ref: a6a1806c17c6dbb6c657ac676fc97fd6c5207da7
dir: /sys/src/libmemdraw/draw.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <pool.h> extern Pool* imagmem; /* perfect approximation to NTSC = .299r+.587g+.114b when 0 ≤ r,g,b < 256 */ #define RGB2K(r,g,b) ((156763*(r)+307758*(g)+59769*(b))>>19) /* * For 16-bit values, x / 255 == (t = x+1, (t+(t>>8)) >> 8). * We add another 127 to round to the nearest value rather * than truncate. * * CALCxy does x bytewise calculations on y input images (x=1,4; y=1,2). * CALC2x does two parallel 16-bit calculations on y input images (y=1,2). */ #define CALC11(a, v, tmp) \ (tmp=(a)*(v)+128, (tmp+(tmp>>8))>>8) #define CALC12(a1, v1, a2, v2, tmp) \ (tmp=(a1)*(v1)+(a2)*(v2)+128, (tmp+(tmp>>8))>>8) #define MASK 0xFF00FF #define CALC21(a, vvuu, tmp) \ (tmp=(a)*(vvuu)+0x00800080, ((tmp+((tmp>>8)&MASK))>>8)&MASK) #define CALC41(a, rgba, tmp1, tmp2) \ (CALC21(a, rgba & MASK, tmp1) | \ (CALC21(a, (rgba>>8)&MASK, tmp2)<<8)) #define CALC22(a1, vvuu1, a2, vvuu2, tmp) \ (tmp=(a1)*(vvuu1)+(a2)*(vvuu2)+0x00800080, ((tmp+((tmp>>8)&MASK))>>8)&MASK) #define CALC42(a1, rgba1, a2, rgba2, tmp1, tmp2) \ (CALC22(a1, rgba1 & MASK, a2, rgba2 & MASK, tmp1) | \ (CALC22(a1, (rgba1>>8) & MASK, a2, (rgba2>>8) & MASK, tmp2)<<8)) static void mktables(void); typedef int Subdraw(Memdrawparam*); static Subdraw chardraw, alphadraw, memoptdraw; static Memimage* memones; static Memimage* memzeros; Memimage *memwhite; Memimage *memblack; Memimage *memtransparent; Memimage *memopaque; int _ifmt(Fmt*); int memimageinit(void) { static int didinit = 0; if(didinit) return 0; if(imagmem != nil) if(strcmp(imagmem->name, "Image") == 0 || strcmp(imagmem->name, "image") == 0) imagmem->move = memimagemove; mktables(); _memmkcmap(); fmtinstall('R', Rfmt); fmtinstall('P', Pfmt); fmtinstall('b', _ifmt); memones = allocmemimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), GREY1); memzeros = allocmemimage(Rect(0,0,1,1), GREY1); if(memones == nil || memzeros == nil) return -1; memones->flags |= Frepl; memones->clipr = Rect(-0x3FFFFFF, -0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF); *byteaddr(memones, ZP) = ~0; memzeros->flags |= Frepl; memzeros->clipr = Rect(-0x3FFFFFF, -0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF, 0x3FFFFFF); *byteaddr(memzeros, ZP) = 0; memwhite = memones; memblack = memzeros; memopaque = memones; memtransparent = memzeros; didinit = 1; return 0; } static ulong imgtorgba(Memimage*, ulong); static ulong rgbatoimg(Memimage*, ulong); static ulong pixelbits(Memimage*, Point); void memimagedraw(Memimage *dst, Rectangle r, Memimage *src, Point p0, Memimage *mask, Point p1, int op) { Memdrawparam par; if(mask == nil) mask = memopaque; if(drawclip(dst, &r, src, &p0, mask, &p1, &, & == 0) return; if(op < Clear || op > SoverD) return; par.op = op; par.dst = dst; par.r = r; par.src = src; /* set by drawclip */ par.mask = mask; /* set by drawclip */ par.state = 0; if(src->flags&Frepl){ par.state |= Replsrc; if(Dx(src->r)==1 && Dy(src->r)==1){ par.sval = pixelbits(src, src->r.min); par.state |= Simplesrc; par.srgba = imgtorgba(src, par.sval); par.sdval = rgbatoimg(dst, par.srgba); if((par.srgba&0xFF) == 0 && (op&DoutS)) return; /* no-op successfully handled */ } } if(mask->flags & Frepl){ par.state |= Replmask; if(Dx(mask->r)==1 && Dy(mask->r)==1){ par.mval = pixelbits(mask, mask->r.min); if(par.mval == 0 && (op&DoutS)) return; /* no-op successfully handled */ par.state |= Simplemask; if(par.mval == ~0) par.state |= Fullmask; par.mrgba = imgtorgba(mask, par.mval); } } /* * Now that we've clipped the parameters down to be consistent, we * simply try sub-drawing routines in order until we find one that was able * to handle us. If the sub-drawing routine returns zero, it means it was * unable to satisfy the request, so we do not return. */ /* * Hardware support. Each video driver provides this function, * which checks to see if there is anything it can help with. * There could be an if around this checking to see if dst is in video memory. */ if(hwdraw(&par)) return; /* * Optimizations using memmove and memset. */ if(memoptdraw(&par)) return; /* * Character drawing. * Solid source color being painted through a boolean mask onto a high res image. */ if(chardraw(&par)) return; /* * General calculation-laden case that does alpha for each pixel. */ alphadraw(&par); } /* * Clip the destination rectangle further based on the properties of the * source and mask rectangles. Once the destination rectangle is properly * clipped, adjust the source and mask rectangles to be the same size. * * Return zero if the final rectangle is null. */ int drawclipnorepl(Memimage *dst, Rectangle *r, Memimage *src, Point *p0, Memimage *mask, Point *p1, Rectangle *sr, Rectangle *mr) { Point rmin, delta; int splitcoords; Rectangle omr; if(badrect(*r)) return 0; splitcoords = (p0->x!=p1->x) || (p0->y!=p1->y); /* clip to destination */ rmin = r->min; if(!rectclip(r, dst->r) || !rectclip(r, dst->clipr)) return 0; /* move mask point */ p1->x += r->min.x-rmin.x; p1->y += r->min.y-rmin.y; /* move source point */ p0->x += r->min.x-rmin.x; p0->y += r->min.y-rmin.y; /* map destination rectangle into source */ sr->min = *p0; sr->max.x = p0->x+Dx(*r); sr->max.y = p0->y+Dy(*r); /* sr is r in source coordinates; clip to source */ if(!(src->flags&Frepl) && !rectclip(sr, src->r)) return 0; if(!rectclip(sr, src->clipr)) return 0; /* compute and clip rectangle in mask */ if(splitcoords){ /* move mask point with source */ p1->x += sr->min.x-p0->x; p1->y += sr->min.y-p0->y; mr->min = *p1; mr->max.x = p1->x+Dx(*sr); mr->max.y = p1->y+Dy(*sr); omr = *mr; /* mr is now rectangle in mask; clip it */ if(!(mask->flags&Frepl) && !rectclip(mr, mask->r)) return 0; if(!rectclip(mr, mask->clipr)) return 0; /* reflect any clips back to source */ sr->min.x += mr->min.x-omr.min.x; sr->min.y += mr->min.y-omr.min.y; sr->max.x += mr->max.x-omr.max.x; sr->max.y += mr->max.y-omr.max.y; }else{ if(!