ref: c404fd9d6f46f90e4420d0b268215ef719e25796
dir: /sys/src/9/pc/usbohci.c/
/* * USB Open Host Controller Interface (Ohci) driver * * BUGS: * - Missing isochronous input streams. * - Too many delays and ilocks. * - bandwidth admission control must be done per-frame. * - Buffering could be handled like in uhci, to avoid * needed block allocation and avoid allocs for small Tds. * - must warn of power overruns. */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "io.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "../port/usb.h" typedef struct Ctlio Ctlio; typedef struct Ctlr Ctlr; typedef struct Ed Ed; typedef struct Edpool Edpool; typedef struct Epx Epx; typedef struct Hcca Hcca; typedef struct Isoio Isoio; typedef struct Ohci Ohci; typedef struct Qio Qio; typedef struct Qtree Qtree; typedef struct Td Td; typedef struct Tdpool Tdpool; enum { Incr = 64, /* for Td and Ed pools */ Align = 0x20, /* OHCI only requires 0x10 */ /* use always a power of 2 */ Abortdelay = 1, /* delay after cancelling Tds (ms) */ Tdatomic = 8, /* max nb. of Tds per bulk I/O op. */ Enabledelay = 100, /* waiting for a port to enable */ /* Queue states (software) */ Qidle = 0, Qinstall, Qrun, Qdone, Qclose, Qfree, /* Ed control bits */ Edmpsmask = 0x7ff, /* max packet size */ Edmpsshift = 16, Edlow = 1 << 13, /* low speed */ Edskip = 1 << 14, /* skip this ed */ Ediso = 1 << 15, /* iso Tds used */ Edtddir = 0, /* get dir from td */ Edin = 2 << 11, /* direction in */ Edout = 1 << 11, /* direction out */ Eddirmask = 3 << 11, /* direction bits */ Edhalt = 1, /* halted (in head ptr) */ Edtoggle = 2, /* toggle (in head ptr) 1 == data1 */ /* Td control bits */ Tdround = 1<<18, /* (rounding) short packets ok */ Tdtoksetup = 0<<19, /* setup packet */ Tdtokin = 2<<19, /* in packet */ Tdtokout = 1<<19, /* out packet */ Tdtokmask = 3<<19, /* in/out/setup bits */ Tdnoioc = 7<<21, /* intr. cnt. value for no interrupt */ Tdusetog = 1<<25, /* use toggle from Td (1) or Ed (0) */ Tddata1 = 1<<24, /* data toggle (1 == data1) */ Tddata0 = 0<<24, Tdfcmask = 7, /* frame count (iso) */ Tdfcshift = 24, Tdsfmask = 0xFFFF, /* starting frame (iso) */ Tderrmask = 3, /* error counter */ Tderrshift = 26, Tdccmask = 0xf, /* condition code (status) */ Tdccshift = 28, Tdiccmask = 0xf, /* condition code (iso, offsets) */ Tdiccshift = 12, Ntdframes = 0x10000, /* # of different iso frame numbers */ /* Td errors (condition code) */ Tdok = 0, Tdcrc = 1, Tdbitstuff = 2, Tdbadtog = 3, Tdstalled = 4, Tdtmout = 5, Tdpidchk = 6, Tdbadpid = 7, Tddataovr = 8, Tddataund = 9, Tdbufovr = 0xC, Tdbufund = 0xD, Tdnotacc = 0xE, /* control register */ Cple = 0x04, /* periodic list enable */ Cie = 0x08, /* iso. list enable */ Ccle = 0x10, /* ctl list enable */ Cble = 0x20, /* bulk list enable */ Cir = 0x100, /* interrupt routing (smm active) */ Cfsmask = 3 << 6, /* functional state... */ Cfsreset = 0 << 6, Cfsresume = 1 << 6, Cfsoper = 2 << 6, Cfssuspend = 3 << 6, /* command status */ Socr = 1 << 3, /* ownership change request */ Sblf = 1 << 2, /* bulk list (load) flag */ Sclf = 1 << 1, /* control list (load) flag */ Shcr = 1 << 0, /* host controller reset */ /* intr enable */ Mie = 1 << 31, Oc = 1 << 30, Rhsc = 1 << 6, Fno = 1 << 5, Ue = 1 << 4, Rd = 1 << 3, Sf = 1 << 2, Wdh = 1 << 1, So = 1 << 0, Fmaxpktmask = 0x7fff, Fmaxpktshift = 16, HcRhDescA_POTPGT_MASK = 0xff << 24, HcRhDescA_POTPGT_SHIFT = 24, /* Rh status */ Lps = 1 << 0, Cgp = 1 << 0, Oci = 1 << 1, Psm = 1 << 8, Nps = 1 << 9, Drwe = 1 << 15, Srwe = 1 << 15, Lpsc = 1 << 16, Ccic = 1 << 17, Crwe = 1 << 31, /* port status */ Ccs = 0x00001, /* current connect status */ Pes = 0x00002, /* port enable status */ Pss = 0x00004, /* port suspend status */ Poci = 0x00008, /* over current indicator */ Prs = 0x00010, /* port reset status */ Pps = 0x00100, /* port power status */ Lsda = 0x00200, /* low speed device attached */ Csc = 0x10000, /* connect status change */ Pesc = 0x20000, /* enable status change */ Pssc = 0x40000, /* suspend status change */ Ocic = 0x80000, /* over current ind. change */ Prsc = 0x100000, /* reset status change */ /* port status write bits */ Cpe = 0x001, /* clear port enable */ Spe = 0x002, /* set port enable */ Spr = 0x010, /* set port reset */ Spp = 0x100, /* set port power */ Cpp = 0x200, /* clear port power */ }; /* * Endpoint descriptor. (first 4 words used by hardware) */ struct Ed { ulong ctrl; ulong tail; /* transfer descriptor */ ulong head; ulong nexted; Ed* next; /* sw; in free list or next in list */ Td* tds; /* in use by current xfer; all for iso */ Ep* ep; /* debug/align */ Ed* inext; /* debug/align (dump interrupt eds). */ }; /* * Endpoint I/O state (software), per direction. */ struct Qio { QLock; /* for the entire I/O process */ Rendez; /* wait for completion */ Ed* ed; /* to place Tds on it */ int sched; /* queue number (intr/iso) */ int toggle; /* Tddata0/Tddata1 */ ulong usbid; /* device/endpoint address */ int tok; /* Tdsetup, Tdtokin, Tdtokout */ long iotime; /* last I/O time; to hold interrupt polls */ int debug; /* for the endpoint */ char* err; /* error status */ int state; /* Qidle -> Qinstall -> Qrun -> Qdone | Qclose */ long bw; /* load (intr/iso) */ }; struct Ctlio { Qio; /* single Ed for all transfers */ uchar* data; /* read from last ctl req. */ int ndata; /* number of bytes read */ }; struct Isoio { Qio; int nframes; /* number of frames for a full second */ Td* atds; /* Tds avail for further I/O */ int navail; /* number of avail Tds */ ulong frno; /* next frame number avail for I/O */ ulong left; /* remainder after rounding Hz to samples/ms */ int nerrs; /* consecutive errors on iso I/O */ int delay; /* maximum number of frames to buffer */ }; /* * Transfer descriptor. Size must be multiple of 32 * First block is used by hardware (aligned to 32). */ struct Td { ulong ctrl; ulong cbp; /* current buffer pointer */ ulong nexttd; ulong be; ushort offsets[8]; /* used by Iso Tds only */ Td* next; /* in free or Ed tds list */ Td* anext; /* in avail td list (iso) */ Ep* ep; /* using this Td for I/O */ Qio* io; /* using this Td for I/O */ Block* bp; /* data for this Td */ ulong nbytes; /* bytes in this Td */ ulong cbp0; /* initial value for cbp */ ulong last; /* true for last Td in Qio */ }; /* * Host controller communication area (hardware) */ struct Hcca { ulong intrtable[32]; ushort framenumber; ushort pad1; ulong donehead; uchar reserved[116]; }; /* * I/O registers */ struct Ohci { /* control and status group */ ulong revision; /*00*/ ulong control; /*04*/ ulong cmdsts; /*08*/ ulong intrsts; /*0c*/ ulong intrenable; /*10*/ ulong intrdisable; /*14*/ /* memory pointer group */ ulong hcca; /*18*/ ulong periodcurred; /*1c*/ ulong ctlheaded; /*20*/ ulong ctlcurred; /*24*/ ulong bulkheaded; /*28*/ ulong bulkcurred; /*2c*/ ulong donehead; /*30*/ /* frame counter group */ ulong fminterval; /*34*/ ulong fmremaining; /*38*/ ulong fmnumber; /*3c*/ ulong periodicstart; /*40*/ ulong lsthreshold; /*44*/ /* root hub group */ ulong rhdesca; /*48*/ ulong rhdescb; /*4c*/ ulong rhsts; /*50*/ ulong rhportsts[15]; /*54*/ ulong pad25[20]; /*90*/ /* unknown */ ulong hostueaddr; /*e0*/ ulong hostuests; /*e4*/ ulong hosttimeoutctrl; /*e8*/ ulong pad59; /*ec*/ ulong pad60; /*f0*/ ulong hostrevision; /*f4*/ ulong pad62[2]; /*100*/ }; /* * Endpoint tree (software) */ struct Qtree { int nel; int depth; ulong* bw; Ed** root; }; struct Tdpool { Lock; Td* free; int nalloc; int ninuse; int nfree; }; struct Edpool { Lock; Ed* free; int nalloc; int ninuse; int nfree; }; struct Ctlr { Lock; /* for ilock; lists and basic ctlr I/O */ QLock resetl; /* lock controller during USB reset */ int active; Ctlr* next; int nports; Ohci* ohci; /* base I/O address */ Hcca* hcca; /* intr/done Td lists (used by hardware) */ int overrun; /* sched. overrun */ Ed* intrhd; /* list of intr. eds in tree */ Qtree* tree; /* tree for t Ep i/o */ int ntree; /* number of dummy Eds in tree */ Pcidev* pcidev; }; #define dqprint if(debug || io && io->debug)print #define ddqprint if(debug>1 || (io && io->debug>1))print #define diprint if(debug || iso && iso->debug)print #define ddiprint if(debug>1 || (iso && iso->debug>1))print #define TRUNC(x, sz) ((x) & ((sz)-1)) static int ohciinterrupts[Nttypes]; static char* iosname[] = { "idle", "install", "run", "done", "close", "FREE" }; static int debug; static Edpool edpool; static Tdpool tdpool; static Ctlr* ctlrs[Nhcis]; static char EnotWritten[] = "usb write unfinished"; static char EnotRead[] = "usb read unfinished"; static char Eunderrun[] = "usb endpoint underrun"; static QLock usbhstate; /* protects name space state */ static int schedendpt(Ctlr *ub, Ep *ep); static void unschedendpt(Ctlr *ub, Ep *ep); static long qtd(Ctlr*, Ep*, int, Block*, uchar*, uchar*, int, ulong); static char* errmsgs[] = { [Tdcrc] "crc error", [Tdbitstuff] "bit stuffing error", [Tdbadtog] "bad toggle", [Tdstalled] Estalled, [Tdtmout] "timeout error", [Tdpidchk] "pid check error", [Tdbadpid] "bad pid", [Tddataovr] "data overrun", [Tddataund] "data underrun", [Tdbufovr] "buffer overrun", [Tdbufund] "buffer underrun", [Tdnotacc] "not accessed" }; static void* pa2ptr(ulong pa) { if(pa == 0) return nil; else return KADDR(pa); } static ulong ptr2pa(void *p) { if(p == nil) return 0; else return PADDR(p); } static void waitSOF(Ctlr *ub) { int frame = ub->hcca->framenumber & 0x3f; do { delay(2); } while(frame == (ub->hcca->framenumber & 0x3f)); } static char* errmsg(int err) { if(err < nelem(errmsgs)) return errmsgs[err]; return nil; } static Ed* ctlhd(Ctlr *ctlr) { return pa2ptr(ctlr->ohci->ctlheaded); } static Ed* bulkhd(Ctlr *ctlr) { return pa2ptr(ctlr->ohci->bulkheaded); } static void edlinked(Ed *ed, Ed *next) { if(ed == nil) print("edlinked: nil ed: pc %#p\n", getcallerpc(&ed)); ed->nexted = ptr2pa(next); ed->next = next; } static void setctlhd(Ctlr *ctlr, Ed *ed) { ctlr->ohci->ctlheaded = ptr2pa(ed); if(ed != nil) ctlr->ohci->cmdsts |= Sclf; /* reload it on next pass */ } static void setbulkhd(Ctlr *ctlr, Ed *ed) { ctlr->ohci->bulkheaded = ptr2pa(ed); if(ed != nil) ctlr->ohci->cmdsts |= Sblf; /* reload it on next pass */ } static void unlinkctl(Ctlr *ctlr, Ed *ed) { Ed *this, *prev, *next; ctlr->ohci->control &= ~Ccle; waitSOF(ctlr); this = ctlhd(ctlr); ctlr->ohci->ctlcurred = 0; prev = nil; while(this != nil && this != ed){ prev = this; this = this->next; } if(this == nil){ print("unlinkctl: not found\n"); return; } next = this->next; if(prev == nil) setctlhd(ctlr, next); else edlinked(prev, next); ctlr->ohci->control |= Ccle; edlinked(ed, nil); /* wipe out next field */ } static void unlinkbulk(Ctlr *ctlr, Ed *ed) { Ed *this, *prev, *next; ctlr->ohci->control &= ~Cble; waitSOF(ctlr); this = bulkhd(ctlr); ctlr->ohci->bulkcurred = 0; prev = nil; while(this != nil && this != ed){ prev = this; this = this->next; } if(this == nil){ print("unlinkbulk: not found\n"); return; } next = this->next; if(prev == nil) setbulkhd(ctlr, next); else edlinked(prev, next); ctlr->ohci->control |= Cble; edlinked(ed, nil); /* wipe out next field */ } static void edsetaddr(Ed *ed, ulong addr) { ulong ctrl; ctrl = ed->ctrl & ~((Epmax<<7)|Devmax); ctrl |= (addr & ((Epmax<<7)|Devmax)); ed->ctrl = ctrl; } static void edsettog(Ed *ed, int c) { if(c != 0) ed->head |= Edtoggle; else ed->head &= ~Edtoggle; } static int edtoggle(Ed *ed) { return ed->head & Edtoggle; } static int edhalted(Ed *ed) { return ed->head & Edhalt; } static int edmaxpkt(Ed *ed) { return (ed->ctrl >> Edmpsshift) & Edmpsmask; } static void edsetmaxpkt(Ed *ed, int m) { ulong c; c = ed->ctrl & ~(Edmpsmask << Edmpsshift); ed->ctrl = c | ((m&Edmpsmask) << Edmpsshift); } static int tderrs(Td *td) { return (td->ctrl >> Tdccshift) & Tdccmask; } static int tdtok(Td *td) { return (td->ctrl & Tdtokmask); } static Td* tdalloc(void) { Td *td; Td *pool; int i; lock(&tdpool); if( == nil){ ddprint("ohci: tdalloc %d Tds\n", Incr); pool = xspanalloc(Incr*sizeof(Td), Align, 0); if(pool == nil) panic("ohci: tdalloc"); for(i=Incr; --i>=0;){ pool[i].next =; = &pool[i]; } tdpool.nalloc += Incr; tdpool.nfree += Incr; } tdpool.ninuse++; tdpool.nfree--; td =; = td->next; memset(td, 0, sizeof(Td)); unlock(&tdpool); assert(((uintptr)td & 0xF) == 0); return td; } static void tdfree(Td *td) { if(td == 0) return; freeb(td->bp); td->bp = nil; lock(&tdpool); if(td->nexttd == 0x77777777) panic("ohci: tdfree: double free"); memset(td, 7, sizeof(Td)); /* poison */ td->next =; = td; tdpool.ninuse--; tdpool.nfree++; unlock(&tdpool); } static Ed* edalloc(void) { Ed *ed, *pool; int i; lock(&edpool); if( == nil){ ddprint("ohci: edalloc %d Eds\n", Incr); pool = xspanalloc(Incr*sizeof(Ed), Align, 0); if(pool == nil) panic("ohci: edalloc"); for(i=Incr; --i>=0;){ pool[i].next =; = &pool[i]; } edpool.nalloc += Incr; edpool.nfree += Incr; } edpool.ninuse++; edpool.nfree--; ed =; = ed->next; memset(ed, 0, sizeof(Ed)); unlock(&edpool); return ed; } static void edfree(Ed *ed) { Td *td, *next; int i; if(ed == 0) return; i = 0; for(td = ed->tds; td != nil; td = next){ next = td->next; tdfree(td); if(i++ > 2000){ print("ohci: bug: ed with more than 2000 tds\n"); break; } } lock(&edpool); if(ed->nexted == 0x99999999) panic("ohci: edfree: double