ref: c7f0aba80b9f528ceb4f0d6be2bcf4519e5a59ae
dir: /rc/bin/inst/defs/
nl=' ' tab=' ' if(~ $#distname 0) distname=plan9 wctl=/dev/null if(test -w /dev/wctl) wctl=/dev/wctl fn log { echo $* >>/srv/log } fn logprog { echo '% '^$"* >>/srv/log $* >[2=1] >>/srv/log } fn sigint { # nothing happens } fn prompt { def=() what=() if(~ $1 -d && ! ~ $#* 1){ def=$2 shift shift } optstr=() if(~ $1 -w && ! ~ $#* 1){ optstr=$2 shift shift } pr=$1 shift opts=($*) if(~ $#opts 0) { suf=' ' } if not if(! ~ $#optstr 0) { if(~ $optstr '') suf=' ' if not { pr=$pr^' ('^$"optstr^')' suf='' } } if not { pr=$pr^' ('^$1 shift for(i) pr=$pr^', '^$i pr=$pr^')' suf='' } if(~ $#def 1) pr=$pr^$suf^'['^$def^']' if not pr=$pr^$suf^'[no default]' pr=$pr^': ' okay=no while(~ $okay no) { echo -n current >$wctl echo -n top >$wctl echo -n $pr >[1=2] ifs='' {rd=`{read}} if(~ $#rd 0) exit notdone if(~ $rd !*){ ifs='' {rd=`{echo $rd | sed 's/!//'}} echo $rd rc -c $rd echo !$status } if not{ rd=`{echo $rd} if(~ $#rd 0 || ~ $rd '') rd=$def switch($#opts){ case 0 if(! ~ $rd '') okay=yes case * if(~ $rd $opts) okay=yes } } } echo -n $rd >/env/rd # just in case } fn desc { echo -n ' '^$1^' - ' grep '^# desc: ' $1 | sed 's/# desc: //' } fn prereq { grep '^# prereq:' $1 | sed 's/# prereq://' } fn mustdo { echo You must `{grep '^# mustdo:' $1 | sed 's/# mustdo://'} } # there's no easy way to pass shell variables # up from children to parents; the parents have # to be coerced into noticing that the environment # changed, even when in the same environment group. # # instead, we explicitly export the variables we want # to percolate, and the parent calls coherence to reread # the variables. # # we just append to the vars file, so that later exports # override earlier ones; when we call coherence, # the duplicates are thrown out. fn export { null=() nonnull=() for(i in $*){ if(~ $#$i 0) null=($null $i) if not nonnull=($nonnull $i) } if(! ~ $#nonnull 0) whatis $nonnull |grep -v '^\./' >>/tmp/vars >[2]/dev/null for(i in $null) echo $i^'=()' >>/tmp/vars } fn coherence { if(test -f /tmp/vars) { grep '^[a-z]*=' /tmp/vars >/tmp/vars2 v=`{sed 's/^([a-z]*)=.*/\1/' /tmp/vars2 | sort -u} . /tmp/vars2 rm /tmp/vars2 rm /tmp/vars export $v } } # ip device stats fn isipdevup { grep -s $1 /net/ipifc/*/status >[2]/dev/null }