ref: c727d2ae8a3a828649e34c71aa45b6665b1a8328
dir: /rc/bin/rc-httpd/rc-httpd/
#!/bin/rc rc_httpd_dir=/rc/bin/rc-httpd path=(/bin $rc_httpd_dir/handlers) cgi_path=/bin SERVER_PORT=80 # default for CGI scripts, may be overridden by the Host header extra_headers='Server: rc-httpd' cr= fn do_log{ echo `{date} :: $SERVER_NAME :: $request :: \ $HTTP_USER_AGENT :: $1 :: $HTTP_REFERER >[1=2] } fn emit_extra_headers{ for(header in $extra_headers) echo $"header^$cr } fn getline{ read | sed 's/'^$"cr^'$//g' } fn terminate{ echo `{date} connection terminated >[1=2] exit terminate } fn trim_input{ read -c $CONTENT_LENGTH } request=`{getline} if(~ $#request 0) terminate REQUEST_METHOD=$request(1) REQUEST_URI=$request(2) reqlines='' HTTP_COOKIE='' done=false while(~ $"done false){ line=`{getline} if(~ $#line 0) done=true reqlines=$"reqlines$"line' ' h=`{echo $line | awk '{print tolower($1)}'} switch($h){ case '' done=true case host: tmp=`{echo $line(2) | sed 's/:/ /'} SERVER_NAME=$tmp(1) if(! ~ $#tmp 1) SERVER_PORT=$tmp(2) case referer: HTTP_REFERER=$line(2) case user-agent: HTTP_USER_AGENT=`{echo $line | sed 's;[^:]+:[ ]+;;'} case content-length: CONTENT_LENGTH=$line(2) case content-type: CONTENT_TYPE=$line(2) case cookie: cookie=`{echo $line | sed 's;^[^:]+:[ ]*;;'} HTTP_COOKIE=$"HTTP_COOKIE^$"cookie^'; ' case authorization: REMOTE_USER=`{auth/httpauth $line(3)} } } if(~ $REQUEST_URI http://*){ SERVER_NAME=`{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed ' s;^http://;; s;/.*;; '} REQUEST_URI=`{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed 's;^http://[^/]+/?;/;'} } QUERY_STRING=`{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed 's;[^?]*\??;;'} params=`{echo $QUERY_STRING | sed 's;\+; ;g'} location=`{echo $REQUEST_URI | sed 's;\?.*;;'} location=`{echo $location | sed ' s;[^/]+/\.\./;/;g s;/\./;/;g s;//+;/;g '} if(~ $REQUEST_METHOD POST){ if(! ~ $"CONTENT_LENGTH '') trim_input | exec $rc_httpd_dir/select-handler if not{ echo 'POST without content-length, assuming no keep-alive.' >[1=2] exec $rc_httpd_dir/select-handler } } if not . $rc_httpd_dir/select-handler