ref: cb2a55aeb38ffa5ac168485ada6bbc44b4f88c1d
dir: /sys/src/libsunrpc/client.c/
/* * Sun RPC client. */ #include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <thread.h> #include <sunrpc.h> typedef struct Out Out; struct Out { char err[ERRMAX]; /* error string */ Channel *creply; /* send to finish rpc */ uchar *p; /* pending request packet */ int n; /* size of request */ ulong tag; /* flush tag of pending request */ ulong xid; /* xid of pending request */ ulong st; /* first send time */ ulong t; /* resend time */ int nresend; /* number of resends */ SunRpc rpc; /* response rpc */ }; static void udpThread(void *v) { uchar *p, *buf; Ioproc *io; int n; SunClient *cli; enum { BufSize = 65536 }; cli = v; buf = emalloc(BufSize); io = ioproc(); p = nil; for(;;){ n = ioread(io, cli->fd, buf, BufSize); if(n <= 0) break; p = emalloc(4+n); memmove(p+4, buf, n); p[0] = n>>24; p[1] = n>>16; p[2] = n>>8; p[3] = n; if(sendp(cli->readchan, p) == 0) break; p = nil; } free(p); closeioproc(io); while(send(cli->dying, nil) == -1) ; } static void netThread(void *v) { uchar *p, buf[4]; Ioproc *io; uint n, tot; int done; SunClient *cli; cli = v; io = ioproc(); tot = 0; p = nil; for(;;){ n = ioreadn(io, cli->fd, buf, 4); if(n != 4) break; n = (buf[0]<<24)|(buf[1]<<16)|(buf[2]<<8)|buf[3]; if(cli->chatty) fprint(2, "%.8ux...", n); done = n&0x80000000; n &= ~0x80000000; if(tot == 0){ p = emalloc(4+n); tot = 4; }else p = erealloc(p, tot+n); if(ioreadn(io, cli->fd, p+tot, n) != n) break; tot += n; if(done){ p[0] = tot>>24; p[1] = tot>>16; p[2] = tot>>8; p[3] = tot; if(sendp(cli->readchan, p) == 0) break; p = nil; tot = 0; } } free(p); closeioproc(io); while(send(cli->dying, 0) == -1) ; } static void timerThread(void *v) { Ioproc *io; SunClient *cli; cli = v; io = ioproc(); for(;;){ if(iosleep(io, 200) < 0) break; if(sendul(cli->timerchan, 0) == 0) break; } closeioproc(io); while(send(cli->dying, 0) == -1) ; } static ulong msec(void) { return nsec()/1000000; } static ulong twait(ulong rtt, int nresend) { ulong t; t = rtt; if(nresend <= 1) {} else if(nresend <= 3) t *= 2; else if(nresend <= 18) t <<= nresend-2; else t = 60*1000; if(t > 60*1000) t = 60*1000; return t; } static void rpcMuxThread(void *v) { uchar *buf, *p, *ep; int i, n, nout, mout; ulong t, xidgen, tag; Alt a[5]; Out *o, **out; SunRpc rpc; SunClient *cli; cli = v; mout = 16; nout = 0; out = emalloc(mout*sizeof(out[0])); xidgen = truerand(); a[0].op = CHANRCV; a[0].c = cli->rpcchan; a[0].v = &o; a[1].op = CHANNOP; a[1].c = cli->timerchan; a[1].v = nil; a[2].op = CHANRCV; a[2].c = cli->flushchan; a[2].v = &tag; a[3].op = CHANRCV; a[3].c = cli->readchan; a[3].v = &buf; a[4].op = CHANEND; for(;;){ switch(alt(a)){ case 0: /* o = <-rpcchan */ if(o == nil) goto Done; cli->nsend++; /* set xid */ o->xid = ++xidgen; if(cli->needcount) p = o->p+4; else p = o->p; p[0] = xidgen>>24; p[1] = xidgen>>16; p[2] = xidgen>>8; p[3] = xidgen; if(write(cli->fd, o->p, o->n) != o->n){ free(o->p); o->p = nil; snprint(o->err, sizeof o->err, "write: %r"); sendp(o->creply, 0); break; } if(nout >= mout){ mout *= 2; out = erealloc(out, mout*sizeof(out[0])); } o->st = msec(); o->nresend = 0; o->t = o->st + twait(cli->rtt.avg, 0); if(cli->chatty) fprint(2, "send %lux %lud %lud\n", o->xid, o->st, o->t); out[nout++] = o; a[1].op = CHANRCV; break; case 1: /* <-timerchan */ t = msec(); for(i=0; i<nout; i++){ o = out[i]; if((int)(t - o->t) > 0){ if(cli->chatty) fprint(2, "resend %lux %lud %lud\n", o->xid, t, o->t); if(cli->maxwait && t - o->st >= cli->maxwait){ free(o->p); o->p = nil; strcpy(o->err, "timeout"); sendp(o->creply, 0); out[i--] = out[--nout]; continue; } cli->nresend++; o->nresend++; o->t = t + twait(cli->rtt.avg, o->nresend); if(write(cli->fd, o->p, o->n) != o->n){ free(o->p); o->p = nil; snprint(o->err, sizeof o->err, "rewrite: %r"); sendp(o->creply, 0); out[i--] = out[--nout]; continue; } } } /* stop ticking if no work; rpcchan will turn it back on */ if(nout == 0) a[1].op = CHANNOP; break; case 2: /* tag = <-flushchan */ for(i=0; i<nout; i++){ o = out[i]; if(o->tag == tag){ out[i--] = out[--nout]; strcpy(o->err, "flushed"); free(o->p); o->p = nil; sendp(o->creply, 0); } } break; case 3: /* buf = <-readchan */ p = buf; n = (p[0]<<24)|(p[1]<<16)|(p[2]<<8)|p[3]; p += 4; ep = p+n; if(sunRpcUnpack(p, ep, &p, &rpc) < 0){ fprint(2, "in: %.