(mask->flags&Frepl) && !rectclip(sr, mask->r)) return 0; if(!rectclip(sr, mask->clipr)) return 0; *mr = *sr; } /* move source clipping back to destination */ delta.x = r->min.x - p0->x; delta.y = r->min.y - p0->y; r->min.x = sr->min.x + delta.x; r->min.y = sr->min.y + delta.y; r->max.x = sr->max.x + delta.x; r->max.y = sr->max.y + delta.y; *p0 = sr->min; *p1 = mr->min; assert(Dx(*sr) == Dx(*mr) && Dx(*mr) == Dx(*r)); assert(Dy(*sr) == Dy(*mr) && Dy(*mr) == Dy(*r)); assert(ptinrect(r->min, dst->r)); return 1; } /* * like drawclipnorepl() above, but if source or mask is replicated, * move its clipped rectangle so that its minimum point falls within * the repl rectangle. * * Return zero if the final rectangle is null. */ int drawclip(Memimage *dst, Rectangle *r, Memimage *src, Point *p0, Memimage *mask, Point *p1, Rectangle *sr, Rectangle *mr) { Point delta; if(!drawclipnorepl(dst, r, src, p0, mask, p1, sr, mr)) return 0; /* move source rectangle so sr->min is in src->r */ if(src->flags&Frepl) { delta.x = drawreplxy(src->r.min.x, src->r.max.x, sr->min.x) - sr->min.x; delta.y = drawreplxy(src->r.min.y, src->r.max.y, sr->min.y) - sr->min.y; sr->min.x += delta.x; sr->min.y += delta.y; sr->max.x += delta.x; sr->max.y += delta.y; *p0 = sr->min; } /* move mask point so it is in mask->r */ *p1 = drawrepl(mask->r, *p1); mr->min = *p1; mr->max.x = p1->x+Dx(*sr); mr->max.y = p1->y+Dy(*sr); assert(ptinrect(*p0, src->r)); assert(ptinrect(*p1, mask->r)); return 1; } /* * Conversion tables. */ static uchar replbit[1+8][256]; /* replbit[x][y] is the replication of the x-bit quantity y to 8-bit depth */ static uchar conv18[256][8]; /* conv18[x][y] is the yth pixel in the depth-1 pixel x */ static uchar conv28[256][4]; /* ... */ static uchar conv48[256][2]; /* * bitmap of how to replicate n bits to fill 8, for 1 ≤ n ≤ 8. * the X's are where to put the bottom (ones) bit of the n-bit pattern. * only the top 8 bits of the result are actually used. * (the lower 8 bits are needed to get bits in the right place * when n is not a divisor of 8.) * * Should check to see if its easier to just refer to replmul than * use the precomputed values in replbit. On PCs it may well * be; on machines with slow multiply instructions it probably isn't. */ #define a ((((((((((((((((0 #define X *2+1) #define _ *2) static int replmul[1+8] = { 0, a X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X, a _ X _ X _ X _ X _ X _ X _ X _ X, a _ _ X _ _ X _ _ X _ _ X _ _ X _, a _ _ _ X _ _ _ X _ _ _ X _ _ _ X, a _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ X _, a _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _, a _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _, a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X, }; #undef a #undef X #undef _ static void mktables(void) { int i, j, mask, sh, small; /* bit replication up to 8 bits */ for(i=0; i<256; i++){ for(j=0; j<=8; j++){ /* j <= 8 [sic] */ small = i & ((1<<j)-1); replbit[j][i] = (small*replmul[j])>>8; } } /* bit unpacking up to 8 bits, only powers of 2 */ for(i=0; i<256; i++){ for(j=0, sh=7, mask=1; j<8; j++, sh--) conv18[i][j] = replbit[1][(i>>sh)&mask]; for(j=0, sh=6, mask=3; j<4; j++, sh-=2) conv28[i][j] = replbit[2][(i>>sh)&mask]; for(j=0, sh=4, mask=15; j<2; j++, sh-=4) conv48[i][j] = replbit[4][(i>>sh)&mask]; } } static uchar ones = 0xff; /* * General alpha drawing case. Can handle anything. */ typedef struct Buffer Buffer; struct Buffer { /* used by most routines */ uchar *red; uchar *grn; uchar *blu; uchar *alpha; /* is &ones when unused, never nil */ uchar *grey; ulong *rgba; int delta; /* number of bytes to add to pointer to get next pixel to the right */ /* used by boolcalc* for mask data */ uchar *m; /* ptr to mask data r.min byte; like p->bytermin */ int mskip; /* no. of left bits to skip in *m */ uchar *bm; /* ptr to mask data img->r.min byte; like p->bytey0s */ int bmskip; /* no. of left bits to skip in *bm */ uchar *em; /* ptr to mask data img->r.max.x byte; like p->bytey0e */ int emskip; /* no. of right bits to skip in *em */ }; typedef struct Param Param; typedef Buffer Readfn(Param*, uchar*, int); typedef void Writefn(Param*, uchar*, Buffer); typedef Buffer Calcfn(Buffer, Buffer, Buffer, int, int, int); enum { MAXBCACHE = 16 }; /* giant rathole to customize functions with */ struct Param { Readfn *replcall; Readfn *greymaskcall; Readfn *convreadcall; Writefn *convwritecall; Memimage *img; Rectangle r; int dx; /* of r */ int needbuf; int convgrey; int alphaonly; uchar *bytey0s; /* byteaddr(Pt(img->r.min.x, img->r.min.y)) */ uchar *bytermin; /* byteaddr(Pt(r.min.x, img->r.min.y)) */ uchar *bytey0e; /* byteaddr(Pt(img->r.max.x, img->r.min.y)) */ int bwidth; int replcache; /* if set, cache buffers */ Buffer bcache[MAXBCACHE]; ulong bfilled; uchar *bufbase; int bufoff; int bufdelta; int dir; int convbufoff; uchar *convbuf; Param *convdpar; int convdx; }; static Readfn greymaskread, replread, readptr; static Writefn nullwrite; static Calcfn alphacalc0, alphacalc14, alphacalc2810, alphacalc3679, alphacalc5, alphacalc11, alphacalcS; static Calcfn boolcalc14, boolcalc236789, boolcalc1011; static Readfn* readfn(Memimage*); static Readfn* readalphafn(Memimage*); static Writefn* writefn(Memimage*); static Calcfn* boolcopyfn(Memimage*, Memimage*); static Readfn* convfn(Memimage*, Param*, Memimage*, Param*, int*); static Calcfn *alphacalc[Ncomp] = { alphacalc0, /* Clear */ alphacalc14, /* DoutS */ alphacalc2810, /* SoutD */ alphacalc3679, /* DxorS */ alphacalc14, /* DinS */ alphacalc5, /* D */ alphacalc3679, /* DatopS */ alphacalc3679, /* DoverS */ alphacalc2810, /* SinD */ alphacalc3679, /* SatopD */ alphacalc2810, /* S */ alphacalc11, /* SoverD */ }; static Calcfn *boolcalc[Ncomp] = { alphacalc0, /* Clear */ boolcalc14, /* DoutS */ boolcalc236789, /* SoutD */ boolcalc236789, /* DxorS */ boolcalc14, /* DinS */ alphacalc5, /* D */ boolcalc236789, /* DatopS */ boolcalc236789, /* DoverS */ boolcalc236789, /* SinD */ boolcalc236789, /* SatopD */ boolcalc1011, /* S */ boolcalc1011, /* SoverD */ }; /* * Avoid standard Lock, QLock so that can be used in kernel. */ typedef struct Dbuf Dbuf; struct Dbuf { uchar *p; int n; Param spar, mpar, dpar; int inuse; }; static Dbuf dbuf[10]; static Dbuf* allocdbuf(void) { int i; for(i=0; i<nelem(dbuf); i++){ if(dbuf[i].inuse) continue; if(!