ref: c172881606bfa194399a0b181b419a34488331d6
dir: /sys/src/9/pc/devtv.c/
/* * Driver for Bt848 TV tuner. * */ #include "u.h" #include "../port/lib.h" #include "mem.h" #include "dat.h" #include "fns.h" #include "../port/error.h" #include "io.h" #include "hcwAMC.h" #define max(a, b) (((a) > (b))? (a): (b)) enum { Qdir = 0, Qsubdir, Qsubbase, Qvdata = Qsubbase, Qadata, Qctl, Qregs, Brooktree_vid = 0x109e, Brooktree_848_did = 0x0350, Brooktree_878_did = 0x036E, Intel_vid = 0x8086, Intel_82437_did = 0x122d, K = 1024, M = K * K, Ntvs = 4, Numring = 16, ntsc_rawpixels = 910, ntsc_sqpixels = 780, /* Including blanking & inactive */ ntsc_hactive = 640, ntsc_vactive = 480, ntsc_clkx1delay = 135, /* Clock ticks. */ ntsc_clkx1hactive = 754, ntsc_vdelay = 26, /* # of scan lines. */ ntsc_vscale = 0, i2c_nostop = 1 << 5, i2c_nos1b = 1 << 4, i2c_timing = 7 << 4, i2c_bt848w3b = 1 << 2, i2c_bt848scl = 1 << 1, i2c_bt848sda = 1 << 0, i2c_scl = i2c_bt848scl, i2c_sda = i2c_bt848sda, i2c_miroproee = 0x80, /* MIRO PRO EEPROM */ i2c_tea6300 = 0x80, i2c_tda8425 = 0x82, i2c_tda9840 = 0x84, i2c_tda9850 = 0xb6, i2c_haupee = 0xa0, /* Hauppage EEPROM */ i2c_stbee = 0xae, /* STB EEPROM */ i2c_msp3400 = 0x80, i2c_timeout = 1000, i2c_delay = 10, Bt848_miropro = 0, Bt848_miro, Bt878_hauppauge, /* Bit fields. */ iform_muxsel1 = 3 << 5, /* 004 */ iform_muxsel0 = 2 << 5, iform_xtselmask = 3 << 3, iform_xtauto = 3 << 3, iform_formatmask = 7 << 0, iform_ntsc = 1 << 0, control_ldec = 1 << 5, /* 02C */ contrast_100percent = 0xd8, /* 030 */ vscale_interlaced = 1 << 5, /* 04C */ adelay_ntsc = 104, /* 060 */ bdelay_ntsc = 93, /* 064 */ adc_crush = 1 << 0, /* 068 */ colorfmt_rgb16 = 2 << 4 | 2 << 0, /* 0D4 */ colorfmt_YCbCr422 = 8 << 4 | 8 << 0, colorfmt_YCbCr411 = 9 << 4 | 9 << 0, colorctl_gamma = 1 << 4, /* 0D8 */ capctl_fullframe = 1 << 4, /* 0DC */ capctl_captureodd = 1 << 1, capctl_captureeven = 1 << 0, vbipacksize = 0x190, /* 0E0 */ intstat_riscstatshift = 28, /* 100 */ intstat_i2crack = 1 << 25, intstat_scerr = 1 << 19, intstat_ocerr = 1 << 18, intstat_pabort = 1 << 17, intstat_riperr = 1 << 16, intstat_pperr = 1 << 15, intstat_fdsr = 1 << 14, intstat_ftrgt = 1 << 13, intstat_fbus = 1 << 12, intstat_risci = 1 << 11, intstat_i2cdone = 1 << 8, intstat_vpress = 1 << 5, intstat_hlock = 1 << 4, intstat_vsync = 1 << 1, intstat_fmtchg = 1 << 0, intmask_etbf = 1 << 23, /* 104 */ gpiodmactl_apwrdn = 1 << 26, /* 10C */ gpiodmactl_daes2 = 1 << 13, gpiodmactl_daiomda = 1 << 6, gpiodmactl_pltp23_16 = 2 << 6, gpiodmactl_pltp23_0 = 0 << 6, gpiodmactl_pltp1_16 = 2 << 4, gpiodmactl_pltp1_0 = 0 << 4, gpiodmactl_acapenable = 1 << 4, gpiodmactl_pktp_32 = 3 << 2, gpiodmactl_pktp_0 = 0 << 2, gpiodmactl_riscenable = 1 << 1, gpiodmactl_fifoenable = 1 << 0, /* RISC instructions and parameters. */ fifo_vre = 0x4, fifo_vro = 0xc, fifo_fm1 = 0x6, fifo_fm3 = 0xe, riscirq = 1 << 24, riscwrite = 1 << 28, riscwrite123 = 9 << 28, riscwrite1s23 = 11 << 28, riscwrite_sol = 1 << 27, riscwrite_eol = 1 << 26, riscskip = 0x2 << 28, riscjmp = 0x7 << 28, riscsync = 0x8 << 28, riscsync_resync = 1 << 15, riscsync_vre = fifo_vre << 0, riscsync_vro = fifo_vro << 0, riscsync_fm1 = fifo_fm1 << 0, riscsync_fm3 = fifo_fm3 << 0, risclabelshift_set = 16, risclabelshift_reset = 20, AudioTuner = 0, AudioRadio, AudioExtern, AudioIntern, AudioOff, AudioOn, asel_tv = 0, asel_radio, asel_mic, asel_smxc, Hwbase_ad = 448000, msp_dem = 0x10, msp_bbp = 0x12, /* Altera definitions. */ gpio_altera_data = 1 << 0, gpio_altera_clock = 1 << 20, gpio_altera_nconfig = 1 << 23, Ial = 0x140001, Idma = 0x100002, Adsp = 0x7fd8, Adsp_verifysystem = 1, Adsp_querysupportplay, Adsp_setstyle, Adsp_setsrate, Adsp_setchannels, Adsp_setresolution, Adsp_setcrcoptions, Adsp_bufenqfor, Adsp_logbuffer, Adsp_startplay, Adsp_stopplay, Adsp_autostop, Adsp_startrecord, Adsp_stoprecord, Adsp_getlastprocessed, Adsp_pause, Adsp_resume, Adsp_setvolume, Adsp_querysupportrecord, Adsp_generalbufenq, Adsp_setdownmixtype, Adsp_setigain, Adsp_setlineout, Adsp_setlangmixtype, Kfir_gc = 0, Kfir_dsp_riscmc, Kfir_dsp_risccram, Kfir_dsp_unitmc, Kfir_bsm_mc, Kfir_mux_mc, Kfir_devid_gc = 7, Kfir_devid_dsp = 4, Kfir_devid_bsm = 5, Kfir_devid_mux = 8, Kfir_200 = 200, Kfir_dev_inst = Kfir_200, Kfir_201 = 201, Kfir_exec = Kfir_201, Kfir_202 = 202, Kfir_adr_eready = 254, Kfir_d_eready_encoding = 0, Kfir_d_eready_ready, Kfir_d_eready_test, Kfir_d_eready_stopdetect, Kfir_d_eready_seqend, VT_KFIR_OFF = 0, VT_KFIR_ON, VT_KFIR_LAYER_II = 1, VT_KFIR_STEREO = 1, Gpioinit = 0, Gpiooutput, Gpioinput, Srate_5512 = 0, Srate_11025 = 2, Srate_16000 = 3, Srate_22050 = 4, Srate_32000 = 5, Srate_44100 = 6, Srate_48000 = 7, }; typedef struct Variant Variant; struct Variant { ushort vid; ushort did; char *name; }; typedef struct Bt848 Bt848; struct Bt848 { ulong devstat; /* 000 */ ulong iform; /* 004 */ ulong tdec; /* 008 */ ulong ecrop; /* 00C */ ulong evdelaylo; /* 010 */ ulong evactivelo; /* 014 */ ulong ehdelaylo; /* 018 */ ulong ehactivelo; /* 01C */ ulong ehscalehi; /* 020 */ ulong ehscalelo; /* 024 */ ulong bright; /* 028 */ ulong econtrol; /* 02C */ ulong contrastlo; /* 030 */ ulong satulo; /* 034 */ ulong satvlo; /* 038 */ ulong hue; /* 03C */ ulong escloop; /* 040 */ ulong pad0; /* 044 */ ulong oform; /* 048 */ ulong evscalehi; /* 04C */ ulong evscalelo; /* 050 */ ulong test; /* 054 */ ulong pad1[2]; /* 058-05C */ ulong adelay; /* 060 */ ulong bdelay; /* 064 */ ulong adc; /* 068 */ ulong evtc; /* 06C */ ulong pad2[3]; /* 070-078 */ ulong sreset; /* 07C */ ulong tglb; /* 080 */ ulong