kbdfs: ignore first 16 scancodes (number row) in kbtabctl[] for control key reverse mapping
vncv: implement extended DesktopSize extension, cleanup
dc: fix off by one in stack overflow check (thanks BurnZeZ)
audiohda: support Intel Sunrise Point-LP on thinkpad X1
add games/dpic and games/todpic
devmouse: produce signed msec timestamp in /dev/mouse, accept unsigned on write
libdraw: accept unsigned msec timestamp in /dev/mouse
pc, pc64: look for "RSD PTR " in ACPI reserved memory region from e820 map
dmid: better fnumber calculation and fix fine tuning for 2nd voice
ssh: fix nil dereference when TERM isnt set and -r is requested
ndb/dns: fix delegation with norecursion (-R flag)
devmnt: make sure auth chan is on said conection in mntattach()
doom: use wadfs to expose music lumps
bootrc: write fatal error message to fd2
screenrc: bind '#v' when not already done (for cpu servers)
ndb/dnsgetip: report errors when dns resolution fails
add games/dmid and games/opl3
wadfs(4): fix typo
pc64: update headers to match pc
pc: fix ugly and partially broken switch() statement
pc kernel: get rid of ugly and partially broken cpuid macros
asaudit: make error more explicit
authsrv: log message when no AES key is found for pak
midi: properly skip sysex messages
ndb/cs: add -6 flag for v6 only lookups and "ipv4" control message to toggle v4 lookups.
devip: make il connect fail quickly when theres no route
devip: don't pad the tag for routing commands (fixes removing routes with < 4 character tags)
upas/smtp: use current login id in absence of -u option (as per man page)
upas/smtp: allow remote port to be set to something other than smtp (e.g. ssmtp)
kbdfs: handle mouse control (Kmouse, Kshift button swap) in parallel, bring back ^X form handling
vncs: silence devdraw debug prints
ape: fix MAXSIG
ape: remove getitimer setitimer implemenations
games/mines: add missing checks for UseGhost
ape: improve setitimer
ape: an implemenation of getitimer setitimer
hgfs(4): fix typo (thanks piroko)
ssh: wait for remote channel close (thanks piroko)
Persist 'k' command in mothra and add matching -k flag (thanks piroko)
ndb/dns: fix encoding of srv record target
mus: fix note volume and channel selection; simplify
/sys/lib/dist/ndb/common: synchronize root servers and link to root hints source
webfs: don't handle unknown status codes as continuations, reset status when handling continuation to avoid infinite loop
gba: handle 8bit writes to vram
stats(8): document -z flag (thanks xcko)
ape: add strnlen
ape: provide bogus chroot implementation
devip: fix flush, copy tag when replacing route entry
play(1): handle file names containing consecutive spaces
ape: add some common fields for stat, grp and pwd
9pc, 9pc64: make mapalloc() and mapfree() static in memory.c
stats: fix crash with -Y fag when window too narrow
devip: don't send arp requests from null address
devip: reject incompatible multicast/interface ip address pairs for ipifcaddmulti()
sysinfo: minor formatting fix
emulators ui: don't drink and code
emulators ui: add option for fixed factor scaling and bound scale vertically
stats: read cputemp as C, set scale max to 100 C
games/gb: attempt at fixing sprite priority
games/gb: fix mbc5 register addressing (fixes warioland3 gamebreaking bug)
devip: fix missing wunlock() for "ipifc not yet bound to device" case, don't create multicast entry on error
ip/dhcp6d: don't drink and code
ip/dhcp6d: only announce all-dhcp-servers multicast address on interface with link-local address on it
/sys/src/mkfile: add libttf
upas/nedmail: marshal(1) options -n and -8 are mutually exclusive
ip/dhcp6d: ignore short and from non-local source packets
devip: fix use after free in ipifcremmulti()
devip: do not icmp reply on multicast destination
dhcp6d: make constants for message types, check server identifier in request, only recheck ndb every minute
dhcp6d: add minimal stateless DHCPv6 server for network boot and DNS configuration
kernel: don't cap the minimum sleep time to TK2MS(1) for syssleep()
libttf: add missing file impl.h
add ttfrender(1)
add libttf
snes: fix input botch 2
snes: fix input botch
avl(2): add avlmin/avlmax in synopsis
getuser(2): add source or sysname()
kernel: stop the practice of passing DMDIR to devir() perm argument
devaoe: fix dotdot walk in devlinkdir, make perms consistent
devenv: make #ec files not show up as world writable
ip/dhcpd: parseip() error handling, make sure client ip is ipv4, add explicit length arguments to lookupname() and lookupserver()
ip/ipconfig: use ipmove() instead of memmove()
fix incorrect character range in vga/unicode.font leading to missing CJK characters
tcs: support EUC-JP JIS X 0212 codes
ndb/cs: make ipv6 only host practical by checking ip version on local interfaces
doom: don't set repl if scale is 1
sdram: properly support multiple ramdisks, so that ramdiskX corresponds to sdZX