_tas(&dbuf[i].inuse)) return &dbuf[i]; } return nil; } static void getparam(Param *p, Memimage *img, Rectangle r, int convgrey, int needbuf, int *ndrawbuf) { int nbuf; memset(p, 0, sizeof *p); p->img = img; p->r = r; p->dx = Dx(r); p->needbuf = needbuf; p->convgrey = convgrey; assert(img->r.min.x <= r.min.x && r.min.x < img->r.max.x); p->bytey0s = byteaddr(img, Pt(img->r.min.x, img->r.min.y)); p->bytermin = byteaddr(img, Pt(r.min.x, img->r.min.y)); p->bytey0e = byteaddr(img, Pt(img->r.max.x, img->r.min.y)); p->bwidth = sizeof(ulong)*img->width; assert(p->bytey0s <= p->bytermin && p->bytermin <= p->bytey0e); if(p->r.min.x == p->img->r.min.x) assert(p->bytermin == p->bytey0s); nbuf = 1; if((img->flags&Frepl) && Dy(img->r) <= MAXBCACHE && Dy(img->r) < Dy(r)){ p->replcache = 1; nbuf = Dy(img->r); } p->bufdelta = 4*p->dx; p->bufoff = *ndrawbuf; *ndrawbuf += p->bufdelta*nbuf; } static void clipy(Memimage *img, int *y) { int dy; dy = Dy(img->r); if(*y == dy) *y = 0; else if(*y == -1) *y = dy-1; assert(0 <= *y && *y < dy); } /* * For each scan line, we expand the pixels from source, mask, and destination * into byte-aligned red, green, blue, alpha, and grey channels. If buffering is not * needed and the channels were already byte-aligned (grey8, rgb24, rgba32, rgb32), * the readers need not copy the data: they can simply return pointers to the data. * If the destination image is grey and the source is not, it is converted using the NTSC * formula. * * Once we have all the channels, we call either rgbcalc or greycalc, depending on * whether the destination image is color. This is allowed to overwrite the dst buffer (perhaps * the actual data, perhaps a copy) with its result. It should only overwrite the dst buffer * with the same format (i.e. red bytes with red bytes, etc.) A new buffer is returned from * the calculator, and that buffer is passed to a function to write it to the destination. * If the buffer is already pointing at the destination, the writing function is a no-op. */ static int alphadraw(Memdrawparam *par) { int isgrey, starty, endy, op; int needbuf, dsty, srcy, masky; int y, dir, dx, dy, ndrawbuf; uchar *drawbuf; Buffer bsrc, bdst, bmask; Readfn *rdsrc, *rdmask, *rddst; Calcfn *calc; Writefn *wrdst; Memimage *src, *mask, *dst; Rectangle r, sr, mr; Dbuf *z; r = par->r; dx = Dx(r); dy = Dy(r); z = allocdbuf(); if(z == nil) return 0; src = par->src; mask = par->mask; dst = par->dst; sr = par->sr; mr = par->mr; op = par->op; isgrey = dst->flags&Fgrey; /* * Buffering when src and dst are the same bitmap is sufficient but not * necessary. There are stronger conditions we could use. We could * check to see if the rectangles intersect, and if simply moving in the * correct y direction can avoid the need to buffer. */ needbuf = (src->data == dst->data); ndrawbuf = 0; getparam(&z->spar, src, sr, isgrey, needbuf, &ndrawbuf); getparam(&z->dpar, dst, r, isgrey, needbuf, &ndrawbuf); getparam(&z->mpar, mask, mr, 0, needbuf, &ndrawbuf); dir = (needbuf && byteaddr(dst, r.min) > byteaddr(src, sr.min)) ? -1 : 1; z->spar.dir = z->mpar.dir = z->dpar.dir = dir; /* * If the mask is purely boolean, we can convert from src to dst format * when we read src, and then just copy it to dst where the mask tells us to. * This requires a boolean (1-bit grey) mask and lack of a source alpha channel. * * The computation is accomplished by assigning the function pointers as follows: * rdsrc - read and convert source into dst format in a buffer * rdmask - convert mask to bytes, set pointer to it * rddst - fill with pointer to real dst data, but do no reads * calc - copy src onto dst when mask says to. * wrdst - do nothing * This is slightly sleazy, since things aren't doing exactly what their names say, * but it avoids a fair amount of code duplication to make this a case here * rather than have a separate booldraw. */ if(!(src->flags&Falpha) && mask->chan == GREY1 && dst->depth >= 8 && op == SoverD){ rdsrc = convfn(dst, &z->dpar, src, &z->spar, &ndrawbuf); rddst = readptr; rdmask = readfn(mask); calc = boolcopyfn(dst, mask); wrdst = nullwrite; }else{ /* usual alphadraw parameter fetching */ rdsrc = readfn(src); rddst = readfn(dst); wrdst = writefn(dst); calc = alphacalc[op]; /* * If there is no alpha channel, we'll ask for a grey channel * and pretend it is the alpha. */ if(mask->flags&Falpha){ rdmask = readalphafn(mask); z->mpar.alphaonly = 1; }else{ z->mpar.greymaskcall = readfn(mask); z->mpar.convgrey = 1; rdmask = greymaskread; /* * Should really be above, but then boolcopyfns would have * to deal with bit alignment, and I haven't written that. * * This is a common case for things like ellipse drawing. * When there's no alpha involved and the mask is boolean, * we can avoid all the division and multiplication. */ if(mask->chan == GREY1 && !(src->flags&Falpha)) calc = boolcalc[op]; else if(op == SoverD && !(src->flags&Falpha)) calc = alphacalcS; } } /* * If the image has a small enough repl rectangle, * we can just read each line once and cache them. */ if(z->spar.replcache){ z->spar.replcall = rdsrc; rdsrc = replread; } if(z->mpar.replcache){ z->mpar.replcall = rdmask; rdmask = replread; } if(z->n < ndrawbuf){ free(z->p); if((z->p = mallocz(ndrawbuf, 0)) == nil){ z->inuse = 0; return 0; } z->n = ndrawbuf; } drawbuf = z->p; /* * Before we were saving only offsets from drawbuf in the parameter * structures; now that drawbuf has been grown to accomodate us, * we can fill in the pointers. */ z->spar.bufbase = drawbuf+z->spar.bufoff; z->mpar.bufbase = drawbuf+z->mpar.bufoff; z->dpar.bufbase = drawbuf+z->dpar.bufoff; z->spar.convbuf = drawbuf+z->spar.convbufoff; if(dir == 1){ starty = 0; endy = dy; }else{ starty = dy-1; endy = -1; } /* * srcy, masky, and dsty are offsets from the top of their * respective Rectangles. they need to be contained within * the rectangles, so clipy can keep them there without division. */ srcy = (starty + sr.min.y - src->r.min.y)%Dy(src->r); masky = (starty + mr.min.y - mask->r.min.y)%Dy(mask->r); dsty = starty + r.min.y - dst->r.min.y; assert(0 <= srcy && srcy < Dy(src->r)); assert(0 <= masky && masky < Dy(mask->r)); assert(0 <= dsty && dsty < Dy(dst->r)); for(y=starty; y!