tgctrl; /* 084 */ ulong pad3; /* 088 */ ulong ocrop; /* 08C */ ulong ovdelaylo; /* 090 */ ulong ovactivelo; /* 094 */ ulong ohdelaylo; /* 098 */ ulong ohactivelo; /* 09C */ ulong ohscalehi; /* 0A0 */ ulong ohscalelo; /* 0A4 */ ulong pad4; /* 0A8 */ ulong ocontrol; /* 0AC */ ulong pad5[4]; /* 0B0-0BC */ ulong oscloop; /* 0C0 */ ulong pad6[2]; /* 0C4-0C8 */ ulong ovscalehi; /* 0CC */ ulong ovscalelo; /* 0D0 */ ulong colorfmt; /* 0D4 */ ulong colorctl; /* 0D8 */ ulong capctl; /* 0DC */ ulong vbipacksize; /* 0E0 */ ulong vbipackdel; /* 0E4 */ ulong fcap; /* 0E8 */ ulong ovtc; /* 0EC */ ulong pllflo; /* 0F0 */ ulong pllfhi; /* 0F4 */ ulong pllxci; /* 0F8 */ ulong dvsif; /* 0FC */ ulong intstat; /* 100 */ ulong intmask; /* 104 */ ulong pad7; /* 108 */ ulong gpiodmactl; /* 10C */ ulong i2c; /* 110 */ ulong riscstrtadd; /* 114 */ ulong gpioouten; /* 118 */ ulong gpioreginp; /* 11C */ ulong risccount; /* 120 */ ulong pad8[55]; /* 124-1FC */ ulong gpiodata[64]; /* 200-2FC */ }; #define packetlen i2c typedef struct Tuner Tuner; struct Tuner { char *name; ushort freq_vhfh; /* Start frequency */ ushort freq_uhf; uchar VHF_L; uchar VHF_H; uchar UHF; uchar cfg; ushort offs; }; typedef struct Frame Frame; struct Frame { ulong *fstart; ulong *fjmp; uchar *fbase; }; typedef struct Tv Tv; struct Tv { Lock; Rendez; Bt848 *bt848; Bt848 *bt878; /* Really only audio control registers */ Variant *variant; Tuner *tuner; Pcidev *pci; uchar i2ctuneraddr; uchar i2ccmd; /* I2C command */ int board; /* What board is this? */ ulong cfmt; /* Current color format. */ int channel; /* Current channel */ Ref fref; /* Copying images? */ int nframes; /* Number of frames to capture. */ Frame *frames; /* DMA program */ int lvframe; /* Last video frame DMAed */ uchar *amux; /* Audio multiplexer. */ int nablocks; /* Number of audio blocks allocated */ int absize; /* Audio block size */ int narblocks; /* Number of audio blocks received */ ulong *arisc; /* Audio risc bloc */ uchar *abuf; /* Audio data buffers */ char ainfo[128]; /* WinTV/PVR stuff. */ int msp; Lock kfirlock; ulong i2cstate; /* Last i2c state. */ int gpiostate; /* Current GPIO state */ ulong alterareg; /* Last used altera register */ ulong alteraclock; /* Used to clock the altera */ int asrate; /* Audio sample rate */ uchar aleft, aright; /* Left and right audio volume */ ulong kfirclock; Ref aref; /* Copying audio? */ }; enum { TemicPAL = 0, PhilipsPAL, PhilipsNTSC, PhilipsSECAM, Notuner, PhilipsPALI, TemicNTSC, TemicPALI, Temic4036, AlpsTSBH1, AlpsTSBE1, Freqmultiplier = 16, }; static Tuner tuners[] = { {"Temic PAL", Freqmultiplier * 140.25, Freqmultiplier * 463.25, 0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x8e, 623 }, {"Philips PAL_I", Freqmultiplier * 140.25, Freqmultiplier * 463.25, 0xa0, 0x90, 0x30, 0x8e, 623 }, {"Philips NTSC", Freqmultiplier * 157.25, Freqmultiplier * 451.25, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x30, 0x8e, 732 }, {"Philips SECAM", Freqmultiplier * 168.25, Freqmultiplier * 447.25, 0xA7, 0x97, 0x37, 0x8e, 623 }, {"NoTuner", 0, 0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0 }, {"Philips PAL", Freqmultiplier * 168.25, Freqmultiplier * 447.25, 0xA0, 0x90, 0x30, 0x8e, 623 }, {"Temic NTSC", Freqmultiplier * 157.25, Freqmultiplier * 463.25, 0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x8e, 732 }, {"TEMIC PAL_I", Freqmultiplier * 170.00, Freqmultiplier * 450.00, 0x02, 0x04, 0x01, 0x8e, 623 }, {"Temic 4036 FY5 NTSC", Freqmultiplier * 157.25, Freqmultiplier * 463.25, 0xa0, 0x90, 0x30, 0x8e, 732 }, {"Alps TSBH1", Freqmultiplier * 137.25, Freqmultiplier * 385.25, 0x01, 0x02, 0x08, 0x8e, 732 }, {"Alps TSBE1", Freqmultiplier * 137.25, Freqmultiplier * 385.25, 0x01, 0x02, 0x08, 0x8e, 732 }, }; static int hp_tuners[] = { Notuner, Notuner, Notuner, Notuner, Notuner, PhilipsNTSC, Notuner, Notuner, PhilipsPAL, PhilipsSECAM, PhilipsNTSC, PhilipsPALI, Notuner, Notuner, TemicPAL, TemicPALI, Notuner, PhilipsSECAM, PhilipsNTSC, PhilipsPALI, Notuner, PhilipsPAL, Notuner, PhilipsNTSC, }; enum { CMvstart, CMastart, CMastop, CMvgastart, CMvstop, CMchannel, CMcolormode, CMvolume, CMmute, }; static Cmdtab tvctlmsg[] = { CMvstart, "vstart", 2, CMastart, "astart", 5, CMastop, "astop", 1, CMvgastart, "vgastart", 3, CMvstop, "vstop", 1, CMchannel, "channel", 3, CMcolormode, "colormode", 2, CMvolume, "volume", 3, CMmute, "mute", 1, }; static Variant variant[] = { { Brooktree_vid, Brooktree_848_did, "Brooktree 848 TV tuner", }, { Brooktree_vid, Brooktree_878_did, "Brooktree 878 TV tuner", }, }; static char *boards[] = { "MIRO PRO", "MIRO", "Hauppauge Bt878", }; static ushort Adspfsample[] = { 0x500, 0x700, 0x400, 0x600, 0x300, 0x200, 0x000, 0x100 }; static ushort Adspstereorates[] = { 64, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, 384 }; static uchar miroamux[] = { 2, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0 }; static uchar hauppaugeamux[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 }; static char *nicamstate[] = { "analog", "???", "digital", "bad digital receiption" }; static Tv tvs[Ntvs]; static int ntvs; static int i2cread(Tv *, uchar, uchar *); static int i2cwrite(Tv *, uchar, uchar, uchar, int); static void tvinterrupt(Ureg *, Tv *); static void vgastart(Tv *, ulong, int); static void vstart(Tv *, int, int, int, int); static void astart(Tv *, char *, uint, uint, uint); static void vstop(Tv *); static void astop(Tv *); static void colormode(Tv *, char *); static void frequency(Tv *, int, int); static int getbitspp(Tv *); static char *getcolormode(ulong); static int mspreset(Tv *); static void i2cscan(Tv *); static int kfirinitialize(Tv *); static void msptune(Tv *); static void mspvolume(Tv *, int, int, int); static void gpioenable(Tv *, ulong, ulong); static void gpiowrite(Tv *, ulong, ulong); static void tvinit(void) { Pcidev *pci; ulong intmask; /* Test for a triton memory controller. */ intmask = 0; if (pcimatch(nil, Intel_vid, Intel_82437_did)) intmask = intmask_etbf; pci = nil; while ((pci = pcimatch(pci, 0, 0)) != nil) { int i, t; Tv *tv; Bt848 *bt848; ushort hscale, hdelay; uchar v; for (i = 0; i != nelem(variant); i++) if (pci->vid == variant[i].vid && pci->did == variant[i].did) break; if (i == nelem(variant)) continue; if (ntvs >= Ntvs) { print("#V: Too many TV cards found\n"); continue; } tv = &tvs[ntvs++]; tv->variant = &variant[i]; tv->pci = pci; tv->bt848 = (Bt848 *)vmap(pci->mem[0].bar & ~0x0F, 4 * K); if (tv->bt848 == nil) panic("#V: Cannot allocate memory for Bt848"); bt848 = tv->bt848; /* i2c stuff. */ if (pci->did >= 878) tv->i2ccmd = 0x83; else tv->i2ccmd = i2c_timing | i2c_bt848scl | i2c_bt848sda; t = 0; if (i2cread(tv, i2c_haupee, &v)) { uchar ee[256]; Pcidev *pci878; Bt848 *bt878; tv->board = Bt878_hauppauge; if (!i2cwrite(tv, i2c_haupee, 0, 0, 0)) panic("#V: Cannot write to Hauppauge EEPROM"); for (i = 0; i != sizeof ee; i++) if (!i2cread(tv, i2c_haupee + 1, &ee[i])) panic("#V: Cannot read from Hauppauge EEPROM"); if (ee[9] > sizeof hp_tuners / sizeof hp_tuners[0]) panic("#V: Tuner out of range (max %d, this %d)", sizeof hp_tuners / sizeof hp_tuners[0], ee[9]); t = hp_tuners[ee[9]]; /* Initialize the audio channel. */ if ((pci878 = pcimatch(nil, Brooktree_vid, 0x878)) == nil) panic("#V: Unsupported Hauppage board"); tv->bt878 = bt878 = (Bt848 *)vmap(pci878->mem[0].bar & ~0x0F, 4 * K); if (bt878 == nil) panic("#V: Cannot allocate memory for the Bt878"); kfirinitialize(tv); // i2cscan(tv); mspreset(tv); bt878->gpiodmactl = 0; bt878->intstat = (ulong)-1; intrenable(pci878->intl, (void (*)(Ureg *, void *))tvinterrupt, tv, pci878->tbdf, "tv"); tv->amux = hauppaugeamux; } else if (i2cread(tv, i2c_stbee, &v)) { USED(t); panic("#V: Cannot deal with STB cards"); } else if (i2cread(tv, i2c_miroproee, &v)) { tv->board = Bt848_miropro; t = ((bt848->gpiodata[0] >> 10) - 1) & 7; tv->amux = miroamux; } else { tv->board = Bt848_miro; tv->amux = miroamux; t = ((bt848->gpiodata[0] >> 10) - 1) & 7; } if (t >= nelem(tuners)) t = 4; tv->tuner = &tuners[t]; tv->i2ctuneraddr = i2cread(tv, 0xc1, &v)? 0xc0: i2cread(tv, 0xc3, &v)? 0xc2: i2cread(tv, 0xc5, &v)? 0xc4: i2cread(tv, 0xc7, &v)? 0xc6: -1; bt848->capctl = capctl_fullframe; bt848->adelay = adelay_ntsc; bt848->bdelay = bdelay_ntsc; bt848->iform = iform_muxsel0|iform_xtauto|iform_ntsc; bt848->vbipacksize = vbipacksize & 0xff; bt848->vbipackdel = (vbipacksize >> 8) & 1; // setpll(bt848); tv->cfmt = bt848->colorfmt = colorfmt_rgb16; hscale = (ntsc_rawpixels * 4096) / ntsc_sqpixels - 4096; hdelay = (ntsc_clkx1delay * ntsc_hactive) / ntsc_clkx1hactive; bt848->ovtc = bt848->evtc = 0; bt848->ehscalehi = bt848->ohscalehi = (hscale >> 8) & 0xff; bt848->ehscalelo = bt848->ohscalelo = hscale & 0xff; bt848->evscalehi &= ~0x1f; bt848->ovscalehi &= ~0x1f; bt848->evscalehi |= vscale_interlaced | ((ntsc_vscale >> 8) & 0x1f); bt848->ovscalehi |= vscale_interlaced | (ntsc_vscale >> 8) & 0x1f; bt848->evscalelo = bt848->ovscalelo = ntsc_vscale & 0xff; bt848->ehactivelo = bt848->ohactivelo = ntsc_hactive & 0xff; bt848->ehdelaylo = bt848->ohdelaylo = hdelay & 0xff; bt848->evactivelo = bt848->ovactivelo = ntsc_vactive & 0xff; bt848->evdelaylo = bt848->ovdelaylo = ntsc_vdelay & 0xff; bt848->ecrop = bt848->ocrop = ((ntsc_hactive >> 8) & 0x03) | ((hdelay >> 6) & 0x0C) | ((ntsc_vactive >> 4) & 0x30) | ((ntsc_vdelay >> 2) & 0xC0); bt848->colorctl = colorctl_gamma; bt848->capctl = 0; bt848->gpiodmactl = gpiodmactl_pltp23_16 | gpiodmactl_pltp1_16 | gpiodmactl_pktp_32; bt848->gpioreginp = 0; bt848->contrastlo = contrast_100percent; bt848->bright = 16; bt848->adc = (2 << 6) | adc_crush; bt848->econtrol = bt848->ocontrol = control_ldec; bt848->escloop = bt848->oscloop = 0; bt848->intstat = (ulong)-1; bt848->intmask = intmask | intstat_vsync | intstat_scerr | intstat_risci | intstat_ocerr | intstat_vpress | intstat_fmtchg; if (tv->amux) { gpioenable(tv, ~0xfff, 0xfff); gpiowrite(tv, ~0xfff, tv->amux[AudioRadio]); } print("#V%ld: %s (rev %d) (%s/%s) intl %d\n", tv - tvs, tv->variant->name, pci->rid, boards[tv->board], tv->tuner->name, pci->intl); intrenable(pci->intl, (void (*)(Ureg *, void *))tvinterrupt, tv, pci->tbdf, "tv"); } } static Chan* tvattach(char *spec) { return devattach('V', spec); } #define TYPE(q) ((int)((q).path & 0xff)) #define DEV(q) ((int)(((q).path >> 8) & 0xff)) #define QID(d, t) ((((d) & 0xff) << 8) | (t)) static int tv1gen(Chan *c, int i, Dir *dp) { Qid qid; switch (i) { case Qvdata: mkqid(&qid, QID(DEV(c->qid), Qvdata), 0, QTFILE); devdir(c, qid, "video", 0, eve, 0444, dp); return 1; case Qadata: mkqid(&qid, QID(DEV(c->qid), Qadata), 0, QTFILE); devdir(c, qid, "audio", 0, eve, 0444, dp); return 1; case Qctl: mkqid(&qid, QID(DEV(c->qid), Qctl), 0, QTFILE); devdir(c, qid, "ctl", 0, eve, 0444, dp); return 1; case Qregs: mkqid(&qid, QID(DEV(c->qid), Qregs), 0, QTFILE); devdir(c, qid, "regs", 0, eve, 0444, dp); return 1; } return -1; } static int tvgen(Chan *c, char *, Dirtab *, int, int i, Dir *dp) { Qid qid; int dev; dev = DEV(c->qid); switch (TYPE(c->qid)) { case Qdir: if (i == DEVDOTDOT) { mkqid(&qid, Qdir, 