship * of the source color, relative to the source white and black * points, will be the same as the output colors and the * profile connection space illuminant (currently always D50) * and pure black ([0, 0, 0]). In this case, the white and black * points that should be listed in the color space are the * profile connection space illuminant (D50) and pure black. * * If absolute colorimetry is employed, the XYZ or L*a*b* values * generated will be absolute in the chromatic sense (they are * not literally "absolute", as we still must have overall * intensity information inorder to determine weighted spectral * power levels). To achieve relative colorimetry for the output, * these colors must be evaluated relative to the source white * and black points. Hence, in this case, the appropriate white * and black points to list in the color space are the source * white and black points provided in the profile tag array. * * In this implementation, we will always request relative * colorimetry from the icclib, and so will use the profile * connection space illuminant and pure black as the white and * black points of the color space. This approach is somewhat * simpler, as it allows the color space white point to also * be used for L*a*b* to XYZ conversion (otherwise we would * need to store the profile connection space illuminant * separately for that purpose). The approach does reduce to * to some extent the range of mappings that can be achieved * via the color rendering dictionary, but for now we believe * this loss is not significant. * * For reasons that are not clear to us, the icclib code does * not support relative colorimetry for all color profiles. For * this reason, we specify icmDefaultIntent rather than * icRelativeColormetric. * * NB: We are not color experts; our understanding of this area * may well be incorrect. */ plu = picc->get_luobj( picc, icmFwd, icmDefaultIntent, 0, /* PCS override */ icmLuOrdNorm ); if (plu == NULL) goto return_rangecheck; /* * Get the appropriate white and black points. See the note on * rendering intent above for a discussion of why we are using * the profile space illuminant and pure black. (Pure black need * not be set explicitly, as it is the default.) */ ppt = &picc_info->common.points.WhitePoint; ppt->u = picc->header->illuminant.X; ppt->v = picc->header->illuminant.Y; ppt->w = picc->header->illuminant.Z; picc_info->picc = picc; picc_info->plu = plu; picc_info->pfile = pfile; } return 0; return_rangecheck: if (plu != NULL) plu->del(plu); if (picc != NULL) picc->del(picc); if (pfile != NULL) pfile->del(pfile); return_error(gs_error_rangecheck); } /* * Install an ICCBased color space. * * Note that an ICCBased color space must be installed before it is known if * the ICC profile or the alternate color space is to be used. */ private int gx_install_CIEICC(const gs_color_space * pcs, gs_state * pgs) { const gs_icc_params * picc_params = (const gs_icc_params *)&pcs->params.icc; gs_cie_icc * picc_info = picc_params->picc_info; /* update the stub information used by the joint caches */ gx_cie_load_common_cache(&picc_info->common, pgs); gx_cie_common_complete(&picc_info->common); return gs_cie_cs_complete(pgs, true); } /* * Constructor for ICCBased color space. As with the other color space * constructors, this provides only minimal initialization. */ int gs_cspace_build_CIEICC( gs_color_space ** ppcspace, void * client_data, gs_memory_t * pmem ) { gs_cie_icc * picc_info; gs_color_space * pcs; /* * The gs_cie_icc_s structure is the only CIE-based color space structure * which accesses additional memory for which it is responsible. We make * use of the finalization procedure to handle this task, so we can use * the generic CIE space build routine (otherwise we would need a * separate build routine that provided its own reference count freeing * procedure). */ picc_info = gx_build_cie_space( ppcspace, &gs_color_space_type_CIEICC, &st_cie_icc, pmem ); if (picc_info == NULL) return_error(gs_error_VMerror); gx_set_common_cie_defaults(&picc_info->common, client_data); /* * Now set the D50 WhitePoint. The above function does not set any * valid WhitepPoint since PostScript always requires this, but ICC * assumes a D50 WhitePoint as a default */ picc_info->common.points.WhitePoint.u = (float)0.9642; /* Profile illuminant - D50 */ picc_info->common.points.WhitePoint.v = 1.0000; picc_info->common.points.WhitePoint.w = (float)0.8249; picc_info->common.install_cspace = gx_install_CIEICC; picc_info->num_components = 0; picc_info->Range = Range4_default; picc_info->instrp = NULL; picc_info->pcs_is_cielab = false; picc_info->picc = NULL; picc_info->plu = NULL; picc_info->pfile = NULL; pcs = *ppcspace; pcs->params.icc.picc_info = picc_info; return 0; } /* ---------------- Serialization. -------------------------------- */ private int gx_serialize_CIEICC(const gs_color_space * pcs, stream * s) { const gs_icc_params * p = &pcs->params.icc; gs_cie_icc *picc = p->picc_info; uint n; int code = gx_serialize_cspace_type(pcs, s); long avail, pos, count; byte buf[100]; if (code < 0) return code; code = gx_serialize_cie_common_elements(pcs, s); if (code < 0) return code; code = sputs(s, (byte *)&picc->num_components, sizeof(picc->num_components), &n); if (code < 0) return code; code = sputs(s, (byte *)&picc->Range, sizeof(picc->Range), &n); if (code < 0) return code; if (sseek(picc->instrp, 0) < 0) return_error(gs_error_unregistered); /* Unimplemented. */ if (savailable(picc->instrp, &avail) != 0) return_error(gs_error_unregistered); /* Unimplemented. */ code = sputs(s, (byte *)&avail, sizeof(avail), &n); if (code < 0) return code; for (pos = 0; pos < avail; pos += count) { count = min(sizeof(buf), avail - pos); code = sgets(picc->instrp, buf, count, &n); if (code < 0) return code; code = sputs(s, buf, count, &n); if (code < 0) return code; } return sputs(s, (byte *)&picc->pcs_is_cielab, sizeof(picc->pcs_is_cielab), &n); }