ref: be3db32338dc5f5949ced610adf65dc4e0880340
dir: /sys/src/cmd/postscript/tr2post/utils.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include "../common/common.h" #include "tr2post.h" int hpos = 0, vpos = 0; int fontsize, fontpos; #define MAXSTR 128 int trindex; /* index into trofftab of current troff font */ static int expecthmot = 0; void initialize(void) { } void hgoto(int x) { hpos = x; if (pageon()) { endstring(); /* Bprint(Bstdout, "%d %d m\n", hpos, vpos); */ } } void vgoto(int y) { vpos = y; if (pageon()) { endstring(); /* Bprint(Bstdout, "%d %d m\n", hpos, vpos); */ } } void hmot(int x) { int delta; if ((x<expecthmot-1) || (x>expecthmot+1)) { delta = x - expecthmot; if (curtrofffontid <0 || curtrofffontid >= troffontcnt) { Bprint(Bstderr, "troffontcnt=%d curtrofffontid=%d\n", troffontcnt, curtrofffontid); Bflush(Bstderr); exits(""); } if (delta == troffontab[curtrofffontid].spacewidth*fontsize/10 && isinstring()) { if (pageon()) runeout(' '); } else { if (pageon()) { endstring(); /* Bprint(Bstdout, " %d 0 rmoveto ", delta); */ /* Bprint(Bstdout, " %d %d m ", hpos+x, vpos); */ if (debug) Bprint(Bstderr, "x=%d expecthmot=%d\n", x, expecthmot); } } } hpos += x; expecthmot = 0; } void vmot(int y) { endstring(); /* Bprint(Bstdout, " 0 %d rmoveto ", -y); */ vpos += y; } struct charent ** findglyph(int trfid, Rune rune, char *stoken) { struct charent **cp; for (cp = &(troffontab[trfid].charent[RUNEGETGROUP(rune)][RUNEGETCHAR(rune)]); *cp != 0; cp = &((*cp)->next)) { if ((*cp)->name) { if (debug) Bprint(Bstderr, "looking for <%s>, have <%s> in font %s\n", stoken, (*cp)->name, troffontab[trfid].trfontid); if (strcmp((*cp)->name, stoken) == 0) break; } } return(cp); } /* output glyph. Use first rune to look up character (hash) * then use stoken UTF string to find correct glyph in linked * list of glyphs in bucket. */ void glyphout(Rune rune, char *stoken, BOOLEAN specialflag) { struct charent **cp; struct troffont *tfp; struct psfent *psfp; int i, t; int fontid; /* this is the troff font table index, not the mounted font table index */ int mi, fi, wid; Rune r; settrfont(); /* check current font for the character, special or not */ fontid = curtrofffontid; if (debug) fprint(2, " looking through current font: trying %s\n", troffontab[fontid].trfontid); cp = findglyph(fontid, rune, stoken); if (*cp != 0) goto foundit; if (specialflag) { if (expecthmot) hmot(0); /* check special fonts for the special character */ /* cycle through the (troff) mounted fonts starting at the next font */ for (mi=0; mi<fontmnt; mi++) { if (troffontab[fontid].trfontid==0) error(WARNING, "glyphout:troffontab[%d].trfontid=0x%x, botch!\n", fontid, troffontab[fontid].trfontid); if (fontmtab[mi]==0) { if (debug) fprint(2, "fontmtab[%d]=0x%x, fontmnt=%d\n", mi, fontmtab[mi], fontmnt); continue; } if (strcmp(troffontab[fontid].trfontid, fontmtab[mi])==0) break; } if (mi==fontmnt) error(FATAL, "current troff font is not mounted, botch!\n"); for (i=(mi+1)%fontmnt; i!