0, QTDIR); devdir(c, qid, "#V", 0, eve, 0555, dp); return 1; } if (i >= ntvs) return -1; mkqid(&qid, QID(i, Qsubdir), 0, QTDIR); snprint(up->genbuf, sizeof(up->genbuf), "tv%d", i); devdir(c, qid, up->genbuf, 0, eve, 0555, dp); return 1; case Qsubdir: if (i == DEVDOTDOT) { mkqid(&qid, QID(dev, Qdir), 0, QTDIR); snprint(up->genbuf, sizeof(up->genbuf), "tv%d", dev); devdir(c, qid, up->genbuf, 0, eve, 0555, dp); return 1; } return tv1gen(c, i + Qsubbase, dp); case Qvdata: case Qadata: case Qctl: case Qregs: return tv1gen(c, TYPE(c->qid), dp); default: return -1; } } static Walkqid * tvwalk(Chan *c, Chan *nc, char **name, int nname) { return devwalk(c, nc, name, nname, 0, 0, tvgen); } static int tvstat(Chan *c, uchar *db, int n) { return devstat(c, db, n, 0, 0, tvgen); } static Chan* tvopen(Chan *c, int omode) { if (omode != OREAD && TYPE(c->qid) != Qctl && TYPE(c->qid) != Qvdata) error(Eperm); switch (TYPE(c->qid)) { case Qdir: return devopen(c, omode, nil, 0, tvgen); case Qadata: if (tvs[DEV(c->qid)].bt878 == nil) error(Enonexist); break; } c->mode = openmode(omode); c->flag |= COPEN; c->offset = 0; if (TYPE(c->qid) == Qadata) c->aux = nil; return c; } static void tvclose(Chan *) { } static int audioblock(void *) { return 1; } static long tvread(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong offset) { static char regs[10 * K]; static int regslen; Tv *tv; char *e, *p; uchar *src; USED(offset); switch(TYPE(c->qid)) { case Qdir: case Qsubdir: return devdirread(c, a, n, 0, 0, tvgen); case Qvdata: { int bpf, nb; tv = &tvs[DEV(c->qid)]; bpf = ntsc_hactive * ntsc_vactive * getbitspp(tv) / 8; if (offset >= bpf) return 0; nb = n; if (offset + nb > bpf) nb = bpf - offset; ilock(tv); if (tv->frames == nil || tv->lvframe >= tv->nframes || tv->frames[tv->lvframe].fbase == nil) { iunlock(tv); return 0; } src = tv->frames[tv->lvframe].fbase; incref(&tv->fref); iunlock(tv); memmove(a, src + offset, nb); decref(&tv->fref); return nb; } case Qadata: { ulong uablock = (ulong)c->aux, bnum, tvablock; int boffs, nbytes; tv = &tvs[DEV(c->qid)]; if (tv->bt878 == nil) error("#V: No audio device"); if (tv->absize == 0) error("#V: audio not initialized"); bnum = offset / tv->absize; boffs = offset % tv->absize; nbytes = tv->absize - boffs; incref(&tv->aref); for (;;) { tvablock = tv->narblocks; /* Current tv block. */ if (uablock == 0) uablock = tvablock - 1; if (tvablock >= uablock + bnum + tv->narblocks) uablock = tvablock - 1 - bnum; if (uablock + bnum == tvablock) { sleep(tv, audioblock, nil); continue; } break; } print("uablock %ld, bnum %ld, boffs %d, nbytes %d, tvablock %ld\n", uablock, bnum, boffs, nbytes, tvablock); src = tv->abuf + ((uablock + bnum) % tv->nablocks) * tv->absize; print("copying from %#p (abuf %#p), nbytes %d (block %ld.%ld)\n", src + boffs, tv->abuf, nbytes, uablock, bnum); memmove(a, src + boffs, nbytes); decref(&tv->aref); uablock += (boffs + nbytes) % tv->absize; c->aux = (void*)uablock; return nbytes; } case Qctl: { char str[128]; tv = &tvs[DEV(c->qid)]; snprint(str, sizeof str, "%dx%dx%d %s channel %d %s\n", ntsc_hactive, ntsc_vactive, getbitspp(tv), getcolormode(tv->cfmt), tv->channel, tv->ainfo); return readstr(offset, a, strlen(str) + 1, str); } case Qregs: if (offset == 0) { Bt848 *bt848; int i; tv = &tvs[DEV(c->qid)]; bt848 = tv->bt848; e = regs + sizeof(regs); p = regs; for (i = 0; i < 0x300 >> 2; i++) p = seprint(p, e, "%.3X %.8ulX\n", i << 2, ((ulong *)bt848)[i]); if (tv->bt878) { bt848 = tv->bt878; for (i = 0; i < 0x300 >> 2; i++) p = seprint(p, e, "%.3X %.8ulX\n", i << 2, ((ulong *)bt848)[i]); } regslen = p - regs; } if (offset >= regslen) return 0; if (offset + n > regslen) n = regslen - offset; return readstr(offset, a, n, ®s[offset]); default: n = 0; break; } return n; } static long tvwrite(Chan *c, void *a, long n, vlong) { Cmdbuf *cb; Cmdtab *ct; Tv *tv; tv = &tvs[DEV(c->qid)]; switch(TYPE(c->qid)) { case Qctl: cb = parsecmd(a, n); if(waserror()){ free(cb); nexterror(); } ct = lookupcmd(cb, tvctlmsg, nelem(tvctlmsg)); switch (ct->index) { case CMvstart: vstart(tv, (int)strtol(cb->f[1], (char **)nil, 0), ntsc_hactive, ntsc_vactive, ntsc_hactive); break; case CMastart: astart(tv, cb->f[1], (uint)strtol(cb->f[2], (char **)nil, 0), (uint)strtol(cb->f[3], (char **)nil, 0), (uint)strtol(cb->f[4], (char **)nil, 0)); break; case CMastop: astop(tv); break; case CMvgastart: vgastart(tv, strtoul(cb->f[1], (char **)nil, 0), (int)strtoul(cb->f[2], (char **)nil, 0)); break; case CMvstop: vstop(tv); break; case CMchannel: frequency(tv, (int)strtol(cb->f[1], (char **)nil, 0), (int)strtol(cb->f[2], (char **)nil, 0)); break; case CMcolormode: colormode(tv, cb->f[1]); break; case CMvolume: if (!tv->msp) error("#V: No volume control"); mspvolume(tv, 0, (int)strtol(cb->f[1], (char **)nil, 0), (int)strtol(cb->f[2], (char **)nil, 0)); break; case CMmute: if (!tv->msp) error("#V: No volume control"); mspvolume(tv, 1, 0, 0); break; } poperror(); free(cb); break; default: error(Eio); } return n; } Dev tvdevtab = { 'V', "tv", devreset, tvinit, devshutdown, tvattach, tvwalk, tvstat, tvopen, devcreate, tvclose, tvread, devbread, tvwrite, devbwrite, devremove, devwstat, }; static void tvinterrupt(Ureg *, Tv *tv) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848, *bt878 = tv->bt878; for (;;) { ulong vstat, astat; uchar fnum; vstat = bt848->intstat; fnum = (vstat >> intstat_riscstatshift) & 0xf; vstat &= bt848->intmask; if (bt878) astat = bt878->intstat & bt878->intmask; else astat = 0; if (vstat == 0 && astat == 0) break; if (astat) print("vstat %.8luX, astat %.8luX\n", vstat, astat); bt848->intstat = vstat; if (bt878) bt878->intstat = astat; if ((vstat & intstat_fmtchg) == intstat_fmtchg) { iprint("int: fmtchg\n"); vstat &= ~intstat_fmtchg; } if ((vstat & intstat_vpress) == intstat_vpress) { // iprint("int: vpress\n"); vstat &= ~intstat_vpress; } if ((vstat & intstat_vsync) == intstat_vsync) vstat &= ~intstat_vsync; if ((vstat & intstat_scerr) == intstat_scerr) { iprint("int: scerr\n"); bt848->gpiodmactl &= ~(gpiodmactl_riscenable|gpiodmactl_fifoenable); bt848->gpiodmactl |= gpiodmactl_fifoenable; bt848->gpiodmactl |= gpiodmactl_riscenable; vstat &= ~intstat_scerr; } if ((vstat & intstat_risci) == intstat_risci) { tv->lvframe = fnum; vstat &= ~intstat_risci; } if ((vstat & intstat_ocerr) == intstat_ocerr) { iprint("int: ocerr\n"); vstat &= ~intstat_ocerr; } if ((vstat & intstat_fbus) == intstat_fbus) { iprint("int: fbus\n"); vstat &= ~intstat_fbus; } if (vstat) iprint("int: (v) ignored interrupts %.8ulX\n", vstat); if ((astat & intstat_risci) == intstat_risci) { tv->narblocks++; if ((tv->narblocks % 100) == 0) print("a"); wakeup(tv); astat &= ~intstat_risci; } if ((astat & intstat_fdsr) == intstat_fdsr) { iprint("int: (a) fdsr\n"); bt848->gpiodmactl &= ~(gpiodmactl_acapenable | gpiodmactl_riscenable | gpiodmactl_fifoenable); astat &= ~intstat_fdsr; } if (astat) iprint("int: (a) ignored interrupts %.8ulX\n", astat); } } static int i2cread(Tv *tv, uchar off, uchar *v) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; ulong intstat; int i; bt848->intstat = intstat_i2cdone; bt848->i2c = (off << 24) | tv->i2ccmd; intstat = -1; for (i = 0; i != 1000; i++) { if ((intstat = bt848->intstat) & intstat_i2cdone) break; microdelay(1000); } if (i == 1000) { print("i2cread: timeout\n"); return 0; } if ((intstat & intstat_i2crack) == 0) return 0; *v = bt848->i2c >> 8; return 1; } static int i2cwrite(Tv *tv, uchar addr, uchar sub, uchar data, int both) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; ulong intstat, d; int i; bt848->intstat = intstat_i2cdone; d = (addr << 24) | (sub << 16) | tv->i2ccmd; if (both) d |= (data << 8) | i2c_bt848w3b; bt848->i2c = d; intstat = 0; for (i = 0; i != 1000; i++) { if ((intstat = bt848->intstat) & intstat_i2cdone) break; microdelay(1000); } if (i == i2c_timeout) { print("i2cwrite: timeout\n"); return 0; } if ((intstat & intstat_i2crack) == 0) return 0; return 1; } static ulong * riscpacked(ulong pa, int fnum, int w, int h, int stride, ulong **lastjmp) { ulong *p, *pbase; int i; pbase = p = (ulong *)malloc((h + 6) * 2 * sizeof(ulong)); assert(p); assert(w <= 0x7FF); *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_resync | riscsync_vre; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_fm1; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != h / 2; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite | w | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol; *p++ = pa + i * 2 * stride; } *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_resync | riscsync_vro; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_fm1; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != h / 2; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite | w | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol; *p++ = pa + (i * 2 + 1) * stride; } /* reset status. you really need two instructions ;-(. */ *p++ = riscjmp | (0xf << risclabelshift_reset); *p++ = PADDR(p); *p++ = riscjmp | riscirq | (fnum << risclabelshift_set); *lastjmp = p; return pbase; } static ulong * riscplanar411(ulong pa, int fnum, int w, int h, ulong **lastjmp) { ulong *p, *pbase, Cw, Yw, Ch; uchar *Ybase, *Cbbase, *Crbase; int i, bitspp; bitspp = 6; assert(w * bitspp / 8 <= 0x7FF); pbase = p = (ulong *)malloc((h + 6) * 5 * sizeof(ulong)); assert(p); Yw = w; Ybase = (uchar *)pa; Cw = w >> 1; Ch = h >> 1; Cbbase = Ybase + Yw * h; Crbase = Cbbase + Cw * Ch; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_resync | riscsync_vre; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_fm3; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != h / 2; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite123 | Yw | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol; *p++ = (Cw << 16) | Cw; *p++ = (ulong)(Ybase + i * 2 * Yw); *p++ = (ulong)(Cbbase + i * Cw); /* Do not interlace */ *p++ = (ulong)(Crbase + i * Cw); } *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_resync | riscsync_vro; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_fm3; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != h / 2; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite1s23 | Yw | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol; *p++ = (Cw << 16) | Cw; *p++ = (ulong)(Ybase + (i * 2 + 1) * Yw); } /* reset status. you really need two instructions ;-(. */ *p++ = riscjmp | (0xf << risclabelshift_reset); *p++ = PADDR(p); *p++ = riscjmp | riscirq | (fnum << risclabelshift_set); *lastjmp = p; return pbase; } static ulong * riscplanar422(ulong pa, int fnum, int w, int h, ulong **lastjmp) { ulong *p, *pbase, Cw, Yw; uchar *Ybase, *Cbbase, *Crbase; int i, bpp; bpp = 2; assert(w * bpp <= 0x7FF); pbase = p = (ulong *)malloc((h + 6) * 5 * sizeof(ulong)); assert(p); Yw = w; Ybase = (uchar *)pa; Cw = w >> 1; Cbbase = Ybase + Yw * h; Crbase = Cbbase + Cw * h; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_resync | riscsync_vre; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_fm3; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != