ref: a6a1806c17c6dbb6c657ac676fc97fd6c5207da7
dir: /sys/src/cmd/lnfs.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <bio.h> #include <auth.h> #include <fcall.h> #include <String.h> #include <libsec.h> enum { OPERM = 0x3, /* mask of all permission types in open mode */ Maxsize = 512*1024*1024, Maxfdata = 8192, NAMELEN = 28, }; typedef struct Fid Fid; struct Fid { short busy; int fid; Fid *next; char *user; String *path; /* complete path */ int fd; /* set on open or create */ Qid qid; /* set on open or create */ int attach; /* this is an attach fd */ ulong diroff; /* directory offset */ Dir *dir; /* directory entries */ int ndir; /* number of directory entries */ }; Fid *fids; int mfd[2]; char *user; uchar mdata[IOHDRSZ+Maxfdata]; uchar rdata[Maxfdata]; /* buffer for data in reply */ uchar statbuf[STATMAX]; Fcall thdr; Fcall rhdr; int messagesize = sizeof mdata; int readonly; char *srvname; int debug; Fid * newfid(int); void io(void); void *erealloc(void*, ulong); void *emalloc(ulong); char *estrdup(char*); void usage(void); void fidqid(Fid*, Qid*); char* short2long(char*); char* long2short(char*, int); void readnames(void); void post(char*, int); char *rflush(Fid*), *rversion(Fid*), *rauth(Fid*), *rattach(Fid*), *rwalk(Fid*), *ropen(Fid*), *rcreate(Fid*), *rread(Fid*), *rwrite(Fid*), *rclunk(Fid*), *rremove(Fid*), *rstat(Fid*), *rwstat(Fid*); char *(*fcalls[])(Fid*) = { [Tversion] rversion, [Tflush] rflush, [Tauth] rauth, [Tattach] rattach, [Twalk] rwalk, [Topen] ropen, [Tcreate] rcreate, [Tread] rread, [Twrite] rwrite, [Tclunk] rclunk, [Tremove] rremove, [Tstat] rstat, [Twstat] rwstat, }; char Eperm[] = "permission denied"; char Enotdir[] = "not a directory"; char Enoauth[] = "lnfs: authentication not required"; char Enotexist[] = "file does not exist"; char Einuse[] = "file in use"; char Eexist[] = "file exists"; char Eisdir[] = "file is a directory"; char Enotowner[] = "not owner"; char Eisopen[] = "file already open for I/O"; char Excl[] = "exclusive use file already open"; char Ename[] = "illegal name"; char Eversion[] = "unknown 9P version"; void usage(void) { fprint(2, "usage: %s [-r] [-s srvname] mountpoint\n", argv0); exits("usage"); } void notifyf(void *a, char *s) { USED(a); if(strncmp(s, "interrupt", 9) == 0) noted(NCONT); noted(NDFLT); } void main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *defmnt; int p[2]; Dir *d; ARGBEGIN{ case 'r': readonly = 1; break; case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 's': srvname = ARGF(); if(srvname == nil) usage(); break; default: usage(); }ARGEND if(argc < 1) usage(); defmnt = argv[0]; d = dirstat(defmnt); if(d == nil || !(d->qid.type & QTDIR)) sysfatal("mountpoint must be an accessible directory"); free(d); if(pipe(p) < 0) sysfatal("pipe failed"); mfd[0] = p[0]; mfd[1] = p[0]; user = getuser(); notify(notifyf); if(srvname != nil) post(srvname, p[1]); if(debug) fmtinstall('F', fcallfmt); switch(rfork(RFFDG|RFPROC|RFNAMEG|RFNOTEG)){ case -1: sysfatal("fork: %r"); case 0: close(p[1]); chdir(defmnt); io(); break; default: close(p[0]); /* don't deadlock if child fails */ if(mount(p[1], -1, defmnt, MREPL|MCREATE, "") < 0) sysfatal("mount failed: %r"); } exits(0); } void post(char *srvname, int pfd) { char name[128]; int fd; snprint(name, sizeof name, "#s/%s", srvname); fd = create(name, OWRITE, 0666); if(fd < 0) sysfatal("create of %s failed: %r", srvname); sprint(name, "%d", pfd); if(write(fd, name, strlen(name)) < 0) sysfatal("writing %s: %r", srvname); } char* rversion(Fid*) { Fid *f; for(f = fids; f; f = f->next) if(f->busy) rclunk(f); if(thdr.msize > sizeof mdata) rhdr.msize = sizeof mdata; else rhdr.msize = thdr.msize; messagesize = rhdr.msize; if(strncmp(thdr.version, "9P2000", 6) != 0) return Eversion; rhdr.version = "9P2000"; return nil; } char* rauth(Fid*) { return Enoauth; } char* rflush(Fid *f) { USED(f); return nil; } char* rattach(Fid *f) { /* no authentication! */ f->busy = 1; if(thdr.uname[0]) f->user = estrdup(thdr.uname); else f->user = "none"; if(strcmp(user, "none") == 0) user = f->user; if(f->path) s_free(f->path); f->path = s_copy("."); fidqid(f, &rhdr.qid); f->attach = 1; return nil; } char* clone(Fid *f, Fid **nf) { if(f->fd >= 0) return Eisopen; *nf = newfid(thdr.newfid); (*nf)->busy = 1; if((*nf)->path) s_free((*nf)->path); (*nf)->path = s_clone(f->path); (*nf)->fd = -1; (*nf)->user = f->user; (*nf)->attach = 0; return nil; } char* rwalk(Fid *f) { char *name; Fid *nf; char *err; int i; String *npath; Dir *d; char *cp; Qid qid; err = nil; nf = nil; rhdr.nwqid = 0; if(rhdr.newfid != rhdr.fid){ err = clone(f, &nf); if(err) return err; f = nf; /* walk the new fid */ } readnames(); npath = s_clone(f->path); if(thdr.nwname > 0){ for(i=0; i<thdr.nwname && i<MAXWELEM; i++){ name = long2short(thdr.wname[i], 0); if(strcmp(name, ".") == 0){ ; } else if(strcmp(name, "..") == 0){ cp = strrchr(s_to_c(npath), '/'); if(cp != nil){ *cp = 0; npath->ptr = cp; } } else { s_append(npath, "/"); s_append(npath, name); } d = dirstat(s_to_c(npath)); if(d == nil) break; rhdr.nwqid++; qid = d->qid; rhdr.wqid[i] = qid; free(d); } if(i==0 && err == nil) err = Enotexist; } /* if there was an error and we cloned, get rid of the new fid */ if(nf != nil && (err!=nil || rhdr.nwqid<thdr.nwname)){ f->busy = 0; s_free(npath); } /* update the fid after a successful walk */ if(rhdr.nwqid == thdr.nwname){ s_free(f->path); f->path = npath; } return err; } static char* passerror(void) { static char err[256]; rerrstr(err, sizeof err); return err; } char* ropen(Fid *f) { if(readonly && (thdr.mode & 3)) return Eperm; if(f->fd >= 0) return Eisopen; f->fd = open(s_to_c(f->path), thdr.mode); if(f->fd < 0) return passerror(); fidqid(f, &rhdr.qid); f->qid = rhdr.qid; rhdr.iounit = messagesize-IOHDRSZ; return nil; } char* rcreate(Fid *f) { char *name; if(readonly) return Eperm; readnames(); name = long2short(, 1); if(f->fd >= 0) return Eisopen; s_append(f->path, "/"); s_append(f->path, name); f->fd = create(s_to_c(f->path), thdr.mode, thdr.perm); if(f->fd < 0) return passerror(); fidqid(f, &rhdr.qid); f->qid = rhdr.qid; rhdr.iounit = messagesize-IOHDRSZ; return nil; } char* rreaddir(Fid *f) { int i; int n; /* reread the directory */ if(thdr.offset == 0){ if(f->dir) free(f->dir); f->dir = nil; if(f->diroff != 0) seek(f->fd, 0, 0); f->ndir = dirreadall(f->fd, &f->dir); f->diroff = 0; if(f->ndir < 0) return passerror(); readnames(); for(i = 0; i < f->ndir; i++) f->dir[i].name = short2long(f->dir[i].name); } /* copy in as many directory entries as possible */ for(n = 0; f->diroff < f->ndir; n += i){ i = convD2M(&f->dir[f->diroff], rdata+n, thdr.count - n); if(i <= BIT16SZ) break; f->diroff++; } = (char*)rdata; rhdr.count = n; return nil; } char* rread(Fid *f) { long n; if(f->fd < 0) return Enotexist; if(thdr.count > messagesize-IOHDRSZ) thdr.count = messagesize-IOHDRSZ; if(f->qid.type & QTDIR) return rreaddir(f); n = pread(f->fd, rdata, thdr.count, thdr.offset); if(n < 0) return passerror(); = (char*)rdata; rhdr.count = n; return nil; } char* rwrite(Fid *f) { long n; if(readonly || (f->qid.type & QTDIR)) return Eperm; if(f->fd < 0) return Enotexist; if(thdr.count > messagesize-IOHDRSZ) /* shouldn't happen, anyway */ thdr.count = messagesize-IOHDRSZ; n = pwrite(f->fd,, thdr.count, thdr.offset); if(n < 0) return passerror(); rhdr.count = n; return nil; } char* rclunk(Fid *f) { f->busy = 0; close(f->fd); f->fd = -1; f->path = s_reset(f->path); if(f->attach){ free(f->user); f->user = nil; } f->attach = 0; if(f->dir != nil){ free(f->dir); f->dir = nil; } f->diroff = f->ndir = 0; return nil; } char* rremove(Fid *f) { if(remove(s_to_c(f->path)) < 0) return passerror(); return nil; } char* rstat(Fid *f) { int n; Dir *d; d = dirstat(s_to_c(f->path)); if(d == nil) return passerror(); d->name = short2long(d->name); n = convD2M(d, statbuf, sizeof statbuf); free(d); if(n <= BIT16SZ) return passerror(); rhdr.nstat = n; rhdr.stat = statbuf; return nil; } char* rwstat(Fid *f) { int n; Dir d; if(readonly) return Eperm; convM2D(thdr.stat, thdr.nstat, &d, (char*)rdata); = long2short(, 1); n = dirwstat(s_to_c(f->path), &d); if(n < 0) return passerror(); return nil; } Fid * newfid(int fid) { Fid *f, *ff; ff = 0; for(f = fids; f; f = f->next) if(f->fid == fid) return f; else if(!ff && !f->busy) ff = f; if(ff){ ff->fid = fid; return ff; } f = emalloc(sizeof *f); f->path = s_reset(f->path); f->fd = -1; f->fid = fid; f->next = fids; fids = f; return f; } void io(void) { char *err; int n, pid; pid = getpid(); while((n = read9pmsg(mfd[0], mdata, messagesize)) != 0){ if(n < 0) sysfatal("mount read: %r"); if(convM2S(mdata, n, &thdr) != n) sysfatal("convM2S format error: %r"); if(debug) fprint(2, "%s %d:<-%F\n", argv0, pid, &thdr); if(!fcalls[thdr.type]) err = "bad fcall type"; else err = (*fcalls[thdr.type])(newfid(thdr.fid)); if(err){ rhdr.type = Rerror; rhdr.ename = err; }else{ rhdr.type = thdr.type + 1; rhdr.fid = thdr.fid; } rhdr.tag = thdr.tag; if(debug) fprint(2, "%s %d:->%F\n", argv0, pid, &rhdr);/**/ n = convS2M(&rhdr, mdata, messagesize); if(n == 0) sysfatal("convS2M error on write"); if(write(mfd[1], mdata, n) != n) sysfatal("mount write"); } } void * emalloc(ulong n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(!p) sysfatal("out of memory"); memset(p, 0, n); return p; } void * erealloc(void *p, ulong n) { p = realloc(p, n); if(!p) sysfatal("out of memory"); return p; } char * estrdup(char *q) { char *p; int n; n = strlen(q)+1; p = malloc(n); if(!p) sysfatal("out of memory"); memmove(p, q, n); return p; } void fidqid(Fid *f, Qid *q) { Dir *d; d = dirstat(s_to_c(f->path)); if(d == nil) *q = (Qid){0, 0, QTFILE}; else { *q = d->qid; free(d); } } /* * table of name translations * * the file ./.longnames contains all the known long names. * the short name is the first NAMELEN-1 bytes of the base64 * encoding of the MD5 hash of the longname. */ typedef struct Name Name; struct Name { Name *next; char shortname[NAMELEN]; char *longname; }; Dir *dbstat; /* last stat of the name file */ char *namefile = "./.longnames"; char *namebuf; Name *names; Name* newname(char *longname, int writeflag) { Name *np; int n; uchar digest[MD5dlen]; int fd; /* chain in new name */ n = strlen(longname); np = emalloc(sizeof(*np)+n+1); np->longname = (char*)&np[1]; strcpy(np->longname, longname); md5((uchar*)longname, n, digest, nil); enc32(np->shortname, sizeof(np->shortname), digest, MD5dlen); np->next = names; names = np; /* don't change namefile if we're read only */ if(!writeflag) return np; /* add to namefile */ fd = open(namefile, OWRITE); if(fd >= 0){ seek(fd, 0, 2); fprint(fd, "%s\n", longname); close(fd); } return np; } void freenames(void) { Name *np, *next; for(np = names; np != nil; np = next){ next = np->next; free(np); } names = nil; } /* * reread the file if the qid.path has changed. * * read any new entries if length has changed. */ void readnames(void) { Dir *d; int fd; vlong offset; Biobuf *b; char *p; d = dirstat(namefile); if(d == nil){ if(readonly) return; /* create file if it doesn't exist */ fd = create(namefile, OREAD, DMAPPEND|0666); if(fd < 0) return; if(dbstat != nil) free(dbstat); dbstat = nil; close(fd); return; } /* up to date? */ offset = 0; if(dbstat != nil){ if(d->qid.path == dbstat->qid.path){ if(d->length <= dbstat->length){ free(d); return; } offset = dbstat->length; } else { freenames(); } free(dbstat); dbstat = nil; } /* read file */ b = Bopen(namefile, OREAD); if(b == nil){ free(d); return; } Bseek(b, offset, 0); while((p = Brdline(b, '\n')) != nil){ p[Blinelen(b)-1] = 0; newname(p, 0); } Bterm(b); dbstat = d; } /* * look up a long name, if it doesn't exist in the * file, add an entry to the file if the writeflag is * non-zero. Return a pointer to the short name. */ char* long2short(char *longname, int writeflag) { Name *np; if(strlen(longname) < NAMELEN-1 && strpbrk(longname, " ")==nil) return longname; for(np = names; np != nil; np = np->next) if(strcmp(longname, np->longname) == 0) return np->shortname; if(!writeflag) return longname; np = newname(longname, !readonly); return np->shortname; } /* * look up a short name, if it doesn't exist, return the * longname. */ char* short2long(char *shortname) { Name *np; for(np = names; np != nil; np = np->next) if(strcmp(shortname, np->shortname) == 0) return np->longname; return shortname; }