free"); memset(ed, 9, sizeof(Ed)); /* poison */ ed->next =; = ed; edpool.ninuse--; edpool.nfree++; unlock(&edpool); ddprint("edfree: ed %#p\n", ed); } /* * return smallest power of 2 >= n */ static int flog2(int n) { int i; for(i = 0; (1 << i) < n; i++) ; return i; } /* * return smallest power of 2 <= n */ static int flog2lower(int n) { int i; for(i = 0; (1 << (i + 1)) <= n; i++) ; return i; } static int pickschedq(Qtree *qt, int pollival, ulong bw, ulong limit) { int i, j, d, upperb, q; ulong best, worst, total; d = flog2lower(pollival); if(d > qt->depth) d = qt->depth; q = -1; worst = 0; best = ~0; upperb = (1 << (d+1)) - 1; for(i = (1 << d) - 1; i < upperb; i++){ total = qt->bw[0]; for(j = i; j > 0; j = (j - 1) / 2) total += qt->bw[j]; if(total < best){ best = total; q = i; } if(total > worst) worst = total; } if(worst + bw >= limit) return -1; return q; } static int schedq(Ctlr *ctlr, Qio *io, int pollival) { int q; Ed *ted; q = pickschedq(ctlr->tree, pollival, io->bw, ~0); ddqprint("ohci: sched %#p q %d, ival %d, bw %ld\n", io, q, pollival, io->bw); if(q < 0){ print("ohci: no room for ed\n"); return -1; } ctlr->tree->bw[q] += io->bw; ted = ctlr->tree->root[q]; io->sched = q; edlinked(io->ed, ted->next); edlinked(ted, io->ed); io->ed->inext = ctlr->intrhd; ctlr->intrhd = io->ed; return 0; } static void unschedq(Ctlr *ctlr, Qio *qio) { int q; Ed *prev, *this, *next; Ed **l; q = qio->sched; if(q < 0) return; ctlr->tree->bw[q] -= qio->bw; prev = ctlr->tree->root[q]; this = prev->next; while(this != nil && this != qio->ed){ prev = this; this = this->next; } if(this == nil) print("ohci: unschedq %d: not found\n", q); else{ next = this->next; edlinked(prev, next); } waitSOF(ctlr); for(l = &ctlr->intrhd; *l != nil; l = &(*l)->inext) if(*l == qio->ed){ *l = (*l)->inext; return; } print("ohci: unschedq: ed %#p not found\n", qio->ed); } static char* seprinttdtok(char *s, char *e, int tok) { switch(tok){ case Tdtoksetup: s = seprint(s, e, " setup"); break; case Tdtokin: s = seprint(s, e, " in"); break; case Tdtokout: s = seprint(s, e, " out"); break; } return s; } static char* seprinttd(char *s, char *e, Td *td, int iso) { int i; Block *bp; if(td == nil) return seprint(s, e, "<nil td>\n"); s = seprint(s, e, "%#p ep %#p ctrl %#p", td, td->ep, td->ctrl); s = seprint(s, e, " cc=%#ulx", (td->ctrl >> Tdccshift) & Tdccmask); if(iso == 0){ if((td->ctrl & Tdround) != 0) s = seprint(s, e, " rnd"); s = seprinttdtok(s, e, td->ctrl & Tdtokmask); if((td->ctrl & Tdusetog) != 0) s = seprint(s, e, " d%d", (td->ctrl & Tddata1) ? 1 : 0); else s = seprint(s, e, " d-"); s = seprint(s, e, " ec=%uld", (td->ctrl >> Tderrshift) & Tderrmask); }else{ s = seprint(s, e, " fc=%uld", (td->ctrl >> Tdfcshift) & Tdfcmask); s = seprint(s, e, " sf=%uld", td->ctrl & Tdsfmask); } s = seprint(s, e, " cbp0 %#p cbp %#p next %#p be %#p %s", td->cbp0, td->cbp, td->nexttd, td->be, td->last ? "last" : ""); s = seprint(s, e, "\n\t\t%ld bytes", td->nbytes); if((bp = td->bp) != nil){ s = seprint(s, e, " rp %#p wp %#p ", bp->rp, bp->wp); if(BLEN(bp) > 0) s = seprintdata(s, e, bp->rp, bp->wp - bp->rp); } if(iso == 0) return seprint(s, e, "\n"); s = seprint(s, e, "\n\t\t"); /* we use only offsets[0] */ i = 0; s = seprint(s, e, "[%d] %#ux cc=%#ux sz=%ud\n", i, td->offsets[i], (td->offsets[i] >> Tdiccshift) & Tdiccmask, td->offsets[i] & 0x7FF); return s; } static void dumptd(Td *td, char *p, int iso) { static char buf[512]; /* Too much */ char *s; s = seprint(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), "%s: ", p); s = seprinttd(s, buf+sizeof(buf), td, iso); if(s > buf && s[-1] != '\n') s[-1] = '\n'; print("\t%s", buf); } static void dumptds(Td *td, char *p, int iso) { int i; for(i = 0; td != nil; td = td->next){ dumptd(td, p, iso); if(td->last) break; if(tdtok(td) == Tdtokin && ++i > 2){ print("\t\t...\n"); break; } } } static void dumped(Ed *ed) { char *buf, *s, *e; if(ed == nil){ print("<null ed>\n"); return; } buf = malloc(512); /* no waserror; may want to use from interrupt context */ if(buf == nil) return; e = buf+512; s = seprint(buf, e, "\ted %#p: ctrl %#p", ed, ed->ctrl); if((ed->ctrl & Edskip) != 0) s = seprint(s, e, " skip"); if((ed->ctrl & Ediso) != 0) s = seprint(s, e, " iso"); if((ed->ctrl & Edlow) != 0) s = seprint(s, e, " low"); s = seprint(s, e, " d%d", (ed->head & Edtoggle) ? 1 : 0); if((ed->ctrl & Eddirmask) == Edin) s = seprint(s, e, " in"); if((ed->ctrl & Eddirmask) == Edout) s = seprint(s, e, " out"); if(edhalted(ed)) s = seprint(s, e, " hlt"); s = seprint(s, e, " ep%uld.%uld", (ed->ctrl>>7)&Epmax, ed->ctrl&0x7f); s = seprint(s, e, " maxpkt %uld", (ed->ctrl>>Edmpsshift)&Edmpsmask); seprint(s, e, " tail %#p head %#p next %#p\n",ed->tail,ed->head,ed->nexted); print("%s", buf); free(buf); if(ed->tds != nil && (ed->ctrl & Ediso) == 0) dumptds(ed->tds, "td", 0); } static char* seprintio(char *s, char *e, Qio *io, char *pref) { s = seprint(s, e, "%s qio %#p ed %#p", pref, io, io->ed); s = seprint(s, e, " tog %d iot %ld err %s id %#ulx", io->toggle, io->iotime, io->err, io->usbid); s = seprinttdtok(s, e, io->tok); s = seprint(s, e, " %s\n", iosname[io->state]); return s; } static char* seprintep(char* s, char* e, Ep *ep) { Isoio *iso; Qio *io; Ctlio *cio; if(ep == nil) return seprint(s, e, "<nil ep>\n"); if(ep->aux == nil) return seprint(s, e, "no mdep\n"); switch(ep->ttype){ case Tctl: cio = ep->aux; s = seprintio(s, e, cio, "c"); s = seprint(s, e, "\trepl %d ndata %d\n", ep->rhrepl, cio->ndata); break; case Tbulk: case Tintr: io = ep->aux; if(ep->mode != OWRITE) s = seprintio(s, e, &io[OREAD], "r"); if(ep->mode != OREAD) s = seprintio(s, e, &io[OWRITE], "w"); break; case Tiso: iso = ep->aux; s = seprintio(s, e, iso, "w"); s = seprint(s, e, "\tntds %d avail %d frno %uld left %uld next avail %#p\n", iso->nframes, iso->navail, iso->frno, iso->left, iso->atds); break; } return s; } static char* seprintctl(char *s, char *se, ulong ctl) { s = seprint(s, se, "en="); if((ctl&Cple) != 0) s = seprint(s, se, "p"); if((ctl&Cie) != 0) s = seprint(s, se, "i"); if((ctl&Ccle) != 0) s = seprint(s, se, "c"); if((ctl&Cble) != 0) s = seprint(s, se, "b"); switch(ctl & Cfsmask){ case Cfsreset: return seprint(s, se, " reset"); case Cfsresume: return seprint(s, se, " resume"); case Cfsoper: return seprint(s, se, " run"); case Cfssuspend: return seprint(s, se, " suspend"); default: return seprint(s, se, " ???"); } } static void dump(Hci *hp) { Ctlr *ctlr; Ed *ed; char cs[20]; ctlr = hp->aux; ilock(ctlr); seprintctl(cs, cs+sizeof(cs), ctlr->ohci->control); print("ohci ctlr %#p: frno %#ux ctl %#lux %s sts %#lux intr %#lux\n", ctlr, ctlr->hcca->framenumber, ctlr->ohci->control, cs, ctlr->ohci->cmdsts, ctlr->ohci->intrsts); print("ctlhd %#ulx cur %#ulx bulkhd %#ulx cur %#ulx done %#ulx\n", ctlr->ohci->ctlheaded, ctlr->ohci->ctlcurred, ctlr->ohci->bulkheaded, ctlr->ohci->bulkcurred, ctlr->ohci->donehead); if(ctlhd(ctlr) != nil) print("[ctl]\n"); for(ed = ctlhd(ctlr); ed != nil; ed = ed->next) dumped(ed); if(bulkhd(ctlr) != nil) print("[bulk]\n"); for(ed = bulkhd(ctlr); ed != nil; ed = ed->next) dumped(ed); if(ctlr->intrhd != nil) print("[intr]\n"); for(ed = ctlr->intrhd; ed != nil; ed = ed->inext) dumped(ed); if(ctlr->tree->root[0]->next != nil) print("[iso]"); for(ed = ctlr->tree->root[0]->next; ed != nil; ed = ed->next) dumped(ed); print("%d eds in tree\n", ctlr->ntree); iunlock(ctlr); lock(&tdpool); print("%d tds allocated = %d in use + %d free\n", tdpool.nalloc, tdpool.ninuse, tdpool.nfree); unlock(&tdpool); lock(&edpool); print("%d eds allocated = %d in use + %d free\n", edpool.nalloc, edpool.ninuse, edpool.nfree); unlock(&edpool); } /* * Compute size for the next iso Td and setup its * descriptor for I/O according to the buffer size. */ static void isodtdinit(Ep *ep, Isoio *iso, Td *td) { Block *bp; long size; int i; bp = td->bp; assert(bp != nil && BLEN(bp) == 0); size = (ep->hz+iso->left) * ep->pollival / 1000; iso->left = (ep->hz+iso->left) * ep->pollival % 1000; size *= ep->samplesz; if(size > ep->maxpkt){ print("ohci: ep%d.%d: size > maxpkt\n", ep->dev->nb, ep->nb); print("size = %uld max = %ld\n", size, ep->maxpkt); size = ep->maxpkt; } td->nbytes = size; memset(bp->wp, 0, size); /* in case we don't fill it on time */ td->cbp0 = td->cbp = ptr2pa(bp->rp) & ~0xFFF; td->ctrl = TRUNC(iso->frno, Ntdframes); td->offsets[0] = (ptr2pa(bp->rp) & 0xFFF); td->offsets[0] |= (Tdnotacc << Tdiccshift); /* in case the controller checks out the offests... */ for(i = 1; i < nelem(td->offsets); i++) td->offsets[i] = td->offsets[0]; td->be = ptr2pa(bp->rp + size - 1); td->ctrl |= (0 << Tdfcshift); /* frame count is 1 */ iso->frno = TRUNC(iso->frno + ep->pollival, Ntdframes); } /* * start I/O on the dummy td and setup a new dummy to fill up. */ static void isoadvance(Ep *ep, Isoio *iso, Td *td) { Td *dtd; dtd = iso->atds; iso->atds = dtd->anext; iso->navail--; dtd->anext = nil; dtd->bp->wp = dtd->bp->rp; dtd->nexttd = 0; td->nexttd = ptr2pa(dtd); isodtdinit(ep, iso, dtd); iso->ed->tail = ptr2pa(dtd); } static int isocanwrite(void *a) { Isoio *iso; iso = a; return iso->state == Qclose || iso->err != nil || iso->navail > iso->nframes / 2; } static int isodelay(void *a) { Isoio *iso; iso = a; if(iso->state == Qclose || iso->err != nil || iso->delay == 0) return 1; return (iso->nframes - iso->navail) <= iso->delay; } /* * Service a completed/failed Td from the done queue. * It may be of any transfer type. * The queue is not in completion order. * (It's actually in reverse completion order). * * When an error, a short packet, or a last Td is found * we awake the process waiting for the transfer. * Although later we will process other Tds completed * before, epio won't be able to touch the current Td * until interrupt returns and releases the lock on the * controller. */ static void qhinterrupt(Ctlr *, Ep *ep, Qio *io, Td *td, int) { Block *bp; int mode, err; Ed *ed; ed = io->ed; if(io->state != Qrun) return; if(tdtok(td) == Tdtokin) mode = OREAD; else mode = OWRITE; bp = td->bp; err = tderrs(td); switch(err){ case Tddataovr: /* Overrun is not an error */ case Tdok: /* virtualbox doesn't always report underflow on short packets */ if(td->cbp == 0) break; /* fall through */ case Tddataund: /* short input packets are ok */ if(mode == OREAD){ if(td->cbp == 0) panic("ohci: short packet but cbp == 0"); /* * td->cbp and td->cbp0 are the real addresses * corresponding to virtual addresses bp->wp and * bp->rp respectively. */ bp->wp = bp->rp + (td->cbp - td->cbp0); if(bp->wp < bp->rp) panic("ohci: wp < rp"); /* * It's ok. clear error and flag as last in xfer. * epio must ignore following Tds. */ td->last = 1; td->ctrl &= ~(Tdccmask << Tdccshift); break; } /* else fall; it's an error */ case Tdcrc: case Tdbitstuff: case Tdbadtog: case Tdstalled: case Tdtmout: case Tdpidchk: case Tdbadpid: bp->wp = bp->rp; /* no bytes in xfer. */ io->err = errmsg(err); if(debug || ep->debug){ print("tdinterrupt: failed err %d (%s)\n", err, io->err); dumptd(td, "failed", ed->ctrl & Ediso); } td->last = 1; break; default: panic("ohci: td cc %ud unknown", err); } if(td->last != 0){ /* * clear td list and halt flag. */ ed->head = (ed->head & Edtoggle) | ed->tail; ed->tds = pa2ptr(ed->tail); io->state = Qdone; wakeup(io); } } /* * BUG: Iso input streams are not implemented. */ static void isointerrupt(Ctlr *ctlr, Ep *ep, Qio *io, Td *td, int) { Isoio *iso; Block *bp; Ed *ed; int err, isoerr; iso = ep->aux; ed = io->ed; if(io->state == Qclose) return; bp = td->bp; /* * When we get more than half the frames consecutive errors * we signal an actual error. Errors in the entire Td are * more serious and are always singaled. * Errors like overrun are not really errors. In fact, for * output, errors cannot be really detected. The driver will * hopefully notice I/O errors on input endpoints and detach the device. */ err = tderrs(td); isoerr = (td->offsets[0] >> Tdiccshift) & Tdiccmask; if(isoerr == Tdok || isoerr == Tdnotacc) iso->nerrs = 0; else if(iso->nerrs++ > iso->nframes/2) err = Tdstalled; if(err != Tdok && err != Tddataovr){ bp->wp = bp->rp; io->err = errmsg(err); if(debug || ep->debug){ print("ohci: isointerrupt: ep%d.%d: err %d (%s) frnum 0x%lux\n", ep->dev->nb, ep->nb, err, errmsg(err), ctlr->ohci->fmnumber); dumptd(td, "failed", ed->ctrl & Ediso); } } td->bp->wp = td->bp->rp; td->nbytes = 0; td->anext = iso->atds; iso->atds = td; iso->navail++; /* * If almost all Tds are avail the user is not doing I/O at the * required rate. We put another Td in place to keep the polling rate. */ if(iso->err == nil && iso->navail > iso->nframes - 10) isoadvance(ep, iso, pa2ptr(iso->ed->tail)); /* * If there's enough buffering futher I/O can be done. */ if(isocanwrite(iso)) wakeup(iso); } static void interrupt(Ureg *, void *arg) { Td *td, *ntd; Hci *hp; Ctlr *ctlr; ulong status, curred, done; int i, frno; hp = arg; ctlr = hp->aux; ilock(ctlr); done = ctlr->hcca->donehead; status = ctlr->ohci->intrsts; if(status == ~0){ iunlock(ctlr); return; } if(done & ~0xF){ ctlr->hcca->donehead = 0; status |= Wdh; } else if(status & Wdh){ done = ctlr->hcca->donehead; ctlr->hcca->donehead = 0; } status &= ~Mie; if(status == 0){ iunlock(ctlr); return; } ctlr->ohci->intrsts = status; status &= ctlr->ohci->intrenable; status &= Oc|Rhsc|Fno|Ue|Rd|Sf|Wdh|So; if(status & Wdh){ frno = TRUNC(ctlr->ohci->fmnumber, Ntdframes); td = pa2ptr(done & ~0xF); for(i = 0; td != nil && i < 1024; i++){ if(0)ddprint("ohci tdinterrupt: td %#p\n", td); ntd = pa2ptr(td->nexttd & ~0xF); td->nexttd = 0; if(td->ep == nil || td->io == nil) panic("ohci: interrupt: ep %#p io %#p", td->ep, td->io); ohciinterrupts[td->ep->ttype]++; if(td->ep->ttype == Tiso) isointerrupt(ctlr, td->ep, td->io, td, frno); else qhinterrupt(ctlr, td->ep, td->io, td, frno); td = ntd; } if(i == 1024) iprint("ohci: bug: more than 1024 done Tds?