h / 2; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite123 | Yw | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol; *p++ = (Cw << 16) | Cw; *p++ = (ulong)(Ybase + i * 2 * Yw); *p++ = (ulong)(Cbbase + i * 2 * Cw); *p++ = (ulong)(Crbase + i * 2 * Cw); } *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_resync | riscsync_vro; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_fm3; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != h / 2; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite123 | Yw | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol; *p++ = (Cw << 16) | Cw; *p++ = (ulong)(Ybase + (i * 2 + 1) * Yw); *p++ = (ulong)(Cbbase + (i * 2 + 1) * Cw); *p++ = (ulong)(Crbase + (i * 2 + 1) * Cw); } /* reset status. you really need two instructions ;-(. */ *p++ = riscjmp | (0xf << risclabelshift_reset); *p++ = PADDR(p); *p++ = riscjmp | riscirq | (fnum << risclabelshift_set); *lastjmp = p; return pbase; } static ulong * riscaudio(ulong pa, int nblocks, int bsize) { ulong *p, *pbase; int i; pbase = p = (ulong *)malloc((nblocks + 3) * 2 * sizeof(ulong)); assert(p); *p++ = riscsync|riscsync_fm1; *p++ = 0; for (i = 0; i != nblocks; i++) { *p++ = riscwrite | riscwrite_sol | riscwrite_eol | bsize | riscirq | ((i & 0xf) << risclabelshift_set) | ((~i & 0xf) << risclabelshift_reset); *p++ = pa + i * bsize; } *p++ = riscsync | riscsync_vro; *p++ = 0; *p++ = riscjmp; *p++ = PADDR(pbase); USED(p); return pbase; } static void vactivate(Tv *tv, Frame *frames, int nframes) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; ilock(tv); if (tv->frames) { iunlock(tv); error(Einuse); } poperror(); tv->frames = frames; tv->nframes = nframes; bt848->riscstrtadd = PADDR(tv->frames[0].fstart); bt848->capctl |= capctl_captureodd|capctl_captureeven; bt848->gpiodmactl |= gpiodmactl_fifoenable; bt848->gpiodmactl |= gpiodmactl_riscenable; iunlock(tv); } static void vstart(Tv *tv, int nframes, int w, int h, int stride) { Frame *frames; int bitspp, i, bpf; if (nframes >= 0x10) error(Ebadarg); bitspp = getbitspp(tv); bpf = w * h * bitspp / 8; /* Add one as a spare. */ frames = (Frame *)malloc(nframes * sizeof(Frame)); assert(frames); if (waserror()) { for (i = 0; i != nframes; i++) if (frames[i].fbase) free(frames[i].fbase); free(frames); nexterror(); } memset(frames, 0, nframes * sizeof(Frame)); for (i = 0; i != nframes; i++) { if ((frames[i].fbase = (uchar *)malloc(bpf)) == nil) error(Enomem); switch (tv->cfmt) { case colorfmt_YCbCr422: frames[i].fstart = riscplanar422(PADDR(frames[i].fbase), i, w, h, &frames[i].fjmp); break; case colorfmt_YCbCr411: frames[i].fstart = riscplanar411(PADDR(frames[i].fbase), i, w, h, &frames[i].fjmp); break; case colorfmt_rgb16: frames[i].fstart = riscpacked(PADDR(frames[i].fbase), i, w * bitspp / 8, h, stride * bitspp / 8, &frames[i].fjmp); break; default: panic("vstart: Unsupport colorformat"); } } for (i = 0; i != nframes; i++) *frames[i].fjmp = PADDR(i == nframes - 1? frames[0].fstart: frames[i + 1].fstart); vactivate(tv, frames, nframes); } static void astart(Tv *tv, char *input, uint rate, uint nab, uint nasz) { Bt848 *bt878 = tv->bt878; ulong *arisc; int selector; uchar *abuf; int s, d; if (bt878 == nil || tv->amux == nil) error("#V: Card does not support audio"); selector = 0; if (!strcmp(input, "tv")) selector = asel_tv; else if (!strcmp(input, "radio")) selector = asel_radio; else if (!strcmp(input, "mic")) selector = asel_mic; else if (!strcmp(input, "smxc")) selector = asel_smxc; else error("#V: Invalid input"); if (nasz > 0xfff) error("#V: Audio block size too big (max 0xfff)"); abuf = (uchar *)malloc(nab * nasz * sizeof(uchar)); assert(abuf); arisc = riscaudio(PADDR(abuf), nab, nasz); ilock(tv); if (tv->arisc) { iunlock(tv); free(abuf); free(arisc); error(Einuse); } tv->arisc = arisc; tv->abuf = abuf; tv->nablocks = nab; tv->absize = nasz; bt878->riscstrtadd = PADDR(tv->arisc); bt878->packetlen = (nab << 16) | nasz; bt878->intmask = intstat_scerr | intstat_ocerr | intstat_risci | intstat_pabort | intstat_riperr | intstat_pperr | intstat_fdsr | intstat_ftrgt | intstat_fbus; /* Assume analog, 16bpp */ for (s = 0; s < 16; s++) if (rate << s > Hwbase_ad * 4 / 15) break; for (d = 15; d >= 4; d--) if (rate << s < Hwbase_ad * 4 / d) break; print("astart: sampleshift %d, decimation %d\n", s, d); tv->narblocks = 0; bt878->gpiodmactl = gpiodmactl_fifoenable | gpiodmactl_riscenable | gpiodmactl_acapenable | gpiodmactl_daes2 | /* gpiodmactl_apwrdn | */ gpiodmactl_daiomda | d << 8 | 9 << 28 | selector << 24; print("dmactl %.8ulX\n", bt878->gpiodmactl); iunlock(tv); } static void astop(Tv *tv) { Bt848 *bt878 = tv->bt878; ilock(tv); if (tv->aref.ref > 0) { iunlock(tv); error(Einuse); } if (tv->abuf) { bt878->gpiodmactl &= ~gpiodmactl_riscenable; bt878->gpiodmactl &= ~gpiodmactl_fifoenable; free(tv->abuf); tv->abuf = nil; free(tv->arisc); tv->arisc = nil; } iunlock(tv); } static void vgastart(Tv *tv, ulong pa, int stride) { Frame *frame; frame = (Frame *)malloc(sizeof(Frame)); assert(frame); if (waserror()) { free(frame); nexterror(); } frame->fbase = nil; frame->fstart = riscpacked(pa, 0, ntsc_hactive * getbitspp(tv) / 8, ntsc_vactive, stride * getbitspp(tv) / 8, &frame->fjmp); *frame->fjmp = PADDR(frame->fstart); vactivate(tv, frame, 1); } static void vstop(Tv *tv) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; ilock(tv); if (tv->fref.ref > 0) { iunlock(tv); error(Einuse); } if (tv->frames) { int i; bt848->gpiodmactl &= ~gpiodmactl_riscenable; bt848->gpiodmactl &= ~gpiodmactl_fifoenable; bt848->capctl &= ~(capctl_captureodd|capctl_captureeven); for (i = 0; i != tv->nframes; i++) if (tv->frames[i].fbase) free(tv->frames[i].fbase); free(tv->frames); tv->frames = nil; } iunlock(tv); } static long hrcfreq[] = { /* HRC CATV frequencies */ 0, 7200, 5400, 6000, 6600, 7800, 8400, 17400, 18000, 18600, 19200, 19800, 20400, 21000, 12000, 12600, 13200, 13800, 14400, 15000, 15600, 16200, 16800, 21600, 22200, 22800, 23400, 24000, 24600, 25200, 25800, 26400, 27000, 27600, 28200, 28800, 29400, 30000, 30600, 31200, 31800, 32400, 33000, 33600, 34200, 34800, 35400, 36000, 36600, 37200, 37800, 38400, 39000, 39600, 40200, 40800, 41400, 42000, 42600, 43200, 43800, 44400, 45000, 45600, 46200, 46800, 47400, 48000, 48600, 49200, 49800, 50400, 51000, 51600, 52200, 52800, 53400, 54000, 54600, 55200, 55800, 56400, 57000, 57600, 58200, 58800, 59400, 60000, 60600, 61200, 61800, 62400, 63000, 63600, 64200, 9000, 9600, 10200, 10800, 11400, 64800, 65400, 66000, 66600, 67200, 67800, 68400, 69000, 69600, 70200, 70800, 71400, 72000, 72600, 73200, 73800, 74400, 75000, 75600, 76200, 76800, 77400, 78000, 78600, 79200, 79800, }; static void frequency(Tv *tv, int channel, int finetune) { Tuner *tuner = tv->tuner; long freq; ushort div; uchar cfg; if (channel < 0 || channel > nelem(hrcfreq)) error(Ebadarg); freq = (hrcfreq[channel] * Freqmultiplier) / 100; if (freq < tuner->freq_vhfh) cfg = tuner->VHF_L; else if (freq < tuner->freq_uhf) cfg = tuner->VHF_H; else cfg = tuner->UHF; div = (freq + tuner->offs + finetune) & 0x7fff; if (!i2cwrite(tv, tv->i2ctuneraddr, (div >> 8) & 0x7f, div, 1)) error(Eio); if (!i2cwrite(tv, tv->i2ctuneraddr, tuner->cfg, cfg, 1)) error(Eio); tv->channel = channel; if (tv->msp) msptune(tv); } static struct { char *cmode; ulong realmode; ulong cbits; } colormodes[] = { { "RGB16", colorfmt_rgb16, colorfmt_rgb16, }, { "YCbCr422", colorfmt_YCbCr422, colorfmt_YCbCr422, }, { "YCbCr411", colorfmt_YCbCr411, colorfmt_YCbCr422, }, }; static void colormode(Tv *tv, char *colormode) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; int i; for (i = 0; i != nelem(colormodes); i++) if (!strcmp(colormodes[i].cmode, colormode)) break; if (i == nelem(colormodes)) error(Ebadarg); tv->cfmt = colormodes[i].realmode; bt848->colorfmt = colormodes[i].cbits; } static int getbitspp(Tv *tv) { switch (tv->cfmt) { case colorfmt_rgb16: case colorfmt_YCbCr422: return 16; case colorfmt_YCbCr411: return 12; default: error("getbitspp: Unsupport color format\n"); } return -1; } static char * getcolormode(ulong cmode) { switch (cmode) { case colorfmt_rgb16: return "RGB16"; case colorfmt_YCbCr411: return "YCbCr411"; case colorfmt_YCbCr422: return (cmode == colorfmt_YCbCr422)? "YCbCr422": "YCbCr411"; default: error("getcolormode: Unsupport color format\n"); } return nil; } static void i2c_set(Tv *tv, int scl, int sda) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; ulong d; bt848->i2c = (scl << 1) | sda; d = bt848->i2c; USED(d); microdelay(i2c_delay); } static uchar i2c_getsda(Tv *tv) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; return bt848->i2c & i2c_sda; } static void i2c_start(Tv *tv) { i2c_set(tv, 0, 1); i2c_set(tv, 1, 1); i2c_set(tv, 1, 0); i2c_set(tv, 0, 0); } static void i2c_stop(Tv *tv) { i2c_set(tv, 0, 0); i2c_set(tv, 1, 0); i2c_set(tv, 1, 1); } static void i2c_bit(Tv *tv, int sda) { i2c_set(tv, 0, sda); i2c_set(tv, 1, sda); i2c_set(tv, 0, sda); } static int i2c_getack(Tv *tv) { int ack; i2c_set(tv, 0, 1); i2c_set(tv, 1, 1); ack = i2c_getsda(tv); i2c_set(tv, 0, 1); return ack; } static int i2c_wr8(Tv *tv, uchar d, int wait) { int i, ack; i2c_set(tv, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) { i2c_bit(tv, (d & 0x80)? 1: 0); d <<= 1; } if (wait) microdelay(wait); ack = i2c_getack(tv); return ack == 0; } static uchar i2c_rd8(Tv *tv, int lastbyte) { int i; uchar d; d = 0; i2c_set(tv, 0, 1); for (i = 0; i != 8; i++) { i2c_set(tv, 1, 1); d <<= 1; if (i2c_getsda(tv)) d |= 1; i2c_set(tv, 0, 1); } i2c_bit(tv, lastbyte? 1: 0); return d; } static int mspsend(Tv *tv, uchar *cmd, int ncmd) { int i, j, delay; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { delay = 2000; i2c_start(tv); for (j = 0; j != ncmd; j++) { if (!i2c_wr8(tv, cmd[j], delay)) break; delay = 0; } i2c_stop(tv); if (j == ncmd) return 1; microdelay(10000); print("mspsend: retrying\n"); } return 0; } static int mspwrite(Tv *tv, uchar sub, ushort reg, ushort v) { uchar b[6]; b[0] = i2c_msp3400; b[1] = sub; b[2] = reg >> 8; b[3] = reg; b[4] = v >> 8; b[5] = v; return mspsend(tv, b, sizeof b); } static int mspread(Tv *tv, uchar sub, ushort reg, ushort *data) { uchar b[4]; int i; b[0] = i2c_msp3400; b[1] = sub; b[2] = reg >> 8; b[3] = reg; for (i = 0; i != 3; i++) { i2c_start(tv); if (!i2c_wr8(tv, b[0], 2000) || !i2c_wr8(tv, b[1] | 1, 0) || !i2c_wr8(tv, b[2], 0) || !i2c_wr8(tv, b[3], 0)) { i2c_stop(tv); microdelay(10000); print("retrying\n"); continue; } i2c_start(tv); if (!i2c_wr8(tv, b[0] | 1, 2000)) { i2c_stop(tv); continue; } *data = i2c_rd8(tv, 0) << 8; *data |= i2c_rd8(tv, 1); i2c_stop(tv); return 1; } return 0; } static uchar mspt_reset[] = { i2c_msp3400, 0, 0x80, 0 }; static uchar mspt_on[] = { i2c_msp3400, 0, 0, 0 }; static int mspreset(Tv *tv) { ushort v, p; Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; ulong b; b = 1 << 5; gpioenable(tv, ~b, b); gpiowrite(tv, ~b, 0); microdelay(2500); gpiowrite(tv, ~b, b); bt848->i2c = 0x80; microdelay(2000); mspsend(tv, mspt_reset, sizeof mspt_reset); microdelay(2000); if (!mspsend(tv, mspt_on, sizeof mspt_on)) { print("#V: Cannot find MSP34x5G on the I2C bus (on)\n"); return 0; } microdelay(2000); if (!mspread(tv, msp_bbp, 0x001e, &v)) { print("#V: Cannot read MSP34xG5 chip version\n"); return 0; } if (!mspread(tv, msp_bbp, 0x001f, &p)) { print("#V: Cannot read MSP34xG5 product code\n"); return 0; } print("#V: MSP34%dg ROM %.d, %d.