vt(1): vt doesnt exit when the host process exits as claimed (thanks driusan)
cc: fix wrong "useless or misleading comparison" warning
rc: implement $"x in terms of Xdol() and new Xqw() instruction
devip: fix swapped tcp snd.scale and recv.scale in tcpstate() format (thanks joe9)
libdraw: avoid deadlock for mouse ioproc sending on resizec
devbridge: fix runt packets going through the bridge (thanks cinap)
games/c64: make keyboard table more readable
ether82563: ignore i82753 checksums, fixes T60 ethernet
nusb/kb: multitouch support (touchscreens, stylus)
rcpu: fix pvar to initialize empty variables (thanks mycroftiv)
nusb/kb: revert multitouch, breaks some mice...
upa/imap4d: ignore messages without digest info
disk/mkfs: remove unused cputype variable (thanks kvik)
nusb/kb: lilu dallas multitouch
add dtracy to mkfile
add dtracy.h
dtracy: missing break in dteverify
adding dtracy (crude early version)
ssh: handle unknown MSG_CHANNE_REQUEST messages
ip/dhcpd: Add swap server support in dhcpd (thanks k0ga)
bcm: intrenable() can happen from any cpu in case of dma interrupts
libdraw: fix gengetwindow()
bcm: simplify irq handling by having per cpu Vctl chain
bcm: speed up co-processor operations by avoiding i+d cache flush on each operation
nusb/serial: fix wrong guard statement (thanks deuteron)
dnstcp: temporarily switch on resolver mode so we can resolve the dnsslaves for axfr check
sed: only dollars as first address are a problem for -u
libaml: allow amlmapio() to re-enter the interpreter (can happen by pciadd() -> amleval())
bcm: fix mysterious core clock resets under SMP (thanks richard miller)
devvmx: remove bogus . direntry
bcm: fix /dev/reboot text/data corruption (thanks richard miller)
awk(1): fix append operator to avoid truncating file
bcm: provide /dev/cputemp in a format stats can understand
bcm: fix l2 cache maintenance routines for raspi3 (armv8)
misc small manpage fixes
devuart: don't sleep in uartdrainoutput() when called splhi or without a process
rc: skip searchpath for "", "." and ".."
rc: use searchpath() logic to handle $cdpath
rc: ignore $cdpath for # device rooted paths (thanks kivik)
add Centrino Wireless-N 1030 (thanks lksmk from brazil)
/sys/lib/dist/mkfile: add pi.img target for raspi sdcard image
add /sys/src/boot/bcm/mkfile to download raspberry pi bootcode firmware
nusb/serial: add support for CH340 serial converter
kbdfs: don't get confused by broken utf8
doom: fix music for patch wads
acme: fix fd checks - initialize Window.rdselfd to -1 not 0
fix misleading/wrong fd checks
libdisk: catch null bytes in proto file, fix memory leaks
nusb/kb: work arround broken split transaction on raspi's dwc otg usb controller
bcm: import changes for raspi2/3 from richard miller
nusbrc: support for raspi3 ethernet
kernel: fix allocb for BLOCKALIGN*2 >= Hdrspc
devusb: use Enotconf[] string constant
nusb/ether: add support for lan78xx (raspi3) (thanks richard miller)
nusb/ether: tune buffer size parameters for SMSC ethernet (raspi) (thanks richard miller)
truetypefs(4): fix example path
ttf: SHZ also uses 0x36
libttf: add SHZ[] instruction
libttf: dont unset LOOP in SHC
nusb/disk: also drive usb attached scsi devices
nusb/joy: update misleading comment (thanks Tobias Heinecke)
libttf: instruction 0x24 is DEPTH, not CLEAR
libdisk: back out last change
ssh: fix spinning due to sticky intr flag on connection timeout
libdisk: check for proper line termination in proto file parser
namespace(4): fix $home bin paths
namespace(4): document new TrueType path, drop unused Hershey fonts path
truetypefs(4): document truetypefs
truetypefs: fall back to width if advance is zero
truetypefs: fix subfont indices (thanks aiju!)
truetypefs: use /lib/font/ttf as default font path
libttf: fix swapped argument in vscan()...
plumber: fix memory and filedescriptor leaks (thanks BurnZeZ)
ndb/dnstcp: only lookup the expected address type in findserver()
ndb/dns: use nil for pointers in dnresolve() args
ndb/dns: do recursive lookup for dnsslave=
ndb/dns: avoid format strings in procname
games/gb: when the LCD is turned off, reset ppuy and ppustate to 0, fixes bug in dragon warriors iii reported by mischief
etheriwl: support type 2000 devices and the 2200 chip in x230t
nusb/joy: send magic packet to enable playstation controller events
nusbrc: prevent nusb/kb from attaching to sony ps3 controller
hget: do a HEAD request to check if the file is already complete (thanks miscief)