\n"); status &= ~Wdh; } status &= ~Sf; if(status & So){ iprint("ohci: sched overrun: too much load\n"); ctlr->overrun++; status &= ~So; } if(status & Ue){ curred = ctlr->ohci->periodcurred; iprint("ohci: unrecoverable error frame 0x%.8lux ed 0x%.8lux, " "ints %d %d %d %d\n", ctlr->ohci->fmnumber, curred, ohciinterrupts[Tctl], ohciinterrupts[Tintr], ohciinterrupts[Tbulk], ohciinterrupts[Tiso]); if(curred != 0) dumped(pa2ptr(curred)); status &= ~Ue; } if(status != 0){ iprint("ohci interrupt: unhandled sts 0x%.8lux\n", status); ctlr->ohci->intrdisable = status; } iunlock(ctlr); } /* * The old dummy Td is used to implement the new Td. * A new dummy is linked at the end of the old one and * returned, to link further Tds if needed. */ static Td* epgettd(Ep *ep, Qio *io, Td **dtdp, int flags, void *a, int count) { Td *td, *dtd; Block *bp; if(count <= BY2PG) bp = allocb(count); else{ if(count > 2*BY2PG) panic("ohci: transfer > two pages"); /* maximum of one physical page crossing allowed */ bp = allocb(count+BY2PG); bp->rp = (uchar*)PGROUND((uintptr)bp->rp); bp->wp = bp->rp; } dtd = *dtdp; td = dtd; td->bp = bp; if(count > 0){ td->cbp0 = td->cbp = ptr2pa(bp->wp); td->be = ptr2pa(bp->wp + count - 1); if(a != nil){ /* validaddr((uintptr)a, count, 0); DEBUG */ assert(bp != nil); assert(bp->wp != nil); memmove(bp->wp, a, count); } bp->wp += count; } td->nbytes = count; td->ctrl = io->tok|Tdusetog|io->toggle|flags; if(io->toggle == Tddata0) io->toggle = Tddata1; else io->toggle = Tddata0; assert(td->ep == ep); td->io = io; dtd = tdalloc(); /* new dummy */ dtd->ep = ep; td->nexttd = ptr2pa(dtd); td->next = dtd; *dtdp = dtd; return td; } /* * Try to get them idle */ static void aborttds(Qio *io) { Ed *ed; Td *td; ed = io->ed; if(ed == nil) return; ed->ctrl |= Edskip; for(td = ed->tds; td != nil; td = td->next) if(td->bp != nil) td->bp->wp = td->bp->rp; ed->head = (ed->head&0xF) | ed->tail; if((ed->ctrl & Ediso) == 0) ed->tds = pa2ptr(ed->tail); } static int epiodone(void *a) { Qio *io; io = a; return io->state != Qrun; } static void epiowait(Ctlr *ctlr, Qio *io, int tmout, ulong) { Ed *ed; int timedout; ed = io->ed; if(0)ddqprint("ohci io %#p sleep on ed %#p state %s\n", io, ed, iosname[io->state]); timedout = 0; if(waserror()){ dqprint("ohci io %#p ed %#p timed out\n", io, ed); timedout++; }else{ if(tmout == 0) sleep(io, epiodone, io); else tsleep(io, epiodone, io, tmout); poperror(); } ilock(ctlr); if(io->state == Qrun) timedout = 1; else if(io->state != Qdone && io->state != Qclose) panic("epio: ed not done and not closed"); if(timedout){ aborttds(io); io->err = "request timed out"; iunlock(ctlr); if(!waserror()){ tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, Abortdelay); poperror(); } ilock(ctlr); } if(io->state != Qclose) io->state = Qidle; iunlock(ctlr); } /* * Non iso I/O. * To make it work for control transfers, the caller may * lock the Qio for the entire control transfer. */ static long epio(Ep *ep, Qio *io, void *a, long count, int mustlock) { Ed *ed; Ctlr *ctlr; char buf[80]; char *err; uchar *c; Td *td, *ltd, *ntd, *td0; int last, ntds, tmout; long tot, n; ulong load; ed = io->ed; ctlr = ep->hp->aux; io->debug = ep->debug; tmout = ep->tmout; ddeprint("ohci: %s ep%d.%d io %#p count %ld\n", io->tok == Tdtokin ? "in" : "out", ep->dev->nb, ep->nb, io, count); if((debug > 1 || ep->debug > 1) && io->tok != Tdtokin){ seprintdata(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), a, count); print("\t%s\n", buf); } if(mustlock){ eqlock(io); if(waserror()){ qunlock(io); nexterror(); } } io->err = nil; ilock(ctlr); if(io->state == Qclose){ /* Tds released by cancelio */ iunlock(ctlr); error(io->err ? io->err : Eio); } if(io->state != Qidle) panic("epio: qio not idle"); io->state = Qinstall; c = a; ltd = td0 = ed->tds; load = tot = 0; do{ n = 2*BY2PG; if(count-tot < n) n = count-tot; if(c != nil && io->tok != Tdtokin) td = epgettd(ep, io, <d, 0, c+tot, n); else td = epgettd(ep, io, <d, 0, nil, n); tot += n; load += ep->load; }while(tot < count); if(td0 == nil || ltd == nil || td0 == ltd) panic("epio: no td"); td->last = 1; if(debug > 2 || ep->debug > 2) dumptds(td0, "put td", ep->ttype == Tiso); iunlock(ctlr); ilock(ctlr); if(io->state != Qclose){ io->iotime = TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks); io->state = Qrun; ed->tail = ptr2pa(ltd); if(ep->ttype == Tctl) ctlr->ohci->cmdsts |= Sclf; else if(ep->ttype == Tbulk) ctlr->ohci->cmdsts |= Sblf; } iunlock(ctlr); epiowait(ctlr, io, tmout, load); ilock(ctlr); if(debug > 1 || ep->debug > 1) dumptds(td0, "got td", 0); iunlock(ctlr); tot = 0; c = a; ntds = last = 0; for(td = td0; td != ltd; td = ntd){ ntds++; /* * If the Td is flagged as last we must * ignore any following Td. The block may * seem to have bytes but interrupt has not seen * those Tds through the done queue, and they are void. */ if(last == 0 && tderrs(td) == Tdok){ n = BLEN(td->bp); tot += n; if(c != nil && tdtok(td) == Tdtokin && n > 0){ memmove(c, td->bp->rp, n); c += n; } } last |= td->last; ntd = td->next; tdfree(td); } if(edtoggle(ed) == 0) io->toggle = Tddata0; else io->toggle = Tddata1; err = io->err; if(mustlock){ qunlock(io); poperror(); } ddeprint("ohci: io %#p: %d tds: return %ld err '%s'\n\n", io, ntds, tot, err); if(err != nil) error(err); if(tot < 0) error(Eio); return tot; } /* * halt condition was cleared on the endpoint. update our toggles. */ static void clrhalt(Ep *ep) { Qio *io; ep->clrhalt = 0; switch(ep->ttype){ case Tbulk: case Tintr: io = ep->aux; if(ep->mode != OREAD){ qlock(&io[OWRITE]); io[OWRITE].toggle = Tddata0; deprint("ep clrhalt for io %#p\n", io+OWRITE); qunlock(&io[OWRITE]); } if(ep->mode != OWRITE){ qlock(&io[OREAD]); io[OREAD].toggle = Tddata0; deprint("ep clrhalt for io %#p\n", io+OREAD); qunlock(&io[OREAD]); } break; } } static long epread(Ep *ep, void *a, long count) { Ctlio *cio; Qio *io; char buf[80]; ulong delta; if(ep->aux == nil) panic("epread: not open"); switch(ep->ttype){ case Tctl: cio = ep->aux; eqlock(cio); if(waserror()){ qunlock(cio); nexterror(); } ddeprint("epread ctl ndata %d\n", cio->ndata); if(cio->ndata < 0) error("request expected"); else if(cio->ndata == 0){ cio->ndata = -1; count = 0; }else{ if(count > cio->ndata) count = cio->ndata; if(count > 0) memmove(a, cio->data, count); /* BUG for big transfers */ free(cio->data); cio->data = nil; cio->ndata = 0; /* signal EOF next time */ } qunlock(cio); poperror(); if(debug>1 || ep->debug){ seprintdata(buf, buf+sizeof(buf), a, count); print("epread: %s\n", buf); } return count; case Tbulk: io = ep->aux; if(ep->clrhalt) clrhalt(ep); return epio(ep, &io[OREAD], a, count, 1); case Tintr: io = ep->aux; delta = TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks) - io[OREAD].iotime + 1; if(delta < ep->pollival / 2) tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, ep->pollival/2 - delta); if(ep->clrhalt) clrhalt(ep); return epio(ep, &io[OREAD], a, count, 1); case Tiso: error("iso read not implemented"); break; default: panic("epread: bad ep ttype %d", ep->ttype); } return -1; } /* * Control transfers are one setup write (data0) * plus zero or more reads/writes (data1, data0, ...) * plus a final write/read with data1 to ack. * For both host to device and device to host we perform * the entire transfer when the user writes the request, * and keep any data read from the device for a later read. * We call epio three times instead of placing all Tds at * the same time because doing so leads to crc/tmout errors * for some devices. * Upon errors on the data phase we must still run the status * phase or the device may cease responding in the future. */ static long epctlio(Ep *ep, Ctlio *cio, void *a, long count) { uchar *c; long len; ddeprint("epctlio: cio %#p ep%d.%d count %ld\n", cio, ep->dev->nb, ep->nb, count); if(count < Rsetuplen) error("short usb command"); eqlock(cio); free(cio->data); cio->data = nil; cio->ndata = 0; if(waserror()){ qunlock(cio); free(cio->data); cio->data = nil; cio->ndata = 0; nexterror(); } /* set the address if unset and out of configuration state */ if(ep->dev->state != Dconfig && ep->dev->state != Dreset) if(cio->usbid == 0){ cio->usbid = (ep->nb&Epmax)<<7 | (ep->dev->nb&Devmax); edsetaddr(cio->ed, cio->usbid); } /* adjust maxpkt if the user has learned a different one */ if(edmaxpkt(cio->ed) != ep->maxpkt) edsetmaxpkt(cio->ed, ep->maxpkt); c = a; cio->tok = Tdtoksetup; cio->toggle = Tddata0; if(epio(ep, cio, a, Rsetuplen, 0) < Rsetuplen) error(Eio); a = c + Rsetuplen; count -= Rsetuplen; cio->toggle = Tddata1; if(c[Rtype] & Rd2h){ cio->tok = Tdtokin; len = GET2(c+Rcount); if(len <= 0) error("bad length in d2h request"); if(len > Maxctllen) error("d2h data too large to fit in ohci"); a = cio->data = smalloc(len+1); }else{ cio->tok = Tdtokout; len = count; } if(len > 0) if(waserror()) len = -1; else{ len = epio(ep, cio, a, len, 0); poperror(); } if(c[Rtype] & Rd2h){ count = Rsetuplen; cio->ndata = len; cio->tok = Tdtokout; }else{ if(len < 0) count = -1; else count = Rsetuplen + len; cio->tok = Tdtokin; } cio->toggle = Tddata1; epio(ep, cio, nil, 0, 0); qunlock(cio); poperror(); ddeprint("epctlio cio %#p return %ld\n", cio, count); return count; } /* * Put new samples in the dummy Td. */ static long putsamples(Ctlr *ctlr, Ep *ep, Isoio *iso, uchar *b, long n) { Td *td; td = pa2ptr(iso->ed->tail); if(n > td->nbytes - BLEN(td->bp)) n = td->nbytes - BLEN(td->bp); assert(td->bp->wp + n <= td->bp->lim); iunlock(ctlr); /* We could page fault here */ memmove(td->bp->wp, b, n); ilock(ctlr); if(td == pa2ptr(iso->ed->tail)){ td->bp->wp += n; if(BLEN(td->bp) == td->nbytes) /* full Td: activate it */ isoadvance(ep, iso, td); } return n; } static long episowrite(Ep *ep, void *a, long count) { long tot, nw; char *err; uchar *b; Ctlr *ctlr; Isoio *iso; ctlr = ep->hp->aux; iso = ep->aux; iso->delay = (ep->sampledelay*ep->samplesz + ep->maxpkt-1) / ep->maxpkt; iso->debug = ep->debug; eqlock(iso); if(waserror()){ qunlock(iso); nexterror(); } diprint("ohci: episowrite: %#p ep%d.%d\n", iso, ep->dev->nb, ep->nb); ilock(ctlr); if(iso->state == Qclose){ iunlock(ctlr); error(iso->err ? iso->err : Eio); } iso->state = Qrun; b = a; for(tot = 0; tot < count; tot += nw){ while(isocanwrite(iso) == 0){ iunlock(ctlr); diprint("ohci: episowrite: %#p sleep\n", iso); if(waserror()){ if(iso->err == nil) iso->err = "I/O timed out"; ilock(ctlr); break; } tsleep(iso, isocanwrite, iso, ep->tmout); poperror(); ilock(ctlr); } err = iso->err; iso->err = nil; if(iso->state == Qclose || err != nil){ iunlock(ctlr); error(err ? err : Eio); } if(iso->state != Qrun) panic("episowrite: iso not running"); nw = putsamples(ctlr, ep, iso, b+tot, count-tot); } while(isodelay(iso) == 0){ iunlock(ctlr); sleep(iso, isodelay, iso); ilock(ctlr); } if(iso->state != Qclose) iso->state = Qdone; iunlock(ctlr); err = iso->err; /* in case it failed early */ iso->err = nil; qunlock(iso); poperror(); if(err != nil) error(err); diprint("ohci: episowrite: %#p %ld bytes\n", iso, tot); return tot; } static long epwrite(Ep *ep, void *a, long count) { Qio *io; Ctlio *cio; ulong delta; uchar *b; long tot, nw; if(ep->aux == nil) panic("ohci: epwrite: not open"); switch(ep->ttype){ case Tctl: cio = ep->aux; return epctlio(ep, cio, a, count); case Tbulk: io = ep->aux; if(ep->clrhalt) clrhalt(ep); /* * Put at most Tdatomic Tds (512 bytes) at a time. * Otherwise some devices produce babble errors. */ b = a; assert(a != nil); for(tot = 0; tot < count ; tot += nw){ nw = count - tot; if(nw > Tdatomic * ep->maxpkt) nw = Tdatomic * ep->maxpkt; nw = epio(ep, &io[OWRITE], b+tot, nw, 1); } return tot; case Tintr: io = ep->aux; delta = TK2MS(MACHP(0)->ticks) - io[OWRITE].iotime + 1; if(delta < ep->pollival) tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, ep->pollival - delta); if(ep->clrhalt) clrhalt(ep); return epio(ep, &io[OWRITE], a, count, 1); case Tiso: return episowrite(ep, a, count); default: panic("ohci: epwrite: bad ep ttype %d", ep->ttype); } return -1; } static Ed* newed(Ctlr *ctlr, Ep *ep, Qio *io, char *) { Ed *ed; Td *td; ed = io->ed = edalloc(); /* no errors raised here, really */ td = tdalloc(); td->ep = ep; td->io = io; ed->tail = ptr2pa(td); ed->head = ptr2pa(td); ed->tds = td; ed->ep = ep; ed->ctrl = (ep->maxpkt & Edmpsmask) << Edmpsshift; if(ep->ttype == Tiso) ed->ctrl |= Ediso; if(waserror()){ edfree(ed); io->ed = nil; nexterror(); } /* For setup endpoints we start with the config address */ if(ep->ttype != Tctl) edsetaddr(io->ed, io->usbid); if(ep->dev->speed == Lowspeed) ed->ctrl |= Edlow; switch(io->tok){ case Tdtokin: ed->ctrl |= Edin; break; case Tdtokout: ed->ctrl |= Edout; break; default: ed->ctrl |= Edtddir; /* Td will say */ break; } switch(ep->ttype){ case Tctl: ilock(ctlr); edlinked(ed, ctlhd(ctlr)); setctlhd(ctlr, ed); iunlock(ctlr); break; case Tbulk: ilock(ctlr); edlinked(ed, bulkhd(ctlr)); setbulkhd(ctlr, ed); iunlock(ctlr); break; case Tintr: case Tiso: ilock(ctlr); schedq(ctlr, io, ep->pollival); iunlock(ctlr); break; default: panic("ohci: newed: bad ttype"); } poperror(); return ed; } static void isoopen(Ctlr *ctlr, Ep *ep) { Td *td, *edtds; Isoio *iso; int i; iso = ep->aux; iso->usbid = (ep->nb&Epmax)<<7 | (ep->dev->nb&Devmax); iso->bw = ep->hz * ep->samplesz; /* bytes/sec */ if(ep->mode != OWRITE){ print("ohci: bug: iso input streams not implemented\n"); error("ohci iso input streams not implemented"); }else iso->tok = Tdtokout; iso->left = 0; iso->nerrs = 0; iso->frno = TRUNC(ctlr->ohci->fmnumber + 10, Ntdframes); iso->nframes = 1000 / ep->pollival; if(iso->nframes < 10){ print("ohci: isoopen: less than 10 frames; using 10.\n"); iso->nframes = 10; } iso->navail = iso->nframes; iso->atds = edtds = nil; for(i = 0; i < iso->nframes-1; i++){ /* -1 for dummy */ td = tdalloc(); td->ep = ep; td->io = iso; td->bp = allocb(ep->maxpkt); td->anext = iso->atds; /* link as avail */ iso->atds = td; td->next = edtds; edtds = td; } newed(ctlr, ep, iso, "iso"); /* allocates a dummy td */ iso->ed->tds->bp = allocb(ep->maxpkt); /* but not its block */ iso->ed->tds->next = edtds; isodtdinit(ep, iso, iso->ed->tds); } /* * Allocate the endpoint and set it up for I/O * in the controller. This must follow what's said * in Ep regarding configuration, including perhaps * the saved toggles (saved on a previous close of * the endpoint data file by epclose). */ static void epopen(Ep *ep) { Ctlr *ctlr; Qio *io; Ctlio *cio; ulong usbid; ctlr = ep->hp->aux; deprint("ohci: epopen ep%d.%d\n", ep->dev->nb, ep->nb); if(ep->aux != nil) panic("ohci: epopen called with open ep"); if(waserror()){ free(ep->aux); ep->aux = nil; nexterror(); } switch(ep->ttype){ case Tnone: error("endpoint not configured"); case Tiso: ep->aux = smalloc(sizeof(Isoio)); isoopen(ctlr, ep); break; case Tctl: cio = ep->aux = smalloc(sizeof(Ctlio)); cio->debug = ep->debug; cio->ndata = -1; cio->data = nil; cio->tok = -1; /* invalid; Tds will say */ if(ep->dev->isroot != 0 && ep->nb == 0) /* root hub */ break; newed(ctlr, ep, cio, "epc"); break; case Tbulk: ep->pollival = 1; /* assume this; doesn't really matter */ /* and fall... */ case Tintr: io = ep->aux = smalloc(sizeof(Qio)*2); io[OREAD].debug = io[OWRITE].debug = ep->debug; usbid = (ep->nb&Epmax)<<7 | (ep->dev->nb&Devmax); if(ep->mode != OREAD){ if(ep->toggle[OWRITE] != 0) io[OWRITE].toggle = Tddata1; else io[OWRITE].toggle = Tddata0; io[OWRITE].tok = Tdtokout; io[OWRITE].usbid = usbid; io[OWRITE].bw = ep->maxpkt*1000/ep->pollival; /* bytes/s */ newed(ctlr, ep, io+OWRITE, "epw"); } if(ep->mode != OWRITE){ if(ep->toggle[OREAD] != 0) io[OREAD].toggle = Tddata1; else io[OREAD].toggle = Tddata0; io[OREAD].tok = Tdtokin; io[OREAD].usbid = usbid; io[OREAD].bw = ep->maxpkt*1000/ep->pollival; /* bytes/s */ newed(ctlr, ep, io+OREAD, "epr"); } break; } deprint("ohci: epopen done:\n"); if(debug || ep->debug) dump(ep->hp); poperror(); } static void cancelio(Ep *ep, Qio *io) { Ed *ed; Ctlr *ctlr; ctlr = ep->hp->aux; ilock(ctlr); if(io == nil || io->state == Qclose){ assert(io == nil || io->ed == nil); iunlock(ctlr); return; } ed = io->ed; io->state = Qclose; io->err = Eio; aborttds(io); iunlock(ctlr); if(!waserror()){ tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, Abortdelay); poperror(); } wakeup(io); qlock(io); /* wait for epio if running */ qunlock(io); ilock(ctlr); switch(ep->ttype){ case Tctl: unlinkctl(ctlr, ed); break; case Tbulk: unlinkbulk(ctlr, ed); break; case Tintr: case Tiso: unschedq(ctlr, io); break; default: panic("ohci cancelio: bad ttype"); } iunlock(ctlr); edfree(io->ed); io->ed = nil; } static void epclose(Ep *ep) { Ctlio *cio; Isoio *iso; Qio *io; deprint("ohci: epclose ep%d.%d\n", ep->dev->nb, ep->nb); if(ep->aux == nil) panic("ohci: epclose called with closed ep"); switch(ep->ttype){ case Tctl: cio = ep->aux; cancelio(ep, cio); free(cio->data); cio->data = nil; break; case Tbulk: case Tintr: io = ep->aux; if(ep->mode != OWRITE){ cancelio(ep, &io[OREAD]); if(io[OREAD].toggle == Tddata1) ep->toggle[OREAD] = 1; } if(ep->mode != OREAD){ cancelio(ep, &io[OWRITE]); if(io[OWRITE].toggle == Tddata1) ep->toggle[OWRITE] = 1; } break; case Tiso: iso = ep->aux; cancelio(ep, iso); break; default: panic("epclose: bad ttype %d", ep->ttype); } deprint("ohci: epclose ep%d.%d: done\n", ep->dev->nb, ep->nb); free(ep->aux); ep->aux = nil; } static int portreset(Hci *hp, int port, int on) { Ctlr *ctlr; Ohci *ohci; if(on == 0) return 0; ctlr = hp->aux; eqlock(&ctlr->resetl); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&ctlr->resetl); nexterror(); } ilock(ctlr); ohci = ctlr->ohci; ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Spp; if((ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] & Ccs) == 0){ iunlock(ctlr); error("port not connected"); } ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Spr; while((ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] & Prsc) == 0){ iunlock(ctlr); dprint("ohci: portreset, wait for reset complete\n"); ilock(ctlr); } ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Prsc; iunlock(ctlr); poperror(); qunlock(&ctlr->resetl); return 0; } static int portenable(Hci *hp, int port, int on) { Ctlr *ctlr; ctlr = hp->aux; dprint("ohci: %#p port %d enable=%d\n", ctlr->ohci, port, on); eqlock(&ctlr->resetl); if(waserror()){ qunlock(&ctlr->resetl); nexterror(); } ilock(ctlr); if(on) ctlr->ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Spe | Spp; else ctlr->ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Cpe; iunlock(ctlr); tsleep(&up->sleep, return0, 0, Enabledelay); poperror(); qunlock(&ctlr->resetl); return 0; } static int portstatus(Hci *hp, int port) { int v; Ctlr *ub; ulong ohcistatus; /* * We must return status bits as a * get port status hub request would do. */ ub = hp->aux; ohcistatus = ub->ohci->rhportsts[port - 1]; v = 0; if(ohcistatus & Ccs) v |= HPpresent; if(ohcistatus & Pes) v |= HPenable; if(ohcistatus & Pss) v |= HPsuspend; if(ohcistatus & Prs) v |= HPreset; else { /* port is not in reset; these potential writes are ok */ if(ohcistatus & Csc){ v |= HPstatuschg; ub->ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Csc; } if(ohcistatus & Pesc){ v |= HPchange; ub->ohci->rhportsts[port - 1] = Pesc; } } if(ohcistatus & Lsda) v |= HPslow; if(v & (HPstatuschg|HPchange)) ddprint("ohci port %d sts %#ulx hub sts %#x\n", port, ohcistatus, v); return v; } static void dumpohci(Ctlr *ctlr) { int i; ulong *ohci; ohci = &ctlr->ohci->revision; print("ohci registers: \n"); for(i = 0; i < sizeof(Ohci)/sizeof(ulong); i++) if(i < 3 || ohci[i] != 0) print("\t[%#2.2x]\t%#8.8ulx\n", i * 4, ohci[i]); print("\n"); } static void init(Hci *hp) { Ctlr *ctlr; Ohci *ohci; int i; ulong ival, ctrl, fmi; ctlr = hp->aux; dprint("ohci %#p init\n", ctlr->ohci); ohci = ctlr->ohci; fmi = ohci->fminterval; ohci->cmdsts = Shcr; /* reset the block */ for(i = 0; i<100; i++){ if((ohci->cmdsts & Shcr) == 0) break; delay(1); /* wait till reset complete, Ohci says 10us max. */ } if(i == 100) print("ohci: reset timed out\n"); ohci->fminterval = fmi; /* * now that soft reset is done we are in suspend state. * Setup registers which take in suspend state * (will only be here for 2ms). */ ctlr->ohci->hcca = ptr2pa(ctlr->hcca); setctlhd(ctlr, nil); ctlr->ohci->ctlcurred = 0; setbulkhd(ctlr, nil); ctlr->ohci->bulkcurred = 0; ohci->intrenable = Mie | Wdh | Ue; ohci->control |= Ccle | Cble | Cple | Cie | Cfsoper; /* set frame after operational */ ohci->rhdesca = Nps; /* no power switching */ if(ohci->rhdesca & Nps){ dprint("ohci: ports are not power switched\n"); }else{ dprint("ohci: ports are power switched\n"); ohci->rhdesca &= ~Psm; ohci->rhsts &= ~Lpsc; } for(i = 0; i < ctlr->nports; i++) /* paranoia */ ohci->rhportsts[i] = 0; /* this has no effect */ delay(50); for(i = 0; i < ctlr->nports; i++){ ohci->rhportsts[i] = Spp; if((ohci->rhportsts[i] & Ccs) != 0) ohci->rhportsts[i] |= Spr; } delay(100); ctrl = ohci->control; if((ctrl & Cfsmask) != Cfsoper){ ctrl = (ctrl & ~Cfsmask) | Cfsoper; ohci->control = ctrl; ohci->rhsts = Lpsc; } ival = ohci->fminterval & ~(Fmaxpktmask << Fmaxpktshift); ohci->fminterval = ival | (5120 << Fmaxpktshift); if(debug > 1) dumpohci(ctlr); } static void scanpci(void) { ulong mem; Ctlr *ctlr; Pcidev *p; int i; static int already = 0; if(already) return; already = 1; p = nil; while(p = pcimatch(p, 0, 0)) { /* * Find Ohci controllers (Programming Interface = 0x10). */ if(p->ccrb != Pcibcserial || p->ccru != Pciscusb || p->ccrp != 0x10) continue; mem = p->mem[0].bar & ~0x0F; dprint("ohci: %x/%x port 0x%lux size 0x%x irq %d\n", p->vid, p->did, mem, p->mem[0].size, p->intl); if(mem == 0){ print("ohci: failed to map registers\n"); continue; } ctlr = malloc(sizeof(Ctlr)); if(ctlr == nil){ print("ohci: no memory\n"); continue; } ctlr->pcidev = p; ctlr->ohci = vmap(mem, p->mem[0].size); dprint("scanpci: ctlr %#p, ohci %#p\n", ctlr, ctlr->ohci); pcisetbme(p); pcisetpms(p, 0); for(i = 0; i < Nhcis; i++) if(ctlrs[i] == nil){ ctlrs[i] = ctlr; break; } if(i == Nhcis) print("ohci: bug: no more controllers\n"); } } static void usbdebug(Hci*, int d) { debug = d; } /* * build the periodic scheduling tree: * framesize must be a multiple of the tree size */ static void mkqhtree(Ctlr *ctlr) { int i, n, d, o, leaf0, depth; Ed **tree; Qtree *qt; depth = flog2(32); n = (1 << (depth+1)) - 1; qt = mallocz(sizeof(*qt), 1); if(qt == nil) panic("ohci: can't allocate scheduling tree"); qt->nel = n; qt->depth = depth; qt->bw = mallocz(n * sizeof(qt->bw), 1); qt->root = tree = mallocz(n * sizeof(Ed *), 1); if(qt->bw == nil || qt->root == nil) panic("ohci: can't allocate scheduling tree"); for(i = 0; i < n; i++){ if((tree[i] = edalloc()) == nil) panic("ohci: mkqhtree"); tree[i]->ctrl = (8 << Edmpsshift); /* not needed */ tree[i]->ctrl |= Edskip; if(i > 0) edlinked(tree[i], tree[(i-1)/2]); else edlinked(tree[i], nil); } ctlr->ntree = i; dprint("ohci: tree: %d endpoints allocated\n", i); /* distribute leaves evenly round the frame list */ leaf0 = n / 2; for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){ o = 0; for(d = 0; d < depth; d++){ o <<= 1; if(i & (1 << d)) o |= 1; } if(leaf0 + o >= n){ print("leaf0=%d o=%d i=%d n=%d\n", leaf0, o, i, n); break; } ctlr->hcca->intrtable[i] = ptr2pa(tree[leaf0 + o]); } ctlr->tree = qt; } static void ohcimeminit(Ctlr *ctlr) { Hcca *hcca; edfree(edalloc()); /* allocate pools now */ tdfree(tdalloc()); hcca = xspanalloc(sizeof(Hcca), 256, 0); if(hcca == nil) panic("ohci: no memory for Hcca"); memset(hcca, 0, sizeof(*hcca)); ctlr->hcca = hcca; mkqhtree(ctlr); } static void ohcireset(Ctlr *ctlr) { int i; ilock(ctlr); dprint("ohci %#p reset\n", ctlr->ohci); if(ctlr->ohci->control & Cir){ dprint("ohci: smm active, taking over\n"); ctlr->ohci->cmdsts |= Socr; /* take ownership */ for(i = 0; i<100; i++){ if((ctlr->ohci->control & Cir) == 0) break; delay(1); } if(i == 100) print("ohci: smm takeover timed out\n"); } /* * usually enter here in reset, wait till its through, * then do our own so we are on known timing conditions. * Is this needed? */ delay(100); ctlr->ohci->control = 0; delay(100); /* legacy support register: turn off lunacy mode */ pcicfgw16(ctlr->pcidev, 0xc0, 0x2000); iunlock(ctlr); } static void shutdown(Hci *hp) { Ctlr *ctlr; ctlr = hp->aux; ilock(ctlr); ctlr->ohci->intrdisable = Mie; ctlr->ohci->intrenable = 0; ctlr->ohci->control = 0; delay(100); iunlock(ctlr); } static int reset(Hci *hp) { int i; Ctlr *ctlr; Pcidev *p; static Lock resetlck; if(getconf("*nousbohci")) return -1; ilock(&resetlck); scanpci(); /* * Any adapter matches if no hp->port is supplied, * otherwise the ports must match. */ ctlr = nil; for(i = 0; i < Nhcis && ctlrs[i] != nil; i++){ ctlr = ctlrs[i]; if(ctlr->active == 0) if(hp->port == 0 || hp->port == (uintptr)ctlr->ohci){ ctlr->active = 1; break; } } iunlock(&resetlck); if(ctlrs[i] == nil || i == Nhcis) return -1; if(ctlr->ohci->control == ~0) return -1; p = ctlr->pcidev; hp->aux = ctlr; hp->port = (uintptr)ctlr->ohci; hp->irq = p->intl; hp->tbdf = p->tbdf; ctlr->nports = hp->nports = ctlr->ohci->rhdesca & 0xff; ohcireset(ctlr); ohcimeminit(ctlr); /* * Linkage to the generic HCI driver. */ hp->init = init; hp->dump = dump; hp->interrupt = interrupt; hp->epopen = epopen; hp->epclose = epclose; hp->epread = epread; hp->epwrite = epwrite; hp->seprintep = seprintep; hp->portenable = portenable; hp->portreset = portreset; hp->portstatus = portstatus; hp->shutdown = shutdown; hp->debug = usbdebug; hp->type = "ohci"; /* * IRQ2 doesn't really exist, it's used to gang the interrupt * controllers together. A device set to IRQ2 will appear on * the second interrupt controller as IRQ9. */ if(hp->irq == 2) hp->irq = 9; intrenable(hp->irq, hp->interrupt, hp, hp->tbdf, hp->type); return 0; } void usbohcilink(void) { addhcitype("ohci", reset); }