=mi; i=(i+1)%fontmnt) { if (fontmtab[i]==0) { if (debug) fprint(2, "fontmtab[%d]=0x%x, fontmnt=%d\n", i, fontmtab[i], fontmnt); continue; } fontid = findtfn(fontmtab[i], TRUE); if (debug) fprint(2, " looking through special fonts: trying %s\n", troffontab[fontid].trfontid); if (troffontab[fontid].special) { cp = findglyph(fontid, rune, stoken); if (*cp != 0) goto foundit; } } /* check font 1 (if current font is not font 1) for the special character */ if (mi != 1) { fontid = findtfn(fontmtab[1], TRUE);; if (debug) fprint(2, " looking through font at position 1: trying %s\n", troffontab[fontid].trfontid); cp = findglyph(fontid, rune, stoken); if (*cp != 0) goto foundit; } } if (*cp == 0) { error(WARNING, "cannot find glyph, rune=0x%x stoken=<%s> troff font %s\n", rune, stoken, troffontab[curtrofffontid].trfontid); expecthmot = 0; } /* use the peter face in lieu of the character that we couldn't find */ rune = 'p'; stoken = "pw"; for (i=(mi+1)%fontmnt; i!=mi; i=(i+1)%fontmnt) { if (fontmtab[i]==0) { if (debug) fprint(2, "fontmtab[%d]=0x%x\n", i, fontmtab[i]); continue; } fontid = findtfn(fontmtab[i], TRUE); if (debug) fprint(2, " looking through special fonts: trying %s\n", troffontab[fontid].trfontid); if (troffontab[fontid].special) { cp = findglyph(fontid, rune, stoken); if (*cp != 0) goto foundit; } } if (*cp == 0) { error(WARNING, "cannot find glyph, rune=0x%x stoken=<%s> troff font %s\n", rune, stoken, troffontab[curtrofffontid].trfontid); expecthmot = 0; return; } foundit: t = (((*cp)->postfontid&0xff)<<8) | ((*cp)->postcharid&0xff); if (debug) { Bprint(Bstderr, "runeout(0x%x)<%C> postfontid=0x%x postcharid=0x%x troffcharwidth=%d\n", rune, rune, (*cp)->postfontid, (*cp)->postcharid, (*cp)->troffcharwidth); } tfp = &(troffontab[fontid]); for (i=0; i<tfp->psfmapsize; i++) { psfp = &(tfp->psfmap[i]); if(t>=psfp->start && t<=psfp->end) break; } if (i >= tfp->psfmapsize) error(FATAL, "character <0x%x> does not have a Postscript font defined.\n", rune); setpsfont(psfp->psftid, fontsize); if (t == 0x0001) { /* character is in charlib */ endstring(); if (pageon()) { struct charent *tcp; Bprint(Bstdout, "%d %d m ", hpos, vpos); /* if char is unicode character rather than name, clean up for postscript */ wid = chartorune(&r, (*cp)->name); if(' '<r && r<0x7F) Bprint(Bstdout, "%d build_%s\n", (*cp)->troffcharwidth, (*cp)->name); else{ if((*cp)->name[wid] != 0) error(FATAL, "character <%s> badly named\n", (*cp)->name); Bprint(Bstdout, "%d build_X%.4x\n", (*cp)->troffcharwidth, r); } /* stash charent pointer in a list so that we can print these character definitions * in the prologue. */ for (i=0; i<build_char_cnt; i++) if (*cp == build_char_list[i]) break; if (i == build_char_cnt) { build_char_list = galloc(build_char_list, sizeof(struct charent *) * ++build_char_cnt, "build_char_list"); build_char_list[build_char_cnt-1] = *cp; } } expecthmot = (*cp)->troffcharwidth * fontsize / unitwidth; } else if (isinstring() || rune != ' ') { startstring(); if (pageon()) { if (rune == ' ') Bprint(Bstdout, " "); else Bprint(Bstdout, "%s", charcode[RUNEGETCHAR(t)].str); } expecthmot = (*cp)->troffcharwidth * fontsize / unitwidth; } } /* runeout puts a symbol into a string (queue) to be output. * It also has to keep track of the current and last symbol * output to check that the spacing is correct by default * or needs to be adjusted with a spacing operation. */ void runeout(Rune rune) { char stoken[UTFmax+1]; int i; i = runetochar(stoken, &rune); stoken[i] = '\0'; glyphout(rune, stoken, TRUE); } void specialout(char *stoken) { Rune rune; int i; i = chartorune(&rune, stoken); glyphout(rune, stoken, TRUE); } void graphfunc(Biobufhdr *bp) { } long nametorune(char *name) { return(0); } void notavail(char *msg) { Bprint(Bstderr, "%s is not available at this time.\n", msg); }