%d\n", (uchar)(p >> 8), (uchar)p, (uchar)(v >> 8), (uchar)v); tv->msp = 1; return 1; } static void mspvolume(Tv *tv, int mute, int l, int r) { short v, d; ushort b; if (mute) { v = 0; b = 0; } else { tv->aleft = l; tv->aright = r; d = v = max(l, r); if (d == 0) d++; b = ((r - l) * 0x7f) / d; } mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 0, v << 8); mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 7, v? 0x4000: 0); mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 1, b << 8); } static char * mspaformat(int f) { switch (f) { case 0: return "unknown"; case 2: case 0x20: case 0x30: return "M-BTSC"; case 3: return "B/G-FM"; case 4: case 9: case 0xB: return "L-AM/NICAM D/Kn"; case 8: return "B/G-NICAM"; case 0xA: return "I"; case 0x40: return "FM-Radio"; } return "unknown format"; } static void msptune(Tv *tv) { ushort d, s, nicam; int i; mspvolume(tv, 1, 0, 0); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_dem, 0x0030, 0x2033)) error("#V: Cannot set MODUS register"); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 0x0008, 0x0320)) error("#V: Cannot set loadspeaker input"); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_dem, 0x0040, 0x0001)) error("#V: Cannot set I2S clock freq"); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 0x000d, 0x1900)) error("#V: Cannot set SCART prescale"); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 0x000e, 0x2403)) error("#V: Cannot set FM/AM prescale"); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_bbp, 0x0010, 0x5a00)) error("#V: Cannot set NICAM prescale"); if (!mspwrite(tv, msp_dem, 0x0020, 0x0001)) error("#V: Cannot start auto detect"); for (d = (ushort)-1, i = 0; i != 10; i++) { if (!mspread(tv, msp_dem, 0x007e, &d)) error("#V: Cannot get autodetect info MSP34xG5"); if (d == 0 || d < 0x800) break; delay(50); } if (!mspread(tv, msp_dem, 0x0200, &s)) error("#V: Cannot get status info MSP34xG5"); mspvolume(tv, 0, tv->aleft, tv->aright); nicam = ((s >> 4) & 2) | ((s >> 9) & 1); snprint(tv->ainfo, sizeof tv->ainfo, "%s %s %s", mspaformat(d), (s & (1 << 6))? "stereo": "mono", nicamstate[nicam]); } static void i2cscan(Tv *tv) { int i, ack; for (i = 0; i < 0x100; i += 2) { i2c_start(tv); ack = i2c_wr8(tv, i, 0); i2c_stop(tv); if (ack) print("i2c device @%.2uX\n", i); } for (i = 0xf0; i != 0xff; i++) { i2c_start(tv); ack = i2c_wr8(tv, i, 0); i2c_stop(tv); if (ack) print("i2c device may be at @%.2uX\n", i); } } static void gpioenable(Tv *tv, ulong mask, ulong data) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; bt848->gpioouten = (bt848->gpioouten & mask) | data; } static void gpiowrite(Tv *tv, ulong mask, ulong data) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; bt848->gpiodata[0] = (bt848->gpiodata[0] & mask) | data; } static void alteraoutput(Tv *tv) { if (tv->gpiostate == Gpiooutput) return; gpioenable(tv, ~0xffffff, 0x56ffff); microdelay(10); tv->gpiostate = Gpiooutput; } static void alterainput(Tv *tv) { if (tv->gpiostate == Gpioinput) return; gpioenable(tv, ~0xffffff, 0x570000); microdelay(10); tv->gpiostate = Gpioinput; } static void alterareg(Tv *tv, ulong reg) { if (tv->alterareg == reg) return; gpiowrite(tv, ~0x56ffff, (reg & 0x54ffff) | tv->alteraclock); microdelay(10); tv->alterareg = reg; } static void alterawrite(Tv *tv, ulong reg, ushort data) { alteraoutput(tv); alterareg(tv, reg); tv->alteraclock ^= 0x20000; gpiowrite(tv, ~0x56ffff, (reg & 0x540000) | data | tv->alteraclock); microdelay(10); } static void alteraread(Tv *tv, int reg, ushort *data) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; if (tv->alterareg != reg) { alteraoutput(tv); alterareg(tv, reg); } else { gpioenable(tv, ~0xffffff, 0x560000); microdelay(10); } alterainput(tv); gpiowrite(tv, ~0x570000, (reg & 0x560000) | tv->alteraclock); microdelay(10); *data = (ushort)bt848->gpiodata[0]; microdelay(10); } static void kfirloadu(Tv *tv, uchar *u, int ulen) { Bt848 *bt848 = tv->bt848; int i, j; ilock(&tv->kfirlock); bt848->gpioouten &= 0xff000000; bt848->gpioouten |= gpio_altera_data | gpio_altera_clock | gpio_altera_nconfig; bt848->gpiodata[0] &= 0xff000000; microdelay(10); bt848->gpiodata[0] |= gpio_altera_nconfig; microdelay(10); /* Download the microcode */ for (i = 0; i != ulen; i++) for (j = 0; j != 8; j++) { bt848->gpiodata[0] &= ~(gpio_altera_clock|gpio_altera_data); if (u[i] & 1) bt848->gpiodata[0] |= gpio_altera_data; bt848->gpiodata[0] |= gpio_altera_clock; u[i] >>= 1; } bt848->gpiodata[0] &= ~gpio_altera_clock; microdelay(100); /* Initialize. */ for (i = 0; i != 30; i++) { bt848->gpiodata[0] &= ~gpio_altera_clock; bt848->gpiodata[0] |= gpio_altera_clock; } bt848->gpiodata[0] &= ~(gpio_altera_clock|gpio_altera_data); iunlock(&tv->kfirlock); tv->gpiostate = Gpioinit; } static void kfirreset(Tv *tv) { alterawrite(tv, 0, 0); microdelay(10); alterawrite(tv, 0x40000, 0); microdelay(10); alterawrite(tv, 0x40006, 0x80); microdelay(10); alterawrite(tv, 8, 1); microdelay(10); alterawrite(tv, 0x40004, 2); microdelay(10); alterawrite(tv, 4, 3); microdelay(3); } static int kfirinitialize(Tv *tv) { /* Initialize parameters? */ tv->gpiostate = Gpioinit; tv->alterareg = -1; tv->alteraclock = 0x20000; kfirloadu(tv, hcwAMC, sizeof hcwAMC); kfirreset(tv); return 1; }