=endy; y+=dir, srcy+=dir, masky+=dir, dsty+=dir){ clipy(src, &srcy); clipy(dst, &dsty); clipy(mask, &masky); bsrc = rdsrc(&z->spar, z->spar.bufbase, srcy); bmask = rdmask(&z->mpar, z->mpar.bufbase, masky); bdst = rddst(&z->dpar, z->dpar.bufbase, dsty); bdst = calc(bdst, bsrc, bmask, dx, isgrey, op); wrdst(&z->dpar, z->dpar.bytermin+dsty*z->dpar.bwidth, bdst); } z->inuse = 0; return 1; } static Buffer alphacalc0(Buffer bdst, Buffer b1, Buffer b2, int dx, int grey, int op) { USED(grey); USED(op); USED(b1); USED(b2); memset(bdst.rgba, 0, dx*; return bdst; } /* * Do the channels in the buffers match enough * that we can do word-at-a-time operations * on the pixels? */ static int chanmatch(Buffer *bdst, Buffer *bsrc) { uchar *drgb, *srgb; /* * first, r, g, b must be in the same place * in the rgba word. */ drgb = (uchar*)bdst->rgba; srgb = (uchar*)bsrc->rgba; if(bdst->red - drgb != bsrc->red - srgb || bdst->blu - drgb != bsrc->blu - srgb || bdst->grn - drgb != bsrc->grn - srgb) return 0; /* * that implies alpha is in the same place, * if it is there at all (it might be == &ones). * if the destination is &ones, we can scribble * over the rgba slot just fine. */ if(bdst->alpha == &ones) return 1; /* * if the destination is not ones but the src is, * then the simultaneous calculation will use * bogus bytes from the src's rgba. no good. */ if(bsrc->alpha == &ones) return 0; /* * otherwise, alphas are in the same place. */ return 1; } static Buffer alphacalc14(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int fd, sadelta; int i, sa, ma, q; ulong t, t1; obdst = bdst; sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 :; q = == 4 && == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ sa = *bsrc.alpha; ma = *bmask.alpha; fd = CALC11(sa, ma, t); if(op == DoutS) fd = 255-fd; if(grey){ *bdst.grey = CALC11(fd, *bdst.grey, t); bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(q){ *bdst.rgba = CALC41(fd, *bdst.rgba, t, t1); bsrc.rgba++; bdst.rgba++; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; bmask.alpha +=; continue; } * = CALC11(fd, *, t); *bdst.grn = CALC11(fd, *bdst.grn, t); *bdst.blu = CALC11(fd, *bdst.blu, t); +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ *bdst.alpha = CALC11(fd, *bdst.alpha, t); bdst.alpha +=; } bmask.alpha +=; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; } return obdst; } static Buffer alphacalc2810(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int fs, sadelta; int i, ma, da, q; ulong t, t1; obdst = bdst; sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 :; q = == 4 && == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ ma = *bmask.alpha; da = *bdst.alpha; if(op == SoutD) da = 255-da; fs = ma; if(op != S) fs = CALC11(fs, da, t); if(grey){ *bdst.grey = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.grey, t); bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(q){ *bdst.rgba = CALC41(fs, *bsrc.rgba, t, t1); bsrc.rgba++; bdst.rgba++; bmask.alpha +=; bdst.alpha +=; continue; } * = CALC11(fs, *, t); *bdst.grn = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.grn, t); *bdst.blu = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.blu, t); +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ *bdst.alpha = CALC11(fs, *bsrc.alpha, t); bdst.alpha +=; } bmask.alpha +=; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; } return obdst; } static Buffer alphacalc3679(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int fs, fd, sadelta; int i, sa, ma, da, q; ulong t, t1; obdst = bdst; sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 :; q = == 4 && == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ sa = *bsrc.alpha; ma = *bmask.alpha; da = *bdst.alpha; if(op == SatopD) fs = CALC11(ma, da, t); else fs = CALC11(ma, 255-da, t); if(op == DoverS) fd = 255; else{ fd = CALC11(sa, ma, t); if(op != DatopS) fd = 255-fd; } if(grey){ *bdst.grey = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t); bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(q){ *bdst.rgba = CALC42(fs, *bsrc.rgba, fd, *bdst.rgba, t, t1); bsrc.rgba++; bdst.rgba++; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; bmask.alpha +=; bdst.alpha +=; continue; } * = CALC12(fs, *, fd, *, t); *bdst.grn = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t); *bdst.blu = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t); +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ *bdst.alpha = CALC12(fs, sa, fd, da, t); bdst.alpha +=; } bmask.alpha +=; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; } return obdst; } static Buffer alphacalc5(Buffer bdst, Buffer b1, Buffer b2, int dx, int grey, int op) { USED(dx); USED(grey); USED(op); USED(b1); USED(b2); return bdst; } static Buffer alphacalc11(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int fd, sadelta; int i, sa, ma, q; ulong t, t1; USED(op); obdst = bdst; sadelta = bsrc.alpha == &ones ? 