*H unpack failed\n", n, buf+4); free(buf); break; } if(cli->chatty) fprint(2, "in: %B\n", &rpc); if(rpc.iscall){ fprint(2, "did not get reply\n"); free(buf); break; } o = nil; for(i=0; i<nout; i++){ o = out[i]; if(o->xid == rpc.xid) break; } if(i==nout){ if(cli->chatty) fprint(2, "did not find waiting request\n"); free(buf); break; } out[i] = out[--nout]; free(o->p); o->p = nil; if(rpc.status == SunSuccess){ o->p = buf; o->rpc = rpc; }else{ o->p = nil; free(buf); sunErrstr(rpc.status); rerrstr(o->err, sizeof o->err); } sendp(o->creply, 0); break; } } Done: free(out); sendp(cli->dying, 0); } SunClient* sunDial(char *address) { int fd; SunClient *cli; if((fd = dial(address, 0, 0, 0)) < 0) return nil; cli = emalloc(sizeof(SunClient)); cli->fd = fd; cli->maxwait = 15000; cli->rtt.avg = 1000; cli->dying = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0); cli->rpcchan = chancreate(sizeof(Out*), 0); cli->timerchan = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); cli->flushchan = chancreate(sizeof(ulong), 0); cli->readchan = chancreate(sizeof(uchar*), 0); if(strstr(address, "udp!")){ cli->needcount = 0; cli->nettid = threadcreate(udpThread, cli, SunStackSize); cli->timertid = threadcreate(timerThread, cli, SunStackSize); }else{ cli->needcount = 1; cli->nettid = threadcreate(netThread, cli, SunStackSize); /* assume reliable: don't need timer */ /* BUG: netThread should know how to redial */ } threadcreate(rpcMuxThread, cli, SunStackSize); return cli; } void sunClientClose(SunClient *cli) { int n; /* * Threadints get you out of any stuck system calls * or thread rendezvouses, but do nothing if the thread * is in the ready state. Keep interrupting until it takes. */ n = 0; if(!cli->timertid) n++; while(n < 2){ threadint(cli->nettid); if(cli->timertid) threadint(cli->timertid); yield(); while(nbrecv(cli->dying, nil) == 1) n++; } sendp(cli->rpcchan, 0); recvp(cli->dying); /* everyone's gone: clean up */ close(cli->fd); chanfree(cli->flushchan); chanfree(cli->readchan); chanfree(cli->timerchan); free(cli); } void sunClientFlushRpc(SunClient *cli, ulong tag) { sendul(cli->flushchan, tag); } void sunClientProg(SunClient *cli, SunProg *p) { if(cli->nprog%16 == 0) cli->prog = erealloc(cli->prog, (cli->nprog+16)*sizeof(cli->prog[0])); cli->prog[cli->nprog++] = p; } int sunClientRpc(SunClient *cli, ulong tag, SunCall *tx, SunCall *rx, uchar **tofree) { uchar *bp, *p, *ep; int i, n1, n2, n, nn; Out o; SunProg *prog; SunStatus ok; for(i=0; i<cli->nprog; i++) if(cli->prog[i]->prog == tx->rpc.prog && cli->prog[i]->vers == tx->rpc.vers) break; if(i==cli->nprog){ werrstr("unknown sun rpc program %d version %d", tx->rpc.prog, tx->rpc.vers); return -1; } prog = cli->prog[i]; if(cli->chatty){ fprint(2, "out: %B\n", &tx->rpc); fprint(2, "\t%C\n", tx); } n1 = sunRpcSize(&tx->rpc); n2 = sunCallSize(prog, tx); n = n1+n2; if(cli->needcount) n += 4; bp = emalloc(n); ep = bp+n; p = bp; if(cli->needcount){ nn = n-4; p[0] = (nn>>24)|0x80; p[1] = nn>>16; p[2] = nn>>8; p[3] = nn; p += 4; } if((ok = sunRpcPack(p, ep, &p, &tx->rpc)) != SunSuccess || (ok = sunCallPack(prog, p, ep, &p, tx)) != SunSuccess){ sunErrstr(ok); free(bp); return -1; } if(p != ep){ werrstr("rpc: packet size mismatch"); free(bp); return -1; } memset(&o, 0, sizeof o); o.creply = chancreate(sizeof(void*), 0); o.tag = tag; o.p = bp; o.n = n; sendp(cli->rpcchan, &o); recvp(o.creply); chanfree(o.creply); if(o.p == nil){ werrstr("%s", o.err); return -1; } p =; ep = p+o.rpc.ndata; rx->rpc = o.rpc; rx->rpc.proc = tx->rpc.proc; rx->rpc.prog = tx->rpc.prog; rx->rpc.vers = tx->rpc.vers; rx->type = (rx->rpc.proc<<1)|1; if((ok = sunCallUnpack(prog, p, ep, &p, rx)) != SunSuccess){ sunErrstr(ok); werrstr("unpack: %r"); free(o.p); return -1; } if(cli->chatty){ fprint(2, "in: %B\n", &rx->rpc); fprint(2, "in:\t%C\n", rx); } if(tofree) *tofree = o.p; else free(o.p); return 0; }