0 :; q = == 4 && == 4 && chanmatch(&bdst, &bsrc); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ sa = *bsrc.alpha; ma = *bmask.alpha; fd = 255-CALC11(sa, ma, t); if(grey){ *bdst.grey = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t); bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(q){ *bdst.rgba = CALC42(ma, *bsrc.rgba, fd, *bdst.rgba, t, t1); bsrc.rgba++; bdst.rgba++; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; bmask.alpha +=; continue; } * = CALC12(ma, *, fd, *, t); *bdst.grn = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t); *bdst.blu = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t); +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ *bdst.alpha = CALC12(ma, sa, fd, *bdst.alpha, t); bdst.alpha +=; } bmask.alpha +=; bsrc.alpha += sadelta; } return obdst; } /* not used yet source and mask alpha 1 static Buffer alphacalcS0(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int i; USED(op); obdst = bdst; if( =={ memmove(bdst.rgba, bsrc.rgba, dx*; return obdst; } for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ if(grey){ *bdst.grey = *bsrc.grey; bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ * = *; *bdst.grn = *bsrc.grn; *bdst.blu = *bsrc.blu; +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ *bdst.alpha = 255; bdst.alpha +=; } } return obdst; } */ /* source alpha 1 */ static Buffer alphacalcS(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int fd; int i, ma; ulong t; USED(op); obdst = bdst; for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ ma = *bmask.alpha; fd = 255-ma; if(grey){ *bdst.grey = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t); bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ * = CALC12(ma, *, fd, *, t); *bdst.grn = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t); *bdst.blu = CALC12(ma, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t); +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ *bdst.alpha = ma+CALC11(fd, *bdst.alpha, t); bdst.alpha +=; } bmask.alpha +=; } return obdst; } static Buffer boolcalc14(Buffer bdst, Buffer b1, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int i, ma, zero; USED(b1); obdst = bdst; for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ ma = *bmask.alpha; zero = ma ? op == DoutS : op == DinS; if(grey){ if(zero) *bdst.grey = 0; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(zero) * = *bdst.grn = *bdst.blu = 0; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } bmask.alpha +=; if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ if(zero) *bdst.alpha = 0; bdst.alpha +=; } } return obdst; } static Buffer boolcalc236789(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int fs, fd; int i, ma, da, zero; ulong t; obdst = bdst; zero = !(op&1); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ ma = *bmask.alpha; da = *bdst.alpha; fs = da; if(op&2) fs = 255-da; fd = 0; if(op&4) fd = 255; if(grey){ if(ma) *bdst.grey = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grey, fd, *bdst.grey, t); else if(zero) *bdst.grey = 0; bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(ma){ * = CALC12(fs, *, fd, *, t); *bdst.grn = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.grn, fd, *bdst.grn, t); *bdst.blu = CALC12(fs, *bsrc.blu, fd, *bdst.blu, t); } else if(zero) * = *bdst.grn = *bdst.blu = 0; +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } bmask.alpha +=; if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ if(ma) *bdst.alpha = fs+CALC11(fd, da, t); else if(zero) *bdst.alpha = 0; bdst.alpha +=; } } return obdst; } static Buffer boolcalc1011(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int grey, int op) { Buffer obdst; int i, ma, zero; obdst = bdst; zero = !(op&1); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ ma = *bmask.alpha; if(grey){ if(ma) *bdst.grey = *bsrc.grey; else if(zero) *bdst.grey = 0; bsrc.grey +=; bdst.grey +=; }else{ if(ma){ * = *; *bdst.grn = *bsrc.grn; *bdst.blu = *bsrc.blu; } else if(zero) * = *bdst.grn = *bdst.blu = 0; +=; bsrc.blu +=; bsrc.grn +=; +=; bdst.blu +=; bdst.grn +=; } bmask.alpha +=; if(bdst.alpha != &ones){ if(ma) *bdst.alpha = 255; else if(zero) *bdst.alpha = 0; bdst.alpha +=; } } return obdst; } /* * Replicated cached scan line read. Call the function listed in the Param, * but cache the result so that for replicated images we only do the work once. */ static Buffer replread(Param *p, uchar *s, int y) { Buffer *b; USED(s); b = &p->bcache[y]; if((p->bfilled & (1<<y)) == 0){ p->bfilled |= 1<<y; *b = p->replcall(p, p->bufbase+y*p->bufdelta, y); } return *b; } /* * Alpha reading function that simply relabels the grey pointer. */ static Buffer greymaskread(Param *p, uchar *buf, int y) { Buffer b; b = p->greymaskcall(p, buf, y); b.alpha = b.grey; return b; } static Buffer readnbit(Param *p, uchar *buf, int y) { Buffer b; Memimage *img; uchar *repl, *r, *w, *ow, bits; int i, n, sh, depth, x, dx, npack, nbits; b.rgba = (ulong*)buf; b.grey = w = buf; = b.blu = b.grn = w; b.alpha = &ones; = 1; dx = p->dx; img = p->img; depth = img->depth; repl = &replbit[depth][0]; npack = 8/depth; sh = 8-depth; /* copy from p->r.min.x until end of repl rectangle */ x = p->r.min.x; n = dx; if(n > p->img->r.max.x - x) n = p->img->r.max.x - x; r = p->bytermin + y*p->bwidth; bits = *r++; nbits = 8; if(i=x&(npack-1)){ bits <<= depth*i; nbits -= depth*i; } for(i=0; i<n; i++){ if(nbits == 0){ bits = *r++; nbits = 8; } *w++ = repl[bits>>sh]; bits <<= depth; nbits -= depth; } dx -= n; if(dx == 0) return b; assert(x+i == p->img->r.max.x); /* copy from beginning of repl rectangle until where we were before. */ x = p->img->r.min.x; n = dx; if(n > p->r.min.x - x) n = p->r.min.x - x; r = p->bytey0s + y*p->bwidth; bits = *r++; nbits = 8; if(i=x&(npack-1)){ bits <<= depth*i; nbits -= depth*i; } for(i=0; i<n; i++){ if(nbits == 0){ bits = *r++; nbits = 8; } *w++ = repl[bits>>sh]; bits <<= depth; nbits -= depth; } dx -= n; if(dx == 0) return b; assert(dx > 0); /* now we have exactly one full scan line: just replicate the buffer itself until we are done */ ow = buf; while(dx--) *w++ = *ow++; return b; } static void writenbit(Param *p, uchar *w, Buffer src) { uchar *r; ulong bits; int i, sh, depth, npack, nbits, x, ex; assert(src.grey != nil && == 1); x = p->r.min.x; ex = x+p->dx; depth = p->img->depth; npack = 8/depth; i=x&(npack-1); bits = i ? (*w >> (8-depth*i)) : 0; nbits = depth*i; sh = 8-depth; r = src.grey; for(; x<ex; x++){ bits <<= depth; bits |= (*r++ >> sh); nbits += depth; if(nbits == 8){ *w++ = bits; nbits = 0; } } if(nbits){ sh = 8-nbits; bits <<= sh; bits |= *w & ((1<<sh)-1); *w = bits; } return; } static Buffer readcmap(Param *p, uchar *buf, int y) { Buffer b; int a, convgrey, copyalpha, dx, i, m; uchar *q, *cmap, *begin, *end, *r, *w; begin = p->bytey0s + y*p->bwidth; r = p->bytermin + y*p->bwidth; end = p->bytey0e + y*p->bwidth; cmap = p->img->cmap->cmap2rgb; convgrey = p->convgrey; copyalpha = (p->img->flags&Falpha) != 0; w = buf; dx = p->dx; if(copyalpha){ b.alpha = buf++; a = p->img->shift[CAlpha]/8; m = p->img->shift[CMap]/8; for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ *w++ = r[a]; q = cmap+r[m]*3; r += 2; if(r == end) r = begin; if(convgrey){ *w++ = RGB2K(q[0], q[1], q[2]); }else{ *w++ = q[2]; /* blue */ *w++ = q[1]; /* green */ *w++ = q[0]; /* red */ } } }else{ b.alpha = &ones; for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ q = cmap+*r++*3; if(r == end) r = begin; if(convgrey){ *w++ = RGB2K(q[0], q[1], q[2]); }else{ *w++ = q[2]; /* blue */ *w++ = q[1]; /* green */ *w++ = q[0]; /* red */ } } } b.rgba = (ulong*)(buf-copyalpha); if(convgrey){ b.grey = buf; = b.blu = b.grn = buf; = 1+copyalpha; }else{ b.blu = buf; b.grn = buf+1; = buf+2; b.grey = nil; = 3+copyalpha; } return b; } static void writecmap(Param *p, uchar *w, Buffer src) { uchar *cmap, *red, *grn, *blu, *alpha; int i, dx, delta, a, m; cmap = p->img->cmap->rgb2cmap; delta =; red=; grn = src.grn; blu = src.blu; dx = p->dx; if(p->img->flags&Falpha){ alpha = src.alpha; m = p->img->shift[CMap]/8; a = p->img->shift[CAlpha]/8; for(i=0; i<dx; i++, red+=delta, grn+=delta, blu+=delta, w+=2){ w[a] = *alpha; if(alpha != &ones) alpha+=delta; w[m] = cmap[(*red>>4)*256+(*grn>>4)*16+(*blu>>4)]; } } else { for(i=0; i<dx; i++, red+=delta, grn+=delta, blu+=delta) *w++ = cmap[(*red>>4)*256+(*grn>>4)*16+(*blu>>4)]; } } static Buffer readbyte(Param *p, uchar *buf, int y) { Buffer b; Memimage *img; int dx, isgrey, convgrey, alphaonly, copyalpha, i, nb; uchar *begin, *end, *r, *w, *rrepl, *grepl, *brepl, *arepl, *krepl; uchar ured, ugrn, ublu; ulong u; img = p->img; begin = p->bytey0s + y*p->bwidth; r = p->bytermin + y*p->bwidth; end = p->bytey0e + y*p->bwidth; w = buf; dx = p->dx; nb = img->depth/8; convgrey = p->convgrey; /* convert rgb to grey */ isgrey = img->flags&Fgrey; alphaonly = p->alphaonly; copyalpha = (img->flags&Falpha) != 0; /* if we can, avoid processing everything */ if(!(img->flags&Frepl) && !convgrey && (img->flags&Fbytes)){ memset(&b, 0, sizeof b); if(p->needbuf){ memmove(buf, r, dx*nb); r = buf; } b.rgba = (ulong*)r; if(copyalpha) b.alpha = r+img->shift[CAlpha]/8; else b.alpha = &ones; if(isgrey){ b.grey = r+img->shift[CGrey]/8; = b.grn = b.blu = b.grey; }else{ = r+img->shift[CRed]/8; b.grn = r+img->shift[CGreen]/8; b.blu = r+img->shift[CBlue]/8; } = nb; return b; } rrepl = replbit[img->nbits[CRed]]; grepl = replbit[img->nbits[CGreen]]; brepl = replbit[img->nbits[CBlue]]; arepl = replbit[img->nbits[CAlpha]]; krepl = replbit[img->nbits[CGrey]]; for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ u = r[0] | (r[1]<<8) | (r[2]<<16) | (r[3]<<24); if(copyalpha) { *w++ = arepl[(u>>img->shift[CAlpha]) & img->mask[CAlpha]]; } if(isgrey) *w++ = krepl[(u >> img->shift[CGrey]) & img->mask[CGrey]]; else if(!alphaonly){ ured = rrepl[(u >> img->shift[CRed]) & img->mask[CRed]]; ugrn = grepl[(u >> img->shift[CGreen]) & img->mask[CGreen]]; ublu = brepl[(u >> img->shift[CBlue]) & img->mask[CBlue]]; if(convgrey){ *w++ = RGB2K(ured, ugrn, ublu); }else{ w[0] = ublu; w[1] = ugrn; w[2] = ured; w += 3; } } r += nb; if(r == end) r = begin; } b.alpha = copyalpha ? buf : &ones; b.rgba = (ulong*)buf; if(alphaonly){ = b.grn = b.blu = b.grey = nil; if(!copyalpha) b.rgba = nil; = 1; }else if(isgrey || convgrey){ b.grey = buf+copyalpha; = b.grn = b.blu = buf+copyalpha; = copyalpha+1; }else{ b.blu = buf+copyalpha; b.grn = buf+copyalpha+1; b.grey = nil; = buf+copyalpha+2; = copyalpha+3; } return b; } static void writebyte(Param *p, uchar *w, Buffer src) { Memimage *img; int i, isalpha, isgrey, nb, delta, dx, adelta; uchar *red, *grn, *blu, *grey, *alpha; ulong u, mask; img = p->img; red =; grn = src.grn; blu = src.blu; alpha = src.alpha; delta =; grey = src.grey; dx = p->dx; nb = img->depth/8; isalpha = img->flags&Falpha; isgrey = img->flags&Fgrey; adelta =; if(isalpha && alpha == &ones) adelta = 0; if((img->flags&Fbytes) != 0){ int ogry, ored, ogrn, oblu, oalp; ogry = img->shift[CGrey]/8; ored = img->shift[CRed]/8; ogrn = img->shift[CGreen]/8; oblu = img->shift[CBlue]/8; oalp = img->shift[CAlpha]/8; for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ if(isgrey){ w[ogry] = *grey; grey += delta; } else { w[ored] = *red; w[ogrn] = *grn; w[oblu] = *blu; red += delta; grn += delta; blu += delta; } if(isalpha){ w[oalp] = *alpha; alpha += adelta; } w += nb; } return; } mask = (nb==4) ? 0 : ~((1<<img->depth)-1); for(i=0; i<dx; i++){ u = w[0] | (w[1]<<8) | (w[2]<<16) | (w[3]<<24); u &= mask; if(isgrey){ u |= ((*grey >> (8-img->nbits[CGrey])) & img->mask[CGrey]) << img->shift[CGrey]; grey += delta; }else{ u |= ((*red >> (8-img->nbits[CRed])) & img->mask[CRed]) << img->shift[CRed]; u |= ((*grn >> (8-img->nbits[CGreen])) & img->mask[CGreen]) << img->shift[CGreen]; u |= ((*blu >> (8-img->nbits[CBlue])) & img->mask[CBlue]) << img->shift[CBlue]; red += delta; grn += delta; blu += delta; } if(isalpha){ u |= ((*alpha >> (8-img->nbits[CAlpha])) & img->mask[CAlpha]) << img->shift[CAlpha]; alpha += adelta; } w[0] = u; w[1] = u>>8; w[2] = u>>16; w[3] = u>>24; w += nb; } } static Readfn* readfn(Memimage *img) { if(img->depth < 8) return readnbit; if(img->nbits[CMap] == 8) return readcmap; return readbyte; } static Readfn* readalphafn(Memimage *m) { USED(m); return readbyte; } static Writefn* writefn(Memimage *img) { if(img->depth < 8) return writenbit; if(img->nbits[CMap] == 8) return writecmap; return writebyte; } static void nullwrite(Param *p, uchar *s, Buffer b) { USED(p); USED(s); USED(b); } static Buffer readptr(Param *p, uchar *s, int y) { Buffer b; uchar *q; USED(s); q = p->bytermin + y*p->bwidth; = q; /* ptr to data */ b.grn = b.blu = b.grey = nil; b.alpha = &ones; b.rgba = (ulong*)q; = p->img->depth/8; return b; } static Buffer boolmemmove(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer b1, int dx, int i, int o) { USED(i); USED(o); USED(b1); USED(bsrc); memmove(,, dx*; return bdst; } static Buffer boolcopy8(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int i, int o) { uchar *m, *r, *w, *ew; USED(i); USED(o); m = bmask.grey; w =; r =; ew = w+dx; for(; w < ew; w++,r++) if(*m++) *w = *r; return bdst; /* not used */ } static Buffer boolcopy16(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int i, int o) { uchar *m; ushort *r, *w, *ew; USED(i); USED(o); m = bmask.grey; w = (ushort*); r = (ushort*); ew = w+dx; for(; w < ew; w++,r++) if(*m++) *w = *r; return bdst; /* not used */ } static Buffer boolcopy24(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int i, int o) { uchar *m; uchar *r, *w, *ew; USED(i); USED(o); m = bmask.grey; w =; r =; ew = w+dx*3; while(w < ew){ if(*m++){ *w++ = *r++; *w++ = *r++; *w++ = *r++; }else{ w += 3; r += 3; } } return bdst; /* not used */ } static Buffer boolcopy32(Buffer bdst, Buffer bsrc, Buffer bmask, int dx, int i, int o) { uchar *m; ulong *r, *w, *ew; USED(i); USED(o); m = bmask.grey; w = (ulong*); r = (ulong*); ew = w+dx; for(; w < ew; w++,r++) if(*m++) *w = *r; return bdst; /* not used */ } static Buffer genconv(Param *p, uchar *buf, int y) { Buffer b; int nb; uchar *r, *w, *ew; /* read from source into RGB format in convbuf */ b = p->convreadcall(p, p->convbuf, y); /* write RGB format into dst format in buf */ p->convwritecall(p->convdpar, buf, b); if(p->convdx){ nb = p->convdpar->img->depth/8; r = buf; w = buf+nb*p->dx; ew = buf+nb*p->convdx; while(w<ew) *w++ = *r++; } = buf; b.blu = b.grn = b.grey = nil; b.alpha = &ones; b.rgba = (ulong*)buf; = 0; return b; } static Readfn* convfn(Memimage *dst, Param *dpar, Memimage *src, Param *spar, int *ndrawbuf) { if(dst->chan == src->chan && !(src->flags&Frepl)) return readptr; if(dst->chan==CMAP8 && (src->chan==GREY1||src->chan==GREY2||src->chan==GREY4)){ /* cheat because we know the replicated value is exactly the color map entry. */ return readnbit; } spar->convreadcall = readfn(src); spar->convwritecall = writefn(dst); spar->convdpar = dpar; /* allocate a conversion buffer */ spar->convbufoff = *ndrawbuf; *ndrawbuf += spar->dx*4; if(spar->dx > Dx(spar->img->r)){ spar->convdx = spar->dx; spar->dx = Dx(spar->img->r); } return genconv; } static ulong pixelbits(Memimage *i, Point pt) { uchar *p; ulong val; int off, bpp, npack; val = 0; p = byteaddr(i, pt); switch(bpp=i->depth){ case 1: case 2: case 4: npack = 8/bpp; off = pt.x%npack; val = p[0] >> bpp*(npack-1-off); val &= (1<<bpp)-1; break; case 8: val = p[0]; break; case 16: val = p[0]|(p[1]<<8); break; case 24: val = p[0]|(p[1]<<8)|(p[2]<<16); break; case 32: val = p[0]|(p[1]<<8)|(p[2]<<16)|(p[3]<<24); break; } while(bpp<32){ val |= val<<bpp; bpp *= 2; } return val; } static Calcfn* boolcopyfn(Memimage *img, Memimage *mask) { if(mask->flags&Frepl && Dx(mask->r)==1 && Dy(mask->r)==1 && pixelbits(mask, mask->r.min)==~0) return boolmemmove; switch(img->depth){ case 8: return boolcopy8; case 16: return boolcopy16; case 24: return boolcopy24; case 32: return boolcopy32; default: assert(0 /* boolcopyfn */); } return nil; } /* * Optimized draw for filling and scrolling; uses memset and memmove. */ static void memsets(void *vp, ushort val, int n) { ushort *p, *ep; uchar b[2]; /* make little endian */ b[0] = val; b[1] = val>>8; val = *(ushort*)b; p = vp; ep = p+n; while(p<ep) *p++ = val; } static void memsetl(void *vp, ulong val, int n) { ulong *p, *ep; uchar b[4]; /* make little endian */ b[0] = val; b[1] = val>>8; b[2] = val>>16; b[3] = val>>24; val = *(ulong*)b; p = vp; ep = p+n; while(p<ep) *p++ = val; } static void memset24(void *vp, ulong val, int n) { uchar *p, *ep; uchar a,b,c; a = val; b = val>>8; c = val>>16; p = vp; ep = p+3*n; while(p<ep){ p[0] = a; p[1] = b; p[2] = c; p += 3; } } static ulong imgtorgba(Memimage *img, ulong val) { uchar r, g, b, a; int nb, ov, v; ulong chan; uchar *p; a = 0xFF; r = g = b = 0xAA; /* garbage */ for(chan=img->chan; chan; chan>>=8){ nb = NBITS(chan); ov = v = val&((1<<nb)-1); val >>= nb; while(nb < 8){ v |= v<<nb; nb *= 2; } v >>= (nb-8); switch(TYPE(chan)){ case CRed: r = v; break; case CGreen: g = v; break; case CBlue: b = v; break; case CAlpha: a = v; break; case CGrey: r = g = b = v; break; case CMap: p = img->cmap->cmap2rgb+3*ov; r = p[0]; g = p[1]; b = p[2]; break; } } return (r<<24)|(g<<16)|(b<<8)|a; } static ulong rgbatoimg(Memimage *img, ulong rgba) { ulong chan; int d, nb; ulong v; uchar *p, r, g, b, a, m; v = 0; r = rgba>>24; g = rgba>>16; b = rgba>>8; a = rgba; d = 0; for(chan=img->chan; chan; chan>>=8){ nb = NBITS(chan); switch(TYPE(chan)){ case CRed: v |= (r>>(8-nb))<<d; break; case CGreen: v |= (g>>(8-nb))<<d; break; case CBlue: v |= (b>>(8-nb))<<d; break; case CAlpha: v |= (a>>(8-nb))<<d; break; case CMap: p = img->cmap->rgb2cmap; m = p[(r>>4)*256+(g>>4)*16+(b>>4)]; v |= (m>>(8-nb))<<d; break; case CGrey: m = RGB2K(r,g,b); v |= (m>>(8-nb))<<d; break; } d += nb; } return v; } static int memoptdraw(Memdrawparam *par) { int m, y, dy, dx, op; ulong v; Memimage *src; Memimage *dst; dx = Dx(par->r); dy = Dy(par->r); src = par->src; dst = par->dst; op = par->op; /* * If we have an opaque mask and source is one opaque pixel we can convert to the * destination format and just replicate with memset. */ m = Simplesrc|Simplemask|Fullmask; if((par->state&m)==m && (par->srgba&0xFF) == 0xFF && (op ==S || op == SoverD)){ int d, dwid, ppb, np, nb; uchar *dp, lm, rm; dwid = dst->width*sizeof(ulong); dp = byteaddr(dst, par->r.min); v = par->sdval; switch(dst->depth){ case 1: case 2: case 4: for(d=dst->depth; d<8; d*=2) v |= (v<<d); ppb = 8/dst->depth; /* pixels per byte */ m = ppb-1; /* left edge */ np = par->r.min.x&m; /* no. pixels unused on left side of word */ dx -= (ppb-np); nb = 8 - np * dst->depth; /* no. bits used on right side of word */ lm = (1<<nb)-1; /* right edge */ np = par->r.max.x&m; /* no. pixels used on left side of word */ dx -= np; nb = 8 - np * dst->depth; /* no. bits unused on right side of word */ rm = ~((1<<nb)-1); /* lm, rm are masks that are 1 where we should touch the bits */ if(dx < 0){ /* just one byte */ lm &= rm; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid) *dp ^= (v ^ *dp) & lm; }else if(dx == 0){ /* no full bytes */ if(lm) dwid--; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid){ if(lm){ *dp ^= (v ^ *dp) & lm; dp++; } *dp ^= (v ^ *dp) & rm; } }else{ /* full bytes in middle */ dx /= ppb; if(lm) dwid--; dwid -= dx; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid){ if(lm){ *dp ^= (v ^ *dp) & lm; dp++; } memset(dp, v, dx); dp += dx; *dp ^= (v ^ *dp) & rm; } } return 1; case 8: for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid) memset(dp, v, dx); return 1; case 16: for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid) memsets(dp, v, dx); return 1; case 24: for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid) memset24(dp, v, dx); return 1; case 32: for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid) memsetl(dp, v, dx); return 1; default: assert(0 /* bad dest depth in memoptdraw */); } } /* * If no source alpha, an opaque mask, we can just copy the * source onto the destination. If the channels are the same and * the source is not replicated, memmove suffices. */ m = Simplemask|Fullmask; if((par->state&(m|Replsrc))==m && src->depth >= 8 && src->chan == dst->chan && !(src->flags&Falpha) && (op == S || op == SoverD)){ uchar *sp, *dp; long swid, dwid, nb; int dir; if(src->data == dst->data && byteaddr(dst, par->r.min) > byteaddr(src, par->sr.min)) dir = -1; else dir = 1; swid = src->width*sizeof(ulong); dwid = dst->width*sizeof(ulong); sp = byteaddr(src, par->sr.min); dp = byteaddr(dst, par->r.min); if(dir == -1){ sp += (dy-1)*swid; dp += (dy-1)*dwid; swid = -swid; dwid = -dwid; } nb = (dx*src->depth)/8; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, sp+=swid, dp+=dwid) memmove(dp, sp, nb); return 1; } /* * If we have a 1-bit mask, 1-bit source, and 1-bit destination, and * they're all bit aligned, we can just use bit operators. This happens * when we're manipulating boolean masks, e.g. in the arc code. */ if((par->state&(Simplemask|Simplesrc|Replmask|Replsrc))==0 && dst->chan==GREY1 && src->chan==GREY1 && par->mask->chan==GREY1 && (par->r.min.x&7)==(par->sr.min.x&7) && (par->r.min.x&7)==(par->mr.min.x&7)){ uchar *sp, *dp, *mp; uchar lm, rm; long swid, dwid, mwid; int i, x, dir; sp = byteaddr(src, par->sr.min); dp = byteaddr(dst, par->r.min); mp = byteaddr(par->mask, par->mr.min); swid = src->width*sizeof(ulong); dwid = dst->width*sizeof(ulong); mwid = par->mask->width*sizeof(ulong); if(src->data == dst->data && byteaddr(dst, par->r.min) > byteaddr(src, par->sr.min)){ dir = -1; }else dir = 1; lm = 0xFF>>(par->r.min.x&7); rm = 0xFF<<(8-(par->r.max.x&7)); dx -= (8-(par->r.min.x&7)) + (par->r.max.x&7); if(dx < 0){ /* one byte wide */ lm &= rm; if(dir == -1){ dp += dwid*(dy-1); sp += swid*(dy-1); mp += mwid*(dy-1); dwid = -dwid; swid = -swid; mwid = -mwid; } for(y=0; y<dy; y++){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp) & *mp & lm; dp += dwid; sp += swid; mp += mwid; } return 1; } dx /= 8; if(dir == 1){ i = (lm!=0)+dx+(rm!=0); mwid -= i; swid -= i; dwid -= i; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid, sp+=swid, mp+=mwid){ if(lm){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp++) & *mp++ & lm; dp++; } for(x=0; x<dx; x++){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp++) & *mp++; dp++; } if(rm){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp++) & *mp++ & rm; dp++; } } return 1; }else{ /* dir == -1 */ i = (lm!=0)+dx+(rm!=0); dp += dwid*(dy-1)+i-1; sp += swid*(dy-1)+i-1; mp += mwid*(dy-1)+i-1; dwid = -dwid+i; swid = -swid+i; mwid = -mwid+i; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, dp+=dwid, sp+=swid, mp+=mwid){ if(rm){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp--) & *mp-- & rm; dp--; } for(x=0; x<dx; x++){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp--) & *mp--; dp--; } if(lm){ *dp ^= (*dp ^ *sp--) & *mp-- & lm; dp--; } } } return 1; } return 0; } /* * Boolean character drawing. * Solid opaque color through a 1-bit greyscale mask. */ static int chardraw(Memdrawparam *par) { int i, ddepth, dy, dx, x, bx, ex, y, npack, bsh, depth, op; ulong bits, v, maskwid, dstwid; uchar *wp, *rp, *q, *wc; ushort *ws; ulong *wl; uchar sp[4]; Rectangle r, mr; Memimage *mask, *src, *dst; mask = par->mask; src = par->src; dst = par->dst; r = par->r; mr = par->mr; op = par->op; if((par->state&(Replsrc|Simplesrc|Replmask)) != (Replsrc|Simplesrc) || mask->depth != 1 || src->flags&Falpha || dst->depth<8 || dst->data==src->data || op != SoverD) return 0; depth = mask->depth; maskwid = mask->width*sizeof(ulong); rp = byteaddr(mask, mr.min); npack = 8/depth; bsh = (mr.min.x % npack) * depth; wp = byteaddr(dst, r.min); dstwid = dst->width*sizeof(ulong); dy = Dy(r); dx = Dx(r); ddepth = dst->depth; /* * for loop counts from bsh to bsh+dx * * we want the bottom bits to be the amount * to shift the pixels down, so for n≡0 (mod 8) we want * bottom bits 7. for n≡1, 6, etc. * the bits come from -n-1. */ bx = -bsh-1; ex = -bsh-1-dx; SET(bits); v = par->sdval; /* make little endian */ sp[0] = v; sp[1] = v>>8; sp[2] = v>>16; sp[3] = v>>24; for(y=0; y<dy; y++, rp+=maskwid, wp+=dstwid){ q = rp; if(bsh) bits = *q++; switch(ddepth){ case 8: wc = wp; for(x=bx; x>ex; x--, wc++){ i = x&7; if(i == 8-1) bits = *q++; if((bits>>i)&1) *wc = v; } break; case 16: ws = (ushort*)wp; v = *(ushort*)sp; for(x=bx; x>ex; x--, ws++){ i = x&7; if(i == 8-1) bits = *q++; if((bits>>i)&1) *ws = v; } break; case 24: wc = wp; for(x=bx; x>ex; x--, wc+=3){ i = x&7; if(i == 8-1) bits = *q++; if((bits>>i)&1){ wc[0] = sp[0]; wc[1] = sp[1]; wc[2] = sp[2]; } } break; case 32: wl = (ulong*)wp; v = *(ulong*)sp; for(x=bx; x>ex; x--, wl++){ i = x&7; if(i == 8-1) bits = *q++; if((bits>>i)&1) *wl = v; } break; } } return 1; } void memfillcolor(Memimage *i, ulong val) { ulong bits; int d, y; if(val == DNofill) return; bits = rgbatoimg(i, val); switch(i->depth){ case 24: /* 24-bit images suck */ for(y=i->r.min.y; y<i->r.max.y; y++) memset24(byteaddr(i, Pt(i->r.min.x, y)), bits, Dx(i->r)); break; default: /* 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 */ for(d=i->depth; d<32; d*=2) bits = (bits << d) | bits; memsetl(wordaddr(i, i->r.min), bits, i->width*Dy(i->r)); break; } }